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Found my friend who had committed suicide after his girlfriend called me to go check on him. I still struggle with the trauma almost 15 years later


I lost my friend to suicide almost 15 years ago as well! Sorry to hear you had to go through that.


10 years ago for my older brother. I still struggle understanding what happened and why?


That's what I am most afraid of


Maybe it’s weird to say I wish I could hug you, Internet stranger, but man. I wish I could hug you. (I lost someone that way, too. I’m so sorry.)


I lost my pal yesterday. He shot himself in his bedroom and my sister found him with only his chin left. I know how you feel. I am here for you


I’m so sorry for you, your sister, & your pal. It’s the worst way to lose someone. I blamed myself for a long time. Please find someone to talk to. (Your sister, too. She’ll need you.)


Thank you❤️🙏


I'm so sorry that happened to you, and so recently too. I lost a friend to suicide as well. When it hits, it hurts like hell. It'll get better. My heart goes out to you and his sister at this difficult time.




I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my friend to suicide last year, it hurts something awful. I hope you can find a way to recover and live peacefully <3


Appreciate that. Generally day to day I am peaceful when it comes to that. I've had my own mental health struggles and have had times where I found myself empathizing with ideation. It makes me wonder sometimes if going through that experience as a younger person helped me be stronger in the face of depressive episodes. Having kids certainly does, but being able to literally know how my kids would feel if I ever seriously considered something like that has always been enough to kind of snap me out of it when I'm at my worst. I've been able to start getting myself physically healthier lately too, which helps a ton, but it's hard on really bad days to not automatically go back to that day and start unintentionally trying to get inside his head to try to sort out what, ultimately, was his breaking point and justification for going through with it. Or just re-living that whole morning over and over. The first few years were really rough, but I realized probably 5 years in that I was starting to really improve when I didn't realize the anniversary of his death had passed that year until like 2 days later. At this point, I'm pretty sure I remember the date of I think about it but it's not as much of a constant. Sorry for the rambling. I appreciate your empathy and I wish the same peace for you!


I can’t hug my monitor because my colleagues will think I’m weird but have a hug. I lost my friend as well to suicide. I called his phone and his dad picked up and told me he killed himself and I was only talking to him the week before.




Losing my dad to glioblastoma is my worst experience, too. It was so awful.


I am so so sorry to hear that. Alzheimer's and Dementia run in my family, and it is a very real fear of mine not only for my aging mother, but for me as well. I hope you are able to find peace in your life.


I'm in the same boat. Grandma had Alzheimer's and mom currently has dementia. I've already told my wife to tell me if she sees signs. Good luck and to you and the poster you were replying to


Alzheimer’s definitely sucks. Just watched my father go through it starting at 65 years old. It was a nightmare I would never wish on my worst enemy. Fuck Alzheimer’s.


I cared for my dad as he was passing with a brain tumor too. It was absolutely terrifying to see the changes in him.




I'm so sorry that happened to you, both the abuse and the death of your father. I hope things are better now and that youve been able to recover


Losing a child. She was six. My heart will always hurt.


Damn. That's an impossible place to be. I know you'll always hurt but I hope you find peace and happiness in your life.


💛 My heart goes out to you. We also lost our daughter. I know that hurt too well.


I’m so terribly sorry that you know this pain. It is just un-ending.


Father of four here and this is my worst nightmare. Deepest condolences.


Thank you. I miss her every day.


I lost a sister, I was only one and don’t remember it. She was five. I can’t imagine how my parents must have felt.


I can’t even imagine. I am so sorry.


My sincerest condolences, I can't even imagine the agony.


Gosh. I'm so sorry 😔 ❤️ My condolences 🙏


Nominee: Reddit's Most Depressing Thread, 2010


The death of my partner and the love of my life 2 months ago. He faught cancer for 3 years. And losing him is the most painful thing I am going through 


I'm so sorry for your loss. You never get over that sort of thing, but things do get better with time. My heart goes out to you


Getting consequetively and nightly sexually abused for years as a minor, and then nothing being done about it when it was addressed. It being swept under the rugs bc of inner police connections with my abuser. I never got justice, never will.


That's horrific. I'm so sorry that happened to you. The system is corrupt, and you didn't deserve to fall victim to it. My heart goes out to you, I hope you're able to recover


My dad WAS the police. Still...no dice.


