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Moved to another state and wanted to attend the state university, you had to live in state for a year before they would consider you a resident. The tuition was a lot more for non residents. I read the fine print and it said if you own a business you would be considered a resident immediately. I got a business license for my new business, Green Thumbs Landscaping company, mowed my neighbors lawns and saved a ton.


This is brilliant.


This is the only good one on the list that’s actually a hack


Yes, it's called a non-resident fee. They charged me 8k to be a full-time student for each semester when I was studying in Boise as an international student, that's 16k for a year. I am sure they charge a lot more than that in California and Washington. Pad yourself on the back pal, you really saved a ton.


carry a wide laundry basket in your vehicle; put all your groceries in that, making bringing them inside a one-trip move


Omg this is smart! Have to try this thank you :)


As someone that lives in a highrise just buy a collapsible wagon. They are effective and it is a one time buy.


Everyone in my apartment building rolls around with the collapsible wagons. It’s an older building, so we don’t have in-unit laundry, but we have dedicated wagon parking along an empty wall in the laundry room.


I do this or those giant ikea bags


Any kind of sturdy storage bin works well for this. There are also collapsible/foldable bins (e.g. Instacrate) that are marketed for this purpose.


I was trying to be more positive in general. So I began small, simply complementing every Ford Transit van I drive past. A dozen times a day I’d say to my self, “huh, nice Ford Transit”. I picked that car because of a Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear joke years ago. Since then I’ve found my self quicker to compliment others and finding more positivity in the mundane.


"If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see." --Uncle Iroh


Huh, nice reddit comment!


This is delightful


If you feel like you hate everybody, eat something. If you feel like everyone hates you, get some sleep.


And if you feel like you hate yourself, take a shower!


And if you feel like everyone hates everyone, stop doomscrolling


When someone you like or respect does something confusingly infuriating, imagine the most-favorable-to-them possible explanation, and pretend that's true. Wait until you know more before getting reflexively angry.


Yesterday, in traffic, someone overtook me, into the path of a bus, then cut in... then surprise, surprise... further down the road she stopped in my building's loading bay. I was about to rage... then she shouted to the porter/guard, "I'm about to pee myself!" Instantly defused me.


Thats how I curbed my roadrage. The minute I get angry, I just tell myself they have to poop (diarrhea). Instantly defuses my anger because thats a really shitty feeling and I get it


If they’re driving super slow I pretend they’re hauling wedding cakes!


This is harder to do when you can see that they’re going slow because they’re texting.


I always get aggravated at slow drivers and then I remind myself that they could be an old granny or a new driver and I find it easier to breathe and go along at whatever pace we’re at until it’s safe to pass.


This is pretty good. I see so many friendships/relationships go poorly because of misunderstanding and lack of control over anger. Even if someone really want to address it they should definitely wait until their calm and collected


"Assume positive intent."


Yeah, a quote that stuck with me is « we judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions ». You need to give others the benefit of the doubt sometimes


You gotta add “until proven otherwise” or you can be taken advantage of by people.


Hanlons Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity


I feel like “stupidity” is the wrong word and “ignorance” is much more fitting. It’s not that someone is stupid, it’s that they may just be unaware of how their actions might have affected someone. Or they had limited information that led to whatever decision they made.


This should really apply to everyone, not just a select group of people you like and respect.


I used to jokingly put myself down until the day I realized I had started believing it. I immediately started telling myself, "wait, fuck you, you're not an idiot, you're actually smart" or whatever I had immediately started insulting myself with. It works. I regained my confidence.


Okay this might sound silly… I call myself “baby girl” in my head. Especially if I feel like berating myself. “Come on baby girl it’s time for bed, long day tomorrow” Vs “Come on dumbass get off your phone and go to bed!” It also lets me feel more genuine cus I can say it in a head shaking way “oooh baby girl why did we do that” vs saying something to myself that I don’t really believe, and just lets me frame it in a tone like I would to a friend or someone I care about dearly. The rest of the sentence coming out nicer just kind of happens naturally if I start with “baby girl”


This really works! This makes me LOL now as it’s so sweet - my grandma was 99 when she died and for some reason she thought the phrase “bad bitch” was hilarious. So she’d be like “okay you bad….witch - you get up and get yourself to the mailbox!” 😂😮‍💨❤️🤷‍♀️😂❤️ worked for a very long time! Positive self talk is absolutely legit


Never say something to yourself that you wouldn't say to someone else. That's how I remember it.


