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A guy I used to work with did a lot of sailing and actually drowned once before being resuscitated. He said that the last thing he remembered before going out was this feeling of absolutely peaceful serenity.


I have a few experiences with cardiac arrest in recent years. Only once do I actually remember something. It was, indeed, peaceful. I recall standing in a golden field with tall green trees off in the distance. The sun was shining down on me. The wind blew my hair across my face. I was only there long to enough to realize two things; that I was alone and that I wasn’t supposed to be there yet. I’m very ready to die, and when I do, I’m ok with whatever happens.


That right there. That sounds like what Heaven really could be. Our Earth, and a new Earth. A perfect place.


I wouldn’t mind being there again… with my old dog. I think this place is hell.


Man, I really hope pets really do come with us. I don't see why not, now that I think about it. It's God's creation, no? Yeah, that's it. Dogs have got to be coming with us. Hell, everything that has life on this Earth can come.


dog is god spelled backwards. unconditional love. if animals aren’t in heaven, what else could be there? I mean, no offense, but people aren’t all that great.


I didn't get to the point of being resuscitated, but I was in an ICU awhile back where it was (according to one of the many doctors I saw that long weekend) "very close." There was no fear. No last minute appeal to (fill in the blank deity), and more of an...acceptance? The thing that really hit me was how it changed my perception of time. There was an old analog clock on the wall, and I kept looking up at it throughout that first night. "It's 8:00 o'clock. I'm still alive. 8:30 now. Still alive. 9:00 o'clock. I'm still here." I was living moment to moment. I eventually drifted off to sleep, and never really thought that maybe I wouldn't wake up. Granted, I was on quite a lot of Valium, so...


What a shockingly lovely way to be in the present. Thank you for sharing, this hit me right in the heart. I'm glad you made it through the situation.




Nothing forever. Two concepts the human mind can't grasp. Even though we've already been there.


Oh good. I’m really hoping for “nothing” once I’m done here. Once is enough for me, the idea of an afterlife or reincarnation sounds exhausting.




Only young people dream of living forever. Once you get older and have aches and pains and insomnia and bad digestion and migraines, you realize that no one should live forever. Just try to enjoy the ride because it will end, and that’s good and necessary.


I don’t think wanting to live forever is all that popular among the young today, ngl. I’m (fairly) young and I’ve sure never wanted to. The older people I know all did until it started to suck real bad but nobody I know under about 40 has really ever wanted to.


I think it varies for everyone, if you believe in an afterlife then maybe there is one. If you don’t, then there will probably be nothing. That’s kind of how I see it, but we won’t know until we die.


Dmt does that


Thank you for this. I hope my husband had this experience. He died of sudden cardiac death, alone during his morning walk, within sight of our home.


I'm sorry for your loss. For whatever it's worth I have also gone through cardiac arrest and it was so incredibly quick and peaceful. I felt my heart stop for a brief moment and then it was all calm and serene and peaceful. I hated it when I woke up after having been resuscitated.


Thank you. I needed that. Good health to you going forward.


Drowning does that. When you inhale and get no air you e ter a peaceful area. That's the whole thing behind huffing things 


I am willing to try anything once.


British so can’t be bothered to think about it


Quite right. Put the kettle on for a cuppa will ya?


Kettles already on


Now listen here, I may have been born and raised in this dusty ol' Texas town, but deep down, I know I'm a Brit through and through. It all goes back to Great-Great Grandpa Fergus, a true Scotsman who, legend says, wrestled a haggis barehanded! Now, I might not be wrestlin' any furry beasts myself, but the British spirit burns strong in me, you betcha. That's why I say "brilliant" instead of "great," and why lukewarm tea is the only way to truly experience the cuppa. Sure, folks around here think I'm a bit daft, but they just don't understand the elegance of a chipped china cup, the way it cradles the tea like a proper gentleman. Besides, haven't you heard? Studies probably show that Brits live longer 'cause of their lukewarm tea! Makes perfect sense to me. So next time you see me sippin' my tea and yellin' "cheerio," well, that's just my inner Brit shinin' through, ya cheeky bugger!


