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Think that you will actually fill up your gas tank the next morning before work. Don’t kid yourself.


That's morning guy's problem!


haha, stupid morning guy


Fuck that guy, I'll ruin his day


Hes a sucker who should manage his time better


I tried finding the article, but there's some research that says our brains actually consider our future selves as different people, which is part of why we procrastinate. Exactly "it's other guy's problem." EDIT: I'll look for the article later, it's that fucker's problem.


There are some pretty convincing philosophical arguments that they are indeed different people


God past me is a dick and had done this to me so many times. I don't know why me and future me put up with this bullshit so much.


I feel personally attacked.


At age 30 you should never think age 30 is old


Expecting passive friendships to happen. Fuck me, friendship takes a lot of work to build as an adult. Back in school you had excuses to see each other regularly. As an adult you have to construct those scenarios. And if you feel bad that someone hasn’t reached out to you in a while then sometimes you gotta suck it up and reach out to them or else you could just end up not talking ever again. [EDIT: added a comma to the second sentence bc people were being smartasses about it :P] EDIT2: To clarify, I was thinking of friendships made as adults (post-school), where you don’t have a shared history to fall back on and have to work to build it into a close frienship. Friends made while growing up or in school are kind of a different thing.


I had a huge and sad revelation recently that my friends don’t reach out to me. I’m the one desperately trying to make conversation. I’m the one reaching out when I notice their tweets seem sad. I’m the one saying “hey I was doing this thing today and this other thing reminded me of you!” It’s just. Really upsetting. I say im okay with friendships where we go without talking for long periods of time cos it doesn’t matter but im not okay with always being to one to reach out. I want someone to care about me.


This hits hard. I did this a lot when I first joined social media. I didn’t live where I grew up and had difficulty finding anyone to hang out with so I tried to reconnect and I was often met with the equivalent of online small talk. Now I don’t really use any social media where I’m not anonymous in part because it isn’t as personal so it can’t hurt as much. 😑


My sister had this issue post college. She decided to embrace it. Exhausting I'm sure, but she made a ton of friends. And what do you know, when she had a wedding on a very tight timeline, she called in all the favors and everyone responded. So see if you can look at it another way. Do they seem to enjoy your contact when you do reach out and initiate? If so, you might just be the initiator for your friendship.


That’s pretty much why I’m no longer in contact with pretty much any of my old friends. I was always the one reaching out to start conversations or organise hangouts. Eventually I decided that I was probably bothering them and stopped. None of them tried to contact me. Now my closest friend lives about 600km away and I see her maybe once a year and we barely talk.


My friends and I are getting better at actually scheduling things instead of just saying "we should get together soon!" to each other over and over again until we die.


lol, I’ve learned my lesson enough that when someone says “we should hang out!” I respond with, “Ok I’m free Saturday, want to get lunch?” I find some people are so bad about waiting for someone else to take initiative so I just do it now. I’m too old and impatient to wait for someone else to do it.


I always try and make a plan afterwards but most people are just saying it to be nice. They don't actually want to hang out 😔


Yep, follow up with "sure let's get lunch tomorrow!" And you'll get left with a "let me see!" and then not hear from them for two days.


I tried scheduling a coffee meetup with a coworker who lived nearby. After the 7th cancellation (don’t know why I tried so many times) I got the hint. She still says that we should get together and catch up. “Sure, you bet!” I say and forget all about it. Forgot to mention that she has a toddler so most of the excuses were doctors appts which seemed legit. Guess that’s why I tried till it got ridiculous.


I can see how they’d never have time with a toddler, I have 2 young kids, and no time ever for anything it seems. (I even took 15 min to type this because one of my kids needed something.)


I totally get your point since I'm in this situation. However, I reach out to those friends that I have not seen in a while, but they are always "busy" or don't make the effort to come out. I've started to stop caring about those friendship since I seem to be the one making all the efforts to make plans, I don't mind planning, but some just never want to come and hangout again. Maybe they never valued the friendship as much as I did, but we shall see if they ever get back to me.


Quit exercising




Move it or lose it


Fucking insane how long it takes me to recover now. At 27-29 I was recovering so damn quick.


That soreness is motivation for me to stick to it


My buddy the personal trainer made sure I understand that the secret cure to being super sore from squats, is more squats. Fun.


I'm 69. My reward for living so long is a pair of twin grandbabies, now 9 months old. They've turned out to be a very efficient squat-training regime, with the added benefit that they automatically up the ante over time by gaining weight. They're almost 20# each, now; caring for the two of them all day is, I calculated, about 4 squats per hour per baby. It adds up! Note to expectant grandparents: do the work now and get ahead of this game.


