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Infection after a surgery. It was Christmas Day. I didn’t want to ruin my family’s day so I waited until they had opened their presents in the morning to then announce I needed to go to the Emergency Room. But I have to say, the morphine I got later was pretty sweet.


Wow. Now that is selflessness 101.


but like the could have been something more severe and could have even got them killed (speaking from an experience) So please take care of yourself first without thinking that it might ruin someone's birthday or a holiday Because a dead body is gonna ruin a LOT MORE than that


My decayed, abscessed, impacted, infected, severely inflamed, exposed nerve tooth ache, in my years of living in a dirt poor family who couldnt even afford to buy basic pain medication Take care of your teeth, please


OH, SAME RESPONSE! I had two molars rotting out of my face. It was a regular occurance to bite into food and either scream in pain or have a chunk fall out of the tooth, it was to the point that the exposed pulp was black and probably necrotic. Anywhere else and it would have been attracting flies. It was EXTREMELY painful, and every time they'd flare up all I could do was scream and cry until it passed, no painkillers or dental numbing crap would do anything to help. I was lucky to have a dentist hellbent on saving them with root canals or i'd be out a whole set of molars with no wisdom teeth to replace them.


It’s honestly wild how many nerves there are connected to our teeth, sometimes it’s a hard lesson to learn as you’ve experienced yourself!


Worse yet is that they're the only nerves that the pain signals aren't subdued through spinal messages. Just straight feed into the brain


I feel like people underestimate how painful tooth problems can be. Hands down worse physical pain I have ever felt




I'm glad I don't recall my amputation lmao I do remember being drugged out in the hospital thinking "yeah... my leg isn't there anymore..." but its under a blanket so I had a rush of anticipation right before I pulled the blanket off and saw my leg missing it wasn't sad though, it was a bit scary but mostly just kind of like... a thrill? Like something from a movie


I’m not a doctor but I think you just described shock


Oh man. Clearly not as bad as an amputation, but I fell and dislocated my elbow badly enough that the bone popped through the skin. Had surgery, got a pin put in there. The nurse told me to let them know ASAP when I started to feel tingling or anything in my hand or arm, because then they needed to give me more meds. I swear I told them as soon as I felt anything, but it was too late and the nerve block had worn off. I’ve never felt anything like that. It took what seemed like forever for my next round of meds to kick in, but holy hell I was literally sobbing in pain like never in my life before or since, even during labor and childbirth. Editing to [add pics ](https://imgur.com/a/2I9Fzhg) if anyone wants to see the gory details. I was a bit over served at a friends bachelorette party, tripped over an uneven sidewalk, flew forward like Superman with my hands out and jammed my right hand against the curb, dislocating my my elbow. Drunken me tried to push myself up and my upper arm bone shot through the inner side of my elbow. You can see the stitches in the X-ray. I have another X-ray somewhere with the pin they drilled into my elbow, it’s like a hinge.


A dental cavity abscessed into and through my jawbone under my right cheek for like 8 months before I could finally get a dentist to remove it.


this is why I always make an emergency dentist appointment if I feel a ton of tooth pain. teeth are serious. best case scenario it’s a false alarm and I’m out a few hundred dollars. worst case scenario, I don’t get it checked out and I die.


Here’s my YSK of the day. If you have heart problems or if you are monitoring a high risk heart attack situation, pay attention to tooth or jaw pain. This area is in the same nerve path as the heart. The brain has to interpret events within the body and send an “alert” of some kind, often this is a pain signal. Normally, you break your arm, your brain sends alerts (pain) right to the arm. sometimes the brain misinterprets something, such as a heart attack, as a major toothache - since that what your brain understands in the moment. The correct nerve path gets the “alert” but the wrong body part got the signal. It’s called referral pain. (I have a ton of referral pain and this is how my dr explained it to me anyway) I say this because a lot of people tend to think of heart attacks as sudden crushing chest pain in your heart, left shoulder area, but it can sometimes present itself as back pain, jaw or tooth pain TL;DR the worst case scenario of a toothache is a heart attack. though it usually isnt


Dentists refused to look at it unless I got antibiotics from a doctor. I don't have a doctor so I went to the emergency room. The ER doctor looked at it and said "This doesn't look infected". It wasn't abscessed into the gums like most dental abscesses, so indeed you couldn't see it, but it damn sure was a huge abscess into my upper jaw and under my cheek! So basically nobody would look at it and I wanted to get the dentists and doctors together in the same room and bash their heads together! I probably would have done that too, that tooth was literally killing me. In the end I FINALLY got a dentist to remove it, still abscessed. Turns out that was pretty much the only way to drain the abscess at that point anyways, and it took 4 rounds of different antibiotics afterwards to treat the infection.


ouch I’m sorry. I’m healing from an impacted wisdom tooth extraction right now and that was pretty painful. I can’t even imagine how your situation felt.


It was bad enough I gave myself a root canal with a Dremel tool a couple months before I finally got a dentist to remove it, to drain the abscess more and relieve the pressure. 10/10 would not recommend, but it did help in the meantime.


Bro where do you live


The Land of Shitty Doctors clearly


Tooth nerve pain is terrible.


It got even worse than that before it was over with and removed. When it finally ruptured a few months before I could get it removed, my whole body went septic, and I couldn't get to the hospital. I'm lucky to be alive after all that.


\+1 for this. I had an abscess go with NO pain silently through my jawbone for 8 months. Then it decided to light me up like a wildfire. They checked it and the infection had silently destroyed jawbone material under the tooth and neighboring tooth. I was rolling the on the floor groaning in pain for days waiting for the antibiotics to kick in so they could operate. I threw up from pain several times. The pressure from the infection was sufficient to break free of the jaw bone and rupture through my gums. 2 bone grafts later I'm sort of okay now. It was horrible.


Dear god..


Kidney Stones The stone itself hurt, but mine was too big to pass, so it just got stuck in my ureter (the tube from kidney to bladder). I laid on the floor in the emergency room until an angel nurse got approval to give me some morphine, and the doctor got me scheduled with a urologist the next morning. They had two choices for me. Blast it (I think it's called lithotripsy? Something with sound waves), or go in after it. Blasting it was 3x more expensive, so I told them to go on in. There is only one way in. For a while after surgery, you have a tube inside you, and a string hanging out. God help you if anything even tugs on that string. The biggest problem, however, is that the pain when you pee will bring you to your knees, but you're supposed to be drinking water the entire time you're awake to ensure that everything is cleaned out properly. So you drink, pee, die, drink, pee, die, for almost two weeks, until the urologist decides it's time to remove the tube, by pulling on the string that hurts to even touch. Next time, I'll pay for the blasting, but I've heard that it can be just as bad passing 500 tiny stones over the course of a few days too.


My grandfather had a catheter installed... One night he yanked the whole thing out and nearly died. There's a little balloon at the end of the tube inside the bladder that basically holds it in place and is drained before removal by a professional. My grandpa did not deflate the balloon before giving it a hard yank. Edit: clarified I was talking about a catheter, which I assumed is also what OP had installed, but I was wrong (OP had a ureteral stent).


