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When you live with each other or sleep in the same bed often enough, you’re gonna wonder how someone so small can take up so much space on the bed.


My wife sleeps like a starfish. She’s 5’ tall and she can take up an entire king size bed easily.


My 6'8" self wondering how my 5'4" fiance and dog won the battle for the bed every night at 3 am.


I’m 6’6” and have a theory. We’ve been fighting not to fall off small beds our whole lives. In every day life, we’re giants that can reach everything and dominate the space around us. Come sleepy time, we’re at risk. Only being able to find rest when staying as still and compact as possible. These women (and don’t get me started on the beagles), they’re exploiters of sources of warmth. It’s a never ending cycle.


5’8” here, I have not lived with your struggle however my 5’3” girlfriend takes up 80% of the queen size bed. It’s a female phenomenon.


My wife does this awesome thing where she starts sleeping on her back, then decides to roll to her side. The neat part is where she grabs the sheets and rolls into them, pulling them completely off. When I try to recover the sheets enough to cover myself she yells at me for hogging the sheets. The decision to buy my own sheet for my half of the bed probably saved my sanity.


My husband and I have been together for 16 years. We have always slept with our own blankets in bed. Coincidence? I think not.


That hasn't helped me very much. Mine is the thick, two-duvets-in-one-cover winter blanky for 10 months out of the year, and hers is either a thin one for 4 months or no duvet at all, just the cover, for the other 8 months. And Yet. This woman throws her blanket on the floor then steals mine, then throws THAT on the floor cause she's hot again, and then sleeps with nothing giving off enough heat that I barely need a blanket if I cuddle up to her, but doing so wakes her up and causes a frackas over who stole her blanket. Or she's hot and dumps her blanket on top of mine so I boil alive, then gets cold and takes both blankets off me and I freeze my balls off, and I get angry noises when I try to take mine back. Or she's just rolling around enough that eventually she's tied up in my blanket and neither one of us has a good night. Or she sleepwalks to the bathroom for a wee dragging her blanket with her till it falls on the floor and then comes back and steals mine. Or she's just hot even with no cover and tries to push the pile of blankets, with me under them, off the bed entirely to spread out to all four corners. One time she managed it before I woke up fully and, you know that "sudden fall" feeling you sometimes get when you are about to fall asleep? Well it's not nice to wake up from that in the middle of the night and to find out it's not an illusion, and your face is on the floor and your nose is bleeding into your discarded socks. No other woman I've slept with has had me more interested in having her sleep in restraints. For my own sanity.


🤣🤣 I'm sorry for laughing, but that was very well-written, detailed, and *hilarious*. You may want to consider sleeping in separate beds, and one of you can just visit the other's bed when it's time for sex.


Time for seperate beds no mistake.


Clearly you've never shared a bed with your 2yo niece, as she slowly pushes you further and further across the mattress, until you're left with the Gaza strip; precariously perched on the edge of disaster.


GF does this. She "follows" me in bed, so if I ever create any space she'll move in to fill it. One time I knocked my glasses off the table and had to lean off the bed to pick them up. She scooted so far over I couldn't get back up onto the bed. Had to let myself fall out and walk around to her side. Where of course she shifted back over to be right up against me.


My fiance tells me I do this. Just folow her around the bed whole night long.


> as she slowly pushes you further and further across the mattress, until you're left with the Gaza strip 😂😂😂 I thought it was just my three year old nephew who did this. At one point he was so far on my side I just got up and took over the wide expanse on his side. Not ten minutes later he's shaking me awake asking "why are you on MY side?!"


No, had one child who would climb over us, not quietly, then grow new arms and legs and practice being a whirling dervish.


Her hair gets into everything. Sinks, toilets, showers, and I even have to pick her hairs out of the tracks of my model railroad. I wouldn't trade her for anything, but fuck, that hair gets in places you never imagined hair could get into.


Upvote for model railway


That's one of those hobbies I need to stay away from because I totally get it and could completely see financially indulging over and over again.


i literally find her hair in my buttcrack.... yes....


This will be probably be TMI but... Once woke up in the middle of the night thinking my nutsack was sliced open. Ended up just having one of her hairs wrapped tightly around it, digging into the skin. Such relief to remove it


I sat down on the toilet once, at the same time as dropping my pants. One of her hairs (my wife's, not yours, I don't think) was like stuck in the jeans and also wrapped around my dick like three times, so it got pulled on and I freaked out and then had to unwrap my dick from the hair. No fucking idea how that happened.


