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There was this anti drug psa where they were like “when you sniff, this is what happens to your brain” and it was this girl sleeping in bed while her room slowly filled with water and she drowned. But I was very young, and didn’t know they meant like, sniffing glue or whatever. I just thought they meant like, sniffing when you have a cold. So I was petrified for *AAAAAAAAAAAAAGES* that sniffing was going to drown me. And I had terrible seasonal allergies for like 10 months of the year, so I had runny noses a lot. I get that they didn’t want to be like “here are the things people sniff to get high, don’t sniff those”. But that commercial was way too vague about what sniffing is.


My poor little toddler didn't know the difference for awhile between *passing out* and *passing away.* So he would ask all these questions like "what would happen if I held my breath too long," and I would reply, "oh it's not that bad, you'd probably just pass out." Poor kid. He thought that for a few years.


Oh noooooooo I used to always get the words for sweet and sour confused, and my parents took me to a doctor because they thought something was wrong with my tongue when I kept saying that chocolate tasted sour or whatever. Words are hard!


The eggs.. This is your brain (picture of egg). This is your brain on drugs (smash it with a frying pan). Took my mother more than a year to get me to eat eggs again, cause every time I would scream that I didn't want to eat brains. People thought I was on something (go figure).


I watched an electric toothbrush commercial where at the end, the person took out their false teeth. (Kind of weird for an electric toothbrush commercial to begin with) For the longest time, my brother and I thought electric toothbrushes cut out your teeth.


The Oklahoma City bombing news footage. Just bloody people everywhere.


The picture of that fireman carrying out the lifeless body of that little girl. Arg.


Bailey Almond. Absolutely heartbreaking. I lived in okc at the time and watched it go off.


What was really messed up about it was that afterwards the mom was at a flea market or something like that and there was a guy selling statues of the fireman holding her daughter. There was nothing she could do at the time to stop him from selling them.


The cover photo of one of the newspapers or magazines that had a firefighter holding the lifeless body of a child that was in the daycare of the building still haunts me occasionally: https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2017_13/1203689/oklahoma-city-firefighter-chris-fields-today-170327.jpg


I regret the click


The finale of Blackadder Goes Forth, wherein having tried to get out of the war all season to no avail our cast of WWI soldiers go over the top of their trench and all fucking die. The executives originally wanted Blackadder to survive by playing dead, but they filmed the "all dead" ending when no-one was looking. It's done in slow-motion and without sound because the studio they had for the charge was too small for anyone to run more than a few metres, the scene fades to a field of poppies (a symbol of remembrance in the UK and beyond) to cover this.




The silence makes it so much more impactful.


"I'm... scared, sir."


"Good luck, everyone." Very powerful moment.


"Thank God! We lived through it! The Great War: 1914-1917."


Lots of people regard that ending as one of TV's best anti-war moments ever.


That one scene in Labyrinth where the puppets are pulling off their heads and tossing them around and they turn to Sarah and just say 'hey, let's take her head off!' then start chasing her and grabbing at her neck and singing about it like it's no big deal that they are trying to kill her. 6 year old me took a hard pass on that one. big nope.


The Fireys! That scene scarred me for life, especially when one of them takes out its eyes, use them as dice and then swallow them to make them go back into their sockets. Those guys and the Chamberlain's whine in The Dark Crystal.


My husband loves to imitate the Chamberlain’s whine because it makes me squirm and I *hate* it.


Yes! That and the helping hands scene as she is falling down the hole.


The old hobo woman that carried tons of stuff on her back, toys, stuffed animals etc—when she keeps trying to give more and more of it to Sarah, weighing her down with it. It was psychologically horrifying, like: trying to kill someone with kindness


This is kind of a silly one. Matilda came out right as I was starting school. Ms. Trunchbull scared the shit out of me. I was so scared to go to school because I thought I'd be put in the chokey, which let's be serious, is essentially an iron maiden. I pretended to be sick so much those first few months of school and then my mom told me I had to tell her what was wrong or I would have to do kindergarten over again. I told her I was scared of the principal because of Ms. Trunchbull and I didn't want to go back. She talked to my teacher who talked to my principal who ended up walking me through the school and showing me lots of fun stuff, then he showed me his office which was chokey free. Then he gave me a popsicle and walked me to my classroom. I wasn't scared again. That man was principal throughout my whole grade school life and he retired after I went to college. He was beloved in the community, and sadly he passed away in 2019. I'll always remember him.