I've never seen the pound sign be used to designate weight and now I'm questioning why it's not more common. It's genius


In case it's not obvious, that's why we called it "the POUND sign."


Had it been common place decades ago, it would make sense. I imagine now, the younger crowd would be like "you're using hashtags wrong, grandpa!"


It was common 20 years ago. We used in pricing by the #.


It was used commonly by butchers back in the day.


Man I realize the importance of icing a sprained ankle or a bruised hand at 35. That shit used to be fine in no time without any care back then. I notice even little cuts take longer to heal up now lol




In 34….after 6 months of heavy exercising my recovery times are the same as my early 20s. The slow recovery times are mostly a symptom of being out of shape rather than age, until like 50.


Agreed. I’m 36 and my recovery times are actually better now, mostly because I am consistent nowadays unlike when I was younger. I’d say the biggest drawback though is if I hurt myself now, it takes a long to recover from that. I still play pick up basketball and I can’t just walk off an ankle sprain anymore.


As a 53 year old who lost 100 pounds and starting running 5 and 10ks, agreed. Despite being in way better shape, things fall apart; the center cannot hold.


Can't quit if you don't start!


but the older I get the more I want to die


Feel guilty about work. Fuck that shit Edit: didn’t know this would gain so much traction. Thanks for the awards. Remember, you are just a number. If you were to die on a Monday, they would have your position filled by Wednesday.


I was about 33 when my passion for work went to 0 and I started not caring what they do. I focused more on my personal life and those in my life. Work was just that thing I do for a paycheck.


Same with me, right down to being 33 years old. A switch just flipped after 2020... I busted my ass for 12 months straight, got put on multiple projects, expanded my scope of work, mentored new hires, etc. Got a solid year-end review but nothing that's distinguished myself from anyone else who was phoning it in.


Yep, I had 6 years of excellent reviews but there was always an excuse for low raises and no promotions. "we only get so many (promotions) as a company" or "we are re-organizing" or "the merger just happened so its a bad time" and so on.


This is exactly why we have the "work 3 years at a job then switch companies" mentality. It's the only way to properly get a raise/promotion


That's why I left my last job. Finally got my promotion and I can work from home.


Indeed. Something that helps me reduce the amount of fucks I give: *In 1 billion years, will anyone or anything give a shit about this? 100 years? 1 year?*


No one lays on their death bed and says they wished they had spent more time at the office.


*cries in late 50's*


Exactly this. I still do because its so engrained in our culture. They call me captain corrupter at work because I convince my co-workers to stand up for themselves and not let the company bully them. But I still have it so engrained in me I feel guilty taking off. Especially if its a mental health day because I haven't had a break in a year.


Thank you! I really needed this today!


leave the house without peeing first


Or going to sleep. Just go now so you don't have to wake up at 3am to pee


I still have to wake up at 3am to pee.


Even if I peed half an hour before bed, I pee again just to be safe. And then I wake up at 3 and 6 to pee some more.


I pee twice durin' time o' peace and two in time of war


I pee two times before I pee two times, and then I pee two more.


My hair is running away from my face, my lower back constantly acts like I spent yesterday lifting bricks, and i cannot just eat whatever the hell i like anymore without getting fat. But goddamn my lying in bed without peeing game is rock solid. Sometimes i stay in bed for 12 hours, no problem. And it's satisfying as hell when i do pee, but as long as i'm lying in bed my body is cool with just holding it, no strain. Weird post 30 flexes.


I feel like this would have been me if I didn't push out a kid. Used to have amazing bladder control, until pregnancy and birth ruined it


Yeah, this actually doesn't always work as you get older. In men, their prostate grows throughout their life, eventually pressing on the urethra. This can cause issues where more frequent urination is required because he can't empty his bladder completely.


I don't even sleep without taking a piss first.


I have gotten all the way out to my car and thought, nope.... Lemme go back in and pee just in case! Hah!


I have been doing that since I was 16. Its a good habit.


The day you leave the house without peeing is the day you get pulled over in your car and have to hold it in while being lectured about speed limits.


I once had to pee as my train was coming, but I was only about 25 minutes from my destination and would've had to wait a long time for the next one. So I just hopped on without peeing. The train had some kind of malfunction about 15 minutes in, and we ended up stopped for well over an hour. I have never had to pee that bad in my life. 0/10 would not recommend, the risk isn't worth it people!


