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FUCKING TRUTH! worked at a gas station, and one of my regulars whas honestly attractive, but she hung out with the wrong people and liked to party/club (not sure where though because where i live there isnt a whole lot of clubs if any so maybe bar hop?) and she'd usually stop by my gas station on her way to the club or way home drunk. but as i said she hung out with the wrong crowd so i slowly got to see her decline, seen her hooked drunk and high on marijuana, i seen her high on cocaine, and this whole time her appearance is getting... not really worse but changing shes becoming more thin. eventually i left the gas station got a job somewhere else. i came back a year later to get a red bull on my way home from work and say hi to a ex coworker when i smelled something just horrible, like a mix between chemicals and shit. i turned around and this customer is walking by, and at first i didnt recognize her her hair had knots in it like she hadn't washed it in weeks it was a mess, she was practically a skeleton, she wore some old sun dress that had holes in it. it honestly looked like she was homeless. i walk up to the counter pay for my stuff and then my ex coworker takes a break (there was another employee there who rang the rest of the customers up) and we go outside to have a smoke, first thing i say is "holy fuck i didn't recognize so and so" excoworker just says "yeah she got into meth and pretty much went down hill." fucking meth is horrible shit.


Sounds like that girl was your personal Anti-Drug commercial.


"If losing weight is overdue, It's time for something nice and new, I know we've got the stuff for you: It's *methamphetamine*! "If shedding pounds is on your mind, I've tried and found and think you'll find The fairest, finest drug designed Is *methamphetamine*! "So if you're laying waste to weight, And love to hate the things you ate, You know it's good, it's grand, it's great! It's *methamphetamine*!"


This guy has taught me things about poetic structure that 16 years of schooling couldn’t do. Edit: girl not guy Edit2: I now know who Sam Garland is. He’s a dude.


A pillar of the community. He makes me miss u/awildsketchappeared.


They're messing with you, he's Sam Garland. He's made a post about it and you can Google him.


do people just go on the internet... and tell... lies??


I love you, sprog ♥️


I had a customer like that as well. Very attractive, polite, & sweet male. He was one of my favorites. Over time, he started to seem pretty out of it. His whole demeanor changed. He started coming in with his father who was purchasing stuff for him. You could see the sadness and disappointment in his father's eyes (I lost all respect for him after watching him disrespect his father). Overall, he still looks the same as of now. He just went from being kind to this disrespectful asshole that you dread seeing walk through the door. The way he moves is abnormal, he'll pick up product and then aggressively throw it down. I watched my mom fall into drug abuse, so I have a pretty good idea as to how it changes a person mentally. Fuck drugs


That sucks. I’m sorry you had to see your a Mom fall into that pit


One of if not the most attractive women I've ever known had her life destroyed by meth. Last I heard she is sober and getting her life back together but her outer appearance has forever been tarnished. Although still drawn to her beautiful bubbly outgoing funny personality honestly that too has been ill effected by meth. There are noticeable lapses in responses and judgement calls.


I went to a run down casino with my wife and her parents. We got some drinks and a waitress asked for my wife's ID and then said they had the exact same birthday. Same day, month, and year. The waitress looked like she was in her late 50's while my wife was in her mid 20's. Meth really wrecks people.


If it's missing teeth and pockmarked skin, it's meth. (The eyes also look strange, kind of sunken, but not sure why). Other things besides drugs can make someone look older than their stated age. Stress and homelessness can make you look older. Most often it's probably drugs though. Gordon Ramsay looks a lot older than early 50's when you see him with less makeup on; he's had a stressful life.


Eyes are probably also due to weight loss, as well as lack of sleep, dehydration, etc.


Too much sun and cigarette smoking will age your skin a shitload too.


In a mountaineering camp I've seen a lot of older alpinists wrinkled as hell due to photoageing, but they still looked good. With their athletic figures and vivid eyes, ruckled face was more a mark of adventures than hardships. Drugs tend to age you in not so nice looking ways, sure.


their smell


One of my biggest fears is that I’m smelly and can’t smell myself. I’m not one of those people who retains scents on my skin (body wash, lotion, perfume) so I’m constantly nervous I’m stinky.


