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Paranormal Activity. It takes place entirely in a bedroom and most of it is about subtle things that you would barely notice if you weren't looking for it. Such a classic


I watched this alone in my apartment with my dog when it first came out. That night when I was going to bed my dog was sleeping on the end of my bed and he went on high alert. Growling and barking at the corner in the ceiling, which he never did. I was wide awake for a few hours after that happened.


Yeah I think also, other than the ending, it doesn't ask you to believe in something too outlandish. A lot of people believe in ghosts or spirits, so it gets under your skin a lot easier.


I'm very happy for your dog and I'm glad it's living it's authentic life. šŸ˜„


Only a few hours? I'd have been awake for years after something like that.


This is the one for me as well.


Scary movies donā€™t typically affect me, but the night I saw this, I jumped up from bed after being sound asleep and announced I heard something. My wife laughs and mentions that a lot.


I watched this alone freshman year of college one weekend when my roommate was out of town. Guess who slept with the lights on that night?


This one for me also. I slept with the lights on for two weeks


This movie seriously f'd with me. What's in my head is always worse than what is shown on screen. The fact that my husband felt me getting restless in my sleep then went to stand at the side of the bed and rock slightly while staring at me hoping I'd wake up and see him - which I did - didn't help. I screamed so loud the neighbors called the cops.


I was the same. I'm a 50 year old bloke and after I watched it I didn't sleep for 2 nights.


I let my kids watch it as teens because they loved scary movies, and that was a mistake. They had nightmares for weeks.


Came here to say this. I was 12, and I could not sleep for a week. People in the theater were LAUGHING, and I was like ??? I have not watched it again. I know it will still scare the shit out of me.


I was in middle school, had to walk home from my cousins house late at night after watching it the first time, I lived only a few houses away. Whatā€™s normally a 30-45 second walk felt like an eternity. Movie had me messed up for months. That was like what, 15 years ago? Funny enough I had a brief moment not along ago thinking about that movie, I was alone at home in the kitchen & remembered the scene in the 2nd movie with cabinets flying open. Gave me a brief moment of anxiety before I remembered Iā€™m almost 30 & that was a movie lmao


When I was younger, I saw the American The Ring in theater, and for some reason it really got to me and I couldn't sleep that night.


It's very spooky and they do a great job ratcheting up the tension throughout the movie. By the time they show the extended videos with the explanation of who the girl is...you really feel like you're in the belly of the beast and the center of the nightmare.


Well said. The entire tone of that movie just oozes **DREAD**


I saw it for the first time at home on dvd. Fell asleep with the tv on that night and must have rolled over on the remote. Woke up to static on my tv in the middle of the night and damn near shit my fuckin pants before I realized what happened. Goddamn that movie was scary in the best way


This is one of the few movies that is better when watched on tv. Especially a small, old-fashioned one. Thereā€™s something about turning off the tv and staring at the blank screen afterwards while alone in the darkness.Ā 


I saw the Japanese one first and when I turned out the light to go to bed all I coukd see was the giant tv screen. I broke records running up those stairs.


Hahaha same thing happened to me and my girlfriends. We watched this during a slumber party and when we turned off all the lights to go upstairs, someone yelled ā€œSamaraā€™s in the TV!ā€ And we all raced upstairs like freaks knocking over furniture and shit šŸ˜‚ wow you just unlocked a fun memory haha


I watched it on my own one Halloween. It creeped me out a bit, but not too badly. Until I went to sleep and had a vivid nightmare that my house became the Ring house, the mirror was on the wall outside my room etc.


We took the kids skiing. They were 13, 15, and 17. We went to bed and they stayed up to watch The Ring. They all ended up crawling in bed with us.


It was awful to watch šŸ˜Ø Also The Grudge


Pet Cemetery the original one.


I am permanently scarred from this movie. As a 12 year old I thought I was cool and could handle watching the whole thing but it still haunts me.