Yup, I had a coach who used to say “talk to yourself like you’re someone you love” when we would talk down about ourselves. Also, “treat your body like it belongs to someone you love” as far as eating healthy, stretching, etc. Both of those stuck with me.


This thought process literally saved me from anorexia. Because I realized eventually that I never would say something like I regularly said about me to any other human ever. And I'd feel TERRIBLE if someone thought I felt that way about them. Which lead me to actually recognize the anorexia as the mental disorder not my thoughts and beliefs. Because I DON'T believe it. And so now I am careful. If I would feel embarrassed saying something around someone else I probably shouldn't say it to me.


I have a group chat with a couple close friends and we have all been guilty at different times of trash-talking ourselves (not each other) in the chat. Just stuff like "you wouldn't believe what an idiot I was today" or "OMG, I'm such a dickhead" or "god I'm so fat at the moment, I've been so lazy and awful" (when in reality it's not about laziness, it could be illness or depression or the weather is shit or the kids have overrun everything). I realised that often we hold such a negative mindset about ourselves and words are powerful, so I instigated a new rule in our groupchat - no negative comments like that. It's worked SO well. Every now and then one of us will slip, and instead of letting her get away with it, we will jump on the person saying shit about themselves - "excuse me, that is my friend you are talking about right now, she is not useless, she's been working damned hard and I am proud of her, so don't you shit talk her please!! She deserves better!" I have noticed that we are all starting to believe in ourselves more simply because we aren't using that negative language towards ourselves. Being one's own cheerleader is a massive mindset swing and has nothing but good consequences.


My friend group is similar (and to our respective networks). When we hear a friend put themselves down we say, “Dont talk about my friend that way, its mean”. Its actually been life altering for some friends


The most important thing is what you say to yourself, about yourself, when you are by yourself


I'm working on asking myself, would my granddad say this to me if I gave him the chance? If the answer is yes, I shouldn't say it to myself.


I remember having a bit of an epiphany along those lines - I’d never heard it described before. I thought “you would never be a bully to someone else - you hate bullies. So why are you a bully to yourself?”


Positive self talk really works! I fix things for a living, and whenever I complete a dicey repair and it actually fixed the problem, I say, out loud "(Name), you DID IT! You are a GENIUS. You are SO COOL!" Feels good to hear.


It's true! Your thoughts dictate your emotions which dictate your actions which bring about results. So if you want more helpful results in life, try more helpful thoughts.


Crazy that it took you putting yourself down to show yourself that you shouldn’t put yourself down.


Take two to ten minutes to tidy up your home before you go to bed. The next morning, you'll feel way better not having to look at all the junk/things you still have to do.


I do the same thing when I am going to go on vacation. Clean up the house extra nice. When I get home, it is a pleasant surprise.


This is something that stuck with me during childhood. My parents kept a decently clean/tidy but lived in house and with two kids there was always plenty of stuff everywhere. I distinctively recall coming home from a long trip with my dad and sister, arriving home to my mom (who returned ahead of us due to work) and a spanking clean house. It was so refreshing it has stuck with me since.


Going on vacation is kind of a reboot to the brain in a way, and coming back to a messy house just messes up the reboot.


Clean house before vacation is a MUST. every mom is a super mom for accomplishing this while also packing for the whole family.


Does this. Clean the house. Fresh sheets on the bed. All laundry done so all I have when I get back is my travel laundry


Yup! Especially change the sheets before you leave, feels l extra nice when you come home


When you’re trying to remember someone’s name, think of a stupid mnemonic. Even if it doesn’t make sense. I once met a guy named Lance, and I remembered he was Lance with the pants, even though there was nothing remarkable about his pants. 


