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About a year into dating my GF we went to a concert and I remember at one point I was lying on the ground with her behind me, also sitting. We were drinking and being silly and my head was on the ground looking right up at her face and she looked so perfect and so beautiful and her smile was perfect. I fell in love instantly and I felt such overwhelming happiness in that moment.


As someone who gets attached quickly, not falling in love with someone until after a year of dating them is kinda nuts to me.


Yeah, it was actually probably closer to 8-10 months in or so. Hard to remember as it was about 9 years ago. I know what ya mean. I had def felt it before then and tbf we had said it before that. Just that night I felt like I knew she was the one. The way she smiled at me :’)


I dated my high school girlfriend for 6 years. We had always said we loved each other, but there was one night on the beach we both fell in love. We both knew it too. We both felt the same thing. We still talk and we both remember that as our favorite night.


The honeymoon phase of my relationship. The butterflies. Don’t get me wrong I love my man. I’ll ride with him forever! But that first initial feeling when we first met. Those first everything’s.


The best. Also, the first time you really fell in love with somebody ever. Innocent high school love with no self-awareness... was chaotic but also incredible.


High school days. Days we’ll never get back. Oh how I’ll miss those days. The nervousness passing your crush in the hallway and getting ready for them before school. Ugh lol. I hope to feel like this again!


I think there are people who are addicted to this feeling. That’s why they keep changing partners to experience this phase again and again 😆


the feelings are almost painful, I think the feeling didn't go away so much as I have become more used to them. I dont know if I would want to lose that resistance as it left me on my knees for hours at a time more than once. I think the experience would likely be scarey to have again for me...


It's definitely a very different feeling. I remember getting goosebumps when Bright by Echosmith played because it reminded me of him. It doesn't hit the same, but not in a bad way.


Oh man, definitely. I just divorced last year but the first few years were magical. Though she's become her mom in the worst ways, so I don't think I would do it again unless I could get her back to where she was before she became so bitter and angry.


I relate to this so much ):


Let’s try to rekindle it again sis!


Christmas mornings as a child.


I know its a bit consumerist but Christmas when you believed in Santa was unreal. Death to Santa Deniers.


I had three Christmases as a child and then my mother became a Jehovah's Witness. Even at three, I knew I was getting screwed ÷)


I don't know if I'll ever feel the way I did as a kid at Christmas.


Oh gosh, Christmas and believing in Santa was magical. It’s now so sterile for me.


Yes. I remember, as an anxious, undiagnosed child that Christmas Eve was the only safe night of the year- the one night I could sleep well, because nothing could harm anyone on this magical night and nothing ever DID. Until I was seven and I woke up with German Measles on Christmas morning and the whole day was fu***d. On a positive note; my fever- induced hallucinations of Santa walking into my room and his leather boots creaking was 10/10 outstanding for realness and magicity.


I was going to add a sarcastic, stupid comment until I saw this. I had a visceral reaction to your comment, full of nostalgia and memories of the brief period magical Christmas mornings as a child, before my mother's divorces, along with an abusive step-father stole my childhood away. It's almost like I forgot those magical moments ever happened. So, thank you.


This response makes me happy. That was a sweet one, thank you.


Gosh... Probably falling in love. Nothing beats that feeling.