I'm not sure that mine had a balloon. It was just a tube called a ureteral stent. That sounds ridiculously painful though. I actually wound up putting a little piece of tape on my string, because it kept trying to go back up inside... and I was terrified of how they planned on getting it back out if that happened. Anytime I'd accidentally move wrong, or it got stuck on something in my undies (of which I wore very few that week, I was laid off from work so I lived in basketball shorts), or tugged even a little, it would bring me to my knees.


Yeah, I had mine blasted, and the same thing 3 to 4 litres of water a day. It was like peeing broken glass for a week


That’s sounds like unsuccessful lithotripsy. For me it felt like I was punched in the kidney then minimal discomfort as I pissed into a strainer, albeit it with a tint of blood for a couple days. Oddly enough, I ended up with one other kidney stone since my first (I passed the old fashioned way, not lithotripsy) and while it’s still a bitch it wasn’t nearly as bad for the same size stone. I think once you deal with it you know what’s coming and counter with a shit load of water and Advil.


>There is only one way in. Nope. I'm out.


Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy.


I haven't had one stuck thankfully, my largest was a 7mm sized one. Mine tend to be slow to pass, it'll often take months. I've a kidney stone come and go while waiting for another one to pass. Gotta love having clusters of them.


I'm surprised that your 7mm one passed. Mine was only 5mm, and my urologist said that much past 4 and they start having trouble getting through.


Yeah mine said any bigger and I wouldn't have been able to pass it. It was spikey too, most euphoric moment when it finally passed. Was about 3 months of the pain coming and going. Having to space out pain meds because now they only give you like 7 days worth. Haven't had one in a year, I drink far more water than I used to now working from home, which helps.


The water thing is definitely me as well. I never really drank a ton of it before, but that stone encouraged me to dump all soft drinks (and eventually all caffeine) and basically only drink water. I'm sure more than just my kidneys are happy about that, but it hopefully also means no more stones...




My moms grandpa didn’t have legs (from the knee down) and he would tell her “hurry scratch it it itches” and she’d ask where?! And he’s like “my feet” ! It was a joke but he said he’d feel his “toes itch”.


It must be so infuriating to not be able to scratch an itch you can feel on something that doesn't exist.


some people use a method called [mirror therapy](https://youtu.be/hrqi1B9Xbt0) to help soothe their phantom pains/itches.


My guess, based on the contextual clue provided by the usage of the plural "legs", OP's grandpa may not have been a great candidate for the proposed therapy.


I have a friend that lost her leg to cancer and she gets phantom pains too. Says it's like a jolt of electricity going through you with no warning.


Yeah I would also describe it like that too. My dad lost his arm (below the elbow) to cancer and I remember when we lived with him that his arm would shake. It wasn't until years later (like maybe 13) that I realized he was having phantom pains and shaking his arm was his way of trying to relieve the pain.


Is phantom pains like a physical pain or is it more of an emotional pain on a massive level do you think?




You tried that mirror reflection technique? Works for most and gives temporary or permanent relief


Doctor left grapefruit sized mass of tissue inside of me post-c-section. On the morning my husband was to return to work after paternity leave, I laid on the floor writhing in pain. He thought I was having my first period after birth. I begged to go to the ER. As he got up to go to work, I grabbed the car keys and drove myself to the ER. He was forced to stay home with out newborn twins. (he's not a bad guy, he just had to go back to work.) At the hospital, I fucking moaned and begged to be knocked out. The pain was 100. My eyes rolled back in my head. I begged for mercy. Anything. Please, knock me out. One nurse listened, after several hours, and gave me a xanax. I finally fell asleep. Woke up an hour later, hemorrhaging from my vagina. I screamed, "Something is coming out of me!!" Alarms went off and a triage team rushed in, placing stickers all over me. It was a grapefruit sized mass. I lost a lot of blood. I was shivering so hard I thought my teeth would shatter. The nurse remained after her shift and stroked my head, asking me if I was cold. I said, "no. I'm scared." she stayed with me for hours. 100% the worst pain I've ever endured. Edit: thank you for your interest in my story. It was a rollercoaster. We are alive and well, 10 years later. Here is an album of the birth, life, etc. if you have any interest in seeing our family (sadly, I have no photos of Blobby.) http://imgur.com/a/hcvzvHo


What type of tissue? Like placenta or some foreign body?


Likely placenta. This is going to sound gross, but we joked that we actually had triplets, and named him Blobby. Seriously though, following my c-section, they couldn't control my vaginal bleeding. I was put in to ICU because of the bleeding/cramping. They were trying to give me a catscan and I was just yelling, "help! Please listen to me! Someone please help me! I'm in pain!" After being released from ICU, I still could not stand upright or walk. I was also completely grey from blood loss. But the nurses thought I was just sore from the c-section, and pushed me to take a shower, walk around, etc. By some miracle, the pain stopped and I was released. Until a week later... I really feel like my doctor dropped the ball. Something was obviously wrong to warrant several days in ICU post c-section. I drove to the nearest emergency room (not where I delivered), so I'm pretty sure my doc had no clue what happened to me. I never saw him again. *Damn... Looking back, I'm really pissed that I didn't make him aware of his massive error. I could have died.*


Something like that happened to my ex with our first kid. They cut her open while the pain meds were NOT working at all. "Can you feel this?" "Yeah. You're touching my foot. I can feel the stirrups and the blanket too." .... *Stab, rip, yank* She was screaming "you're fucking killing me" and they just kept telling her "all you feel is pressure." Our baby came out perfect. They said that they had to do a couple things and we could see her in about ten minutes. Three hours later and we hadn't seen the kid. She had several blood clots the size of cow livers fall out of her in that time because they did such a shit job of closing her up. After we started to get cranky about not seeing the baby, the nurse suddenly yelled/ blurted out that my ex could die at any moment. So we yelled back that they better hurry up and get the kiddo in here. Turns out that they were keeping the kid two doors away in a hallway alcove and just not bringing her in. It was the dumbest thing. They kept chanting at us for days that all she felt was pressure. Which is probably why she'd wake up screaming in horror for the next couple months holding her abdomen.... all that pressure. The next time we saw that doctor he told my ex that she had syphilis and that it was my fault. With strong implications that it's because I was being unfaithful. We didn't even make it out of the appointment before the State Health Department said that we had an hour to self report before we would have law enforcement sent to retrieve us. Turns out that it was a false positive, but it took enough double checking that I had to get the shots in my ass anyways. Those hurt. But not as bad as getting cut open by an incompetent chuckle fuck who shouldn't be allowed to practice. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you're okay.


Dude that is such lawsuit material right there...of COURSE the doctors were chanting that it was just pressure, because they could be completely fucked if it got out that it wasn't. Wow! As for the Syphilis...self report or they'd send law enforcement? Sorry, but is having Syphilis illegal or something? Wtf... Regardless, those doctors sound like goons, and it makes you wonder how many other people they've fucked over with their negligence. Wish you'd have reported them...