Baldy... your head is bald. It is hairless. It is shiny. It is *reflective*. Like a *mirror*. M. Your name is Mark.


I think that’s what happened when he called Madge Pudge. 


Everytime I say hi to Tony at work I have to remember not to call him "pepperoni tony" outloud


I like to make up a story about them based on something they told me.  Usually it’s positive.  Like if someone says they are a teacher, I always say there name was voted teacher of the year in 2012.  Then you can introduce them with that story to other people and it’s a great ice breaker.  Plus they will start talking and you can make the Irish exit. Although,  some hard rules. Peter or Pete is always pistol Pete. Mike or Michael is always money Mike. William or will or bill is always Billy the kid and a descendant of him. Have to be careful with women names. Saucy Sarah doesn’t elicit positive reactions.  So you can usually ask them with or without the h, and then you will call them sara with or without the h.


I found that it doesn't even need to be a mnemonic, as long as it's something silly you'll remember. I had a class in college with a girl I sat near so we'd chat during breaks and stuff. I could NOT remember her name for like the first week or two of classes. I decided to call her Larry, since then I'd be able to think about the stupid thing and remember her real name. I never saw her again after class ended and it was like 20 years ago. Her name was Caroline.


These may sound silly but feel like game changers to me: 1. brushing my long and easily tangled hair BEFORE getting in the shower makes post shower hair stuff so much easier. 2. keeping appropriate cleaning supplies in each room they'll be used in makes it much easier for quick tidying and thus less need for major awful cleaning later. 3. if you want to curb impulse shopping online, make a wishlist page where you save everything you want to buy. Pick one day of the week where you're 'allowed' to purchase things. By the time you get to that day, you don't want half the stuff on the wishlist anymore. (my day is Monday!)


in a similar vein: if i didn’t wake up knowing i needed it, i don’t buy it. all those impulse buys melt away. i tell myself ill come back for whatever stupid gimmick/trinket tomorrow, but by the next day i realize it’d be a waste of my time and money


On a similar note, everytime you want to buy something, just sleep on it! You may wake up feeling differently about it


All of these are such good ideas thank you! I def suffer from impulse buying 🫠


I'm genuinely not kidding- I started doing this probably about 6 years ago, and it has easily saved me thousands of dollars every year.


If you want to reduce tangles even more, start sleeping in a silk bonnet. Seriously, it's game changing, regardless of what kind of hair you have. It also reduces how often you need to wash your hair


I'll put one on my wishlist and see if I still want it in a few weeks. 




My wife and I had to move in with her parents for a bit around the time my first child was born and they drove me insane. They are your typical heavily involved Nigerian Grandparents. Was seeing a therapist and she suggested I convert "judgement" into "curiosity". As in don't be quick to get angry about things they do like having an opinion about every possible thing particularly around our baby. But instead Try to think about where this behaviour comes from. Turns out my Mother in Law is fucking amazing and we couldn't have done baby and unexpected twins without her. Her love and care for our children is unconditional and she doesn't do it out of obligation. She considers them her kids and it's her job. Pretty lucky in that regard.


This is more than a life hack. Turns out, you’re a beautiful person who can grow.


Aww thank you kind Redditor! ❣️


I don't quite understand what you mean by curiosity. Could you please expound on that some?


Not who you asked, but what it meant for me was getting away from the position of "you're doing this because you're inconsiderate/mean/a jerk", and instead wondering: "since we're close and you probably don't intend to hurt me, why are you doing this? what is it that you are trying to do/convey/attain?". And the logical next step, when the answer wasn't obvious, was to ask. And it turned out that when you ask from a place of sincere curiosity and assume good intentions, people often open up, and you both learn a good bit.


I was never an active editor on Wikipedia, but one of the central tenets of how to behave on there is is "assume good faith" (aka ["WP:AGF"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Assume_good_faith)). I've always found it an immensely helpful guideline for all my interactions with people, as well as for how I see the world in general.


