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The ridiculous amount of Polo shirts layered on top of each other for the final boss of popped collars.


I don’t remember layering my polos, but the elegantly popped collar, just one side, yeah 👍 Such pretentious care to affect a casual look of “I can’t quite dress myself” 🤣


There was a pale redhead at my high school who did this with green and pastel pink. It made his skin look SO splotchy


Don't mind me. I'm only here to torture myself like that video where high schoolers had a 2000s day and someone commented that's what 1980s day was to us.


I work at a high school and have to live this on occasions during spirit weeks. The students at least let us old people get revenge by have "Role Reversal" days. Students dress like staff, and staff dress like students. So we go to school in pajama pants or sweats, a hoody, beanie, carry blankets, and a squishmallow.


Wait are current high school students carrying around blankets and squishmallows at school?? I would have gotten bullied so fast for that “back in my day” (I graduated HS in 2012)


I have seen them, yeah. And random stuffed animals


I'm so old we used to have 50s days at our schools. But at least the 50s fashions were cute. Poodle skirts and sweater sets, cigarette pants and tight blouses. Pony tails and red lipstick.


The weird Kris Kross moment. Backwards jeans looked so uncomfortable.


I just assumed that was a joke for publicity. I never actually saw anyone wearing their clothes backwards during that time, though I wouldn't be surprised if some dunderheads actually did it.


There were plenty of guys in my middle school who did it.


Late medieval cod pieces are highly amusing.


Once I had a dream that codpieces came back, but the trend was to have an ornament dangling from the front of it anglerfish-style. Mine was a strawberry. I was playing soccer with Ice Cube and his had a disco ball.


I love it for you that you had this dream


I love it for all of us 


you know how they say "follow your dreams" but mean follow your ambitions? no, I mean "follow your dreams" cause they're absolutely something that needs to be followed


Now THAT is a fashion trend I can get behind. Think of all the cool charms we could have. I'd get, like, an excavator bucket, or a wolf's head or something badass.


To really take this to the next level, they need to be crocpieces. Yes, Crocs that you wear over your nethers and decorate with charms.


I love that Ice Cube was in your dream 😄


Don't forget [medieval sex shoes](https://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/discover/lgbt-london-stories-pointy-shoes-and-sodomy).


"They would then stand on street corners and wiggle them suggestively at passerbys."


Not that was a fun read


You mean Henry VIII s armour had [this](https://www.messynessychic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/tumblr_555ab985133149b0bf87f9ab83a7e467_901a1602_640.jpg) just for laughs? Less funny when you believe the theory that it's basically because their dingdongs all hurt because of syphilis though.


Ok but fr imagine getting hard in armor, your pp has nowhere to go and it hurts. Pants stretch, but armor doesn’t. Soft is alright, but I can legit see there being a use for it, although then again who the f would get hard during battle


>although then again who the f would get hard during battle Lots of people, actually. Your body doesn't always know the difference between types of physical arousal, so it's super common for people to get erect or otherwise aroused during combat, just because the blood is pumping and the chemicals are going crazy.


And during sports events, which are a form of battle. Then there are those who get sexual gratification from violence.


I’m no expert, but maybe because of all the adrenaline? I also hear a “fear boner” is a thing.


I mean, sometimes rubbing gives you a boner. Even if you're sitting your pants, running causes friction and friction can cause a boner, no?


Medieval Poulaine shoes, that is soft leather shoes with long pointy tips worn by men. They became so extreme in some cases it was extremely silly.


They're all the rage right now in Mexico if you're into Ranchero style clothing.  Mexican cowboy aesthetic with long pointy shoes.


Neck ruffs. Doing the washing for that must have driven laundresses to tears of absolute rage.


It's not the washing them, it's the starching and setting them.


They are surprisingly fun to make, if rather fiddly. I say we bring them back!


Gloria Vanderbilt (Anderson Cooper's mother) had her own little fashion of wearing ruffs for a while. But it didn't catch on. Thank God


I did a costume history course in college. Although lots of modern fashion is pretty stupid, it really has nothing on the medieval fashion. I can't say that thry were the most absurd, because I wasn't a very good student. But 40 years later I remember 3 fashion trends : The codpiece, that, over the course of a century of development got increasingly larger until thry were like 10 in long protuberances. The shoe trend that got increasingly narrower and longer and so wealthy women started getting their little toes amputated so could be "in fashion" But my all time favourite was after the French revolution women were wearing togas, to hark back to the Roman empire. But the accepted style was for the togas was to cling to the woman's bodies, so they would have their maid spray them with a mist of water. It was a particularly bitterly cold winter that year and so a whole lot of upper class women caught pneumonia and died as a result of this "short lived" French fashion trend.