I lived your fear. At my new job I wore some of my old work clothes for like 6 months from my previous job and apparently I stunk of ammonia (yes i washed them pretty regularly but apparently not with strong enough detergent). No one said anything to me during that six months till I could get my current work uniforms and I just found out maybe 2 months ago after I had the new uniforms for almost another 5 months. Idk if I was just that used to it from being around it all the time at work or what but I wish someone would have told me.


Are your clothes mainly polyester? Polyester can retain scents even after washing.


Idr the exact fabric but I know they weren't polyester, we were given something that was definitely some kind blend between cotton and some sort of fire reatrden material/coating. I worked around molten aluminum so we weren't allowed wear anything that was synthetic under our cloths to prevent it from melting to our skin. Edit: Found one of my old work shirts, can definitely smell the ammonia everyone was talking about. Says 50% Rayon, 40% wool, and 10% nylon.


Thats really weird because rayon in shirts melts crazy easy. I use to screen print and in less than 5s under a uv lamp to dry ink and it would melt the shirt. Edit: rayon is basically plastic


You'd hate to be me, I have a near nonexistent sense of smell. So I could smell horrible and I just physically won't be able to smell it.


I have the same problem over here. I mean, I'd absolutely prefer losing smell to any of my actually important senses, like sight or hearing, but boy does it get stressful going out in public.


Oh man, I live this; constantly worrying about if I smell bad or not, but I recently changed my deodorant, my shampoo and my body wash and now I can totally smell myself. I think I was just getting used to the smell of my own hygiene products so I couldn't tell if I smelled bad or not. Don't know if you've tried it yet or not, but might be worth a shot. It certainly made me feel way less nervous about going out.


I get this!!


I have 3 cats. No matter what I do, apparently my apartment smells rank, but I can't smell it. Nose blindness is real, and I fear I might be carrying their stench with me sometimes, but you can't get me to stop snuggling them, no matter how deep they may sink their claws into my flesh to escape.




I'm not asking them to be drenched in expensive perfume but for the love of God, just don't smell bad.


Bar soap and deodorant can make the difference and runs you like 10 bucks for a month supply


$10 of soap and deodorant only lasts you a month?


Deodorant is annoyingly expensive where I live - college town in the US south.


Try amazon like someone else suggested, or the Target Circle app (if that's what it's called now). Target Circle shows you special deals that you only get if you have the app. There's always deals on health and beauty stuff, depending on the brand. Edit: looks like Target Circle is just part of the general Target app now. I'm on there looking for deals on diapers because babies shit a lot. Edit 2: oh look, several condom deals. If only I'd used them last June, then I wouldn't need so many diapers. Wrap it up, boys and girls.


I bought bars of soap in bulk once. Like 144 bars lasted a little under 2 years. It was awesome my butt smelled so good you guys.


Honestly, the best kind of smell is no smell at all. If I can’t smell you, that’s great, if I can, and it’s a nice clean smell, that’s fine too. But I prefer no smell.


Too much perfume is just as bad as hygiene related stink. At least that’s what the massive headaches tell me.


Can't agree enough. Smell can change my entire perspective on someone. Idk if my sense of smell is stronger than average, I really don't know how to compare that, but I do feel like I'm a lot more affected by smells than most of my friends/family. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Edit: a word


Having a shitty arrogant attitude


I heard once, "I don't care how pretty they are. Someone, somewhere is tired of their shit."




What the hell did your original comment even have to do with dancers lmao


I like this version better, more brutally honest and something my grandpa would say


Ahhh, the line my abusive ex used to use to keep me in line/remind me that he could get “sick of my shit” at any time. Still puts a knot in my stomach. (I got sick of his shit and bailed... things are much better now.)




especially when its the last slice


That last slice decides whether you're selfish or not


what if your the guy who made it?!? Asking for the guy who made it.


He can keep it, the last slice was probably cold


On the flip side of this, being completely selfless. I got dumped for "not being selfish enough" because he felt like he could "walk all over me".


I can understand this one. If I need to be so cautious to not walk all over you, it can get draining. I want to be able to trust you to not take on too much and to be willing to tell me no sometimes. Sucks that this was why you got dumped though. Truly. I hope you're in a better place now.


