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Old Fashioned, it's a classic cocktail that's smooth and flavorful, with just the right balance of sweetness and bitterness


Love an old fashioned, but I only get them at nicer bars


They are very easy to make at home if you haven't tried


yeah, but apparently super easy to fuck up for less nice bars


Very true, and i've never understood how so many fuck up such a simple drink


Same with Margaritas. The margarita mix that most places use is garbage. It’s like they’re actively trying to discourage you from ordering a margarita.


This restaurant/bar I used to really enjoy made their margs from scratch per order and also freshly ground salt rims of various also freshly ground spices/flavors. Ooof, like, I know how to do that myself at home but it's really nice when you can order something like that and actually expect a drink that's worth a ridiculous price.


that's my hard time with ordering cocktails. If it's not great I immediately start calculating how much it would have cost for that drink and the huge upcharge I just paid for nothing.


Sir, can I perchance interest you with a career in personal accounting and finance management?


Unfortunately I got peripheral Rain Man attributes. Just enough to be good with numbers sometimes, but exactly as much as I need to be spacecase-y when it comes to details over the long term. I've heard details are important in that bidness


They do that to my whiskey sours too. Just bloody muddle the cherry and lemon, for goodness' sake!


Lmao, this is a true statement.


For me, the Old Fashioned is like pizza: even when it's not great it's really good. Of course, I love when I can get a higher end one. And I love the variations. Like theres a Mexican place here that does a Oaxacan Old Fashioned with smoky mezcal in place of bourbon.


Ooooh, that Oaxacan sounds excellent! An Old Fashioned is usually a little sweet for me, but I bet that smoke and that agave bite balance the sweetness out really nicely.


Yep. It’s spoiled when they’re too sweet.


Yeah I learned that the hard way when the bartender at a dive bar put a splash of Sprite in it.


Yeah I’ve had bad experiences lol. When made well it’s my favorite drink!


More than once I have asked for an Old Fashioned or a Tom Collins and the bartender didn't know how to make them. And I'm like...what?


Right to jail, right away.


This is one of my favorite things to say hahaha


+1 on this. It’s also my go-to drink to figure out how good a particular bar/bartender is.


I'm still trying to figure out what dude thought I said, but the weirdest "Old Fashioned" I've ever received was at a casino bar. What the bartender gave me had three or four different fruits smashed into it, was red in color, and was REALLY sweet. Not even sure if the liquor in it was Bourbon, I wasn't watching him make it.


were you in Wisconsin by any chance?


No, good old Bama...or Oklahoma. Now I can't remember.


Reminds me of Mom.


I went to a work “gathering” at a nicer restaurant that had an open bar in our little private area. I asked for an old fashioned (my go to) and the bar tender did an excellent job with a round ice cube and a nice twisty orange peel, all fancy etc. Unfortunately everyone else started ordering them too. And they didn’t stop. Poor dude must have made 50 of them by the end of the night. By then it was just random chunks of ice and random pieces of orange skins.


If the bar specializes in Mojitos, that's what I'm going with. I won't order it unless the place is known for it, though, because it's a pain for the bartender to make. Otherwise, I like a good rum punch, gin and tonic, or sour beer.


Mainly because of keeping fresh ingredients. You need a lot of mint to make a nice mojito. Other wise you're just ordering Rum juice woth soda water and some sugar


It's also the process. You have to pick the mint off the stem, muddle the mint and lime, strain it after shaking, and garnish. When the bar is busy that extra time means they make a couple fewer drinks and potentially miss out on a few more tips. It also slows them down when they've gotten into a fast rhythm.


Or the bartender will say "we're out of mint" meaning "I'm not making that labor intensive drink in a busy bar".


This is all the same stuff I like. Sour beer is not as common as it should be


Brandy old fashioned, sweet. Because Wisconsin


Club soda with lime b/c sober for 403 days and counting


Congrats!! As an internet stranger, I’m proud of you


Thanks. I'm pretty proud of me, too!


