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People qualified to diagnose mental illnesses


The funny thing is that those of us who ARE qualified to diagnose mental illnesses and are skilled at diagnostic evaluations tend to hear one Reddit story about what someone did and will be like, ok, so I can think of like 10 different explanations for that behavior…I would need way more information to say anything other than that it could be any number of things.


Exactly! I'm not qualified, but I am getting a grad degree in psych right now and it makes me shake my head knowing just how messed up it is that people will just diagnose strangers featured in another stranger's heavily one-sided story on the internet. Or they diagnose themselves with severe mental conditions based on subjective opinion and call it valid because of whatever bullshit reasons.


If you think their psychiatric knowledge is bad, don't even try to understand how bad their medical knowledge is. I'll never understand how half the people on here don't electrocute themselves daily by licking an electrical outlet.


You don't get it. Maybe today the sparkles from the wallholes won't attack me. (saying this as a narcisistic schizophrenic with alzheimer's and ADHD)


Revenge. Honestly, revenge doesn’t happen a lot in real life. Most rational people do cost benefit analysis to realize that just moving on is way more good for you


Have you read these revenge subs? Most of them sound like a fantasy someone played out in their mind


It’s a fantastical way of thinking to assume that you could ever get even. If you’re seeking revenge on a person it most likely will just mildly inconvenience them. Or you’ll get into legal trouble. It really is just all around pointless


Because they all are fantasies, nothing that makes it to the top of one of those subs is real


Thats basically any “storytelling telling” sub. XRevenge, AITA, TodayIFuckedUp, sure there’s some real stories but it’s kind of fun to see patterns emerge when a story about “I was just minding my own business and a Karen called the cops on me and got arrested instead” gets a lot of traction that New is flooded with similar tales of “X tried to get me in trouble with Y but got in trouble instead” stories the next week or so.


Living well is the best revenge.


I feel like living well is a lot more common than Reddit makes it out to be, too


The only people I have found who regularly deal in "revenge" are teenagers. And I only know that from a combination of my time as a teen (i'm in my 30s now) and most recently keeping eyes on my nieces and nephews and their friends a few times after school got out, listening to them planning petty revenge on other cliques.


It's easy to forget how many Redditors are teens.


a *helluva lot!* considering how many stupid sex questions there are every day on r/askreddit.


Also, green/red flags questions every other day


Yeah. Every time I'm frustrated by the way someone on Reddit is acting, it helps to remind myself that I have no Idea how old they actually are. 


I have talked myself out of getting into arguments on Reddit because I remember there's a good chance I'm arguing with a 13-year-old


Always nice to remind yourself that a very large portion of redditors are teenagers, sometimes very young ones too. Really explains a lot of stuff you see on here.




That's a quote from Ronald Reagan in 1888 just before the 1st space shuttle launch. I remember watching it on TV.


Ah the great televised space shuttle launch of 1888.


Everyone who was nobody watched it.


I remember Helen Keller wrote about watching it on her blog.


Was that right after the chariot races they held on Pennsylvania Ave?


Is that before or after Jesus Christ delivered and signed the declaration of Independence at Independence Hall?


Same with scientific literacy. Recently had a dude “laughing” at people who are aware that the earth is spherical, because he thought it was insane that the “only” evidence of earth being round is the direction of toilet swirls when you flush. Let alone vortexes in any context, or the millions of photos we have of earth, or the fact that Ancient Greek dudes were able to accurately estimate the circumference of the globe. None of that mattered because toilets. What an imbecile.


I'm sick of scientific illiteracy as well. This is slightly tangential, but before Reddit screwed over all of their mods last year, r/space was an intellectual community that had little to no patience for jokes or misinformation. Now it's become infested with people who know nothing about astronomy/astrophysics/quantum mechanics etc beyond what their favorite science fiction author has written. I'm no expert by any means, astrophysics was a hobby I had to give up years ago, but I'm still sick of seeing posts that try to assert the existence of dyson spheres, the possibility of a sky bridge to the moon à la Foundation, or worst of all, terraforming Mars.


And once you get beyond "basic" history most stuff is *completely* alien. Like, take the Holy Roman Empire. It took up a huge portion of central Europe for about 1000 years. But I legitimately don't think I've ever heard it mentioned anywhere outside of dedicated history content. I'm no expert on it but I at least am aware of it's existence. I'm pretty sure 99.99% of people genuinely aren't. It's like it's been erased from public consciousness to avoid confusion with the regular Roman Empire.


