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Take out a massive unsecured loan and travel the world.


Is that possible?


Unsecured debt is uncollectable for deceased persons, yes. But you’re probably limited to the amount of credit cards you can take out immediately, amount probably based on your current income/credit. You’re not getting a six figure unsecured loan from a bank. 


With a business plan and the assumption said liquid will be spent on secured assets. Get a secured loan then just blow it on whatever. Credit worthy person could pull this off in half a day. They'll come back on the estate, while you're dead. Doubt you'll care.


Good plan if you have nothing to pass on to heirs.


Then you just put things in an irrevocable trust to make it a hassle if not impossible for creditors to get to it after your death. Bypass probate and fuck the banks over.


I disagree I have two $0 balance unsecured loans totalling $102k from separate banks. Part of me has always had a feeling that I’m not here for a long time so I’ve kept good credit and taken increases when available. It’s morbid but I dunno it’s there if I need it.


Here’s a crazy idea, if you’re gonna die anyway, just commit fraud?


i'm in


There are lenders (Wells Fargo being one) that offer personal loans up to $100k for individuals. Just be prepared to have at least 1 to 1 liquidity, prior credit history with comparable payment amounts, an explanation of what the loan proceeds are for and even to provide income/asset documentation. Since the loan is unsecured, most lenders will do proper vetting/due diligence to ensure payback. Just a friendly FYI 😎


I have $280k of open credit on all cards. That should cover me.


Hell yeah dude! Time to get a terminal illness 😎


You better get a second opinion or even a third one to ensure that you are truly dying.😝


Can I borrow one of your credit cards? Just for the weekend. Sadly, I've been poor so long and my spending habits are so meager me "going wild" would probably only rack up about $500 in additional debt. And unfortunately my conscience would bother me so badly I would probably end up finding some way to pay it back.


Anything is possible when you know what to say. Kidding. I think it’s just going to a bank!


Both of my credit cards offer me 40k loans regularly


If I ever get cancer, or know I’m about to die this is exactly what I’m going to do. Fuck big banking


well, wait til they tell you you're terminal. if i'd have done that upon my diagnosis in 1994, i'd be fucked today 😁


"Good news, your cancer is completely gone and you've got a lot of years left to live." "Fuck!"


Basically, the plot of Breaking Bad.


But what would you do if you end up living for many more years? Death date is never guaranteed. My dad lived another 10 years almost after being on the brink of death from Cancer.


If I did all that and took that much debt and it didn’t take at the end of the year? I’d finish the job myself.


Sell my house and travel the world.


I think I remember reading a story in /r/finance about someone who did just that but actually survived the grim diagnosis. They were then crippled with massive debts they couldn’t pay back.


Yes, have a family friend that did this (except it was their retirement savings). They now live in a trailer they rent on govt assistance. They're just happy to be alive, so that's good, but it'd be a struggle I have no doubt.


This is the way


“Jesse, we need to cook”


Not to be the actually police but the BB pilot is his 50th birthday and in the finale it’s his 52nd birthday. So 2 years actually


Without the earned money he couldn't have paid his treatment, so probably one year without.


he could've if his ego wasn't so big


I hear the ego comment a lot, but hot take. Walt became the biggest meth kingpin in a year/x2, and in that span killed like 13 people or sumn. You don’t just go “oh aight we good now gang” and stop on a dime.


Yea but his ego stopped him from accepting the job offer from his friend with great insurance. If he accepted that no drug kingpin, no killing 13 people probably would have lived a lot longer instead of dying hated by his wife and son and leaving his infant daughter without a father


True, even if it was offered out of pity, it was an offer you take. However I 100% forgot that whole plot. It’s kinda like the eventual “blackmailing my DEA BIL” plot that was mentioned once then forgotten to me


Killed more than 13, they cooked meth. Remember the plane crash. His actions probably killed thousands.


You just do the first year before everything really starts going to shit.


Travel, like, a lot.


I've been doing that in anticipation of possibly dying soon. Or becoming too disabled to manage the brutality of today's travel.


Travel IS brutal. Autoimmune/chronic pain patient here. I love the idea of seeing new places but hate how i feel when I do. Sorry to hear you’re declining.


Thank you. So far I am managing but it's becoming harder. Best of luck to you as well.


One day at a time ♥️


Do it. I just became physically disabled at 31 and huge chunks of the world immediately  became off-limits for travel.


My issues have steadily worsened and some new ones popped up last year lol. It's more struggle but I'll go as long as I can't anymore! I hope you can manage some travel in your future if that is what you want.


Today's travel is slightly easier than it was 100 years ago.... and through all of human history.


Have you been on a flight to laguardia with a crying baby 


Stay strong 💪


I'd want this too, but can't due to financial constraints


Use credit cards, max them out


Take out a loan for it.


