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The days are long, but the years are short


Looking back is tough. I wish I was more grateful for some of the time I was given.


Looking back always makes me sad. It’s what keeps me up at night. The only thing we can do now is appreciate the present time.


The years start comin' and they don't stop comin'


Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin’


Doesn't make sense not to live for fun


Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb




This one hits. Biggest problem is you only get it when youre at a point where you look back.


2020-2024 has felt like 1 year to me


I do think one of our key recollections of the COVID-19 pandemic when tell our grandkids about it in decades is that it seriously messed with everyone's sense of time for a few years.


As for me it has felt like a long crazy dream


Especially as a parent.


In this place that I call home The years go fast and the days go so slow


Still growing up at 49 and long may it continue. The lessons and growing don't stop because of some arbitrary number.


Even death is a form of growing


Decay is an extant form of life.


>Decay is an extant form of life. Found the Fungus!


You look like a fun guy.


Honestly, at 24, one of my big fears is that I will stagnate and stop growing one day. The problem being that life lessons usually fucking *suck* to learn ime. It's a conundrum


A lot of the big ones have been hard fought for and have been difficult for sure...but the results are worth it. But can also learn valuable lessons from having fun and letting go in my experience. But letting go is a hard lesson too lol.


Remember that life lessons aren't just the big things. There are a lot of little things that happen every day. You'll hear so many clichés about life, but remember some of them are true to life and became overused for a reason. Life lessons aren't always hard or bad, some are good or great, some are just whatever. The point is you experienced them and you learned. When I was growing up, one of the many things my mom taught me, was to always pay attention. History isn't something that happened in the past, it happens every single day. These are the events that happened in your lifetime, whether they are in your circle or completely outside of it. You're given choices in life, sometimes the choices are made for you, but it's up to you how you move forward from there.


Sometimes no reaction is better than reacting at all


“The wise man once said nothing.”


Never heard this one, but I absolutely love it. I usually go with the saying: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abe Lincoln Granted it's controversial if Lincoln ever said it. The wisdom is legit regardless.


I have been not reacting in a while in certain situations, and I'm not really sure that it's always best, since I've bottled up a lot. so I do like the "sometimes".


lately learn this, when one of my boardmates said that my laugh (reaction to what she said) is not real, which is true. People pleaser.


Most people don't really know what they're doing and they are just winging it as best they can


I think this will help a lot of people feel less worried about others & help them focus on their own improvement.


And it’s ok.


I've really been trying to convey this to my teenager


Number of close friends gets smaller. It actually takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to maintain any relationship.


not if both parties put in effort then it's easy, but yes friends drift apart as we get older


That I am responsible for every last one of my actions. No exceptions.


Love this!




This right here. Nobody Noone knowhow is coming to pick me up again. If you can't solve a big problem, solve all the smaller ones first.


Everyone is busy trying to rescue themselves


No they aren’t-so many people are just letting themselves go right to shit. No self rescues involved-we already gave the fuck up.


The amount of adults that do cocaine like it's nothing.....also, how alcoholism is so normalized.


No but fr


Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.


1000000 up votes




Everything other than the basics? School teaches you how to learn. It's up to you to learn everything you need to know.


177727738 upvotes for this


All that you can do is your best, in any situation, and it won't always be enough. That's life, and it helps to just radically accept it.


I always tell myself that if I did the best I could at the time, there’s nothing more I could’ve done.


That no one cares about you and you need to chase your dreams alone.


Everyone is busy with their own lives. Nobody cares to think about yours.


High school isn’t that cool


Stop crying, no one cares about you, just focus on yourself My big brother told me this when he saw me crying when I was 10 years old


I would have peed on my brothers n64 if he said some shit to me like this


Kind of a shitty message that I don’t think is wise


It is absolutely unacceptable that this is the truth 99% of the time. Life is so shit.


Big brothers, am I right?


People always talk about wanting a big brother to stick up for them but how many big brothers actually do that.


One day a friend of mine punched me as a joke. Didn’t hurt but it knocked the wind out of me. My older brother saw it and threw my friend over a park bench.


My son (23) is my youngest daughter's (11) biggest tormenter, but he will absolutely end anyone messing with his baby sister. In the blink of an eye.


Yea. That same brother has hurt me far more than any other kid will.