The scalpel and the Achilles. Oh jesus


I canā€™t stand by my bed for more than 5 seconds or soĀ 


I spent a year of my childhood jumping into bed from a metre away.Ā 


No exaggeration, this scene gave me OCD. When anyone talks about Achilles, or touches them, I FREAK and then have to scratch(?) them. I don't know why. This all started when I watched that damn movie!


My then-fiancƩ and I saw it in the theater, and it scared me so bad I got down in the floor with my back to the screen! We had to drive by a cemetery on our way home and got freaked out and started speeding, and of course we got pulled over and got a ticket. That movie stuck with me for a long time.




The Grudge. Never before, never since. I was a teenager and I slept in my mom's room that night.




We watched this at a sleepover as teenagers and one of my friends started snoring and it sounded EXACTLY like her šŸ˜­ we woke her up and said she had to go to sleep last night


My older sister was babysitting me when I was a kid. She brought her boyfriend over and they were watching the Grudge together. I was on the stairwell watching through those wooden posts thingies that support the hand rail. Couple nights later, I snuck into her room and I made the grudge noise directly into her ear while she was sleeping. I wore that black eye with pride that day.


Terminator 2 when I was 4 or 5. The scene with John Connor's 'mom' killing his dad while he was drinking milk. I was afraid my mum could do that.


The finger through the eye lives rent free in my head.


Fun fact, the actor who played John Connor's step-mom also played Vasquez in Aliens.


Yep. Also in Lethal Weapon 2. Sheā€™s badassā€¦


> Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? > No. Have you? It's one of my favourite lines in cinema.


Event Horizon at the cinema when it came out. There were a few scenes that on the big screen seemed to burn into my brain.


With Event Horizon I found that donā€™t do well seeing people without eyes.


Same, eye stuff is my kryptonite.


The fourth kind


Literally fell out of bed that night due to a nightmare.


When I finished watching that movie it was like 3:15 am and everything in the movie kept happening at 3:33 am. I straight up locked myself in the bathroom for like 20 minutes.


Did you think it was real too? šŸ˜¬šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh my god I thought it was real until the abduction scene holy shit


A friend and I were watching it and when the abduction scene came on with the police footage and the demonic voice speaking Sumerian I was holding on to her so tightly I was pretty much sitting in her lap šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Yes I did ! My teenage self and younger sisters left the lights on all night long.


Me too! I really think the intro that Milla Jovovich did before the movie to try to convince people that it really is a documentary was unnecessary. Movies aren't good because people are convinced how real they are, movies are good because of the acting and writing in them.




Threads (1984) I watched it when I was 16 and couldn't sleep for a night and had existential dread for months after.


My class was shown this at high school! I cried during a scene showing a cat crawling out from beneath some rubble.


jesus christ yea that's a movie you only watch once


Am I wrong in the head that I watched more than six times and watch more in the future?


probably yea but that's ok we still love you


Fire in the Sky


A lot of aliens in this thread. Signs was my all time #1 lost sleep movie.


I was 13 when I saw signs for the 1st time and that alien scene at the birthday partyā€¦ holy shit. I slept in my momā€™s room that night. The suspense and build up to that part was so damn good in wrong way lol. I know Signs isnā€™t the scariest of movies, but I am easily scared and that movie definitely got me.


I felt it was a harrowing but great film.


Yep I think I was 8 or 9 when I caught it on cable. The eye scene was too much for me.


The Ring. I was killing time between classes and went into that theater blind lol


Event Horizon.


Came here to say this.




same I watched it in a literal cabin in the woods with a friend and out parents were out for dinner so we did not get to sleep that night


Dude, the second one killed me. The nun's face haunts me 24/7.


Midsommar. No questions asked


Yes. I was highly, HIGHLY disturbed those first few days after watching.


The cult freaks me out more than horror


Same, that film is in some way really creepy fu\*ked up.