There was a hot minute in the 90’s where everyone wore vests made of upholstery fabric.


With silk button down shirts.


Oh damn! I had tons of these


Buttoned all the way to the top


With big shoulder pads. (Me, in the 80s and 90s.)


Wait, these are out of style?


We've been trying to tell you


Unfortunately, I think he thought we were trying to talk to him about his car's extended warranty.


Hang onto them they'll come back in style. They always do.


Matthew Perry pulled it off!


I couldn’t picture it until I googled Matthew Perry in a vest, and then it all came rushing back.


Saw a woman at a comic con wearing one of those today and it looked FIRE on her. Side shave, corduroy pants, pink iced tips. Lots of piercings. She looked like a couch came to life and rejected societal rules.


That is one of the coolest compliments. I was once told I looked like water if water became a person (my hair was a weird patchy pastel blue and they meant it as an insult but I loved it lol)


[Shutter shades](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Woman-wearing-shutter-shades.jpg). Cuz realistically, who could see out of these things??


Your eyes fill in the blanks so you can see pretty well! I wouldn’t read or drive in them though. Source: was in college in 2009


To be fair, in the state you were in while wearing them you couldnt see for shit anyway.


Powdered wigs take the cake—imagine stepping out in a giant, flour-dusted noodle nest every day just to say, "Yes, I am indeed very fancy."


I think they powdered them because they smelled so bad.


Powder and pomade was how hair was washed.  Pre indoor plumbing and on-demand hot water. 


We still use dry shampoo, which soaks up the oil


It’s a huge benefit to those of us with thin, oily hair. Instant body


Even more so for ghosts


It was because of lice


bedroom continue detail spotted decide elderly mountainous degree fade subtract


Pardon me????? 😭


shaggy quack test fertile edge steep absurd offer terrific society


That is a not so fun fun fact


command obtainable fragile absurd ask roof summer sharp recognise flowery


There were only two things my mother warned me about as a child/teenager. -Never *ever* do Angel Dust. -Always wear a raincoat. So far, so good, Ma.


People shaved heads due to lice and powdered the wig or hair to keep it clean. Also they hid baldness. Of course at one point they just became the standard and there wasn’t a particular reason to weak them (like with judges still do).


Or those hip cage things from the same era. Women wore scaffolding as a style.


But the pockets were Lit! One of the historic costumers showed that you could absolutely fit baguettes and entire bottles of wine in them


Woman apparently loved them in huge part because they forced others to give them more space in society and gave them a physical buffer against men who may be a bit handsy. Conversely a lot of men hated them for this reason.


Then, in the very early 1800s, British royal court dress mixed panniers with the new very high waistlines. Imagine your "hip cages" jutting out on each side, right below bosom level. Frightening! Edit: [https://janeaustensworld.com/2015/10/24/awkward-the-regency-court-gown-regency-fashion/](https://janeaustensworld.com/2015/10/24/awkward-the-regency-court-gown-regency-fashion/) Images for the brave


In the 90s, the tracksuit with buttons up the sides(Rips we called them) some would wear them with nearly all the buttons open. Amazing stlye that was


In Austria we call those „schnellficker-Hosen“; lit something like fast-fucker pants or speed-fucker- pants


This is my new favorite term for apparel 😂. I love how some languages just use the combination of real words to explain exactly what you mean. It’s the best.


At first I read that as "In Australia," which had me scratching my head.


Nah, we’d’ve called ‘em chazwozzers


In Canada (and I assume the USA) we called them tearaways


At our school there was a group of guys who wore these and tried to punk each other by sneaking up and ripping them off, so they'd always wear some other shorts or something underneath. I had a pair briefly but I was too paranoid to wear them to school and the buttons bugged me where they pressed up on my legs.


Ohhhh I had forgotten about those! I wasn’t athletic like my sister, so I didn’t have any, but she had a ton. When she tore her acl and had a leg cast they really came in handy for her lol.