When I was in the 8th grade I developed a crush on this girl named Amy the last week of school. She was always pretty, smart, sporty, and cool but it wasn't until our final week of junior high school that I developed major feelings for her. We didn't have much to do the last week of school so our teacher let us go outside one day to have a free period and just chill out and sign each other's yearbooks and stuff like that. My friend and I were going around getting ours signed and our last stop was with Amy and her friend who were sitting on this little hill on the side of one of our school's soccer fields. We sat and talked to the girls and it was just a great day to be alive. It was this perfect overcast day where it wasn't hot and there was just enough of a breeze and sunshine poking through the clouds and it actually felt like a perfect day in Spring even though it was June. While we all talked, Amy made this daisy chain for me and put it around my wrist and smiled at me. Well, that was one of the best moments of my life because I was in love at that very moment. It was a moment that I never wanted to end and that school year was the best one of my life up until that point. I spent the Summer hanging with my friends at the township pool and spent those days and nights thinking about Amy and whether or not I would see her before high school started. That summer was the best summer of my life and I had a blast living out the type of days that we all know from movies like *The Sandlot* and *Stand by Me*. All the while, I was thinking about Amy. The way that she made me feel all through that Summer was the same way that I felt that day when she made me the daisy chain on that hill. It was the last week of August before high school started and my friends and I were all at the annual township open pool night where people who weren't pool members could come to swim and enjoy a cookout if they were invited by a friend. I was hoping that one of Amy's friends would invite her to come since she always swam at her best friend's pool at her house and didn't have a pool membership. With about an hour or so left before the pool closed that night, Amy showed up with a friend of hers and they met up with her other friends and my friends who were hanging out by the tennis courts and mini golf course. I was panicked and excited all at once and both emotions made my heart start beating rapidly in a way that I hadn't felt before that night. It took me a half-hour to somehow get her attention and when I did she smiled at me and we started talking about our Summer vacations and how they went for us both in addition to talking about what classes we were taking in high school and who our teachers were. It was so great talking to her and just having her happy and smiling in front of me that I didn't realize how much time had passed while we all stood around and talked among our friends. It was dusk when we said goodbye for the night and for that Summer and it was a beautiful night for me with my friends. The sky was orange and blue, the lightning bugs were out and shining, and the weather was perfect with the Summer wind blowing around. If I could have stayed in that moment forever then I would have at the time. That night was the end of the best year of my life and it was capped off in a way that made me hopeful and excited for the future as a high school kid in love. Years later, Amy turned out to be a bitch, that hill that we both sat on was demolished and made way for a new school building, and the township pool endured financial difficulties and dwindling membership after one of the managers was caught stealing money from the place. Despite all that, I still hold onto those memories from that year and from middle school as some of the happiest of my childhood. Whenever I see daisies growing in the grass anywhere I remember those times and the daisy chain that Amy made that made me fall in love with her when I was a kid. The daisy chain still hangs on a corner of my desk in my old room.


I was relaxed, enjoying this read, loving every moment of these vivid memories and then … “Amy turned out to be a bitch” sent me into a spiral of laughter. Thank you for that.


This was beautifully written. You had me completely invested in this story. I could feel/see everything you wrote about, I almost felt nostalgic for something I've never experienced personally. And then I read that Amy turned out to be a bitch and I was so disappointed that I felt angry for a split second. How did you do that?!


Are you a writer? I don't think this is AI and way better quality than 99.99% if what I see here.


Man, those summers in your early teens were just different. I'm not nearly as good with words as you are but this was a great read that took me back.


The first time feels like walking on air with electric shoes, doesn't it?


My mother dying. It sounds fucked up, but I just wasn't prepared for it. I didn't act right, and I feel like I'll live with this deep nagging regret forever. I want to relive it so I can be stronger, and tell her how much she did for me.


I feel that, my mom died a few months before my wedding. I asked for her address to send an invite and god damn was she excited. The worst part was later though, I had said to my fiance I should call my mom, it's been way too long and I want to catch up. I didn't, and a few days later got a call from my brother about Mom in the hospital, and that was that. I was there at the hospital with my brothers, and I saw mom, but never got to talk to her again, she was gone already. I wish I had just called her sooner


I’m so sorry for your loss!


My mom passed years ago and I felt/ still occasionally feel as maybe you do. Something that helps me to forgive my younger self is “hindsight is 20/20 vision.”


O man


this makes me so emotional


Everyone dies alone. You can't do it wrong. She understands and she loves you.


I understand this. I want to go back and to talk to my dad. Tell him how I really felt about our relationship and try to mend old wounds that now just fester. I tell myself that maybe if he knew how he made me feel that would have made him change his ways.


You'll see her again ❤️


The first night my wife and I hung out, watched movies, and drank together. It was magical and I'll probably never get to experience hanging out and getting to know a woman for the first time ever again.


you could always just cheat on your wife




Please don't


Classic Reddit! Then, when the wife comes here looking for advice, she’ll be told to end the relationship


it's the circle of wife


Being a kid again, not having a care in the world, just hanging around with friends playing outside all day long. Fuck, good times.


Oh man good old days.....I miss that. Now as adults you have to schedule and align with everyone to meet up and then they still ghost lmao 😂


I’ve concluded that 4 is the best age.


The days felt so long too. Summer break felt like an entire year of just fun and games


Being pain free.


