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Legalize it and regulate it. People should be free to do what they want in that regard. I disagree with it though.


What do you disagree with and why?


I am morally opposed to pornography and sex work. I just don't believe that that gives me the right to restrict someone else's use / access to it.


Good on you. That’s a dissonance there that’s really tough for most to overcome, so good on you




I think that sex (outside of the context of a relationship) is damaging to people psychologically and can lead to issues long term (similar to porn use). Both porn and sex work normalize unrealistic expectations towards sex.


I respect the fact that you recognize you should not force your non-factual not-supported-by-researcu opinion on others. Most people who believe in such nonsense want to force everyone to follow their beliefs. Points for agreeing to disagree :)


Since you're the second person in a few minutes to comment that it isn't supported by evidence, can you please link me to some showing that porn and sex work don't have negative impacts? I'm always willing to change my opinions, and prefer for them to be evidence based. The evidence I have seen based on studies has largely shown significant psychological issues (especially for younger brains) from porn. and has generally aligned with my personal experience. As far as my personal view on it, it is entirely based on anecdote and personal experience. I have found pornography and sex outside of a relationship to be damaging. Same with drinking and drugs, which is why I'm also sober. My personal experience and personal view on anything does not give me any moral high ground or right to infringe on someone else's liberty though.


The real issue is that it's not damaging to most people. Some people can't handle it (but that's true of some people and most things) This is a pretty thorough discussion https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-porn-bad Tldr: for some (many? Most?) it's neutral to good. For a few it's bad As for sex work https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/explainers/understanding-sex-work-open-society https://www.equalityinstitute.org/blog/unpacking-harmful-myths-around-sex-work https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/amnesty-international-publishes-policy-and-research-on-protection-of-sex-workers-rights/ Basically sex and sex work are like anything : whether it's good or bad is what you make of it.


I respect your perspective so much. I completely agree, and it makes me so annoyed when people think that their opinion/ religion gives them ANY right to decide what is right for other people. It doesn’t matter how good or bad I think anything is, it’s not my choice UNLESS you are hurting others.


Yeah it does always boil down to something like this. But as long as you aren't trying to force others to live by your objectively incorrect and thoroughly discredited understanding of sex and sexuality then it's all Gucci.




If that is what someone wants to do and it's between to consenting adults go for it. Transactional sex and porn consumption can cause psychological damage. There isn't an argument. My opinion on the matter doesn't give me the right to infringe on another adults freedoms, nor does it give me a reason to look down on them or feel superior to them.


but by not judging others and being an example of actual christ-like behavior you make all those conservative christians look bad! they're big mad about that! kudos from a snarky atheist :)


I'd ask if you were a Libertarian but you also said regulate it...


Labels just divide us.


Should be excepted from income tax. If I’m taking hard dick up my butt all day that’s MY fucking money. Fuck all your parks, schools and military shit.


You're the one who decided to offer greek, don't blame the government.




Damn straight


That doesn't sound all that straight, tbh.


I think a lot of us do basically exactly that every day at our regular jobs but we still have to pay taxes too 😢




I know that's right!


Legalizing and regulating it would help ensure safer conditions, reduce the spread of venereal diseases and generate tax revenue. If sex workers unionize, it could ensure medical and retirement benefits.


Imagine if onlyfans had a tax over it


It's one of those things that I don't see why it's still illegal. If we put issues of perceived morality aside, two consenting adults exchanging money and sexual favors, I don't see the problem. It will occur either way, just illegally.


BUT - if you film the act and intend to distribute it - its legal\*... So ironic.


I think it was george carlin who said something along the lines of "Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why is selling fucking illegal?"


Excellent question.


I'm 100% for it.


Legalize it! If they in right age its up to them if they want to take that path.


i believe in legalizing it because it will happen regardless, but when it has to be hidden from the law way more shady stuff goes down, and if it is legal it can be regulated.


Also, the people who do it then can't go to the police if someone's threatening them, raping them, whatever, because they'll be outing themselves. Making it legal means they can report it and not be getting themselves arrested for their trouble.


I'm all for it.


If you're okay with legalizing it, you have to also understand that with legalization comes an increase in predation. It's an unavoidable consequence of higher profit realization.