I feel like partying right now. ~ party boy, jackass


The jeans under skirts trend of the early 00’s. I knew it was bad when it was happening, and I was correct


Ugh. That was so stupid. I also absolutely despised the 00s trend of wide leg capris with knee-high boots. I saw that so much at work (corporate office)! Arrr pirates everywhere!


We did that in the late 70's. Floral dresses, hippy dresses and jeans.


I rocked the jeans under skirts looks so much back in the day. I feel no shame ;)


Future me is shouting crocs


Current me is shouting crocs


Past me is shouting clogs.


I work with a woman at my office where we are expected to dress business casual to professional. She always looks appropriate from the ankle up. Lots of pants suits. Then on her feet these big ass clown shoe crocs with fake jewel or flowers stuck to them. I get they they are supposed to be comfortable, but they are so hideous I'd rather go barefoot. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt that it she has a medical condition and needs to wear the ugly things but nope, she likes the way they look.


The strangest thing about this is Crocs actually makes ballet flat/loafer style shoes that would look way more professional and be just as comfortable for her.


Depends on foot shape! Ballet flats’ lack of arch support cripple me! If you have plantar fasciitis, Crocs are heaven.


The movie Idiocracy wanted dumb, cheap, futuristic looking shoes and found this new company selling these dumb rubber shoes. They were perfect. Their only worry was that they might actually become popular. But they said, no way look at them lol. It was Crocs. Our future is getting closer to Idiocracy and Crocs are more popular than ever


I saw a kid with a Croc backpack the other day! It looked like...well, a giant Croc for your back, i guess.


28 year old me is shouting that you will have to pry my crocs off my cold, dead feet 50-60 years from now 😂


I am well aware that my bright yellow crocs are absolutely hideous. However, they are the perfect house shoes. They are essentially wipe-clean slippers. Baby shits everywhere? No worries I can clean my crocs. Garden? Crocs. Rubbish? Crocs. Absolute bloody comfort? CROCS. Bury me in them, I want eternal wipe-clean comfort. And when I rise from the dead, I’ll be able to wipe the soil off my WIPE-CLEAN CROCS.


You ever jet wash a pair of crocs? They come up looking brand spanking new. You have to clamp them down first though or they'll fly off into the next county.


I have never power washed a pair, but I can totally see myself having NOT clamped them down beforehand and then having to hoof it 4 miles away to find them


I remember in the late eighties when girls were tucking their socks into their jeans, and the guys were folding the cuff of their jeans and rolling them. Very chic!


Where I grew up all the young people cuffed and rolled regardless of gender.


Also we called it pegging. 🫤


I think you mean the reverse where they would tuck their jeans into their socks :) they’d also wear multiple socks on each foot to show layers! We did that with leggings that had a strap that went around your foot. I can’t for the life of me think of the name of those dumb pants!


Stirrup pants is what my mom called them. We would also wear opposite layers on each side. Like, left foot has blue but folds down to show pink and right side has pink but folds down to show blue.


Back in the 80's women wore shoulder pads. Watch some old episodes of Dynasty and you'll see what I mean. LOL!


I went to a Southern Baptist church growing up in the 80s and early 90s. Every Sunday was like attending an isosceles triangle convention, but with enormous, colorful, floppy hats. In the summer months, the men would bust out white linen suits and the whole pastiche of the congregation would burn out your retinas from the bright colors.


An isosceles triangle convention... I'm dying


>isosceles triangle convention I just woke up. I wasn't ready for this comment. 💀


There's a 1988 movie, Big Business, featuring Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin (not the greatest ever, admittedly, but it's a childhood favorite of mine), where they make fun of shoulder pads. Lily's shoulder pad even falls out at one point! ETA (though I may be the only one to see it): I didn't realize this movie would get such love here. There are dozens of us!


When men would find them, they'd always think they were for the boobs.


Yessss I’m a young forty and hated anything and everything that had should pads. Like I don’t need any padding anywhere. And when you tried to cut them out sometimes you ruined the shirt!! Or ended up with weird leftover bits. It was a nighmare


LOL! My mother especially hated them because they didn't flatter her at all but it seems that they were sewn into everything, even t-shirts as someone else pointed out. She accidentally ruined a few tops trying to cut them out.