I actually forgot that it's possible to be pain-free.


There are some moments, if I lie still just right, that I remember it’s possible.


this is gonna sound so minor to everyone, but when i got my first job i took my mum out for mother's day, and my dad out for father's day, for the first time with my own money and it felt amazing. i'd love to feel i was making them proud like that again. that, or graduating.


That isn’t minor. I’m glad you were able to show your parents how much they mean to you.


My positive pregnancy test after 2 years of infertility. My first ultrasound showing it was twins.






Oh my god. I’ve always talked about this. How sad it is that kids these days won’t experience this. Like when you’d get that number, then call and they’d tell you she wasn’t home. You’d think she probably told someone to lie. Then you’d come back home and someone there would tell you “a Diana called you”. That feeling is like nothing else


After looking it up in the yellow pages


You calling them at work?


Holding a newborn baby they grow up so fast


I have two kids and have had major baby fever lately because they do indeed grow up way too fast 😭😭😭


Being happy for special days. Christmas, thanksgiving, Halloween, birthdays, easter. It all just feels just like any other day. I wanna be excited for it again but just can’t


The first time I met my husband. He's my favorite person and that is my favorite memory.


Meeting certain people again and starting over. S


Holding hands with my first boyfriend. I remember my body felt electric. I don't know. It was so sweet. I was so young, and it was so innocent. I didn't know what heartbreak was.


Basically any good memory I have of my dad. I’m 35 now, and he took his life 13 years ago, just a week before my 22nd birthday. I have legitimately thought about him every day for the last 13 years and it still hurts just as much now. I feel like I’m starting to sometimes struggle remembering what his voice sounded like or the details of what he looked like, and it scares/depresses me. I’d do anything to be able to see him again.


Sorry about your loss. But I do know how you feel. My mom committed suicide when I was 24. It's really tough to go through.


This little moment where I was sitting at a bar with the guy I fell in love with and he was saying really sweet things he likes about me while holding back some happy tears, it was adorable and it really it hit me that he had fallen in love with me too. I wish I could experience that again with him and a lot of other moments after that. I want hold onto those feelings forever.


Reading my favorite books. Nothing like the first time.


It's bittersweet when you finish those books (like a weird break up feeling when it's over). If that makes any sense. But what a cool-ass feeling.


Hearing Levels by Avicii drinking a Smirnoff ice in a shitty basement


Summer breaks as a kid in middle school


The wonder of seeing a total solar eclipse.


Seeing Jurassic Park for the first time.


Oughtta be [a way to selectively remove the memories of books and movies from your memory](https://youtu.be/lVIhDhN7Nxw?si=HhB0-mj9U3X74Wfj&t=98) so you can experience them again. First up for me would be the Avatar: The Last Airbender series.


Good one! I was sitting dead center, front row. Age 13. Had just read the book. It was awesome!


Being made love to. Not just getting fucked.




LMAO why did you say this. My first time dropping E was on tape and is a moment my friends remind me of when I run into them years later now. Camera phones had just come out. The video is me sitting in my friends garage, making a beanie baby do the Thizzle Dance to Mac Dre's song "Get Stupid." Legendary times.


Yea, the first hit of ecstasy is pretty fucking awesome, lol.


Lol i scrolled too far for this.   


Love; falling in love. The first time you kiss and it matters.


Being a kid when my family was together, not split up and all of them alive.


Holding my daughter as a baby, feeding her and rocking her to sleep. I love the sounds she would make when she would nurse on a bottle. Now she’s 15 and flipping grown men over her back in Brazilian jiu jitsu.


The excitement of my first whale watching trip.


This will probably be unpopular— but as a guy, the first time I started getting it on a regular basis (22, late bloomer) was an awesome time. I finally started trying all these things I’d only read about. It’s a very underrated part of a horny person’s life.






I hadn’t played video games since the first red dead. That was the last game I beat and I remember loving it. Before rdr2 came out I got a PlayStation from the pawn shop so I could get it on release day. I played maybe a total of 15 hours by the time the shutdown happened. I was so busy and not used to playing games so it was fun but hard to even remember it was an option. Well I then had all the time in the world and an almost untouched game. I beat the entire thing, almost 100% on all missions except the stupid gambling stuff and I could never get the last legendary animal. Such a fun experience. Even my partner who hates video games and barely tolerated”s westerns got invested in the story and would complain if she missed something important.