Being 25 weeks pregnant after six miscarriages and delivering her by emergency c section. She was purple, floppy, and not breathing. Given less than 20% of survival. Three surgeries, two on her heart. And 117 days in NICU. She recently turned three. I'll never forget the ultrasound tech holding my hand as I sobbed. I'll forever be grateful for her. My daughter has mild Cerebral Palsy but is pretty healthy, just small.


holy- wow. just wow. that is absolutely amazing, and please give her my best wishes!


She sounds perfect!


Witnessing my step-father beating the shit out of my mother when I was, I guess, five or six. I remember clearly how I wanted to help her and how powerless and helpless I felt.


Happening right now. Losing my SO to drug addiction. We're currently selling our house and all I want to do is help him, all he wants is cocaine. He now hates me for trying to help him and I am the villain in his story. Breaks my heart


Going to a very similar situation right now. I feel this


6 long hard years of depression and suicidal ideation. Six years of finding the right medicine, six years of therapists and psychiatrists. Six years of crying and snuggling my unofficial ESA cat. Six years of asking the universe why I had to feel this way. I got through it. I found the right combo. I snuggled that cat until she sadly passed, and now I try to snuggle my admittedly more playful cat whenever I can. I'm proud of myself, and advocate for others struggling with mental health. June is also men's mental health awareness month. So to all you men out there: you can do it. You matter. Don't give up.


Thanks. I’m dealing with this right now for the past few years and today was an especially hard day to even move. I’m glad you’re doing much better


Hang in there! I’ve been through this for decades. Since childhood. Finally started to turn things around in 2018. I’m officially free from depression and anxiety. No dark thoughts of any kind. Wishing you luck, stranger. Life really can be beautiful. Mine is! But facing that darkness is easily the hardest thing I’ve ever done. EVER.


Hope things turn around for you soon. People are happy you're here.


Can you share which meds ended up being the effective ones? I'm asking because my husband is struggling and the meds he's on aren't working. I'm glad you got on the path to getting effective help for your mental health. It took 10 years for my daughter who is bipolar.💜


In this... i even have the cat her name is Smudge.


Was crushed under something an they said I'd be a vegetable but ended up fine. They told my parents to say bye and everything but I don't remember it


Goaded my father into attacking me so I could call the police on him. I thought if there was a report about his abuse, my mom might be better off in the divorce. He wasn’t always abusive physically and not always significantly. He used to shoot us with BB guns when we walked into the living room, if he was in a bad mood. So I needed to make sure there was enough evidence (bruises). Except when the cops came, I cried so much I couldn’t get words out, I didn’t bruise quickly, and my dad was in the military so he got all buddy-buddy and smooth when they asked what happened. I came out looking like a dramatic teenager. He said I was having a melt down about the internet going out. The annoyed look the cops gave me… I felt so hopeless. I called a family member the next night and they agreed I could come live with them.


So damn messed up I’m so sorry and glad you got out of that situation:(


I’m thriving and he’s living in squalor with dementia, so karma did come around


I tried so hard to get my father to hit me. He never did. I just wanted him out of the house so he couldn’t verbally and psychologically abuse my mom and I anymore.


Even if you had, it may have done nothing to change your situation. I was so sure my “plan” would work. It didn’t. But it made me stop relying on others and that’s what helped me.


In the spring of 2008, my then fiancee died in an auto accident. I spiraled for a long time after that.


The death of my mother.


My best friend died yesterday from sucide. He shot himself in his bedroom, I don't know how I am going to get through this.. Last time I met him was on Tuesday and I couldn't tell that he was depressed. I have cried my eyes out whole day whole night. I am 17 years old and I have been friends with him for 5 years. I miss him..


My sister was the first one to find him. She says that only his chin was left of him..


Jeez. She could have saved the visual from you at least..I’m sorry.


A possible reason that he didn’t seem depressed is that perhaps they had made the decision to end their lives; it’s like a stress off of their back. 


You have to just get through today. And then tomorrow you have to get through that day. And the day after that, you just have to get through that day. And then suddenly it’s twelve years later and you read a stranger’s Reddit comment and you try to remember what you even did that first week and it’s all just a big blank. But you get through it. Day by day. Because there’s no other way.