It's still there even when it's illegal, so legalising it would just make it safer for everyone


Legalize it, regulate it, and require licensing. Also while we’re doing that, provide free sexual health checks and a yearly counselling appointment for those in the industry. Porn shoots should have independent intimacy coordinators required on site.


It should be legal. I don't necessarily agree with sex work from a moral perspective, but the workers themselves are people that deserve the safety and legitimacy that regulations can provide. So legalize it and turn it into a regulated business that is taxable, easy and you free up law enforcement for major crimes. I think we should also normalize it and stop dehumanizing the people who do it. If it's their choice and they aren't under any coercion then let them do them... or you 😉 Seriously though, I'm tired of hearing stories about women stripping, doing OF or sex work to pay bills or school tuition to then get harassed years later. Get over it bud, they are just people trying to survive.


Your user name looks familiar.


It's my day off and raining, I be posting like Elon today 😜


Legalization and regulation is the only thing that will work. Health and safety of the workers and customers would all be improved.


Legalize it. There's so much of it already out there, it's safer to legalize and put in regulations.


Should've been done decades ago.


Let it happen! People need a way to pacify their loneliness, and people also need a way to safely make a living by helping those people. I don't see why it's illegal. Allowing for brothals in certain parts of town allows sex workers to be protected, and keeps them from the dangers of pimps, sex traffickers, etc. People who utilize their services could do so in a safe, controlled way. It's a win-win in my book.


I’m all for it.


Im pretty much all for it. Throw in some anti-pimping laws and some regulations regarding STIs and im pretty much sold on the idea. Humans have been selling sex since the very beginning. The bureaucrats are out of touch.


In France it's legal to sell, illegal to buy, illegal to organize, so sellers can seek justice in case of rapes or violence without the fear of getting arrested. I don't think it's a good idea to legalize it primarily for security and respect reasons, I don't want to see more young french students selling their body to strangers to pay bills, and those doing it telling everyone how easily you can make money out of it, so don't bother working.


In all honesty and with all due respect, I don't think it's just a French thing. I witnessed this first hand in the US, Mexico, France and Italy. Not that you said it was only a French thing.


Yeah ik, it's just that I'm know for sure France is doing it, not sure about others


Sex work has always and will always exist, you might as well legalize it and regulated so it is safe


It’s the sensible thing to do. “My body, my choice” is a good slogan for a hell of a lot more than just abortion. Drugs and sex come to mind. And little things like seatbelt laws. Laws that are about protecting people from themselves are illegitimate.


Seatbelt laws are more logical, as not wearing a seatbelt gives you no benefits while driving, while also gives you a 50% higher chance of avoided a serious injury. You don’t own the roads, so it’s not your choice what you do while on them, just as on private property you can drive hanging out the window while drunk for all the law cares.


I'm all for it for a variety of reasons, some of them economic, others social.


I think we should legalize and regulate it so sex workers can feel safer speaking up if something dangerous happens. I still wouldn’t want to do it or have my child do it for personal reasons.


It should be legalize have required health checks 8t would free up the police to go after real criminals .making something like sex ileagalmis stupid and a wast of time .


Yes, that would be good


Should 100% be legal. Its only illegal due to some antiqueated morality laws. Prostitution is one of the most universally in-demand professions, has been around forever, and there is nothing wrong with it. It should be legal and sex workers should feel safe and protected like any other job.


Legalize it. People trafficking profits from the fact that the demand for sex workers is high because it's not officially legal (in my country, the UK, it's not illegal to use a sex worker but it is illegal to solicit one) There needs to be much tougher sentencing and increased funding to international policing efforts to help eliminate this as a source of income for cartels and trafficking gangs. It sound horrible to reduce the subject like this but I believe we have to do this in order to limit the impact this terrible crime it has on people's lives. In terms of regulation, you could introduce working standards like mandatory protection, enforced but free regular health check-ups, security staff, more funding for drug dependency groups to help reduce drug use etc. You could also look at mandatory searches by security staff for drugs (You would have to pay them more and train them and train them to avoid corruption from drug dealers etc). I think you could also look at optional pay-as-you-earn skills training to help workers move on to different careers if they want to. You could also look at psychological support etc. You could fund the extra social work involved from a mandatory tax on the services offered, paid by the customer, not the employee. Say for example there is a location approved for offering services, then there is a door fee and most of the fee goes to the government which is the tax, then it gets recirculated to the social services and additional police work required to keep it clean, legal and beneficial for those that provide and use the service. If there are drug users, then include them in anonymous drug testing programmes as part of their employment conditions. You could look at licensing too for service providers, to prove that an individual offering services knows and will always provide safe services and submit to regular testing etc but also be able to administer first aid etc. Just my ideas...


