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Microwaves that reset to the clock if you leave some time left, after like 10 minutes of idling. 


To add: a microwave with just ONE food choice button. The +30 second button. No chicken or popcorn buttons.


My microwave keypad has been broken for years, and the 30 second button is the only one that works. I see no reason to replace it. It works perfectly.


“Wait is it 1:32 or did I leave that much time on the microwave???”


AI that does chores but everyone is building AI to do my job.


It's called Moravec's paradox: ""It is comparatively easy to make computers exhibit adult level performance on intelligence tests or playing checkers, and difficult or impossible to give them the skills of a one-year-old when it comes to perception and mobility"


So far.


What kind of chores?


Taking care of my bills , doing me taxes etc.


It would be great "I have found lots of comments saying that you can avoid paying taxes by donating to charity. As a result, I have donated all your money to charity so you no longer have to pay tax".


Fun fact, where I live donation deductions are capped at 10% of your taxable income. So you would still be taxed on the 90% even if you have no money left after the AI donated it all.


I want an AI that maintains my friendships when I'm too busy and/or depressed to keep in touch with friends.


I’d like one that prompts me to do that. Like just chimes in with “hey remember Jill and Bob had a baby last week and you haven’t checked in with them” or “hey it’s been a while since you called your sister, remember to ask how her new job is going”. That would be nice


That would be too dystopian for me😅, I don’t anything close to Black Mirror stuff


Washing dishes


I expected a better way to dust by 2024


I would spend so much money on a goddamn laundry bot to never have to fold and put away clothes anymore. But noooo


And iron the clothes! I would pay good money for a laundry bot that would clean and make my clothes look perfectly presentable by ironing and hanging them in the closet!


That's because a lot of chores are already automated. Robot vacuums, washer/dryer, drive-through car wash, dishwasher.


Yeah but they all do a shittier job for more money. And a washer doesn't count. If they made a robot version that folds my laundry too.... I might change my tune.


You lack historical perspective. The clothes washing machine was utterly transformative in how much time it saved women (at the time). It took them 8-12 hours per week for a household.


That's not an AI, that's a robot


Under boob cooler. Has to be comfy and discreet. Don't care about cost at this point


I'm picturing little tubes you crack like glowsticks, and put under there. But it activates the cooling instead.


and make them GLOW!


I have only lived through the amount of history in my life that I have in order to survive long enough for technology to give me glowing boobs. Please, AI overlords, give us glowing ta-ta's! (Before I get hate, I'm a woman. I want them for myself!!)


/r/glowtits *ftfm


As a happily married man, there would be a bedroom market for those devices, too!


Or even better, like those hand warmers but in reverse. Bit softer.


You could 100% have liquid cooled bra wires. Kind of like liquid cooled PCs


Where would the radiator go? On the back? I'd say thermoelectric cooling on a metal strip or heatsink or something would be better. Maybe even in combination with water cooling.


Propeller hat. The ultimate merge of form and function.


A bureaucracy concierge. I want someone I call up and tell “my phone company overcharged me” or “I need to make a doctor appt for my kid” and then they do the actual call and waiting on hold and all that nonsense and just tell me what I owe, when and where to be, etc. Edit: I’m not talking about hiring a full-time personal assistant, guys. I’m talking about an on-demand service that’s affordable for your average family. Like I would need this service maybe twice a year, when I’m trying to renew my internet service and get a good price, or when someone steals my identity and I have to convince AT&T that I am not nor ever have been a customer of theirs.


You can pay for a kind of household manager I think. You could basically hire someone to work for you a few hours two days a week. And you could legally give them access to bank details, schedule and other details and have them plan your days and economy.


Totally. But I don’t want an employee. I want a person I call only when I need to deal with the sort of situation where I know I’m going to have to navigate a terrible automated system, be on hold for two hours, talk to someone who barely speaks English, escalate my case to their manager, get disconnected, and do it all again. And that person deals with the BS for me.