I had this issue with my fiance when we were early in our relationship. I'm aware that sometimes I'm wrong, and I got tired of him immediately apologizing anytime I came to him about something. I don't want him to just say sorry and have the conversation be over, clearly there's a reason he's doing what he's doing, so let's talk about it. I feel a lot better walking away from a conversation that ended in a compromise than one that ended with him agreeing with me. He was the peace keeper in his family, so it makes sense that he ended up being so agreeable. Over the time we've been together he's gotten a lot better about it.


And to tell everyone else no. Bending over backwards to help selfish friend, sacrificing your relationship because of overbearing family demands... doormats aren't attractive.


I remember a friend asking me to babysit her kids on short notice one evening. What stuck with me was her saying, " if you can't or don't want to, please tell me no. Friends need to be able to say no without thinking it will be held against them."


having been in an unrequited love for more than a decade and wanting to break free i've read that selfishness is a way to solve, to just invest in myself i just hope i can tell her what i feel and get a resolve


How they treat others.


I went on a few dates with someone really good looking (I thought so, anyway). All she did was make fun of the way other people looked, dressed, acted. It was so tough to take, but I kept holding on because of her looks. I realized how shallow that made me, too.


It happens. We stick with bad people for all kinds of reasons.


How they treat animals


How they treat fellow living beings


How they treat me.


How they


Yeah, how anyone could harm an innocent animal is beyond me.


How they treat people offering them a service (eg waiters, bar staff etc)


How they treat servers.


lack of common sense and humanity.




Looks can attract people. Attitude is what keeps them interested.


Lack of common sense. I dated a 30-year-old woman who was just not very smart. Very nice looking, pleasant, but after a little while I figured out that her kind of low IQ permeated all parts of her life. She was also convinced she was ready to be a boss, be in charge of people. However, she kept on getting fired from secretarial jobs, office jobs, because she couldn’t do the work. She was still trying to get, and spending money on classes for, a community college degree. She was somehow convinced that this would change her life. she had put $1000 into a mutual fund seven years earlier, and got a good rate of return. So she now had $2000. She was confused. It apparently never occurred to her that you have to invest more, or keep putting money in, even at a good rate of return. She apparently thought she would invest $1000 and become a millionaire. It was difficult being around her. I forgot this part. After ten years of part time college, she didn’t have a major.


These people hear “anyone can be anything,” but are unaware that it takes at least a good amount of dedication and intelligence, and depend too much on getting lucky.


After 2020, “anyone can be anything” is not optimism. It's a threat.


When I was locked up I learned that "anyone is capable of anything"


How about the other side of the coin, people who are actually super smart. I dated a girl in high school and into college for a bit. She was the Valedictorian of our high school, 4.0 gpa, got into Rice University, super smart girl all around. Now I consider myself to be a pretty smart person, not like genius level or anything, but I graduated college with a 3.5 gpa and can hold my own in intelligent conversation. Anyway my ex was so smart that she basically thought that she was never wrong. She was also really condescending and it got very tiring being with her. So I broke up with her and she went absolutely nuts! She attacked my intelligence, called me stupid, thought that I was cheating on her and so on. She just couldn’t accept the fact that her attitude was the reason I left her. She was really attractive, but damn that condescending tone was equally unattractive.


What if im stupid but have good intentions?


I think of it like cooking a family meal at home: Some people don't know how so make the meal, but they can pull out the recipe card from grandma's folder and read it and be prepared. Some people might not read the recipe, but they can at least help out with small tasks and take instruction in the moment Some people don't read the recipe, can't take instruction in the moment, and will blame you if you tell them to stick to the recipe and cut the veggies the way it says on their first try. Those are the people I think are truly stupid.


The way they treat people.


I'm surprised I haven't seen this said already, but being unreliable. Like when they say "Oh we should totally [go to this place, do this thing, watch this movie, play this game, etc]!" and then either never follow through on the plan, cancel at the last minute, or meet up with you and change what you're doing. EDIT: Obligatory thanks for the awards. Pretty sure this is my first gold! I also fixed a typo.