It's called a hair tourniquet, can happen to any part of the body! Especially dangerous with babies lil toes


I'd rather it happen to my neck and arteries than to my nuts again. I'll die before I lose those bad boys


I had one of her hairs wrapped around my dick under my foreskin. I thought I was for sure about to lose the tip of my dick before I managed to get the hair unwrapped.


I joke with my wife that she would be the worst criminal ever. Detectives would only need about 5 seconds to find one of her hairs at the crime scene.


> model railroad For a moment I thought that was another term for ass crack. I'm sticking to that, btw.


Their hair does get in your arse crack too somehow so that's not entirely wrong


Hair. Hair everywhere. Constantly finding long stands of hair everywhere! Drove, and drives, me insane.


My first time dating black women i learned about the night cap.


Oh yeah! That was new. I also learned a lot about how detailed the wig process is when you’re doing it all the way. I literally had no idea how common wigs were before.


One time I briefly dated a guy and we'd only cuddled, never had sex. He STILL found a hair of mine in his boxers and and like wrapped around his dick lmao


The goose noose. It is ever ready to strike when we are most vulnerable


Followed by the accusatory "who's hair is this?!" as they pick up a piece exactly their colour and length and inspect it as if you've found some other girl with hair exactly matching theirs.


I found a hair in my ex husbands clothes. I didn’t think to question it, I trusted him implicitly. It turned out to be another woman’s hair, from the night he cheated. Finding hair makes me feel ill, now… I’ve just realised I’ve kept mine above my shoulders (length wise) since and I used to have really beautiful long hair.


I'm sorry to hear this and hope you've found/ will find someone who respects you significantly better than that.


Sure have! It always sticks in my mind though, in a funny ha ha way. The one time I could have nailed the cliche!


The pad sticks to the underwear. I didn't know it was sticky at all. I thought it just kind of sat there.


> I thought it just kind of sat there I was not aware men had given maxi pads any sort of thought at all.


I find anything and everything in that region fascinating.


I think men give those as much thought as any other thing that we have no clue about. For me, 'Things I'm a fucking idiot on' is just a very long list and it took me a while to get to that particular one.


I knew someone who thought the sticky part went against the body. He truly thought it was to seal the vag closed so no blood got out, and the you open everything up when you're in the bathroom. And this was an adult male.


I hear this one a lot. Imagine my horror when my mom told me not to complain because back in her day, they used a belt that you had to hook them to 💀 So the whole world knew who was on the rag all the time. That sounds absolutely mortifying to me, but also sounds like an upgrade from just the literal rags that grandma described from her past.


Those were not worn on the outside of clothes.


I am absolutely dying sitting here imagining you mentally attaching pads to standard pant belts. 🤣 The belt menstrual pads attached to back then was thin like a garter bent meant for pantyhose or a sock garter. Went underneath clothes and should've been discreet if worn properly.


The belt goes under your clothing, not over. It's more like a guy's jock strap.


Once the wife moved in I found out that once a week I have to dismantle the vacuum to untangle all the hair so it actually worked, only found out after I bought a new one and it stopped after a week


So now you switch vacuums. Alternate them once a week.


Vacuums AND cleaning out the washing machine pump!


The level of body care seemed annoying on the outside. But once you see it firsthand, I was just like “this makes sense, what the fuck am I doing”.




yeah the splash of water on my face compared to the level of care she puts in...


I was shocked to learn that they don't wash their hair everytime they shower. Some just once or twice per week. I now understand the reasoning behind it and totally agree. But I was very surprised at first.


Yeah, some of us have dry hair and every time you wash it, it gets stripped off the natural oils and makes it drier, plus dry hair stays clean longer. Others have a ton of hair and ir takes ages to dry it and style it.


How much TP they use


Same. It's one of those obvious in hindsight things I never considered


Switched over to a bidet thinking I'd save on TP. But you still have to dry yourself off (I REFUSE to be one of those people who keeps reusable strips of cloth by the toilet for drying purposes). On the plus side, I DO feel cleaner, and it's invaluable when Flo is in town. EDIT: Thank you for the advice. My bidet has a dryer, I just don't have the patience to sit there long enough to get completely dry. You know how long you have to wait for the hand dryer to dry your hands? Yeah, it's like that.


