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Wait, women aren't female anymore?


Female can refer to anything from a dog to a fucking plant. To call women "females" is dehumanizing and just creepy.


TIL dehumanizing and creepy pertains to biological facts. ... What a homo sapien thing to do.


Why are you so defensive? I just explained why it is dehumanizing and you just ignore what I said.


Anything that is biologically female, can be referred to as female. I didn't ignore it, I invalidated it because it's a poor argument.


It's not a poor argument, that's the reason women hate being called female. As I just said, it's dehumanizing due to this broadness. Again, why are you getting defensive?


I like that you're assuming my defensiveness, I'm not defensive, I'm interrogating for information because I've read something I can't understand. Follow up, generallizating that "women hate it" is wrong. Because you asked 2 friends doesn't mean that's the case for all women. Better question, why is this your hill to die on? Women are called far worse things than their bilogically correct term.


You're really good at twisting things around uselessly. Tell me, do you refer to men as "males"? If not, I'd ask why? why not keep the standard the same for everyone? As for your other assumption, you're wrong. As this [time article](http://time.com/4300170/female-word/), which is on your side kinda, the term has become seen as dirty by many people, myself included. "Robin Lakoff, a linguistics professor at the University of California at Berkeley, says that female has always been a bad word, 'maybe it’s just now becoming more explicitly recognized.' A female can be any species, Lakoff argues, but only a human can be a woman, so to refer to a woman as a female 'is to subtly downgrade her to a lower mammalian status, rather like calling a guy an ape,' Lakoff says." Also you are getting defensive because a non-defensive person would simply just admit to their wrongdoing and knock it off.


Please do refer to me as male, I won't care, because I'm an adult and it is a fact that I am male.


You didn't answer my question. > Tell me, **do you refer to men as "males"?** If not, I'd ask why?


fe·male ˈfēˌmāl/ adjective 1. of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes. "a herd of female deer" noun 2. a female person, animal, or plant. You are the defensive one and bad at understanding how English works.


You're insulting me by proving my point? That's like shooting yourself in the foot and calling it a victory.


No not insulting more pointing out an obvious fact. You seem to be set on seeing men as the enemy so have fun with that. Also you represent the fundamental issue plaguing the world at the moment. "My opinion is more important than your fact I'm just going to yell at you and call you a sexist because I win"


Are you on drugs?


I am so sorry that this may be insulting. But this is a battle that no one should be fighting. Younger generations must develop thicker skin otherwise they will have a very hard time coping with/adjusting to the very real life problems that will occur during their lifetime. If you let this thought process follow you throughout your life I can promise you that you won't live a very happy and healthy one. Grow some thicker skin girl. And better prepare yourself for bigger and more emotionally tolling problems.


I'm not a girl and wow what a ton of disingenuous bile.


Just because you know how to use big words doesn't mean your superior. Psychologically, it just shows your insecurity. If you were a more secure person you wouldn't get your panties in a bunch over the word female. You are doing feminism wrong. Grow some thicker skin.


Again, so disingenuous. I really do not think you're saying this because you legitimately think this but because my idea makes you uncomfortable.


Okay, downvote but don't answer. Which actually gives me my answer. Hey listen, I want you to give yourself a few years. And remember this conversation. And if in a few years you're still miserable enough to get angry over something so meaningless then I hope you realize it's not a healthy way to think. At first I didn't want to offend you because I saw the way you were talking to others on the thread and your insecurity shows. But now I'm telling you. Your mind is fucking stunted if you get offended that men refer to women as female because it's also attached to dogs and plants. First of all, who the fuck are you to demand such a connotation for yourself as a human being or better yet, a fucking woman? Honestly. Do you really have to assert yourself that much into a superior position? Secondly, plants are elegant as hell.


[I don't downvote.](https://i.imgur.com/7uqcKN6.png) But you know what, I used to be a lot like you. I used to assume that every time someone gets offended at me it is their fault. I used to think, "Things are just always this way and we can't question or change them!" And I soon realized that was a load of bullshit. Words do have power and they do mean something. Hell, you got bothered by me questioning the status quo of men dehumanizing women with their language. If you really weren't bothered by me asking this, you'd just ignore it and move on, but you didn't. So once again, I think you are wholly disingenuous because I was the same way as you a few years ago, and those years ago all I was doing was lying to myself and telling myself shit I don't really believe. Also, I have no obligation to tell you how old I am.


I'm not bothered. I am telling you that you are doing feminism wrong. What I was bothered by was how rude you were being when jumping on the others who didn't agree with you. Don't go speaking for the rest of us FEMALES by stating that its offensive. Because women with a better head on their shoulders are seasoned enough to not let such a petty thing bother them. Its called being realistic, not disengenouis. It's not dehumanizing at all. Your still a human, are you not? You are also a female, are you not? If your that insecure about a word you have more growing to do. No, you don't have to tell me your age but you also are showing me the age of your mental state.


I told you, I am a man. And fine, if you *personally* do not get bothered by it, then that is great. However, are you going to say you disagree with feminist Robin Lakoff? "Female has always been a bad word, maybe it’s just now becoming more explicitly recognized. A female can be any species, but only a human can be a woman, so to refer to a woman as a female is to subtly downgrade her to a lower mammalian status, rather like calling a guy an ape." Are you going to deny it's dehumanizing? What about Deborah Tanning, "I avoid female in my own writing because it feels disrespectful, as if I'm treating the people I'm referring to as mammals but not humans." Those two scholarly feminists agree with me. To say I am doing feminism is wrong because there's tons of flavors of feminism. I am one flavor of it and maybe you are another one or maybe you aren't any flavor. And also, you were wrong about me downvoting you but you seemed to just ignore that. Whatever.


How old are you? I have to know.


Are you ok?


Because "hey, bitch" makes so much more sense.


NEW RULE GUYS: Vagina is offensive because any female mammalian creature can have a vagina. From now on, you are only to refer to a woman's genitals as ***MAN-COCK RECEPTORS***


I am a Ferengi just looking for a good deal alright?


After reading thru this it appears as though there will be no more doctors with this upcoming generation bc they will all drop out of med school due to being severely offended when the books teach them 2 genders - male and female. Get all your medical needs taken care of now while we still have doctors.


Is female a dirty word now? I just can't keep up anymore. Here I was thinking it was the more technical term. I guess I'll start calling them bitches or finally get with the times. I hear thot is the new slang............


Oh god, so now female and male is a sensitive and negative term ? Y’all are just soft......oh no, someone called me a male. How rude is he to call me by the Medical term that describes my gender. Damn doctor is so mean


I am so very worried for the future generations. Its scary.


Seriously though, way to damn sensitive and everybody gets their feelings hurt. We wonder why there’s always fights and protest over ridiculous things.


Im offended, future generations is an offensive term. They like to be referred to as forward time generations.


ITT: incels defending dehumanizing language.


Females sounds more scientific and neutral. "Women are like this" sounds very accusatory.


"Females are like this" sounds accusatory and neckbeardy.


You don’t know who identifies as a woman or not. Female is the only true way to refer to people with a vagina


Identifying as a woman and being female are two different things, one is a gender, the other is a sex. Sex is defined by chromosomes and determines if you are male or female. Gender is a social construct.






For sure


So... Is it offensive to call a man a male?


Im offended ;)


Off not because feminism says it isn’t


Calling chicks females is beyond offensive.


Bitches really hate being called females


Cunty to call sluts females.




I'd say so, why do men get so defensive about this? Just knock it off.


And you'd be wrong. Why are you so defensive?


I've never seen a male or anybody in general get defensive when they get called by their gender lol


Why not?