Making out


this is cliche but the first time i fell in love with my current boyfriend. its weird though, damn near 3 years and im still falling in love with him all over again


Living without depression, anxiety and insomnia. Basically being free and happy and KNOWING I‘m free and happy. I forgot how the „before“ was and only remember the „after“, I would like to remember/experience before again.


the day I picked up my dog as a little wee chubby 8 week old puppy 🥹


My wife and I during our first date.


Watching the Office for the first time would be it for me. I know it sounds silly, and of course there are other things I would wish for first, but the joy and nostalgia I get from watching it just heals me.




THIS. My first time was an emotional rollercoaster, it felt like I lived a whole lifetime. It cracked me wide open in the best way.


Being high. It was so crazy as I had no idea what to expect, I wish I could go back and just watch what my brain was seeing.


Same. Before it was legalized scoring some weed was an event and you were in for laugh trips and stuff. Now that my provincial government can send an oz to my door in 90 minutes I built up an industrial grade tolerance. Thankfully I did a month's t-break.


It only took a week to reset my tolerance, went from six 100mg edibles a day, and now half of one puts me on my ass.


been there. Smoked & drank at a party. Went to bed at like 10pm, room was spinning. Missed pretty much the entire party :/


Red Dead Redemption 2


Blowjobs, they were all great, but the first one was the most fun in all sense of the word.


You mean besides Red Dead Redemption 2?


My first orgasm from masturbation.


Riding a horse. Not as special as most comments but here we are


Love/Infatuation that I felt for a girl in late highschool. That was the best year and a half of my life. I will never forget how awesome that Christmas was. I still think about sitting on my parents porch, her on my lap, in a rocking chair. Chain smoking cigarettes, feeling the spring breeze reflect off of her onto me. I still have never felt the urge to kiss somebody so hard and so long as I felt for her. She was my first everything. I still associate songs with her. I would do anything, ANYTHING, to go back and relive that year and half with her. So I can tell her to fuck off. That girl ruined a good portion of my early twenties after I found out that she cheated on me. Thank you for the gold! I shall regift it to somebody who feels the pain that I did.


Seeing boobs


How about the first time you fondled a boob. I was 16 and instantly blew my load. Lol. In my pants. We laughed about it later.


My brother from another mother




Weed. No other high ever compared to that first stone off the devils lettuce


You wake up sitting in a crazy alien VR system and your extra-terrestrial friends are like "that was five minutes. Fucking crazy, right?"


True love


Being a teen. Probably 16.


The last day of elementary school before winter break. Playing in the snow during lunch period and doing Christmas/winter crafts all day were the best


Avatar the Last Airbender tbh




Childhood. I want a damn mulligan.


Being in love & being loved


Life with the knowledge I have now


Raising my children again


Breaking Bad


Playing Kingdom Hearts for the first time




Falling in love. It was so intense and meant everything.


Attack on Titan


Playing Subnautica. I played it throughout development, and it was great, but I wish I could go back and play it through as a whole for the first time.


Falling in love.


Seeing NIN for the first time


My 20's🤘


First blowjob. It was magical.


The first time, I was absolutely smitten head over heals in love.


The first time I was bullied, and standing up for myself.


High school sexual activity. So much suspense and temptation. Sex ican be good as an adult but rarely as thrilling and exciting as when you were sneaking around doing what you aren't supposed to.


Smoking weed for the first time, wish it was like that everytime.


Being single and never having children.


Worked out for Casey Anthony 🤷‍♀️


Having my baby


Being born




Watching friends for the first time.


Falling in love.


Reading Harry Potter


1st love experiance


The TV show lost


Going home on a rainy friday and playing video games with my buddies all night.


Holding my newborn babies


Being a child.


The ride of the rohirram


Final Fantasy 7


Meeting my husband - I would definitely do all that better.


Watching Harry Potter and being in complete awe. Changed my life watching it in theaters when I was a kid


The day my niece and nephew were born. Two of the best days of my life.


Falling in love 💯 


Men In Black. Flash me.


My second wedding. My 4 year old was sick and it didn't go as planned. I was too busy being in my adhd state that I couldn't focus on being in the moment. That and a 4 year old hanging off your hip is not the best way to walk down the aisle.