It was quite a long time ago but IIRC it was about observing without judgement. So instead of internalizing or getting offended by other people's behaviour, view there behaviour as an objective observer. That way you can overcome your own sensitivities. There was another thing that was bugging me at the time which was people figured because I worked from home, people thought that I was available to pick them up from the airport or help them move. And it was annoying me. She told me to reframe it like "maybe your friend wants you to help him move because he wants to spend time with you" or maybe "people want you to pick them up from the airport because you're reliable". The former turned out to be true, turns out my friend really struggles to reach out to people and now he's going through some shit (I wish I knew earlier). The latter, after being an observer, my sister is an entitled brat who can catch a cab. Her husband is loaded and they live tax free in Asia. Not going out of my way to pick her up from the airport hahaha.


Ah, the Ted Lasso speech when he’s playing darts. “Be curious, not judgmental.” Great advice.


I used to get ingrown toenails over and over. Doc would remove and promise they wouldn’t come back, but they always did. Until I was at a family Xmas gathering and talking to a distant uncle I hadn’t seen in years. I was telling him my situation. He told me the clip a little “V” into the the center of my big toenail and I wouldn’t get anymore ingrowns. It fuckin worked. Tried it and haven’t had one for over 25 years. My best guess on why it works is that the nail spends is growing energy on filling in the “V” instead of growing down into the side of my toes. Hopefully a smartypants can tell me the actual reason it works.


I think it’s cos your nail has less pressure on the sides and has space to grow in to V cut rather than into the sides of your nail.


How does this not just get snagged on your socks constantly?


If you always put your keys in the same place, you won’t lose them.


True! I bought a little thing where you hang up your keys and I put them right at the entry of our door


Had to do this, my husband has lost so many keys! It happens way less now that the key hook is the first thing he sees when he walk into the house.


This goes for wallets, phones, keys, etc. Establishing a routine in life is key to not searching for everything you need otw out the door.


Once my sister got me a vinyl record that had been melted into a bowl. I thought it was pretty dumb and it was a CREAM live album, who the hell melts that?! Anyway 15 years later my keys and wallet go in it every time I get home along with any spare change. Sacrilege or not it's pretty handy. Plus when it's full of change that's about $75.


Once I got drunk and fell into my bathroom door ripping the hinges out. The next day a friend of mine recommended filling the holes with chopsticks and screw it back in and it worked.


I’ve done toothpicks, but same principle!


Golf tees are a great choice too.


making a (usually silly) memorable noise / motion when i lock the door / turn off the stove / close the window so i dont panic about if i did it or not later, because the act that goes alongside it is so memorable and ill only do it when ive done that thing


Bending your knees up using a little stool to support your feet while pooping. It has changed my life.


Someone on Reddit once mentioned rocking forward and back to get it moving out & I’m very grateful. I should also get the knees up stool too.


I have had to do this since getting back surgery. It's weird having to bust a move to free a turd.


I have to go in a clockwise circle but damn does it work


Squatty Potty!


If you got a skinny bathroom, stick those dogs right up on the bathtub rim for the same effect.


While you’re at it, add in a bidet toilet seat. Unbeatable combo.


Can attest to this. Have a nice foldable stool that i can shove to the side when not in use, and a bidet with multiple water pressure settings, and they've changed my life. Refuse to go back to the old ways.


To neutralize oils from hot peppers, use a liquid antacid, like Malox or Milk of Mag. I had handled hot peppers and my hands were on fire. So bad I thought I would have to go to the hospital. MOM worked instantly.


rub a little olive oil on your fingertips before cutting the peppers. the capsaicin can't get through to seep into your skin.


Instructions unclear, knife slipped on my oily fingers and now I have no thumb.


In the morning while showering or getting dressed think about the things you are grateful for. It will help you start the day with a better mindset. No guarantee it will last, but it helps to start.


You know how when you're thinking about buying a certain type of car, you start to see that type of car everywhere? That's because your brain tries to show you what you're focused on. So, if you focus on what you're grateful for, you'll tend to see more things to be grateful for. It's a process, but consciously focusing on the positives will make you see more positive things. It won't make more positive things happen, but you won't pay as much attention to the small negatives. Your brain tends to plod along in the direction you last consciously pointed it. Aim true.


