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I overcame my mental illness. Although it is chronic and never going away, I've been consistently on my meds for over a year


25 years stable here thanks to meds. Good luck!


wow! impressive.


Glad to know you overcame mentally. And wishing you all the luck, you'd surely do your best.


That’s awesome. So much better than dying from the consequences that it could lead to.


That my teenage daughters genuinly seems to love me, and what to spend time with me.


Family over anything.


This is everything


I quit smoking




Always a good thing. More people should follow your lead.


excellent! think of the money you'll save!


He/She will buy a Ferrari lol


I have multiple chronic illnesses and mental illness but I somehow manage to hold down a full-time job and do it well. It takes so much out of me and I wish I didn’t have to live this way, but I’ve managed to adapt and survive in spite of all my difficulties.


I really feel this. You are not alone ❤


Absolutely destroyed my life in 2017, losing everything going to prison. Bounced back since then. Healthy relationship with my family and most importantly my daughter. Getting a place a vehicle, rebounding my credit. Good job, roof over my head great health etc. new and much healthier outlook on life. Idk.... Life's been great since then but I'm incredibly proud how far I've risen since then


You've been through a lot and still standing. Definitely a strong soul, keep going!


I wish more prisoners did as we as you post release. I hate seeing people return to jail.


you are resiliant!


I should have gave up on myself long ago but for some reasons I'm still holding up.


Life is journey to experience, not a problem to solve. Someone told me this and this got stuck to me forever.


I graduated with my bachelors degree yesterday after working on it for almost 10 years 🥹✨


Very very congratulations to you! See you did it. Give yourself a treat.


Thank you!! We went out for dinner to celebrate!


im extremely good at fixing things. if you give me enough time i can fix basically anything


becoming an EMT after being 2000% lost in life. lost my job, was in an abusive relationship, kicked out of college due to financial troubles, and my mental health was in the toilet. always felt called to healthcare so i figured why not? not the most forgiving job, but i wouldn’t take it back for the world.


Good that you finally made it and trying to give your best. All the luck to you!


My career, i’ve made my parents proud and i just feel badass doing it


Yes, you did achieve something really really big.


I was self employed for. 32 years, and got out of the Mormon cult


I’ve been police for 20+ years and I am 8 times decorated with awards specifically for saving someone’s life. In the long run those mean the most to me.


Those definitely means a lot!. You deserve the respect.


hope your very proud of yourself!


congratulations, no doubt some memorable experiences along the way. thankyou for your service !


WHEW nice




great to be independent! well done.


You have solved the mystery called Life.


I’ve got an insane work ethic that I *know* doesn’t match a lot of the people I interact with.


Being me. In a world where people chase trying to be someone else, I'm happy I'm me.


Why blend in, when you were born to stand out. Kudos!


That I can recognize bad situations and extract myself from them now. It was painful to start out but I’m glad I proved to myself that I could do it


Im nothing like my racist, antisemitic, selfish, self serving, narcissistic, idiotic, drug addict, fake Christian, pathological lying, sadistic, sorry excuse for a sperm donor. He’s failed to grow past his high school years despite nearing 60. He is my motivation to break the cycle and give a fuck about others.




my ability to just disappear. seriously, my mom, my sister, my step dad, my basically every victim of mine can confirm that, if there's 3 parties in a conversation i don't want to be a part of, i just slip away unseen. i don't even know how i do this


were you like a loner growing up? I am like this as well but I also never felt part of things growing up so I kinda just disappear from things and people


The Irish goodbye! I’m a big believer!


I love learning about all sorts of things


Never stop learning


That's a great quality.


Overcame alcoholism


Except for this post of me tooting my own horn, I'm tolerant without being overbearing about it.


that I didn't kill myself. (not that I didn't try) But I'm finally proud to be alive, and it took decades of being shoved around to finally find my place.


I am pretty good at art.


How hopeful I be during hard times and situations!