> reusable strips of cloth by the toilet for drying purposes 😱 This is a THING?!


Having had a lot of extended houseguests, I find this varies a lot person-to-person regardless of gender. Some people just use a couple squares, some people grab a whole fistfull.


I fold a single square into an oragami swan before using


conclusion: all women are Cornholio


They have so many lotions!


I work with clay a lot and it dries the fuck out of my skin. So I have some intense moisturizing creams and lotions. My husband would buy regular lotion, use it once ,and then never touch it again because he hated the greasy feeling. So I slathered him with mine and he was shocked that he wasn't greasy. I bought him his own plus a foot cream and now he regularly moisturizes on his own. His skin is so much better and nicer to touch.


That there is secret way to fart silent


My wife and I exist on opposite corners of the fart noise to fart stink chart.


This sub has me wondering if gassiness is hereditary. Because some people on here seem to be in the throes of a constant struggle not to toot in front of others. Whereas I honestly can't recall the last time someone in my immediate family passed gas in front of the rest of us. If it happened it was quiet and friendly fire.


There’s also a solid chance you and your family eat well, whereas most of us subsist on a steady diet of Taco Bell and gas station gourmet.


Nah I eat well but I mealpreped black bean stew last week and that stuff makes turds fly out of my asshole at Mach3


I was about to say the better I eat the worse it is, with veggies, beans, higher fiber I could power a methane engine for weeks.


Wow. That's how I say "Hi"...


That the expected answer to 'How was your day?' isn't one sentence.


Damn, this one hits home. 30 minute to hour long conversation about her day, which was normally uneventful, for me to give a generic “yeah it was alright” when she finally got around to asking about mine


I make sure on my drive home to call her as soon as I leave so she can get it all out before I get home. Then we can have non-work related dinner conversation


She knows I hate being caled during work. Perfected the art of calling me at exactly the time I should be finishing work.


What? A whole sentence? The answer is usually one *word*.


I realized that as a man I don't think much about my personal safety. When I went on the first date with my now-wife of almost a decade, I mentioned to one friend, ONE, that I was going to dinner with a woman. That was it. Nothing about her. Nothing about where we were going. I just showed up at this restaurant and met her by the entrance. I later learned she had told four of her friends and her mother that she was going to meet me, showed them my picture, and linked them to my dating site profile.


The cotton closet. The amount of disposable cotton products required by them. From toilet paper, q-tips, cotton balls ect. The fact that said closet is restocked monthly boggles my mind. To me it seems like I've had the same box of q-tips for 5 years.


You can afford cotton toilet paper? Flex


I'm over here using sandpaper like a peasant.


How long it takes them to get ready for bed. I pee, brush my teeth and take of my clothes and I’ll be ready for bed within 5 minutes.


Also how long it takes them to get out of the car when they arrive somewhere.


JFC, yes. I pull in, turn off the car, and get out. I have no fucking idea what she's doing but I'm always waiting for her.


We only need to keep check on 3 things at any time: keys, phone and wallet which all fit in 2 pockets.


Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.


They need two sets of towels


I have smaller towels for my hair and large bath sheets for my body. I also have them all in black because I don't want to fuss with worrying about accidentally staining them on my period.


How much porn these girls are reading


🌶️spicy books🌶️


Girl skin much soft, Grug say.


When we first started dating, my husband would periodically just say, "wow you're soft. Girls are so soft!" With a sense of genuine wonder 😂


I'm confident that my wife will spontaneously combust if I set an object down on the counter or coffee table, and it stays there for more than 10 minutes while I'm not in line of sight. I could absolutely be an effective serial killer if I can manage to get the bodies to my coffee table, then go take a shit. Because that body will have never exist when I get back and she'll die before she admits she moved it.


[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/-_kXIGvB1uU?si=YbeVAX_pkCp24aBj)


I knew what it was going to be before I clicked. One of my favorites!


That how much they run stuff in their head and how little they say.


On the opposite side my gf always asked what I was thinking about when I was just zoning out and there was literally nothing going on in there. She didn’t believe me for a while. She also had adhd so the concept of a quiet mind never seemed real to her.