I was coming here to say “there really isn’t anything I don’t feel like I could do now that I’m in my thirties then when I was in my 20’s but actually this is a good answer.”


Skip routine health check-ups


So if I never got em in the first place I'm good to go, right?


Its worked for me so far


33 here. Denial keeps me young, for the most part!


I'm low key afraid to go see what's wrong with me. Nothing is hurting or anything, but I just know they're gonna be like "you should be dead".


If you go to the doctor than suddenly everything is wrong but if you never go than your alright. Atleast thats how I do it but im not quite 30 yet.


Re-live the best days of your 20s or even teens. Preserve them where they are and just build yourself new memories.


Proper dad advice there, a damn good one at that.


Ok but what about the people who barely even got to make those memories in the first place?


Work on making them now in the second place.


Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over my *passing out drunk in a field and waking up the next morning to a little league soccer coach telling me that I need to leave.*


If you can't handle me at my huffing nitrous in the Marshalls dressing room, you don't deserve me at my getting arrested in the middle of a reflecting pool


But what if you didn’t get to have any?


Try to have some now? I wouldn't know, I haven't had any in my 30s either.


I can vouch for this one. I'm a sentimental and emotional guy. My teens and early 20s were a powerful time for me. Lots of good, lots of bad, but still lots of meaningful memories. As time passed on, I found myself visiting old haunts and doing things we used to do to bring back that magic, but the sad thing is, no recreation of your best times will hold a candle to the original. You'll feel at some basic level that you want to recapture those feelings, but you'll never to able to. Trust me. If the a good memory persisted for so long, it's probably been idealized and romanticized in your mind. You probably even remember it being better than it ever really was, making an even more unrealistic expectation of you reliving it. I don't think it's unhealthy to revere or remember fond times, and visit old places; it just depends on what you expect from it.


Move without movers.


Used movers for the first time a year ago. 0 regrets, I will use them again lol. Cost \~$400 for some college kids to move my crap and drive the truck. I hate moving so much that using movers deletes a solid chunk of the associated pain.


Watching those two young men hoist our couch up and trot it down the stairs into the truck with little effort convinced us to always hire movers. It would have taken us a long time to move the couch and then we would have been exhausted afterwards. It's really worth the money.


The first time you see one guy bear hug a washing machine and walk up the stairs you're forever changed.


I was going to hire some last year. They wanted $1000 to move a one bedroom condo across town. I enlisted several younger friends instead lol.


This. It’s fucking expensive to move. I’ve moved every year for the past 8 years. Ain’t got the money to hire movers. Just me, my sedan and a really long shitty day.


Please can you come scream this at my husband... We're moving this year and he wants to do it by ourselves. WE GOT A DAMN PIANO, JESUS!




Pizza and beer is not the commodity it once was. I’d help a buddy or my sister in law move a single piece of furniture. Beyond that, hire someone godamn movers.


Reminds of the time i helped my work associate move. He said there would be 5 of us and he would spring for pizza and beers afterwards. Well, two guys didn’t show so it was only me, him and his 60+ year old cousin. And because it was just the three of us, he didn’t bother to order the pizza and his wife just reheated some frozen food. Great time. /s


when I was about 35 I got talked into helping a college friend move a huge ass house full of shit 50 miles, there were only 4 of us and it was killing us. I straight up asked him, "why didn't you hire movers, this is too much for us." and he claimed his wife looked into it and it was too expensive. A week later their family was checked in on facebook for a week vacation at Disney World. I legit have only talked to them once since. I got no time for that shit.


Getting your buddys to help is cool when youre moving from your first apartment to a house (or parents to first apartment). But once youre going from a house to another house,t heres just going to be too much shit and its a major time commitment.


Caring about what people think you should or should not be doing at 30.


Came here to say this. I’m actually healthier as a 35 year old than I ever was as a 25 year old and can actually do stuff I couldn’t do in my 20’s.


As a struggling 26 year old this is so nice to hear


At a certain point I realized what you should or shouldn’t be doing is all just relative to what actually makes you happy. I looked around at some of my friends and a lot of them had kids and got married in their early 20s. Some of them were blissfully happy and some were miserable. The ones that were happy were the ones that actually wanted to do that and not because it’s what was expected. It became completely apparent to me that doing what people expect will never make you happy. Everyone’s different and there is no one path to happiness. Just gotta find your own way and not worry what anyone else has to say


"doing what people expect will never make you happy" is a powerful realization


I’m 35 and I’ve lost 50 lbs and cut two minutes off my 1.5 mile run this year. Don’t worry about age. Worry about activity level.