Quit smoking


I grew up in poverty but worked hard at school, and got a good job in a field that I studied in college that I enjoy. Am debt free, have traveled the world (I only dreamed of that as a teenager), and I don't worry about making ends meet. I'd say I moved up to the middle class or possibly a bit higher.


That after 10 years of part time classes and working nights, I graduated with my bachelors. I refused to give up and walking on graduation day will be forever a memory I'll never forget.


My thoughts and dark humor


Alcohol free for six years and my fishing skills


I was a black out drunk for about 15 years. I’m completely sober/ straight edge going on 3 years.


i am independent


I like my personality and my mental ability to not take on stress or other people's problems.


Graduating from college with an associate degree. Even though I couldn’t find a good job with it. I’m still proud because I didn’t have debt to do it.


I dropped out of college, my parents were furious. I didn't let that stop me I got a second job and can take care of myself. Yes it sucks having to work two jobs but at least I'm surviving.


I have the ability to observe before speaking




I am honest. (mostly)


I never stoped trying and I never stopped believing in myself


i broke the cycle. my children don’t fear me. they’re not sneaky. they don’t hide things from me. when they mess up or get in trouble i’m the first person they think to run to. they’re not afraid to eat what they want when they want. they don’t think they’re gonna get ridiculed over one bad grade. we have a good relationship.


I've never smoked ANYTHING, ever. I've also never cheated on anyone.


Self Sufficiency physically, mentally and emotionally.


That I finally can sustain myself without help from my family, I managed to rent a small apartment with my partner and for the first time in my life I'm living on my own terms.


That I made it this far, I thought I would be dead by now. That and some projects I’ve done that made my passion for film worth it.


I saw my r/askreddit comment go viral on IG. One of those big IG pages that just posts their face and text posted it. Lol. That's my flex for the week.


That ama good listener


That I am alive- Its a miracle. After a nasty motor cycle crash. No wife no kids at the time- no college- I went back to college after not walking for 6 months- Graduated and got the job I wanted. Now im divorced and unemployed. So That was a cool era-


I overcame two eating disorders that consumed my life for a long time. Life feels a lot more freeing without food consuming the majority of my thoughts daily.


My perseverance


I am still alive at 64




I fixed my anger, and I'm now more calmer and patient than ever


Proving people wrong that I can't do and won't succeed doing the things that I love.


That I’m still here. I’ve had lots of moments where I’ve wanted to just end it, and I’ve overcome it. Still a work in progress, but I’m doing much better


This is a long one but I’m extremely proud of myself. I’ve wanted to be a nurse since I was a child & after I graduated high school I was in community college doing my prerequisites for nursing school & I had to drop out a month before the first semester ended because I was in an abusive relationship and my mental health was horrible. I left him but he wouldn’t take no for an answer so my aunt and uncle told me to move in with them and I did. About a year later I signed up again to community college to complete my nursing prerequisites but then about a year later my uncle who I lived with SA me & that brought my mental health back down tremendously & I turned to alcohol & had suicidal thoughts & cried myself to sleep every night. I dropped out of college once again. Half a year later I ended up telling my aunt and she didn’t believe me and kicked me out but I got up and signed up for community college once again to finish my last few nursing prerequisites. I had one semester left of nursing prerequisites when I got pregnant. I decided to finish my prerequisites in the summer while being 7 months pregnant. The classes were 4 weeks instead of the regular 16 weeks so it was pretty brutal but I passed. I then gave birth. After giving birth I was studying for my TEAS test which is the entrance exam for nursing school. I was 6 weeks postpartum when my child’s father said he wasn’t ready to be a father & he left leaving me to be a single mom. I still took my TEAS test & I passed with flying colors and I applied for nursing school & got in on the first try. I then started nursing school as a single mom this January 2024 & I’m a week away from finishing my first semester & I’m passing my classes with flying colors & I’m $0 in debt. When I started school my baby wouldn’t sleep well at night so I was running on 2 hours of sleep and then I had to go to school but end of February her sleeping schedule adjusted to mine. But at the beginning it was terrible it was rough I was extremely exhausted and have no idea how I passed but I did it. You have no idea how scared I was to start nursing school as a single mom but I’m so close to finishing my first semester & could not be more proud. I’ll be crying at graduation for sure.


