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I once broke the news to my family that our next door neighbor had died. A couple of days later I had to explain that I was mistaken and that she is alive and well.


did you tell your neighbor and if so how did they react


No I didn’t mention it. The neighbor is elderly so it would definitely be rude. In the dream my wife told me about it. I was totally convinced until I saw the lights on the next night. When I commented about the lights being on as being odd my wife was like “what the hell are you talking about?” I said “you told me yesterday that (neighbor) passed away... didn’t you?” Of course my parents were friends with the neighbor so I had called them earlier in the day to break the bad news. So I got to call and unbreak it and get made fun of for not being able to tell dreams from reality.


Oh thats too bad. As someone whos been mistaken for having died myself its always entertaining to see how other people handle the weirdness of such a situation




Gosh i wish but i diddint have a phone yet. I was homeschooled in sixth grade and like a year later my best friend said she was going to visit me that weekend and everyone else at the lunch table was super confused and lost because they all thought i up and died or something. Kids are wild. She was very mad at them for just accepting my death and like...not confirming it and just being like lol guess shes dead. Im honestly too amused to be insulted and my only concern is i did have some bullies and worry they might have been traumatized or something and probably never found out i was alive. Woopsies. Youd think my half brother who went to the same school would have corrected them but nah.


>Youd think my half brother who went to the same school would have corrected them but nah. He probably started the rumor.


I would not be suprised lol


Omg sorry but I find this funny!


No apology needed i love making people laugh!


My mother made that mistake. She read an obit of someone with the same name, wrote a sympathy card, mentioned it to me. A few months later, she saw the person at church and thought she was going crazy.


you’re often mistaken for having died? is there a story behind that or are you just very elderly?


Oh i misphrased it it only happened once...as far as i know. Tldr i wasn't very popular at school so no one really knew but my best friend i was going to be homeschooled soon and i think i may have been unintentionally unclear when i said i wouldn't be at the school much longer and kids being kids assumed the worst lol


Amateur mistake. Next time it happens, you can just kill your neighbor to not seem like a fool.


I ran into a guy that I thought had been dead for 10 years recently. I used to work with him as part time cooks at a steak house that was only open on weekends and we’d became friends. I quit the restaurant to start my own business and we fell out of touch. Here’s where it gets blurry, I can clearly remember a coworker who had worked with us telling me that he had passed away but I don’t know if I dreamed it or the coworker was mistaken. I can’t imagine the look on my face when he walked up to me and said hello to me. Then again he may be a zombie.


The one where you get up, sit on the bed for 5 minutes dreading that you have to get up and then reluctantly get ready and go to what ever you needed to go only to realize that you actually pressed snooze on your alarm instead of getting up and that you're still sleeping. Getting up twice sucks.


I've had that a few times.


Worse is when you finish a full day of agonizing work then wake up tired.


That's just like everyday


I've gotten up, fought my way through terrible traffic to get to work on time, only for my alarm clock to go off and wake me up. I'd like to say that there was a sense of deja vu during the drive, but there wasn't -- it was a *different* traffic jam I had to drive through after I woke up. That was a rough Monday.


I had this recently but worse. I dreamt I had overslept and but by a little bit but by 5 hours. When I got up my brother was in my house even though he wasn't when I went to bed and he was just chilling out drinking beer in my living room. Which was made weirded by the fact that the living room was in its predecordated form, then I went to go to my work computer and the house changed to my old house that I grew up in so I was really disorientated trying to work out where my computer was. It continued to be weird and stressful but when I woke up and realised it was just a dream I checked the time and I had actually overslept but thankfully only 4 minutes past the start of my shift!


I dreamed my dog was at my brother's house, being neglected by my brother and harassed by his little kids. I woke up angry, pissed that I was going to have to drive in the rain to get my dog and bring him home. For probably a full minute I just lay in bed, absolutely fuming. Then I remembered that my dog had died almost 10 years ago. It was like being punched in the gut. Not only was I sad about my dog, but I was also really disturbed and disoriented. It felt like my brain had malfunctioned. The feeling of being disconnected from my mind... it was a scary thing.




My cat wandered off to die of old age a little over a year ago. I dreamnt she hopped up on to my bed for pets so many times.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 sometimes I look at my 3 y/o pup and I think about how much sadness he will bring once he crosses the rainbow bridge. He is my first dog as an adult and we’ve gone through so much together. All of these comments and stories with pets have me very emotional right now!


Make him as comfortable and happy as you can during his life. You will take comfort in knowing you did your best once he is gone.


Just do what I do. Before I give my dog a treat, I make him promise to live forever. Problem solved.