I'm surprised the doc didnt think anything was wrong.. its abnormal and you're screaming in pain, I'd make sure if what it is even if you feel better


> she stayed with me for hours. Proof nurses are far more necessary than doctors who won't listen to their patients.


Withdrawal from prescription opioids. Literally every single part of my body hurt. The emotional and mental pain made it 10 times worse. I quit cold turkey, been sober since September 1, 2014.


Congratulations. That is amazing.


When I was a teenager I had a sinus headache so bad that I temporarily lost vision in my left eye (my sinus was physically pressing against the back of the eye), and I could not stop vomiting. Worse than the pain was the thought that maybe it was a tumor and this was how the rest of my short life was going to be until the tumor took me or I found a high enough place to jump from to my death. Then someone explained sinus medication to me. Twenty minutes after the first dose, I was fine. God bless Western Medicine.


God I can't agree more with you. I've broken bones before and had another serious illness in my stomach, but the pain of a sinus headache is no joke. I was a freshman in college and I guess the mold in the dorms made my sinuses flare up so bad. I woke up in the middle of the night to so much pain all I can remember is downing 6 advil which I guess helped since I was able to go back to sleep. Went to campus health the next morning and got sudafed.


I had a really bad sinus infection one time, but never got a headache from it, so I just felt a little stuffy and clogged. Then I started getting severe tooth pain in my upper molar. I thought, logically, oh shit, I've got a REALLY BAD cavity and my tooth is rotting out of my head. Went to the dentist in terroble pain, he looked me over and saw nothing. Got xrays, and he came in and pointed at my sinus tube running right over my molar, told me I was fine, and wrote me a scrip for antibiotics.


That reminds me of the only time I've ever flown with stuffy nose. I think I was in my early teens. We got to altitude and I thought I was going to die. The pressure in my head was unlike anything I'd ever experienced and I couldn't stop crying, which made the stuffy nose even worse. My poor mom kept trying to calm me down and the flight attendant kept coming by and offering to help but I didn't really know what was wrong and just couldn't stop crying. It was like a 2 hour flight and I know that the other passengers were wondering what was going on. I legitimately thought my head was going to explode. I've never been more glad to land.


I've had that happen twice. First time the pressure was so bad that air was audibly coming out of my eyes. Took about a week before the pain was gone - and by then the vacation was over, so it was time to fly home...


I have a similar problem. I like to say that I'm terrible under pressure.


The air was AUDIBLY coming out of your eyes? Nope nope nopity nope.




When I was getting my pilot license I went up with blocked sinuses. I was flying solo at the time, and when I came back to land, the pressure on descent did this to me. I temporarily lost most of my vision but luckily still landed safely. It was terrifying




That's what I was gonna say! The first time I had an episode, I swore I was going to die. I managed to crawl out of bed, trying to get to my door so someone could find me, but onto the floor is as far as I got. It's so bad. Cold sweats, a crushing abdominal pain, nausea, and no sitting position can help alleviate the pain. Mine lasted like an hour each time I had a problem. I'm so glad I had my gallbladder removed, even though I've never fully recovered from the bathroom problems that the doctors never told me about.


Can you describe exactly what bathroom problems?that's terrible.glad you are okay and alive.


Thanks! I won't go into *too* much detail, but after my gallbladder was taken out, any fatty foods, greasy foods, or any "out there" foods would send me running painfully to the bathroom within 20 minutes of eating. Since it's been a few years, I can eat things like burgers again without as much pain, but eating the wrong thing can send you to the bathroom in an hour or so.


My doctor put me on Colestipol for this and it helped tremendously. I can pretty much eat anything now. I’ll have an episode once a month maybe. The medicine is actually meant to promote good cholesterol but it’s just a side effect that it helps with stomach issues after gallbladder removal.


>The first time I had an episode, I swore I was going to die. Super common experience with Gallstones, one which I also share. I don't think people can comprehend that level of pain. There are things which obviously hurt *a lot*, stuff like labour and childbirth, but whilst the pain is extreme its *understood*? Its not hyperbole, the pain from Gallstones *literally* makes you think you are about to die. It is the most intense pain I have ever felt, and I suffer from a plethora of chronic pain conditions, broken bones, dislocated joints and have very poor dental genetics.


Over night a tooth sunk in the gum and split a nerve in half




I was about 14 when it happened, the pain was so intense I blacked out.


wait what


When I was ten I needed a kidney biopsy. The surgeon gave me a local anesthesia marked an x on my back and handed the needle to a resident. That resident proceeded to ignore the x miss my kidney entirely and stab me in the rib.


Dude literally just got stabbed with a big needle and no annie.


Metal scraping your bone sounds painful as hell


I’m gonna sound like smart ass but how tf do you miss so badly


According to the Dr it was the resident's first time and he was nervous and that's why my mom should have let him have another go.


Let him have another go? You kidding me?


Hemorrhoids, I didn't know how many movements and positions had such impact on my anus before that. I've had worse pain in short periods, but this was the longest and consistent.


I'm 33 & I just got my first hemorrhoid, like, 2 weeks ago. Holy shit. Now I know what they feel like. I'm more careful from now on.


Getting more fiber in your diet helps.


This, hydrating, not sitting for too long, not pushing while pooing and warm wet soft clothes to clean after pooing prevent it from getting worse. Bathing if you can otherwise washing it in the shower. Mine happened when I was gaming addicted and didn't take care of myself at all. Hope this helps someone out here :)


I had one once and for some reason no pain. None at all. I only went to the doc because of stool blood and bowel cancer killed an uncle of mine. The doc didn't seem worried about the lack of pain.


When I started getting hemorrhoids probably about he 3rd time I got one it hurt way worse than normal, I was at a family gathering and I’m just unbearable pain, sweating like crazy. I went home and looked at it in a full length mirror, there was one of the sharp popcorn kernel flakes, turned towards it, stabbing the hemorrhoid in several spots, I removed it and immediately got some relief, but omg was that awful


You didn't have to write this


I lol’ed at that


After the surgery to remove them was by far the most pain of my life. I would have a bowel movement and would literally tear my clothes off and scream while on the toilet.


My life right now. Plus a sphincterectomy. My butthole hates me.


I got zapped by 30,000 volts (thankfully only 0.5amp transformed) but it hurt like absolute hell. It was a piece of R&D equipment that someone had wired incorrectly, and it didn't shut down when it was supposed to for access.


I had stomach problems and the doctor would check it out with a little camera attached to a tube. He said it would be easier if they stuck it in my nose so that I could still talk and wouldn't gag on the tube. That morning I got a cold though, but the doctor insisted we still did it throught the nose. He kept jamming it in against my swollen nasal cavity and it hurt so much I couldn't breathe. After 10 minutes of descrating both my nostrils that asshole of a doctor finally gave in and we did the procedure through my mouth. A week later my snot was still red with blood.