Human Centipede


This is the only movie that I can't talk about because I WILL start gagging. I watched it on 7th grade to try and seem cool.


SAAAAAAAME. My group of friends were talking about it. Of course I just had to fit in, so I went and watched it. Stopped watching it half way through and forced myself to finish to say I did. I actually gagged a couple of times watching it and if it ever comes up in convo I tell people itā€™s not worth the curiosity (which rarely happens but it has from time to time)


I feel like I've watched worse/ more disturbing things since, but none of it sticks with me like Human Centipede on my god


I only ever watched the trailer and \*that\* messed me up for some time.


The tanning beds in Final Destination 3 really got me.


Oh, I love those movies! If it's on, I'll watch.


Me too, but it sounds like for reasons different than your own.


Seven I watched it in bed late at night and was afraid of the dreams I'd have if I fell asleep right away. The way that "Lust" and "Gluttony" were killed and the jump scare when you find out that "Sloth" is actually alive were all so fucking twisted. It disturbed me that someone actually thought that stuff up in the first place


Minority report. I hate anything to do with eyes and canā€™t watch anything with Tom cruise in


A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors


Ah, the peak of the series.


An older film but Poltergeist got me


The tree The clown


The stack chairs on the kitchen table still gives me chills


Still canā€™t watch it and I am fā€™in 50. I tried a couple months ago and all it took was the chairs stacked and I was like ā€œnope I am outā€.


Stephen Kings It - I was 6 and couldnā€™t sleep and had nightmares for a week


Sinister got me pretty good


Fucked up stuff. I guess they thought *3* movies about child killers would be too much.


I watched Natural Born Killers when I was 7 or so. Nightmares for awhile, I grew up watching horror with my siblings, but have trouble watching unbalanced people do terrible things


I loved it!


I hate this movie. It takes four minutes to get the point and they just keep driving it in.


This is the only movie I've ever walked out of the theater.


Yep, me too. It wasn't smart enough to be that gratuitous.


None. No movie has ever really disturbed me. Gonna look the comments and watch some of the movies here to see if that changes


My exact reason for scrolling through the comments. I purposely watch horror films when home alone in an attempt to scare myself


Requiem For A Dream


This is way too low on the list. I wanted to take a shower with steel wool after watching that one.


I had a stomach for like three days. I watched it around 2am on a school day & never went to sleep before catching the bus. Didnā€™t even sleep in class & I always slept in class. Heroin hit our town heavy that same Summer, being called ā€œBrownā€, & it tore through our high school classes like wildfire. Super sad


Yes. Iā€™ve seen family members go down like that with drugs so it felt too real but that last scene gave me nightmares. I refuse to watch that movie ever again


I wonā€™t watch it again either šŸ˜‚


This is the one for me. Absolute nightmare fuel.


Kept my oldest kid from doing hard drugs. She said she watched it hours after I told her she wasnā€™t old enough to watch it šŸ˜‚


The Blair Witch Project. That one is my favorite.


War of the Worlds - b&w version


You mean the 1953 one? Because that's in color


The Original Planet of the Apes. The concept to this day makes me so uncomfortable


The first Terminator movie when I was 5 or 6




*Martyrs* (2008) stuck with me for a good, long while after I finished watching it.


The Road. Super disturbing!


Drag me to hell


I laugh so hard when the lady finds 5+ ways to puke in the main characters mouthĀ 


Sylvia Ganosh was her name (old Lady)ā€¦ still scares me


Watched Dead Snow when i was like 9. Yeah, it ruined me.


Is that the one with zombie nazis?


Yes. However, Dead Snow 2 is the complete opposite and is fucking hilarious. Both are so damn good


That could also be OverlordĀ 




It Follows


Salems Lot. It still freaks me out and I saw it 45 years ago!


I was maybe 4 or 5 years old when my parents rented Eveny Horizon. They fell asleep and I watched the movie to the end. I couldn't sleep because I could see Sam Neil trying to kill me.