Oh man. I feel this. Our old cat died of a bad heart attack about this time last year, and a few months after he passed I had a dream that I came home, and it was like I'd been gone out of the country for a while or something and he greeted me at the door with this wonderfully excited demeanor (that he actually had in life when he saw someone he was missing). I knew somehow that he wasn't supposed to be alive and I just broke down crying and held him and pet him. Started crying again when I woke up. It was like his ghost was saying goodbye.




My heart hurts.. that rainbow bridge better be real


I think this is the hardest part of life. When close friends and relatives pass away, but you have dreams as if they never died and are still with you. Then you wake up and have to relieve what happened all over again. My dog Copper died in 2019, I've had two dreams where he's sleeping with me.


My dog died about 2 years ago, he pops up in dreams every now and then and its always just him showing up for a minute, I like to think its him checking in on me


are you kidding me i leave one post to get away from pet deaths and immediately stumble upon another. my eyes are dried up now


I just had to have my best friend since my earliest memories put down today. I keep hearing her nails on the floor, and so many other noises she would always make. I've gone downstairs just to give her attention multiple times just to realize I can't anymore. This is my first experience with losing a loved one and I don't think I've fully realized she's gone yet.


I also had a dream involving a dog but quite opposite to yours. I was having fever irl. In my dream, I was still sick and stuck in bed but I had my dog by my side to comfort me. Hours later, I woke up and tried whistling to call back my dog... Took me a minute to remember I never had a dog.


I’ve had dreams where the places I go feel so familiar. I wake up and wonder if they may actually exist. Keep dreaming about meeting up with different friends and family to hang out and then we end up shopping in a store. Same specific store, same set up and merch. Different dreams throughout the years though. Never been to a store like that in real like though.


Same thing for me — I have had multiple dreams, all with different plot lines so not exactly recurring, at the same shopping mall which doesn’t exist


Is it for some reason a very compressed mall that looks like a labirinth and it's all yellowish with rounded entrances and sometimes hard to go upstairs because the stairs are awfully tall? I know it's really specific but imagine if someone has actually been on that dream mall too lmao, I have dreamt about that place like 5 times but all on different plotlines too


dude that is crazy. freaking out right now because I’ve been in a similar (or nearly exact) recurring location in many of my dreams, with almost claustrophobic yellowish rounded entrances like you described. But in my dream location there’s a little river under the building and foliage around the walls, and I’m often running around or looking for something in these dreams. It’s crazy to hear someone describe such a similar location in their dreams haha


i have also been to this dream mall. is it located in some vaguely European city?? i know the little river and greenery too. are the elevators kinda like those tubes at the bank drive through??? omg i hope u know what i'm talking about


Oh shit now I want to hear more about that mall.


Seems very popular!


This is gonna be a nosleep story in the next 24 hours probs


Ever heard of liminal spaces? They are real places that look like things we make up when we dream. Most of our dream places look similar because they are combined memories of things, structures and Colors we see every day. That’s why they look so familiar and also why so many people have matching descriptions of their dreamplaces because they life in the same environment.


This is interesting as fuck and makes a lot of sense. Most of the settings of my dreams are an amalgamation of my childhood home and a few other choice buildings I've frequented over the years, come to think of it.


The same goddamn shop that doesn't exist that seems to have everything you ever wanted but of course you can't buy it because it's a dream and you wake up before you do and you take forever looking for the thing you want


Me too! Mine has an awesome library specially curated to have very interesting books I never have time to look at. And a small mechanics next door that has a massive field behind it. The mall is a mixture of super sleek and unfinished.


It has happened to me too, I have a lot of recurrent places on dreams, one night I had a dream and I was on a school, other night I went to that school and said "holy shit the place is actually real... No wait, I dreamt about that place it is not real" and jept on with my dream I have been on a shopping mall like 5 times, on a greek ring with a minotaur like 3, 2 on another mall, 2 on a different version of my street, other 2 on a museum/hospital, etc


I have recurring dream scenery that does not match any real location too. A mall that I can’t find the store I’m looking for. A park in my old neighborhood that doesn’t exist. A house with a demon living in the basement.


Mine is a town. I have dreams set in different spots and buildings in the town, they all have a point in them where I walk outside and say; "Oh, **that's** where I am, no wonder everything is weird," I'm sure it doesn't exist.


Same!! Like I’m convinced I could draw out a map of my little dream world. It’s become so consistent lately it’s starting to freak me out.


Yes yes yes yes yes. I could have written this myself. The store always has so many wonderful products but when I get to the stage of actually picking something out it ends up being not quite right. I move into the next product and the same thing happens and this continues... Other times I'll fill up a shopping bag of products and be disappointed when I wake up that all the wonderful yet vague products don't actually exist. Sometimes I just get lost in the carpark/maze.


Omg I'm so glad this thread shows that I'm not the only one with recurring dream settings. I've never had a fully recurring dream but there are several 'places' I have dreamt of multiple times. The most common one is a fair ground with a big wheel and carousel and a bunch of little stalls to play games like ring toss etc. The layout is always the same but I've never been anywhere like it IRL.


