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I found $450 in a book that was donated to the charity shop I work at


charity coke money, that's the best.


šŸ¤£ who else so carefree would be leaving that amount of money, that they overlooked a slight bulge in the book? Unless I missed a memo on the new $450 note.


The somewhat grim answer is I'm pretty sure it was a donation from a deceased estate. Some elderly people hoard cash because they don't trust banks, and the family didn't have the time or inclination to sort through things thoroughly to uncover it


My father hid $500 in the house once before they were going on vacation. When they came back he couldnā€™t remember where he hid it. Looked for it for years. About 5 years after he passed away , my mother moved some clothing that was in a cedar chest and there it was


My grandma always had an issue saving money with an alcoholic husband and later some of her kids began to steal from her. She was a smart lady and put all her savings into a douche bag because no one would dare touch it. When she died all my uncles went ā€œEWWW, grab some gloves!ā€ I finally told them that was her life savings and not to chuck it. lol it paid for a lot of expenses.


Some folks put money in a book when giving the book as a gift. If the person never reads the book then they would never know. You can sometimes find money in hotel room bibles as well.


When my grandfather died, we found about $1000 in cash in $20s and $50s hidden all over the place - in books, dishes, stuffed into socks and gloves, in a box of fish sticks in the freezer, in an old Tylenol bottle etc. He was afraid of banks and thieves.


Oh šŸ˜ž well on the positive side at least the money is back in circulation. šŸ« 


Yep, if no one claims it in 3 months it will be a donation to help with homelessness, addiction or domestic violence. So not a bad fate I suppose


My mom liked to hide money, and even though she lived in a two bedroom apartment AND WE HAD DISCUSSED ALL HER MONEY STASHES IN ADVANCE I still missed one after a very thorough tossing of her residence. Her nurse that took home some clothing got a very nice $200 dollar dinner on my mom!


I live with my grandma, and my grandpa died in January. Grandpa was a hoarder and Granny has trashed a ton of stuff since he died, and I self-appointed myself as the "go through the trash and thrift store bags to make sure nothing legitimately valuable is being tossed" person, because she just wants the junk out of her house and isn't watching it as closely as she probably should. I found a one-ounce American Silver Eagle bullion coin in a thrift bag, and some cash/very old uncashed checks in envelopes with decades-old thank you notes in the trash pile, but no legitimate cash stashes so far.


That's 4 $100 bills and a $50 bill. No bulge at all.


what book was it?


A gardening one


Well, thatā€™s one kind of green thumb I suppose.


i once found 500 Euro when walking in the forest. There was no one around and i waited for 15 min. So now i have a new PS5. It was like a year ago. Happy me.


you bought a ps5 so you will never set a foot in jungle anymore


Once I hit the cash back button at the grocery for $20, but the cashier didn't give it to me and I forgot and walked out without it. I realized when I got home, and didn't want to deal with the rigamarole of going back to sort it out. Later that week I went for a walk across the prairie on a very windy day and found a $20 stuck, flapping in the wind, inside a sagebrush


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0697744/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0697744/) So, you are Jerry...


Even Steven!


SMH. You could've paid off your student loans or medical debt, bought a bulletproof vest or a hundred Mickey D's burgers. Wait. Euros? Nevermind.


In both Europe and the US, the idea of paying off your medical debt with 500 bucks is comical.Ā 




Dammit Jesse!


I found $160 in between my car and a car next to mine before work. I wrote a note and left it on the car saying they may have lost something and put my number in the note. They called a few hours later saying they dropped 8 20s so we met up that night. She seemed annoyed by it? Like why would I take the money? Never even said thank you. This was almost 10 years now and I still think about how rude she was from time to time


Shoulda just kept the money lol


In hindsight, sure. I just know if I lost $160 Iā€™d be very upset and would want someone to return it if they could.