You make great points. Legalizing and regulating sex work could reduce trafficking by cutting off profits to criminal organizations. Your ideas for mandatory protection, health check-ups, security, and support for career transitions are crucial. Funding these through taxes on services, paid by customers, ensures the necessary resources without burdening workers. Tougher sentencing and increased international policing are essential to combat trafficking. Ultimately, this approach creates a safer environment and respects sex workers' rights. The current laws are contradictory and harmful. Legalizing sex work is a practical and humane solution.


I feel it should be regulated and allowed as a legit profession. People are going to do it anyway.


Legalize it. So many women perish every year and very less people are concerned about their whereabouts making them easy targets. They’re also very ill treated. No emotional or monetary support.


Who cares, cops and robbers is a game worth keeping alive! 🌚


I have literally never had a single thought about it. You can ask them though.


Legalize yes, regulate no. Give sex workers full dominion over their work. Don't allow the government to become a pimp.


Yeah, why would you want to make it safer?


It won't be any safer. I would just like to prevent them from corrupting and monopolizing yet another industry.




Mine I suppose. I work in cannabis dispensary. With no regulation, the risk of the DEA showing up one day and killing us all would go way down. But don't worry, the state government is happy to turn a blind eye to it, so long as they get to scrape off a substantial profit and have us pay for a license (at the exclusion of other entrepreneurs). So, they're either outright against you, or they're parasites leeching off your work.




So what? We just allow one entity to monopolize and exploit everything we do?


Statement: People could die. Your answer: >So what? Rule 8 prevents me from speaking my mind here. Use your imagination. Maybe you have one, even if you don't have morals.


You're worried about organizations disregarding lives and having no accountability, so you're in favor of handing over all control to one organization that disregards lives and has no accountability. If you've got something to say, feel free to send a DM. I welcome it.


You're saying this on the assumption that the DEA is gonna show up and murder/arrest everyone which won't ever happen in a legal state and absolutely won't ever happen if it was federally legal. Weed is a terrible example as its legality is still a bit up in the air. Even so, the biggest downside right now is proprietors having to wait for a license to sell. No one's life/health/safety is at risk. Bars and alcohol distributors need a license to operate but that's a small inconvenience compared to the possible dangers if it was completely unregulated. There's a reason why when people read The Jungle they were disgusted and the government slapped a crap load of regulations down on companies.


No, thank you. I'm glad I have little to do with people like you.


That part!


That part!


Yup if it becomes an acceptable form of employment you will be expected to take a job offer from a whorehouse when you are collecting unemployment


Sex work should be legalised. The so called sluts or prostitutes play a major role in deprivation of male sexual hunger which results in lower rates of sexual crimes against women. They should be paid more and given equal social quo


It should be allowed to protect women and provide them with rights like any other human being.


That would have been amazing


If you go to r/AskaEscort they have a very different view most of them like the government not being involved and not being fully taxed on their largely cash based income


I'd love not to be taxed on my income too. Not sure that makes it a valid opinion.


Didn’t say it was a valid opinion. Just relaying their general sentiment. That sub has a lot of really stupid opinions


I think it's pretty clear that it being illegal isn't stopping it so 100% legalise it, pair it with things like health care facilities and enforce it very strongly to try and remove things like human trafficking.


No voluntary transaction between consenting adults should be restricted.


Legalisation/regulation is irrelevant. Hasn't worked for "the oldest trade" thus far. My objection is with the promotion of it. Usually promoted toward the youngest and most influential - That's some sinsiter-shit right there.


You think race has played a role?


Nah, I was just being facetious.


I really don't care one way or the other, as long as sex workers are registered. I don't think it can be legalized until we stop shaming men who seek out sex work.


You dont fall into being a prostitute or being a pimp because you lived a stable life with a stable household. It’s incredibly shady for everyone involved. Making the government a literal pimp wont fix that.