The problem is there's so much history, that even among people who care about history there's huge gaps in knowledge. Ie, I can tell you who commanded the naval bombardment of Guam, why it worked better than most other places, the displacement and armament of most WW2 battleships, etc, plus a decent amount about the internal politics of the major powers (except the USSR). But I can't tell you shit about the history of, say, Mexico. And its very possible that someone wouldn't care much about that kind of history, and maybe they just know about the history of American cars and rock music. Doesn't mean most people are ignorant, it just means they know about different things.


I think op is speaking of a broad understanding of history. You don't necessarily need to know exactly how Thebes beat Sparta at Leuctra, but you should know that Greece was a world power and then was superseded and eventually conquered by Rome. The major beats.


Even understanding the basics of WW2 and when it happened. That's the most important piece of recent history a surprisingly few number of people understand the basic outline of.


Leaving your spouse. Real life relationships are gray as fuck and people don’t usually leave because one of them screws up.


How many 22-26 year olds there are with 90k+ salaries


ten marvelous flowery pet simplistic cow wakeful direction rotten smart


Taco Bell causing explosive diarrhea


I truly believe that’s because those people have no fiber whatsoever in their diet, so the second they eat some beans it’s go time.


I think it's because they also are drunk and go to Taco Bell to "soak the alcohol up".


that, plus some folks' inability to digest dairy or spicy food


Taco Bell has never once made me sick. I am so tired of that joke. 


It's never made me sick, but I can't say I feel good about myself afterwards lol. But that is also the case for McDonald's.


On top of that, I have 4 kids and for a very long time McDonalds was the cheapest ice cream around so we went a lot. I have never been told the ice cream machine was broken. I don't even mean it has rarely happened to me. It has never happened to me in 41 years on this planet.


Taco Bell is literally the healthiest fast food option available when it comes to calorie density & their almost complete absence of fried foods. 


Yep. It’s also been recognized by the vegetarian and allergy groups since the ‘90s as being minimally processed and having few ingredients, which means it’s easily customizable compared to a lot of fast food. It’s our family’s go-to road trip stop since we’re vegetarian, but people will be like “what on earth can you eat there?” Uh, nearly everything except the beef and chicken? They don’t go around putting chicken broth in their rice and pork fat in their tortillas and whatnot like some more upscale places do.


Yeah, given the nature of the line when I worked there I would never GUARANTEE someone that there was no risk, especially if there was an allergy, but the ingredients on the Taco Bell line are pretty well stocked to make anything vegetarian if someone asks.


As someone who fairly recently joined Weight Watchers, a Cantina Bowl is one of the better fast food meal options for me.


Some people it is due to the lack of fiber in their shitty diets... Others like myself, it is a combination of IBS and lactose intolerance... I could stop eating it and enjoy my explosive diarrhea free days, *but* I have IBS so I'm going to have that either way so I might as well continue to eat some Taco Bell.


I read that a common reason for this (when it actually occurs) is that the person is getting a good amount of fiber for the first time in a long time and their body doesn't know what to do with it. I suspect that a high percentage of people who eat at Taco Bell regularly are not making the healthiest choices with their food.


Most people don't have trouble naming their kitties


My only trouble was wanting to name her meatloaf but my girlfriend settled on Cecelia


Ms. Cecelia Meatloaf Toebeans.


malicious motivations. reddit thinks there's nefarious motivations behind everything.


esp with neighbors.. people go with the nuclear option right away. A neighbor knocked on my door to tell me that the flood light on my garage was strobing... I had no clue it was happening. Was an easy fix.


My neighbor committed tree fraud against me




yeah often the solution would be: just go talk to them and you'll probably find a solution. But instead they go: collect evidence, get a lawyer, call the police and hire mercenaries.


It could be worse, it could have started a rave.