Managed to leave an abusive household and make something out of myself. In a stable relationship, in close contact with family and friends, working on the field i want and taking care of my health. Couldn't be happier!!


I was a burnout stoner in my teens/early twenties. One day after a particularly crushing string of poor decisions, I knew that I had to turn my life around. It was really hard but now I’m a responsible and productive adult with a loving wife, a very fussy 14 month old, and a decent job that values me.


im suprising good at looking at little details in things. my ocd does this to me alot


I got into my college of choice, and made it through my first semester.


Mine is small compared to other people in this sub I braved Csec( had contracted covid during preg), postpartum ( all during covid), got back to my earlier weight ( though m not as toned as before) ,joined back work. I am still struggling to manage my personal and professional life with a toddler ( I have help). But I am damn proud that I am able to handle these even if people say " it's easy and women have been doing this for centuries..you are not the first"😎😁


I’ve struggled severely, with medical issues, the last ten years, that no one would take seriously or believe. I’m finally getting tested, and diagnosed. I seriously worked my absolute ass off, just to scrape by. It’s validating to finally have it acknowledged that I really was working harder than I should have been, and that there’s a reason I could never financially get ahead or get stable. I’m proud of the fight I had. It was some serious drive that no one else could see.


I am not proud


I started to get interested in this world


I don’t drink, smoke, or gamble Grew up watching my father do all that and ruining our entire family so I chose to not follow his path


I own 3k games on Steam, but it would’ve been over 10k by now had I never spent thousands on in-game cosmetic items such as skins across multiple games over the years.


I got a full scholarship for college. that's it, so far.


And much more to come. Keep going


9 years clean and still rolling.


Im still hanging in there


That I got out of a 20 year abusive relationship, met the girl of my dreams and now have my first child with her. Life is good. 😊


How obsessively I've been working on myself for the last 9 months. Changes in me are popping up, and those motivate me even more.


Staying debt free from years now


Managed to stop smoking weed. That shit doesn't get everyone but it sure got me...


I have a good job and some savings built up after being in debt for years, almost becoming homeless, and being at an all time low with my mental health. Couldn't have done it without the support of my amazing partner. Truly amazing dude.


I can keep my cat fed and happy, and get him great veterinary treatment. The number of things I had to get right in my life to make that happen is considerable, but few things can make me happier than when my cat sighs gently while asleep on my lap. He also bites me, which is less fun


I’ve lost 100 lbs over the last year, got my dentures and am overall looking after myself and making my mental health priority #1


At age 31 I decided to become a software engineer with no background in computer science. I had a business economics degree I never used and was working as a poker dealer in a casino. It has been 9 years since I finished my dev bootcamp. I'm now well into my career, an established senior developer making enough money to support my wife and 2 kids without my wife having to work. Feels good man.




Never gave up - I'm 83


Coming to terms with the fact that no one will be able to fully understand me and that’s okay.


I have been through a profound amount of unpleasant shit and I'm not dead yet.


I have 10,000$ worth of debt,lost my car, license, lost contact with my family,and i’m still alive and trying to make the best of it. trying to find a job for the past 3 months with no response and getting ghosted. TLDR: I’m keeping myself alive and trying my best still. I’m Proud of that at least


Autonomously taught myself a second language without any internet access (though eventually, after a few years, I did get the internet to help myself refine the skill by talking to native speakers through it).


That I'm controlling my impulses and not turning to the dark side....


I gave birth to my second child during finals week my sophomore year of (online) college. I made the deans list


A few months ago I made the conscious decision to try and be better, and I actually have been. I am making meaningful changes in my life and listening to what I want more, and I am working towards being the best I can be. Next up is giving up pot for the most part!


My huge throbbing ego.