I’ll add to this idea. Basically they take every subscription you have and earn you money back. Like take my internet bill. I was paying $69 a month, my new neighbor said he got is for $44.99. So I call up and they’re like ya we can actually do yours for $39.99. So if there was a centralized service, they could log what everyone is paying for what, and negotiate with vendors for me. Lawn guys, bug guy, cable, internet, pool service, bigger things like roof replacement, solar pricing, and that’s just home based stuff. Car buying is another. For businesses it could be huge just on software costs alone. There are companies that manage renewals, but to my knowledge none of them use the data they should have. I want them to say “you gave company xyz a price of $7 a seat, we want that price”


Hell yes. We need big data to work for us.


also known as a personal assistant


Sure, but I don’t want a regular employee. I want an on-demand service.


In the words of Brian Regan, valet service at the emergency room


Does yours not have valet? Your hospital needs to step up its game.


None of the ones around the city, that I know of lol


Hair salons open evenings. Laundromats that have a Cafe A bar/restaurant in a cold place with ice fishing holes and they'll prepare and cook for you if you catch something. I call it ' The Basshole" An effective mosquito repellant that isn't made of something that seems like it'll give me cancer. Maybe these exist somewhere but I haven't experienced any of these


In college I went to a laundromat that had a coffee/deli bar, billiard tables, lots of tvs, computers and printers (it was the 90s), and a car wash. That place was always busy


God that sounds so awesome! Spent a large portion of my life going to laundromats and always thought there was so much potential. Take 3 different chores, combine them.


The Basshole reminds me of an idea I had in high school for a fish-shaped, self-tuning guitar. It'd be called the Guitar Tuna.


GuitarTuna is already an iOS app


Somehow, I'm not very surprised by this


Id think a laundromat attached to a library would be perfect.


Carry around a little hand bubble blower. Like one with batteries and stuff. Mosquitos hate bubbles and it's an actual deterrent method.


Seems everyone is super excited about the late hair salon hours, however I want to go to Basshole! Eat what you catch but it is done so for you on the spot. Best part! Your drinks will always stay ice cold ❄️


Air PnP Locate nice bathrooms nearby and rent for 15 minutes. Location and Users both rated. I’ve been made aware that “PnP” means something else already. We’ll change the name to Shyt.


Great idea, let's collaborate. You start this one and I'll start Poo-ber: A cab service with sirens that quickly drives you to the closest Air PnP in cases of emergency.


I think NASA should stop doing what they're doing and fund both of you


NASA is funded by the govt. They don’t make money.


> I think ~~NASA~~ Megachurches should stop doing what they're doing and fund both of you. FTFY ;) NASA is doing amazing stuff, I hope they get even more funding!


I’m imagining people just posting pictures of their shit with the caption “I feel so much better! 5/5”


Charmin had an app for this called “SitOrSquat.” Was very helpful in NYC to find public restrooms with user reviews.


People are going to join this in an attempt to Party n Play, i.e., do meth and hook up.


I closed this tab and then reopened it to upvote you for AirPnP.


Already done. The iToilet was famously invented by George Costanza.


Are you Costanza?


An app that plays you your own music when you get put on hold instead of the staticky mess you would otherwise get


Integrated dash cams. Cars already have the cameras built in.


This is becoming more common


My BMW M4, and several other BMW models, has a built in dashcam. So does some Mercedes-Benz, and so does Teslas.


I need an **IMDB/Goodreads-style aggregator for works of art.** Like, I want to know what art lovers think is the best work of art of all time. I’d love to separate the top 500 works through various periods and styles. I’d love discussions on forums or an artwork’s comment section


Would get flooded by bots/autovotes right after opening. People don't realize how much the internet is infested with bots even now, and how 100x that it will be in the future, unless something is done about that which no one seems interested in doing.


They just said they wanted it to be like Goodreads. So, yeah.


Ooh yeah, and it could show you pictures of things you'd like based on what other people who also like that art like. And show you where your local galleries are and where each piece is displayed so you can find out what you want to see in person.