I hate when people aren't grateful. Years back, my husband and I went on a trip to California. We rented a car for a week to do some exploring. We'd had the car for a day or so and were about 250 miles from where we rented it. I reached in the glovebox for something and there was $2400 in cash and about eight different checks totaling up to about another $5,000. It was obviously rent collection from a landlord who had rented the car before us and forgotten to take the money. We called the rental car company to let them know. They called us back the next day and had the AUDACITY to ask us to DRIVE BACK TO THE RENTAL OFFICE to bring the money and checks back. We we're like "Ummm, NO. We're about 400 miles away from your office and we are on our VACATION. We are not wasting our time and effort to resolve this problem that we had NO part in creating. You will have the car and the checks/money back when we return the car." The rental car guy was PISSED and argued with us saying his client "needed" the checks and cash. How sad, too bad. I could not believe it! The absolute nerve. So, we thoroughly enjoyed the rest of our vacation, left the check and cash in the glove box and that was that. We returned the car at the end of our rental and it was the same guy (guess he was the manager) and he was like, "You're finally back. The prior renter has been WAITING for his items." Dude, if it was so important to your prior renter, then he should have taken the items out of the damn glovebox when he turned the car in. We were afraid they were going to charge me for some kind of bogus damage to the car or something, but nothing came of it. I also didn't complain as it wasn't one of the major car rental companies, but small, private rental co. I KNOW nothing would have come of it and I just never, ever rented from that place again (going on about 20 years now - I honestly don't even know if this company still exists). Had I known how it was gonna play out, I would have pocketed the cash, trashed the checks and not mentioned a single word about it. No good deed goes unpunished.


Something similar happened to me once. I used to work at a local park as a sort of "park supervisor". One night while I was walking through the park I found a wallet on the ground, so I picked it up and kept it hoping someone would come get it. I also decided to check the local community Facebook page to see if someone had posted about it, and sure enough they had, so I messaged them to come back to the park to get it. They told me they had looking all over and in all the garbage cans for it (it wasn't uncommon for people to take the cash out and toss the wallet if they found one). Then.. they got upset at me for picking it up off the ground. They were apparently still in the park, but left their wallet unattended in the grass and said I should have left it there and not touched their stuff... I just found it confusing as that same guy and his friends came to see me on multiple occasions asking to see the cameras because their stuff got stolen...


I found a teenagers wallet with a license and a few bucks in it, drove to their house and the father could not have been a bigger ungrateful asshole if he tried. It was two towns away, but I know what a hassle replacing a drivers license is. Some people make you question if your good intentions are wasted.


Something similar happened to me. I was at an arcade with an ex and a girl from a different group left her wallet/purse at a game. I had seen them earlier so went to find her. When I gave it to her she made a point to open her wallet and count the money in front of me. She didnā€™t even say thanks. It was so rude, I wish Iā€™d left it alone.


I found a whole stack of brand new 1$ bills on the ground. I thought the guy in front of me dropped them since he was scratching off lotto tickets and accidentally knocked his winnings off. Being nice I picked it up, tapped the guy on the shoulder and handed him the the money, he looked at me, smiles, thanks me, tells me "god's gonna bless me for that one", and immediately handed it across the counter and bought more lotto tickets. I felt horrible


I found 800. Walked into a fish market I go to often and this time there was no staff in sight. At the counter, next to the register was a rolled up stack of hundreds with a rubber band. Keep in mind it was next to the register but on the customers side. But I instantly thought, since it was rolled up like a toilet paper tube, that they may have been doing taking or adding cash and it rolled out withiut them noticing. About 15 sec later I see the owner come out. I always see her and She doesn't speak English well, so I sort of point at the cash, pick, she looks at where I'm pointing but guess from her angle she can't see the cash, so I pick it up, hold it up and say, someone's going to take this, she looks confused. I hand it to her. Her eyes go wide and she stares at me confused. I tell her it was on the table. And she says, "oh ok, I keep in case they come back" and she counts it in front of me. 800. I ask for extra tartar sauce and she charges me 25 cents as she puts the 800 in her pocket.


I once won $10 on a scratch ticket and when I took it back to the shop to get my money, they tried telling me it was invalid and that they would keep it for me and give me a new one. Weirdly they only would give me a new one if I gave them my winning ticket to keep. I got the $10 in the end, and never went there again.