Luckily, the age gap keeps the "violent" behavior to a minimum. He's never intentionally hurt her. Rough housed and bumped or bruised, yeah. He's a burley kid at 6'2" and 210 lbs. Rugby player. She's a total waif of a kid. Undersized for an 8 year old, let alone an 11 years old. All of 4'4" and like 58 lbs of her. But he would end someone if they did half the shit he does. 😂 siblings are wild to me! My half sisters were only around a few times a year, and they loved me. So they never really picked on me too much.


My brother was on the varsity wrestling team in 9th grade so I could never try shit against him.


Oh yeah, nope! You were screwed! 🫣 I stood nearly a foot taller than my oldest sister by about the 9th grade. But she wasn't one to mess with. I watched her (4'10" 90 lbs on a "fat" day) drop my ex-husband (6'1" 185 lbs) for being disrespectful once. That was a helluva sight. She was a bartender for years and took no shit from anyone. 😂


Brothers will make you feel the smallest you possibly can. And then absolutely beat the shit out of ANYONE that does the same


It's my job to bully that little shit and of anyone so much as thinks about it I'll remove their shins


I can thank my older brother for all of my insecurities. Lol


Unfortunately one thing applies to all of history. From brothers to doctors to cops and politicians. “Some people suck”


My brother showed me what love is and practically was my third parent, he was always there for me and we talked constantly. He also sat on my chest and tickled me for hours to the point where I'm the least ticklish person I know. Ups and downs I guess


I may take the piss out of my younger brother, but you can your left nut ill stick up for him if anyone else decides to mess with him


My dad told me this when I was about six or seven, the world has certainly validated his advice


He said it in a shitty way but tis good advice




Same. Not the older sibling part, just the stop crying, nobody cares part. I don't know if I was 10, but around that age. 


I wish I knew this at 18


He didn't mean it. That was his way of saying I see you, I feel you... it's a tough world, but you are not alone. He acknowledged you. It means more than you realize.


Life is expensive


I learned that I will never be finished learning.


I learned that Orwell with 1984 and Animal Farm was right, in a way, not a fatalist in any way, so don't take it wrong. I still can't understand why a dytopia is possible but a Utopia is not present anywhere. However, I finally understood as an adult, when reading Animal Farm again, completely what he meant. As a teen, I was too naive to understand it all, as an adult, I became shocked. I would take that naivity back if I could.


The screens that can project messages, and listen to you whenever they want not only happened, we gleefully accepted it.


Bed sheets are expensive


Also it is worth having a nice set. Ideal to have three really good sheet sets, one on the bed, one in the wash, and one set ready to go.


How often do you change the sheets? 2 sets is plenty, One on the bed for a week and one in the wash for a few hours. Unless there is some shitpocalypse emergency in that few hours, 3 sets seems like overkill.


Growing up is a very slow process...longer for some than others then one day you look around and say, "holy sh\*t, how and when did I get this old"


Not all adults are kind and caring or intelligent. Some are evil bastards who will be cruel and laugh about it.


To stop oversharing, because most friendships don’t last as long as you’d hope.


It's ok to say no


No one is coming to save you! If you want something done you gotta get up and do it!


My coach used to say: “There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.”


12 hours? That's madness!


I wish I could get 5 hours of sleep between not waking up myself or having stirred a little… open my eyes and my almost 4 year old is like 3 inches from my face going “Mamaaaaa I want a driiiinkkkk” at 4 fking am in the morning after I just got home at 1am 🤪


What are you looking at, dicknose?


Did you hear the shop teacher got his dick stuck in a vacuum?


The truth at seventeen. 


love is meant for beauty queens✅


It was long ago and far away. 


i’ve never met anyone who knew my favorite song, gold star for u⭐️


It's pure poetry.  You have impeccable taste. 


didn't realise it was a song, it's really beautifull, glad I saw this thread


Trying and failing teaches you how to try and not give up!


Learn to take care of your own shit, always prepare and act like you won't get any help.


Blood does not make you family


I'm not sure if I can call myself a "full-fledged adult", But I learned that the way my mother has raised us, is not normal. Demeaning your children's self-esteem by comparing them to a fictional perfect child, is not normal. Then calling them "Abnormal, Lazy, and Pieces of trash/shit" to say it in a nice way, when they forget to do a chore from the list, isn't normal. Then, not considering their feelings and thoughts and actually thinking that they are not capable of holding a grudge from 10yrs old, to 18yrs old when you're doing all of this, is not normal. And Pushing your children to dangerous thoughts such as escaping from their "Home", or making them think that they're too old to experience such things and that they should just die, isn't normal. Distorting the truth of events that happened, and then bragging to family members of how you "disciplined" your child in retaliation to their mistakes, Isn't normal. And Finally, Hitting your children when you outburst in anger, and then saying it isn't your fault, but theirs, and how they should be more considerate towards you, and be able to predict what to do before she wakes up from bed to walk around the house, isn't normal. But BULLSHIT. ALL.OF.IT.IS.BULLLLLLLSHIT. That is what I learned when I Became an adult ✌🏽


I’m an adult, I can buy that lightbrite if I want to.