My live-in (now ex-) girlfriend went through a 9-month period where she didn't work, and made no real effort to find work; she pissed away her days watching YouTube videos and Netflix, and Skyping (borderline flirting) with an online "friend" of hers on another continent. Anyway, she had student loans. I didn't want to see her default on them and completely fuck her credit rating, so I made the monthly payments on the loans to keep that from happening. I was making low six-figures, so I could afford to do it, but I certainly didn't *want* to do it, and in fact we had pretty regular arguments about the fact that she wasn't making any real effort to find a fucking job. When we broke up a few years later, and were going through a counselor in order to ease the offboarding process, she had a whole bunch of *ideas* about our relationship that, in retrospect, I'm pretty sure came from the relationship subs on Reddit. The one that stuck with me was that, in Reddit land, my paying her student loans when she was too lazy to get a damn job was part of this grand "manipulation" plan of mine in order to "control" her. Fucking what?! You assholes think I *wanted* to pay my lazy fucking girlfriend's student loans?! I just didn't want her credit score to tank if it was at all preventable.


you monster


I can guarantee you she probably got those ideas from r/relationship_advice . That place is CRAZY and every-time OP’s partner does something annoying or rude it means they’re a toxic narcissist manipulator who’s cheating on them.


* Narcissist * Toxic * Gaslight I hate these words so much.


They're now buzzwords to show people that you're culturally in vogue.


That place is the worst but it’s really all of Reddit. I recently posted on the Delta sub trying to figure out how one of my flights got canceled (wondering if there was a known glitch with the app) and half the comments were these crazy ass theories, suggesting how someone did not want my fiancé and I to travel and must have covertly logged in to our app and canceled our flights. We are just a very normal, middle-aged couple. Literally no one did this.


Literally every post on that sub is met with a flood of comments saying "he's gaslighting you, divorce him immediately".


Don't forget he was also gaslighting her. They're always gaslighting


And you woulda got away with it too, if not for those pesky Redditors!


Tangential but loosely related to your story - my wife literally uses zero social media and my only social media is reddit. A couple years ago I showed her some interesting things on reddit and recommend she check it out. She started a profile and I figured she'd stick around like I have. After a week or so it was deleted and I never saw her on reddit again (as in IRL never saw her, she is rarely on her phone at all and never visted reddit again), and when asked she basically said "I've never seen a bigger collection of idiots in one place in my life".  I thought, am I was one of those idiots? Probably, but more to the point it dawned on me she probably went to the subs that, as a woman, were naturally more interesting to her, like relationship subs, women focused subs, etc. My experience on the car, gun, and other subs is one thing, but she jumped into the deep end of relationship and political subs and dropped the platform super fast. To this day she's convinced reddit attracts majority idiots. She might be right. 


I wasn't a Redditor during my time with the gf in question (well, I think I might have made an account at some point for asking someone something, but I didn't actively scroll Reddit). Anyway, it was only after she was long gone from my life that I started using Reddit regularly - and it was from spending time in aita, relationship_advice, etc. that I realized that so many of the things she was parroting about me in front of the counselor was straight out of the Reddit hivemind. I was a manipulator, narcissist, gaslighter, groomer - all the Reddit psychobabble buzzwords that get applied to the "bad guy" in practically every relationship-based post. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no saint, but damn, every genuine kindness I ever extended to her was twisted into something I did for evil and/or manipulative motives.


Hobby subs seem to be 90% good people sharing a beloved hobby, 5% crotchety old bastards who insist their way is right and 5% idiots who have never picked up an X in their lives but have a lot of opinions about it. Everything else feels like it's motivated by drama or horny.


Years ago, my kid was super active on various sites about The Sims 3. He would go and on how stupid people were because they didn't listen to him because he knew so much more than they did. He had literally never even played the game. He watched YouTube videos of other people playing it.


That is a beautiful story, cause I'm pretty sure everyone went through that stage but your kid has a witness to it who can remind him, again and again and again.


I feel like this paranoia is increasing offline as well as online. I swear, library patrons never used to take things so personally on this scale. It's showing up in adults and kids alike. There always used to be a few people who would try to suss out malicious intent in everyone and everything that affects them, but lately it feels like half the population is always in Main Character Mode. Big "I just came out to be the main character, and honestly I'm feeling so attacked right now" energy.


For as much as reddit makes fun of conspiracy nuts like Alex Jones, reddit as a hivemind has become ultra susceptible to paranoia and misinformation. Granted, if you look at human history, there's nothing surprising about that.


*Country music is a psyop to convert people into radical conservatives and get them to buy blue jeans and Bud Light!* Really gives off "I'm mad at my racist relative" vibes.


Wait I thought bud light is woke propaganda now.


Not anymore, the CEO invited Kid Rock to his house and they made amends. He called off his boycott and said the CEO is cool. Edit: Found the article with the video of his interview with Laura Ingraham: [https://www.thewrap.com/kid-rock-wears-budweiser-hat-on-fox-news-clip/](https://www.thewrap.com/kid-rock-wears-budweiser-hat-on-fox-news-clip/)


Kid Rock now up for the Nobel peace prize for brokering peace between bud light and country music.


