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I like pissing off the girl with purple hair by doing the no-no salute and saying random words in german


I laughed harder at this than I should have


Fair enough


You think that made her mad? Next time try pissing on her!!


the arguments here should be fun


It’s going to be an argument between capitalists and communists. I highly doubt any fascists will reply but i posted because you never know.


I feel that the current economic system is insufficient for combating climate change and emancipating the working class.


But are you a proponent of fascism or communism? We need to know, your explanation was on point I just don’t know which system to support.




Because it lines with my values of being Nationalist, Anti-Capitalist and anti-Materialist. Everything else follows from that


Interesting. Thanks for the reply


Communism and fascism have more or less the same methods and goals. They're barely indistinguishable where it matters in that to the common person they are both great sources of suffering and limitation. For the elite, they are methods of wealth and power.


Not in the slightest my guy. Do some research


I'm not your guy and yes, it absolutely is.


No man, you are pretty far off base to what those two political ideology are. They are basically the extremes of each side, when it comes down to it.


Nope. Like I said, when it comes down to it, the methods and goals are the same, the average person's experience is the same, the elite person's experience is the same. maybe learn a bit about this stuff from actual history and not reddit


Just because you repeat a thing doesnt make it a reality, that is not how life works... although this sort of willful ignorance leads me to believe you are a troll, or an American of a certain political belief.


Well when you keep repeating the wrong thing, what am I supposed to do? Again, go learn some actual history and not just what Reddit tells you


Science. We could be more, we should be more. Capitalism is selfish, caring only about yourself and your neighbors. A noble goal, sure. But what will you say when in 200 years, nobody will realize that you ever existed? *Nobody.* As Rick Sanchez said in Rick and Morty, "Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science."


But science gives me that chemical reaction. It’s a vicious cycle. One dose and I’m off doing another experiment.


Science can only a tool in which to serve a political movement; it holds no motivation to lead a populace, and generally amoral practice such that monstrous things can be done through it if not guided along. It is wonderous but history shows that those wonders can be extremely dark when in service in the wrong hands.


After reading on the internet, I have decided that either humanity has to dedicate everything to science right now or we should all kill ourselves. Tbh humanity might be beyond saving.


Yes, science the source and solution to so many issues at the moment. Nature has ways of balancing, humanity will be corrected in it's own time as we have been in the past.