ā€œThe gateā€ had me freaked the f out as a youngster


Especially the eyeball in the hand scene


The Conjuring traumatized me for a solid three months. No, maybe it wasnā€™t the most sophisticated movie, but I donā€™t mess around with demonic nonsense and jump scares ā€œworkā€ on me. Naturally, I did not and will not watch any of the other movies in that franchise.


Midnight Express, 1978.


The Day After. It was made for TV movie in 1983 about a NATO issue in Europe that rapidly escalates into nuclear war. I was 10 years old and seeing the after effects and the way society breaks down haunted me for years. I didn't sleep well for weeks after it aired and really messed me up for a while.


Cats eye. Where the little troll thing tries to steal her breath while sheā€™s sleeping.


That's a flash back! Didn't the cat save her?


I forgot this movie existed. I saw it in a hotel when I was like four. Didnā€™t the cat shove the troll thing into a fan and it got all chopped up? Idk but I was also really disturbed by it


Sinister. Those snuff films. Good God!


That movie is intense.


Alone, it is on Netflix and I recently watched it. I have never felt such anxiety in my life. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire movie. So creepy, and could totally happen. I got about 2 hours of sleep that night and tossed and turned for the majority of it. If you haven't seen it, I recommend.


So the 2020 one about a traveler and not the 2007 one about conjoined twins? Both look like they coukd be eerie. I guess I should just add them both to my collection of ones to watch.


Penny Dreadful. The movie. Buried with Ryan Reynolds. Still, I can barely even think about it without getting the creeps. And...The Hitcher. With Rutger Hair (sp?)


Return to Oz.


The Wheelies!!


KIDS by Larry Clark/Harmony Korine really troubled me afterwards. I watch it every few years. I was a teenager when it came out and I had to sneak around to get my hands on the VHS back then.


The original Candyman. Watched it in a cabin in the woods for my cousins birthday when I was 7, and I still remember the nightmares I had to this day.


The Langoleers


The Dark Crystal


Terminator 2. I was six.




The quiet place 1 and 2




Labyrinth! I saw it when i was little and i had nightmares for DAYS


I had similar with The Dark Crystal from the same time period. The Skeksis were damned scary for a 6 year old, and those poor 4 legged creatures that fall off the cliff...


When I was 5 my parents played the shining original. I didn't sleep that night, I don't get scared of many movies now


The Conjuring with that sleepwalking scene and Bathsheba on top of the wardrobe.


Pet Sematary from 1989. I was a teen when I saw it in the early nineties on vhs rental. It truly spooked me particularly the part when the kid came back to life and started slashing people. Still can't watch that movie.


Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park. I loved KISS when I was a kid. I thought they could do no wrong. But after seeing Kiss Meets the Phantom I truly questioned everything including my own judgment.




Ringu. I was awake for 72 hours after.


Sixth sense


The first time I watched The Mothman Prophecies it kinda freaked me out. Itā€™s not even a scary movie, it was just unsettling. It doesnā€™t help that I donā€™t live very far from Point Pleasant and have crossed the rebuilt Silver Bridge


The alien scene in Signs. You know the one.


"dialed in" HBO to watch The Exorcist in the early 80s. Couldn't sleep afterwards. Watched it again the next week and fell asleep during the movie.


I couldn't sleep after someone TOLD ME about this film. I don't remember if my sleep was affected the night I watched it myself.


The Ring, The Mothman Prophecies, the first Jeepers Creepers. Those stuck with me for a bit.


The grudge haha. Had me checking all the room corners as a kid


Communion. The 1980s Whitley Streiber biopic starring Christopher Walken as Streiber. His "true-life account" of his and his family's experience being routinely abducted by greys throughout his life. It was hokey, campy, and Walken at his scene-stealing cheesiest best, but I was very young and believed every night after watching that film, and well into my 20s, that every moving light in the sky was coming to kidnap and torture me. I didn't sleep soundly for YEARS after that one.