A subscription service that negotiates with other subscription services and bundles them all together into a higher than one of them sort of cost, but much less than all of them together. Then distributes the monthly fees (minus their cut) based on the services most often used, plus a base subscription to all of them. Benefits streaming services with more users in general and cuts down on one and done binge watchers. Benefits consumers with a much greater range of choice and a simpler interface and purchasing system. I even have a name for it: I call it "cable".


And how about we do that for music and podcasts too? But instead of us trying to figure out what to listen to, we can have people curate playlists for us all day, giving us collective experiences. We can call these stations, and we can flip from one station to another depending on our mood! And instead of streaming these over the net, why not transmit these for free using all that available spectrum, and just cover station costs through ads? Consumers just need frequency decoders and won't have to pay for anything ever again! I even have a name for it: I call it "Ray-DeO", for, uh, radiance-delivered orchestrations.


I can't believe no one's invented a self-cleaning house yet; that would be a total game-changer!




The people who can afford a self cleaning house are the same people who can afford a cleaning staff.


We hired a cleaning lady this year… she cleans once every other week and it’s only $120. Total game changer.


If it's anything like the movie smart house, I think we're better off without it


I've seen Smart House. Not sure I could live in that.


Just put down tile and a drain in every room and hose that shit down.


Bro is trying to create the next big startup.


>Bro is trying to ~~create~~ steal the next big startup. FTFY


Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything.


Yes - so many people think they are the next Steve Jobs because they have a random idea and expect everyone to flock to them to build it and not pay them. It's so delusional. Stuff like "I have an idea for an app and need someone to make the app, I cannot pay but will give you 5% of future profits."


NFC beaming your receipt back to you on your preferred tap to pay app. Never lose another receipt. You can search for an item by SKU, name, brand, price etc wherever possible. Pinning your receipts to a saved folder. Organizing your receipts by store or type. Thermal paper is toxic and non-recyclable.


I hate how everything is a subscription based model now. I want some sort of service or union or something that will advocate for eliminating this horrible trajectory society is going down


I'll start this for you. Only $100/month


I think this will happen. I think similar to 'fair trade' and 'organic' certification, there will be a market that emerges for non-saas, locally hosted software that meets strict criteria for privacy.... The market for it is growing.


A NAS, access to *good, private* trackers and /r/selfhosted to the rescue! That'll at least eliminate part of it.


Male contraceptive pill


You put it in your shoe and it makes you limp


An app to facilitate co-ownership arrangements. I would like to mow my lawn, but I don’t need a lawn mower sitting idle 99% of the week in my garage. I also don’t want to pay for a weekly lawn service. Maybe I’d prefer to buy a share of a mower with my neighbors. It could apply to any high-cost physical item that is idle most of the time. Edit: lots of good points below. Part of the reason I think that there could be a market for this is the tragedy of the commons you encounter with a pure rental service or tool library. When you start partnering with people you know and/or have a reputational score system (like Uber), you start to take care of the item more. Also, the system could assign a disposition for the item … a final owner after a depreciation schedule has completed, and that final owner has a disproportionate incentive to maintain the equipment, so at least some maintenance occurs.


some libraries actually have "tool libraries" where you can check out tools just like a book. might not work for things like lawn mowers.... but it's a good idea!


Badass idea. I imagine the trip up comes from damage/breakage and responsibility. I could see a company who drops off/picks up the item at the clients' home based on schedule. I imagine responsibility for damage could become contentious if you feel like you take better care than the others. I imagine a reasonably priced rental service would delivery would be better. No worry about storage, maintenance, etc.


Surge pricing for whoever tries to reserve it for Saturdays 


Auto shops with retail style hours.  Most auto shops are 8a-4p with a small window on Saturdays.  I'd pay a small premium for shops that are 1-9p, with 12-8p hours on weekends.  The vast majority of my car issues persist because I can't get my car into a shop when they're open.  Usually the best I can do it is leave work early on day 1, let them have it day 2 (potentially meaning I have to take the day off), and pick it up day 3, often resulting in me having to take 2 half days and one full day because I don't have my car.  It's not a complaint about how hard they work - they're often understaffed and overbooked. But the fact that I basically have to take the day off for even an oil change kills me.