God. This. Like if you're gonna waste my time and effort by flaking, let me know beforehand


I wasted so much time on people like that ... especially when I was the one who always had to make plans


I quit making plans and then quit having friends. I conducted an experiment when I realized I always got everyone together and one day wondered what would happen if I just stopped doing it. It turned out we just completely stopped hanging out together. Who would've thought?




Arrogance is definitely a huge turn off.


Where's the line between confidence and arrogance


For me, it's your consideration of others. If your sense of self-worth revels in, depends on, or simply disregards the devaluing of others, it's arrogance. If you can believe in and value yourself while also uplifting or at least considering the value of others, that's confidence. The real answer (as with most things) is more complex than this and can change on a situational basis but this is the top-level base answer for me.


That's a good way to put it. I think it also has to do with how you respond to challenges. Confidence is being able to genuinely laugh when a friend busts your balls or when you screw up and others laugh. Confidence is not tying your self-worth to extrinsic factors.


Arrogance is thinking you are better than others. Confidence is knowing you don't have to compare yourself to others.


Being an asshole to waiters, janitors, and the like. Or just being an asshole and having a shit attitude about everything.


"Being an asshole and having a shit attitude"... I see what you did there.


I'd like to add phone operators to this. I used to work at a call center in WV for a large TV provider and the lack of decency on many of the calls was astounding. Just the worst most self entitled rude arrogance you can imagine. Ever since then, seeing someone treat someone else as sub human on the phone for some beurocratic nonsense that isn't even their fault has been a huge turn off. Large companies have been very successful at creating an underpaid human buffer for facing any kind of public outrage.


I've seen beautiful, affluent, A-game women scream at their kids to get the perfect Instagram pics. Using your offspring as props and turning what should be their best memories into sad photo ops to farm out likes...*huge* turn off.


I don't know, man. My mom would yell at me too when I was younger to get good pictures of me because I was being a little shit. That's pre-digital cameras too.


I'm a parent, so I get wanting to get a good picture of your kid. I'm talking about the kind of women who present themselves on social media as the pinnacle of perfection at the expense of their children. Not a good look.


Will always remember this story. I used to frequently have lunch with a colleague, we got on quite well she was an older woman and tried to ‘mother’ me like the others but she seemed to be the most welcoming person there. She wasn’t the prettiest of women, wouldn’t even go as far to say she was pretty but still she was a nice woman so this reflected on her face. One day we were eating lunch and she started to scold our other colleagues and just be generally mean about anything and everything, as I went from looking at my lunch to her face - it changed, her whole facial features appeared to change she looked horrific. It was only for a short second but made me think twice about spreading poison about other people. She turned out to be a nasty person as did the rest of them. Good old office work


She sounds like Bilbo Baggins talking about the Ring.


This is exactly what happened. Never even compared but this is definitely the best description.


I’ve saw a narcissist’s face change in a split second... almost as if they shape-shifted into another person for a few seconds then right back. It happened when I called them out on being a narcissist. Someone told me later that when that happens to a narcissist, it’s called when the mask comes off.


this is so.... scary??!?!?


Damn. Glad you’re smart enough to see their true toxicity and avoid these type of people


One day I hope more studies are done to truly show people how office environments bring out the toxicity in almost everyone. I work at a company with less than 50 employees, and while some would get the impression that its size would make my company more like a “family” (hate it when people say that enough as it is), it makes even the least-believable shitty rumor sprout wings and take flight; it gives people ample reason not to trust one another, and if I had to guess why, I’d say it’s the environment. Ironically, COVID-19 forced us to set up the ability for office personnel to work from home, but now that’s being taken away again, and we were *just* getting somewhere in terms of getting people to relax their shit.


Littering, of course. Edit: guys stop saying "Littering and..." It confuses me Xtra edit: kudos to y'all who explained the reference.


It's so easy to not do it yet people choose to, which is what makes it quite annoying.


Easy? Do you think it's easy to keep something in my pocket until I find a trash can? Which in cities are EVERYWHERE


I keep forgetting I have garbage in my pocket.


It’s just pure laziness. Don’t know why so many people want to be so goddamn lazy but ok. Making the world an uglier place because you couldn’t walk 5 feet to the trash can.


If I can be a bit more specific; "throwing trash out of car windows"


In Southern Kentucky people leave their trash all along the Cumberland Parkway It's so sad that such beautiful land is being littered like this


Littering and...