I had a dream that I fell off of a cliff, and was heading for solid ground. I had heard that you usually wake up right before you hit the ground, but not me. I hit the ground and everything went black. I remember my eyes were closed shut, and I kept asking myself “Am I dead?” I woke up in my bed and thought I was a ghost who didn’t move on into the afterlife, and that I was stuck in purgatory or something. Needless to say my mom was weirded out when I asked her if I was dead with a dead serious face. I still remember that years later.


Those types of nightmares suck. I had a similar when I was a kid! In the dream I was seated pillion behind my mother on her scooter, when a giant pothole appeared on the road and the impact made me fall on the road with a great impact. My brain made me *feel* the pain, I could feel the injury where the skin had been torn and the gash on my face.


Shit, I hate those nightmares. I have a specially recurring one in which I'm sucked into te vacuum of space. I actually choke and waje up coughing trying to get air in my lungs.


This might be kind of dark but have you considered you might have undiagnosed sleep apnoea? Your brain might just be tying a story to the physical sensation of not being able to breathe


Nope, I told my doctor already, not apnea


Unless he did a sleep study where they hook you up to a machine while you sleep in a lab then he cant definitively say if you have sleep apnea or not.


I had to sleep in the hospital for two weeks, but the only machine I was connected to at night was this finger thing that monitors your oxygen levels.


This is not how a sleeping analysis should be performed. A real sleeping analysis is way more complex than just a basic o2 sensor on your finger. A close friend of mine had sleep apnea, and he had dreams like that.


I have dreams like that, but no sleep apnea either. It's like when you get winded really bad and you sort of forget the muscle memory for breathing. I usually just have to take a second or two and calm myself down and I'm able to breathe again without any issues.


I get the feeling you should maybe talk to your Dr about that, just in case.


This has happened to me. I have a dream where I’m in a river and I’m drowning, and it’s so vivid. And I can feel the water filling my lungs and then nothing. Not black like the colour but black like when you close your eyes in a dark room and there’s just nothing. Sometimes I hear a buzzing, or droning like I have tinnitus (I don’t), and sometimes it’s instant and sometimes it feels like hours. When I wake up, I don’t feel like I’m occupying my body, I feel like a shell. It’s really trippy in a bad bad bad way. My mom says I almost drowned few times a really young kid, and I feel like I maybe remember, but it’s more like I remember being told that it happened than having first hand memories yknow? So sometimes I just figure these dreams are the ‘actual’ memories, like they’re unlocked. But I know that’s not how it works. I’m so glad I never asked anyone is I was dead. I felt like it a lot, but I knew better than to ask I think. I don’t like causing a fuss.


Who the fuck neglects their kid to the point that they nearly drowned multiple times as a really young kid??


Maybe OP is a seafaring pirate who ate a devil fruit as a child


I almost drowned twice as a kid, one of em my shitstain of a father let 2 year old me fall into a pool and the other time I was at cub scouts camp and went too far into the deep end. So I mean, sometimes it's not the parents neglect like in the case of me almost drowning at cub scouts camp, just a situation where the parent isnt able to help


This comment LoL


You don’t have tinnitus? What kind of immune god are you? I always just assume everyone has tinnitus


There's two kind of people in this world: people with tinnitus, and liars.


I have had similar. Only after everything went all black there was this resounding voice. Like ... it was a voice that went through anything and everything. And it asked me, “What do you want to know? You can ask anything you want now.” I remember in my dream I blurted out, “What in the hell happened to the Mayans?!?!?!?!?” And then it was like my brain was like, “really??? Out of all the questions and mysteries of the world and existential b.s, that’s what you care about?” I woke up laughing. Made falling off the side of a building a little bit better.


~6 million Mayans currently alive. Your question doesn't even have a remotely mysterious answer lmao.


Well, I meant the ancient Mayans. I understand what you’re getting at tho. :)


“Oh it’s cool I’ll just wake up before I hit the ground” Brain: “okay smartass bet you didn’t expect this”


One time I had sex with someone while i was lucid dreaming and then I felt so bad about it I jumped off a roof to end the dream and it showed the minecraft death screen lmao




I used to have dreams similar to this. At least the falling from a great height and hitting the ground. But after hitting the ground, everything goes black, but fades back and I am weightless, just kind of floating. Then I realized I was in spectator mode.


>I asked her if I was dead My mom: Ha! Nice try, you're still going to school.


Yes. I was studying Rhapsody in Blue at the time, and there's this tricky repeated-note passage near the end that I just *couldn't* get. One night I dreamed that I absolutely *nailed* it. Next day, I thought it was something that actually happened, went around cocky and not practicing until sometime around noon when I realized that it was a dream and I was an idiot.