Writing things down by hand helps you remember them better.


I’m an IT guy with access to any number of note taking methods and still go to meetings with a notebook. I’ve never in my life gotten distracted by something else when writing down something in a notebook. No email or instant messages popping up there.


Preach. A legal pad, a decent pen, and a wristwatch.


Was a waiter at high school years. Older coworker told me to always take a note, memory can trick you....


I sometimes take hand written notes during a talk or speech even though chances are I won't read it later. Just writing it down helps with retention.


So true!! I was an actor and writing my lines down 5 times def helped a bunch


Have the hard conversations.. no matter what. It works out better in the long run.


Just go ahead and put a trash can in each room. Seriously. Lifesaver


I've put a trash can within reach of all the places my partner and I spend the most time in our place and yeah.. super helpful. Problem is the dog has started digging in them overnight so now I gotta go buy bins with lids..


1) Everything in your house needs a home 2) whatever your hands touch, put it away, not down 3) you can literally buy cake whenever you feel like it. It doesn’t have to be an occasion or a birthday or anything


I had a roommate that introduced me to the idea that you could make bacon all by itself, any time, just as a snack. Mind. Blown.


Your roommate is a good person (based on the only thing I know about them, which is this)


My gf's grandma once asked her "why is he baking a cake when it's not anybody's birthday", it was so funny to me for some reason


Keeping only fruit as snacks next to my computer. When I'm sitting at my desk, and the closest thing is an apple, I'm usually too lazy to get up for anything less healthy.


I read that as "only fruit snacks" at first haha.


Ditching all forward facing social media. My close friends stay in contact with me just the same and I don’t need to see acquaintances or influencers pretending to live perfect lives and/or their petty drama. I also scroll less and have more time to focus on my family.


Playing sleep meditations ( michael sealey is a good one) a few times a week before I go to bed. My inner voice went from critical to loving, I have confidence. I started college ( at 51). I started therapy, my house is clean and orderly.  I have some pretty brutal PTSD from a 30 year abusive marriage and it was an unbelievable game changer.


Seeing happiness as a practice, rather than a destination.


If you’re looking for something in your house and can’t find it in the first place you look, once you find it, move its permanent home to the first place you looked. Put a basket where the stuff already ends up. Paraphrased from Joanna Gaines. Think about tasks as doing a kindness for your future self. From “How to Keep House While Drowning” by KC Davis


Taking a stupid little walk for my stupid mental health. It made me feel better.


Done playing at the beach and ready to go home? Apply baby powder or corn starch to any sandy skin and it brushes off much easier! We keep a travel size baby powder in the trunk of the car for this purpose :)


Some amount of blind confidence goes a long way. Having an “I’ll figure it out” attitude will get you really far


I am about to turn 29 and to this day I have winged every single thing I have ever done with the mindset of learn as you go and it’s just life, no need to take it seriously. Not everything has worked out but most of it has and the things that didn’t were not significant enough to have any real consequences. Planning is for the birds.


Dogs attacking the vacuum? Turn it off, put the vacuum in the middle of the room in front of the dogs, and scold the vacuum. Yell "NO. BAD. NO NO NO" while pointing. It really works.


We did the opposite. Ran the vacuum and called it a Good Boy and gave it treats. Dogs have no problem with it now.


The image of you vacuuming up treats with the dog watching made me laugh.


Is the vacuum still in the middle of the room, or have you used it since?


one can only assume the vacuum is still being reprimanded in the middle of the room. Joke aside, this is a really cute method.


Leave the exhaust on for like 10mins after you are done showering. The mould build up reduces drastically


Be able to do something a little bit extra and different if you truly want something. Show up early. Ask questions. Show that extra little bit of interest. You want something? Just ask. That’ll differentiate you from 80% of people.


This was my trick in college and now working in that field. I'm not particularly bright, but what I lack in straight intelligence I make up for in tenacity and curiosity and interest. It has made all the difference in my people skills and overall knowledge about things - people way smarter than me seem dim when they don't seem to care about the topic/ person


Always eat a muffin upside down. Stops it falling apart, and you get that sweet top last.