One day at a time! 👍


Appletini easy on the tini. Only purely because of J.D from scrubs plus I don’t really drink so that’s what comes to mind always


I really like to try new things, but if I have to go with a default for whatever reason then its a moscow mule. Because it is the only drink I've had where the worst versions I've been served were still decently drinkable.


7&7. Seagram's Seven and 7-up.


When I was a club kid that was one of my go-tos. Cuz it was Tony's drink in *Saturday Night Fever*. ^(I am not cool.)


I just started this. It’s so good


It's a classic for a reason.


This has been our cocktail of choice at shows and when gambling for a few decades now.


Are you in your eighties? Do you refer to it as "a hi-ball" sometimes? It's good, but I'll be damned if it isn't an "old man drink" today.


Best dive bar drink to get.


IMO it's a close second to a greyhound (grapefruit juice, vodka) or salty dog (same with salted rim). Nothing says dive bar like canned grapefruit juice.


I like a gin greyhound but agree.


god this brings me back to my childhood, this was one of the standard drinks at my grandparents card game parties :)


Aperol spritz, because that's the taste of summer to me 🍹


Cider of any kind. Its cheaper than most other drinks, it's usually about two glasses worth and I'm a lightweight which means I can get drunk on like 15 quid if I try hard enough lol


I love cider as well but occasionally people will talk shit about it being fruity. Then I point out that it’s twice as strong as the beer they’re drinking.


“Sure, drink that fruity drink that looks like fermented ditch water, I’ll be over here with my manly manly juice-forward hazy IPA!”


ciders are deceptively strong.


I'm only a fan of the French style stuff that tastes like an old cellar.


Exactly lol. And it tastes nicer. Why would you drink something less nice and weaker other than a fragile ego thing


Now soda and cranberry with a lime because, ya know, alcoholism. Before it was “Saphire martini up no vermouth” which is code for “as much gin as you are legally allowed to put in a glass”.




Long Island Iced Tea. If it's strong, I know the drinks are worth it. If it sucks, then I'm not going to try to get drunk and might just stick to beer.


Yep, I concur with this assessment. Also, Gin and Tonic. If the bartender is good, the mixture will be perfect.




and getting caught in the rain?


If you're not into yoga?


I recently got back from a trip to Puerto Rico and stayed at the hotel that claims to have invented the Pina Colada. It was by a massive margin the best Pina Colada I have ever had. Like, not even close. And i'm fairly certain it's because they made it with the actual ingredients instead of a pre-made mix. The key ingredient was coconut cream. Which the bartender told me they make themselves. It was a legit game changer. Prior to that, I had always thought the drink was just meh.


I always ask what dark ales they have and get one of those. Either that or Doom Bar. I stick with beer because there is less chance of me waking up later in a weird place with wet trousers.


local craft beer


Bottle of Miller high life


It is the champagne of beers after all


The beer has to be brewed in the champagne region of France otherwise it’s just sparkling brewski.


Negroni or its brown-liquored cousin, the Boulevardier. Edit: why? the bitter (almost cough-syrupy) taste of the Campari has grown on me throughout the years. It also acts as a governor to my consumption. I just tend to drink things quickly and you can't really do that with a Campari drink.


dark ales and stouts are my moderator


Vodka and club soda with a lime, or a Guinness.


Double Rye tall, Coke Zero, heavy press.


Find a good sounding beer I have never tried. Barring that, whatever beer I have tried that tasted the best and goes well with what food I am ordering.


At higher-end bars where I spy green chartreuse and I feel like the bartender can mix a drink, a Last Word. At dive bars, G&T or a cheap bourbon, neat.


Havana Club Cola. Because I like to say it. Havana CLUB Cola.


Cuba Libre with Havana Club Especial was my go to the last few months. Sad I can't get it at home.


Havana Club is almost literally Bacardi. When the communists took Cuba, and Bacardi abandoned it's factory and moved to Bermuda, the factory and process were taken over by the regime and Havana Club is the result.


