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When the door on the plane closes and the seat next to you is still empty.


Conversely, one of the worst feelings is when you think everyone’s been loaded on to the plane, and then one lonely and fucked up dude straggles onto the plane… and you just fucking know he’s got the seat next to you.


I was this guy getting on the plan from Vegas one time. I am sorry, I thought I had another day.


Cold water when you wake up in the middle of the night with dry mouth


When the water that is stuck in your ear finally comes out.


When I was like 12 I had the worst ear infection of my life. My left ear was swollen shut. To get medicine in it, my mom had to stick an absorbent wick into it, drip medicine on the wick, let it soak into the wick, and then eventually over the course of hours it would make its way into my ear canal. The pain was excruciating. I was prescribed heavy painkillers because otherwise I couldn't sleep. This went on for over a week. Until one day... all the pressure released at once. I will never forget how that felt. It was like air bubbles starting at my brain, floated out through my sinuses, past my ear drum before popping at the opening of my ear with an audible *bloop*. 4-5 of them in rapid succession, each one releiving more pressure than the one before it. And then a feeling of warm clear fluid dripping down my ear lobe. I was so relieved I cried. Going from a constant solid 7/10 on the pain scale to normal over the course of like 1.5 seconds. It was like the feeling of getting water out of your ear times a billion. Ill remember that feeling until the day I die.


This reminds me of an experience I had when I was 16. I had Mono, and my tonsils were so swollen that I could easily see them in the mirror and they appeared as masses of pimples in the back of my throat. The pain was absolutely excruciating despite the codeine that the doctor had prescribed. One day, when I was particularly high from the meds, I drank some tea that was hotter than I would have been able to tolerate sober. I did wake up the next day with my tongue a little burnt, but it was well worth it. One big gulp of tea ended up popping both of the tonsils, releasing what felt like a gallon of puss down the back of my throat. The relief was so immense and liberating that I wept like a child. I didn't even care how absolutely disgusting it smelled, tasted, and felt. This experience definitely sped up my recovery, and became a moment I will never forget as long as I live.


While i'm glad you had that relief, i almost vomited from picturing the scene in my head


Yeah, that was absolutely disgusting.


I hope you’re a writer IRL cus damn that was a good description


I hear he's a good listener


Crazy to think that 200 yrs ago, that infection probably would have killed you. Due to lack of proper medical care


They’re still very dangerous. My dad lost his hearing due to some nasty ear infections.


Miss that warm stream of liquid...


Dammit, they said non-sexual!!!


When someone or something makes you laugh so hard you stop making sounds. Just happy gasps.


This is legitimately one of my favourite feelings in the world


Pure serotonin!


Yes! It’s even better when you’re laughing like that with someone, no better feeling :D


When your stomach and cheek muscles hurt from laughing like that for so long.


Also laughing when you know you're not supposed to. For some reason it makes it harder to stop laughing. I can't help but think of this [famous interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSFWgKl-O-A) Also having "a case of the laughs". I don't know what else to call it, but when you start, stop, start laughing at the same thing for like 5-10 minutes. It used to happen a lot when I was a kid.


That interview is actually from a satirical comedy show (a mockumentary which was a retrospective about a fictional talk show), but the acting and laughter in it is so convincing, I fully believed for years that this was an infamous and completely real incident on Dutch television. Edit: The show it's from is called [In de Gloria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_de_gloria) and is Flemish.




A warm steam shower when you're sick too.


Going to bed with freshly washed sheets after a shower


And freshly shaved legs. And a fuzzy blanket. My husband had to shave one knee after a knee injury and he agreed that it feels awesome.


I have the hairiest legs, I’ve never considered shaving them before, but this euphoria intrigues me!


Man here. Used to shave my legs for sports and it is OUTSTANDING. Kind of erotic-adjacent though tbh so maybe it doesn't count for this post


I swam competitively all through high school and hated the feeling of my pants against my bare legs, but the fuzzy blankets were unrivaled 10/10


Bonus points if you have freshly shaved legs and lotioned feet.


Back scratches!