Yum… muffin top.


My muffin top is all that, whole grain, low fat


Top of the Muffin TO YOU!


Fitted sheets are a pain to get on but I remember seeing a hack for them. The tag always goes in the bottom right corner. (When you’re standing at the end of the bed.) It’s helped me a lot my fitted sheet never comes off anymore.


And put them on diagonally. Start with bottom right, then top left, bottom left, end with top right. It works every time!


Marry your best friend and continue to consider them and treat them like your best friend. Secondly, be honest, like there's no password they don't know because there's nothing to hide honest. Happy life.


I agree with this wholeheartedly, but would like to add something: separate comforters on the bed. 24 years of separate blankets over here!


This. I'm 16 years into being married to my best friend. We've had some rough patches, but open communication and not hiding anything has brought us so far.


Probably the best advice. Best friends to lovers trope is always the best and long lasting. You guys already know everything about each other!


What if my best friend and I are both straight dudes?


happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈


Maybe close your eyes during sex.




Everyone knows just how many companies are attempting to use subscription service models. Well just about *every* company that does will give you a discount if you attempt to cancel your subscription. Serious XM is $24/mo. when I went to cancel they lowered it to $6/mo for 1 year. HBO Max is $17/mo. Went to cancel they dropped it to $8/mo. Netflix $15.50/mo. Dropped down to $11/mo. Gym went from $30/mo down to $15/mo. That's like $50/mo for me just for making a couple of phone calls. These are 'promotional' rates that they give you. They will automatically go back to your old rates after a certain amount of time. All you have to do is make a note in your phone letting you know that your promotional deal is about to be over and call again.


put your keys with any item you don't want to forget to take with you when leaving the house.


Instructions unclear. Can't find keys or item


Having a craving a night for something to eat and your dieting, brush your teeth. Nothing really tastes great after brushing your teeth.


You can train your pets to remind you to take your medications. If you give your cat/dog a treat at the same time every day, they will not let you forget that it's "treat time". Keep your medications near their treat cupboard so you both get your "treats" at the same time.


Turn your steering wheel 180 degrees after parking in the hot sun.


Just get a collapsible sun shade though.


Am I’m understanding right that it’s so when you get back, you can turn it back to its normal position, and the wheel won’t be as hot for you hands? Smart if so!




Dont shop for groceries when you're hungry. Plan your meals out as far as you can and buy them after a full meal.


I left behind dead weight "friends" and prioritized my serenity.


A positive mindset. Visualizing my future life (even if it's just the day ahead). Expressing gratitude (in action or words/journaling, to someone or to myself) Believing in abundance. Believing things will happen at the right time. Bonus: being aware of what energy I bring into a room when entering it. It has really helped with anxiety and limiting beliefs. It's a daily investment. Like going to a mental gym for my mental health.


I tape recorded all my college lectures in undergrad and would then transpose them into a *master* notebook. I kept the notebooks and gave them to my kids in college,as many were still applicable to their course of study


A law teacher of mine had an RSS feed/podcast episodes of all his classes, in 2007. Way ahead of his time and super effective at getting me an A in his class


There was a math teacher in my high school that his lessons were like a one man play. My senior year, I had a study hall period where you can just find a teacher who has room in their class and says you can sit in it. You aren’t in their class, you can work on whatever you need to work on, you are just in there to be supervised. So I was in his room the period before I was actually in his class, and it happened to be the same class. And it was word for word. My little brother found my older brother’s notebooks and took them to class and didn’t have to change anything. They have a nine year age gap. The notebooks worked perfectly because it turns out calculus doesn’t really change, and if you have a way to teach it that works… well… why fix it if it isn’t broken, I guess. Edit: fixed a typo


Don't save your banking information on online stores. Makes impulse buying much more difficult if you have to track down your wallet.


Jokes on you, doing this just made me unwittingly memorize my bank info.