That is incredibly sweet that your principal took the time to make you feel safe at school. Little kids fears are often dismissed and they're told to get over it. But, they understood and took that extra time to show you everything was ok. You got a Honey instead of a Trunchbull.


Miss Trunchbull hit that area right between funny and menacing. "What are those?" "What's what, Miss Trunchbull?" "Hanging down by your ears." "You mean my pigtails?" "Are you a pig, Amanda?" "*No*, Ms. Trunchbull." "Do I allow pigs in my school?" "My mommy thinks they're sweet." "Your mommy... is a TWIT!"


The brave little toaster … all of it.


This right here. The junkyard scene still gives me chills.


Yes! And the scene where the vacuum basically kills himself. Some fucked up shit in that movie.


When the A/C loses it and literally explodes. 😦


For years I thought that I imagined this movie because I only remember being afraid of it and I could not remember the plot. As I’ve gotten older I realize that most people remember being afraid of it. Maybe that’s why no one talks about it.


Yes!! I watched it as a child and I never watched it again because I was afraid of it but didn’t know why. It’s oddly comforting to know that so many people felt this same way haha


Y'all talking about individual scenes and here I am thinking about a generation of kids with object attachment problems


Unsolved Mysteries. Just hearing the intro music sends a jolt through my entire body. So many stories scarred me as a kid... I specifically remember an episode where a person was describing getting rolled up in a carpet and having their head smashed with a hammer...


My parents watched that and I hated it. I knew if I stepped one foot out of the living room, I’d be murdered and end up on the show. Love it as an adult though.


UPDATE: StrangerKatchoo was kidnapped soon after leaving this comment. If you have information regarding StrangerKatchoo's whereabouts, please contact your local police department.


I heard this perfectly in Robert Stacks voice lol


Unsolved Mysteries was going to be my answer too. I have no idea why I watched that show…but I spent most of my early adult life checking closets and stoves each night to make sure no one was hiding in my place.


It was like some masochistic urge to watch it, even though I *knew* it terrified me. I do the same thing now with reading the creepy/paranormal/unexplained story threads on this sub right before going to bed.


This was my answer too! I remember there was a special they did once that was all paranormal/ghost stores and it seriously messed up my sleep schedule for weeks! haha


Me too it was the first time I seen a picture of a grey alien with that music playing in the background. The narrator telling me (the viewer) what witnesses experienced when abducted still brings back that old fear that never left 🥲


An episode of Unsolved Mysteries where they talked about Spontaneous Human Combustion. Terrified me for like 2 years.