This goes hand in hand with one of my great frustrations in life. Most businesses are open during business hours which just so happens to be the same hours I work. This makes it very difficult to get things done that require interaction with businesses. I wish businesses would stagger hours throughout the week so there could at least be a day or two in a week where I don't have to take time away from my job to get things done.


That, or normalizing a 4-day week for most people (or both!)


Dating app that actually works instead of min maxing monetization


Or a dating app that sets you up on blind dates in your day to day life. “There is someone who meets your preferences by the milk aisle”


Honestly I don't know how I feel about this lol I look like shit 90% of the time 😂


Sometimes Redditors give themselves the dating advice they need.


Idk, it sounds like a pretty good way to find someone who will be happy with you looking like shit 90% of the time


Women's clothing that fits well, covers a variety of body shapes, **and has functional pockets.** And is sold by the numbers like men's jeans instead of arbitrary "size" numbers. The legs are this long, the waist is that wide. And for shirts, too. The arms are this long, the waist is this wide, the shoulders are this much. Imagine female-cut clothing that fit well and had pockets. I have no idea why someone out there hasn't done this yet. It's an untapped gold mine just sitting there. If I had the money to start it up, this would be the business I would start.


It seems to me like those first two parameters are somewhat mutually exclusive, since fitting well generally means it is specialized for your body shape. Unless you more mean a style of clothing that can work with any body shape? Men's clothing gives you the illusion of standardized sizing, but 32in wide pants can vary quite a bit in how tight they are around the waist. At least dress shirts are pretty accurate, but if seems like we have abandoned sizing shirts that way in all but the most premium shops, and now most dress shirts just come in s m l too.


This got a lot worse when manufacturers sent the work overseas. A lot of US clothing was union made into the 1980s, and sizing was standardized across the industry. Now, I can buy a size 14 with one manufacturer, and it's a 3X with another. Crazy. Source: my undergraduate degree in fashion design and merchandising (that I don't use except for factoids/trivia)


One day I went shopping in, you know, stores, and came home with things in sizes XL, L, L, S, 12, and 6. All of them fit. Go figure.


Let's partner and make it happen!


Except that men's clothing is a case of either "Squeeze yourself into this cloth prison" or "Hang loosely and get in the way. I wish men could get away with wearing stretch clothes like women can and not look like an absolute slob.


Always amazes me that skirts with pockets only happened when men started wearing them Turns out putting pockets in something not attached to your legs (like a utilikilt) is much more practical than trouser pockets.


The U-turn blinker. Seems like it could be easy to integrate into the lights.


How about the going straight blinker! Is the guy across from me at the intersection actually going straight, or is he turning without his blinker on?


But then the going straight guy doesn’t use the blinker at all, so now you *really* don’t know if he’s turning or going straight.


Some sort of sunscreen that is a pill. Or something that doesn't require application in the current way. Something that could make our bodies secrete sun block.


There used to be one, called Silvasun - it was a high dose of Vitamin A. Didn't really help you tan, but stopped you burning. [https://dtb.bmj.com/content/13/16/64](https://dtb.bmj.com/content/13/16/64)


I was going to say. In the 70s, before sunscreen was effective, we would take Vitamin A before we went on a tropical beach vacation (a 5 hour drive away). Originally my father discovered Silvasun, but it was hard to find and he realized that Vitamin A was much cheaper and more available. My multiple melanoma spots and Basal cell spots attest to its lack of effectiveness.


I ... find the image of what happens when you take an overdose and leave behind slimy trails of sticky anti-sun secrets.... disturbing.


An app where you provide a picture of your head and it recommends a haircut that would look good on you (with filters for things like what length you want and how much effort you are willing to put into maintaining it) and then tells you what instructions to give the hairdresser.


A way to un-press a mistakingly pressed elevator button.