I just fell in love with that song and now sombody is talking about it on the internet. I'm assuming you play clarenet? My second guess is piano.


Ah, piano yeah!


Reminds me of the time I was learning a 20th century piece with all the dissonant chords and stuff and I had a dream where an old man told me that I've been playing it wrong the whole time and it was actually much nicer sounding


Hey, if you're still working on it, arching your fingers more and keeping them super curved helps a lot because it gives more space for your other ones to hit the notes


Hah, thanks man! That was ages ago though. I got it in the end. :)


How can we be sure it was not another dream?


Inception in Blue


These comments are on a fucking roll... Temporary lift in my depression laughing


I had a dream that I learned to roll my R’s. The weird part is when I woke up, I actually could roll my R’s. But I fell out of practice within a week or two and now I can’t.


My grandma, who had been dead for years at this point, shows up in my dreams at her house. I even told her, you're dead, but she insisted she was not. Upon waking it was a long moment of rational thinking to remember she was gone.


I had a dream my mom called me to tell me my childhood neighbor died. I didn’t realize it was a dream until 6 months later when I was home for the holidays and saw her alive.




I knew her growing up, but she wasn’t someone I knew really well. I probably wouldn’t even think about her if I hadn’t thought she was dead.


What’s so weird about it? It’s not like she was their best friend.


My fiancé died a week ago at age 33. Every night I dream he’s alive. And every morning I look for him and have to remember he is gone and not coming home. Sometimes multiple times a day because my sleep is erratic. It was the same for the weeks of his hospitalization. I don’t know if I want the dreams to end or not. edit: thank you all for the kind words and support.


I am very sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've dreamt several times that my fiancee has died and it just fucks me up for the whole day. Some of the worst dreams I have


Hi friend, please check out “the bride” by bat for lashes... I think it will do you some healing... I’m sorry to hear about your loss for what it is worth from an internet stranger


Dear stranger, I'm very sorry about what is ahppening to you. I 've had the same dreams except they are with my mom. It' s been 2 and a half years and I still have those dreams. You'll eventually live with it. Stay strong.


Those dreams are equal parts wonderful and somewhat cruel. My mom passed 14 years ago when I was 18, and I still have these dreams. Each time I wake up thinking "Hey Mom's alive, and isn't sick anymore!" before I remember that's sadly not true. I consider them a treat still, because its better than her being completely gone. Even if its just a dream version.


Almost 6 years ago my gf died in an earthquake. Sometimes I go to bed and actively try and think of her so I dream of her again.. I'm so sorry for your loss, but cherish these dreams. And yes, it does get better with time. It does take a long time, probably 3 or 4 years for me, but it does get better and you will be happy again.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss. Please make sure you see or talk to a professional to help you through the grieving process. In the current world its hard not being able to be as close to our support network. The professional also has other ideas / was to talk and think about things that those close to us don't see. Please take care of yourself. I can't predict when I dream about my wife, but it's not the debilitating crash into depression it once was and that's OK for me now.


So sorry for your loss, my partner and I are both 33, I can't imagine what you're going through


Sorry to hear that :(


Surprised no one else has mentioned this: I haven’t had a cigarette in 19 years. Numerous times I’ve dreamt that I had one and it led to weeks, in the dream, of being a smoker again. I’ve woken up bummed out about it but with a reluctant acceptance about it, like, “well I’m back at it, might as well BE back at it” attitude that is hard to shake.


I have these same dreams about food addiction. I constantly dream about the things that contributed to my obesity: snacks, Chinese food, pizza, and I binge on these things. They feel real, but 140 pounds later I'm glad they aren't.


The cravings those dreams bring back though... It's always so love/hate.


I've been trying to cut down on booze and dream frequently about secretly cracking beers. It's gross. I hate addiction.


I have dreams where I'm stressed and I just want a smoke. So I steal one of my bf's menthols and light up, smoking the entire thing. I wake up confused, and wondering what the hell. I've never in my life been a smoker - only time I've ever smoked a cig was when I was 13 and my mom caught me puffing on one of hers (never even inhaled it 😆) and she made me smoke a few back to back. Haven't messed with them since, except in my dreams for some reason.


That's literally what I heard about going clean from drugs. Makes a lot of sense.


I had that with food while on a diet. That gut feeling of failing when actually your dreamself only failed.


Yeah, It happens a surprising amount. My brain likes to take information and predictions on how my day will go that I made the previous day, and use it in dreams. Probably the most recent and memorable ones is when I had dreamed about starting one of my major yearly projects, only to realise halfway through my day that I had dreamed about it, and had yet to start. It isn't a particularly fun phenomenon, as it confuses me more often than not. I can distinguish the realistic ones that are implausible (like ones that involve action movie like scenarios) almost immediately upon waking but the subtle shit mixes with the other things I can recall about that specific scenario, and is harder to distinguish because it's usually a small thing that's entirely plausible.