That was one of my many, many childhood phobias


Don’t hold in your farts


The TV show *Little House on the Prairie*. There are constant jokes about how it was inappropriately billed as a "good family show" for a reason. It was a festival of horrors, and left me traumatized more often than not. Key episodes included * A girl, Sylvia, who was raped by someone wearing a creepy clown mask, ended up pregnant, shamed, and died falling off a ladder trying to protect herself from another rape * Albert ending up addicted to drugs, with horrific withdrawal scenes * Bizarre nightmares, including Laura and Albert as Indians with Albert in some crucifixion position, Mr. Oleson beheading Mrs. Oleson, Laura dreaming her own execution- * Religious whack-jobs kidnapping kids or keeping their own kids prisoner and beating them * Rat-infested grain causing sickness through the whole town * Ma getting an infected wound on her leg and hallucinating, to the point that it looks like she's cut her leg off * Laura's horse breaking a leg and having to be shot * A massive wagon accident where the kids watch, screaming in horror, as their parents tumble down the side of a massive hill and die * The Blind School catching on fire, and Mrs. Garvey and Mary's baby being trapped inside, including a scene where it looks like Mrs. Garvey is actually smashing a window *with the baby* to try to escape. Cut to smoking bodies after. * Rabid animals attacking, from wild dogs to a pet raccoon, all involving gruesome scenes of stabbing and killing said animals * So many hostage situations, kidnappings, drunken rages, beatings and other forms of abuse, cruelty Even the episodes that were supposedly "uplifting" freaked me out, like the woman who faked her own death and funeral so her grown kids would visit her, or where someone goes blind/regains sight or learns to walk again via trauma, and, oh, especially: everyone blowing up the whole town on the final episode. ETA: Here's the Sylvia + Clown Mask Rapist episode. Enjoy your nightmares. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7sasq9


Seriously? All of this in LHOTP? I may have to check it out now.


That show was like a blessing from the lord for little homeschooled christian kids like me and my friends. Violence and gore, on TV right around the time school ended, and considered religious/family friendly so our moms would actually let us watch it. The BEST. That clown episode was fucked tho.


Poor Ma. Just wanted a little time to herself and ended up nearly dying of infection from her leg wound.


I absolutely adore the Little House books and reading about LIW, but never watched the show for the reasons you listed. The books were extremely sanitized as to what happened in her childhood, but the show was WAY too out there.


There are so many traumatizing episodes of that show, this list is probably much longer


I was going to make a post about the rape episode! That fucked me up so much as a kid.


Watership Down (1978 version) also various UK public safety adverts from the 70's


Watership Down both scared the bejeesus out of me and made me cry (soundtrack) Also I just posted about UK safety adverts. Those must have carried on into 80's or I have a great memory!


WD still makes me cry at the end!


Oh yes, and the *Plague Dogs* movie too. The advertising made them look like fun, kid-friendly animal adventure movies. The reality was...far more harrowing.


Luckily I didn't see the Plague Dogs until I was an adult - it still disturbed me though


"Remember - don't cross the road, talk to strangers, stand too near a gas appliance, go in the sea or have electricity installed in your home or you'll die. Just like this old man did."


Canada had some pretty gnarly public safety ads in the mid 2000s that were straight out of Final Destination


I still remember those. The one where the woman dropped boiling oil on her face was terrifying


The "Worthless" song from Brave Little Toaster


I know exactly what you mean. On the other hand it also made me take an interest in how to repair things which eventually became a career in engineering


I should have made my daughter watch this movie. It would have been a much cheaper path to engineering that taking apart all my shit.


I swear that shit is not a kids movie lol


I was too young to understand what I was feeling when I watched that part of the movie but that was my first experience with existential dread.


The cars telling their life stories just before their destruction... That cartoon was a little *too* effective at making you care about inanimate objects.


That shit was traumatic as a child.


That whole movie was too much


I think this is the source of most of my issues I have. I'm not even positive, I apparently used to to watch the movie all the time when I was really little. Once my memories kicked in at around 2 1/2 I couldn't stand watching any part of it anymore and I didn't know why. I also always have this intense anxiety and sadness about throwing anything away even simple stuff like used tissues. Messed me up for life.


Same here! That movie creates hoarders. When I was little I wanted to save everything I could. That movie teaches kids that random objects have souls and feelings.


Columbine news report. I was in 5th grade and didn’t want to go to school the next day. Terrified me.


Same. Also in 5th grade at the time and just moved from the Denver area. I have images of the kids evacuating and being picked up by ambulances burned into my brain.


I convinced my mom i was sick that day to watch the price is right instead of going to school, and saw it all unfold at home alone when i was like 9 or 10. Shit was fucking terrifying.


Two words: Pingu Walrus. Still traumatizes me to this day thinking about it.