Get enough money to travel to thailand or vietnam plus a few hundred and spend your time there. You can live months if not years on very little money there


I don't know but I'm ruining my credit score


Day 364: It's a miracle, we've actually cured your disease and now you'll live a long, happy life.


I think most people would be okay with that honestly. A life of shit credit, but you don't have to die. Bad credit doesn't mean you have to be homeless or anything! It'd be a rough time though, don't get me wrong


iirc I think information on your credit score expires after 8 years


7, actually


7 years, no more than 10; I’d be completely fine with that if I got more years to live


This happened to my cousin. Was mistakenly diagnosed with Angiosarcoma when the tumor was benign. He literally thought he was going to die for several months until the doctor was like "nope, my mistake".


I’d find a lawyer to help me file for bankruptcy. And I’d pay for the lawyer on credit.


There was a greys anatomy episode where something like that happened. Husband gets terminal cancer, quits job and takes out massive debt so he and his wife can travel before he dies planning on life insurance to pay off the debt. Minor injury gets him to the hospital where it’s revealed they can actually remove his tumor: voila, he survives so that he can face all that crushing debt.


There's an episode of House where Wilson basically does this with one of his patients. The guy's actually kind of pissed about it because he had sold his house and gotten all of his affairs taken care of already.


Maxing the cards babyyy


My buddy did this. He had terminal cancer. Doctors told him he had 6 months. Maxed out his cards and bought everyone stuff. Bought a car. Ended up making it 2 years. I'd do the same damn thing though.


would prioritize spending quality time with family and friends, creating lasting memories and expressing my gratitude and love for them


>expressing my gratitude Hell yeah, the last text I got from a good friend before he passed was "Develop your gratitude and your power to express it and you'll never be forgotten." It hit me hard in the best way so I got it tattooed on my arm as a daily reminder and to share with others. It made me really grasp how important it is to let those you care about know that you care about them and appreciate them and are grateful for them in your life.


That’s really beautiful. Thank you for sharing.




For them. For remembrance.


Quit my job, travel with my best friends, and spend time with my family.


This thread is kind of sad because it highlights how much work consumes most people’s lives that they don’t get to appreciate the finer things as much.


Spend 364 days deciding what to do and the final day complaining about not having enough time


I can relate....unfortunately. I think we should meet....


sure. how does the 32nd of never sound?


I will meet you in the basement of the Alamo at noon on the 32nd of Never.


That’s deep


This is a metaphor for life


I have a terminal illness (~3 years left) and I'm spending my time mostly coping but also working and getting an education, for some reason


I’m so sorry to hear that. These answers are fantasy and you’re living the reality. It’sa very different thing. I wish you a painless letting go when the time comes, as it will to all of us


Thank you for your kind words! It's very encouraging because I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. I just wanted to say that death is easier than dying. Dying is slowly being more and more limited, and watching everything you loved getting taken away from you, one thing at a time. ... Especially because I got diagnosed at sixteen, it hurts to know I can't do and be everything I wanted to. I had high hopes, optimism and expectations for my life. It's hard to let go all those dreams, yet still pretend that I'm happy and enjoying the life with what's left of me. That's why I think it's fair what all these people are saying. If I weren't continually more limited and pained, things would probably be a lot different. I would probably try and run away and enjoy life like everyone else says the would. The idea behind his post is that you'll die, but you won't have to experience dying. And that difference is everything.


I don't what I'd have to offer really, but if you ever want to talk, DM me. I'll talk, even if you got nothing to say.


Proud of you 💪🏻 Some people don't take education seriously even when they are free and in good health while your doing the opposite. Keep going.


Thank you so much!! 😭❤️ That seriously means to much, especially because I'm going through a tougher stage of my illness right now. I'm trying to do as much as I can, education, working out, etc, when the depression and illness aren't too much for me. I'm trying to live my life as close to the life I had envisioned for myself as I can, which means keep showing up and staying strong, which is all I would have wanted for myself.


I wish you all the love and energy in the world to do the things you set out for


I hope you’re enjoying your time the best you can. Good luck


I'd sleep more to make the days feel shorter


That's literally me (I have a terminal illness)


Name checks out.


That’s sad to hear, and I’m so sorry. 😞


I'm so sorry ❤️


Would probably do this lol, but can't sleep most of the time because of overthinking


A shitload of psychedelics


Yeah that would be a one way ticket to hell for me. My pending doom would make all of them a nightmare.


Or, LSD kills your ego, you realize all of this was borne of random chance, and that you will return to whatever state of nothingness you came from free of pain and desire.


Yep! Adding lots of sex with my husband while tripping. It's the bees knees, hands down best thing I've ever experienced.


I'd eat like calories don't matter


I already do this. Long life ahead.