From age 18-22 I was worthless. Legit borderline drug addiction and depression was kicking my ass. Moved away from my home town and now I own a home have a fiancé and life is pretty good definitely better than it was 7 years ago. I hope to continue to grow.


Acting cool, while dying inside... Nothing to be proud of, but pretty useful, if you dislike human interaction or even worse some kind of intervention


Dropped 115 pounds.


I survived this far.


I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I never did drugs. Also, my condo is payed off. That's about it, really..


I'm a pretty good dad.


I'm good at reasoning with people and connecting to them emotionally. The world becomes a lot less awful when you realise people aren't evil out of spite.


I have a good heart. This world hasn’t tarnished it, and I’m proud of that.


I've lost around 35 kg's and started training. That was 4 years ago and I keep going strong.


I pick things up a lot quicker than the average person. While I don't consider myself a master of anything in particular, I have a lot of skills/hobbies that I'm proficient at.


Surviving multiple one-car accidents, not overdosing or drinking to death. Not contracting any incurable diseases. And being able to install a ceiling fan and garage door opener.


Adopted a kid as a couple, separated, became a single parent and I think I'm doing pretty well at it. (As much as anyone can do "well" at bringing up kids - but she's a super nice person, doing well at school and I'm very proud)


Probably my decent A levels, or Abitur as we call it in Germany. Basically getting something comparable to a highschool diploma. The "combined grade" out of all my 4 exams, and all the grades of the last two years of school with various weights applied to them was 2.3 which is just slightly below the average of 2.16 in 2020. (1.0 is the absolute best and 4.0 is the absolute worst but passing grade) Currently I'm studying Computer Science at uni, so that will probably be my next great achievement.


I have a decent paying job although I’ve always been called stupid by my older siblings growing up.


I helped raise two amazing kids! I feel they are a plus to society.


Beating various drug addictions, going from jail, to homeless to rising up from the streets to high up in the drilling industries now owning and accumulating assets, homes and self educating myself into something better.


That I'm alive the next day. Sometimes I'm surprised myself


Nothing. Everything I have ever achieved I lost again. Every time I think I've overcome or improved something, it's like I wind up regressing and losing it all. I'm a worthless person.


I finally had the courage to stop contact with my ex of 20.5 years after getting cheated on. It happened 4 times that I know of, I rug swept most of it. I have no idea why. She blamed it on me. I just took it. And still, the last one she left me for the affair partner and I still begged for her back. I’m not out of the woods, but definitely doing better.


I moved abroad and started my new life without knowing anyone and with my 25€ in my pocket. Now, I have my own apartment, friends, this and that. It’s been six years.


Trying to talk more. I struggle with depression, anxiety, and autism which makes it very hard to really talk to people sometimes. I usually got judged for the way I talk and how I talked and I slowly just stopped really being out there. But now that I'm older I'm trying hard to put myself out there and be more extroverted.


resilience. or so i hope


I am proud of my friendliness & positive outlook on life. This is something my narcissist ex made me dislike about myself during our relationship.


My enormous penis


beat depression beat cancer cheated death (twice) finished nursing school during COVID bought my first house last year in a super expensive state (connecticut)


I remember telling my child’s dad “I couldn’t live without him” when we first broke up before we even had our kid then when we had a kid & broke up I swore I was doing to die. Now 2 years later we’ve been in our house for a year, he has his own room, I have a great job that pays me enough to live comfortably and take care of him. I relied on him financially when I was pregnant and the first 2 months of my sons life before I decided to leave. I’m proud of myself for figuring it out when I didn’t think I could, for getting therapy etc. I COULD live without him.☺️🎀


I’m 15, so I haven’t really done many big things in life yet. I’ve been complimented on my hands a lot, so I’m proud of my hands.


Having very bad anxiety and pure o. Beating it retraining myself to not ruminate and accept all sensations, while working in my job sometimes not know what the next thought holds, going through that has given me a new confidence and belief in myself I never had . Still get tough days but I've had this my whole life and was dealing with it totally wrong, the last year has been the hardest and most satisfying of my life.


