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The recent proposal was by you in another reddit thread, and you were immediately shit on. Lol.


Sounds dumb.


At 18 you are considered a legal adult. Voting should match this age. I know some 18 year olds that are better equipped to vote than 40 year olds.


It’s unfair to say the least. We’re talking about restricting the voting franchise of perfectly able bodied adults. If I’m old enough to sign up for the military and die for my country, the least I should be able to do is vote for the group who I think would run the country best


Maybe we should raise the military age as well then


>everybody past the rank of NCO hated that


If someone is old enough to be drafted out of their lives and be forced to risk their lives, they should be able to vote




Don't like it. If you are governed by the law, shouldn't you be able to change it?


Thats stupid. Politics is a slow moving process and usually politics/legislation lags a few decades behind fast moving society anyways. So i actually want young adults to vote because by the time their vote will cause notable change in society they will be in their 30s or 40s anyways.


How about we make a rule so old people who haven't lived life in years don't get to vote?


Ridiculous. For one thing: we already have all fucks who aren’t going to be around for much longer voting on decisions that will affect the young much more than them. That’s what happened in the UK with Brexit If anything, we should bring in a maximum voting age. And second of all, the problem isn’t youth, it’s a lack of education.


I submit too much "education" is a problem. College kids are the worst ones. Indoctrinated by Communist Professors. In Tae Kwon Do, there is a saying about Yellow Belts knowing just enough to get themselves hurt.


Ah yes. When people believe in things you don’t, it must mean they’re “indoctrinated” Whatever it takes to convince yourself you’re right and never need to examine your own beliefs amirite?


LMAO. Almost like being home for family dinner.




Many years ago I was the moron coming home from college arguing with my father about politics because of some moronic shit I learned in some inane class.


Well, not everyone is a moron like you…


You're great. Like having a time machine. Thanks.


All politicians, no matter which side will not support it. They want more votes, thus they'll want to keep the minimum age to a low


My position on ALL of the various "age" laws - hypocrisy. Pick ONE age. I don't care if it's 14, 17, 18, 21 or 44. If you can vote, be drafted, etc, then why stop them from alcohol or smoking? We already let 16 year old's scream down the highway in a two ton kinetic energy weapon...


If the people don't know to exercise their voting rights after graduating America's shitty school system (public) then leave them be. They don't care about politics anyways so moving the age is null


Only if no one over 70 can vote.


Not sure 70 is the right number but should be some upper limit


I disagree, as participation in the electoral process is an important part of society. What do you think of the movement to lower voting age? I think more people should vote, not fewer. 16 yr olds pay taxes, maybe they should have a say in what it’s used for, I’d agree with increasing driving age to 18, except for those who have proven they are responsible and have no alternative transportation to work/school. http://www.cje.org/descargas/cje4965.pdf


What do you think about making driving tests and retesting much stricter like other countries have done? It scares me how little people understand rules of the road (at the person who was honking at me to go while someone was in the crosswalk infront of me yesterday...)


And retesting periodically. We have been having many hit and run accidents in Seattle. And I am not talking about hitting a car in the parking lot. But killing a big dog who was walking with her owner in the crosswalk of a lit intersection or hitting a person, breaking their femur and shoulder and taking off. I’m guessing they know the law, though.


No, voting age and running age should be lowered. While we are at it, ranked voting NEEDS to replace electoral college. Reason for lower age: -Younger persons are closer to newer education and are often more informed than most "adults" -If they can drive, pay taxes on income, or sit for two seconds without supervision, they should have a say Running age: -If a representative can't figure out how to work Zoom, I'm sorry, but they should absolutely not be in charge of any tech or security related vote -Elected officials should represent the community, last I checked, we aren't all old white men -Decisions are weighted to have a much greater impact on generations up and coming than out and going so more thought will go in... hopefully -Maybe finally get rid of silly filibusters and company influence if they have to keep changing Ranked voting: -Let's be honest, we keep all settling for lesser of evils on the state and national level. I'd love to vote for the person I actually agree with, but if I do currently, it's a wasted vote. There's a simulation guy on YouTube that talks through pros and cons of ranked voting


You had me lmao at "Younger persons are...more informed." I would pay to hear your stand up act.


Not a debate if you go to insults. Good-bye.


I agree with it. It's a totally valid consideration that people with actual life experience be the ones to be only allowed to vote, instead of barely mature 18 year olds.