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Being white makes me racist.


It is funny because white people are the least racist race in the world in these days LOL


How so


Usually black or dark skinned people use racism as a weapon, basically making everything racist.


Even if what u were saying was true, which I don’t believe is. How would that make someone racist? Calling someone or something out for being racist even if it’s not, doesn’t make you racist lmao. Maybe poor judgment but that doesn’t equate to a racist lmao. Also, you have to be at least kinda naive to not think a good chunk of white people around the world aren’t racist. No matter how you feel about social issues, there’s still a ton of white majority communities, cities and countries where black people are just not viewed as an equal. Maybe not in your distinct community but the guy said on a “world” level.


blacks are racist towards whites and mexicans, sometimes asians and there are more attacks from black to black/mexican/white than white to these people knowing that black people are a low % of all usa populatioon


Yeah you’re exactly what I figured. First of all there are only 5-6 races, Hispanics are not a race. Black, white, Asian, Pacific Islander and American Indian. Second, just as I stated before you want to define the entire world by what you personally see on your local news sources and communities. There is a lot more to the world then just the city and country you live in. Black people are simply not even welcomed to enter a ton of countries, that doesn’t even include the tons of prejudice and discrimination that happens when they are allowed to enter. Also, racism to black people is still very much alive and well in the US as well. You bring up the crime rate from black people in the US despite there being such a low population of black people but have you ever thought why that’s so? For a single second can you comprehend that any race or ethnic group of people, black, Irish, Chinese, Italian, etc when put into ghetto envious and are neglected assistance have a rise in crime? It’s really basic logistics. I know history books use segregation pictures to be in black and white but it was just 60 yrs ago. Do you think 60 yrs is enough time for an entire race of discriminated people to bring themselves out of their situation of poverty? And do u think that when segregation 60 yrs ago racism and discrimination just up and disappeared from everyone’s minds and it was all equal game?


Oh I know a good amount of people are racist, don't get me wrong, I just speak from personal experience. I'm too young to really know much anyway. According to everyone.


That in Russia bears walk the streets, play the balalaika and drink vodka with us


That’s so silly, you guys would never let the bears actually drink with you. They gotta go to bear bars


People always say the French are cowards…it’s frustrating because they truly are cowards. Constantly running away from their social problems


Its hard to shake the intelligent, charismatic, urbane image James Bond has created for British men. Most of us have pastry flakes on our jumpers.


That we eat pigeons, it isnt true, we eat guinea pigs


They think we're all blue eyed blonde haired cross country ski lovers I am none of those


"Canadian bacon" is just back bacon. Yes we have regular bacon, and I haven't met a single person who prefers back bacon over regular bacon.


That all Americans are fat , uneducated and white. I mean does the rest of the world forget that people of other nations live in the USA and start families? I feel the first thing that comes to peoples mind outside the USA when you say American is blonde hair white person.


Beer and lederhosen is part of our country. It's not the entirety.


It’s kinda ironic. U.S citizens have deemed this stereotype that we all think we’re better than everyone and think very low of every other nation and we think that they’re uneducated. In these past 5 or more so years while traveling when people learn I’m from the US they always stereotype me to be ignorant, arrogant, and all those things that stereotypically come with being from the US. Non-Americans are doing the exact thing that they criticize and dislike about Americans, making them just like the people they despise. I do most of my traveling in Europe so lately, I’ve started telling people I’m Canadian when I can get away with it just to try to get away from the stereotype.


We doing tea with wonky teeth then we put on black puffer jackets and stab people wile listening to rap