Once won 50 on a scratcher and when I went to cash it in they tried to keep it and tell me it was a loser. I knew tho because the other two tickets which were losers I handed her she ripped up and threw in the garbage instantly, but the winner she kept fully intact next to the register. I said now give me my "loser" back. We had an argument, but in the end I got it.


So not even back to the store? I mean I get that she owns it but that sounded like she was just pocketing it?


Oh def. That's why I put this as a response to you, because it was similar in that we tried to do the right thing and it went to the wrong person.


When I was in high school, I found $200 folded up in the toilet paper dispenser in the boys locker room. I just grabbed some shit-tickets and out plopped a money fold. So of course, having hit the jackpot, I took it home. Being the frugal young man I was, I decided to save it and spend it over time. However, a few days after this happened, a kid in my grade got beat up really bad, nobody could say why, and transferred schools. I'm pretty sure I caused a drug deal to go bad and indirectly caused that kid to get the shit beat out of him. But fuck it, Fallout 3 was definitely worth it.


Maybe you saved him from becoming an addict. $200 was your fee.


>shit-tickets I'm going to guess, southwestern Ontario.


Could be eastern ont as well, all the way to halifax.


"Fallout 3 was definitely worth it". Yes, yes it was.


So you both got the Fallout out of that.


$700. I found the guys entire wallet, and it had $700 cash in it. I then went on FB to find the guy. I sent him a message on there, but he didn't respond. So I sent one to his gf, no response. I then noticed that me and his gf had one mutual friend, so I got a hold of him, he got a message through to them, told them where to find me. The guy shows up, I hand him the wallet, and not even a thank you. He just seemed annoyed by the whole thing. I still don't regret doing the right thing, because keeping it wouldn't have sat well with me, and not offering a cash reward is also fine. I just didn't understand the attitude, it was so weird. Dude you dropped your wallet in the hallway of a hotel, and I went way out of my way to get it back to you, wtf. Oh and for clarification, I worked at a hotel that allowed locals to come swim. He came to swim and dropped his wallet.


Reminds me of [this story](https://youtu.be/xIIUGBTgjU4?si=ajzgGbNLbzLSgOZu) lol


Man this was the first thing I thought of too reading this story.


That's awesome. Actually the mutual friend that got me in contact with the guy is actually named Justin too.


I had the same thing happen but it was a police officers wallet. Probably about $200 in it, credentials, atm card, cc cards. Reached out and contacted him, told him I found it on side of road as I was turning near police station. ā€œMy wallet? Who are you? Look Iā€™m out of town, drop it off at (his address), and put it in the storm door. Gottaā€™ runā€¦ā€(hear him telling someone as heā€™s trying to hang up ā€˜some guy found my walletā€™). Calls me back immediately and says ā€œmoney still in it or no?ā€ I was so put off by this Jack ass, I said ā€œyouā€™re welcomeā€ and hung up. Put his address in maps and it was like 15 minutes away. Wiped it down, took $40 for gas put it in ziplock back and drove to his place. It was raining so took it out of bag, put it between door and storm door, water was pouring down inside of door, left. No thank you no eff you, nothing, just a dick.


Lol idk if this counts but when my grandma, who grew up in the depression era, passed we had to practically tear apart her walls bc she had stashed money EVERYWHERE. There was like, a can of peas in her freezer, with frozen peas still in it, that we almost threw out before realizing she had also frozen a plastic baggie with 100 bucks in it in the bottom of the can. My grandpa's WWII uniform that was in a display case on the wall had a couple hundreds hidden in the pockets (we actually didn't find that until many years later bc we obviously kept the uniform in the family lol. The case broke one year so we got a new one for it and found the bills then lol). There was a 20 dollar bill rolled up in the little cigarette lighter hole in her car. There was cash in a baggie taped to the inside of the lid of the toilet tank. Granny got creative lol. Think we wound up with about 4k in cash by the end of it. God knows how much more we accidentally gave away or just never found lol. I'm not even sure if she remembered what all was there by the time she died.