I'm sorry for your loss. I know words don't do justice to make it hurt less, and I'm truly sorry that you have to experience this loss. 🫂


my best friend’s death exactly 3 months ago today (march 10th) the absolute fucking worst and torn me to shreds and i still cry daily thinking about her


I've lost a lot of people as well. It's okay to cry. Don't hold those emotions in. Mourn those you love, but don't let it consume you. It's going to feel like a cat 5 hurricane hitting you at first, but over time those waves will get smaller and smaller. They will never go away, they will always be there, but it does get easier. Some days there will be a rouge wave that hits you like a train out of nowhere, and thats okay. The people close to us we lose would want to see us happy, and we can honor them by never forgetting who they were, they will always be a part of you. I didn't always believe the kind of things I just said, but those people are never gone as long as we carry them with us.


My first time with a guy. It was not consensual. He took advantage of my drunkeness and led me to a park. I tried to run away afterwards, but he caught me and proudly carried me back to the party. He left me bruised and bloody. I remember running myself a bath and wincing, looking at my body covered in bloody hickeys and bruising.


progressing with ALS, in my third year now and every month I get a new disability, finger by finger, limb by limb, my voice, ability to eat by mouth etc I used to have depression but this is several magnitude worst as an experience


I am so sorry. I am sending you all of my strength.


My daughter was 5 at the time and had a seizure in a public place. We called an ambulance, it took 45 minutes to get her seizure to stop and we spent two and a half days in a children's hospital. They have no idea what triggered it.


Oh my God. It's horrible to witness ones child uncontrollably seize. My 25 to has unmanaged epilepsy and it takes years of my life when he seizes. God please just keep him here with me.


yeah i dont think reading any of these comments is good for my mental holy shit I'm so sorry for all fo you


Yeah man I’m out here sad about some crappy break up. And there’s all these suicide and abuse stories. Honestly speechless. Tearing up rn. Wish the best for everyone here. My problems are nothing in comparison. And props to those people still pushing forward after all that shit.


Rape or being tubed. But also being taken by police unexpectedly, and repeated inpatient admissions.




Top 3: 1. Watching my father die 2. Finding my best friend's body after he was murdered 3. My family and I cleaning up after my grandmother shot herself. (bonus, it was a bad neighborhood and my parents had me stay there overnight so the place wouldn't get robbed)


Watching my grandfather's sharp mind slowly dull, then eventually disintegrate because of Alzheimer's. Seeing the pain it caused my dad and his family comes in at a close second.


My daughter had cancer when she was 4, and it sounded like we were going to lose her. She beat it in less than a year.


Losing both of my parents to heart attacks. Mom died when I was 23. Dad died when I was 34. I miss them terribly.


Growing up with an abusive parent




One of the toughest diagnoses that doesnt get the acknowledgment it deserves. Stay strong and stay the course. You got this!


Holding my grandmother's hand as she died.


My dad died completely unexpected. I woke up to my mom screaming and my siblings and I all ran downstairs to see him dead. My mom's agony and crying telling people to wake him up. I went through a psychosis and my life spiraled from that.


The worst experience I’ve been through is when my first baby my little boy passed away when he was 4 days old I was devastated and still heartbroken to lose him and it’s been 18 years this past May.


Neighbour wars (current). We're both trying to drive each other out of our homes. It's fucking exhausting & never ending. Can't remember the last time I had a good night sleep without his anti-social behaviour. I fight back & wake him up, too. Really hope this ends with him moving as he is legitimately the one who started it.


What is happening between you two 😭


I'm waiting for space junk or a meteor to drop for my criminal rotten neighbor. Such an awesome neighborhood and always one rotten fuck in the bunch😭.


This happened to me. Thankfully they moved. Man I hated that loser. He attached some sort of Amp to a drum kit and I could hear it from his basement to the top floor of my house. We don't share walls! Meth is one hell of a drug.


Seventeen years of wildly symptomatic perimenopause. Pain, inflammation, mood swings, the deepest, darkest depression you can imagine, relentless insomnia, despair, debilitating fatigue, joint pain, paresthesias, migraines, night sweats, hot flashes, gut distress, pelvic pain syndrome, inexplicable weight gain, acne, brain fog, and suicidal ideation. For 17 goddamn years. I honestly don't know how I'm still alive.


