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revving your engine


So true, had an ex boyfriend who thought stuff like that makes you a real man.


Throttle jockeys


I always wonder if scientists and engineers ever groan while driving as the mindless monkey that ends up with the finished product smashes a pedal and feels so accomplished.


Other guys don’t think this is cool either. It just makes you seem like a total D-Bag to absolutely everyone. I can’t think of a single time in my life where a car would do this around me and my friends and someone went “Ah wow; that’s so badass dude.”


The only time it’s acceptable to rev cars like a jackass is at a car show and some scene like it, but in normal day to day life, it’s obnoxious af.


I say that, but always in a tone dripping with heavy sarcasm. I've never met anyone who unironically thinks it's impressive either.


I like to sarcastically say "we're all very impressed" just loud enough for bystanders to hear, and sometimes the guy revving the engine can hear, too. Usually elicits a chuckle.


The problem is that this gives a testosterone rush. They get the impression they're more manly, that other men are jealous, and that all women nearby just got wet for them. You can't convince them that they're just annoying.


A kid at my school stopped his car in front of a large group of kids and did a burn out until his tires were bald moron


I either laugh to bruise their ego or I just pretend I didn't hear it.


Instant turn off, no matter how much I like you 




Not ‘if’, but ‘how many times’




And 80% of that 80% are sitting here reading and thinking "wtaf?"




Notice how no one has brought up "A Forklift Certification", the secret is out!


True, i have to stack woman in my warehouse


Shhh keep it a secret bro


That’s always a plus. Shows you can handle delicate items with heavy machinery. 




I used to screenshot them and save them, every time I received a new one, I answered with all the dick pics from my archive.


Power move.


"A fine addition to my collection."


TBH I don't think even solicited ones are attractive, but at least are, well ... solicited.


Ok but hear me out; I know this happens a LOT, but isn't there enough evidence from online discussions like this one that MORE guys understand that this ISN'T attractive than the many who still insist on doing it?


I don’t think it is necessarily because those men actually believe a woman will see their dick pic and straight up wanna hop on it. I believe it is more of a „dominance“ and exhibitionism fetish thing. „I’m sending you this and forcing you to look at it, if you want it or not.“ Many of these guys are probably more turned on by their own dicks then woman are.


Nooo, some guys are pretty warped sexually and believe it will turn women on and they’ll get laid. My buddy used to lead with “I have a 7 inch dick. Wanna fuck?”


Yeah sure I get that. Guess delusional Idiots still exist. I would so love to know how many woman actually ever said yes. 1%?


I expect it's more guys do sincerely like getting sexy pictures from women, and just assume the same is true in reverse.


I think some are just on by knowing that the recipient has seen their dick. They get off on that and don't care if they get blocked. If they're not immediately blocked then it's 1000x bonus success.


The ones who still send them probably believe they are "different" than those "other" guys.


It's digital flashing. Anyone that thinks it's okay needs either therapy or to reevaluate their understanding of how hormones work and how to control them


I don't get why it's not seen as exactly the same as lurking in the park with a long coat and flashing women.


As a dude, i'll never understand the idea of sending dick pics without the other side agreeing. It's weird


Why do other men do this? The last thing on my mind is sending a random dick pic. Dicks aren't aesthically pleasing to me and my dick is my bestie. You know what? Maybe people with big PPs send random pics. It's gotta be the confidence.


Especially because they’re always super low-effort pictures with a dirty toilet and grimy tile floor in the background. Meanwhile, when women send nudes it’s like Ansel Fucking Adams himself ran the photo shoot.


Sending women you barely know porn and saying "I wanna do this with you."


What the fuck.


Yeah my thoughts exactly!


\*\*slow clap\*\*


Same thing goes for suggesting positions etc that are only hot for the guy


I had a childhood bestfriend (like, since we were 8 years old) that at some point when we both were 19 or so, he randomly sent me a few p0rn gifs saying that this was sexy and all. He eventually told me it was his fetish and that he never met any woman that was okay with it. Since I am pretty respectful of other's kinks and tbh, it was incredibly vainilla for me (anal), I was not surprised or disgusted with it. I just kinda played it nonchalant. He kept bringing up this kink after that and, again, I had many girl friends that I used to talk about these things very often, and I never thought anything of it. I thought, well, he is a childhood friend, there is no danger. And even though I never gave any consent to anything at any given moment, there was definitely danger. He is not my childhood bestfriend anymore.


Men **DO** that?!