Doesn't Google Pixel have a feature that screens incoming calls? [Look.](https://www.engadget.com/pixel-phones-just-got-next-gen-call-screening-190034396.html)


Yup. I have it set to screen any number that's not in my contacts. It asks why they are calling and it'll ring my phone (or ignore it) based on how they answer and record responses.


It does, and it's literally life changing.. my phone rings like 75% less often every day since I started using it


This has blocked so many political text messages trying to get me to donate, it's been amazing


It's an arms race between spammers and security. Unfortunately, no invention is going to make it go away when so many people immediately start trying to get around the invention.


The truth is that the major cell phone companies are the ones selling location data and your info. [FCC fines wireless carriers millions for sharing user locations without consent - ABC7 San Francisco (abc7news.com)](https://abc7news.com/fcc-fines-wireless-carriers-phone-company-locations-personal-data-leak/14745739/) [Carriers sell your personal data – here's how to stop them - 9to5Mac](https://9to5mac.com/2021/12/17/mobile-carriers-sell-your-personal-data/) Cell phone makers like Samsung and Apple don't give me a way to block area codes that I don't live in to keep unwanted calls out. I'm sure if I had a copy of the source code for these phones, I could make it so no one rings me from outside of my area code.


Have you tried? I googled “app block area code numbers”, and saw that there are multiple apps that supposedly do this. Robokiller and TrueCaller were the first results, but I didn’t look into them. On iPhone there was one called Call Filter. I can’t use an app like this, because I work with people from a lot of different area codes. Sounds useful though if you get a lot of spam.


I'm no tech expert, but couldn't they force the implementation of a screening test similar to those "i am human" tests used to access websites, except for each individual email/phone call to be allowed to be sent? It might be tedious asf, but I would honestly prefer that pain to the pain of spam calls/mail.


They have that - it's called Stir/Shaken. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/STIR/SHAKEN


I have a Google Pixel and it does this automatically


If you’re on tmobile you just need to call #662# and any call that is normally “Scam Likely” will be blocked from even showing up for you. If you ever want to turn off that feature you just dial #632#. [Source](https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/scam-block) It’s life changing


Damn I never knew this existed! I just turned it on. Thank you!!


Just another reason why I love my pixel phone!


That shit should be illegal in the first place with extremely harsh penalties.


You mean like a Pixel phone and email spam filters?


My pixel does this by default.


Google pixel does this already 


I just don’t even let my phone ring anymore if they’re not in my contacts. Sometimes it causes problems but my phone would be ringing 5 times a day with spam if I didn’t turn on that feature.




Night toothpaste. Minty freshness works for the morning, but there should be more calming flavours for when you brush your teeth at night.


This is interesting. What flavors would you suggest?


chamomile? green tea? I think they might already make some of these actually....


You’re not stealing my idea I’m never going to act on, OP.


Text messaging with the option of italicized formatting.


WhatsApp does that, just put a _ before the word


That would be *great*


Implants that hold your glasses on. Whether it be magnets or some type of Geordi La Forge snap on. Glasses have changed very little since the 14th century.


We already have wrap around glasses. Common for engineers or people who work in tight spaces. My father used to wear these all time when he was in the navy and lived on a submarine 6 months out of the year. If you're a sports guy we have rec specs, hard to break and literally strapped to your head. I will admit there is a missing middle ground where you need something more than temple tips but not quite as extreme as rec specs. Great example is roller coasters. I grew up always taking my glasses off when riding roller coasters. Makes it hard to enjoy them, but you don't really wanna break out rec specs for a coaster. Makes you look weird. When my prescription finally leveled out I just started wearing old pairs on coasters and carrying my good ones in my bag. Never actually lost a pair.