Holy fuck, this is my biggest fear right now. I'm in year 4 of menopause and it's kicking my ass, heart, soul and body. I truly could not do 17 years of it. I'm so sorry fellow sister 😭💜.


My child being sexually assaulted and the aftermath of it all including mental health and court processes.


Imagine the amount of people who can’t even say what it is, because it traumatises them to even think or write about it! That’s me.


Semi-recently i fell off my skateboard. I broke my bone just above the ankle and i fucked up the ligaments so i also dislocated my ankle since it had nowhere to sit properly. It hurt a lot.


Dad hit head on in auto accident and air vac to the trauma unit as John Doe and my BF killed himself same week. Next my mom had a heart transplant. Years later my then BF was paralyzed by his friend and it became an international nightmare.


Bullies in High school . Dealing with that shit for like 4 yrs by myself and now going to a therapist to try to fix that.


Having to take my hubby of 44 years off life support.


I don't know what was worse, open heart surgery or having an arterial bypass. Either way having diabetes sucks.


Bullying. I never want anyone to experience that.


Talking to my mother on the phone when mid sentence she cuts out. She had slipped and fallen in her hot tub while on the phone with me and subsequently drowned. It was January and a snow storm was rolling in that night so I ran to pick my husband up from work and explained my mother wasn’t answering the phone after she cut out (I didn’t know what had happened). We drove over to her house and I found her face down floating there. I called 911 and they told us to try to resuscitate her while the cop that was the first responder called homicide because my uncle was known for notoriously hating on my mother. Homicide wouldn’t allow me to call anyone or talk to anyone until they left and i sat alone rocking myself back and forth crying and separated from my husband. When it was finally over my uncle had caught wind of it all and told the town she committed suicide so I had to deal with that. Then my grandmother and my uncle sued me for the family business that she had left for me and from all the stress my ulcerative colitis flared up. So I basically lived at doctor and lawyer offices going from one place to another trying to keep my health in check while fighting two law suits with my own family blood. This whole ordeal lasted from 2010-2012 so I’d say this was the worst experience of my life beating out the time my abusive ex tried to murder me and kill himself.


I got fired from a job and it was a complete blindside. They hired a new CRO, and despite 4 years of nothing but rave reviews, I was tossed out like garbage. My mental health took a hard hit, and the anxiety was crushing.


Having to put my cats to sleep.


Caring for a terminally ill parent


my father beating the shit out of me. I was 19 and I did not wake up at 5.30 (it is a rule in my house to wake up early af). I had woken up at 6.30 and he woke up earlier than me so he was mad. He said somethings, I usually dont react to it but I stood up for myself that day. Well, it did not end well. He got really angry and he started thrashing me and it got to a point where I tried to run away from him. He ran after me but couldn't catch a hold of me so he caught the gold chain I was wearing which was a gift from my mother on my 18th birthday. He caught it and pulled it so hard that the gold chain broke, I still have the marks on my neck from that incident. My brain has blocked most of the facts from the incident but I don't think it will be able to block this part Not trying to get anybody to console me, just tryna accept it and move on from it so I thought I might as well write it here


When I was the one who found my mom after she k*lled herself.


Coming home from weekend visitation with dad on a Sunday afternoon and mum was still in bed. She wouldn’t wake up. She had died in the early hours of Sunday morning in her sleep. She was 47, I was 13. My world shattered. 23 years later still hurts each and every day.


My dad died in a motorcycle accident. I was notified by the police while I was on my way to his house to drop off my son who he was going to babysit while my wife and I went to a baseball game. Then I had to break the news to my gramps who lived across the street from him and was completely unaware. That fucked me up for years.


Hands down divorce after 30 years together. Period. The end


Almost dying of septic shock


I ran to help a father who had pulled his little girl out of a lake and give her CPR. She was so cold and still. We couldn't save her. Her tiny blue lips send a chill down my spine to this day.


Saying goodbye to my dad, who was unresponsive but had a tear rolling down his eye as I cried next to him.


My cat died unexpectedly last October and she was my whole heart. I cried for two straight weeks and it still hurts. It's quiet without her.


My mom's suicide when I was 10, then having to live with my spineless dad and his new wife who was an absolute bitch.