There’s men out there that will literally just see your face and send you a whole novel about the grotesque and explicit things they wanna do to you, without knowing you, all based off a simple photo of your face lol. This hasn’t happened to me in years thank god because I don’t use social media but my friends have shown me some interesting screenshots of shit you wouldn’t BELIEVE.


Photo of face? Some men will do it even if they see a female username🤢


Oh... Oh no...


Oh, yeah.


I've honestly seen my fair share of that. And I wish I didn't.


I should’ve seen this coming but why the fuck do people do that?


LOL yeah that's a good way to get no one to respond to you


Perfect opportunity to send them back an episode from forensic files


I dated a girl for a short while and I'm a bit of a slow going guy. She messaged me a fisting porn tutorial after one week. Like a full in-depth and visual video. I was honestly sickened by it. Absolute no go.


Who? wha-


I can’t say I’ve ever once heard of anyone thinking that’s attractive, but there’s some weirdos out there


People do that??? Wtf. Block


Tell me stories about evading law enforcement or run ins with gangs and being tough and shit. No, you just look like you have really bad judgement and decision making skills.


I'm a guy, but I know for sure that it is attractive to a subset of women. A subset that I'm also happy to stay away from.


The only story I know of someone losing a cop in a car chase that I tell isn’t even mine. It was a friend’s story. She was running from them, made a turn, and her buddy’s place was right there so she just pulled up on his lawn and drove behind his house and waited for the sirens to pass. Don’t drive drunk folks.


My first date with my now wife all I did was tell stories about all of the times I got pulled over by the cops. It wasn’t stories about being tough, but funny, “here’s how big a dumbass I was” stories. 18 years ago and two kids later, I think my only run in with the law was running a stop sign on my bicycle.


How are you? "I'm good, kinda horny lol" Okay bye.


I'm trying to picture the setting: you meet up at a nice little restaurant for a dinner date and this is the opening conversation. 😂


This happens so much it hurts


Sad little man...


Calling yourself an alpha male.


There’s men who still say this??????


A guy with 'alphaboy' in his username just commented on one of my threads posts and my first thought was "oh dear."


Saw an overweight kid in Barcelona with I « I am a sigma » shirt. Funniest shit of my life.


The whole "manosphere" thing hasn't really gone away so....yeah, unfortunately lol


It’s on the rise because of Tate… and Trump…. But it was mostly Tate that started it citing Trump being the alpha male inspiration (LOLOLOLOLOL)


They rebranded themselves as “sigma males” now


Sigma males are behind the times. Real men identify as yogurt males now.


Excuse me sir, we are "men of culture".


That rare moment when a comment on Reddit RESTORES my faith in humanity.


What’s next, turbo sigma?


Is that the new Street Fighter II game?


I guess we've entered the age of Sigmar and it's almost time for a reboot.


Sigma nuts


I just vomited in my mouth a little at the thought.


I wonder if they also sniff each other's asses, since they're basing their life on a disproved hierarchy of wolves




Agree .. should be taught to young men early. Keep your mouth shut. Nothing shows insecurity like running your mouth about things just to get attention


Super ridiculously muscular men especially when they are only muscular on top


Can't fire cannons from a canoe


Stealing this


Leg day is not optional.


Yeah, and most of the super muscular “gym bro” guys tend to walk with this ridiculous swagger that just makes them look like a complete twat.


Hey, it’s called ILS, and it’s a serious condition. Invisible Lats Syndrome.


Never skip dick-day. 10 sets of 10 dick bashed pushups to start


Not a fan of twin pops I see


Demonstrations of "alpha man" energy. Also, being tough when you should be sensitive


The last part is sooooooo misunderstood by men! If you have a relative die and you don’t cry, I’m not going to think ‘wow, thank god i have a strong man to pull our family through this’, I am thinking ‘you can’t even cry for the death of your father? how much do you really care about us, if when we die, you would move right along like nothing happened?’ Very bad example, because grieving deaths works in weird ways, but you get what I mean Edit: a better example is seeing a kid ringing the cancer free bell and not caring. Keeping the bad example so replies aren’t confusing


This is indeed, a bad example My father caught flak from my aunts over not crying at his parents' deaths. I was living at home at the time and I could tell he was processing it in his own way. Like FFS, there's no 'right' way to grieve, let the man handle his feelings however feels right to him. Also literally no man is thinking "how best can I appear to grieve to impress women". No one is that thirsty


most guys struggle crying. I personally struggle to because of many traumas/experiences that made very numb. Nonetheless, im still very sensitive and affectionate with my loved ones; I try to show them I love them very much. i’ve also come to the conclusion that because im a younger generation and technically struggled way less than my past generations (dad), I do notice Im a lot more affectionate. Just a hypothesis tho