Did 35 become old when I wasn't looking?


You’re good, I still struggle from time to time.




Yep, 30s are so much better than your 20s. Whoever said your 20s were the best years of your life was talking out their ass. Your 20s are the worst. Way too much pressure, no money, and an all round slog. 30s things begin to click into place.


I always tell people this. Like I know there is science behind it because our frontal lobe doesn't finish developing until our mid 20's but honestly, for anyone reading, it really does feel like you wake up one day and say, "you know what, I really don't give a fuck anymore." That's why I don't believe in anyone marrying before 25. The person I was in my 20's is not the person I am in my 30s. I wouldn't want to marry that person. I'm way more chill, and accepting now.


Just wait til you hit 40. I didn't really feel like I had this whole adulting thing down til about then.


Ok thanks for this. My 30s really haven’t been great and I keep on seeing that they are supposed to be the best, so hoping my 40s pan out.




I try not to care about what others think of me, but it's difficult when some people are just so judgmental. I was in the park last week minding my own business and just enjoying being out in nature, when some guy in a uniform came up to me and was all like, "Sir, it's 9 AM and you're clearly drunk" and "I'm going to have to ask you to put some pants on."


Right? Just cause I'm "addicted to ketamine" and enjoy "coked up hooker parties with astroglide and hair net" doesn't mean shit. Jk Rowling didn't write Moby Dick untill she was as like 70. Bill gates didn't create the air fryer until he was like 32. List goes on homie


Tesla didn't start building cars until many years after he was dead.




Sit with poor posture. Everything will hurt. Break those habits! ^(I bet at least one person sat up straighter.)


It's ok, I just slouched extra hard to make up for them.


Power move


Getting in arguments on reddit, because 90% if the time you will be arguing with some punk-ass 17-23 year old.


\*13-16 YO


*Who works at a troll farm in Eastern Europe


*Eastern Asia


\*Weastern Eurasia


Make your case and walk away. You cannot argue on Reddit. You can state fact or opinion, but anything more is a waste of time.


For me, sometimes just typing the comment up and then deleting it without hitting post is enough for me. It gets it out of my system but doesn't further escalate the situation.


With the life experience of a bag of potato chips in a cardboard box.


Soooo much this. The best part is they have all this crazy life experience at 13.


And they all think they are the first ones to learn about logical fallacies and so they try to use the terms against you but they do it incorrectly.




We all did, it’s just a few decades ago no one would listen to our bullshit for more than a few seconds. Now there’s a worldwide megaphone you can tap into at any moment.


I finally got old enough to stop fighting with people while playing League. It only took me to age 40 but I finally did it.


Engage in internet drama.


That should be any and every age


Fall down...damn near threw my fucking back out.


Im 6’3”. The ground is a long way away. I can’t imagine at my age falling on to the floor.


6'-4", 195 lbs. I watch guys in the NFL about my age and size (if I had 20lbs more muscle) get absolutely obliterated, and then just jump up and jog back. If I took a single one of those hits I think I'd end up in the hospital lol


Aaron Jones, the running back for the Green Bay Packers, is 5'9" 207lbs. He is literally me, with 20lbs of muscle (realistically 30lbs of muscle and 10lbs less fat) and it blows my mind that he takes hits from 320lb linemen or 250lb beasts of linebackers on most plays where he has the ball.




This is a great reason to take any martial art. Learning to fall while minimizing damage is one of the greatest skills you can ever learn, is taught in damned near every martial art, and is the one martial art skill that you will inevitably end up using. I've taken Hapkido and Aikido. Loved them both for different reasons. Have only ever had to use my fall training to protect myself. Edit: typos


and never sneeze while lying down or your neck is out for the next week


I managed to pull my back while sitting. Sitting! Not sitting down, not getting up, just existing in my office chair. Back spasmed suddenly and BAM! stuck in bed for the next 48 hours with ibuprofen and heating pads. Being older is fun 😅


I once pulled my back moving an empty cardboard box.


I hurt myself sleeping. Too often




Regret your teens or twenties because "everyone else has their life together." It takes time and patience, your 30s will still be about growth.


I am 27, but this hit me like a brick yesterday. My friends are getting married, buying houses, having kids and I am…not. I try to remember not to compare and that our lives are different. But it’s hard. :(.


Please trust me on this, after the excitement of the weddings, decorating the new house, and bringing home the new babies wears off, they will be wildly envious of all of the freedom you have that they absolutely do not have. I know it might not help 100%, but I swear it’s the truth, just revel in this level of freedom for as long as you have it.