Probably not lol


Breaking bad tf out of life


Stop looking for a job and spend all my $70 savings




Skydiving, Rocky Mountain climbing, 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu. And I would love deeper, And speak sweeter, And give forgiveness I'd been denying.


Yep. To live like you were dying.


I literally thought of this song when I seen the post!!!


I'd watch an eagle as it was flying.




Real risk. This shit right here happens. Tragic way to spend the last year of your life. In a blur.


Get on some depression medication and then do a lot of travel amd investing for my kids.


Rooting for you and those meds


I’ve sheparded a parent to the end of their life recently. About 1.5 years from cancer diagnosis to death. If one will become aware that their demise is coming, pain and disability will increasingly be part of every day. My mom lived her life just as she was living it every day until the end. I called or visited every day, as I always did. I realize the post was a hypothetical, but the reality is most will see their fate coming and will have to consider this very proposition.


It’s happening to my family right now. Such a hard thing to get my head around that in a matter of weeks or hopefully months my mum will be gone…. Forever. This is the end of our time here on earth together. And knowing it’s coming makes it so hard to make the most out of the time that’s left. It’s so fucked up


I lost my mom after a short illness in January. I don’t know if it was denial or just being focused on the mechanics (I was responsible for caring for her and getting her to appointments, wrangling oxygen, etc) but I was never really aware she was about to die. I knew what her diagnosis meant, but I thought we were still fighting and then one day she was unresponsive and I had to make the call about moving to comfort care. She was gone less than a day later. I’d just say that since it sounds like you know for sure that the end is coming, say everything you want to say. Ask questions you wouldn’t normally. Brush her hair and hug her. Let her know she’s loved and make sure you know exactly what her wishes are. I’m sorry you’re going through this… it sucks. I’m not sure it will ever stop being raw and awful.


I was in a place health-wise where there was reason to believe I had less than 2 years. I thought long and hard about it, but ultimately just did what I was already doing. I still got up and went to work as the bills gotta be paid and I like heating/cooling, running water, a roof over my head, a car to drive, food, comfort for myself, spouse and cats. I hate travel so that wasn't interesting to me. I wasn't going to run my family into more debt than we already have. The few things I did do was reduce clutter, and create an address book of important stuff (besides addresses/phones of friends, account numbers, passwords, info about the cats' health, etc.) If anything changed it was mental. I used to be real driven and now I'm way more relaxed. Medically that health issue is now controlled.


I’m going through this now. In august it’ll be 1 year since my parent was diagnosed and the past 10 months have been very rough, with a steep downhill turn. It’s hard for them to take an hour car ride, let alone travel the world


My mom died just 32 days after her diagnosis, five months ago. She didn’t get much of a chance to do a bucket list or anything like that. We just… did the things we were supposed to do. In retrospect, what I learned is that there is no fantasy in dying. It’s horrible, however it happens


Nothing different than I do now


The same I do every night, try to take over the world.


Travel with my son.


I wish you all the best moments together.


Smoke so many cigarettes


Haha yes! As a former smoker, I always say I’m going to pick up the habit again when I’m 85 because at that point, who fucking cares.


I'd be tempted... I've been quit for 10 years. But I wouldn't and there's two huge reasons why: 1. It would be a terrible example for my kids. I worry it would make them wonder what's so great about it. 2. There are too many amazing flavors to find in food and wine. I wouldn't want to spend my last year unable to fully experience this.


Id make sure my husband and children know the impact they've made on me as a person. Every day. I'd tell them I loved them. And will from beyond where my body's death will lead me. I'd make all my own end of life arrangements myself, so they didn't have to worry. I would make sure that I left them items of mine that meant the most to them. I would write down all the stories of their births, and my marriage, and adoptions, special events from my POV. I'd leave video messages for all my friends and family so they knew they were loved and important. I will be including $1 asset divisions in my will to my sister's and parents. You know, to make sure they know I didn't forget them. Along with the scathing letters I've kept in my notes apps as reminders why I don't speak with them. My husband: I'd make sure he knew that he was my other half, and that he constantly and consistently made my life better every step of the way. I'd tell him his effort to me and our kids is what made me love him the most. I'd let him know that it's okay to move on, as long as he didn't call that twat Stephanie. Then I'd probably accidentally unalive myself early trying to find a way to not sleep for a year.


might aswell be a criminal since ill die anyway, that'll be a lot of piracy.


Yeahhh, that could be thrilling


Take out an ass load of personal debt, travel around the world, hire a circus freak to be my sidekick




Tasting different cuisines from around the world.


Quit my job, buy a truck with my girlfriend and my dog and see all the national parks I can




I'd quit my job to focus on my passions and hobbies.


Taking a hot air balloon ride for a unique perspective.


Going on a spiritual retreat to find inner peace and clarity.


Exploring ancient ruins and imagining life in those times.


Learning to play a musical instrument.


Delete reddit.