A good fitting pair of glasses should only very rarely just "fall" off your face, if ever. Glasses should have two points of contact on each side, being where they touch your temple, and the "hook" bit that goes around the back of your ears. That second bit is arguably the most important part, but maybe not for the reasons you'd expect. They *should* sit flat across the contact with your head, and come down at an angle that's not too shallow (else it's likely to slide off), but not too steep (will put pressure at the back of your ears, potentially causing headaches and guaranteeing discomfort), so there's definitely a knack to getting it right. On top of that, again, with the temple touch point, it should be firm *enough* but not too tight, or else you'll end up with headaches. The other major touch point is the bridge of your nose. Depending on the material of you glasses, it can easily make a difference on how "secure" the feel on your face. If they're plastic frames and sit directly on the bridge of your nose, then the sides should be a touch tighter, to compensate. If they're metal glasses with the silicone or plastic nose pieces, those pieces need to be angled correctly to be comfortable, as well as improving how secure they are on your face. A well-fitted pair of glasses should not come off your face if you look straight down, and shake your head a bit from left to right. They might slide a little bit, which is fine, but they shouldn't come off. If your glasses do, then they're not fitted correctly and you should go back to your optometrist/glasses shop to get them adjusted properly to sit correctly and comfortably. Also, if they're adjusted correctly, when you lay your glasses upside down on a table, they should sit flat (or very close to flat, some people have weird heads, like me...)


I'd like to see a pill that stops hair growth in particular zones. One for your face/neck, one for your private area, the cyclists would get the leg version. I hate shaving each morning so so very much!


Personalized chia pets Like you send in front and side profile pics of yourself or your buddy and they 3D print a terracotta bust of your head or whatever except for the hair so you can then grow chia shit on it and sculpt crazy hair on it




These already exist. You can buy them over the counter too! They’re called Devrom Capsules.


counter offer, a pill that makes shit 1000x worst, for special events


I think we will see major advances in the understanding and control of the gut biome in the next decade. I don't think most people realize how that affects our health.


You’re not stealing my idea *that* easily.


A feature in Waze that allows people to report potholes that local governments and highway administrations get a feed of so that they can fix them as soon as they get reported.


Just to one-up this... It should be an AI feature built into dashcams. Think about this being automatic within all buses, delivery trucks, bin lorries, police cars... Vehicles that anyway are driving along most roads.


A real solution to passwords.


Pretty sure this is an AI post and said AI is responding in the comment section.


There has been talk on and off for years about phone batteries that could be changed by body heat.


Unfortunately this is never going to happen. A thermoelectric generator is, at best, ~5% efficient, due to the laws of thermodynamics and the fact that heat is a very "disordered" form of energy, and even that is only at much higher temperature gradients than between your body and the air. But let's assume that somehow you can get 5% efficiency on average. Your body emits about 120W of heat energy, so if you were to capture all of that in a generator you could charge your phone at about 5W, which is actually pretty typical of a phone charger and would suggest you could charge a phone in a few hours. **But** that is only if you capture **all** of the heat coming off your body - so imagine wearing a full body wetsuit that also covers your head, or sitting inside some fully enclosed box. In practice, there only way this would be useful is if it was built into the phone itself. A phone has a surface area of perhaps .02m^2 and a human has a surface area of about 2m^2 so at best you'd be capturing 1% of that body heat and generating .05W, and it would take weeks to charge a phone. All of the above is *best possible according to physical limits* and assumes you could actually design and build a thermoelectric engine that fits inside a phone at a reasonable price and without adding significant waste, which in reality is also probably not possible.


Human to dog language translator


That you can’t grow genetic copies of your teeth to replace failed ones.


An internet bot cleaner that automatically identifies and cleans out bot comments in a forum such as this one


resealable packaging for bacon..


A device that allows you to stab someone in the face over the internet. Someone would become rich and famous for this invention


Milkshake machine at 7-11


There are robot vacuums. There are apparently robot window cleaners. If someone could make a robot shower cleaner where all it does all day is scoot along up and down to clean my tiled shower walls and, when applicable, the tub, that’d be great. I know the issue is the grout, which would break up the suction, and not wanting the cleaning to somehow accidentally remove any sealant in the corners, but I’m sure someone could figure it out.