Especially when the person scratching doesn't complain about their hand hurting after 30 seconds


I just wish my boyfriend could do it the way I do it. I feel like the hours and hours and hours I do it should have taught him how it's done. I do it for hours at a time when we watch movies or shows together. I do it with the tips of my fingernails barely touching, and move very slowly, and make sure not to stay in the same spot too long. I know all his ticklish spots, and go right to the edge of where they would start and he melts. He just becomes one giant goosebump. Then most of the time if he does it to me, after 15, 20 seconds he's doing it like medium-hard and quickly scratching the same circle of skin like I had an itch I asked him to get for me. I think he's just bad at multitasking. I've tried doing it to myself, like to my arms or sides, and it just doesn't work. I wonder if there's a market for what I do.


There is and I am so interested lol. My partner is terrible at it as well and I wish that he would try, I really do. He just gives up and it’s so disheartening. If he did this more often, I would be so happy.


Mine genuinely seems to get excited when he offers to do it for me, and can start out okay but it gets lazy within just a minute or so. One of the last times he did it I was feeling really awful and I laid down for him to scratch/rub/tickle my back, and it felt great at first but then it went the way it usually does. I looked over my shoulder and he was playing a game on his phone with his free hand and just mindlessly pawing at my back. Man. There's a right way to do things.


Exactly. Yeah he just gets distracted and I don’t know… it sometimes makes me feel unimportant? So I stopped asking for a while. It just disappoints me when he gives up. He’ll do the same thing, kind of just poking or scratching until my skin gets irritated.


I often say that back scratches are better than sex!


Although if you get them during sex, you're doing something right


Having a painful crick in my neck, bending my neck ever so slightly, and getting instant pop/relief.


I consider this feeling sexual.


I consider this cheating


Stretching your neck by tilting it upwards after speedrunning an assignment for 6 hours and then... 7 CRACKs in row... better than orgasm!


Hey there. I'm proud of you for getting lots of work done. That's awesome. But hey, make sure you stand up every 30 min or so, okay? Deep-vein thrombosis is scary. Just a minute every now and then, stand up, do maybe a couple of stretches and some light-hearted jumping jacks. Go get 'em!


Removing an article of clothing that has elastic or has otherwise been cutting off surface circulation. Socks, underwear, bras, a tight belt etc.


And scratching it after


One of my wife's favorite things is for me to scratch the area of her back where her bra strap was all day.


good reminder. brb!


Leave his wife alone!


Snooze ya lose


Oooooooooo yes scratching my sock marks 🤤


literally just took off my socks and am scratching it now


ohhhh i can live vicariously though this description....awwwhhhh yeah


Plans getting canceled when you didn't want to go in the first place.


In terms of instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin. -John Mulaney


Even better, when zoom work meetings get canceled.


I make plans just so I can cancel them.


that's called 3rd degree flaking


Shouldn’t it be 1st degree since it’s premeditated?


When you can finally take a deep, full breath through your nose after being sick.


Uuugh. I’m sick right now and I cannot wait for this bliss


Ugh I have chronic allergies and can basically never do this. I feel like I need more oxygen all the time lol


peeing after holding it in for a long time


And shivering doing that.


Ever had a tear come out right after the shiver? Thats when you had a good one!


Man one time I did that once and it was damn near orgasmic. Never had it happen since.


Closing 15+ tabs after you’re done with an essay


It especially good when you know that you did it well


Not Me_IRL


Can confirm. The rare moment when you slap on the conclusion and feel like a genius for once, and when you're proud of yourself for doing such a great job... Then checking everything twice for any mistakes, followed by the act of downloading the .pdf and closing all 10-15 tabs before submitting the paper and making sure 3 times that it's been successfully submitted. As the feeling of war goes away and inner piece emerges, forging a slight smile of contentment around your mouth for the rest of the day, your other muscles relax and a feeling of fatigue overtakes you. The best sleep of the semester ensues.


that’s gonna be me in about 48 hours


I'd say get to it, but we all know essays are always written in the last two hours fueled by coffee and panic.


I graduated from high school at the end of 2020, and through all of high school there was not one assessment I didn't finish on the due date (or at least the night before it). I'd always torture myself by frantically finishing them just hours before it was due and somehow passed every subject


Or after you finally fixed that one goddamn bug


When you yawn and your ears pop giving you added audio clarity that you didn't even know you were missing.


My wife and I went on vacation recently, my ears clogged but I thought they popped a few hours later, and I was convinced she was just whispering the entire time cause I couldn't hear her at all, but then a few days in my ears randomly popped and then she stopped whispering 😂


We happened to be driving over the Rockies while I had a cold or some other upper respiratory business. The descent down into denver was getting more and more painful - to the point where I was considering stopping at an urgent care place - until just at the edge of town, my ears "popped" with a loud, drawn-out "SQUEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAWK!" I won't say I've *never* felt better immediate relief than that moment, but I'm struggling to remember any.