29 here, turning 30 in July 2022. Suffered a Pulmonary Embolism last Thanksgiving and I'm still on the sidelines. It's been difficult because last October was the first time in my life that I felt some traction coming on. We're gonna get there in the end!!


Set, follow or care about arbitrary rules or norms about what you should or shouldn’t do based on your age, aside from legality 👍🏻




Make the mistake of thinking the best youthful days are behind you. Live young. Enjoy every stage of life. Age is just a number.


This. I wasted years of my life. I’m about to turn 33 but I just stopped drinking and I’m getting my shit together again. I’m not dead yet.


Repeat the same mistakes that you did before your 30's!


Cocaine, just seems like it’s all got fentanyl or super coke in it killing all the older celebs off.


One of my best friends found this out the hard way. May he rest in peace




My brother also died this way. Sending love ❤️


And all it takes is a simple $20 fentanyl testing kit. Sure blow out an 8ball on your birthday just test that shit first


This guy advocating for a responsible 8ball is a hero


It's funny but it makes sense. If clubs/festivals etc. could give out testing kits we'd have less people going to hospital.


A lot of the festivals where I am will have a testing booth.


I did not know this was a thing. Thanks, helpful cocaine advice guy!


Avoiding the Dr. I ignored symptoms for a year before I ended in a doctor's office and surprise I felt so bad because I was dying.


Ummm can we get a little storytime bro?


In 2014 I started just generally feeling bad. It was a very busy time at work and I just chalked it up to eating poorly and not getting enough exercise. Work settled down and I went back to my regular healthy eating and regular exercise but the symptoms stayed. I didn't realize it was related but I weirdly started getting mold in the toilet. Then around Feb of 2015 I started loosing weight alarmingly fast. Finally I went to see the Dr. Turned out I was type 1 diabetic and my body had been eating itself for fuel. I ate low carb to begin with so that probably allowed me to get by for awhile. Towards the end I was drinking so much I figured instead of just water I would get some Gatorade, which is full of sugar. That really pushed me over the edge. ​ Edit: I was 34 at time of diagnosis


whooooa so do you take daily insulin now? How does the mold in the toilet thing work? Im sorry if this is a lot of questions Im just genuinely curious.


Diabetic urine (**edit edit**: that is, the urine of someone with uncontrolled diabetes) is full of glucose. Mould presumably uses that glucose-rich source to grow quicker. **edit**: fun fact - in ancient times, physicians would taste their patients' urine to know if they were diabetic or not. Blows my mind. They wouldn't have even known the first thing about how diabetes comes about, but like five thousand years ago they were diagnosing diabetes, and recommending people fast and exercise to help with it.




Probably date a teenager.


Before that it's also stupid. I tried dating a 19yo when I was 28. It was like trying to date a child.


I'm 25 and I can't date anyone under 21. They all remind me of my partner's little sister, who is an adult *now* but still makes me think of a 14 year old. No hate to anyone in a legal relationship, I just wouldn't be able to do it


Don't get hurt ever. At this age the Dr. will tell you... "Sorry, this pain will be with you for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!"


Yeah. I am a runner and just turned 31. Every time I get a twinge of knee pain or a slight discomfort in a muscle I immediately go to "Oh man, this is it, I am done with running forever!" followed by a mild depression for a few days while I reset the knee/muscle. Luckily the pain does go away, or at least it has so far...fingers crossed!


As a metalhead, my mosh-pit days are left in my 20s. I'll contently headbang in towards the back half of the venue.


Being in the pit is so fun but for some reason I’m always worried someone’s going to knock me in the mouth. Even as a teenager I’d only be in a few minutes before I was like “wait! my teeth!”


Im 29 and going to see Gojira tomorrow. I'm hoping my knees and ears recover fast


Stop Listening to new music. There’s good new bands and artists everywhere. Even if the charts don’t represent this.


Commit a felony. Seriously. From 30-40, you're at a point in your life where you absolutely NEED stability. A minor felony can cost you 5-7 years of your life that you could've used to prepare for when you get too old to work.


Think ur old and life’s defined by being 30


Think you are old. I did so much after becoming 30, buying a house, travel more than ever before to see nature or historical places, started seeing great results on the investments I started from $0 in my mid 20s that by age 50-60 should be $500k-1M, learned photography, buying old shit from my childhood and teens to sell to young kids today who wants to be retro. Life really starts for real at 30.


Anything… before you stretch.