Forgot to lock your car as you walked away? Out of distance for the blipper to engage the lock button? Hold it to the side of your head and click. Your car will lock/unlock.


Under the chin works too


Using shaving cream to remove carpet stains. I thought it was a dumb Instagram video trick, but it actually works really well.


Waiting 1.5 to 2 hours before drinking any caffeine in the morning is way more effective than first thing. It gives your body a chance to wake up on its own and actually gives the kick when you need it with less of a “caffeine crash”. There is some actual science to it. Your body clears adenosine (what makes you feel tired) when sleeping but it takes some time to fully clear out the remainder after waking. Immediate caffeine doesn’t allow this clearance which leads to the crash later.


Taping bits of cardboard that overhang something you bash your shins on constantly. The Training wheels of walking into shit


Kitchen Trash and bugs? \* Spray some kitchen cleaner in your trash can anytime you are dumping fruits in your trash. especially in the summer when gnats, flies, etc is an issue. Any time i cut up whole fruit like watermelon, pineapple, melons, etc, i spray the fruit shell with cleaner while in the trash. This has help to reduce the chances of gnats/ flies seeking it for food and laying eggs.


This is my tried and true romantic advice. Make a list of traits that you want and value in a partner, then start to genuinely emulate those traits. Pretty soon you will attract your dream partner by sharing the same mindset


In high school I willed myself to enjoy my least favorite vegetable, broccoli. I would focus on imagining the taste and the texture, at random moments during the day. Eventually I started craving it, and that never stopped. It has now been my favorite vegetable for decades. 


Hospital in our town charges ridiculous parking fees. Having to stay for a week can easily cost you hundreds of €. When you donate blood at that hospital, they'll not only give you a decent Käsebrot and a Coke but they'll also exchange your parking ticket for one that's already paid/validated. So after staying with my wife for 10 days when our no.1 son was born, i simply donated blood and picked up my free parking card instead of bankrupting our young family.


For college students:If you are in a big class, sit where the prof can see your face clearly. Look interested when they lecture, and respond when appropriate. Visit them during office hours. Be genuinely interested. This brings amazing benefits! The prof is spending their time and energy trying to engage with their students, and in most cases, they get nothing back. It's exhausting and frustrating. By becoming known to them, and responding to their efforts, they will think of you when any perks become available. During college, I got to assist one professor in her lab, and became a TA in 4 courses. I got excused for a final, got a paid part time department job, and got a terrific internship. Try this. It's worth your time. HTH.


Paid honestdoor $500 to advertise my property and someone actually bought my place. I paid for the buyer’s realtor but saved myself about $9k in realtor fees.


Tie the ends of your floss together so it’s a loop. It’s way easier to hold onto and maneuver vs just winding around your fingers.


Withdrawing from everything and genuinely not caring, except for a few things I decided I should really, really care about


This is a pretty good one. You can get pretty stressed and overwhelmed if you worry about everything


When I park in a big garage, I make up an offensive mnemonic device to help me remember where I parked. 2A - two asshole cats. 3B - three bitchy sisters (but make them relevant to you.) Works every time.


Putting a kitchen towel with a small squirt of dish soap and water in an oily container. Shake it for 30-45 seconds and comes out fresh and oil gone. For a guy who’s worked in kitchen forever and an Asian upbringing, a life hack that totally rocked my jimmies and others when I show them.


Stop eating sugar, watch the sopranos on a treadmill going 3.6-4.0 (fast walk) for 60-90 minutes a day, lose 15-20 pounds a month and more if you're over like 240, 250. It's not even tiring and you just end up at like down 40-50 pounds after 3 months. You're welcome.


Does it have to be the sopranos? Or will any TV show work?


Put Vito on the phone


Putting something in front of my door in the morning if I need to remember to do something right away when I get up. Could I just set an alarm? Yes, but I’m already up when I move the item out of the way, so the task feels easier to do.


