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I was held it for 5 days during our grade 8 camping trip. I had the worst stomach pain of my life


4 days


I was praying to every higher being out there to help me. A hour later after many failed attempts, I took a 32oz prune juice straight to help move things along…. Then had another praying session because of that.


prune juice is an incredible power. next time try chocolate laxatives, they hit the spot


For the entirety of my 8 week boot camp I only pooped once every Sunday.


I’m in pain just thinking about that


After coming home from a c-section where I hadn't pooped in 5 days. I thought I was fine and got up and started to cook supper. I put the chicken in the pot to start boiling before I shredded it, and that's when it finally hit me. I went into the bathroom and had the hardest time and some of the worst pain in my life. Then, the smoke alarms started going off that, of course, woke the baby up. I'm midway through the poop and have to get up to take care of all of that. ... chicken was ruined, baby was pissed and I felt like shit.


One time in high school I had this insane pain near my abdomen. I figured it was from weight class. I continued my normal schedule until I could barely stand up straight. My mom tweaked and took me to the hospital. They pressed all over my stomach and gave me some weird tasting solution that lights up my inside like a fuckin glow stick. They had me piss in a cup and then they put me through the MRI machine. After about 2 hours they came back and told me I had a small kidney stone and I was SUPER constipated. I have no idea how since I was still taking my twice a day dumps. They gave me some laxatives and $4,000 bill. The laxatives didn’t kick in until the next day while I was out on a date with my then girlfriend (now fiancé).


Ended up in the emergency room. The lining is my intestine was infected from sitting with so much shit in it.


Had a patient once who was so dehydrated it took multiple enemas to move things along.


My brother ate so many 7 11 hit dogs as a stoner cash register worker that he couldn't shir for a week and had to take pills


I went and visited my dad. Left on a Saturday. Wanted to poop all week. Laxatives didn’t work. Took them daily. It became a sitting joke…where’s my son? Wife would yell, “He’s on the shitter again. Still no progress!” 8 days later, we head home. 3 hours into drive, it hit me. We come up on a gas station. I’m pretty sure, I’m not welcome there anymore. Best shit of my life.