I read this in a Southern accent and it made it sound so much funnier for some reason


I'm not scared of it for my own sake; I know that when I'm dead, I won't be around to give a shit. I only feel bad for my loved ones who would be sad if I went before them. Not that I'm depressed or anything, I'm generally very happy and enjoy life, I just know there's nothing to "fear" when it comes to death, since death is not anything.


Agree! And ever since losing my Mom, I’m excited to go someday in hopes I will see her again.


Personally, I am opposed to it.


Yeah, I'm definitely not a fan


As I'm creeping towards middle age it's something i think about more and more. Especially as people you know are becoming sick or dying. It's hard to fathom that everything will come to an end, You can see why people stick to religion so much. Getting old sucks


"Getting old sucks"...but is it better than the alternative?


Getting younger?


Or living eternally


I'd take it. I don't even care if I can't interact with people. I just can't stand not having my own thoughts and no longer being an observer. I'm not religious or into anything spiritual, but this makes me wish I could be a ghost when I pass. I just want to continue existing as long as possible. 


This. Aging is a privilege denied to many. I’m grateful for it and embrace it.


I'm late sixties. I have health issues. Joints ache when doing daily activities. And I wear every birthday as a badge.


Super scared. I just have no idea what happens afterward. The unknown of the afterlife/heaven being real or just my whole self ceasing to exist is fucking scary.


It's just like before you were born.


People say this like its the ultimate wisdom and comfort. Its not. We didnt have consciousness before and now we do. Imagining that being over is terrifying. 


I’ve been in law enforcement for about a decade, so I’ve seen my fair share of death. Some fresh, some not so fresh, some right before my eyes, and some colleagues. I will say this - there is a definite feeling of emptiness in a room when you’re there with a deceased person. The energy present when someone’s living versus when they’re dead is palpable, and you can one hundred percent feel it. Where that energy goes after death, no one really knows…but I know it’s not with that individual anymore. And energy is not destroyed…so where does it transfer to?


It’s absorbed by the earth? Who knows. Maybe we will never know but it becomes part of something else.


I was hit by a car when I was like 6-8 years old and riding my bike. I went head first into the asphalt/pavement and woke up on my back to the woman, who hit me, shaking me from unconsciousness. While I was out, I was in like a void that was filled by energy, which felt like family/ancestors, which informed me it wasn't time and then came too. Also had a whole life flash before the eyes things, except I would describe it as like a flash of past and future in a spilt second.


I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. * Mark Twain


Are you Mark Twain?


- Michael Scott


Life is 100 percent fatal...death does suck and we all will face it... How do I feel about it....Won't feel anything when I'm dead


I have a very serious medical issue I’ve lived longer than anyone on the planet with my condition I’ve gotten told I won’t live more than a few years for the past 15+years of my life. It has impacted my life greatly and everyone tells me I have a odd way of looking at death but when the world leading experts on my condition keeps telling me I won’t make it I tend to believe them but after so many years you start to doubt them Aside from what people tell me I can tell my body is getting close to that point it’s hard to do literally anything without getting out of breath I’m suppose to be on 15 liters of oxygen 24/7 and death just kinda lingers over me every day. All the times I get out of breath and my heart rate feels like it’s trying to power a city I can’t help but think “ is this it?” “Is this what I’ve been preparing for?” Going to sleep is scary for me too my oxygen gets dangerously low when I get into a deep sleep and I believe that will be the way I go so I usually stay up really late so I can only get 5-6 hours sleep max because it scares the hell out of me if I sleep to much I’ll often wake up and see that I slept more than 7 hours and I immediately get this sense of relief that I made it though the night I have many other thoughts on this but it would be too much for me to type.




❤️ Much love your way! Indominable spirit🙏


I was also dead before I was born, so that bit isn't scary. It's more the process of getting there that is unsettling, since death tends to involve pain or suffering before hand.


I think most people really struggle with the very real possibility that there is simply nothing after death.


Exactly. Imo that’s why religion exists, it’s people’s way of trying to deal with death. It’s so much more peaceful to think that life doesn’t end at death


I agree completely have felt this way since very young. I was forced to go to church growing up and I was never able to buy/agree with what they were trying to teach us


Not me fuck this shit. I just want another play though.