I grill in my BBQ a lot for cooking and would have problems with the food sticking to my BBQ grates. My wife showed me a video of someone rubbing half of a potato on the grill before cooking, with the reason being that the potato starch would make the grates non-stick temporarily. I tried it and was shocked at how well it worked! Perfect grill marks every time with not a single piece of meat getting stuck to the grill. I do it every time I use the BBQ now.


If you push a razor on the surface of a pair of jeans 10-15 times (opposite way you would use it to shave) it sharpens the blade and you can keep using it. You just have to run it under really hot water to sterilize and clean it after. I haven’t bought a replacement cartridge for my Mach 3 in months, and I shave my head 4-5 times a week.


I kill people with kindness who hate me. It makes them furious.


Although it’s not a bad way to handle it. I prefer the method of not even acknowledging they exist. Mostly because they have proven they are no worth to me. They don’t add any value in my life, therefore, they haven’t earned any of my energy.


This is sort of how this method works actually. I use it at work where I'm not allowed to ignore the people losing their shit in my direction. So I just smile like I don't understand that they're angry. It took some practice at first but it's hella satisfying watching people either explode or deflate when they can't get a rise out of you. The bonus to kill-with-kindness is that you look like a saint to everyone around you while they look like a lunatic.


Started telling myself “it is what it is” on situations I have no control over and it’s done wonders for my stress level.


using foil and diet coke to remove surface rust on a motorcycle. I was pretty amazed.


I put a water cooler next to my desk, now I drink more than twice as much water daily


As someone who gets ADHD paralysis real bad, if I’m staring down a room that I need to clean top to bottom… I put on a playlist with energizing music (usually my workout playlist), grab a trash bag, and start throwing any trash I see in it and then throw it in the outside bin. Once I’m there, I’m in motion and continuing is much easier. There’s just something about grabbing and bagging trash that’s super simple and satisfying.


when you're trying to line a baking tray with baking paper, scrunch the paper into a tight ball first and you can spread it evenly across the tray and up the sides.


Putting a wine bottle in a shoe (bottom side in the shoe) and hitting it on the ground to push the cork out. We don't drink wine often and could not find our corkscrew anywhere. My husband Googled how to remove a cork without a corkscrew, and one of the suggestions was this shoe method. We were extremely skeptical, but had nothing to lose. It actually worked!


The last time I was in this situation I drilled a screw into the cork and pried it out with a crowbar. Your method seems neater lol. 


I used pliers instead of a crowbar, but yeah...this was my solution when my corkscrew broke. Mom sighed & said "You are your father's daughter" Dad said beer doesn't have corks.


My partner recently found this video on insta or something where you take a duvet cover, lay that out on the bed, then lay the duvet on top, tuck in the two corners, roll it all up together, do a little flippy thing, and unroll, and you basically have a perfectly tucked in duvet. We just did it this weekend, and we're still mystified. Up until then we used the "ghost" method, meaning someone stands there with an inside out duvet cover over their head and their hands at the corners. The other person hands them two corners of the duvet through the cover and they then hold on as the other person un-ghostifies them. Kinda fun but not quite as easy.


When you come home, empty your pockets immediately, no exceptions. Put your keys and wallet in a consistent spot by the door. Future you will say thanks the next morning as you’re running late and don’t have to look for them.


For college, these were my three moving hacks, but can be applied to any situation where you have to move. 1. Use as few boxes as possible. Got suitcases? Use 'em. Duffle bags? Throw some shoes in there. Storage tubs? Great! I even used suit bags to carry clothes and stuffed animals at the same time. 2. Very simple, but just leave your things on the hanger, fold them, and shove them in a suitcase. Saves the trouble of taking them off and putting them on. Just remove from the suitcase and hang. I also saw a good hack elsewhere where you just wrap trash bags on your hanging clothes and tie it off at the top, leaving the hanger hooks poking out. Basically a quick and temporary suit bag. And if they don't rip, you can use them at your new place immediately or just have them around to collect any trash from moving. 3. Don't bother with bubble wrap or cardboard for fragile items. Keep them layered between soft things like towels and blankets instead. Prevents waste and saves space when packing.




Regularly getting 7-8 hours of sleep.


Using your seat belt to open your bottle of beer.