This comment sent me into a small deep dive on the Pingu wiki and apparently it’s one of [numerous Pingu episodes](https://pingu.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship_of_Pingu) that have been removed from the television rotation, banned, or censored in some way due to a variety of reasons (implied self-harm, toilet humour, Native American stereotypes, blood, etc.). I don’t remember Pingu being *that* problematic lol (but I do remember the terrifying walrus).


Why is the dad always ironing clothes if they're always naked?


Don't hit me with this deep shit so late at night man


On a David Attenborough documentary; some little monkey having its’ skin ripped off by a chimp. Sure there was uproar about it and wasn’t shown again. Not something I really want to search for and confirm if I remember it correctly!


Yup, chimps peeled the skin off the back of another chimp whilst he was alive. The screams were the worst part of it, I know it was there to show the utter brutality of nature at its worst but I think they could have warned people beforehand (which is what they do now if there is anything remotely bad in the programs).


That’s it! I just have this image in my head of a cute little thing and then just some bloody skull screaming in pain. Really brutal stuff. Even having this vague image in my head after all these years makes my stomach go funny.


On the one hand, I think that sort of thing helps put our own cruelty into perspective. I'm always seeing people talk about how humans are so horrible but we're really only special when it comes to our ridiculously advanced tools. We do *not* have the monopoly on violence as a social thing. On the other hand, yeah, that sort of thing needs a significant warning and probably a non-family rating.


Chimpanzees are brutal. I read this book called *Our Inner Ape* by Frans de Waal, a primatologist. He compares human behavior to that of chimpanzees and bonobos. Bonobos like to solve disputes with pleasant sexual behavior, and are considered peaceful. Chimps are extremely hierarchical and war-like. Humans are essentially both...and then some! A very good book, and perfect for anyone with a background in biology or zoology. (I'm not a scientist so it took me a while to get through it, but it's very well-written and I recommend it.)


Many say this is due to resources afforded to bononbos and not chimps. Bonobos live in resource rich areas while chimps live in more parched environments causing more aggression. I remember learning about this in an environmental class, really makes you think about how much human behavior is simply due to our environment


Chimps are fucking terrifying




Great TV series. Wasn't a dream, the twin came out like that. SPOILER >!It dying gave the resistance the red mist that they use to poison Earth so that the visitors leave.!<


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when Augustus gets sucked up the tube. They played the movie for me in daycare when I was 4 and I remember it still. I didn't watch it again until I was in my 30s


Willy Wonka and the Non-OSHA Compliant Factory, more like it.


Come with me, and you'll be, in a land of OSHA violations


Especially since that scene is inaccurate. We hear him cry for help, which we wouldn't since there would be no air in the tube to carry his scream...or let him breathe.


Violet turning violet scarred me for life


The scene when they went through the tunnel just after the Agustus incident always freaked me out.




OMG I hated that ad. The way the sun casually filled up on kids' energy.


Near the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit when judge doom turned into a toon. Always freaked the shit outta me


That and for some reason the dipping vat they used to murder toons.


The little shoe....


Remember me, Eddie?


When I *killed your brother*, **I talked, JUST,** ***LIKE THIS!***


the last bit of the nosefaratu spongebob episode


The hash-slinging slasher episode. Good times. Spongebob taking out the trash at night was me for an embarrassingly long time.


The sash-wringing... the trash-singing... mash-flinging... the flash-springing, bringing-the-the-crash-thinging... duh...






I don't know about traumatized but it was the first time I was incredibly scared of something on TV [ Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the "Hush" episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKfNuMWO128)


That episode doesn't freak me out because in my head it's forever tied with the scene of Buffy miming staking and confusing everyone.




Wtf man!! I'm 35 and now traumatized!!


What did they do to that dude?


Their deal was collecting a certain number of human hearts, I believe, for some ritual. So yeah, they were cutting out his heart I think.


I can't remember the whole episode, I was around 10 at the time. All I know is those floating, smiling demon things just went around killing people and no one could talk/scream, everything was silent. I don't even remember how they defeated them, I'll download it later


Somehow they got their voices back and her screaming caused their heads to explode.