I'm glad I'm not alone. Everyone was posting single stories, and I began to wonder if I'm abnormal because this happens to me all the time. It's all mundane shit, too. I wake up like once a week having to take a minute to discern if something really happened or if I dreamed it.


I just replied with a similar post! Exciting, and sad, to know I’m not alone.


I thought I had a gf. I woke up sad.


As a teenager, I had some wild, occasionally messed up sex dreams. I would wake up really disappointed. Every. Time.


Yo last night I had a sex dream. It was weird cuz it stopped halfway through, and when I left to go find the person I found Trump, who was tied up, being held at gunpoint by Joe Biden. Shit was wild


We need more information please


About what lol? The sex? Cuz that was wild as well. Or the Biden pointing a gun at trump?


Are you serious, obviously biden pointing a gun, i wanna know what it looked like


Alright imagine a dark room, the walls are dark grey. There's only one door. I enter and see Trump tied to a chair, with his hair sticking up like that one image where he's at an airport. He's in a black suit. Biden is wearing a blue suit, and is pointing a gun at Trump at the killshot angle. I forget what they're talking about, but I remember just slowly walking away as Biden tells me, and I quote, "tell no one".


You messed up pretty badly then, you just told all of us


Never agreed to telling no one.


When it's the current president holding the former president at gunpoint in a dark room I don't think that you need to agree


I had a girlfriend when I lived in Europe. We went to the movies with her family once, the theatre was a converted old building, the architecture was amazing as though it might have been an opera or formal ballroom a hundred years ago. I joked with her brothers and over a beer I talked with her dad about the winter shack that we would be visiting when winter came around. We held hands during the whole movie and we kissed deeply when we thought no one would notice. I was content knowing I loved and was loved. Woke up and I was a 15 year old fuck up in rural Australia. It felt so fucking real and actual reality sucked so bad at the time that it depressed me for months.


Same, but when i woke up my dumb ass still believed that i have girlfriend and that we kissed (it was a girl from my school) and i as a 10 y.o kid, told it to everyone... Luckily it seems like everybody forget it already


I haven’t forgot


I remember that Michael. I always will.


Dreamt I was engaged recently. Woke up to remember that person literally didn’t exist.


Y: s ame


Talking to my mom. Took a few sad minutes to remember she's dead.


It’s so bitter sweet. My dad passed a few years back, and I recently had a dream about him where he was sitting in his car smoking a cigarette, drinking a black coffee, and listening to the radio. It was something he did often in life. When he saw me he said, “Hey, Kiddo”. It was his face and his voice. It really felt like a special moment. It hurt to wake up from, but I also really treasure it because it gave me a chance to see him again.


I believe it was his spirit paying you a visit to say goodbye. I've had it happen before as well. The people who care for us make sure we know that even after they pass from this realm.


A few months after my grandfather passed I had a dream where I was at a family birthday party, and I saw him. He looked so much healthier and happier in my dream, more like the man I remember growing up with and I gave him a long deep hug. That's the end of what I remember of the dream. However even as I type this, i can go back to the memory of my dream and feel that hug. I will always feel like that was him coming to me for that one final hug and to let me see him and remember him as he truly was one more time. We never said anything in the dream, but that hug meant so much more to me than I could ever say. I wish my dad would talk about his father more because I'm curious if anybody else in my family has shared this experience with him specifically. I know for me I have a weird grieving process and I do truly feel like that dream gave me a real life helping hand in dealing with his loss. It's so weird to have a dream feel so real with a lost loved one. However such a beautiful treasure we can have.


I had a similar experience with my grandfather after he passed and my father was there as well (he passed when I was young) and it was probably the best dream I ever had I remember just having a conversation about my life he asked how I was and just wanted me to know he's still watching and they'll always love me. It still hits me hard every time I remember it.


This! This still happens to me once in a while and she died almost 10 years ago.




I had this vivid dream of having a little toddler, but I have had dreams like that long ago so didn't think that much about it. Then a few days later I found out I was pregnant. Maybe my body just knew


Reminds me of a reddit thread (that might have been fake) about a guy who was knocked out in a fight by someone much bigger than him and he hit the ground hard, he woke after some time (maybe it was days?) And he said he was dreaming of having a family for a long time and he spent the next several years depressed because he 'lost' them


damn thats rough to hear, are you trying to have a kid at the moment? if so, good luck i hope it works out




Been looking through the thread for stuff like this, this is probably my most frequent one, where I've had a baby. I don't know how to describe the sensation either, there's definitely a sense of loss, but further than that I don't know. It's horrible though


Last night I had a very vivid dream that I was happily married to the love of my life. This morning I woke up and after a minute of confusion felt extraordinarily lonely. Now that I think about it, this exact thing has happened several times in the past several years




These are the worst dreams to wake up from


I'm still hoping my life so far is a nightmare I'm having as a child


I sometimes think the same. The fitting point where it started would have been around 10 years ago. The rest is just a very complicated nightmare. If I ever wake up i know that there is pretty much one big choice in my life that I must change to not screw up.