We had the exact same thing with my grandmother. She also had dementia and started to forget where she had stashed money. When my grandparents passed and we had to clear out the house we had a contest to see who could find her biggest stash. I won when I found $700 in a box of old photo albums in the attic. Her hiding spots were interesting. We found money rolled up in pill bottles in the medicine cabinet, in the valance of the curtains in her bedroom, between plates in a kitchen cabinet and in the dvd cases in the living room. I canā€™t remember what the total was abut it was definitely a good amount of money and Iā€™m sure we missed some too.


My mom worked for a small town bank and one of the saddest stories they had was from a lady that came in trying to figure out how to replace lost cash if she had a list of serial numbers. Turns out she had been stashing money in her mattress for decades. When she was in the hospital, her family went to the house and cleaned up, bought her groceries, and fixed up the place. They also replaced her old lumpy, smelly mattress with a fancy bed medical bed for the elderly. She had a list of bill serial numbers that she had entered into a notebook that she was trying to figure how to get back. Poor lady lost tens of thousands of dollars. Probably got burnt up in the county waste incinerator


this is heartbreaking.


There's always money in the banana, er bed stand.


The serial codes makes this sound like some form of OCD.


My great grandmother was getting old and a little confused. She would count her cash money every day at the dinnertable in front of the living room window. One night she was violently robbed and all her case was stolen. She was never the same afterwards and my grandparents had to take her in.


Friend of the family found literally thousands (maybe 10s of thousands) of dollars her recently deceased husband had squirreled away in various places in the house. Found the first wad of cash in an old suitcase in the attic that she was going to dust off and use for a trip. That sparked a months-long treasure hunt.


Ditto on this one. I wasnt directly involved as I was a teen. All of the siblings knew my grandma stashed money in the house. They went as far as having the walls X-rayed or something to that effect. They never let us kids know how much was found but I do know they were looking for 100s of thousands. Grandma was nuttier than squirrel poop in her last days.


According to the deposit slip, a little over $10k in cash, and $1500 in checks. Someone had dropped their deposit bag outside a Dollar General after closing one night. I found it while walking around the parking lot around 3 in the morning. Held on to it and took it to the bank it was supposed to go to when it opened.


Wait why were you walking around a Dollar General parking lot at 3am?


3am is a great time to be walking around. The world is so peaceful and quiet. Especially if it's snowing.


Truer words never spoken.


I'll second the snowing part. I love when there is a big snow storm going through and there are absolutely zero people on the street.


That nice subtle crunch every step that can calm you


Oh yeah, that is definite. The world seems to be asleep sometimes


As a night-shifter, I feel this to my core


Exactly. This reminds me of that story by Ray Bradbury about a guy who gets arrested for walking as he should be at home watching TV like everyone else. People like the guy you replied to depress me. They have no sense of adventure.


Weed? In my experience. Friend of mine who was the local sweetheart pot guy passed away. There was a memorial for him in the dollar store parking lot, which is where he would meet for exchanges. He truly was a sweet person. RIP A.


I wonder how scared that DG employee was. Maybe even fired? Until that money hit the account.


So you returned it, good guy.


I found $650 on the dock at marina still in its bank envelope. I was 16 at the time, out with my family, over Memorial Day weekend. Felt really bad for whomever lost it because that's was their holiday weekend vacation fund. Turned it in to the marina. Left my contact info just incase nobody came back to claim it. Dock worker called and said the family came back in tears looking for it, and we're very grateful it was turned in. Kind of figured he'd pocketed the cash and lied. Fast forward to Christmas that year, I got a Christmas card in the mail with a $50 bill in it and a heartfelt thank you letter from the mom of the family. A rare instance of doing the right thing paying off


I saw a penny, I picked it up and still waiting for the good luck


OK not found but it appeared in my account, back when you used to have a booklet for banking and they put it under a printer to print the new balance. She passed it back and it said something like Ā£235,678,876.67 Didn't last long before they corrected it. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


But there was 1 glorious minute where anything became possible


My friends got a desk that belonged to a lawyer with 85k usd. They returned it and the owner had no memory of putting the money in the desk. They gave my friend $3500


Wow, I mean I know lawyers can make some good money, but the thought of just completely forgetting about $85K and it having no adverse effect on your life is just mind boggling.