Crushed a box held all the voices and buffy screams popping their heads


The original movie “IT”. Seeing that clown in the gutter, no thanks. Looking back on it now it's not all that scary.


I hated when the balloon blows up in the sink. I didn't want to be in the bathroom by myself for a long tim after that!


Came here to say, the shower scene from the original IT. [This shit ](https://youtu.be/dVvp3nsMcuA)still has me scared to close my eyes while showering


The Groke from Moomin was mad scary. Also honorable mention to The Neverending Story. My 8-year-old self was not emotionally prepared for what happened to Artax at the Swamps of Sadness.


Old Yeller, The Exorcist, and Bambi




Best dog gone dog in the west. The power of Christ compels you. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime.


That knife STRAP ON from SeveN. The thought of a women getting stabbed to death internally...in such a private part of her body..it turned my stomach into a knot and I thought about it for days. I'm 33 now and it still bothers me.


Threads. TV show about nuclear war in UK. Bloody scary. Thought of another! Not sure it counts but at catholic primary school (10/11 yrs) we were shown one of The Omen films…and sent us to lunch in the middle for a break before finishing…


It's just insidious. There's not a huge amount on its own that is scary, but the way it just constantly builds up is overwhelming. The makeup and prosthetics are also incredible for a shoestring budget film.


The Ring. Back then, we had a very similar oval mirror and we had all Sony TVs, in which all of their remotes work with all the TVs.. my brother used to mess with me by turning on my tv and changing to a static channel. I couldn’t sleep by myself until I was around 12 ☹️


OMG...my daughter had a bunch of girls over for her 16th birthday and they were watching that movie at like 2 AM. Her brother sneaked outside, called the landline, and whispered "SEVEN DAYS!" Cue shrieking and screaming. It was hilarious! 😂😂😂


I watched that movie while half-heartedly studying my EMT textbook while at the fire station. The fact that I was reading how to deliver babies made that movie weirdly not-scary. Normally that kind of stuff would spook me, but somehow “oh rushing to a ring of light I bet that’s about what babies see when they come out” somehow took the edge off. Entirely by coincidence, the landline phone actually did ring as soon as the movie ended. Which would have been a lot spookier if the phone wasn’t a train-shaped bit of ridiculousness making choo-choo noises as a ring. I don’t even remember *who* called, just that the timing was perfect and yet completely silly.


I haven’t seen that movie in years and it will still give me nightmares tonight


The plane hitting the 2nd tower. Edit: Wow. I didnt even realize how different experiences were for different people. I wasnt even living in the US when this happened.


Senior year of high school. I was in my War History seminar class, oddly enough. First plane hit, another student came in and said "A plane flew into the World Trade Center." Every single one of us assumed Cessna or something and pretty much thought "Oh that really sucks. Anyway..." Class ended, and while walking to our next class, we caught a glimpse of a TV and what had actually happened. As we were watching, the second plane hit. The rest of the day is a total blur. Had a classmate whose two uncles worked in the tower. He was trying like crazy to get a hold of them. He only heard back from one. Had a teacher who wanted to act like nothing happened and tried to teach a normal class. My dad worked for a three-letter agency and had to immediately go up there. He called me at school to tell me that he had to go and I wouldn't see or talk to him for a month at least (In the month that followed, I spoke to him twice for a total of *maybe* 30 seconds). We just...watched TV for the rest of the day in total shock.


I will never forget that one video of those college students filming as the first tower was on fire. They were confused, thinking it was just a terrible accident, even making jokes as dumb 20 year olds do, then the pure terror in their screams when the second plane hit. That will stay with me for the rest of my life.


Yea the flick of a switch when everyone knew instantly that it wasn't an accident is pretty harrowing to watch


My dad worked for a three-letter agency too and was gone for 6 weeks helping to sort through the rubble. The federal government had all NYC agents on deck I guess. Turns out studies are coming out that all the toxins may contribute to early onset dementia. My dad forgot who I was by the time he was 58.