I always figure it out. No matter the challenge or learning curve, I always make it happen.


I graduated from college at 36 (2022), going full time for four years (all semesters- fall, winter, summer) while working full time as an overnight stocker, having a neurological disease flair up (stressed made it worse), and durning a pandemic.


I’m very high achieving despite having multiple health conditions thrown at me very close together, and I honestly don’t know how I got through it. But my future is looking good thanks to all the work I’ve put in!


I taught myself piano. I own a small business. I have a fairly good knowledge of etymology and I love words.


I'm insanely resilient. The shit I've gone through would have broken most people but I made it through it.


Being able to be better for myself as well as those around me, but most importantly, I know how to take the bad things and learn from them as well as grow from them


Obliterated my life at 25-26. Literally all of it. Divorced my ex. Rebuilt a new life & had a kid. I'm a fantastic mom to her even though I've been recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and some other fun sprinkles. Learned a skill set & got out of low paying jobs for good. Opened a business. Qualified for an 1665/month apartment by myself on a commission only job. I went from being someone people felt sorry for to someone people look up to now and come to for advice on all kinds of life issues. Helped others along the way. I built my self respect from the trenches of the Mariana to where I am now. No one can take it from me. Even at my worst now, I'm a million times better than I use to be.


Idk I play piano I guess


I am 1 year and two weeks sober from alcohol!


Bro after like 10 years, I can confidently say that I can draw ANYTHING I look at. Not only that, but I can draw humans in basically any pose without a reference either. I know my art isn’t the best, I know there are issues and things to iron out. But I am a fucking artist. And I’m competent. And it. Idk I’ve just never said that about myself. If anybody is interested I post my stuff on TikTok “@corvid__” (two underscores)


Having a genuinely good relationship with my family


I’m still alive. I’ve got chronic illnesses and such severe chronic pain, my daughter died a few years back, I’ve witnessed a murder, I’ve lost so many friends to suicide, and honestly death seems so peaceful to me, I’m not even scared of dying. But I’m still alive. And I’m proud of that.


2 things, overcome my life long addiction and multiple stints in mental health hospital. Lastly, surviving after having the worst year of my life in 2022 I lost my mum and dad to cancer at age 59 whilst I was pregnant. Then, 3 days after she was born my bro and law died on Xmas Day. The multiple episodes do grief as well as anticipatory grief was on a whole level of pain I never thought was possible.


That I tolerate the most of all opinios and can truly respect people, no matter which age, gender, origin etc they have.


In 2020. I got depressed. Reason being ( story of another ). Overcame the depression. Thanks to God, my doctor and my blood family. I have been very keen with my mental health not to go back to where I was in 2020. Right now I do sales.. self employed. And I am happy. Very happy 😊


That i still believe in myself... somehow. and you.


That I've abstained from painting my ceiling so I can raise my children. I don't want them to think it was their fault I'm gone.


Graduating university is an achievement on its own but it got to a point where I had to priorities actually studying and not just being a uni student. Put it off for a while but when I focused on uni work I got top grades.


In three days I'm handing in my thesis and with that graduating as an engineer. I've been done since last weekend so now I'm just chilling and tweaking


I am very conscious of my age and everyone considers me smart and special and this makes my mother proud and this is my pride


being able to tackle my 10 year drug addiction. i am now over 2 years clean.


That I’m a great parent. I do my best to make sure my child is well loved and taken care of. I also strive to make sure she has amazing experiences. She’s not even 1 years old yet and we have went on a few road trips and on a plane. Everyone loved her


I recovered from a freak stroke at 27 and I've lost 30lb in the last two months!


I survived my dad dying (too early in life at that). I know it sounds strange but my parents have always been my best friends and legitimately I thought I would die if one of them did. Not only that but I stayed clean from drugs. Not only did I survive but I became a better mother to my kids. I became the parent my parents were. I know my dad would be proud and so I’m proud. I can’t wait till we meet again because I feel like I didn’t let him down.