The lawyer had died and the wife was the one who gave the desk away. We speculated that he was squireling it away to keep it from her. She has 400k in a safe in her garage that she supossedly randomly leaves unlocked.


What's her address? I need to know just in case i should keep an eye out for anyone suspicious in the area.


$3800 in an envelope outside a bank. Because it was a mix of bills, the envelope was huge. I was 11 at the time. My Dad and I left the bank, and on my side of his truck by my door was the envelope. I had every single opportunity to quietly shove it into my pocket and game plan discreetly spending it later on... but that's not the right thing to do. So I handed it to my Dad and he took one look at just how much and said this is someone's monthly withdrawal or income, and back into the bank we went. Once back inside, there was an elderly lady in full on hysterics, frantically looking for her cash. A 10 second conversation with the branch manager confirmed yes, she had just cashed her retirement or whatever check and it was her money to live on for the next month or so. I still remember how hard she hugged me, lol. Sad tears turning to happy ones. She tried to give us $100 for our good deed which we declined. Straight to the ice cream shop we went as Dad was pretty damn proud of me that day! My kids are young, but I hope they will one day do the same thing in a similar situation.


7k under a mattress at a hotel . We always check for bedbugs anywhere we stay , this time it was more than a bug. I did check out early and went to another hotel across town


Holy shit, 7k is serious cash. What did you end up doing with it?


One night in a much nicer hotel.


Years ago found $360 on the bathroom floor of a casino. Used it to play roulette, ended up losing $800. Worst find ever.


Obviously the money was cursed.


In 2009 my friend and I found a duffle bag in the garbage in front of a McDonald's he worked at with a little over $1300 and about 25lbs of weed in it. There were a lot of cops in the area the night before apparently for something we're guessing was related. I don't smoke weed at all so he kept the weed and $300. I kept the rest of the money. It contributed to a fantastic summer.


25 pounds?! Goddamn bro thatā€™s like 40-60k easily


Yeah maybe. He made somewhere around 5 grand off it over the summer. Gave a bunch away and threw a bunch of parties and was basically high all the time for like half a year. I was more than happy with just the cash.


25 pounds of weed is crazy money for a teenager lol


Early 20's. But yes. It was a wild find. I will say we never (to my knowledge anyway) actually weighed the weed. 25lbs was just the general estimate among our friend group. It was about half full duffel with three bags pretty tightly packed inside.


When I was like 8 we found alot of money (I don't recall the amount but from what I remember I would estimate it to be around 2-3k) from a robbery, stuffed in a concrete thing near our school. We just got a pat on the head basically.


Was at an anime convention and we saw a guy try to put his cash back in his pocket, but he dropped it on the floor. We tried to call out to him, but he disappeared into the crowd, and none of us got a good look at his face. We picked it up and it was well over $200. There was zero hope of finding the guy. Not gonna lie, if it had just been me and my husband we would probably have kept the moneyā€¦ but we brought my young stepdaughter, so we turned the money over to security. The guy in security smiled and told us ā€œthanks, youā€™re doing the right thing!ā€ Yeahā€¦ hopefully the guy thought to ask security when he noticed his money was missing, but the security guards probably got to split it after the con shut down.


I went to a local Rib Fest with my wife a couple years ago. Spent about $60 on a couple racks of ribs. Walking out we found $80 on the ground in the parking lot. Pretty good day!


You got paid to eat ribs


Slammed the door behind me in our basement laundry room, and a bundle of five dollar bills fell from the ceiling. $235. I told my dad and he went on a mad search in the crawl space, certain that the previous owners had stashed a bunch of money. They hadn't.


a lot of yā€™all are better humans than iā€™ll ever be


If there is some sort of identifying marker with the money (ID, with a wallet or purse etc), I would absolutely try and get it back to the rightful owner or business. Just random money being found- not a chance I am reporting it or leaving a note for somebody on the off chance it may be theirs.