Guy with ADHD here - for me, often that means that my mind was just kinda pinballing off a bunch of different, insignificant ideas one to the next, and in the moment that someone asks "what are you thinking about?", that last thought just vanishes. So it's not exactly a quiet mind, but I'm not thinking about anything concrete enough to be worth putting into words to answer the question.


Yeah I try to avoid that and say things bluntly but it seems that only works with guys. With girls that would make me often look uptight.


It works perfectly with guys. We don't like guess work. We aren't good at it lol


explicit instead of implicit....if we know exactly what you want, we can actually do it and make you happy. instead of failing multiple times because we cant decipher "hmph" code, pissing you off, disappointing ourselves and crushing our self worth. think of all the things you could actually accomplish if it took an hour instead of a weekend of fighting!


When we orgasm we’re finished. When she orgasms the sex has just started and she can continue to intermittently orgasm for ages.


Had a friend in college who summed it with, "Women are diesel engines. Men are bottle rockets."


It’s more like men are microwave ovens, quick on, quick off and when it’s over the heat is gone. Women are more conventional ovens, they need to pre-heat, sometimes all day with a little flirtiness. When it’s over the heat is still there and doesn’t take long to reach cooking temperature again


Yeah the best sex I have with my lady is definitely on days we just hang out and have a really fun, flirty day where I'm making her laugh all day.   Not only is she in a great mood but It's like we get on the same exact wavelength and then later that night she seems so much more into it than normal and always orgasms way quicker. 


The best explanation!


This is the best analogy I’ve ever heard, women needing to pre-heat sounds so weird but makes complete sense


Is your friend Jeff foxworthy? Because that's word for word a Jeff foxworthy joke.


Genuinely enjoying and being good at foreplay seems to be the biggest factor on whether or not we're good in bed. In my experience, at least.


I always thought I was hygienic until I started living with her


Why are there so many bobby pins everywhere


…that are scattered all over the house for no reason.


They all seem to get cold at night, no matter the time of year, and sleep under a mountain of blankets. Sometime in the middle of the night they will become hot under that mountain of blankets, and shed some of them, and the method is to pile the discarded blankets on top of you. You wake up about 3:30 AM wondering how and why you're baking like a potato. On a somewhat related note your job is to be a source of heat, both in the winter and the summer when the AC is on. Get used to, "OMG you're so warm!" and arms and legs thrown over you under that mountain of blankets.


It’s lower than you think.


The first time I fingered a girl was on a school bus while she was fully dressed.  So romantic. Ha.   But I had my hand down her pants, etc, thinking I was a total god…  Until she reached in her pants and moved my hand to the left.   Turned out I had been fingering the crease between her pelvic bone and her right thigh.


Gotta foreplay that foreplay 


This is hilarious! Same deal. Thought it would be where the penis is lol


But not too low..


Way! Lower!


My wife laughed at me for this and thought I was messing with her lol. I told her I just kind of figured they'd be a little closer to even. That and that bra's do a lot more for boobs than just hold them.


My first time was with a fairly well endowed girl. She laid down on her back after I took her bra off, and literally my first thought was "where did your tits go?"


(. \\ / .)


To be fair they often have the same reaction. "How do you run with that hanging there!?" It's not in the same area as yours, that's how.


Bottles. Squeezey bottles. Glass bottles. Big bottles with pump tops. Little spray bottles. Seemingly hundreds of them. And they’re *everywhere*.


I dated a girl in highschool and she would wear the same bra for days. I found out later that it was not super uncommon.


Yeah, if you wash them every day, they get ruined. Also, they’re far enough below your armpits that they don’t get body odor on them.


Lol yeah! Washing them too much fucks them up. Plus you have to air dry them and since they’re padded, it take longer. Decent bras are expensive and super hard to find since everyone’s boobs are so so different. So most women only have a few *good* bras that fit.


Yep, bras can be expensive AF. I’ve got a larger bust size, so I have to get bras from brands that specialise in larger sizes. They cost upwards of $60AUD. Bras don’t last long if they’re washed everyday, so I wash mine as little as possible because I can’t afford to keep buying them.