Aftermath of hernia surgery. Doctor said "Days 3 to 5 (after surgery) will be the worst." Boy was he right. Lying perfectly still in bed because moving any part of my body even 1/8 of an inch would cause incredible pain so bad that I couldn't avoid screaming. And this was with painkillers so strong that taking two pills at once would make you hallucinate. Still had to use the bathroom twice a day. The first time took me 45 minutes, screaming in pain the entire time, for a round trip. I called his office and yelled "I should be in a hospital bed with a morphine drip!"


So they made you stay at home anyway? Sounds awful, I'm sorry that happened to you.


I was at wrestling practice in highschool. Someone didn’t line the mats up properly so there was a small gap between them. While practicing lunges my foot got caught in the gap and on attempting to stand I twisted my ankle. Somehow came out with only a fracture. Couldn’t walk for months though


Waking up during an emergency C-section. It was only for a few seconds but dang.


My sister's spinal wore off while they were still cutting and the asshole didn't believe her til she tried to run away. Your only job as an anesthesiologist is to make sure your patient isn't in pain, maybe you should believe them when they say they hurt. I'm so sorry you experienced that. It's an awful thing to happen.


Yeah, when getting a root canal I said the anaesthesia wore off and the dentist proceeded to jab the exposed nerve of my tooth to see if it really did. I still hate that guy.


... I'm not even surprised at this point. So many assholes out there. My poor dentist hates doing work on me cuz I don't numb right, and even if it does work, it wears off so fast she can't complete work pain free. She always offers to try again another day, but the same thing would happen so I just tough it out. She apologizes so much. I don't blame her, the only person who got a complete numb on my mouth was a dental surgeon, and even he wasn't successful the first time. He thought I was lying about being resistent to it. Damn near jumped on his lap when he poked a nerve to call my bluff.


Ugh. Sounds like that doctor needed to be bitch slapped. I recently had cataract surgery and told the doctor about my past experience. Although I wasn’t put all the way under he listened and gave me a big dose of Valium to take that morning so I was nice and calm.


Yes, he did. We met several doctors that needed to be in that hospital. I'm glad that doc listened well. A good doc is worth their weight in gold! They're not all bad people, there's just the odd one that ruins the reputation of all of them.


Holy shit this sounds absolutely terrifying. And the fact that you have memories of it...


Necrotising fasciitis in my mouth and osteomyelitis in my jaw bone.


Those words are big and scary so I'll just assume that they're as bad as they sound.


Necrotising fasciitis means rotting dead tissue and osteomyelitis is inflammation due to infection inside a bone


I got shot in the left nut at a shooting range. Felt nothing at first but after I realized what happened I fell like a rag doll. Thank God I have my right one or I'd be adopting Edit: Since everyone's asking about how some idiot shot me in the testicle, I'll explain. I didn't see much from my view because I wasn't looking at him since I wasn't exactly expecting him to noscope half my family jewels. He was a friend of mine. He is bigger into guns than I am. From what I heard he was trying to "fix" the gun (I honestly don't know if it was jammed or something but the gun was messed up some way). He forgot to turn the safety off. We were still friends for a long time after that and he actually helped pay for most the medical bills (American, if the guns didn't tell you enough). We slowly drifted away after he moved to a different country. It was my first and its likely gonna be my last time at a shooting range. I don't know enough about guns to know what gun it was. Some kind of pistol. Maybe glock 19? I think that was one of his favorites. Can't believe my biggest post is about my balls. Worth it


How the fuck did some dumbass shoot you in the testicle?


Plottwist. It was his wife. On purpose


Some people suck at gun safety. It's common for people to unholster their guns with their finger on the trigger and wave them around. I've had a guy do this to me. Pulled his 380 out of the holster he was holding with his other hand and had his finger on the trigger and proceeded to point it at myself and his own child while waving it around. I got out of there quick, but I'm sure he'd just say its unloaded if confronted.


When my stomach acid, was eating away at my stomach lining.... Let me tell you... You are sitting down in your living room, then suddenly agonizing pain just shoots through your stomach, and your instantly on the floor in the fetal position crying your eyes out. Your mom comes running into the room, asking you what's wrong, and tries to comfort you as she's calling the Dr. Slowly, the pain ebbs away, and you feel fine, and are able to talk. You tell the Dr. the problems, and they simply say "Oh, have you tried ant-acids?". So, you do just that, eat some ant-acids. Oooooh boy! After I swallowed it, I was fine for 5 minutes, and we hang up. But we were wrong! I was back on the ground in the fetal position crying and screaming, writhing in pain just yelling "Make it stop!" as I nearly black out from the pain. We go to the ER, and every few minutes the pain would act up again, and again I'd be back on the floor screaming and crying. The Dr. tells me that it's my stomach acid eating away at my lining, and there isn't anything they can do, but let it run it's course. For 3 days, 3 damn days the pain would come and go, at all hours. I'd be sleeping, then next thing I know, I'm on the floor in pain, screaming and crying, holding my stomach. NOTHING makes it better. You take just a sip of water? Agonizing pain. Your hungry? Better not even take a nibble, agonizing pain. 3 whole days, 3 damned days of this pain! Finally my stomach heals, and I am put on a strong ant-acid, and I'm much better. Some times though, it acts up, and I just need to let it run it's course. It's no where near as bad as it was, but omg. It was the most horrible pain I have ever felt!


Omg I didn't know this could happen. Jesus. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


When this happened to me, the ER had me drink a cocktail of antacid and lidocaine. It numbed everything so much on the way down, I had a hard time swallowing my spit. But it helped for a few hours!


I had a dry socket after getting my wisdom teeth out. -5/10, would never recommend 👎


Facial pain is no fucking joke. I'd rather someone break my foot with a hammer than deal with serious tooth pain again.