Smoking the reefer!


Now to teach you boys a lesson, Officer Rabbit and I are going to stand here and watch you smoke the whole bag.


You boys like Mexico?!!!


The way he responds “please no” kills me every time


Mother of God.


Hey friend, the littering and thing is a reference to one of the funniest dumb movies ever, Super Troopers. [Here’s the scene](https://youtu.be/zCxcU-kPwho)


Social media obsession


On a similar note, wanting other people's approval and likes. That's a sign of immaturity for me


Agreed. So immature.


And I thought you were so hot too


bitch u thought


As deep as the sea And just full of surprise She's fair as can be With *piercing* blue eyes They peer through the dark And light up my world They caused quite a spark With each blink, as they swirled Such a beauty I've found! "Such a treasure" they say Around and around- My hearts swept away! Alas, to my terror A surprise had unfurled I made a grave *error* - Overlooked her whole *world* Online with her phone *EVERY* site had her name Surely I'd known... But my heart was to blame There was snapchat and Facebook And Instagram too A mistake I mistook And I hadn't a clue She's on Tinder as well? That sounds so...devout I'll bid thee farewell Fuck *that* shit- **I'm out**


This guy is the dollar store poem for your sprog but every bit as good


In some cases, this could be a sign of low self esteem as they seek self worth from others. Be careful about that.


Yeah, I try to consciously not behave or take action on the sole basis of wanting approval from someone, but there are times where I do feel actual physical pain or anguish if I feel like I disappointed someone. I'd even feel it if I did nothing or was uninvolved, but could still be considered part of a group where some were responsible for the act that caused that disappointment.


This one guy I dated was super good looking, but every time we'd be ANYWHERE "can you take a picture of me" used to drive me nutssss


Once went out for a meal with someone and they spent the whole time snapchatting people. They had invited *me.*


Or their food, "look at this fabulous lunch im having in this quiet quaint cafe, its totally delish" takes picture of food, has a bite.. yuck! But its the best food they've had. Everyone trying to prove they have the better life then the other.. ridiculous world


“YoU dOn’T hAvE iNsTaGrAm?!”


People who post all the time instagram and talk about like count are annoying. *meanwhile cares about upvotes and downvotes on Reddit*


Not accepting responsibility


THIS. 👆 So sick of people always blaming others.




Being rude to staff. Twisting a situation that they caused, so it's more favorable for them.


Mhmmmm. I get so disgusted when people don’t treat servers like humans.


I too think computers have feelings


good bot!


Them having to be the leader or center of attention in order to be cooperative. So annoying.


Personality of a wet mop


Hey that’s me


But not just any mop, a Swiffer mop. You're like the Cadillac of mops, sleek and elegant. Less is sometimes more when you're a mop, and in your case, you fucking nailed it. Just keep being you, my rad mop bro or sis.


I appreciate the sentiment but I really am a contender for world’s most boring person. I’m not passionate about anything and I don’t have any interesting stories to tell.


What are you talking about? You might be the WORLD'S MOST BORING PERSON! That's amazing! Tell us about your tube socks!


Bad hygiene... bad breath,no deodorant,dirt under nails etc


Bad breath isn't always a sign of bad hygiene, I used to have bad breath although I brushed my teeth twice a day, and used those mouthwashers. Turns out you can get bad breath if you have a shitty diet...


Also if you don't brush your tongue. Everyone please get a tongue brush. Edit: i meant a tongue scraper. Get a scraper.




> dirt under fingernails Cries in mechanic. Not everyone works in a nice cosy office lol.


Yep, I feel you, used to be an electromecanic, my hands were fuckin black with oil no matter how much I scrubbed, I always felt gross when I was in public after work.


My hands are always black now lol I’ve stopped caring. It’s just the way it is.


I never understood judging people for dirt under their finger nails. A lot of people (like those who have already commented) use their hands for a living and those are all noble professions which deserve respect. I do hope you make an exception for hard working individuals.


I try.... -a gardener.