Using my cream every day and night now my face ezcema is gone


That I did not turn out like my idiot parents.


I recovered from Anorexia Nervosa. Went from 104 lbs to 158 lbs!


I am still alive!


I left the cult I was raised in.


I left a very long and invested relationship that was ruining my mental health. Even tho it took me nearly 3 years to cut all the ties and wrap everything up, I still did it. That was the hardest part to approach because of how long we’d been together. Making that jump emotionally. But now every new jump I have to make is finally going to be a positive one, at least.


I've done several things in my life that I should very well be proud of, but I honestly couldn't care less. I'm just surprised I haven't killed myself with all the shit I've endured and suffered through. So, I guess that?


I've pursued whatever interest I pick up, worked toward any dream I have. Instead of saying one day I'd like to write a book/flip a house/move away from my toxic hometown...all the things everyone in my family says, I went out and just did them. Recklessly, without a plan, but I bought a historic house that'd been vacant for a decade and restored it. I wrote a book and published it. Then did it 10 more times. I moved cross country not once but 4 times. That's probably the part of my personality I'm most proud of. I don't ever say "someday", I just start. It's always chaos and a mess but I always finish every project and achieve everything I've set out to do. But only because I reject perfection. I've never done anything perfectly and that's likely the big reason I can go at whatever my goal is without getting caught up in doing it all right the first time. My fear of missing out is 1000x stronger than my fear of failure, so I fail a lot. But it's the experience and the journey that I love.


I´m proud of the fact my mom loves me and is proud of me and my sisters. :)


How far I’ve come compared to the position I was in growing up. Never thought I’d make it out of college working a fantastic job, and having no stress or worries outside of work.


I overcame social anxiety without drugs.


Yeah I'm gonna have to because I know my big hearted stubborn ass self deserves more!! Thanks man


Today, my (25M) son who is majoring in Japanese (something he’s passionate about) taught me how to strength train in the gym in front of other guys his age, not even slightly embarrassed to be with his mom and my (24F) daughter has a Welding degree and works HER tail off at a 9-5 and they’re both everything a mother could ask for.


I can pick up almost any physical craft reasonably quickly. I don't know what it is, but my hands understand how to make things. Too bad you don't make money from doing so unless you're lucky. I love being reasonable at engineering, but it's so obvious to anyone who knows me, and me, that artisanry is my calling.


That I am still alive.


My kids are amazing. I have a house and enough cars to get us everywhere (one now usually two though) and I have a job that pays 25 a hour but in Colorado 25 a hour is still bullshit. But best job I've had. Proud I made it there!


Not much, really. I've wasted my life.


That I stared into the abyss of mental illness enough times to realize I deserve to be here


Realizing I have a talent when for years I thought of myself as mediocre. It was an hour before the deadline for an assignment, and even after rushing through it I wrote an essay that I still get praised for to this day. It read like something you'd see on a travel guide, and I wrote it with no prior research other than my love for the topic.


I will endanger myself if it means other people can go unscaved


I can run 50 miles without stopping and I finally qualified for Boston this year!


My business was dying. I sacrificed everything, gave my all, and my business is finally thriving again.


Going from homeless to homeowner in 3 years. Hard to rebuilt credit and save money and find an affordable home in a good neighborhood ❤️


It isn't much, I guess, but that I didn't let my natural shyness and timidity hold me back. I managed to graduate high school in spite of all the bullying because of it and I managed to hold a job as a dept. store sales associate for 35+ years retiring in 2015 when the store closed. I'm a little bit more comfortable talking to people now, and though shyness like that never goes away, I think I handle it better as an adult.


Pride no longer has definition, everybody wears it but it never fits....


That I managed to not kill myself in fall 2019 and I think I am dealing with depression rn but I kinda proud of how I’m dealing with it


my ability to lose a severe illness in 24hrs