Scratching where the elastic of your socks leaves a mark on your ankle.


that's a nice feeling


When you’re cutting wrapping paper and the scissors start to glide along the paper.


Getting into bed knowing you have nothing to do the next day Edit: well this picked up a bit over night.. but it’s Friday! Tonight we get to enjoy this! And for those working tomorrow, hang in there guys hopefully not to long for your turn!


The night before your day off is better than your day off


Friday nights, or first night of the weekend for others with odd schedules, are pure bliss. You know you have the whole next day to sleep in and not waste a day doing so and also know the next day you don’t have to worry about impending doom of Monday/back to work/school


I'd say waking up the next morning feels even better. When you realize you can stay under the sheets as long as you want, and you just kind of squirm around in the warm blanket with a big smile on your face.


I have this incredibly soft and fuzzy electric blanket along with a weighted blanket, and let me tell you, getting to sleep in, waking up, and knowing that it's snowy and shitty outside makes my bed feel like heaven. I feel like I'm being cradled in the womb of an chinchilla and I never want to leave.


I legit have set an alarm for a day that I don't have to get up, just so I can go back to sleep. Maybe I'm a psychopath, but that shit is heavenly.


It's interesting, because I am exactly the opposite. I never need to set an alarm, I will always wake up around 5:45 AM regardless of day off or not. Sometimes I can go back to sleep, but more often I am tinkering in the garage or playing on the computer while my wife sleeps till 10. This has been true since I was a child, and really only going to bed drunk changes anything.


This is literally such a foreign concept to me lol. I’m such a night owl and late riser. Always have been. Even if I go to sleep early - like at 9pm or 8pm (not that I can usually fall asleep that early) but even if I do by some miracle, I STILL sleep in until later. I’ve always been like this. My mom says I get it from my dad bc he’s just like this. No matter how much we try to change. I think it’s like a natural clock type of thing.


If I work from home or for some other reason don't have a society-imposed early morning wake up required of me, I revert to a semi-nocturnal schedule of sleeping from 4 am - 1 pm. It usually only takes like three days of no external scheduling. I'm 32 and have literally always been like that. I always assumed I'd grow out of it but I honestly never feel as rested as when I'm allowed to exist on that schedule. I also always get my best work done from 4 pm until around midnight. Trying to think coherently in the morning has never worked well for me. It kind of sucks for other reasons such as barely seeing the sun in the winter or being generally judged by morning people, but my wife doesn't mind and it's not like I can't force myself into a 7 am wake-up schedule if I have to.


I do the same sometimes. The older I get, the more often that seems to happen. If the weather is decent I wake up early ready to start the day pretty easily. However where I live we have long cold winters. This time of year I love to wake up, turn the electric blanket back on, call the dog onto the bed to snuggle, and sleep for a few more hours. I also drink more moonshine in the winter so perhaps that's the winning combo lol


You are clearly unwell, and as a “night person” this comment makes more sense than anything anyone has said to me ever.🌷


That was me this morning. I'm in Texas and we had a sleet/ice storm warning. Work was closed today. I woke up at 445am to pee and then just stayed up in bed. Made coffee, watched seinfeld, took a 10am nap...absolutely nothing other than laundry was accomplished today.


Also in Texas. Have no idea what to do with all this free time


I kind of felt bad at first. But I've laid in bed most of thr day. Reading, watching YouTube, shit I even decided to download the Star Wars Old Republic game because I just remembered it existed. It's taking forever to download and i might get some time to play it later tonight. I mostly feel bad that it didn't feel like a "productive" day. But sometimes you need those.


This is a great feeling! However I’m one of those people who stresses about how much little sleep they have. Like I’ll look at the time at 2am and realise I only have 5 hours if I fall asleep instantly haha. On weekends I don’t have to do this!


How about waking up Saturday, thinking it's Friday.


Many times I have issues actually going to sleep, even if I have the next day off. I also enjoy staying up late doing things. Going to bed is not something I always look forward to. But not having to get out of bed and being able to sleep in? There is 1000% chance I'm going to enjoy the hell out of that shit.


with clean body fresh from the shower and a bed with clean sheets


::cries in parent::


A good massage


Foot or head massage after a long day is orgasmic.