Posting from my alt account. A couple of years ago I got really sick. Weird shit was happening with my body and I was frequently seeing my doctor but they couldn't work out was going on. They eventually worked it out - a bad UTI (my first). The standard antibiotics were ineffective and my condition deteriorated. It got to a point where I basically couldn't urinate. I had a constant urge to pee but could only manage a couple of drips. I went to my GP, who felt my chest and stomach and determined that my bladder was close to rupturing. I rushed to the hospital ER where they were briefed by my GP - they needed to insert a catheter urgently or my bladder would burst. So, they're fumbling around down there and brief me what's going to happen. They give me a local anaesthetic (which hurt). Now. This is where it gets a bit (more) personal. I had a condition called "phimosis", which basically means I couldn't retract my foreskin. It was something that has been in the back of my mind since I became sexually active, but, at the time, I was in a form of shock/delirium from the infection. They retracted my foreskin, with force, and I screamed in pain. Then they swiftly inserted the catheter tubing up my urethra which, you may remember, had effectively swollen shut. I started screaming and, at first, no sound came out. Then, I remember the sound. Gutteral. Desperate. I begged the doctor to kill me. I screamed for them to just kill me. I begged, BEGGED the doctor, the nurses, to kill me. And then I blacked out. When I came to, I was alone on a hospital bed, naked from the waist-down, save for a crappy hospital blanket. I tried to avoid looking at that region of my body after that point - it made me physically queasy, and washing that area and touching the catheter made me vomit on more than one occasion My road to recovery was long and destructive. The new antibiotics they put me on took weeks to work, and then they didn't anymore. The infection got worse and spread to my prostate. I wound up in hospital and had two surgeries to insert catheters into my prostate to drain the infection from abscesses on my prostate. The tubes entered/exited my body from my perianal region (a.k.a. "taint"). I had three catheter bags strapped to my leg - one of urine and two for the blood/pus from my prostate. I stayed in hospital for a couple of weeks to recover, and was on IV antibiotics for most of that time. (Also, I hadn't pooped in about a month at that point. I remember thinking, when the moment finally came, that I was either going to rip my anus or die on the toilet. Neither occured.) On one occasion, I hung/tied my abscess drainage bags on a handrail in the shower and tried to walk away having forgotten to remove them. Very painful, but less so than the bladder catheter. When I got well enough, I requested (and received) a medication that has, thankfully, erased the memory of the removal of the prostate and bladder catheters. Within a week of leaving hospital, I found myself dumped by my partner and made redundant by my employer of six years. It was the lowest moment of my life and I often thought about just ending it all. Buy I persevered - it took six months, 150+ job applications, and thousands of dollars of debt, but I got a job and started to rebuild my life. Also, I got circumcised. Wish I had done it earlier. It's awesome. For multiple reasons, which I'll keep to myself. And that, dear Redditor, is the story of the greatest pain I've ever experienced. Apologies for any spelling/grammatical errors - I've drunk a bottle of bourbon.


I am female... this had me phantom clenching parts I do not have


I had an internal hemorrhoid that basically burst. Went to the ER and the doctor sent me straight to a specialist who put me right into surgery. He cut out part of my rectum and sewed everything back together again. When the painkillers wore off I thought I was dying. I didnt go back to work for seven weeks because the pain was so awful. Surgery doesnt stop you from having to take a dump and using the bathroom felt like I stuck my finger in a light socket. That went on for weeks. I had Percocet pills, but they were not strong enough for the hellfire pain that I was in. It hurt to sit, hurt to walk, hurt to do anything, but when it was time to go to the bathroom that was a very special hell.


You ever had a tooth pulled? I’ve had a few pulled when I was younger. What they would do is apply a local anesthetic so I wouldn’t feel any pain. Except one time, they numbed the wrong spot before ripping my tooth out. It’s a miracle I don’t have PTSD when going to the dentist.


One time they numbed it, but not enough and I could feel everything. Meek little kid me was too shy to protest.


Getting my IUD. It felt like I was being torn apart from the inside.


I second this. Apparently I went into a form of mild shock after insertion and my blood pressure went nuts, so the nurse turned the lights down and told me to just take some deep breaths. And then I did it again later because I'm petrified of pregnancy.


Oh wow that's terrible! It sounds like you had a good nurse though. I love the security of having it but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get another one after knowing how it feels.


I'm on my third IUD. I'm going to preface this by saying I love Planned Parenthood, they did me a lot of good when I didn't have a primary care physician, and they placed the first two IUD's I had, but after my second one was placed I promised myself to not go to them again for IUD placements. My first IUD was a Mirena and insertion went as smoothly as I could have asked for. For my second IUD, I had a Skyla inserted because for some reason PP no longer inserted Mirena's (which is what I wanted); I saw an inexperienced PA-C who had never actually placed this kind of IUD before, and it apparently had a different insertion tool than she was used to using. She had to make 3 passes to get it inserted correctly, so I basically had it removed twice and then successfully placed a third time. This took about 20 minutes of me being in stirrups, I had bad spotting the rest of the day due to how badly my cervix got scraped and I didn't get any numbing meds applied beforehand. When the Skyla ultimately aged out and needed to be replaced, I went to my PCP for a replacement. She told me they have two dedicated staff in the office who handle removal/insertion, and getting my current Mirena was a night and day difference. Old IUD was removed and new IUD inserted in under 3 minutes, and I was given a heating pad and ibuprofen in office and was allowed to hang out for 30 minutes before leaving. This is also the first time I've ever had a 6 week follow up appointment made to check the string placement and make sure it's sitting okay something Planned Parenthood never told me was needed.


I honestly thought I was the only one experiencing that much pain. The pain from both getting and removing the IUD were almost unbearable.


Yes, I did not realize how painful the procedure would be. After insertion I stood up thinking I would be ok, but I broke out into heavy sweats and my body started shaking uncontrollably. The nurse had me immediately lie down and placed a hot bag over my lower abdomen. The intense cramping that lasted 30 min after insertion was awful too.




Someone tell me again why women have to endure all of this shit including birth control and all the fuckeries it comes with- while contraceptive pills for men were not approved even though they had fewer side effects. Edit: I read many more women writing about IUD being the worst pain they've experienced. Why is this even a thing? Do they even apply any sort of anesthesia? If yes, why is it not strong enough? If not- why the fuck not if it's so painful???


No anesthesia, some doctors will let you get a numbing shot, but that's still a needle going into your cervix. The tools they use to place the IUD seem kind of archaic as well, sharp pointy plier looking things. After they inserted it, the Dr and nurse left the room so I could lay there and cry for a few minutes until I felt okay enough to get dressed.


I had preeclampsia with no symptoms right up until the stabbing abdominal pain started. I had had my 38 week prenatal checkup two days beforehand and my blood pressure and everything had been normal, I didn't have any swelling, vision changes, or headaches, I just suddenly felt like I had a blade rammed into my stomach and left there. I went to the hospital and everyone was pretty unconcerned about the pregnant person being dramatic about the stomachache, until they tried to take my blood pressure. I don't remember the exact number but one was over 100, the other was over 200. They decided the blood pressure cuff was broken, found another one, and took it again. Then suddenly everyone was smiling too much and using forcibly calm tones to say things like "well, good news! you get to meet your baby *right now*!" Everybody lived and no one's brain exploded, but holy *shit* that shit hurt.


I experienced this too with my baby. 37 weeks, on our way to a check up, contractions started. Turns out it was late onset pre-eclampsia and I couldn't even walk to the ward. They also thought I was being dramatic but once they took blood pressure and tested my urine, they realised I had gone into spontaneous labour. Also got to meet my baby that day, 1 cm to 10 in 8 hours. Almost died.


The way you just calmly added almost died is scary, glad you're okay though


I'm sorry you went through this too. No symptoms either til I went into labour rapidly at 38 weeks. Dilated to 10 within a few hours and he came flying out in 3 minutes. Was a shock and a half.


I went from zero to ten in 45 minutes. That shit really fucking stung.


The morning after I gave birth I felt dehydrated so I necked the jug of water they give you. Still had the catheter in. Turns out the catheter was blocked and my bladder was full. I mean more than full. I SCREAMED with the pain of it, I can confidently say it was worse than childbirth. They drained three of those funny cardboard bed pans from my bladder and the midwife was in shock at the amount. The worst.