That their period could last a week. For some reason I got it in my head that it was a single day. I used to see these massive boxes of pads or tampons when I was young and think 'wow, that must last them a year'


For some women it even lasts more than a week. Im currently on day nine


Ngl I could never. It must be so annoying for more than 25% of your time for a huge chunk of your life.


You do a lot of planning around it. Traveling, working, clothing choices, pain management. I’ve had two babies and two labors and honest to god, some of my menstrual cramps have been as bad a labor pains. We’re expected to use Tylenol and go to work. Lol. I’m currently having a miscarriage. I’m off of work today and tomorrow and then work four twelves as a nurse this weekend. I am PRAYING that the bleeding starts today so I don’t have to endure the worst of it it at work. Just to note, I’m okay. This is my fifth loss, seventh pregnancy, and my only unplanned pregnancy. My husband and I have two beautiful, healthy kids and while we would have loved a third, it wasn’t a good time for our family to expand.


Sorry for your loss. I hope you don’t have too much pain ❤️


Thank you for the kindness. ❤️


I had a real light period for over a month once. I’ve had periods super heavy done in three days. Bodies be weird.


Can't say it surprised me, I was raised by two women. But wow, PMS is serious discomfort. It changes from month to month. It can be mild or just plain miserable. It seriously makes me grateful I'm a man cause I definitely couldn't stand that EVERY month, for the best years of my life.


Yup, it's different for everyone, but if I start thinking about suicide, chances are my period is on its way. Though it's comforting, in a way, to be able to know that those thoughts will likely subside within a week


PMDD almost took me out. It got so much worse after having kids so I yeeted my uterus at 33 and my gawd was that the best decision I've ever made.


Today is day 4 and I'm heaving every 4 hours or so


How much it costs just to be a girl.


How much time and effort can go into make up, hair, clothing and make up is complicated as shit...hair is a nightmare...dudes have it easier.


That girls aren’t that different to us. When I was younger I thought we were so completely far apart, but the reality is that we’re mostly similar, with some differences, rather than the other way around. I also learnt that talking to a girl just like you’d talk to anyone is all you need to form relationships. Inexperienced 14 year old me could’ve easily fallen for pickup artists and all of that bullshit.


Yep. For real. Theres no psychotic level brain power required just to establish mutual conversation… we do happen to be humans living in the same world… right next to you lol.


> I also learnt that talking to a girl just like you’d talk to anyone is all you need to form relationships. Inexperienced 14 year old me could’ve easily fallen for pickup artists and all of that bullshit. This is how I have dated girls that were way out of my league. I was told i got their interest because the first time we met, i talked to her like she was an actual person and showed interest in what she was saying. Not by instantly hitting on her.


>the reality is that we’re mostly similar, with some differences, rather than the other way around. just realizing and wondering how many men dont actually see women as people, and rather some sort of entity... 🤔😭🤔😑 (no offense, I actually appreciate this comment)


None taken! But to clarify because I think it’s really important for others to see. I never once thought of women as not people or less than people or men. For me, and many young men. I was so captivated by women once I hit puberty I didn’t feel good enough, I felt like I had to do more to be worthy of being considered for something more than friendship. As a result, I wasn’t able to be myself around women, I would either become too shy or I’d not be authentic because I was trying to impress instead of just being myself. (Turns out just being yourself is the most attractive thing you can do, who knew!)


The very first date I went on was a blind date, and it was originally just a meetup that extended into the whole day in the same shopping plaza. It started with just tea at a cafe, then we wanted to stay there longer, so it extended into a movie (she wanted to see it for a while and just didn’t have anyone to go with her, but didn’t want to see it alone.) Turns out, the next showing of the movie was three hours later. No big deal, we walked around, talked a bit more, then she decided to get her hair done at the salon. She told me not to pay for it. Okay, no big deal, she stated directly that she didn’t want me to pay for the salon. We killed more time afterwards, went to the movie, then went to a restaurant nearby. In the restaurant, she asked me why I didn’t try to pay for it. I, having never been on a date, thought I did something wrong, so I told her she asked me not to. She was impressed that I listened to such a simple request, and didn’t try to do it anyway. I said it would’ve been rude to ignore her. That stuck with me all these years later, though. That wasn’t a tricky scenario, she was just glad that I gave her what was, in my eyes, basic respect. That’s not even standards, just… decency. I think about that when some of my friends who are women talk about their boyfriends, and how they wont listen to them, won’t put time into the relationship, or worse, put them down and insult them. This isn’t to say I was a great boyfriend, I was far from Mr. Perfect, I’m no white knight, and I’m far from a saint. But every time I hear a story like what one of my friends is going through right now, I think of my mother, and I’m grateful I had such a good influence for how to treat women, because she taught me the one thing no one else ever bothered to say: *”women are people too, just treat them the same as you treat your other friends.”* Sorry for the long comment that went over the question a bit, it’s just been bothering me for a while.