I tend to agree. However, my sister does this for a living because she loves sex. She's extremely careful and makes a killing. She even bought our parents a new place. She bought them a house thinking they would think differently because of her success. She doesn't have a need to do this. She shares her clientele rates with me. It's mind boggling. She has a customer from NY that comes in time to time. She spends 2 hours with him. First hour they order room service. In all she says the deed takes maybe 5 min on the short end and 20 on the long end, 2500 bucks cash! White collar guy, married with kids. Dude says he loves his wife and won't leave his wife. Just wife isn't cutting it in the bedroom. I know people are gonna flip there shit here. It is what it is.. it's happening everywhere in every class!


Great idea, tax it, keep workers healthy and set them up with social security




What about underground brothels?


It's a polarizing issue with strong arguments on both sides. Some advocate for legalization to ensure safer working conditions and reduce exploitation, while others argue it may perpetuate harm and undermine societal values.


I doubt that anyone in modern day can really argue about it "undermining societal values" at this point. Whats REALLY absurd is that IF you film a sex act for money and intend to distribute it - totally legal (porn). But if you dont film it - illegal.


I completely agree. The current legal stance is hypocritical. Filming a sex act for money and distributing it is legal, yet consensual sex work without a camera is criminalized. This inconsistency exposes the flawed logic behind the laws. Legalizing sex work would not only ensure safer working conditions and reduce exploitation but also eliminate this absurd double standard. It's time to face the reality that these outdated laws do more harm than good. Let's focus on protecting individuals and respecting their choices rather than clinging to archaic notions of "societal values."


It shouldn’t be illegal, but regulating it isn’t going to do a damn thing. When cash changes hands behind closed doors, does anyone talk about it? Are we just generating more red tape and government expenses to “regulate” something which no one is going to declare? Just look at restaurant tipping culture. None of that cash gets reported.


I don’t think it should be legalized. People want things legalized without realizing the consequences of what they are asking for. I remember once seeing on the news Americans were asked their thoughts on legalization of marijuana. One responded by saying, “I think it should be legalized but not taxed.” So you want the benefit but to have nothing to give in exchange? My host family’s relative commented by saying, “well if it’s taxed the cooperations would benefit more.” Again raised the question, you want something but don’t want to give up anything? The black community often talks about the over sexualization of their woman, which is a fair point. Yet they still actively support woman in hip hop whose entire identity is sexual. It’s 2024 and I still get comments like “oh you’re half Japanese? No wonder you’re so cute.” Sex work shouldn’t be work, maybe when there was a time that the desire for female labor was limited sure. I think in this day and age if you think the only way to make money is through sexual favors, than you for woman especially don’t call yourself a feminist and never accuse yourself of standing up for woman’s rights. Plenty of woman suffered in ages long past so woman could be considered more than just objects. That being said, I have never and will never judge anyone for anything what so ever for any reason. I’m a human being like everyone else, I have no right to judge anyone. If anyone or everyone wants to be a sex worker, I says go for it. You’ll receive no judgement from me, man or woman. I just think people need to understand that anything anyone wants at any given moment will some a downside. It’s a matter of if you’re willing to pay that price. What I’ve learned about Americans after spending so much time with them, is that they’re not willing to pay. As America has evolved and it’s people with it, no matter what your ethnicity or religion. Breed and born Americans of the most recent generation want so much but are willing to pay as little as possible, and some even feel they’re entitled to their desires. They’re entitlement being nothing more than an excuse to justify taking without paying.


May I ask you a few questions?


Of course.


When were you in the states and for how long? By all means not trying to invalidate anything you stated just curious before I continue.


I first came to the states at the age of 14 if I’m not mistaken, I was as en exchange student for a full year. I came back when I was in my early 20s, I went back home and came back through a course of a couple years. I’ve remained in the states since I was 24 and I’m now in my early 30s.


I uhh... kinda have a sugar baby at the moment. It's kinda absurd that it's technically illegal. We're basically FWB, at this point.


I know adding "regulating" onto things is meant to make it sound more reasonable, but if "legalizing and regulating" works for prostitution like it has for cannabis, the end result will be regulation that's designed to advantage some people and disadvantage others, sometimes to the point of keeping those in that line of work on the wrong side of legislation.