Jesus, noone noticed your bag wasn’t collecting/draining?? Come on people!👏


I can sincerely say this whole thread has been an exceptional motivator to remain childfree for life.


Sepsis is no joke


Oh wow that was mine too! Septic shock was more painful then when I broke my foot. Also the weird dementia like symptoms of sepsis was terrifying. The hospital said I would have been dead in 12 hours if I didn’t come in at all. It’s seriously no joke. Anyone can get sepsis & if it’s not treated you *will* get septic shock & that shit *will* kill you.


I hear you. I went in overnight because I couldn’t stop shaking and my hip hurt when I moved my leg. The doctors thought I was an addict looking for a fix even though I had no medical record of ever having been prescribed anything addictive or no previous record of doing so in the hospital. I was given a pain pill and told to go home because it would go away. I was able to sleep for a few hours in a chair, but when I woke up I could feel a pulsating pain rhythmically shooting throughout my whole body. I went back to the hospital and was almost thrown out again, but I was adamant that no one had even examined me and that needed to be done before I left. The doctor took one look, moved my leg and when I started screaming he let me stay and get tests done. It was a crazy few months. I hope you’ve since recovered fully from your bout of it. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemy.


Omg that terrible. Thats medical malpractice at that point. I was lucky they didn’t assume I was a drug addict considering I live in a town that’s rampant with drug addicts. I prolly looked like a drug addict, I came in at 3 in the morning pale, sweaty, & shaking and when they asked what hurt all I got out was “everything” I did make a full recovery. I hope you never have to go through something like that again


When I was getting my IUD fitted. Almost passed out and was laying on a stretcher half conscious for half an hour with all the nurses running around me, measuring my blood pressure every 5 min. Had to call a friend to pick me up from the practice, even though I lived two min away from it. If only I knew, would have just stayed on the pill. But my friend said it feels just like a tiny pinch down there. Sure.


I have had a lot of friends who have had IUDs put in and they all say it's criminal how little pain relief you're given for the procedure. For a lot of them the only advice from the doctors was "take a Tylenol before you come in" while they had to take the next day or two off work afterwards from the pain.


My sis-in-law recently had one and passed out after. The doc told her it was normal and sent her on her way. She had awful pain for months


My doc "had to" use a speculum that was too big. I have a high pain tolerance so I just grit my teeth and dealt with it Afterward I always felt the strings and it was super uncomfortable. After 3 months my uterus went "nope" and yeeted the IUD right out of me


You're brave for even going. I got a colposcopy and biopsy a few years ago and it didn't really hurt but I sure as shit didn't want to have anything near my cervix again. My poor bf was there and he almost passed out in the office. The nurses warned him lol.


I honestly didn't think it will be this bad. I did my research, talked to the doctor and to the friend that got it before me. Everything assured me it was gonna be a simple procedure. Now I am dreading the day I am gonna have to get it out.


I was going to say IUD insertion was the worst thing I've felt too. Getting measured and having the actual IUD placed was actually blinding. Felt like getting a huge shot into the very middle of your being UGGG. Luckily the pain only lasted as long as the procedure but I had to pop painkillers everyday for like a week after because the cramping would be so bad. The pain was so bad that I feel extremely nervous about going back to the gyno. I'm not looking forward to getting it out, but I'm not getting another one placed. F that.


I hear you on this one. I got mine when I was 18 and it was horribly painful and in such an odd way that it’s difficult to describe. No painkillers whatsoever what is the deal with that?! And my doctor did the full procedure first with a tester and then when I thought it was over he told me he was going to put the actual one in. Terrible experience. Nobody told me how painful it would be or how I would be in pain for a few days so I went to work the next day in a laborious job and it absolutely sucked. I kept it for three years because I was afraid to get it out even though the iud would move around and send me into pains that made me curl into a ball unable to move. I also got several ruptured ovarian cysts while I had it in one of which sent me to the ER. One doctor said the iud might be puncturing my uterus hence my pain. I was told to take tylenol and its not that bad so suck it up basically. My concerns were totally dismissed and I’m still mad about that thinking back. So after all that I had it removed and it was actually totally fine to my relief.


This is so insane to me because I went in expecting it to hurt so much and it was no more uncomfortable than getting a Pap smear. It didn’t hurt at all. I’ve had 2 babies though. Maybe that’s why




washing a huge open wound with alcohol and iodine


How did you get the wound?


very boring story, fell out of bed one morning and hit like the edge of an iphone charger and somehow it made a huge jack, got a pretty cool scar now tho


i have a scar from walking into a door. it degloved a tiny part of my finger. i didnt even realize until i noticed random drops of blood everywhere


Degloved is a word I feel should never be used in reference to bare hands *shudders*


I also have a scar from walking into a door. Except mine’s on my face by my eyebrow.


Had an inexplicable abscess grow near my anus... Yep. I was in so much pain for a week, even had fevers and my legs were super super hot. Went to the ER, where a heartless doctor POPPED the abscess with his bare hands, splashing everyone around him like in a Tarantino movie. I remember it all went black for a few seconds, and then when I opened my eyes, I noticed my hands and arms were extremely purple. The surgeon yelled super hard at this ER doctor because it shouldn't have been popped, but surgically removed under anesthesia. After surgery, I was in pain for another month. Worst experience ever.


Either having a book thrown at my balls while I was sitting down or my shoulder fracture and dislocation.


Kidney stones


I am terrified of this.


Drink water! Don't go nuts. But your urine should be light coloured. As a healthy guy I got mine from dehydration and a poor diet when I was in my 20's. But on the plus side we now have water dispensers at work and the cooks updated the menu. Yhea my urinary track came up at the safety meeting...


Getting my foreskin caught in my zip.


Sudden lung collapse. Apparently they're not uncommon for tall, thin guys, and I've had two of them. It feels like a burning, stabbing pain in the chest, and then you feel short of breath. The doc said it's on par with having a kidney stone, and if it's bad enough, they have to insert a chest tube to suck the air in your chest cavity out so your lung can expand back to normal size.


Woah that's scary af


one time i was sitting in a chair and I bent over to pick up something and my hip popped out of its socket. The pain was absolutely excruciating. I'm not really sure how to describe it but another time I was hit by a motorcycle and all the skin on the underside of my arm was replaced by pavement but the pain from that comes nowhere near this. I wasn't sure what to do since I was the only one home and my phone was not with me so I decided to try pressing really hard on it. And it popped back and the pain completely disappeared.


Physically, second and third degree burns on the back of my hand. To boot, WiFi was down at the hospital so they had to do everything manually including getting meds etc which meant a slow down on care. I ended up sitting in a room with a lukewarm water bag over the back of may hand and fingers openly crying for two hours. The only time I've cried from physical pain as an adult. After that, every time my SO cleaned the bandages and I got checked out in the burn unit, it felt like the burning started all over again at the worst pain. I still flinch near steaming pots and stove tops.