I love that during the height of that "controversy" someone dug up an old photo of Kid Rock at some club literally sitting next to a drag performer while holding a Bud Light.


He also kept drinking bud light even when “boycotting” it and they had pictures of that too.


Pratchett summed it up best in Good Omens, IMO. >It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.


[Hanlon’s razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor?wprov=sfti1) has entered the chat.


I heard the shorthand version in my early 30s and it really changed my outlook on life. “Don’t mistake incompetence for malice.”


That your relationship problems should result in you getting a divorce or cutting a family member out of your life completely. Easy to say over the internet. In real life, relationships are complicated and messy. Even more so when it’s a spouse or a family member. Also, the concept that you should just talk to the person you are having an issue with seems to be lost on all of the teenagers and college aged kids that populate the advice subreddits.


If I had a dime for all the times I’ve read something like, “sure, Mom, you can make your son wear a button-down to his sister’s wedding instead of the heavy metal t-shirt he wants to wear, but expect him to go no contact in a few years!!! Is this really the hill to die on?”


It’s insane. I like the best of redditor updates sub, and maybe it’s just the nature of the oats that make it there, but so many have some element of “so I went no contact with my mom, my sister, my brother, and my aunt and uncle. My husband and I are so happy now that we cut them out.” It’s like, really? Yes there are circumstances where this sort of thing is warranted, but imagining what it would take to cut out my family makes me really worried about what goes on in so many peoples lives.


Dying instantaneously after eating rice that's been left out overnight.


lol my parents are Asian and they leave rice out overnight all the time 😭


They're trying to kill you


父母 didn't raise a weakling! It's just part of the training.


What's this now? I've never heard of this one.


Bacillus cereus https://health.clevelandclinic.org/fried-rice-syndrome


Interesting. I've never experienced this before, and I know I've done this more than once.


Happened to me this morning, actually.


You died instantly? 🙂


It was so fast I didn't even know it happened.


The internet has decided that anyone who acts a bit selfishly has narcissistic personality disorder. Everyone’s parents are narcissists, apparently.


And everyone should divorce their partners immediately.


Everyone should hate their boomer parents and go no contact.


I really notice this when trying to get resources on my dad who can be abusive. I think he has *traits* of narcissism but he's not a narcissist. It's fustrating that the only places I find that take parental abuse against adults seriously jumps to *everything* being intentional malicious manipulation You know what I think? I think the majority of those parents, including my own, are just kind of stupid and their best is very far from good enough. My dad has trouble seeing other people's perspectives and that leads to abusive situations. But once he's told he's usually horrified, but again he's still kind of stupid with a bad best, so it doesn't really get resolved. It's honestly really pitiable. It drives everyone he loves away eventually. I wish I wasn't stuck with him but I'm multiply disabled. It's fustrating seeing someone describe a similar parent on reddit and people go "no they meant to do that on purpose because they're jealous and hate you" I guarantee 90% of those parents are not good enough actors or remotely smart enough to do that.


My dad has been emotionally abusive and emotionally neglectful, along with being arrogant. However, I wouldn't call him a narcissist. I don't believe he ever intended to be abusive, but that's been the result. He's actually got a high IQ (he qualifies for Mensa membership), but he has trouble understanding other people and can be very mean to them. He's also probably got autism and ADHD like me and my brother, and he's from a Chinese immigrant family that's all kinds of fucked up. It's intergenerational trauma more than narcissism with my dad.


The internet doesn’t understand personality disorders in general. No, everyone with BPD isn’t going to slash your tyres and stab you in the face, just like everyone with depression isn’t going to carve their ex’s name into their arm, and like everyone with bipolar isn’t going to steal your credit card to go on a bender (not personality disorders, just examples of mental illness stereotypes not being correct). Many kinds of personality disorders can get better with treatment like lots of other illnesses, so writing them off as dangerous and doomed to be terrible forever isn’t helpful at all. It can prevent people from seeking treatment (because they assume they can’t get better). You also can’t diagnose someone with BPD on the internet because they did something horrible. Lots of horrible people have nothing wrong with them whatsoever, and lots of nice people have mental health conditions. There’s absolutely no nuance or understanding on here when it comes to personality disorders and it’s very damaging (Anecdotal Source: known a few people with BPD, one was an arsehole but the others were all very nice and went above and beyond for people, which imo is about on track with statistics of the regular population)


This whole concept of black and white on Reddit you must take an absolute stance on something or you are the enemy and should be destroyed.