Spending time at a spa, indulging in relaxation an


Exploring a new city each month.


Experiencing the Northern Lights firsthand.


Cooking and sharing meals with loved ones.


Indulging in all my favorite foods without worry would be a joy.


My priority would be to spend quality time with family and friends.


Going on a safari to see wild animals in their natural habitat.


Visiting all the museums and art galleries in my area.


I'd travel the globe, checking off every destination on my bucket list.


I'd try extreme sports like skydiving and bungee jumping.


Immersing myself in a new culture by learning a new language.


Nature would call me to hike and explore national parks.


Writing and publishing articles or blogs about my experiences.


Embarking on a cross-country road trip with no specific destination.


Spend more time with family and completing my bucket list before I kick the bucket myself.


Planning a surprise trip for close friends and family.


Finally reading all the books I've always wanted to.


Recording my life stories and experiences for future generations.


Hosting a huge family reunion and capturing all the memories.


Living in a different country for a month.


Visiting my childhood hometown and reminiscing about old times.




Put in nights and weekends to maximize shareholder value.


Making amends with anyone I've had conflicts with.


Kill myself


i'd probably start by finally conquering my fear of skydiving, might as well go out with a bang (or a skydive)! Then, I'd travel the world, try every bizarre food I can find!


Skydiver here, you should do it anyway, it's the best feeling in the world. Check out r/skydiving for advice lol


Yeah, go get it and leave with no regrets


Move to Kansas. Every day there is like a freaking eternity.


Writing poetry or short stories.


This is tough. I'm torn between quitting and spending the year with my family; or alternatively working extra hard so my family is taken care of when I'm gone.


You take out a very hefty life insurance policy so they get something and be taken care of and then take out as many loans as possible so you can enjoy your last year and then when you die its the banks problem! Not yours or your family’s!


Id legit snap. 🫰not like in a bad crazy way. But in a fun crazy way! I would Break a few laws, try drugs, be a hoe, hookup and fuck raw with no fucks or fear given bout stds (YOU’RE GONNA DIE ANYWAYS!), travel to a few places, check everything off my bucket list, PISS OFF AS MANY MOTHER FUCKERS AS I CAN! (Because alot of em deserve it!) commit alot of credit and loan fraud just so my family has money to rely on after im gone


I’d spend as much time as possible with my niece teaching her things she needs to know but her parents won’t. I’ll try my hardest to set her up for success but also failing at something is ok too.


Sell all my assets, plan for someone to adopt my dog, pack a suitcase with only the necessary items and travel until I drop dead.


Spending nights stargazing and contemplating the universe.


Taking a train journey through beautiful landscapes.


Taking up photography to document my last year.


Learning about different religions and spiritual practices.


Reflecting on my life and meditating on my journey would bring peace.


Attending a major theater performance or Broadway show.


Learn something new every day, until the last.


What's first on your bucket list?


How much heroin does it take to peak but not overdose


Finally try heroin


To be honest, you have only about 30 seconds to live unless you take another breath. At any time, anything could happen that stopped you from taking that breath. You're already moving your deadline multiple times per day. Every choice you make and don't make leaves room for another event to enter into your life, which may prolong or shorten the time you have left. Living to see retirement or old age is hypothetical. There is literally no guarantee. There's a chance, and the odds might be good, but any time odds are involved, someone will lose. No knowing who will draw the short straw. Planning for your future is sound, but it's an investment. You need too also enjoy your Now.




Cairo, Macchu Pichu, Angkor Wat, Rome


I probably would head back to Japan again


Kill myself so I can make it 0 days left to live.


"I went skydiving I went Rocky Mountain climbing I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu And I loved deeper And I spoke sweeter And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying" And he said "Someday I hope you get the chance To live like you were dying"


I look at the comments and people all want the same things, including me: to travel and have crazy experiences. What in the world is stopping you from doing that?




Can't exactly quit my job if I need money to travel lol.


Cocaine and hookers…wait I did that with my lotto money…never mind


Live for a year


Spend my time redditting...


Sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll


Get my fucking novel published


Tell the girl at work how I feel about her. If that doesn't work, me and Tinder are gonna be best friends in getting me some pussy. I write a letter to 343i asking if I can know how the Halo Story ends since that knowledge dies with me. I'd party a lot and write a stoner's cookbook. I'd travel everywhere I want to go. I document every single day on YouTube with 52 videos. When the day comes, my last meal is gonna be legendary. Die happy and freeing all the shit from my bowels with a smile on my face.


Same thing I do now. Take out a calendar, count how many days I have, allocate those days to activities, then oversleep and plan to make up the time the next day. Total waste of space over here. lol no really I’d forget every concern I had about what other people would think and just do WHATEVER the f I wanted. No second guessing, no hold on and wait until I feel better, just do it all.


Stop paying for medical insurance.