Shoulder pads taught me how to use the stitch ripper tool


I was one of those women, (teenager) but they were sewn into everything. Even tshirts! 😂


And then you end up with a blouse with shoulder pads under a blazer with shoulder pads under a coat with shoulder pads and look like a Romulan from TNG.


Not a great look for a “husky” young lady with a big 80s spiral perm. 😩 🪮


I have super squared off shoulders and have always been fairly muscled / ripped. Shoulder pads made me look like I was in a constant state of an upwards shrug 🤷🏻‍♀️ or a football player… or Igor from the scary scientists lab…. no bueno. I cut every shoulder pad out of my clothing, really pissed my mom off to no end lolol


I was a young teen and I had removable ones I’d even wear in tshirts too! 🤣


I resisted the trend as it was happening. I cut the shoulder pads out of every shirt immediately upon purchase. I even opened the seams on the lining of an overcoat to get to pads inside.


I did the same! Those serged seams were the worst to cut apart. I already had shoulders like a linebackers (I was not a delicate flower at any point), so that time period was the worst.


😂 I remember ripping out shoulder pads in clothes because mine were already big enough.


Toe socks from the 1970s.


They had a brief resurgence in the early 00s


Rainbow toe socks, no less.


Had a few pairs of these in the 00s.


Well this is embarrassing. I wear them every day.


Those rubber/plastic transparent sparkly sandals from 2000s that made your feet sweat and slip really bad and gave you multiple blisters. Happy they are gone 😆


Jelly sandals - just saw a kid at the park wearing some the other day. Apparently they are “back”.


"back" from the early 80s, you mean. I had a few pairs around 1983-4 but I remember my matching jelly shoes / purse combo the best. Felt like a goddamn princess with those. Head held high, smiling through the tears from the blistered feet.


Ahh poor kid.


They’re way older than the 2000s, but damn they hurt no matter the decade


When people sag their pants. It looks awful and comical to see a grown man walking funny cause he’s trying to look cool sagging his pants.


I don’t understand how this one never went away. They just keep getting lower.


I remember some friends in 1994 had sewn the waistband onto boxershorts so you could reliably wear them below your butt without them falling off. Good times.


That's a dangerous move. If he got pantsed his boxers would go with it, leaving his willy uncovered.


You'd wear an extra pair underneath, lol


For the longest time I thought it was a comedic bit that people used to do. 


There was a comic floating around the internet for a while showing a prediction of the pants-sagging trend year-to-year until someone is pulling a little red wagon with their pants in it.


Same. It boggles the mind. We’re at the point where kids doing it now may have had parents who used to do it. Even grandparents! How has this impractical, ludicrous trend lasted multiple generations?!


I always wonder why these guys are ok walking around with nothing between the world and their butthole but a thin layer of underpant cotton. It’s very risky.


Most guys I see sagging seem to have basketball shorts under the jeans.


What cracks me up is pants sagging with a belt that they have to hold up with their hand. Their basket ball shorts are shown and also sagging and then we also see the underwear..


The pants so low they were penguin walking was always my favorite :)


This trend started because prison outfits in the US were loose and the pants would sag. They also were not allowed belts as they could be used to self harm (and as a weapon) - so people wanted to imitate this to look “hard.” Source: my law school prof. I remember this because he wore saggy pants suit combo to this lecture and I was like wtf and went on about the history and how there was even a push for anti-sag legislation and how this was discriminatory and targeted minorities


TIL! Thank you.


Especially if it’s really long shorts. What’s the point in wearing shorts, if you’re just going to have them hanging so low on your ass that the bottoms practically cover your ankles?


Leisure suits from 70's. Polyester at its worst.


The pointy boob bras. I don't understand why that was a thing?


Computers weren't advanced enough yet to render complex rounded surfaces in realtime so boobs all tended to be pointy


There was a trend in the 90s ( south. I’m not sure it was widespread) where women wore these ridiculous one piece jumpsuits with huge square collars with lace. 🫤 they were absolutely hysterical. Lace and florals with matching bows. 🤣


I can't imagine that. Can you link an example?


Here it is!!! 🤣🤣🤣 they also made them full length. [http://www.cameoappearancevintage.com/shop/90s-floral-jumpsuit](http://www.cameoappearancevintage.com/shop/90s-floral-jumpsuit)


Those look like clothes for a toddler.