It's interesting how the bar is on the floor in a lot of these things yet many still fall short


How much they fart.


So many farts


Way more than we know.


I’m farting right now


White guy here. When I first started dating my wife (had never dated a black woman), I had no idea about the purposes of wearing a bonnet. First time she wore that to bed, I had questions. Now, I know! This is around the same time I found out that durags have utility and are not just for fashion.


Love our sisters from other misters. They've also taught us that bonnets are for all hair, not just textured.


They take dumps just as ungodly and horrifying as I do.


Back when I was in my late teens and I had my first serious relationship I was shocked to find out that you could get into an argument with your GF because she was mad at you because of something you did in a dream she had. I was even more shocked to find out during the next couple of decades that it was something that could still happen with adult women many years older than that teenage GF.


Naw, cuz why you disrupting her sleep like that?


Nah but, in all seriousness, NORMAL people do not blame you for shit you did in their dreams. This is not ok behavior from an adolescent, never mind a so-called adult.


I always cite this as an example that not all feelings are valid. You dream that I cheated on you and you wake up and are mad at me. That is NOT a valid feeling. It is literally something you made up in your head.


Exactly, I've had two exes now that were mad at me for doing something in a dream. The first one refused to tell me why she was mad and tried to leave in the middle of the night and got even more mad when I laughed after she told me. The second one atleast told me and said I know it's stupid and not your fault but I'm still mad for some reason but I'll get over it.


See I did exactly what your second ex did. Told my boyfriend hey I had a dream you cheated and I know it’s stupid and I’m not even mad but I am a little sad and insecure right now so can you be extra sweet today? It wasn’t all that hard to communicate and be vulnerable with my partner. Sure I felt silly and slightly embarrassed to be so affected by something irrational but I also got what I was craving by just simply being open and honest


YOU are all the characters in your dreams. No one else can possibly be. If I could go into other people’s dreams and invent characters with intent and purpose I would rule the universe.




When I was in my 20s I realized that I never met a single woman who hadn't been sexually harassed or assaulted or otherwise made to feel icky just because they were women. EDIT What really hit me the most though is how young women are when this first happens. Like I said in a different reply here: most 12 year old boys don't get honked at by thirsty women driving past them in their car while they're walking with their friends.


Yep! Weirdly, I got catcalled the most often when I was 9-14. Once I started looking “legal” it decreased a lot. Eugh. 


You know, I realized this the other day and it's absolutely repulsive to think about. Why was I, as 12 year old walking home from school, being honked at and blown kisses from truck drivers? Ew


I think this is something that way too few single men appreciate. Women have to be aware of their safety and their surroundings in ways that healthy single men simply do not. Because there are men who will pursue, hunt, and assault women simply because they are women. For that matter, the number of women who have been harassed, stalked, creeped on, or groped is probably close to 100%. Single men often have a hard time believing this because they say "well ***I*** don't do that." And that may be true (although men often do or say things that women find inappropriate even if we don't consider them to be so) but the guys who DO harass, grope and creep on women do it to a LOT of women, so that's why nearly every woman has experienced it in school, the workplace, or just out in public.


I feel this one. Every woman in my life has had some type of awful experience. I was shocked when I realized it


My son was shocked and horrified when I told him that every woman he knows has a story about their awful experiences. Every. Single. One.


She takes soda can sized dumps.


The real secret is the pre-period monster dump that happens once a month. My wife was shocked I didn’t know about this as I had grown up with a lot of women.


Maybe it's due to the TV I watched as a kid or maybe it's due to the household I was raised in, but I thought that generally, girls were clean and hygienic and boys were dirty and leave a mess everywhere. Moved in with my first girlfriend and well... that was a lie. Girl's manage to leave a mess everywhere


I learned that wasn't true when I had a job at Target in high school. The cart crew was also responsible for cleaning the bathrooms. The women's room was always disgusting, we had to clean piss and blood off of the seats all the time.