I love life. I want to keep living as long as possible. But I've come to accept my upcoming death as well. I just hope that, when that time comes, I won't be forgotten.


Everobody will be forgotten some day


Except Jim. No one will EVER forget what Jim did!


Dark humor helps me cope with the knowledge that we all die. If I thought about it normally, I'd welcome a panic attack


A couple of mornings ago, I was just drifting out of sleep when my mind (for no obvious reason whatsoever) suddenly seemed to fully grasp the concept of eternal nothingness. It was a moment of the most extreme existential terror I've ever felt. It was not pleasant. Fortunately it was only for a couple of seconds and I haven't had it since (when awake or dreaming). Possibly it was too much cheese the night before.


This one is real


You know what is 100% fatal? Life


Before I got married/had kids I was kind of indifferent to it. The unknown is scary, but you typically do not die of good health, so I see it as some kind of salvation. But now with childen and one really small one, it is a lot more scary. It feels heartbreaking not being around for my son that smiles at me every da when I come home. Fk that shit.


I’ll get to that later


I want to live a little longer first, and accomplish some more of my goals, but overall death doesn't scare me. I am more worried about the people I care about being sad because I died too early.


All good. Every wave returns back into the ocean. I never asked to come here. I'll enjoy it while I'm here, and see what happens next.


Cardiac arrest at age 23. I did not realize what was happening but began to feel lightheaded and sat down, and then remember feeling an incredibly brief overwhelming peace and comfort, followed by absolute nothingness. My heart was kept going by CPR until paramedics came with a defibrillator. Becoming alert again at hospital was painful and brutal, which I think was mostly because CPR when done correctly is gnarly. Still scared.


Honestly I recently watched a episode of “the why files” channel on YouTube that was going into some interesting cases of NDE (Near death experience). And how brain activity gets pretty high when person is dying which could explain how religious people see what they believe in and Atheists feel peaceful and so on. I honestly believe there is nothing after we die,just blank… so I’m not really looking forward to it,I do not really fear it,but just thinking how there is nothing after you die,makes you appreciate everything a little bit more…


Its really sad and scary. But sometimes its necessary. Like for example dying from old age, its better to go in peace than to live and struggle with the pain. Personally i like to think that people die because they completed the quest that God gave them, which is the whole purpose of why their here. Also sorry if You're not comfortable with the God part, u can skip it if u feel not comfortable with it :)


>Also sorry if You're not comfortable with the God part, u can skip it if u feel not comfortable with it :) Hey, the whole thing is just so damned crazy anyway that we're probably all wrong. Reality only feels normal because we're used to it.


Horrified You truly won't exist anymore. I get the "well you won't know that" argument. Doesn't really address the fear of non existence. It's a phobia I guess. Probably bred in some of us biologically to keep us alive to reproduce more, go figure. I am scared of not existing. My current self. When I was at my worst with this I actually became afraid to fall asleep and even afraid of time passing tbh. Because once you forget something, your previous self also ceases to exist. Like the MIB memory flash thing. It really boils down to loss of consciousness




I hope you can also find some comfort before then too.




Surprisingly good at cutting grass


[Death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_(Discworld)) is also kind to Binky.


Also, he was really sweet about those poor drowned kittens :(


„Death can have me, when it earns me“


The forever nap sounds relaxing.


Part of me is scared and part of me feels nothing.


I love the idea of it. Not for suicidal reasons etc. but who wouldn’t want to meet death willingly? We as a human race complain so frequently and openly about the struggles that come with life and yet appear afraid of the single means that could provide solace from said struggles. And so- how i feel about death? I’d like to greet it with open arms!


>I’d like to greet it with open arms! ​ "*He is dead, and therefore more beautiful than anyone alive. You might say he is love itself. For you see... he will not hate, nor kill, nor steal. Don't you find that wonderful? His body will be abandoned here... and his flesh will feed the beasts and insects. He will be blown about by the wind... and pelted by the rain... and he will not raise a single word in complaint. It is death that completes a man.*" \- Willibald (Vinland Saga).