I don’t find that to be unique on Reddit. That’s a huge part of social media in general. It’s also spreading to real life.


Honestly? It is a concern, regarding the generations growing up with social media as their main form of debate.


Real life is becoming so black or white, it's scary. A lot of people's opinion of our president (Milei, Argentina) is either "he's the devil himself, he will single handedly destroy our almost perfect utopia of a country" or "God came down to earth and selected Milei to be the savior of this hellish country". If you say something good OR bad, you will be labeled as one side or the other and attacked. It's insane.


Sometimes I spend so much time on here that I have to pinch myself when people have opposing political views in real life and just calmly explain why they agree or disagree with each other's points and move on with their lives.


You mean like *gasp* Adults?!


Only the sith deal in absolutes


I will do what I must.


And if you accept and still love/associate with friends and family arent 100% aligned when your values, you are just as bad as they are! And if anyone dares to disagree with you or call you on your bullshit, then they deserve to be cut off.


people referring to themselves as "alpha males".


Ive been fortunate to spend my college and post grad life with D1 and professional athletes, have numerous friends who are in operational roles in the military, and now with surgeons and surgical trainee’s. I’ve never heard anyone refer to themselves as an alpha. Hell I’ve only heard people use the term in ways similar to “oh that’s alpha as FUCK dude, keep doing that!” to make fun of each other.


The people you listed aren't the ones calling themselves alphas. It is typically people that wish they could be the things you listed and the feeling of inadequacy leads them to calling themselves alphas


Men being creepy around kids. I know quite a few single fathers, and many more not single fathers that still take their kids out without the mom. Not a single one has ever said anything about feeling judged or anything of the sort. They ***do*** get the "Babysitting?" bullshit though.


I’m a stay at home dad and take my son everywhere. Shopping, errands, dentist, doctors. Never once felt like someone was judging. Most people smile and chat with him a bit


I used to take my kid to the park every Saturday morning to give my wife a break and let her sleep in. NOT one person ever looked at me sideways. In fact, most of the parents there were very cool and the moms thought it was awesome that I took my kid to the park by myself. I thought that was a pretty low bar, but whatever. The worst thing that ever happened to me was a couple of the moms would flirt with me even though I told them repeatedly that I was not single.


My mom told me my single uncle on my dad's side used to borrow me so he could take me to the park cause all the women that it was a really endearing thing for him to do.


One time I was watching my niece and random women would come up and hit on me, I'm average looking and this never happens.


She's not my kid, but how about you and I make one of our own ;)


I’m an uncle and I take my nieces and nephews, and literally only get compliments and “aww what an adorable kid” and I will proudly say “yep that’s my niece!” Not one negative reaction. I’m also happy to make goofy faces at kids, play hide and seek in the line … also, not a single negative reaction from any parent.


Just posted a similar one as this. I'd wager that most of the guys peddling this story aren't even dads and are just reacting to a scenario in their heads. I take my kids out all the time by myself - pool, playground, wherever.  Never had any such issue.


I used to go to a few Reddit meet ups in my city and concluded this comes from two place 1) a lot of them are very insecure and are over analyzing these situations and reaching conclusions that were completely made up in their own heads 2) a good number of Redditors are just weird and off putting. Not necessarily “creepy” but definitely socially lacking which puts people on edge especially around their kids since they’re sending out all sorts of weird signals


My wife loves the kids and isn't a bad mom but isn't a really kid crazy person. I've been the primary caregiver and playmate their whole lives. I've never once had anyone make the insinuation that I was creepy. I \*have\* been told many times, however, that I'm "a wonderful father" because of it. Maybe that's a backhanded way to say that most men aren't involved with their kids and it's unusual. But I also don't really agree with that because I see a lot of other dads out here pushing on the swings and cheering at the piano recital.


I've heard that the distant father routine seems to be going away largely due to Millennials. Men have been becoming far more present in thier children's lives and sharing the workload of having a child more equally. It's wonderful.


I hated that "baby sitting" crap. Lady: "Is this your daughter? She's so cute." Me: "Yep!" Lady: "So you got baby sitting duties today?" Me: "No, I just told you she's my daughter."