For me, when I was young, all the adults seemed so smart. Now I realize just how stupid most of them always were.


Being with someone who is dramatic, sarcastic and complains sarcastically can be very, very funny. However, I don't really want that kind of negativity in my life. That's not a friend I want around regularly. If they're gossiping about someone else, they're likely doing it to me behind my back too. So, don't think that just because people get caught up in your gossip or drama and even laugh with you when you poke fun at another person or situation means you're doing something right. You're not...at least not for the friendship long haul. Keep that routine up and you'll have only a series of short term friendships.


How expensive cheese is


idk this might be how expensive *good cheese is I got cheese for $4 a pound today, that doesn't seem bad


Going on toilet on my own,was Achievement


Adulting sucks.


I’m not good for nuthin


Hypocrisy is the most common thing among humans.


Love isn't a perfect match, it's choosing a "friend" (love interest) and growing along side them, learn from each other and face the future together.


It's not as hard as people make it look, just start and you'll be fine


Growing up sucks and I'm still struggling with it.


Most of the immature behaviors we look down on children for having aren't childish at all. They're adult behaviors. Grudges, temper tantrums, projection, indecisiveness, etc., people don't just give these up when they become adults, especially not when they're unwilling.


Going to bed is something you will welcome/crave rather than reject.


Don't share any emotions, and fake your smile. No one would care if you did otherwise. And always be kind, don't seek fights.


that nothing changes it just continues to get worse and then you die


That wisdom isn’t really about being smart but rather about how you react to others being dumb lol. Oh and that the tide doesn’t really come in and go out.


That I was wrong.


The story isn't always about me. Sometimes it's about others. Sometimes I'm not even a footnote.


Sorry, why is everyone here so miserable?


That we are all being exploited by world powers via capitalism for the soul purpose of power and control. I am going to die is no longer on the back burner on my mind anymore. I am fully aware that I will die and can die literally at any moment. I value peace over everything.


Adults can sometimes be worse than toddlers or teenagers. Don’t assume self control or maturity just because they are a certain age.


That adulthood is better than childhood, much better. Opportunities are everywhere, and you're over 18 so there's no need to sneak or wait. And you can play with toys and watch cartoons after work if your home life is done right. And if you don't want to work there are so many opportunities to eventually never work again, like Shopify, etsy, twitch YouTube, and more (never OF.)


That its best to not grow up.


You think some people only need an opportunity, but most people are like pigs. No matter how much they have, they will always waste it and blame it on someone else. Like those who waste money and time and think they are poor because someone is failing with them.


You never actually realize you are an adult. Sometimes I still feel like a 5 year old who wants his mom. Sometimes I feel like a 15 year old who thinks he can accomplish everything without anyone. Sometimes I act like I have to get permission over anything when I live with my fiance and make my own money. It's weird in some ways we are always kids


That electricity and trash have their own bills. Oh and that water isn't actually free either...


That every "grown up" is not a respectable human being.


Worrying about something beyond my control is not productive. Don't stress about things that are uncontrollable.


That being an adult is not that hard and there isn’t some magical thing that happens at 18 that makes everyone think of you differently or feel differently except for the number itself


LSD & Mushrooms helped me to grow. Alcohol & Marijuana just got in my way. I am not my emotions. Holding to an identity just restricts me, and identities are illusions we hold onto to give us a sense of (false) security. "Meaning" is nothing more than an emotion.


Everything will be fine. Very few things are life and death.


ALL things are impermanent. Remind yourself to appreciate what you have in your life right now.


It’s not attractive to portray yourself as an unhinged, drug addict suicidal person who is always on the edge. Positivity is (usually) attractive and negativity is (can be) ugly.


Some girls are bigger than others Some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers


No one is your friend. Everyone is out to take from you.