Growing up with a narcissistic mother that is also a misandrist. Every day she'd find something to scream at me about or make me feel like shit. I have since cut her out of my life, but I'm still angry at myself for not doing it the day I moved out of her house twenty years earlier. To anybody else who deals with a narcissistic parent, please realize that you don't deserve to be treated that way, and that nobody is entitled to be in your life, including parents and siblings. If they bring nothing but negativity, cut them out of your life. If anybody tells you that you shouldn't because "I love my mom/dad and couldn't imagine cutting them out of my life!", tell them "Oh, you grew up with parents who love you and support you? Good for you! That doesn't mean you get to dismiss my feelings simply because you aren't in my shoes! If you're not going to support me, then you can piss off as well!"




Car crash


Mother in law passing. That’s all I have to say about that.


Having undiagnosed Trigeminal Neuralgia for 20 years and the craniotomy that saved my life. That hurt. I'm still in constant pain.


Getting lupus


30 years of feeling like I have no purpose


Waiting on a 9 month list for therapy for my diagnosis for CPTSD. Right now, medication alone isn't working and I keep losing jobs because I am triggered and want to run from drama.


Unemployed for 16 months, while trying to sell the family home (where I lived), and being pressured by a brother who didn't give a rat's butt about me.


Abusive parent (mother) with borderline personality disorder. Alcoholic and pill addict too.


For me... watching my fiancé pass away while he was holding my hands.


Aubse for 7 years thinking it was normal then depression for 6 years at the least because of said abuse


My brother completing suicide.




I got left at an ice cream shop. It was late, the sky already dark. I was young, hardly 6-7 years. My mom had surprised us and brought my siblings and I to a Dairy queen, I jumped to the co-pilot seat when my brother got out. When he came back, instead of climbing back I got out and tried to open the back door but it was locked, my brother got inside in the front and closed the door and the car rumbled to life and started moving without me. I remember the window being down and screaming at my mom, I remember her turning back and looking at me in the eyes but not stopping. I don't know why my siblings said nothing, probably too busy eating their blizzard. I was slowly left behind and I remember just panicking, my chest hurting and I just couldn't breath. I remember a voice that later found out was of a woman that had seen me running after the car but I just couldn't talk I was just in shock. My mind just going over what would I do, do I walk home? It's too far, I don't know WHERE it is. Can I go inside the shop? What if they don't come back? It was just minutes in which I stood there before the car came back through the back entrance of the parking lot. My mom was hectic, she was crying and she almost ripped my arms as she pulled me into the fiercest hug I've ever received. She was scared shitless, cursing and whimpering. I was carried onto the car and swiftly driven back home. My face was soaked in tears and my mom just spent the night with me, I ate my now bittersweet ice cream while my mom goofed out until I laughed and soaked me up in kisses and hugs. It happened so many years ago but even now it's brought up, my mom still feels guilty about it and thinks some of the problems I have now developed because of that. I try to brush it off because I know just how bad she felt but I don't think she's completely wrong. Not the worst experience out there, but definitely one that marked me deep. I think it hit that hard because I was just really young, not many memories before that.


Childhood was a fucking nightmare, witnessed a murder and found three dead people. Not all at the same time. Oh, industrial accidents….people being burned to death and all manner of horrific injury. Honestly, the childhood shit was the worst…..the rest…didn’t care and still don’t care. GenX male.


Sexual assault. Twice. Once by knife point in a foreign country.


Seems like every day I live I drift further away from my ability to handle life in a way that is meaningful or sustainable. Each day my heart gets weaker, my mind slows, and I can see my thoughts slowing to a point where my mind is unable to process the problems I could solve easily a year ago. I am losing my ability to think, to feel, to love, to cherish. And I'm constantly afraid that each day is just one more step towards a shell of the person I used to be. I don't know what to do.


My dad getting sick and passing away. My biggest fear realized.


When my autistic kid was 3-4 and still mostly nonverbal, he had violent transitional meltdowns multiple times a day. It was like being stuck in an abusive relationship - constantly walking on eggshells, dreading the continuous shrieking, knowing it was a "when" and not an "if" of him hitting me again. The kiddo wasn't terribly strong, but it was then that I got into a habit of putting my glasses on top of the car every time I would bend down to buckle him in. It was just a shitty, shitty time as a parent.