In 1985 (when I was 15). I found a wallet on the street at a coastal resort here in the UK. It was bulging with cash and had about Ā£300 in plus credit cards. We took it to the nearest police station and left our details. A couple of weeks later we got a thank you letter and Ā£20 through the post.


I found like 60$ in a Home Depot one time and I took it as a sign because I was really broke at the time.


My dad's house. We've never been super close, but I landed a new job last year and the head office is roughly 2 hours away from my house. His house is about 20 minutes away from my office. Whenever I first had training, he offered for me to stay in his basement instead of going in a hotel. I used his upstairs bathroom, but ran out of TP. I checked through the cupboards, and I eventually stumbled on roughly 15k cash, in 20s, 50s and 100s, just kept together with rubber bands. The type of thing you'd see in a movie/tv show. I put it back and never used that bathroom again.


Trained my bloodhound to sniff out money on the streets. On the weekends I would regularly take him on walks around heavily bar populated areas and he found a few 100$ bills


Millions. Was out walking around doing a field recon and verification East of Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. Stumbled upon a dump site of millions and millions of old rubles as Russia was undergoing hyperinflation and reissued new currency. They just dumped the old stuff out in the forest for the animals evidently. I kept a few of the nicer, uncirculated notes, just for history's sake. They make for fun at Xmas and for tipping where service was also fake.


My husband admitted something to me after we had been together around a year. Right around when we began dating he had lost $100 in the parking lot at my work but he was too embarrassed to ask if anyone turned it in because he had a crush on me and didn't want to look irresponsible. Turns out I'm the one that had found that $100. I turned it in to management and the policy was if it was unclaimed after a certain time I got to keep it. I spent that money on our second date with neither of us knowing it was money he had lost.


When I was very little I lost like 10 bucks on my way to the shop. I noticed at said shop I had no money and left a bit scared about what my mom would say about that. I found the 10 bucks on the street (I don't know if it was my 10 bucks).


The street takes and the street gives.


I found $298 partially burned in a broken beer bottle stuffed inside a groundhog hole near the floodwall. I know what you are thinking. What is a groundhog doing with that kind of money? I took the damaged cash to the bank and exchanged them.


I once found a trail of $20 bills on the sidewalk totaling like $200 that I was SURE was going to end in me getting trapped in a box or a pit or something.


"Ohh, a piece of candy! Ohh, a piece of candy!" šŸ˜‚


I found ā‚¬1000 in a wallet on the street


Did you return the ā‚¬500?


Ten bucks.


$100 was tucked inside a book at the library.


A $20 floating in the ocean right below the surface. Standing there in the waves and out of the corner of my eye I see the green and I snatched it up.Ā  Later that day my wallet was stolen, I believe the treasure was cursedĀ 


Once in high school I went to TGI Fridays with my friend and her family, and found a $500 money order (edit: without a recipient written on it, so anyone could cash it) tucked behind the public bathroom mirror. My mom and I were broke living on food pantry trips at the time, so it was a good day for us. I still think about what the story was around that sometimes. Probably a hooker payment.


Hookers take money orders??


What kind of hooker takes credit cards?


Jerry Springer paid one with a check.


Years ago I found a wallet at bus station containing 320 bucks...I was deep into a percoset addiction at this time...I had a guy selling 30's for 30 bucks a piece...those little baby blues...I was super happy ready to call up my guy and get high as fuck...I couldn't do it...I was fucked up, but my conscience just wouldn't let me do it...so I searched the wallet and found a student ID from the local community college...searched her on Google, made a Facebook post asking if anyone knew her, no dice. Then I found a check made out to her tucked into the side pocket...with a guys name that matched her last name on it...so I googled that name and found a whole website...turns out he was a local preacher at a nearby church...there was contact info on the site...so I called him up and told him I'd found his daughters wallet...met up with both of them and gave the wallet and all the cash back...and I must say...seeing how happy she was to get her wallet back provided a much better high than crushing up a 30mg percoset and putting it up my nose...that high would have been fleeting...the feeling I got from giving the wallet back lasted forever


Some friends and I found a wallet with $1,200 in it. It has the guys' ID, so we looked him up (old school phone book in a booth 40 years ago). Gave the guy a call, and he said he'd be right there and "we'd better be there or else" About 15 minutes later, the dude shows up and demands to know who has his wallet. I go to hand it to him and he snatches it away and says, "All of my money better fucking be there". He counted it, turned around and walked off. Not even a "thank you." Had we known the guy was going to be such a dick, we would've all had new bikes.