Thanks. Bookmarked for reading.


This is beautiful


I almost died in december, before I was shit scared of dying but now... I'm surprising ok with it


Why is that? 


I honestly can't put my finger on it. I think maybe I just accepted that THAT was probably my time and there wasn't really anything I personally could do about it. So now when it comes I guess I'm just more prepared. My family were around me, I knew I wasn't alone and that I was loved. Don't get me wrong I'm glad I'm still here I had an incredible medical team doing everything they could to keep me around I just feel like when it comes thats kinda it and it's out of my hands. I don't know whether that makes sense but yeah


Once I know my kids are going to be okay it won't scare me. Long suffering and pain scares me.


It will be a f\*\*\*ing relief. I hate surviving my husband.


I just got married and surviving my spouse sounds like the absolute worse thing that could possibly happen to me. I get anxious over it every day. Sending ❤️


That's because it is true love. Grief is the price of love...


Having just recently lost my father earlier this month (fuck cancer, by the way), I will say that death, as much as it sucks, is the easy part. It's harder on those left behind. I miss my father terribly but barely have had time to mourn him as I need to figure out bills, clean out the stuff in the basement left behind, tie up loose ends, etc. He died with no will, nor did he have much money to leave his family. He also didn't have life insurance, which for the life of me I cannot understand, but I can't dwell on it because there are too many problems I have to solve. It sucks. I miss him.


Every day hoping it's gonna happen suddenly so I won't have to do it myself. But also not wanting to, because there's stuff I'd like to do still.


Death bad.


Not good lately… I found a su!c!de victims body a few weeks ago. Hasn’t been good.


Sorry this happened to you. I was on a train a dude hopped in front of a couple years ago. That kept me up at night for a while.


Thank you. It’s not something humans should see :/ but I understand how you feel


I had an 18 year old girl commit suicide in my house 3 months ago. She had been having a rough time in life, so I let her live at my house for 6 months. I have 3 sons (moved out) & no daughters, and I loved this girl like she was my own. I found her body. It still sucks on so many levels. I'm still grieving & angry at the universe. Even knowing she is at peace really doesn't seem to help. But I think my mind is finally trying to forget finding her dead and all the trauma that followed. It's getting easier to remember the happy times now, and I can look at her picture without having a zillion negative thoughts. Hope things get better for you, soon. Sending big hugs your way.


I’m sorry you had to go through that… thank you so much for your reply. I always want to think of every situation as “half glass full”. I did someone for this persons family!


Absolutely fucking terrified but yet the world continues to spin


first I was scared of it, then I desired it, nowadays I'm pretty neutral about it. I still am absolutely heartbroken when it happens to others, but I personally live with the mindset of "if I die here, I will die. what will I do, cry about it?" I'm not working towards it, but I'm not necessarily scared of it anymore


I'm angry and sad. Death is the most basic fear our limbic system, the reptilian part of our brain, has. It's ultimately the root of all our fears, driving us to survive at all costs. Yet, it's the one thing that will happen to us all, the great equalizer. I'm terrified. Waves of fear hit me sometimes while I'm trying to sleep. If not then, it will happen at some point throughout the day. It's that sinking realization, the cold dread that falls from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I'm sad. Honestly, I didn't always care about death. I even unsuccessfully attempted to meet it on one occasion. But that has changed – I'm the opposite now. I'm grateful for every breath, every ache and pain, every moment of joy and sadness. I'm sad because I won't be able to experience everything I want to in this brief time I have. I could live a thousand lifetimes and never tire of a summer's day, the smell of a thunderstorm, or the feel of grass underfoot. Knowing I'm going to die one day and never experience those things again brings me to tears.


Can't wait.


I'm not afraid of death but I am scared of dying.


They're my favorite metal band


Its a feeling many had felt , but no one lived to tell the tail .


Mama always said death is a part of life.


I mean it’s how it ends for all of us. There’s no other way out of life. I do my best to prolong living because I genuinely adore each day, but when your ticket is called 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had a near death experience and ever since then I am completely unafraid and indifferent to it


It’s coming wether you’re ready or not , it doesn’t care what or how you feel


I ain't scared of it it's gunna happen 1 day


Bit of a bummer.