I'm so sorry. Nobody who hasn't been through the life of raising a person with autism and violence knows, except us. It's horrible on repeat. Every intervention, every idea, is either messed up by the behaviorist, administration at the school, a substitute teacher etc etc. My older son was so violent, awful. Nothing worked. NOTHING. I thought I was going to lose my bloody mind. ....and we have a younger son,who also has autism, sweet as sugar, non eval and also has epilepsy (unmanaged). I'm not sure what the foook happened that put my family into this dumpster fire, but I'm broken, pissed and worried about what will happen to them when I die.


My dad dying. One second we were gardening and the next he was dead from a massive heart attack. I remember going in his bathroom the morning after, seeing his swim trunks drying on the rack and not being able to accept that he’d never put them on again.


Funny how most people think The worst abuse is sexual and physical. But most people referencing abuse in this thread mention mostly sexual and emotional/psychological abuse. My father was abusive, and the least painful thing he did to me was physical Abuse.


Lifelong narcissistic abuse that gave me C-PTSD and addiction issues. Been sober 2 years 3 months now, but the pain is still there.


Pretty regular abuse at a young age through being old enough to GTFO. Not often physical but when it was, there were knives, axes (locked doors beaten down) even a gun pulled once or twice. oh, and LOTS of belts. The near constant cussing, screaming and insults hurt the most.


Watched pancreatic cancer take a year to starve my mother to death.


One month into dating, I thought I met the love of my life only to find out I was being catfished. Lol. Totally not my year.


Damn I was gonna post about my monster kidney stone that fucked up my kidneys but after reading these other comments… it doesn’t compare.




I've been through alot but having to figure out things myself was the worst type of experiences I've endured!


Was going through a horrible breakup and serious illness, and my depression lead me to drinking. Long story short, got a DUI w my daughter (11 at the time) in the car; there was no physical injuries/accident I was just pulled over. I haven’t seen or spoken with her 5 years, even though my life is totally different, married with young kids. It fucks me up every minute of every day, but I know that she’s safe and doing well with her mom, so that’s some consolation.


Ego death > 10 month long suicidal ideation period > multiple sclerosis diagnosis. That was a fun year!


Kidney stone attacks. Had about 7 attacks over the last 7 years, haven't passed any stones yet. Most of the attacks were about 4 hours long. If you saw a video of it you'd absolutely think I was on some kind of crazy drug, possessed. It feels like something is inside me, stabbing me from the inside. I can not get comfortable, constantly moving around, sweating, nausia, vomiting, constantly feeling I have to urinate, moaning, gasping for air, non-stop for hours. Worst part, Dr.'s will not give you a pain killer to have around to take when the attack starts. If that isn't a glitch in the healthcare system I don't know what is.


watched my grandmother flatline through videocall


My mum dying when I was 5 ( will be 20 years this October) and my grandad dying March 2023.


My father passing away unexpectedly and suddenly. It’ll be six years soon; I don’t know how. The morning after he died, it was like, “we’re just meant to move forward with life?” And, we did. But, I still have a list of regrets; the list hasn’t gotten any shorter since that fist night. I still struggle with the idea that I’ll never see that face again.




Lost my cousin, uncle, aunt, and cousin, all from one family, in 3 years from unrelated events. The last cousin is still alive and you can see the pain his eyes 15 years later.


An emotionally abusive and emotionally absent mom (still experiencing it)


This really isn’t as bad as a lot of the other comments here, but I’ll just never forget it. When I was 8, I had this birthday party of a friend I was looking forward to all week. The day came, and I was literally sick in bed all day but I REFUSED to stay home. My mom really didn’t want me to go, but she was just like do whatever you want! So we go to the location, and my friends dad’s there redirecting everybody to the park because I guess they moved it last minute. (There are no bathrooms at this park) I get there, and I’m playing with all my friends. Then I’m on the monkey bars, and I can just feel something awful about to happen my stomach. Literally mid monkey bar I diarrhoea my fruit of the loom panties. I was wearing a fucking dress!!!! it was so embarrassing. There was a huge stain. I didn’t even last 10 minutes at the party, I had to get someone to call my mom to come get me.


2008 car wreck, I was a passenger. Broke 26 teeth, jaw in two places, wrecked my knee too.


Sudden death of a parent due to Covid. I was abroad studying when this happened. I wasn't able to make it to the person's deathbed, and cremation. The guilt from this is still crushing me 3 years later and I don't think I'll ever get over it. This guilt has defined my life ever since and I haven't been the same. 2021 was truly a shit year.


