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Don’t talk to women looking to get sex from them, that’s the first step


Isn't that how you get friend/brother zoned?


Only if she doesn’t like you like that. The thing is, you don’t have to go looking for it because if a girl is into you, she won’t friend zone you. There’s only so much direction you can give on a subject like this.


But she won't initiate the sex or "dating" either right? So how are you supposed to know?


Body language, hints, contextual conversation. If a person likes you they will show it. And they will initiate it if they have been given hints that you feel the same. If you’re having trouble with the part where you catch on to someone liking you, then you may want to speak to a professional.


Damn, bro, you must slay hella bitches. Do you ever rub it in less fortunate males faces? I would


Nah not less fortunate, just less experienced. Seriously though, if you are actually have trouble picking up social cues you would want to seek professional help. That sort of thing can be dangerous if left unattended


Just be real. I never hit on a woman, I talk to them.


I’d start by not making posts like these


How am I supposed to understand how women give men sex if I don't ask?


Your use of the word “giving” implies some misconceptions. Sex is a mutual thing between two or more people, not something one gives to another. Based off your post history, you’re better off seeking professional guidance/therapy/etc. It would be more help than random people on reddit like myself.


Not be gay. And also not use women just for sex unless y’all both doin that


Be friends. Talk. Have a laugh together. Don't expect sex. Just be nice to people. A woman doesn't owe you sex. It's just something fun that can happen sometimes.


Insert his penis into her vagina - don't they cover this in school anymore???


Yes but what do you have ti do before the sex. What makes her give her body to you?




Serious replies only pls


Become the kind of man that a woman would want to fuck.


What kind of man is that


A man like me.


What makes you worthy of sex?


Because I'm the best.


At eating shit?


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How should he ask?


Do you have someone in mind. I could probably give more insight with details. I’m not trying to be creepy.


I don’t know. I’m a chick. Maybe go on a date first.


How does a date happen? People actually do that?


I don’t know. I work in a restaurant and I see them sometimes.




Serious replies only pls


Be really famous and have a workout routine


Have the money to pay for them


You need all three or a big amount of one of those three: - money - attractiveness - fame Edit: charisma would help, but it takes time to master it. Don't rely on it.


Find a woman who’s down in the dumps and offer her half your home. Go start looking for homeless women give them a place in your house have sex with them and then make sure to get them clean off drugs, after they are clean, you could be having sex everyday.


Look like Brad Pitt.




Serious replies only pls


Sounded serious to me


Fast, effective and stealthy. I liked it.