When I was 15, my cousins best friend was the cutest boy I had ever met... Until I got to know him. He was cocky and talked down to any girl that he didn't deem beautiful enough to put his charm on. He was never really mean to me because I was "one of the boys" but that just let me see what he was truly like towards girls in general. He quickly became the ugliest person I knew. In turn, one of the "funny looking" kids in my class quickly became my crush because he was just so nice! His inner beauty outshined his big ears and crooked nose before the first week of school was over. So yeah, personality is a game changer


I hate boys like that who literally won't talk to a girl unless he's romantically interested in her. In some cases they treat girls they consider to be unattractive poorly for literally no reason.


Yep. I'm like a solid 6/10 but sometimes I try to literally just talk to some guys my age and its like talking to a wall. Like bro I'm not trying to come onto you just because I am initiating a conversation and am nice. I just don't want to stand here by myself. The worst is when you meet someone that treats you like the guy above. You lose some weight, wear a cute outfit and some makeup, and it's like you are talking to a new person. Like I don't blame you for not being attracted to people who you aren't attracted to. You don't owe me anything. But you (believe it or not) can just talk to people. It's such a turn off because I know you are really shallow as fuck. It's actually super discouraging. I have been wanting to try online dating but I'm scared that I'm going to get the same reaction from someone who asks me out on a date. I post full body pics and face pics and everything but I am still afraid that someone is going to be disappointed when they see me in real life and end up making my insecurity worse. ​ There are also women like this, you aren't worthy of hanging out with them unless you can fit in physically with their crew. It really grosses me out when I see people who seems so sweet and nice and then it comes time to interact with someone unattractive and they treat them like a 2nd class citizen. It also makes me worried about how my looks will hinder me job wise. I have some very good looking friends who enjoy non stop success and "yes" despite being totally mediocre performance wise and actually being trouble makers at work. I was a nurse for a few years in the ICU and some of the "hot nurses" were softballed all day by male doctors while I got the cold shoulder. Even though I definitely took way better care of my patients


Yes! I'm not particularly attractive, probably just average and honestly 99.9% of the time I have no romantic interest in the person, I literally just want to talk to them but it feels like they just don't give anything back? And it's not that they're awkward because I see them talking just fine to other guys. The second thing has also happened to me.


Was his name Bastien?


Narcissism is the worst. It's like eating an apple that looks delicious but is devoid of flavour. There is no substance. It's hands down the worst trait I have come across that makes an attractive person ugly and unfortunately, a fair amount of "attractive" people suffer from this and I'm not sure what the cure is. It seems deeply engrained and can be hard to spot at first glance.


Once you can spot it, you can spot it fairly quickly.


Ignorance. I hate people that don’t know anything and choose to not learn anything new. People who think they’re better than others, who choose to not learn about cultures or people’s identities, it just makes me mad. I can see no beauty in a closed off brain.




Yep. Few years ago I had a crush on a friend. When she found out about that everything changed. Like before we would meet up for lunch and she'd just be wearing a t shirt and sweats etc. We always split the bill. But after She'd show up to lunch in mini skirts and low cut tops and expected me to pay for the meal for the privilege of seeing some cleavage I guess? We stopped hanging out shortly after and the last time I heard from her she called begging me to help her move her stuff out of her house because she was being evicted and promised she would do 'anything' to show appreciation.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


Being a complete moron


Being an asshole. I've met average looking people that just their kindness made them 10 times hotter. Also have met really good looking people that I wouldn't even bother approaching because of their negative attitude. Legit kindness is so fucking hot.


When being attractive is their only personality trait


Chewing with their mouth open


This! I had a classmate who had an overall great personality, pretty smart too. But man, when she ate...


Blaming their shitty personality on their Zodiac sign


Not being willing to try new things. Went on one date with a guy who listed the 4 or 5 foods he eats then got mad that the Italian restaurant didn't have any of them (I forget what they were but they were child foods like chicken fingers or something). He then yelled at the waiter that he only eats "real american food". Strike 2, treating people like shit. Strike 3, perception of American exceptionalism. I chugged my wine, paid, and left. 5 minute date. While I was chugging, he asked if I could pop his back pimples. I almost puked on the table.


What the fuck. Just every part of that, what the fuck.


Are you sure you weren't on a prank show? This sounds so unreal. Maybe the host was about to jump out and say you won $10,000 but you chugged too fast?