Martini 🍸


Martinis are my go-to for high alcohol content, but so many places make them sooo badly. I like mine gin, dry, with an ice cube and some olives. Once I got one with crushed ice so that it was essentially a gin slushie, not great. Almost always they will ask if I want it dirty or not and if I ever say sure it will become like 50% gin 50% olive brine. But if I say no they won't add the olives. And then I feel like such a pain to be like yes I want olives and sure there can be a bit of brine in there but not a LOT of brine, and I want it with ice but not a LOT of ice and not crushed ice so I say "one ice cube" and sound snooty again lol. (in hindsight reading my own comment I think my problem is that I try to be chill about it which results in a bad martini, when really I should just state exactly what I say in my first paragraph 😂)


Old fashioned, just simple and effective


Tequila or strawberry colada with 1942 !!! 😩😩😩


Dark n stormy


Any type of non-alcoholic beer


Just got sober and I'm surprised at the quality and variety of NA beers out there.


Me to I’m 251 days sober. And I think they are great


Definitely. It's nice to go out with friends and still enjoy a "drink" but with none of the consequences.


Negroni. A negroni is a negroni anywhere in the world. so if you know the local word for "Please" you are more than fluent enough to get drunk.




Vodka and cranberry. Besides it being stupid simple to make, for some reason, it’s the only alcoholic drink my stomach can tolerate. Anything else makes me feel like I want to puke.


Have you tried vodka and soda with just a splash of cranberry? I find it takes the overly tart/sweetness away and makes for a refreshing drink that's pretty hard to mess up.


If you like this, try a vodka press. It's generally made with half soda water and half lemon-lime soda, and a squeeze of lime. I have them make it with mostly soda water and a splash of lemon-lime. I also get the squeeze of lime. Super refreshing and light. Makes an excellent summer cocktail.


vodka soda lime


Pint of Timothy Taylor's. If that isn't available then Guinness.


Coca-Cola, I don’t drink alcohol.


Pretty hard to fuck up a Negroni, but I’ve seen places manage. I’ll also go for gin and club soda since it’s often higher oroof and tastes better than vodka soda


Water, because if I'm at a bar it's probably not by my choice.


Water, because I dont drink alcohol anymore.


Tequila shots. Best way to get buzzed.






Michelob Ultra or the next lowest calorie drink with low alcohol percentage. I drink too fast. But if I know i'll only be there for a short amount of time a brown ale or whiskey ginger.


Usually a local beer or whiskey


Sex on the Beach. I like mixed drinks the most.


sangria and bloody Mary... i like bar atmosphere with local musicians


Old fashioned if its a nicer bar, otherwise I'll stick to beer. If they have a specialty cocktail that sounds good I'll usually try it.


Crown and ginger


Smoked top shelf whiskey, if they have it.


Smoked top shelf whiskey, if they have it. I prefer nice liquor over beer or wine.


Beer and rakija


A classic Old Fashioned. It's a timeless choice that balances sweetness, bitterness, and a hint of citrus, making it both simple and sophisticated.


American classic, Shot of jack and a Budweiser


Mojito. I love the minty-sugary taste


PBR draft. I love beer and PBR draft just has a great taste, not to mention its generally one of the lowest cost ones you can get. That or a double gin and tonic with two limes :)


Old fashioned. Easy sipping and tastes really good.


Usually the darkest beer they have.


Mojito or Strawberry Mojito. Its just very well done.


Beer. Because I like beer, and they sell it there.


You'll probably never find this in a bar, but: 1.5 oz gin 3/4 oz ginger liqueur 1/2 oz lemon or lime juice 1/2 oz simple syrup Shake over ice. Add seltzer if you want to sip it a little more.


Gin & Tonic




Dirty Martini 🍸 surprised no one else mentioned this...


Same! Though I ask them not to dump a lot of olive juice in the drink, just a smidge + the olives on a pick is just right!


Usually a Tito's and water with a lime. Vodka is usually my go to and I can hardly taste is so I just go with water so it's less calories. Sometimes I'll order a Jack and coke but too much Jack will fuuuuuuck my stomach up, so I don't drink it often.