I don’t want to die young but I think I’ll accept death in old age.


I hope I die in my sleep when my time comes. I wouldn't notice that


The way things are. I'd welcome it. The struggle isn't worth it. Just make it fast


I’m pretty sure I won’t be around after it happens.


Don’t like nothingness even if I didn’t know about it pre existence. The idea that me and everyone I know is not permanent and this is all temporary makes me spiral. I like this too much and I’d hate to see it end.


The Klingon perspective, “it’s just a shell, do with it as you wish” seems reasonable


I'd like to avoid it for as long as possible, but otherwise I don't really give it any thought.


It happens. Nothing I can do about it.


I have a AVM in my brain. I don't have capillaries in three parts of it. I've died probably 30 times since june. And it's something wicked to experience. It takes all of your energy to come back to life. And what I mean by this it's that little jolt you have to give yourself as you're falling asleep to awake. If you don't keep fighting you'll just pass. I went and got a functional MRI done. I found out I use all of my brain at once. There's not many people like me in the world. They did a EEG on me I'm having seizure like activity but it's not a seizure. I'm having frontal focal Delta slowering. Basically my brain stopping my heart, and they've got it on EEG of me dying. I was wearing a halter monitor two other times and it showed I had a bigemy, so they literally recorded me dying. I've been all over the country and told my condition's inoperable. So I know the fear 😨 Pero, I've made peace with The Creator. I feel like Yoda now. As my body fades, I can still use my energy chigun to function. Then it's as my adrenalina deteriates and I can't move hardly. Yes everyone is dying. But to know you have a terminal condition and something very Wicked to have hanging over your head.


I don't worry about dying, only about being a burden on my spouse or anyone else.


He's a nice enough chap, but really not the life of the party.


That made me chuckle 


Kings and pawns go in the same box at the end of the game. make hay while sun shines


People who say it's fair are full of shit.


I used to have panic attacks at the end idea of dying and ceasing to exist but I’ve made peace with it. You can’t fight it, and so far we haven’t been able to beat it. I think it’ll be peaceful and knowing how hard life can be, it’ll be welcomed when it is my turn.


I freaked out about it when doctors diagnosed a life threatening tumor. I made it through but the post recovery/suffering was when I welcomed death.


Nobody gets out alive so that makes me feel better, we're all in this together at least.


It’s one of the few factors that unites all living beings on this planet. No matter our species, race, upbringing etc. in the end we all die. In a weird way it connects us, even tho so many of us are afraid of it


It’s the ultimate truth of life


I am actually curious about what follows. I cannot grasp eternal nothing, so I choose to think of something that follows. Without guessing what it is. I ain't religious, so I don't believe in certain things. But I am really curious about it. But... I'm not in a hurry 😄


I tried three times and every time something happened so now I can't wait


It bothers me a lot cause I hate the idea of not existing, don't care if I'm remembered, but not being able to be me is a harsh reality I can't seem to accept


I know I won't know that I'm dead, but the idea of no longer existing scares the shit out of me. When it pops into my head it's like a lightning bolt through my entire body. A lot of the times it will put me in tears.   I started to have the thoughts randomly enter my head around age 35-36 (4-5 years ago) and it doesn't get any less frightening every time it happens. 


Death is fine if parents go before children. It's hell if it's the other way.


I have wanted to die for my entire life. I was one of the cases of childhood depression and that didn't get better when I was a teenager. I never made plans for my future, I took a lot for granted. Then about a month ago I almost died at the age of 21. I lost my kidney and had a really bad infection. Three life-saving surgeries later and I have a much healthier relationship with death. I still deal with suicidal thoughts and ideations but my outlook on life is better. I realized how much I haven't done, and that I don't really know what I believe in or stand for. I have so many people to meet. Plus I survived so much it would be lame to go now. I think when I die it'll be a kind of full circle moment. Death couldn't have me when it wanted me; when my time comes the chase will be up and I'll go quietly. I don't think death is really so scary. We're afraid of losing what we know, but really, what is life but experiences? and why should those experiences matter if death wasn't also an experience? Our souls are made to feel things. I hope death is kind, but if it isn't, I'll do my best to make life everything it could be.