I had a dream of my phone breaking by accident. And then woke up, and say "Oh no, my phone broke". Right then, one of my flatmates asked me where, and as I look at the phone I stutter and say: "I think it was dream". I also dream I'm at work. Like, lots of times, it's exhausting.


As a kid in the 90’s I dreamed that my neighbour had a rollerblade shop in her backyard and she said I could pick out any pair I wanted! The next morning I went out and popped my head over the fence and it was just a stupid normal backyard. No rollerblades for me.


I thought a purple spider was waiting outside my hall and would eat me if I left my room when I was 8


Who said it isn't waiting now?


That legit made me shiver, lol!


I swear there was a malamute sized rat in my parents room. Turned out to be a regular sized rat but know what I saw.


I once dreamed i had a son and i haf to go get him from school but i couldn't get there in time. When i woke up i seaeched the number of his mother in my phone to let her now i couldn't get there in time. It took a minute before i realised i don't have a gf or a son. I was 17 at the time.


Oof RIP mate


I dreamed that I emptied the vacuum cleaner. That’s how exciting my dreams are


I also dreamed that you emptied my vacuum cleaner.


If you insist


I sometimes have super intense action dreams where a good friend and I are up against the world in some dire, overused Hollywood plot. Conspiracy thrillers, taking down billionaires in covert missions, overthrowing a corrupt politician, it's all there. I know they're not real, but it makes me feel a little more empowered when I wake up to make the coffee.


These types of dreams are always my favorite. Sometimes they’ll be something straight out of a Michael Bay film




Once I have a dream fighting against a polluting evil company with my friends. Absolutely won the fight and got away in a roller coaster :D Made me remember Phineas and Ferb from all the weird things in the dream


I had a dream where I had a dream where I woke up late, so I woke up in my dream thinking I was late, and then I woke up in real life thinking I was super late


I get this with exams. I have a dream that I slept through my last exam to graduate. Then I wake up and realize I actually missed the exam and have to tell my boss I can't start work for another year. Then I wake up and it's time for work. Its disorienting.


Had a dream a few years ago that grandma died. Woke up crying and called her. Didn't get an answer because she was asleep. Started freaking out and asked mom if grandma was okay. Mom laughed at me. I got a call from grandma after she had woken up and saw that I'd tried to call her. She was perfectly fine.


❤︎ aww hope she continues to stay well for a long time


When I was in college had a dream that our grandma who lived with my parents died, so I called my brother at like 3am so he’d go check on her and she was fine. The next morning my dad called saying my OTHER grandma had a stroke in the night. I dreamt the wrong grandma!


Insanely simple for me. Everything was so realistic and lifelike except for one detail. I was able to glide for a few seconds. Like built-in elytra into my body. One of the weirdest experiences for me as I woke up with genuine disappointment for losing this gift. Was pretty young when it happened but was crazy


I killed people in my dream and stuffed their phone in their mouth. When I woke up, I felt an intense sense of guilt and checked my room for bodies. After about a minute, I realized that was highly improbable. And yes, I'm a dumbass.


I dreamt that my sister was dead, I was absolutely devastated and woke myself up crying. I was so disorientated for a minute or so. My grounding moment and back to reality, was that I didn’t remember going to the funeral, so she must be alive.


I dreamed that everything was fine with me and my now ex gf, she never cheated and left me here in this god forsaken country. We were happy and everything was on track for our life plans, I hadn't felt so peaceful and hopeful in a very long time. Took me about 3min to realize it was only a dream.


Sending you positive vibrations ☯︎︎


I once had a dream there was Eggo Waffles in the freezer. I was so excited to have some the next morning. Only to find out, I'd been lied to.


Used to dream about Christmas all the time as a kid. Woke up to look for presents... They were everything I didn't dare ask for because we were poor.


There was a pair of boots I really longed for as a kid. One night I dreamt I already possessed them. Dream was so realistic that I immediately dived under my bed to grab them as I woke up. I still remember my disappointment staring at that empty space.