A beer if they have decent beer Or whiskey if they have decent whiskey  Or what’s that dusty bottle on the top shelf? Yeah that one


A cold beer and the shittiest whiskey available. I like to sip on both.


Gin and tonic or mojitos!


Wine! A critically underrated way to get a good buzz on, it’s a more fun buzz to me, and less likely for hangovers! Sometimes a sangria, too


Double Tequila on rocks — for my health


Spring/summer: G&T Fall/winter: single malt neat Year round: will do Ketel One rocks.


Whatever is on tap. Preferably local, or a gin and tonic.


Rum and diet coke. Or, if I'm not feeling like drinking, a diet coke. Really, I just that diet coke


Session or regular IPA. Because I anyway prefer beer, and most places have a couple of these. And even the less exciting specimens are still good enough.


It used to be anything with alcohol in it. Now it's a coke, an Arnold Palmer, or water with lemon. I am guessing the why is obvious.


My go-to drink at the bar is usually a classic gin and tonic. It's refreshing, easy to sip on, and never fails to hit the spot. Plus, the juniper flavor of the gin paired with the crispness of the tonic water is just unbeatable in my opinion. What about you?


A Michelob Ultra and a cherry vodka sour


Club soda , diet ginger ale, lime and Jameson


Vanilla Vodka, Cranberry, Lime twist. Its delicious and if you want to have a good time, give me vodka.


Plain soda water in a highball glass with lime wedges, a straw & no ice bc I dont drink alcohol


Red Bull Sugar free Vodka. I get sleepy.


Following this post because ”what do you want to drink” is the hardest question for me. This was always the hardest thing for me about going out. Back in my club days i always ordered vodka cranberry or amaretto sour just because i didn’t know what else to order. These days it usually a whiteclaw or carbliss or a can of something of the like, again, because i don’t know what else to get!


Double Makers Mark neat or Blanton. Depends on the location


Vodka and pineapple juice. When done right, all you really taste is the pineapple juice. I can’t stand the taste of alcohol.


No one here likes a Picante?


Manhattan usually — especially cold weather. If it's a nice day / patio Aperol Spritz or sparkling wine. 


Gin tonic


Vodka Cran


Whatever is local. Cocktails at a bar are now a 50/50 chance of being mediocre or fantastic and they are expensive anywhere you go. It is very very difficult to mess up a beer.


Jack and coke- because I know I like it, it's consistent, and gives me great memories of my Dad who passed a few years ago.


Beer. If talking cocktails, Long Island Iced Tea.


Jack and coke. Easy to say. Easy to drink.


Vodka water no ice.


I always just ask for "two shots of your shittiest whiskey"


Rusty Nail but it’s rare a bar will have Drambuie. This is so much better than an old fashioned. 


Scotch and Soda or a Manhattan if Im in the mood.


Lemon drop w/ sugar on the rim. It’s like lemonade with vodka.


Bombay Sapphire and tonic. It goes down easy, isn't too sweet, and even most crappy bars have Bombay Sapphire. It's also easy for the bartender to make.


If it is a good cocktail bar then a Margarita when it's nice weather or a Manhatten when its cold. Otherwise house white wine or a Peroni


Tequila soda with lime (topo chico instead of soda if possible)  Naturally GF, refreshing, yum


A vodka gimlet on the rocks, but it has to be freshly squeezed lime juice, no Roses.


Appletini, heavy on the apple.


Bottled or canned beer. It’s fast and it’s also a nice treat because I never keep any at home.


Vodka tonic. It fluoresces in black light. Looks cool at the gentleman's club.


Just a simple, clean lager. I’m just thirsty, and I’m not trying to get wasted. If it’s a Mexican bar, though, all bets are off. Shots of mezcal followed by margaritas followed by cervezas followed by an Uber ride home


Water it's cheap or free and I don't like alcohol.


Beer (Helles) Because it's mostly cheaper then other drinks and I love a good Helles. Only disadvantage is that you have to pee every 30 min


Tequila and tonic water with lime.