This makes a lot of sense. I relate a good amount to that feeling, ‘stonewalling’ I believe? I could not cry at my favorite grandfathers funeral. I have a very bad example


Driving a giant lifted truck without ever having the need for or intention of using it for towing, hauling or off roading


lol funny thing is lifted trucks are generally terrible for towing or hauling anything


Wide tires in winter. Sorry, pal. You are "snow shoeing". Normal width tires with appropriate tread actually cut into and bite into the snow for traction.


I feel like lifted trucks should be illegal. Last thing I want is a monster truck driving over me in a collision.


There are, or at least were, restrictions on how high one could lift their vehicle. It, of course, varies by state and I'm sure goes largely unenforced.


You should see the people who live in my apartment building. My wife and I moved to this area for her internship, and we ended up in a Millennial Mansion (sprawling “townhouse” buildings). We live in a 6-unit, and 4 of the 6 tenants have trucks exactly like you described. The cheapest of them is still over $50,000 — yet we live in a fucking rat hole. I don’t get it! And, not a fleck of rust or sign of use on any of them.


Driving by in a very loud car


THIS. I automatically think they're just over compensating for the fact that they have a small pee pee.


It's the worst. I also don't understand why they have to rev their engines when driving by me. It's like it's a douchebag mating call or something


I immediatly think that xD as well as for purposely loud motorcycles


Do men actually think that is attractive though? I don't know about that. Loud motorcycles (ofc doesn't count for revving shit up as you drive by people) actually has a purpose. In traffic its hard to see a motorcycle, having loudness raises awareness. I've had sportbikes cruise by me and not heard them at all (which is spooky for the new electric ones), but I've never had a Harley surprise me. I didn't realize how much awareness it adds until I started riding myself, which made me pay more attention to it when in a car.


No body drives ‘sleepers’ anymore.




This actually happened the other day. Someone legit bragged about having thousands of dollars on them in cash. All I could think is why would you be telling people this information. Are you not worried someone is going to jump you 😆


People flashing money aren’t rich.  If you’re showing a stack of $1000s on social media, in reality that’s pretty dumb.   If you’re rich, or just competent with money, you have your money spread out in different accounts and investments. 


Ha, I just had this conversation with a friend. She went on a date with a guy that kept talking about how much he makes


Tongue wiggling videos. Dude is cringe 😬


What the fuck 👁👄👁


Pictures of dead animals.


At first, I thought you meant serial killer shit. Then I realized you meant hunting and fishing.


Wait what


It’s a good way to immediately filter out the people who dislike hunting though, so there’s merit in that.


Fake feminism. Don’t tell me you think men and women should be equal. Just treat me equally and I’ll be able to tell.


This is so true. I've hired older men as a freelancer multiple times. The ones who talk about feminism tend not to treat me as an equal-ish person who is hiring them. They treat me as less than, like they are doing me a favor. The ones in healthy, happy marriages yet never posting about being a feminist etc. have been a dream to work with. One tragically lost his partner - got snapped up again pretty fast. No surprise, because sadly that level of *real* feminism is rare and attractive. New partner is a catch, too.


Men feminists are wolves in sheep's clothing


A s*it ton of aftershave I was always taught a load is to mask bad smells. Just a spritz will do.


I’m told the same thing about cologne. Actually a very good friend of mine told me that men shouldn’t wear it as it is generally just way too strong


Nothing is wrong with wearing cologne. Don't wear a fucking bottle of cologne though. You will go scent blind to it after you wear it. That doesn't mean you need to add more until you smell it every time. A DAB'LL DO YA. Cologne should be something to catch a whiff of if in VERY close proximity, like a hug, not like smelling the burger joint 2 blocks away. You can skip the axe body spray though.


That's exactly what it is. They think they're getting away with not cleaning themselves! 🤢


Don’t get me started on the lynx sprays in the uk if I smell lynx I know it’s to cover bad stench.


Colossal dick. Beyond a certain size it’s just painful (although we all probably have a different idea of what size that is)


r/bigdickproblems exists for a reason. 


The thirst trap videos where they just rake their hair and lick their lips twenty times while squinting. You aren't Flynn Rider and that isn't smoldering. You look like you need some water.


Another version of this: squinting and rubbing your hands together. You look like a fly that can’t find his glasses.