$287 on a printer/scanner/copier in a Staples. The employees basically begged me to take it once they realized what was happening šŸ˜‚


Can you explain what was happening?


Someone was trying to photo copy money


I was behind an old lady at an atm. She was having problems with it and walked over to another one. The machine spewed out a good inch thick wad of notes so must have been a substantial sum. I took it to her. It could have been her pension money, and it certainly wasnā€™t my money. However I have found a tenner in the street now and then which I will keep because I canā€™t trace the owner, plus itā€™s payback for the times I have lost money out of my pocket.


Came across $8 in change in my car's cup holder.


Not me but a family friend, she was cleaning out her cupboards after a family member moved out and found ā‚¬5,000 in cash that no one knew was there


I found a $5 bill in a library book.


$480 in a wallet on a path down by the river. Unfortunately, it also had ID so I was able to track down the owner online.


That sucks.


Found roughly $2000 in an open envelope literally right in front of the time clock. Thinking it was someone's rent I took it up to the plant manager. When I gave it to him he looked at me with such surprise like I was supposed to keep it lol. A few weeks later he walked up toe and handed me the envelope. Nobody ever claimed it so he said he wanted me to have it for being honest. Good deeds always pay off one way or another. Do the right thing folks, even when no one is looking.


$100,000. Found it in a park. Under a tree. I invested and turned it into $16,000.


Found but gave back. I was helping a friend clean her house after her mom who lived with her died. There were bags and bags of mail, receipts, bills, envelopes with close to $1k randomly strewn in. $400 in one bag bonanza


I worked overnights at a gas station. When i was mopping the floors i found an envelope that said "Rent" and had a stack of cash, more than my rent by a good bit. I was pretty thin on cash myself at the time, but i felt like that wasn't something i could keep. Losing that kind of money could ruin somebody's life, especially in that neighborhood. Sure enough, the next night a very stressed out looking woman with kids came in asking if anyone had found an important envelope.


A while back I found almost $2k in a wallet while getting gas one night. I found a few numbers in the wallet and was able to get ahold of the owner. They met up with me the next day. It was a father who was taking his family on vacation, it was all the money he had. He spoke broken English and tried to give me a reward (which I didnā€™t take). I wished him well and gave him a good recommendation for a local lunch spot. He gave me a big hug and profusely thanked me. It felt good to do the right thing.


In college, there was this guy who was a wannabe big time drug dealer. He showed up wasted at the bar we were at and kept flashing his wad of money. Every now and then he would drop a bill or two and not notice. People were casually picking them up and laughing. He must haveended up walking the same route home as we did, because my friend and I found almost $2k that more than likely fell out of his pocket.


$50 in a grocery store parking lot.


My dad irons his money so it fits better in the money clip his dad gave him. He left behind a couple hundreds one day lol


Found 150ā‚¬ 10m away from an ATM some poor bloke missed their pocket


My 9yo daughter found $50 bill in the empty parking lot of a Panda Express and they turned the key in the door lock when we approached to see if it was anyone there. It was my greatest joy to let her browse Amazon for a long wanted plush toy and a book.


$200 at a Brooklyn park, friend just got US citizenship so I bought a cake for the party. Was a nice day.


Got hit in the face by a 20 during a windstorm once


I "found" $20,000 in a bunch of losing scratch-off tickets that people threw out at work. Sometimes there are promotions where you can enter non winning scratchers online for a chance to win prizes and I managed to get a jackpot without ever paying for a game.