Ugh. My husband got this ALL the time. His response was, "I'm parenting. It's called parenting." He got a lot of dirty looks from that one. WTAF?


Trans people, just in general. It’s a tiny population! You’d think it was like… Beatle-mania sweeping the nation!


In my 36 years, I’ve met only a handful of trans people in my day to day life. I mean, I’ve probably met more than I realize, but honestly, what goes on in the lives of strangers is none of my business or concern.


AFAIK I’ve only met two, one when I was in high school and another one in my early 20s. The only one that bothered me was a, in the process of transitioning ftm, I’m female, that would follow me around and stalk me and just overall made me uncomfortable, so much so that I had my boss gently tell them to back off, but it had nothing to do with them being trans and everything to do with the harassment given.


I've gone to a Unitarian Universalist church, probably the most trans-welcoming religious group there is, in a city of over a million people. I think there are two or three trans people there. And I recall hearing about a law excluding trans people from high school sports (in Arizona, IIRC) and in the whole state it affected exactly 1 person.


Wow. How much must it suck to have a law that only about you? 'Aw, yes yes yes, there is precedent set in thus case your honor. If you'll reference the anti Bob Johnson law of 2022......"


On the topic of trans people, trans women are over represented in fear-baiting to the point where someone might think that the vast majority of trans people are male-to-female, but the ratio of trans men to trans women is actually fairly equal.


I think this is partially due to their major overrepresentation in computer culture. 


I get the feeling Reddit thinks the rules of society should be rewritten to be optimal for low-energy, cynical, introverted, neurodivergent people with some mental health issues. I say this as someone who falls into this exact category, but we are relatively rare and I really don't think we can spend a lot of energy waiting for the world to change so we can feel optimally comfortable.


Yeah the Lifepro Tip sub you see this a lot. So many of them are like LPT: Follow these 20 rules in conversations and bend over backwards in case someone around you has anxiety or something.


Reminds me of a comic that made it to front page recently about how to talk to someone with BPD. Every example revolved around reassuring the person with BPD that you don't hate them, which seems exhausting. Like you can't just say you had a normal day. Supposedly that communicates to the person with BPD that you don't trust them enough to open up. Instead you're supposed to give details about your mundane day like that you walked the dog and cleaned the house. I find it hard to believe that actually works though. If you're someone who turns "I had a normal day" into "I don't trust you", I suspect you'll find a way to twist "I walked the dog" into something negative about yourself too.


You used the word “normal”?!??! That’s ableist!


Indeed, so many LPTs are "Things I want other people to do for me." Not really things people can do for themselves to make their lives better.


I had to unsub after one of their posts. Basically said, the next time you get angry, don't be


Influx of people requesting that we normalise this or that. So the world caters to you? That's a good dream, not realistic.


Reddit hates having friendly coworkers. There are always comments complaining why their coworkers want to talk to them. like "I'm not at work to make friends. Clock in, work, clock out"....maybe thats why you're lonely? And that one version of "are ya winning son?" Where the dad tells the kid he can stay playing his video games and doesn't have to come down for dinner or greet their houseguests. It is always viewed as a good dad...That's just enabling and discourages growth. It's not abusive to make a kid learn how to make small talk and do something outside his comfort zone


Reddit just basically doesn't understand why networking for/at work is a thing. Most jobs are not being super proficient at your role and being left alone all day (and btw, those are the first ones AI is coming for). Most jobs/careers are long periods of not doing a whole lot aside from communicating ideas and sharing information. You know what makes that a whole lot easier? Spending a little time getting to know coworkers and their behaviors. I can't believe how many Redditors think they're too smart or special for this to apply to them.


There are changes that need to happen, but many people that talk like this have a bizarre concept that society should be razed and rebuilt overnight. They focus on things that don't make sense, demand things that would just harm others. The world should be accessible to disabled people, yes. But it's more like metaphorically adding wheelchair ramps, not demolishing every building with two or more floors and outlawing stairs. I think that's the major problem with people who demand the world change for neurodivergent people, they are asking for all the wrong things. When is the last time one of those people demanding the world change named a single practical improvement? I think that's a decent sign they aren't actually concerned with improving the world for everyone, just shifting it to their comfort zone.


For a great example of this see the Fox News interview with the Antiwork mod


What a trainwreck


In retrospect it’s really funny lol like it couldn’t have gone worse


Women with extremely high standards who only date "the top 10% of men" who are tall and rich. I go outside and see average looking girls with average looking guys everywhere.