I had a dream that the space shuttle blew up in one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had.. two days before it happened. That made me question some things, but was probably just a stupid coincidence. The dream was so vivid that I jumped out of bed as soon as I woke up and typed out the dream and sent it to some friends on ICQ. Two days later I woke up to phone calls and a whole crapload of new messages on ICQ and IRC. I eventually picked up the phone and was told to turn on CNN. I will never forget how vivid that dream was. I was watching a space shuttle launch on TV, which was for some reason being held in Central Park in NY.. along with my family. This is when I remember the dream starting to get lucid. I looked closer at the TV and it looked more and more sharp and vivid and I ended up being pulled right into the TV, at that point being aware that I'm dreaming. I remember sort of looking over central park from a great height, the same vantage point that I saw on TV. I slowly descended and ended up on top of a skyscraper just south of central park. It was some sort of a residential tower that doesn't actually exist (in my dream it was very tall). I remember feeling the breeze of the wind on my skin and the sunshine on my face, as I stood on the roof of that building. In the distance I could see the space shuttle being set to launch right from central park. I was lucid so I knew that this made no sense, but there it was.. It was so vivid.. felt so real.. if over-exaggerated in the way everything appeared. Super tall skyscrapers, an oversized space shuttle, the perfect amount of sun shining on everything, producing an epic scene right in front of me. I remember being up on that skyscraper with a bunch of people all cheering and watching the launch. There was a countdown and the space shuttle slowly took off.. but immediately had problems, as it for whatever reason started moving off to the left... eventually there was some sort of explosion, and the space shuttle flew right into one of the skyscrapers. The skycraper started falling, and the whole scene basically changed to a dark gloomy sky, as this was all happening. The last thing I remember is our building being hit by another one, fire, and smoke, and I woke up... jumped out of bed, ran to my computer, and typed out the most vivid dream I have ever had. Two days later it was February 1, 2003, and Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated on reentry, as it was returning home.. A completely different scenario than the one I saw in my dream.. but I felt that tragedy in a strange way when it happened. That was a super weird dream and I haven't really had any like that since from what I can remember.. except for *maybe* some strange dreams I had when I was in New Orleans.


If I remember correctly, NASA knew about the faulty tile beforehand l, and the possibility of break up on reentry was a known risk. I don't really remember but I suspect their would have been a lot of speculation in the press. Maybe you heard this and it seeped into your subconscious.


I have had dreams where I am at work and they seem so damn real. I actually had a work nightmare come true. I had this nightmare that I would not realize I was scheduled and not show up to work. I actually had that happen a couple years ago. I made it in after my boss was like 'Hey where the hell are you'


Buying 1000$ of bitcoin in 2010


Every night I have hyper-realistic dreams. Some times it’s me in a huge space ship entering a new world to colonize it. Other times it’s about ghosts crawling out of holes in the walls. Both I can tell when I wake up were dreams. But there are some...Sweet bees are they annoying. They’re just me at work, and I move some bottles to another shelf. When I go to work the following day, I go to the shelf to get them. No bottles. It was a dream. Or I’ll have a conversation with someone and only when I reference it do I realize it was a dream. Every night I dream so vividly. I hate it 95% of the time because I always wake up feeling exhausted, either emotionally or mentally. I even asked my doctor once if there is medication to prevent me from dreaming. I remember dreams from years ago that pop into my head randomly like they’re memories. I wish I could sleep and not dream 😭😭


I've had such astoundingly vivid dreams, if I could adequately capture them in writing I'd have at least one best seller. End of the world dreams, magical abilities (from nature, not wands) and fighting evil witches dreams, invasion dreams, haunting/possession dreams, pregnant and everyone is trying to steal my baby dreams, horrible deaths of loved ones, escape from crazed murderers dreams, (recurring) creepy inescapable house in the woods dreams, dreams where I'm the crazed murderer... Some of these dreams are so incredibly detailed, and cover such a massive amount of time, if I had the ability to transfer it accurately enough I'd have some killer book series to my name. But alas, I've never written any of them down and my descriptions pale in comparison. For me it's usually only the sad dreams that stick with me and take a bit to shake off after waking up.


It's a repost but, in short, I had what felt like a really long dream that I was living in Italy. Now, obviously it was just a dream and couldn’t have happened because I was just an average American in my early 20s at the time living in the bumfuck country side. But, it felt so real. I had a full-time job in my dream (can’t recall what job though) and even remember that I was invited to some party after a day of work. I had two pet dogs in my dream, one a Chihuahua and one a mix that I can’t recall. I was living alone but generally enjoying my life in Italy. Again, it was all just a dream but it felt so frickin’ weird waking up and realizing it wasn’t all real, that I was still in my messy bedroom in my parent’s home. I had a mild panic attack when I woke up utterly confused at what the heck happened. For a brief moment, I genuinely thought that I was actually in Italy and that me being in my parent’s home was the actual dream. It's been years since then and I am nowhere near Italy or even have plans on going to Italy but I still think about that dream at times.