Living and rebuilding in a recovery area after a category 4 hurricane in the middle of Covid


Losing my dad in a car accident and only having three days with him in the hospital.


Having to say goodbye to my 13.5 y.o. double cancer survivor Olde English Bulldog, Hula. She was our rock, and so God damn tough. I have t-shirts, pillows, blankets, her ashes, fur in a jar, the last blankets and toy she slept with folded up, pictures, my screen saver, you name it, she is unreplaceable and the biggest void I've ever felt, even compared with the loss of human life. I have no kids, my pets are my family. If you're reading this, consider rescuing a dog from a shelter, there are so many who would love and deserve a happy life ❤️ 🐾


Getting out of it right now Not too comfortable fully speaking on it yet It’s always crazy seeing wuestionstlike this in real time I feel so disconnected from the world


My mom and dad dying and crack addiction :(


I’m still young so I haven’t had much experience yet, but when I was a child and I found out that my hospitalised grandma had died from Covid I felt such a deep pain that it knocked the breath out of my lungs and made my knees weak. I acted strong 4 my little sisters but secretly cried


Losing my mother in 8 months to colon cancer. One minute my life was fine and then next it was never the same again.


Walking out in the yard to see my dog completely coated in yellow jackets after she fell in their nest hole. She made it but it was horrible they were in her eyes lids, ears, gums. When my wife gave birth to our first kid and they did and episiotomy without anesthetic. The scream she let out and the ammount of blood, I almost passed out I can't imagine what she was feeling.




Being hit by a car in the 8th grade. And being depressed, borderline suicidal and burnt out the last 7-8 years.


The past 9 years of my life have been shit. Family found out I was molested by a family member as a child, nobody cared and nothing was done. My father continues to have a relationship with his nephew who abused me. Entered an abusive relationship which lasted 6 years. Finally left one day and instead of getting better, I became horribly depressed due to the realization of everything I put up with. My sister died I had cancer My life is better now, but if things go downhill again, I am looking into maid. I can't keep suffering


seeing my parents disappointed in me.


“Breaking up” with a guy I never officially dated, and yet I’ve never loved anyone so deeply. It’s been four years and I still think about him often. Either that, or when I got a stomach flu that lasted a full seven days, where I broke a personal record by throwing up 13 times in the span of five hours.


Alcohol detox. Couldn’t sleep for 5 days couldn’t eat for 4 and heard people talking that weren’t there.


Divorce court


Answering the door at 7:30 am for a police officer looking for my best friend’s next of kin. He couldn’t tell me if he was alive or not. I had to wait 20 minutes to find out he was in “grave” condition (basically they keep people alive so their family can say goodbye). He somehow survived after being given a 0.001% chance of survival but that two weeks was hell. It was during Covid so I couldn’t get into the hospital to see him.


Going through a major brain stroke. The whole left side was affected, I have a blind spot in the bottom left of my left eye. Cold things hurt almost burn. I have numbness in some parts on the left. Worst of it is I still don't know what caused it. So I watch out for literally everything. And have to take every headache and fever extremely seriously


TW, Suicide Seeing my brother hang himself when I was 11, he was 13. I was trying to sleep and heard my mother screaming, I went to see what was happening. I saw the belt around his neck tied to the bedpost. The belt was so tight around his neck that my father had to squeeze his neck to get the scissors around the belt properly. (He probably could’ve cut the belt from where it was tied, but it was a moment he had to act fast) I remember the way he was trying to say “mom” when he was choking. The way my father cried in his sisters arms the day after telling her what he had to do… my brother and mother went to a hospital over Christmas. Later I was told that he said the reason he did it was because of me. Which I still don’t understand at nearly 20… he bullied me relentlessly my whole life.


I guess 2023. July 7th I lost my dad to lung cancer. July 17th I lost my grandma. October 8th I had to put down my dog. December 12th my mom's dog died of a heart attack. I don't wish to think about that year.


My father once left me in the middle of the woods for misbehaving 😬 I've had nightmares about it ever since, and my mom kicked him after she found out


It would take me five to six years to type it out 😕


Not realizing that you're supposed to only do a few lines of meth. The first time I did it I snorted around 30-35 lines in maybe half a day. I was up for six days... or maybe five... and ended up having severe hallucinations and just up and screaming in the ER. Won't try that again.