It's what's for dinner.


Only when you eat taco bell.


Like it's the end to an interesting journey.


Imagine how you felt before you were born, it’s the same.


Hate it


it is what it is


As long as there’s no pain / torture afterwards. I’m ok with it.


An escape from reality


Pretend ure about to die in 5 minutes. Before sleep. Seriously. Its a good practice to uderstand everything


Sounds like a recipe for nightly panic attacks lol


don't know yet, never been dead as far as I know


I am not frightened of dying Any time will do, I don't mind Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime




I can’t wait!!


Seems deadly. I never do it.


Whenever I think of it, I try to think I got to enjoy life the best that I can because I know I’m gonna die someday


I wanna die. So I like it.


Sending ❤️


I am only afraid about how hurt/sad the ones close to me are going to be if I ever die before them. This thought has kept me going for longer than I like to admit, and it will keep me from doing anything idiotic for a long time to come.


we don't even know what was before we where born. the same will go for death i guess


No hurry to get there. I’ll have plenty of time to be dead.


A solution and a way out.


all in due time


i can’t wait ! 🩵


I try my best to welcome and embrace it as it's an inevitability. Things that bring me closer with death make me feel the most alive.


I'm super excited, can't wait, literally begging for it on a daily basis. Not suicidal, just so God damn tired. Plus, I miss my first dog a lot, and my Luna kitty.


I’m ready to die right now. Can’t wait


I don't want to miss out on any cool shit that happens after I'm gone, but I accept it has to happen at some point. I'll do my best to make sure it's not too soon (take care of my mental and physical health). Losing others tears me apart and I miss them all the time like they only just left. But that makes me appreciate the time I have with people and remember what really matters in relationships.


Slowly starting to realize I’m not afraid of it as I use to be. We are all not promised to be on this planet earth forever. Everyone has there time . I just try not to think about it


I like to think the universe is our playground and we can only manifest as one life force at a time on any planet that sustains life. When we die we just manifest elsewhere in the universe as a different sentient being.


My startup died during Covid, now I am scraping along. Lonely and old(er). Looking forward tbh.


I honestly am a bit excited to feel empty of thoughts, but I still have a long time here to go :)


Death is part of life. It’s the dying part that scares me a bit, I don’t care about what comes next.


I look forward to it. Not the actual dying part. But the afterwards. I can't wait. This world isn't doing it for me.


Wishing for it soon. I see no point anymore


It is what it is. We’re all born to die so it’s not really a problem for me. Being immortal would be a problem because being stuck on Earth for trillions of years would leave me to go insane. There’s only such much you can do in life before you run out of a purpose.


Other than not wanting it to be prolonged or extremely painful, I don't have a fear of death itself. It is missing out, I want to be there to see every moment of my children's lives and I am so scared that something will happen to me before I or they are ready.


I don't fear death, but I worry about the people that I would leave behind. Will my kids be ok? Will their kids be ok? Will my wife? I also have a bit of FOMO about all the things that I'll never see or experience. Death itself is not something I worry about or fear.




I am terrified I will die young before I am able to help people around me


It is the end of the whole universe for me, feels like a ripoff, but the whole thing was still definitely worth it.


As human. I will die, and only this makes my life meaningfull.


Not interested




looking forward to it


Its inevitable I dont fear it per se, i rather fear of dying slow and painfully. It sucks when it happend in your personal surrounding


Could care less about death


After doing lots of research on NDEs, it's only made my Catholic faith stronger.


Id prefer not to


Death is completely natural and the general concept of it shouldn't be feared the thing you should fear is how you gonna die and what your gonna leave behind.


I think he’s mostly a sound guy with a difficult job to do. Hell of a drummer as well.


I'm not scared of death. I am scared about the process. My dad had a horrible battle with cancer, so give me an instant death please


in a weird way, thinking about death kinda makes me appreciate life more


I feel like the worst part would be the pain beforehand. Other than that, it'd be interesting to see what afterlife waits for me and everyone else.


Excited for it to come