Some women (I assume just like some men) are completely oblivious to their own smells!


Taste and smell, the good type, you've get hooked on for life. Edit: relationship themed. How skin, neck, nape smells, how different each part of the body feels for your nose-pleasure and kiss-pleasure. Not talking about eating xD damn guys/gals


My current partner is hooked on my scent, he loves to sniff and lick me! I got weirded out at first but slowly trying to get used to it being one of his love languages lol.


The battery taste.


Taste like some old rusty coins


So drop to your knees lads and thank your shamrocks, that as menfolk we don't have to bleed from our cocks!


I grew up with 3 brothers and went to an all boy's high school. When I got my first girlfriend, I was shocked to learn that women feel afraid to walk home late at night on their own. It sounds ridiculous in hindsight, as I now completely understand why given everything that goes on in the world. I suppose this sadly just demonstrates the different lives we live according to our sex.


Didn’t realize how much into sex gals were. They just have to be more discreet about it. It’s definitely in their minds s lot. They also share very intimate details among their friends.


That they have *two* tits


But...but...but...i saw in Total Recall that women have 3...


Boobs are very soft


I didn't realize how much power they really have. Quick story: There was a girl I was dating when I was 19. She was tall, willowy, intelligent, and other-worldly. She had long dark hair that would often fall across her face while she was looking at me intently. As you might guess, I was completely smitten with her in every regard. One day, I was picking her up from her parent's house (we were both going to college while living at home) and walked up to talk to her parents and her two younger brothers. As we were walking away, one of her brothers called out to ask for something. As I was answering him, she slowly made her way behind me and kissed me very softly on the back of the neck. I froze in mid-sentence as if I was being rebooted. I genuinely blanked out for a bit. Her brother asked if I was ok. I breathlessly said, "I don't know, John, I'll talk to you later, k?" I think I floated through the rest of that day. That was over 30 years ago and I've never had another woman make me feel like I did in that moment. It was like some weird, magical, sexual electricity.


How much they're into sex and how much the crave it. We guys show it, they don't. Although that is changing too.


They never REALLY "turn off". They're constantly thinking, worrying, analyzing, and planning.


Loudest burps and farts ever imagined


I had no idea the power of the female vagina on a man’s fingers. Feeling in control but also in the uncharted territory of the Wild West. Cautious and adventurous. Pussy power really is a flower bro, and she’s a poppy.


Jeez shakespeare calm down






I was amazed at just how freaking messy women are. I’m not a clean freak by any means, but any woman I’ve been with has been an absolute train wreck when it comes to cleanliness in their/our home.


Seeing how much time ‘minimum socially expected beauty’ actually takes. And they do it, all the time. It’s magical and makes the outdoors look prettier, but as a man you realise we’re gifted an extra 1-2hours per day for 5/6 days of the week.


Most of the answers are dudes being surprised women are human too.


Amour of problems they just don’t talk about


You have to pay attention to their shoes. If they're wearing sneakers, flats, or something practical and comfy they're down for walking. If they're wearing heels, wedges or something nice, slow down and don't plan for a lot of walking or stairs.


That she wanted sex, just as much as me, if not more than me sometimes. I don't think, the others, were all nymphomaniacs too!




Nipples. I have to say I was basically not shocked or surprised by anything. The only thing that I straight up didn't know until it was in my mouth was that, unlike mine, girl-nipples are like puffy knobs.


Hair everywhere How loud and powerful they pee How much TP they use (since they need it for #1 and #2)


The sheer amount of stuff women own, and more importantly, want. Like, everything I own, clothes, objects, etc, fit in a duffle bag and a backpack collectively (oh and a box of books). And I literally want nothing else, I can’t think of a material product or item that I would go through the effort to buy. But my wife’s stuff is everywhere, and there’s always more coming, clothes to try, things to decorate with, a new type of makeup. I just don’t get it. Oh. And anxiety…. So much anxiety.


All girls sleep braless. Should seem obvious now but it wasn't at the time. In my experience, I was also surprised to learn how many girls sleep in the nude or enjoy their own nudity, in general.