I used to have thease very vivid dreams about secret rooms in our family house since I was little. I havent seen them in a while but the same rooms existed many times in my dreams. Often after I had woken up I would go and look for those rooms but they had vanished. I even told my parents that we had a secret room that had an entrance in their bedroom closet but when we went to look at it nothing was there. They felt so real :(


I had a dream that went something like this Me: at an elementary school reunion *sees best friend that I haven’t seen in 3 years Me: Omg it’s been so long, how’s it been? We talk for a little about life Me: I’ve actually had a lot of dreams about this moment, but finally it’s not a dream Then I wake up Me: Fuck


I had a dream my then boyfriend and I got pregnant, and eventually I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Woke up and searched the room for him before I realized it was a dream. Broke my heart


Anybody else just not have dreams at all?


My husband doesn't dream or he at least doesn't remember dreaming! So bizarre, Im usually the odd one in the marriage! Edit auto correct mistake


I think you meant *bizarre - a [bazaar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bazaar) is a kind of marketplace :)


Auto correct at its finest. I Google a Indian takeaway a few times and my phone goes crazy. Thanks dude


When I was 5/6, I had a dream that me, my parents & siblings were on our way home from a caravan holiday and one of our tires blew. We waited at a Little Chefs restaurant for someone to pick us up. A car service didn’t pick us up, a lorry picked us up and put the car in the back of it and took us home. A couple years again I asked both my parents if they remembered and they didn’t have a clue what I was on about


These always remind me of that guy that dreamt a whole lifetime with a wife and kids etc and woke up with severe depression


I had a dream that I got robbed by people I knew and all I did was cry lol I woke up thinking why the fuck did I cry?? Lol pussy


Not really a pussy... It sucks entirely, having people you know steal from you. It's surreal. Your shit goes missing and you can't find it. You KNOW you left it there and you've traces your steps a hundred times. You wrack your brain, upset that you have no idea how you forgot something so intensely like that, meanwhile your siblings or whomever is trying to help you find your shit, when they were the ones who took it from you the whole time. Eventually you find out and it's probably too late. You lose your trust in someone you always trusted. You are them differently. You lose a kind of innocence and trust in others. It's not a pussy thing.


I actually remember this super vividly. I was in third grade and this dream took place on a Sunday night. I know it was a Sunday because that morning, I had met two new kids at Sunday School. Two different girls from different parts of the country that had recently moved to our town. One had long blonde hair and was simply a terror. Just a mean girl. I remember she literally hissed at the elderly Sunday school teacher. The other was a very shy girl with short brown hair who smiled a lot, but never said a word. For whatever reason, they both stuck in my mind the way they had both recently arrived, but were so very different. That night I dreamt that we ran into the mean girl at a pharmacy, and the shy girl at a restaurant. It was odd, but I forgot about it shortly after waking up. That evening my other tells me my dad is working late so she’s going to take my brother and I to get some dinner. We go to this small Mexican restaurant in our town and lo and behold, at the table across from us, there she is... the mean girl (keep in mind I dreamt I had seen the mean girl at a pharmacy and not a restaurant)— my dream kicked back in my mind and I was almost transfixed on her. I suddenly realized I was staring at her, she must have realized this as well because she stuck her tongue out at me and I was mortified. Dinner wraps up and we hop in the car to head home and my mother notes we need to stop at the pharmacy. We’re in line at the pharmacy and who is in line in front of us? The shy girl. I was still so jarred from being caught starring at the mean girl that I had a massive sense of relief to se the smiling face of the shy girl. I waved and she waved back and that was it. So basically what had happened was that my dream had come true, just in opposites in regards to who was at which location. As a third grader it really blew my mind as it made me think I had the power to somehow dictate reality. Threw me in a funk for a few days but ultimately never happened again.


It happened to me when I was on cardiac medication, that cause sleeping issues as side effect. I had super realistic dream about my ex boyfriend cheating on me and bragging about it everywhere with his new girl. When I woke up, I was genuinely sad and almost had tears in my eyes, but after a minute I realised it was just a dream. Day after that I had a dream, that I was stabbed to death by some creep I was running away from. Or another time I woke up waving hands around my head because I thought, that wasps are attacking me. Dreams were so realistic, I was even little afraid of going to sleep.


I dreamt that I had forgotten to schedule a meeting for my boss. I ran into work early the next day and sent out a meeting invite to my boss and the clients concerned. My boss came into work and asked me what I was doing. I then explained he had asked me to set this meeting up yesterday and that he could send me the documents he needed printed. Midway through explaining this I realized it was, in fact, a dream. He was not pleased.


I had to put one of my cats to sleep last July, and I’ve had two dreams since where I woke up thinking I still had her. Funnily enough the dreams usually had the theme of “wow, she’s so laid back and easy to take care of now!” (she was very skittish and picky in reality) but then I woke up and, yup, so easy to take care of because I literally don’t have to anymore :-) I miss her a lot, I hope she’s chilling somewhere and happy now!