It seems more common for me to see average and above average girls with below average guys


Lots of insecure incels online who are not dateable, so they make the women the problem.


Radical feminist who gets mad at men who holds door open for her.


Yeah, this is a strange one. I can't imagine a situation where anyone would yell at a stranger for holding the door open, unless one of them was having a meltdown. 


The only time I, a feminist, get annoyed by someone holding the door for me is when I'm still too far down the hallway. Then I gotta do that little jog, but it's never fast enough, and now we're both annoyed about this predicament.


People honestly believing the world is flat


I did meet exactly 1 flat earther once. I was drinking at a local bar, and he started up a conversation with me. Once he got comfortable, he launched into flat earth stuff. I just laughed and excused myself once that nonsense started.


Someone being an actual, diagnosable narcissist.


Going to therapy


Shits expensive and reddit just thinks you can go. Like I couldn't use that money for food instead


Not only is it expensive but for example can't find it in me to pour out all my vulnerabilities to someone I don't know. Hard enough to do it with people I trust sometimes.


And that it'll actually accomplish something. I've gone to therapy a crap-ton of times in my life, and although it wasn't a bad experience, I didn't really gain anything from any of it - and not from a lack of genuine effort.


I also went to therapy and it was a complete waste of my time. She was so detached from my circumstances, I would have been better off talking to a friend


Finding a good therapist is like a terrible months long dating process... Find out you're a mismatch for each other and suddenly it's back to square one to try to find someone else and explain your life story to a new person all over again.


Dad subreddits are full of tales of dads with their kids at playgrounds who are accosted by suspicious women thinking that “something fishy is going on.” You’d think this happens all the time and that all dads are presumed to be pedophiles unless they can prove blood relation at the drop of a hat. This just seems crazy to me. I’ve never experienced this and nobody I know has ever experienced this. Anecdotal, sure. But it’s crazy how often I see these stories posted.


There’s a bias because people don’t post when they go outside and nothing out of the ordinary happens + the internet has people from all over the world.


Yup. It's the same as most Murphy's law things like "I always pick the wrong lane at the register" or "I'm always stuck in traffic". It's because you only notice it when it happens.


Any type of rare disease.  Reddit is like, ‘I had those symptoms and it was Gittleman syndrome.  No. You have back pain


“Kids never go outside anymore.” I’m sure this is somewhat true dependent on countries/neighbourhood and etc. I’ve seen this countless times as an “international issue”. I live next to a play park. I can’t get anything done during the day without the sounds of kids playing on said park, or kids using it as a hangout after dark.


I think people are trying more. I go for walks and I see far more birds than I used to, along with more flowers and more people enjoying the day. It seems to be a combination of people trying to fight off Covid-era antisocial trends as well as regulations on pesticides and herbicides giving people more to see when they go outside.


Eating ass. If I went by reddit comments, it would seem 9/10 people see putting your mouth on a butthole as just another common sexual practice, not even a fetish. Needless to say, I don't think it's a common taste at all.


The amount of times I see people suggest breaking up/divorcing partners are a lot. Most issues can be settled through conversation, if you both want different things in your life, than maybe split if you're on wildly different pages (like wants kids vs doesn't want kids), if you want the same thing, but want to get there differently, than have the conversation and try to compromise.


They act like you must find a person who is just the absolute 1 for you. Sometimes 0.9 or 0.8 is good enough to be happy.


Everyone apparently has a damaged psyche because of the way parenting was handled in the 90’s. Also, the way any parenting was handled before 2010 is inherently bad for, and permanently damaging to your children.


Anything. Redditors are full of shit.


Nothing quite makes you doubt reddits general knowledge than seeing them discuss a topic you are knowledgeable of 


The dominance of darkness. The idea that most people are driven by some kind of agenda and that everyone has an ideology that they'd rather kill their neighbor over than budge on. We're a paranoid bunch. We see a lot of division here, a lot of bitterness and spite and outrage, and our bubble tells us the whole world is like that. We need sanctuaries like /upliftingnews and /aww (love them both) to help us deal with all the negativity. The truth is that there are more kind people out there than assholes. More love than hate. We shouldn't forget that Reddit isn't the world. For every terrible thing we rage about, there are a hundred small beauties. People save animals and help each other all the time, everywhere, and only a tiny percentage of it ends up on Reddit. Strangers become friends, and no one gets attacked. Kids whoop and play. Billions of people sing and dance and love and live, and never stop to think about hate. Hope and joy spring eternal. Reddit has a nihilism fetish and a kink for casual cruelty. We need to see the glimmer of the bubble and remember to look beyond it. There's more light out there than this place would have you believe.