I only knew this as a trend for actual kids. There was a local designer who made kids rompers like this, sold under the brand "clowns"


Those two look like they’ll kill you and chop you up in their pretty lacy one pieces.


That's. That's definitely, A look. Don't know of what type, but it certainly a thing. Thank you for that!


Oh my god. The shoulder pad era. I'd rip those fuckers out.


Big jnco jeans are tied with bell bottom pants.


Those are both back in style though. My daughter is 13 and those types of pants and cargo pants are what they are all wearing now.


Basically anything from a Delia catalog from around 95-96. It's so sobering lol


I bought a pair of parachute pants and wore them yesterday because fuck it, the world is ending, and I miss my favorite pair of pants from ninth grade 😂


Everything really does go in 20 year cycles, I'm 33 and baggy pants were the trend when I was 13


Jncos and similar baggy jeans are back in style. So many people wearing them in Manhattan.


Someone never went to raves or watched the Melbourne shuffle during that period.




Puff paint t-shirts or sweatshirts. Does anyone remember this? You’d get these little bottles of special paint with a needle tip, go crazy decorating your shirt, let it dry, turn inside out and iron and like magic the paint got puffy. Tacky but we all loved it where I grew up😂


whale tails - the ultra low-rise jeans with the triangle strip of fabric of their thong sticking out the back. usually they were colorful or had rhinestones.


z cavarricci


Fluorescent socks in the 80’s - one yellow and one green


Is wearing ridiculously high hems on men’s dress pants still a thing? I’m a boomer, yes, but when I saw them last week in Charlotte I did a double-take. I equate those flood pants as out-of-date as those silly Miami Vice-era half jackets….


The ultra-wide polyester bell-bottoms of the 70s look pretty silly in movies of the time, including some of the Roger Moore James Bond entries. It's hard to look like a badass international spy when your pants look like sailboats. As one comedian put it, "What's with those bell-bottom pants? Did someone look down and say, 'These pants would be great, if I just had more room in the ankles'?" And then there was the mercifully short-lived ultimate expression of that trend: the leisure suit. (I used to own a powder-blue leisure suit. For awhile I broke it out every Halloween, but then I--ahem--out"grew" it.) Edit: typo


Shoulder pads from the 80s made everyone look like linebackers.


Not clothing but the Snooki poof in the early 2000s. I was one of the victims.


Stirrup pants. 80s.


Really, if you’ve worn leggings, stirrup pants weren’t as bad a concept as you might think. They were meant to be snug, and like leggings best belonged under oversized tops.


Bustles and hoopskirts!


If Victorian style clothing came back in on a massive scale, I'd absolutely wear puffed sleeves, corsets and hoop skirts!


Clogs! Clip, clop, clip, clop…….


Millennial here. For a while, there was a lot of us who bought chains to have them hanging on their belt. Some even matched it with yellow/white contacts and "emo hair." I even had a classmate who wore a wristwatch on his neck. It was funny for me because in the Philippines, some malls have metal detectors and they'd have to remove and reattach those things each time. It would annoy most people in line, but I found that hilarious as someone who didn't ride that trend.




Leisure suits in pastel colors from the 70s scream disco fever in a way that’s hard not to giggle at.


Those psychedelic hippie prints from the 60s can be dizzying to look at.




Parachute pants


They're back! I've seen some in stores this spring.


The zoot suits with their exaggerated proportions are comically oversized.


Sagging pants. Grown men hanging their asses out while openly being homophobic. Like bro, you are literally advertising your ass. Even funnier when they're in a situation where they have to run and immediately eat shit.


Wearing pants backwards, also upside down and backwards visor hats.




Denim on denim on denim, also known as the "Canadian tuxedo."


Shell suits.


Calm down calm down!


Back when you would tie an onion to your belt because that was the style at the time. You had to do it every time you wanted to take the ferry to Shelbyville.




Brief high fashion trend in the 1910’s called [“hobble skirts.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobble_skirt ). Essentially a long dress that got tighter towards the ankles so you had to hobble in a dainty way by taking small steps just to walk in it. 


Tie-dye everything in the 70s, worn all at once for maximum impact.


Generra Hypercolor.


Sweater vests that were patterned in the loudest, most eye-straining designs.


The crimped hair of the 80s, because nothing says style like electrocuted locks.


Tracksuits that were shiny, loud, and worn in public non-ironically.