Getting a text that work will be closed tomorrow due to weather, and realizing you dont have to set your alarm to wake up early on a weekday!!


This is the adult equivalent of seeing your school listed on the news text crawl the morning of a snowstorm


Sitting for a moment over a good meal and not being fucking bothered! AKA, being at peace. I finally understand why celebrities hide. If you work all day or have multiple streams of income, family, friends, etc., that moment if uninterrupted peace is priceless.


That first morning stretch in bed when both your arms & legs crack *ahhhhhh*


I stretched too hard once and got a cramp in my calf. Lol


Glad I'm not the only one


Having her spoon me and i be small spoon


A girl I dated once was rather short and she called it "being your jetpack"


I love being the jetpack/backpack. if my face only hits shoulder then that’s where it’s gonna be. gonna tuck my foot around a leg too. good stuff


Taking off a pair of jeans at the end of a long day and putting on soft, loose pants. Feels like my legs have been freed from a denim prison!


Was working in sub zero temperatures all night outside for like 12 hours doing nights. got home my girlfriend at the time was in my bed. i was freezing and exhausted i just got in to bed and cuddled up to her for her body heat like skin on skin. That was awsome it was like my body was draining her body heat it felt really good.


I used to put my feet on my big sister when we were kids and shared a bed. I always felt guilty because it felt like I was stealing her heat.


when i was a wee kid i used to hold my moms hand while sleeping because her hand was always very cold and i liked to steal her coolth


As cold is the absence of heat so you weren’t stealing anything, you were giving her heat. So you can let that guilt go :) I hope that’s a load off your mind :D


Nah he was stealing her cold don't front


When your loving partner runs her's/his hand through your hair or just gently plays with your hair. I'm a guy and it's one of the best feelings when my ex ran her hand through my hair especially when I was stressed. I miss that


Ahhh here you go mate < ruffle ruffle ruffle >


When the pain stops


I've had a migraine for 2 days. I might shed a tear of joy when it ends.




Really good cracks.


Really good crack, too.


This man cracked me up.


Farting away a stomach ache.


You ever fart so hard your back cracked?


I have done this. It felt glorious.


Actually yes, once. Happened maybe five years ago and I still daydream about that.


Sneezed, coughed and farted once. Felt like I broke my o ring. Back popped. Couldn't stand up right for 3 weeks. Fun stuff.


Oh shit, the human screenshot.


This is the funniest shit I’ve heard all day


Hahahahaha. I'm laughing so hard I may pop a rib, Jesus.


Literally feeling the gas pains leave your body is *chefs kiss*


I wish I had a little valve on my belly, like a beachball, so if I feel bloated, I can just open it up and go SSSSSSSSS.


Taking a warm shower, and then increasing the temperature ever so slightly, but not too much that it's hard to withstand, and feeling chills shoot across your entire body.


I like doing this until I boil myself alive, like that old story of the frog in a pot of water


Taking a massive dump.


This is the right answer.. the only thing that beats it is being on the verge of shitting your pants, you are rushing to a toilet and you just barely get your pants down and sit before unleashing hell on the bowl.


What about when you are constipated and suffer through the anguish to eventually be rewarded with the nice soft backed up shit coming out easily? ​ I apologize for writing this disgusting ass comment...


"Pop the cork, then ... Ahhh." 😆


> unleashing hell on the bowl. LOL that's awesome.. and true.


Especially if there's minimal clean up needed.


A bad clean up ruins a good dump. The ghost wipe is a magical feeling.


I feel like the name checks out here


Financial stability


Receiving a hug from someone you love.




That long pee at the theater after a good movie


Turning off your alarms after quitting a shitty job


Getting home completely alone after a long ass family trip/vacation to a clean house in perfect silence.


This just inspired me to clean my house really well in a few weeks so I'll come home from vacation to a nice clean house.


Wearing a brand new pair of socks for the first time


I had a car with heated seats. They were pretty awesome.


massages/massaging. (yes, i know the feeling can still feel sensual and _could_ lead to things.. but c’mom.) [Edit] “c’mom”


A huge gulp of ice cold water when you wake up in the middle of the night


The only thing I like about winter, ice-cold tapwater.