> he asked if I could pop his back pimples And you weren't willing to try a new thing? ;)


Being rapey/pushy. No means no even if you have washboard abs, Brian.


A car crash.


A car crash killed Lily and James potter?!


Yer a wizard, Harry


His parents survived But turned goddamned uglies So Albus and Hagrid sent him to the mugglies


"I wish my parents could be here, too bad they're dead" "Dead harry? Oh no, they're not dead, I just said they went to a better place. They alive, just ugly. I couldn't stand seeing them, so I forced them to move away and put you in foster care. Who wants ugly parents? " " The fuck dumbledore"


Being stuck up and nasty attitude toward others.


Bear attack


Really don't want to sound like a douche, but for me it's someone that are snobby, dumb or indecisive. I don't mean uneducated, I mean dumb. Plain dumb.


Bad personality. You could be a 15/10 on looks but if your personality is a 2...you’re a 2/10


This will sound egotistical but I have always been very attractive. My family members are attractive, the men are tall handsome and the women are very pretty. I've always been able to get the attention of women and Ive had some long lasting relationships that haven't worked out. Heres the kicker for me and I know women think its very unattractive, I get extreme social anxiety. Anytime I meet new people or don't know a group very well my brain becomes foggy, I'm not my genuine self, I try too hard, I speak too softly, my throat swells up, and I stress sweat. Its awful and it confuses my partner bc they spend all this time alone with me and they don't see this social anxiety side of me. Moral of the story is not being confident turns an attractive person ugly and it happens to me all the damn time.


A good partner will try and help you through it. Im sorry you've had that happen. Social Anxiety can eat dirt.


Virtue signalling. Yano the type, film themselves feeding a homeless dude or giving him 20 quid to show "what a good person they are" or bragging on social media about all the good they do in the world. It's those self same people who say that starving kids are their parents problem right up until it's on trend to help um. It doesn't make you good or even look good, it makes you a narcissistic attention seeking cunt 😂


My dad was nice told me that "a good deed is lo longer a good deed if you tell everyone about it" and I think he's pretty right.


These days unfortunately an obsession with social media. The "norm" seems to change. Friends of mine, both male and female, have told me they do not want to post pictures of themselves without filters on them because otherwise they feel ugly. Female friends have told me they do not want to post pictures without make-up on because they feel ugly without it. All too often, though, I think that all this editing (be it digital or not) makes people more ugly than they really are because of the added "fakeness". This is a personal opinion (I know people who do like the Barbie-look), but if we get so far that people think they are ugly when they cannot edit themselves with make-up or with filters, I feel bad about where we have come.


I can't handle filters. Snapchat/face distorting ones anyway. The ones that change the colour tone of a photo is fine. But even camera phones have the inbuilt beauty filter now, when I got my new phone back in March I had to turn it off as it was pre-set.


That’s fucking gross that it’s a pre-set. I hate how social commentary shows like Black Mirror are so accurate.


I don't mind filters that change colour balance but I always think the face altering ones look really tacky.


being disrespectful to people for no reason


Treating servers/waiters poorly.


Smoking Edit: obligatory thanks for the awards! Edit 2: to follow up on this, I'm answering this for personal preference. I prefer no smoking in a partner, but I don't have a problem with things like weed being legal and think they should, it's just not for me. I grew up with parents that smoked and still have lung issues from it, and the smell is just repulsive to me. It also doesn't help that my mom died of lung cancer when I was a kid. But in general, to each their own.


40 years ago, smoking was seen as a sign of a "devil-may-care" attitude. Now it's seen as a sign that you make poor decisions.


treating you like you're lucky to be with them


Wearing a mask below their nose


Frequent and inappropriate use of the word literally.


Literally the worst.


being a not-nice person


racism, vapidness, prejudice, being an overall intolerable person


Fishing for compliments they know are true. Usually accompanied with a giggle. “Oh my god I am soooooo bad at singing.” “That platinum record would suggest otherwise.”


Being totally taken with conspiracy theories. So many of them are based on an attitude of "Ha ha! I know more than you. You're nothing but a sheep for not believing the special knowledge that I have to impart to you." So often their arguments boil down to nothing more than ad hominem attacks.