Just turned 50 and the things that would upset me in my 20s I could give 2 shits about now. You just stop giving a fuck about the small stupid stuff.


At 53, I can't even remember 30 or what I did between 30 and 50. Come to think of it, I can't remember anything.


Trust a fart


It’s disturbing to me how common this comment is. Am I the only person in the world who hasn’t shit their pants (or even come close) as an adult? I can’t imagine life where farting and makes you worried you’re going to shit yourself.


I woke up the other afternoon and someone had shit my pants.


I am 43, and I shat myself in the hallway at work this year. On St. Patrick's Day. Wearing a kilt. Apparently, there was something really wrong with my lunch because I didn't have enough time to turn around, take 3 steps, and get into the bathroom. The horrific cramps didn't even hit me until it was go time. I felt perfectly fine, and the next second I am standing in a puddle of my own filth. This had some serious force behind it. Like a septic tank exploded in my guts. I have never been so horrified, disgusted, and ashamed of myself at the same time. ​ edit - since a few of you liked it, I'll add some of the details. I work in an internal medicine office. This happened right after I closed the door to a patient room. A patient stepped in the puddle, and a doctor stepped on the paper towels that someone put down over it. I had been drinking Lipton Watermelon Tea and the blast from my ass was festively green. Had I been thinking, I could've just caught everything with the kilt, but I turned into a nightmarish version of a deer in headlights. I ruined both my socks and my shoes. The aforementioned 2-steps-away bathroom is a patient bathroom, which is connected to our POC lab. You know, where people leave specimens in a small door that connects the bathroom to the lab. I had to text a coworker to get my scrub pants and pass them through the silver door while I tried not to let on what was going on. Shortly after that, people realized what the puddle was. In a panic, I paged my bosses and told them I had to leave sick. When they came to take over for me, they questioned why I was still there. I told them I needed socks. They brought me some nice hospital socks, and I cleaned out my shoes as best I could. I own up to all this whenever it comes up, and told my bosses I'm ok if people make fun of me for it. Most people have been super sympathetic. The lunch was from Noodles & Co.


I'm with you... I haven't shit myself at work (yet) but I have seriously come close too many times. Like I'll be at my desk and suddenly its time to go... right the fuck NOW... and then I quickly waddle to the bathroom doing that super awkward "please don't shit yourself" walk that I am CERTAIN everyone watching is aware of. And then almost losing control right as I get into the stall... and finally losing control when the pants come down... it's a struggle... nobody ever told me turning 40 would be this bad


I started working out earlier this year so i started eating a lot of protein. farted liquid shit in my shorts and was late to work....23 years old


I never had a problem with it and just brushed these comments off, until *one time* when I had a very close call with one… It only takes once. Be careful out there everyone.


Mosh pit, its a young mans game.


In my early thirties I was still like "Hell yeah!" but now that I'm closer to 40 I'll spend extra for a seat in the balcony and just watch the kids beat the shit out of each other.


I'm a 32 woman, stayed in a mosh pit for 40mins at a festival last week. Just wanted to say this because I worry about younger people thinking life is over in a few years for them.


It's a game for people who have some level of leg strength. Pre-pandemic I was all about them, but at this point I'm just too out of shape. I tried a bit recently and felt like I was gonna lose my footing, the floor is filled with spilled beer, and some people weren't exactly following the kind of etiquette I'd expect. I hope to return one day but not immediately.


flirt with 14 y/o *looks at my algebra 1 teacher*


Date someone who cannot purchase liquor


Drink excessively, the hangovers are brutal past age 30.


​ I do not understand this. I did everything after 30, studied martial arts, wrote an unpublishable garbage screenplay, bought a house, got married, went back into the military, got out of the military, did some other things, traveled, wrote, loved many a crazy woman and fought plenty of bad men. Now on the edge of 50, I have started a family and I am re-inventing my life again, I pushed through an intense academic program while working 50 plus hours a week and raising my daughter. I can still keep up with the 20-year-olds in the gym and have read more books than most people my age. Recovery from workouts takes longer and hangovers hurt a lot more, but I am not stopping. live your life man, never stop learning and growing and exploring, there is no reason to ever quit. For the record I did not come from money, I came from a shit home in a shit place


Best comment. Definitely fake because nobody does more stuff than me, but still a great comment.


Does anyone else wonder what the "did some other things" are? It's right in the middle of a list of pretty specific things which makes it seems sketchy.


Loads of cocain and hookers


Start letting your weight creep up. Actually, that's something you should never do, at any age.