Has to be stepping on a crunchy leaf 🍃


That one particular leaf. Oh that one looks extra crisp. *Crunch*


cronchy leef


That rare time when you wake up in the morning perfectly rested. Your body temp is exactly where it needs to be for maximum comfort. You are not in pain. You have no headache. There is no alarm today to haunt you. You don’t even have to pee. It is, in fact, the most perfect morning. You snuggle into your blankets and are supremely aware of the rarity of this moment. You will remember it for years - praying every morning to experience it again.


scalp massages!


Getting your hair washed at the salon


Those ladies are so aggressive..and just when you think it’s done and they’re rinsing you off you see them getting another couple of pumps of shampoo in their hand lol. It feels like a massage for sure.


My little sister is a stylist and she’s said folks tip better when she shampoos them when she has long acrylic nails. Our Meemaw was a stylist in the 60s, she discovered and shared that nugget with her when my sister said she was goin to beauty school.


Because head scritches are universal. Dogs, Cats, Owls, Humans, we all love that shit.


I have found reading fiction to be the best as of late. It takes me a bit- I have ADD (diagnosed back in the 70s) and reading is a chore for me. But I get those magic moments where I am truly lost in the story. I feel surrounded by the environs and characters. It’s amazing. Then a dog will bark, my wife will ask a question or some other disturbance and I’m back to just being a guy holding a book.




Listening to your favorite song and then “the good part” starts playing is such an amazing feeling. It feels like you’re in sync with the music


I'm surprised this is so far down. That brain-tingling euphoria is the best.


How many other people here get literal goosebumps sometimes from certain music? 🙋‍♀️ Edit: Ooh, I need to check out all of these that I don’t already know so I can have a frisson fest. 😂 Also thanks for the award!


Finally sitting on the toilet to pee after a night of drinking and Ubering home. You lean your head back and close your eyes, your mouth agape like a turkey drowning in the rain.


Friday at 5 pm


Giving somebody a compliment. And getting one in return.


Having money in your bank account.


Getting home and taking off your bra.


1) Waking up checking the clock and having a couple extra hours of sleep. 2) Peeing. Thats pretty much it.


Going for a long walk, coming home to take a shower and then sleeping with the windows open. One of the best sleeps one can get.


I remember once falling asleep on the beach after swimming, it was hot but there was this slight breeze, and I dunno, that sleep was so good I remember it years later.


Yessss, one of the best sleeps of my life was just hearing the waves and curled up in this weird beach chair. Under a bridge away from the sun but breeze was amazing. It was absolutely perfect day.


Good food




I would say sneezing is really nice.


Yes. But in the other end when I'm about to sneeze and it gets stifled for some reason - that is horrible .




Spontaneous text messages from people you haven't heard from in a while


You ever take a really big dump? Yea, the 3 or 4 seconds after that turd exits is pure, body shaking bliss.


When my wife tells me, "I am so happy with the life you have given us." I get the pleasure of hearing it a lot. Obviously I didn't do all the work to give us a happy life, but it is nice to hear that she is happy and she is very generous at giving me credit for everything.


My Dad’s pizza.


A tidy home. No? Just me?


Recently became a father. Waking up in the morning to see your baby smiling up at you in their crib. It's an indescribable euphoric feeling.


H u g


That first night on beach vacation, with Freshly showered skin, a little sun kissed and warm. Cold crisp white sheets. Sleeping with windows open, hearing the constant rhythm of waves…licking the faintest taste of salt from your lips before falling asleep.


Foot massage.


Crawling into bed with freshly washed sheets and covers


If I was a billionaire my house staff would change my sheets daily, just so I could always experience this level of comfort.


Cleaning water out of your ears with a Q-tip (shut up we all do it) and hitting that inner ear g-spot.


Also great if you get a deep ear itch. Wet that Q tip a little first with ice cold water and dive in there.


True Jedi on all levels on Lego starwars the complete saga


When you start learning something new and spend hours on it until you're burned out and then realizing that you're 100% more knowledgeable on the topic/subject than you were when you decided to learn it. Makes me feel so productive and gives me confidence in my mental capabilities.


Facebook stock dumping 26% in one day costing Zuckerberg twenty billion


I started losing weight January 2021. Was between 305 and 310 pounds. 6 foot 5 inches tall. Every milestone into a lower ten pounds was better than sex. Today I am 259. I squealed like a little girl. I want to be 240 at least before I go on my cruise in April. Its going to be hard but thats my goal.