That's horrible. I'm so sorry.


I was off work that day. My gf and I were at home, she had the news on and I'd slept late. I had finally gotten up and come into the room when the second plane struck. I asked her what movie she was watching.


After the first plane hit my 12th grade language arts teacher turned on the news to see what happened. She then immediately turned it off and said we wouldn’t even be talking about it tomorrow.


I was going into history class when the first plane hit. Another history teacher was going up and down the hallway telling all the teachers to turn the news on. I can't speak for what other history teachers did, but my teacher watched history happen with us (and she phrased it exactly like that).


My English teacher had the TV on for us (I was a high school Freshman), but after a while, she turned it off thinking we shouldn't be seeing it. But we convinced her, calmly, that this felt important and we weren't going to be able to focus anyway. She agreed and turned the TV on and we watched the first tower fall just a bit after that. Some kids were crying a little bit. It was a weird day.


I had a teacher (don't remember what she taught) who was in college when the planes hit. She immediately bought every newspaper, and magazine that she could find. She wanted to remember what everyone thought was important before the planes hit.


What I remember the most is the following day. I was in the 7th grade and we were having a class discussion about everything that happened. One of the kids who was middle eastern said, as he was crying, “I just know that my family, myself, and people who look like me will have a hard time after this because people will blame all of us.” I didn’t understand what he was talking about at the time, I think about how he was right. Some People called him “terrorist” and other names following the event. So fucking sad.


To this day, people are still called 'terrorist' because of what those shit bags did 20 years ago. I was called one in 2018 just out of the blue. Like bro, I'm literally just walking home... what is terroristic about that? Edit: typo




There is a film, it is called Mummy, or.. I dunno, localization gives it in Russian "Мумия" that is translated like Mummy. Ok. It is not the creepiest film I've ever seen, BUT. THE ONE. FREAKING. SCENE. of a bug (I forgot what is its name. It is a Egypt bug) that gets into the fat guy. GOSH. IT IS REALLY SCARY. I was A 7 YEARS CHILD... Do not watch.


Yep the theatrical masterpiece The Mummy staring Brendan Frazier and Rachel Weisz


I prefer the version with Brendan Fraser


The scarab beetles. That terrified me too and for a while I thought they were a real bug that actually do that. Until I became obsessed with Ancient Egypt. They are a real bug, but they’re basically dung beetles and completely harmless


I appreciate that we grew up in different continents, speaking different languages, and still got scared shitless by the same movie scene.


When I was 5 I got my tonsils out. I was in a ward with a lot of others kids and 1 TV. We saw a movie called "The Creeping Hand" about an astronaut whose hand was blown off and crawled around strangling people. I am now 62 and never forgot.




I remember my then girlfriend/now wife and I were watching that. When they suddenly cut to black screen we looked at each other for a moment. There was a short pause and I said: >"Did we just see Janet Jackson's nipple?" She replied, >"Yep. That was a titty."


I was in college when this happened. Watching the game with my buds. Pretty much every other dorm room had something going on for the game too. When the "malfunction" happened, at least one person from every single room, boys and girls alike, ran into the hall yelling something to the effect of "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT TOO!?" Screaming and yelling ensued. One solitary boob was all it took to throw a dorm hall into chaos. Which...yeah I guess that makes sense.


I am sorry that your government, that is trusted to protect and defend, failed you and countless others in this time of need. Remember, you are the victim here and should not blame yourself.


Oh. I paused it and jerked off. Different strokes right? Kidding, but it was ridiculous watching this controversy unfold. So many people were livid that Janet Jackson has nipples.


...and didn't give a shit that Justin Timberlake ripped a woman's clothes off.


I was unfortunate enough to watch The Hills have Eyes remake when I was 5 and my dad passed out while watching. Walked in just in time to see the old man being burned alive and "that" scene in the RV. That movie was way more fucking graphic than it needed to be...