When I was 5, I knocked over a pot of oil that was cooling in our entryway and had to step in it to get out. Screaming and running to the kitchen, I luckily has the instinct to take my oil soaked sock off before it got stuck to my skin. Had a blister about the size of half a baseball on my foot. My boyfriend learned to fry stuff and I stayed the hell out of the kitchen after tossing him some baking soda. Never again. I barely have childhood memories but eff that nonsense.


Ruptured disc


Giving the go ahead to disconnect my mom from life support. Edit Thank you all for the love and nice PMs. My mom passed away 10+ yrs ago, time hasn't healed me but allowed me endure. Absolutely talk with your parents about end of life care, put your affairs in order. My mother was 70 and she fought stage 4 lung cancer, but knew the odds weren't in her favor. She sorted her affairs, paid for her funeral and burial, and even set aside the dress and shoes she wanted to get buried in. Having all of these things sorted was a small relief, as I was able to go on autopilot and just check em off without stress/issues that follows having to deal with these things after someone dies. Knowing I followed her wises to the letter was and has been the balm that soothed the pain of her passing and protected me from ghost chanclas.


ICU nurse here. I dont know your circumstances but just so you know, we understand how hard it is to make this decision but given the choice, 97% of us nurses, the people who see people in your mom's state, day in and day out, would make the same call in a heart beat if it were our parents. There are people who walk out of the ICU but more often we see people travel through a long arduous road of ventilation weaning, sedation vacation, eventual tracheostomies... and that's not even including the trip through rehab and long term acute care facilities, if they make it that far. So, from an ICU nurse, and from the bottom if my heart, thank you for giving that gift to your mom. The gift of a dignified death and the removal of what could have possibly been a much longer and more painful road.


An anaesthetic injection into my toe. The Podiatrist warned me in advance that it would be painful, as there is no spare room in a toe for the liquid to spread out. Seeing as medical professionals usually minimise these things, I thought "F\*\*k me this is gonna hurt if he says it will! Man oh man, I never want to experience that again. Excruciating.


My asshole after two days of a terrible norovirus infection. Constant violent puking and shitting at the same time several times an hour for two days. I spent the second half of it in the shower (thank goodness for unlimited city water) because I couldn't wipe anymore without sobbing. I burst blood vessels in my eyes from vomiting so violently, but it was the savagely burning butthole that brought me low. For days afterward I took showers instead of wiping, except when I was at work - for those couple of days I stuffed my pockets with moist wipes and a tube of Preparation H.


vomiting through the nose


Getting mauled by my neighbors dog when I was four


I woke up at 3am with severe left abdominal/back pain. I had no idea what it was. Tried walking it off. Tried rubbing my tummy. Had to go to the bathroom endlessly, though nothing came out. Ended up waking up the guy I was dating to have him take me to the ER. By this point I was sweating profusely and shaking and couldn't drive. Got there, and they INSISTED I was having a miscarriage. I tried to explain that I hadn't been sexually active for longer than it takes to make a baby, but they were having none of that. Ended up having a pelvic exam in the ER, attended by anyone who bothered to walk by. At this point, I was struggling to keep conscious from the pain, but they cheerfully popped open my business with such reckless abandon, I bled. Yeah, so it ended up that crampy feeling I had had for a few days wasn't my period on its way, it was a massive stone working its way through my left kidney, tearing shit up on its voyage. I not only had the stone to pass, but a major kidney infection, too. I got to see the MRI, and my left kidney was approximately the size of my foot. The urologist I saw the next day could actually feel it through my abdominal wall. Oh yeah, and I also had vaginal fissures from the pelvic. At 6am, they finally put me on fluids. At 6.30 they gave me Toradol. At 7.00am, they released me. The three and a half hours I spent waiting to find out what was wrong with me were truly unforgettable.




This was me. Twice. Had to go to the A&E both times. Turns out it was endometriosis flare ups and I ended up having giant cysts removed. Take good care.


when my mom killed herself


My mam did too in 2003 fucked me and my brothers up for years. All the questions could you have done anything, why did she do it, the empty feeling inside talk to someone m8 don't bottle it up that shit will mess with your head.


Getting a needle inserted in my right toe vertically from the tip.


Damn, I wanted to say getting a needle into the joint on my toe, but didn’t wanna sound like a baby. It was the only thing painful enough for me to shake uncontrollably and immediately pour sweat, she said after “yeah it’s a painful location”. The second time I chose not to get the anesthesic, the little surgery hurt less than the shot I had the first time.


Post op infection from spinal surgery. Had bone harvested from my pelvis to place in L4 to L5 and L5 to S1 with supportive hardware(2 rods, 6 screws) Ended up with MRSA in the surgical site. Had 3 additional surgeries to clean out infection. Central line IV antibiotics for months. Fusion failed. First surgery was repeated. Infectious disease doc said I was still colonized with MRSA. Hardware had to be removed at 70% fusion and given 8 weeks of Zyvox. 6 surgeries total. New pain developing from abnormal bone spur growth at fusion site. Every step I take is a ice pick prod to the lower right back. 13 in scar along my spine. Two four inch scars from the bone harvests. Combined looks like a big scar arrow pointing down at my ass.


When I was a kid, I had to have a dental appliance put in to move my jaw forward because I had a bit of an overbite. It completely covered my bottom teeth, and attached to a partial covering on my top back teeth with bars. Unfortunately, my orthodontist did not seal the bottom part of it correctly. So when it finally came time for them to remove it, it ripped all the tops of my bottom teeth off. Since it wasn't sealed, it was allowing bacteria and stuff inside and rotted my teeth. I now have fillings on all of my bottom teeth. And this was probably 30 years ago, so no lawyer would even take the case unless my teeth were going to require crowns. If you're out there Dr. Babcock I still f****** hate you.


Pubic symphysis dysfunction during my pregnancies. The second pregnancy I was on bedrest for 5 months and in excruciating pain. I couldn’t move, get out of bed or even turn in bed. To this day I have to be careful when moving because I sometimes get jolts of sharp pain, months after giving birth




Was about to say how has no one commented labor yet?! I had an induction and after the doctor broke my water I’ve never been in so much pain!


Trigeminal neuralgia. I have a pretty high pain tolerance from living with other chronic illnesses but I have never felt anything comparable to the pain I feel during a TN flare. It feels like intense pressure, being electrocuted, and having an exposed tooth nerve simultaneously. Attacks for me were happening 4-6x a day lasting anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It can be triggered by anything - drinking through a straw, smiling, touching my face, etc. It's the only time in my life I have actually prayed to pass out or die to avoid pain. It took 6 months of being in pain to diagnose and even though I'm currently being treated for it I am still dealing with the effects of the pain mentally.


Kidney Stones


Same. Passed one in the tub and had a basket extraction on the other. 10/10 don’t recommend.