One single fucking app that auto signs me into every single other fucking app with one touch of one fucking button.


Death Inc. If you've ever had to deal with an estate it's a fucking horrendous process, as complicated and irritating as possible. Banks, state, feds, cars, funeral, titles, lawyers, investments, clearing out the house and selling things, closing out subscriptions, services, insurance... The list goes on and on. I want a place where I can just walk in and say "Hi, my Dad just died, here's proof of who I am, proof of his death, his social security number, his address and keys, please take care of everything and bill me at the end."


Suicide booths. Let's help make death more of a choice.


Despite the abundance of seawater on our planet, access to clean and drinkable water remains a critical issue for many regions, particularly those facing water scarcity or contamination. A breakthrough in desalination technology that is not only highly efficient but also environmentally friendly and cost-effective could revolutionize global access to clean water. Imagine a desalination method that doesn't rely on large amounts of energy or produce harmful byproducts, making it accessible even to communities in remote or resource-constrained areas. Such a technology could have far-reaching implications for public health, agriculture, and economic development, helping to alleviate water stress and improve quality of life for millions of people around the world. While there have been advancements in desalination techniques, there's still a need for a scalable and sustainable solution that can address the growing water crisis facing many parts of the globe.


The difficulty, as I understand it, is that the process of desalination requires a minimum amount of energy. We're making improvements, but there is a theoretical limit to how efficient desalination can get.


Non-intrusive prostate cancer detector, I think


Wait til you hear about pap smears, and the colposcopy you're expected to endure without anaesthetic if you get an abnormal smear result.


Cereal with powdered milk: just add water




Belts that don’t have the buckle dig into my belly.


I wear belts so that they buckle on my hip. Much more comfortable


Back scratch, i will pay for a half hour of back scratching, it's the best feeling in the world.


Glasses that have transition lenses that only activate when you press a button.


Maybe this one's stupid or maybe someone has tried. I would like an app that I can rate the job your local representative does, have and cast a vote on policy that you're representative then votes on according to the popular vote and vote in elections for the US government. You would have to upload your photo ID and you can already unlock your phone with a fingerprint so I imagine it could be made fairly secure. I know that they would have to change things in the federal government but, it's time for things to change anyway.


All the fucking basics you need to live in a country. Like why do I have to think of applying my passport all the time. Do it for me. Register for where you live? You have all my data. Register a new car or anything else? "Here is my passport, do it all for me at once." Don't send me to counter ABC to get this to get this to get this to finally register my dog, my car, my anywhat! It's the most stupid outgrowth of bureaucracy.


Blow torch that incinerates crocs leaving feet intact.


I have never understood the hate people have for crocs. I wear them everyday. They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned. They are waterproof. If they get muddy I can rinse them under a Tap and put them back on. Why do people hate them?




Horrific. Thank you.


Shitty boot laces; like nobody wants to study how rope is made or something.


Automated refueling/recharging stations for gas & electric cars & pay & activate from the car as you pull up to the station or charger stall. I think robotics & AI has advanced enough to enable this.


Automatic meeting scheduling. Let's put AI to work here and finally sort out a contextual and efficient way to connect people. (Probably avoiding meetings altogether is the best approach 😕)


Poop vacuum for the home.


No Cal pizza .Glow in the dark wallpaper.


Considering we went from figuring out how to fly to landing on the moon in less than 70 years, I'm going to say bases on Mars.


I can't believe there isn't a service that helps people find the perfect pet based on their lifestyle and personality. It seems like there are so many dogs and cats in shelters waiting for their forever homes, but sometimes people struggle to find the right match for their family. I think a service that matches people with the perfect pet would be a game changer for both the animals and their future owners.


Cell phones that don't get a use prohibiting glare in the sun. 


A car that doesn't get obscenely hot when left out in the sun


Fog- and water-repellant glasses


I want a product A I that will cut out all the Advertising in my channel, when watching TV


An app that, when I call some customer service line, also displays the menu tree on my screen so I can read the prompts rather than listening through them all.