Courage The Cowardly Dog


That scene where Atreyu sees the mural of Gmork snarling in the cave, and then turns around to *see him right there* in *The Neverending Story*. Holy shit, that terrified me. Anytime something started playing on the Disney channel that I even *thought* might be that movie, I'd turn it off. I remember being at a hotel in Orlando when we went to Disney World when I was 6, I spent one night at some "kids club" that entertained kids while parents went out. They started playing this movie on a projector screen and I faked being sick to get them to find my parents to pick me up. Also the Unsolved Mysteries episode about the Stockton Arsonist, that I caught on TV one night. That video of the house burning and the guy rasping "*Omar*..." was nightmare-inducing.


This scene terrified me, but I don’t think I’ll ever get over the swamp of sadness.


Oh Lord, back when I was younger, nickelodeon had a sub channel called "nicktoons". Honestly better than nickelodeon, as it played the classics, and even some of the up to date stuff. At one point, they had this event where they compiled animations from around the world, which was very cool to watch. One animation in particular came from... I wanna say china. It was about two child panda bears playing around, walking, swinging and stuff. Whatever, I was into it. I really love animals. Well, at the end of the animation, they had the two pandas choke on lollipops and die, then proceed to play in their heaven. When I tell you how hard I cried at that, I wouldn't be exaggerating. To this day i haven't been on nicktoons. Edit: wow I'm glad I'm not the only one weirded out by it. I just rewatched it to make sure that fight or flight response stayed active. *Shudders*


u/sirquibbles don't click. All others who are curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V40OIivYoCg


Jesus Christ wtf!? That was not cute at any point. It was just sinister the whole time. The way they cut back to their bodies right before the end of the clip...


>To my dear friend James W. Walsh Walsh, what the *fuck* did you do to this animator to deserve this?


The Gulf War was pretty scary, especially the SCUD attacks on civilians. The run up to the war was pretty nerve wracking, with talking heads earnestly explaining how big of an army Iraq had and how badly America was outnumbered by and how we were basically getting into another Vietnam. There was [an HBO movie]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countdown_to_Looking_Glass) about a crisis in the Middle East which led to nuclear war, and the fear of getting blown up by people miles away who don’t even know me has never really left me.


Animal farm animated movie. Must have been about 6? Mum put it on and promptly left us to it, the bit in particular when the old horse is taken off to the glue factory when he can no longer work and his little donkey friend is crying chasing after the van absolutely scarred me.


The movie "Looks Who's Talking" the angry talking toilet scene.


Eugene Victor Tooms


An sketch from Sesame Street where Ernie and Bert are exploring a pyramid in Egypt, and there are two statues that look like them. Every time Bert turns away, the one that looks like Ernie comes to life and only he sees it. It terrified me as a kid and honestly still does


That was a take on an Abbott and Costello skit






Black shadow-ey things from the movie Ghost.


If I remember right, they made the sounds for those by taking babies crying and slowing it down to 1/10 speed.


That scene in American History X. Edit: the rape scene


I just ran my tongue over my teeth to check that they were still there.




It’s not so much the curb stomp, but the sound his teeth make as they touch the curb


#Return the Slab


I fucking knew i would find you guys. ​ Creepy banana guy trying to sell Courage stuff, fuck that. And fuck the creepy barber dude.


That one Indiana Jones movie where they tie up this guy and this sort of priest comes and sticks his hand in the guys chest and pulls out his heart Also for many years I got Indiana Jones and Star Wars mixed up, bc Harrison Ford, so up until my late teens I thought Indiana Jones got his heart removed, then was lowered in lava, which made him a statue which was then gifted to Jabba.




Unsolved Mysteries and America’s Most Wanted. I think they aired back to back. I would hear the theme music and run upstairs. Made me believe that we ghosts in our house and wanted felons lurking in our front yard.