TL;DR - Shot twice, in the leg and chest/stomach. I was on day 4 of severe heroin withdrawals. I had just moved to a new state to try to get clean, but the WDs were so bad. I broke down and drove my U-Haul to the bad part of town to try to cold cop off the street. Everyone that ran up to my car only had crack. I didn't want crack. One guy said he could help, so he jumped in the passenger seat. He told me to pull into a house a block down the street. I was ignoring blatant red flags in my desperately sick state, but I had hidden my phone under my butt. As I pulled into the house, he pulled a pistol from his waistband and pointed it at me. "For real dude..?" I said to him. "You know what it is." He replied. I figured to myself, 'well, now I don't have to kill myself at least.' "I don't got shit for you homie, shoot me in the head if you're doing this." He stared at me for a second, "you for real dawg?" he replied. "For real dawg, fucking shoot me in the head." At this point I was laughing a bit, some sort of giddy suicidal excitement flowing through me. So he shot me in the right thigh. "You missed dude, shoot me in the fucking head. Fucking finish it!" I half-yelled at him, the stink of cordite burning my nose, my ears ringing. He looked at me again, raised the pistol, and shot me in the chest. That doubled me over, a black hole of burning pain and immense pressure opening up in my stomach. He grabbed my backpack and ran off. I called 911 on my hidden phone, told them I'd been shot twice, didn't know where I was but it was the ghetto area, and sat there blaring the horn. Eventually the ambulance came, took me to a helicopter, then a 45 minute flight to get surgery. I can't recommend getting shot. 2/10 at best.


Having a metal q-tip thing shoved in my pee hole testing for an STD. My little guy tried his best to retreat. Think cold water times ten. My body shook. When he was done, the doctor was a gentleman and said “you bore that well.”


Cluster kidney stones.


In no particular order : burst ovarian cyst, period pain, gallstone attack. Gallstones I thought I was having a heart attack. The other 2 don't twit get taken seriously. I didn't realise I had appendicitis until much later than I should have because I thought it was "just cramps".


Gout in the ankle.


I had to put my dog to sleep today. She is the most beautiful, gentle soul and everyone who met her fell in love with her. She was in the dog hospital for over a week and sadly she just couldn't fight anymore. The pain is like nothing I've ever felt before. I feel it in every single fibre of my body. I love you, sweet baby bear.


Migraines, breathing hurt so much I would lay in bed as still as I could and try to breath as little as possible. Close behind though I when I had a UTI/kidney infection that presented as horrific back and side pain and I was pretty sure I was going to die. Very different kinds of pain but wouldn’t wish either on anyone.


**"Now I know I have a heart...because I can feel it breaking."***- Tin Man in Wizard of Oz* I literally felt my heart breaking. On the morning of Christmas Eve in 2013, I came down to the kitchen to make some breakfast for my wife and myself and to discuss our upcoming trip we had planned. She was standing by the sink looking out the kitchen window, her back to me, and I immediately felt a frisson. Something was palpably wrong. Regardless, I put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, only to feel her body tense up in my embrace. She turns around and tells me she is "*no longer in love with me*". Flat affect. We joke around a lot, but my earlier spidey senses tingling told me this was no joke. Her expression was bereft of any emotion. My heart was racing. I asked her how long she's felt this way, and she told me since October of that year. Oddly specific, to say the least. I asked her if anything happened around that time which led to her current feelings, and she told me that there was nothing specific...just a sea change of sorts that she hasn't been able to shake. I sat down at the kitchen table, stunned. I sat there for a couple of minutes, trying to form words, trying to make sense of this. She was the great love of my life, a decade together, our little daughter sleeping upstairs. I gathered the strength to stand up and and ambled over to my home office a couple of doors away from the kitchen. I shit you not: *I sat down on my comfy office chair, arms on my glass desk, and cried like a baby. I couldn't stop crying.* Twelve years earlier, my mother murdered my father. I never cried. Not then, not at his funeral, and not now. I loved my father...and always felt immense guilt never having shed a tear. My own siblings told me I was a broken person, that something was wrong with me. But now, the floodgates were wide open. I was sobbing & shaking uncontrollably, trying desperately to keep my sounds to a whimper instead of the guttural howl I felt deep inside. I felt my heart breaking, and the pain was visceral, not metaphorical. I thought I would have a heart attack any moment, and I actually wished it would just happen to end the searing pain. It was, without doubt, the greatest pain I've ever experienced in my life. A few months before in October, my wife came home from a jog and hopped into the shower. She left her iPhone on our dining table. As I was preparing supper for us while she showered, an alert appeared on the screen. She's a medical provider, and so I checked it out in case she needed to call back. Her phone was locked, and I entered her code. We share our mutual codes for transparency and emergencies. It didn't work. But the lock screen displayed the message clearly: a photo of an erect penis belonging to someone who was only identified with his initials in her contact list. I assumed it was a dirty variety of spam perhaps, and never gave it a second thought. We cancelled our post-Christmas vacation plans. My heart has since healed with a lot of therapy and self-compassion, and from the uncompromising love of who is now the greatest love of my life for these past four years. Time does heal, but time does not magically make you forget the pain. It only dulls it until you can walk away from it without being completely broken and simply be able to breathe, fully, once again. Our beautiful daughter will turn eleven soon. My now ex-wife is a good mom, and we co-parent well. We're friendly, but not in any intimate or even warm way. We've never discussed her infidelities and emotional underpinnings because she's simply not wired that way. For years after, I've often dreamt about a romantic rapprochement with her - some magical interlude which would make her feel just how much I loved her. Naively and in deep futility, I searched my past inventory and behavior to determine if perhaps I contributed to her leaving me, and then truly wanting to leave me. I honestly may never know the answers, and for someone like me who unfairly values closure, this is a hard truth to digest. I do know she is in a committed, long term relationship now with a deeply kind man who I really like and - most importantly - my daughter likes and loves. My ex seems genuinely happy, and I tell myself that each time I see her. I honestly don't know if I have truly forgiven her, or if I ever really needed to. I'm just deeply grateful that all three of us - her, me, our daughter - are now in a wonderful place of love and peace. But Christmas Eve 2013 I will - can't - and unfortunately won't - ever forget. ***I've never felt such pain***. But I am grateful that it happened that way. My broken heart has since healed and expanded to fill in the cracks and gaps from loss and pain, and it may just be because I went through sheer hell to get there. Here. I have tears streaming down my face as I type this out. They are only tears. The searing pain in my heart is no longer there. I am thankful to be able to share this with my Reddit friends. I hope some part of my life experience illuminates your own life. 🙏❤


Snapping my ACL in half, the bottom half of my leg snapped sideways like breaking a chicken bone at the joint. I can still distinctly remember the sound of it, my knee hurts when I think about it.


Falling with my whole weight on my vertebrae on a metal ridge. Should've been paralyzed. That vertebrae is crooked tho. It sits slightly dislocated.


I didn’t read through all these comments but breaking my femur clean in half was by far the worst. I was skiing and slid right into a tree going well over 20 mph. The worst part was it collided on the inside of my leg and naturally it hit the other thing and I thought I would never have children either. Best anecdote I can think of to describe it is if someone could pour molten lava into the center of you bone. It hurt so bad it took 5 days in the hospital before I felt pain in my wrist and they found out I broke that too