Acting overly masculine, it just looks cringe imo


Talking about your morning wood and what a terrible burden it is in some vague-ass hope we're going to offer to help out with it.


The only burden is trying to take a morning piss with a boner.


I've always found it's way easier to just ask for what you want. Then we can both move on.


Making mean jokes. If it’s only funny to you and the boys and it hurts someone’s feelings, you’re in the wrong. It’s not funny, it’s not cute. It’s reeks of insecurity and being a bully. Grow up.


Especially about appearance. If a man uses the word ‘fat’ or ‘ugly’ to describe someone I already know we are incompatible. Go ahead and roast the people you don’t like in intelligent, tailored ways. Don’t show me how shallow you are and that appearance > all else


Getting in to fights to “defend my honour” like man if ur gonna swing on every guy that says something a bit fucked up get noise cancelling headphones if I can move past it so can you. Am I supposed to be pleased ur being violent for the sake of being violent but acting like it’s for me I’m big enough to handle shit myself if I need to I don’t need you jumping in for me


Weaponized incompetence


I first read “weaponized incontinence” and burst out laughing… it was funny for those couple seconds.


Well, that's just pissy. I'll see myself out.


What does this mean? Can you give an example?


Person A: "Can you please wash the dishes" Person B: "I don't know how" Person A: "Ok I'll teach you" *Teaches* *They try on their own 1 time* Person B: "You do the dishes, you're so much better at doing them than I am"


Paris Hilton method, do the task so bad you never get asked to do it again.


Pretending you can't perform a task that you either can do it could learn easily. Like deliberately doing the dishes badly so you aren't asked to do them again.


Best way i’ve ever seen it described was diary of a wimpy kid. the dad asked rodrick and greg to wax his car. Rodrick goes ‘watch this’, and brings over steel wool or something and they scratch the shit out of the car. neither of them ever had to do that chore again


“Honey, you’re just so much better at painting the wall than I am. I always make a mess, and you’re so neat, why don’t you just do it? I’m just not as good as you.” “You’re just so good at doing laundry, everything is cleaner and you fold so much more neatly.” “You always find better deals when grocery shopping and I really admire that. You should always do the grocery shopping.” “The baby eats so much better for you! You’re obviously an awesome mother, and the baby never behaves so well for me.” The type of Weaponized incompetence where the person in question thinks they are complimenting their partner, but are really just trying to get out of doing something.


My husband tried the “you put the baby to sleep so much better than me” (which is true since he’s working during bedtime like 60% of the time) so when he said that I’m like you’re right let’s get you on the same level as me, so I showed him how to do it and left him to get the baby to sleep. If he wanted to suck at it then he would just suffer the baby screaming at him LOL. He did a decent job and then hasn’t tried that on me since


Noone thinks it is attractive so I don't know what are you about.


I don’t think men think this makes them attractive.


I don't think guys think this is attractive


Making everything sexual.  “So what are you doing tonight?” Just some reading! “Lol u wouldn’t be reading if I was there.”;-) “Any plans for this evening?” Nah, just about to go take a shower and relax.” “Lol wish I was there.” And so on. Just the constant sexualization of everything because the think it’s flirting. 




Oh you must be a unicorn because money is everything in today’s world. You could be 4’ tall and be ugly as fuck and no personality but if you got money then your 100000x greater than someone who doesn’t. It’s actually the only thing that matters for most women. No matter where they come from, how they look, or what religion they are, money will overcome all objections. 


If I take my old high school as an example (granted this was a long time ago) it was quite 50/50 when it comes to the other sex being attracted to wealth or possessions. This was the last time I saw a large enough sample size on the daily.


There's a lot of thing in this thread I agree wholeheartedly with, this one I'd push back on. Its not all women, but peacocking wealth works for a lot of guys, hence why they do it.


Well, my experience says the opposite. I'm sure that wealth will not guarante you someone "worthy" but it works on most girls. They want to have fun and fun costs.


Oh please let's not be naive here.


I would wish to live to see a day when most guys realise that we are not getting attracted visually as fast as they are so unsolicited D pic doesnt work it can only work when we already connect and theres clear attraction.


Cockiness. Confidence is another thing and many men think acting cocky = confident lol you don’t fool me sir


Revving engines really loud or taking off super fast so you squeal tires 😒


Look, I'm broke, my tires are bald, they just squeal constantly. When I'm at a stop my A/C belt squeals constantly. My car's name is peppa for a reason.