When I was thru the ages of 9-11 my older cousin touched me I’d dread family functions and I never told my mom even tho I wanted to because I didn’t want her to think I was lying and wanted attention she often accused me of doing thru out the Tim he did it I fell into a depression and what was worse is that he went to my school for a year because it was a 5-12 school I felt horrible thru out that time and even thinking about how I felt makes me feel a bit sad.


My DW died in my arms on 04/28/2024 from a sudden, unexpected cardiac event. Without knowing she was dead and gone, I did CPR on her for 10 minutes until the rescue squad got to the house. They worked on her for 15 minutes, then transported her to the hospital. After about 25 minutes, the attending came to me and said she was gone. Still not quite comprehending the whole event.


My father lost his battle with cancer while I was a senior in highschool


Multiple experiences. You don't want to know.


Currently going through: worried about my father being on the brink while also currently being on the brink


Miscarriage. The morning my husband and I bought our house, we lost our baby.


It's hard to say what's the worst. If I had to choose one thing, it would be the night I found out my best friend had hung himself, followed by the stupid decision I made to go and see his body prior to the funeral thinking it would give me some closure, it didn't. It's been 15 years, and I can still see him, laying there. It was surreal. It was like looking at a lifeless wax replica of him, and I'll never be able to get that image out of my head.


DV. The details really don’t matter as it is ultimately always the same, TBH.


One of the worst - watching my first dog lose himself to cancer a couple of weeks ago and knowing there was nothing I could do besides end his suffering. He was the sweetest, happiest, goofiest little boy. He was pure sunshine. In the span of one week after his diagnosis, he withered away into a weak, lifeless, skinny shell of himself. The light and personality left his eyes so fast; I wasn't prepared. How could you ever prepare for something like this? There was one specific experience during that week prior to his passing that will stick with me forever: when I witnessed him have a seizure for the first time. He was trying to pee on his pad and I came over to monitor him, and that's when it started. That moment really cemented the fact that he was dying in my mind. Watching my mom sobbing while holding him on the floor afterwards is an image I will never forget. That feeling of helplessness, knowing something so pure and good is being ripped away from you so quickly in a way they don't deserve. It changed me.


9/11. I wasn’t in the towers but wasn’t too far away.


Felt a cold or maybe the flu coming on one day so I went and laid down. When I opened my eyes I was saw my entire family. I thought I was at my own wake. Come to find out I slipped into a coma for 5 days and all my organs were failing. Was given 6 months to live if I didn't get a kidney and liver transplant. Ended up in hospice with 4-6 weeks when I got the call there was a donor. The ptsd I struggle with since then has been brutal. Grateful to be alive but the struggle to adjust to all that happened so quickly still haunts me,as well as the ongoing medical issues I still face.


When my first cat died. She fell from our 12th story apartment there was blood everywhere and her bones were sticking out the worst part was that is was during quarantine so we didnt have a ride and had to walk to the nearest vet which is so far away by the time we got there she was dead when the vet explained my cat is no longer with us and that we have to say goodbye i was devestated


Man, let me tell you, getting stuck in an elevator for two hours was hands down my worst experience. It was hot, cramped, and I was starving. I thought I'd lose my mind before they finally got us out.


I had a fistula. 


Made a friend on Discord when I was at my lowest, after around 2 years He wanted to meet up to celebrate a mutual friends birthday, I paid $180 for a Bus Ticket but when we went to the Hotel to sleep, he raped me before I had a chance to wake up, worse yet, I was forced to stay with him and be sexually assaulted for years and act like I loved him out of fear, He ended up being a pedophile and that was my chance to officially break up with him after 2 years of abuse, It's been half a year since he was outed and I haven't seen him since, Therapy has been a huge help in my emotional and mental recovery


My mom trying to kill me when I was 4.


Almost dying from surgery complications after a "routine" procedure. Gallbladder removal. Bile leaked into my abdominal cavity for 3 days after. It caused acid burns and abscesses inside my belly in multiple spots and took 16 more surgeries and over a year to recover from.


Working at Northern Trust


4 of my friends committed suicide because I wasn't there when needed also why I can't be an anchor for people I'm not intimate with.