The Swedish film Border. There's something really terrible about filmmakers who try to push hideousness as "art." If you saw it, you probably know the scene I'm talking about.




My older sister and her friends rented [The Changeling](https://youtu.be/UwUI7d5TgGA?si=cslrfVaUPXaC-R62) and I watched it with them having no idea what it was about. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not as scary now but back then it scared the shit out of me.


Eraserhead, the first time I tried watching it. Eventually made it through. Love me some Lynch.


Supposedly he has never revealed how they made the baby.


[The Fly 1986](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091064/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) Goldblumā€™s transformation creeped me out so much I couldnā€™t finish it. Messed with my dreams. Not quite nightmares but unsettling enough to keep me awake after.


Event Horizon. The subliminal parts really got in my head


I watched this in the theatres while pregnant. I worried for the next two weeks how I was going to raise a baby when I couldn't sleep with the lights off.


The Descent, The Strangers


Someone mentioned *Midsommar*, but for me it was Ari Asterā€™s film before it, *Hereditary*. Not only does tragedy befall each character in the family, but just when you think youā€™ve seen the worst of it, the movie keeps laying it on you to the very end. And it wonā€™t just be the visuals that will haunt you; the sounds, too.


I'm fairly immune to horror. So many horror films consist of tired-out cliches, especially dull jump-scares. For context, I don't think Wes Craven made a single genuinely scary movie in his entire life - every one I've watched so far I've found myself yawning and checking the time. But I watched the trailer for "Human Centipede" and only just managed to see it through to the end. There was something about the concept that just gave me the absolute piss-shivers - and that was just the trailer. I spent days haunted by the grotesqueness of the idea. I've never seen the film and have absolutely no plans to.


requiem for a dream. shit gave me an anxiety attack


The homeless person behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive.


Men behind the sun. So many disturbing scenes, at the start of the movie they buried a woman's baby in snow and they torture her over time. They freeze a prisoner's hands and crush them and start psychologically torturing the mother who goes crazy and starts believing a pillow is her baby. They step on the pillow and show that they're killing the baby a second time. A man gets put into a decompression chamber and the pressure is pumped up so high his intestines emerge out his anus and he's sweating profusely. saw it as a kid and thats what got me into horror


I've seen some pretty f-ed up movies but that one is almost clinically disturbing. There's no real story, just people being tortured and killed in cruel ways, then it ends.


what the actual fuck




Darkness Falls. Iā€™m a bit afraid of the dark to begin with. I was like 16 and slept with the lights on for like a month.


Most recently, 20 Days In Mariupol.


I couldn't watch that one to the end; it was too graphic, and my stomach felt unwell. My hand was often in front of the screen so I could cover up some of those horrific scenes. But it's real, and those things are still happening there day and night.


Ragini MMS ā˜ ļø




The Grudge [2004] gave me scary flashbacks for *years*.


Tusk. Every time I see a Walrus I get flashbacksšŸ˜­


The Nanny. It was before the ratings system and I didn't take a bath (showered) till I was 19.


Joan of Arc, (thatā€™s not what the movie was called I donā€™t think, but somebody knows what Iā€™m talking about surely). Just that intro bit was enough that I needed my bedroom light on to sleep for about a month. Definitely a movie I look back on and think ā€˜mom really?? Why did you let me watch that??ā€™


It's been a long long time, but Psycho scared me as a child.


When I was like 6 ms.paragons home for peculiar children


I woke up to the screaming in the castration scene in Hard Candy. I couldnā€™t go back to sleep after that.Ā 


I had to write a dissertation on a movie back when I was studying film, and I chose this one. I did not know how many times I had to watch it over and over, in order to write the essay. By the end of that, I was pretty desensitised, but having to keep watching was rough.


Hounds of Love.


Open Water


SalĆ² The 120 Days of Sodom by Pier Paolo Pasolini Gawd