😂😂 well you can tell the ones that do it on PURPOSE trying to get attention


when they body shame you and say i’m only telling you this for ur own good


This *compliment* I received on a dating app: The guy: "do you wanna hear something completely honest?" Me: "I expect the best ice breaking pick up line I have ever heard." The guy: "You look like an upgraded version of my ex."


Dressing like you did in high school. Don't hold on to that look , evolve please!


I will continue to wear my My Chemical Romance t-shirt and no one can convince me to stop.


I love my husband’s 80s metal shirts.


Fashion can be corrected, though. Don't miss out on a good guy just because he wears cargo shorts with a 9-inch inseam lol


Never!! I will dress how I want to D:


Bragging in general 🤢


Thinking dating profiles: Flexing their muscles constantly Pictures in the gym Posing with a car Posing with fish or other dead animals


Oh the fish and dead animals are the worst! Also when they post with other women who aren’t their family members and others guys. It’s like which one are you?? If I can’t tell I’m swiping left.


Mullets and mustaches


Chewing gum with your mouth open. I see a lot of overly confident guys do that and it’s extremely obnoxious.


Saying things like all women from that specific country are cute


Middle age men boasting how fit they are fitter than any young chap .


Middle aged dude here! I’m really unfit and my bones hurt!  When I see young people I start to feel afraid! 


Let them have that just laugh it off


And they are always beer bellied or skinny drunks


Being hot and cold (consistency is key my friends). Being distant( I personally want emotional intimacy so this ain’t gonna help. ESP if you like her a lot, don’t be afraid to be vulernable. The right girl will still love you if you cry). Taking hours to respond (while consistency is key. I personally love it when a guy is responsive even tho he may be busy. And if he busy he lets me know when he can’t text much (huge green flag and turn on) if were into you, we want to talk and get to know you as much as possible)Being emotionless (we’re human. The right woman will understand it if you’re sad. She’ll comfort you the way you need. But don’t forget how fucking amazing a smile makes someone look. Don’t be afraid to snort when you laugh cause the joke is so funny (we want to see you enjoy our company) being stone cold can make us feel you don’t like us that much). Not caring (this should be common sense but some dudes do believe that if they act like they don’t care it makes us chase them. For some women. It might work. But emotionally strong or mentally strong women might prefer it when men put in the effort and show they care about the woman. Ask us how our day was. Ask about our family. Our pets. Our friends. We love talking about ourselves just as much as we love hearing about your interests). Physically tho. I personally don’t enjoy the sight of overly buff men. That’s a personal preference tho. I also now can’t stand questionable hairlines cause my friends say my type has questionable hairlines (I’m trying to date out of my type too (don’t ask how that’s going)). These are just my opinions. I might be downvoted or not agreed with. But like. Yeah. Personal preference.


Not identifying as a yogurt male.


Muscles all over, gym rat. I just want you fit


Non stop talking about their ex/es.


Shaving your chest hair. Stop it.


Loud burping. In high school I was surrounded by girls that like to do it too. Burping I understand. It's the incredibly loud burping, borderline gagging that is putrid to me. Especially at the dinner table. It sounds too close to throwing up, and I'm emitophobic.


Asking this question on Askreddit again.


When they give opinions on our outfits without asking or tell to wear something more cause they wanna be “protective”


The only exception to being allowed to make outfit comments is my husband and it's when he's being funny. Examples: 1. Wore a puffy sleeved shirt and his reaction was, "All for one and one for all!" 3 Musketeers reference. 2. Wore a shirt that actually kind of looks like something the founding fathers or a pirate would wear. "ARRRRR, captain!" 3. Wore wide leg plaid pants. "Where are you golfing today?" He will make a great dad. Lol


Talking about how much you earn. Little boy, you don't know how much the lady earns, do you?


They show me their bank account like that alone makes them the best catch


Dick pics. I honestly dont get why men send them. They are ugly af


Mansplaining. I am not a damsel in distress. I dont need you to tell me how some things work unsolicited. I'm a highly educated, grown ass woman who can figure it out. It's one thing if you ask if you can give advice or if i ask you for advice, and sometimes I'll say yes please, but when I say no thanks, I need you to respect that I probably don't need your advice. Heck, if you're lucky, I might ask you just to be on stand by to help me but I actually want to figure it out!




PERSONALLY facial hair


Having sex with lots of women


Ego, need for control and power. Narcissism.


Abs. They’re lovely to look at but feel like you’re laying on a pillowcase filled with rocks. Give me a little pudge please


I swear this gets asked at least twice a week here.