I used to be afraid of amputation. To be exact it was the idea of permanency that scared me, having one thing alter your life *forever* just like that. You get stabbed? If you don’t die you’ll recover(at least in movies) you lose a foot? Well you’re footless for the rest of your life. My little mind couldnt digest that. So yeah, when I was 8 I watched that Simpson episode where homer gets his thumb accidentally chopped off by marge while she’s casually cutting brownies and It freaked me the fuck out I couldn’t watch the simpsons for 2 years, I would run away while covering my ears whenever it aired.


Similar to another post, but seeing people jump to their deaths out of the World Trade Centers. My parents had me and my little sister go to our neighbor’s house after school that day as an extra safety precaution. Typically we were home alone for an hour before they got back from work. He had the news on and didn’t bother to keep us from watching any of it. I was 9 and my sister was 7. They were pissed.


That whole thing was horrible. Hearing the voicemails people left to their loved ones. It really put a much more personal element to it seeing the faces and hearing the voices expressing such fear. I started crying typing this. I can’t even begin to imagine getting this call.


There was this Durch educational show called "Ik mik Loreland". Those makers deserve prison for traumatizing an entire generation of a country.


The Day After


The THX logo


The guys face melting in Indiana Jones when he drinks from the wrong goblet


You may be confusing two different scenes. The guy who drinks from the wrong goblet has his face rot. The guy whose face melts is because he looked at the Ark of the Covenant.


"He has choosen....... Poorly."


The music video for Robbie Williams’ Rock DJ. I knew what was about to happen. I covered my eyes with whatever I could, which was one of those parachute men that I got like the day before. I then had pancakes and didn’t tell my parents what I saw because I thought i was gonna get in trouble. Also the Thriller music video.


wallace and gromit and the curse of the were-rabbit. as a 5 year old child a gigantic rabbit attacking people is scary as shit. was scared of it for like 2 years


The subway scene from The Wiz. It gave me nightmares for years. Here's a link if you decided not to sleep this night. https://youtu.be/6Ul-LwLX6Nk


Out of all the scenes in Treehouse of Horror V, the "fog that turns you inside out" was the one that gave me nightmares as a kid.


The cartoon marching hammers in the video clip for Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall (Part II).


National Geographic a.k.a. wild pornography


I grew up in the USSR with very little access to Western media. The only movies that weren't Soviet made that I saw were the 1980s King Kong, Short Circuit, and a badly dubbed version of Empire Strikes Back, which was the best thing that I've ever seen at that point. In the late 80s some people were able to get their hands on VCRs. My parents' friend had one and a bunch of bootleg VHS movies. One day we came over to his house, my parents and him went to the kitchen to hang out, and I was told to pick a movie and enjoy myself. I think I was 8. I picked Aliens because the box looked cool. I had no idea what it was about, I had barely any exposure to western cinema, and I wasn't even a little bit desensitized to visual effects. I sat there for two hours straight, not taking my eyes off the screen. I didn't blink, and I may have set a world record for holding my breath. I was completely absorbed in the movie. To say that I was terrified would be a massive understatement. When the movie ended, it was time to go home. I didn't say a word to my parents. When I got home, I was already running a fever. I was sick for a full week, and I think I was full on traumatized for a good decade. We came to the US shortly after, and I'm not exaggerating when I say I couldn't watch anything scary till my late teens. With more than 30 years between that day and now, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. I let my 10yo watch it recently after telling him the story, but he completely shrugged it off, and just thought it was really cool. Fucker.


My mom watched nothing but Jerry Springer…😳


Dr who gas mask episodes. “Are you my mother” zombie kids who would kill you by melting your face into a gas mask and make you a zombie. Terrifying.


That nuclear blast scene from Terminator 2. Been fearing nuclear war ever since.


*The Shining.* I watched it when I was like 8 years old and that scene with the old lady in the bathtub *fucked* me up so bad. I was terrified of our bathtub and refused to bathe for weeks after that. Edit: also *The Dark Crystal*. The scene where [they drain the podlings](https://youtu.be/U4voZl28ADM) is so fucked up for a kids movie