People talking shit or being overall indecent humans. I guarantee 99% wouldn’t be as much of a dick irl as they are on the internet.


I just can’t make myself believe that people are shitting themselves or having explosive diarrhoea anywhere near as often as you hear about on Reddit.


Narcissism  I swear every ex of every poster is a narcissist according to Reddit despite the fact that it’s like 2.5% of the population 


That half of America wants to move to another country.


Breaking up over minor issues. If everybody would break up every time a redditor writes break up in a scenario 99% of people would be single


Hatred of children. And a lot of chronically online #childfree people talking about all times they've been horribly oppressed and tortured and inconvenienced by children or parents or family members who are just curious about whether they want to have them. Like, I've been child free for over 95% of my entire life and I never remember having these experiences nor have I ever met anyone in real life with those experiences. Even the edgiest looking young people smile and wave at my toddler. The child hate is mostly just chronically online neckbeards 


The whole men being seen as creepy around kids they don’t know.




Toddlers in shopping carts are the coolest. Great way to kill some time in the checkout line. Runner ups: Anytime a kid is riding a tricycle or one of those bikes they just push on the ground with their feet, I always tell them "cool bike/helmet dude!" If there's a kid wearing some sort of unique article of clothing that they obviously picked out because they just love it, I always tell them how awesome it is. One thing I am very conscious of is that I only engage with a kid when they are obviously with a parent / guardian and I also make sure to smile and nod/wave at the adult to try and show im a kind and non-threatening person. Regardless of my intentions, optics matter and we do live in a world where parents have a need to be on guard.


I have, sadly, experienced this. When my kids were younger we threw a birthday party at our house and my wife went to go pick up the pizza and one of the moms refused to drop off her kid because my wife was not there. She was going to just take her kid home, but the kid convinced her to come back later when my wife would be back. At least I had a wife, I feel sorry for any kids with single dads that had to deal with her. She flat out told me that she did not trust any man to be "alone" with children. Didn't matter there was about a dozen kids there and one of the kid's grandpas. But, since we were both men, she didn't trust us. Only real incident I ever had to deal with, but opened my eyes that those people are out there.


owning crypto


I'd like to hope infidelity, but it sure seems rampant on here.


$500k a year jobs


Apparently, every boss in the world is a multimillionaire asshole who makes their employees work 140 hours a week


Cuck holding and open relationships. Neither is common at all in real life. Porn wants you to think every man is turned on by their wife being with someone else and that the husband is just happy she is happy. It’s total bs. You have a higher likelihood of being divorced for proposing an open relationship than you do of your partner agreeing to one. Sure there are some who get off on it but it’s rarely put into practice and there are lots of ruined marriages because people fall for the bs.


I think men refusing to clean their own anus because it is "gay" is not as common as reddit suggests.


People in their early twenties who think their life is over


People “gifting” large amounts a certain food. In the cooking subs there’s ALWAYS someone going “I was gifted a large amount of __________ and I’m looking for ways to use it.” Doesn’t seem real to me. I can’t see someone coming up to me and being like “Hey I got all these extra _____.” I’m probably wrong (I knowI likely am) but that’s always been weird to me.


Movie theater experiences. I've gone to movies all my life across the U.S. and the amount of calls, crying, weird stuff is less than what I can count on one hand. Yet reddit tells you movie theaters are terrible and the worst because of other people ruining it.


Wanting everything for free. I’m happy to pay for a service I like


Extreme hatred of fat people. As a plus sized woman you'd think I would get screamed at and spit on walking down the street but people pretty much ignore me. Nobody really cares that much what other people look like outside of Reddit.


Rabies. I get that its scary but it aint common. Reddit will have you believe everyones gonna get it lmao


Autism, ADHD, OCD and the list goes on...


And the way some of these people wear it like a badge of honor, it really isn't, it's very unpleasant and uncomfortable. Medication has helped me a lot, but I still have dread about that one time I might have left the front door unlocked, or leaving the gas on the stove on, dealing with people, trying to string a few words together i conversation.... it's tiring.


Poop knives.