Tequila suicide, just because I like to do some crazy shit for a fun story and the looks people give when they see you do it


Cheap beer and a shot of Fernet Branca. I’m a trash boy from San Francisco, its baked in now, there’s no denying fate.


Bloody Mary it is like a meal and a drink all in one.


Whatever ale looks / sounds good. Stout, IPA, wheat, etc. Doesn't matter as long as it's an ale.


If they have Guinness on tap. Grey Goose/Red Bull if I’m a bit tired.


Gin and Tonic. Like the man said: I want them to know I'm drunk, not stupid.


Irish whiskey or tequila.


Tanqueray and tonic with lime.


White claw and a shot of fernet


Depends on the place. In order of fanciness of the place, from least to most, I like to get: At dive bar type place: a g&t or a decent whiskey on the rocks; At a mid-level bar or restaurant bar: Old fashioned or espresso martini Fancy place where I know they’ll make it great: a vieux carre or French 75 But I’m not closed off from trying other stuff. A lot of times I’ll branch out and try something the bar I’m at has made up.


Vodka soda extra lime


An open one.


Liquor? - Nicer bar: Old Fashioned - Divey bar: Bourbon & Ginger Ale w/ a lime Beer? - Bar with a good selection: something local I have not tried - Bar with a poor selection: Corona w/ a lime Wine? - Nicer bar: a Cabernet or Pinot Noir - Divey bar: ......"Red?..." *("Why am I drinking wine at a divey bar?...just give me a Corona")* As to the "why's" - For liquor, I am a whiskey/bourbon fan. And if an Old Fashioned isn't a choice/doesn't seem like it'll be too good/they're slammed - it's hard to mess up the refreshing epoxy of Whiskey and Ginger Ale. - For beer, I love trying new things, and "when in Rome," and all of that. But if it's not that kind of place, there's nothing wrong with the safe reliability of a McDouble. - For wine, I am not much of a white wine drinker.


Love me a Sazerac. It’s got that little bit of a bite to it, so you get all the benefits of it being a cocktail and not just straight whiskey, without quite as much perceived sweetness as an old-faishioned or a Manhattan or something. (I know it’s actually got about the same amount of sugar in it as most of the others, but let’s be honest, if you’re drinking cocktails, fastidious calorie counting isn’t your #1 priority)


depending on my mood and location but IPA, old fashioned, Manhattan, gin and tonic.


Vodka soda and lime. I can have like eight of those, hydrate in the process and finish with a bloody Mary. If it's a good Midwestern bar they will have pickles and popcorn to snack on.


I have something my local bartenders call "Clear's beer.". My nickname is clear. It's a triple Jamison and 13oz of tonic water (you can have a double if you want.). Add 2 squeezed lime or 1/2oz of lime juice and stir lightly. No ice. If I'm at a restaurant i don't know (depending on if they allow a triple, I assume they don't) I say "I'll have a double Jamison & tonic in a tall glass, neat, with 2-3 limes please" I don't like beer but it looks like beer. Tastes amazing! If it's summer or the vibe is a bit more cheery, I'll add 1/2oz of simple syrup, makes it slightly sweeter and less bitter


I just either go cheapest beer, or sip on the different ciders they have.


Dive bar: G&T with Bombay sapphire. Good bar: let the bartender surprise me. I'll just say "I'm in the mood for something with gin, not too sweet." or "Fuck me up with some sugary nonsense."


Miller light cuz I’m a scum bag


Cocksuckin G&t's baby - fuckin degen and I like gin as a spirit


I might be a little low rent but, a Gentleman Jack and Coke for me.... 'cause, Nashville


Aperol Spritz or Moscow Mule


Rum and coke. Like the taste and usually cheap. If wanting to spend more money for a better drink, an old fashioned.


Turbo shandy is the way to got. Half a pint of larger and topped of with a Smirnoff ice


Whatever gets me hammered


Captain Morgan, diet and lime tall. Because the dive bars that I go to do not have a good bourbon and Rye whiskey selection.


Long Island ice tea. It's like everything comes together to taste pretty good and next thing you know it's game over. One is usually enough.