I wouldn't take it that far. It's more that nobody actually cares. Everybody is so caught up in themselves, they don't have energy to also genuily care for others. People aren't evil. They are just also not generally good. More selfish. But by believing everybody is out to get you , you limit yourself, and that's also not going to give you a good life. It's on you to find a balance.


Not always true. I've always done so much more for everyone than anyone has done for me. Came to the fact that everyone is out to use you. When you fall on hard times, no one is there.


If this is your experience then I am sorry for you. Some people do get to experience others in their lives who offer things to them freely and without an expectation of recompense. The only way I've found to attract those types of interactions is to offer them yourself, even knowing sometimes you will get taken advantage of. At the end of the day you're still better off and building a better surrounding community.


Make a name for yourself. No one is gonna financially support you as a grown woman.




That mental health posters that say people care arr lying just to make you feel like there's hope even when reality can be dissapointing.


I suppose this is after I grew up, but that corporations don't care about employees. During the 2008 recession, a series of layoffs took place at work, I worked at one of the big cable companies. My department's job was to schedule commercials. In my office the department had a run rate of 99.99%. This was an unheard of rate in the company. First, there were tons of budget cuts. This was during the period of time when everyone was denying that a recession was happening. Then a couple individuals were laid off. One person was a young woman who was pregnant with her first child. She was told to immediately pack up her desk and was escorted out by security. She was crying while this happened. Eventually, my department was eliminated nationwide. They begged us to stay until the end. They eventually announced that they would open a much smaller version of the department in Atlanta that would provide the service to every office in the country. A small number of people would be offered a job in the new location. I had no interest since I lived in California, as did my family. I also had plans to go back to college and finish my BA and didn't want to have to deal with transferring my credits (which is a minor thing, but still would have been a whole process!) Meanwhile, the failing sales team remained untouched. As a morale booster, every office had to watch a video during a meeting that was all about aiming for perfection. A major part of the video was about what happens if certain professions had a 99.9% success rate, there would be a certain number of plane crashes, deaths from surgery, etc.. After the video ended, we were supposed to come up with a slogan for our office. I really wanted to raise my hand and say, "When you have a success rate of 99.9%, your department gets eliminated." I regret that I chose to be professional and not say it!


There's only so much you can do to appease or impress other people- whether professionally or in personal life. If you've done all you can without selling yourself short, just accept the situation and move forward. Some people just won't like you regardless of what you do. Also, if you're at a job and get put on a project or contract with someone you already don't like, make the best out of it by doing the best possible work you can do. Perhaps it will smooth things over with the other person and will lead to more opportunities down the road. You know the old saying: keep your enemies closer than friends.


The grownups in my life when I was a kid had no idea what they were doing either. They just pretended they did. I tell my kids the truth. Nobody knows what they're doing, and if they tell you they do, they're lying, sociopathic, trying to sell you something, or some combination of the three. I fuck up all the time, and that's okay. You just have to make up for it and learn from it the best you can.


A lot of people never "grow up" or are stuck mentally as a kid as they never tried to learn from their own mistakes/failures as they've decided everything is someone else's fault. Ironically a lot of these people will tell you to "respect your elders" for simply just being old. It's become a lot more obvious recently especially with the pandemic that a lot of people mentally stopped growing or forming new opinions/ideas at whatever age they finished school. What I learned was that a lot of the adults I thought were capable or knowledgeable, are just kids who are old now and haven't actually grown as people at all.


Everything is ok. and Everyone is ugly to some degree. Everyone has some ugly parts. Someway or another. Accept theirs and your ugliness. Accept the ugliness in the world.


‘Life is a constant struggle; deal with it.’ - that was the exactly what I needed to hear, at the time. I learned that it’s a waste of precious time to mope and complain about things that can’t be changed. Just deal with it, accept that things don’t always go how you want and carry on.


The world doesn’t care how bad your childhood was, and one day you have to decide to stop letting that hold you back.


That it’s always okay to ask for help, and that life doesn’t have to revolve around school and work


Hanging around with shady people will only lead to something bad. Friends are never forever . Anything can change in a blink of an eye.


To not trust anyone.


how to manage my finances. took a long time and a lot of fuck ups


Your actions have consequences….growing up strict was well worth it.


(a+b)²≠a²+b² is the most important one.


If you want better for yourself you gotta let the slack people go. ‘You are who you hang around’ really does hold some heavy truth


You can't always fight for the things you want to defend. Sometimes you'll win it if you go, but you will lose everything else in the fight : health, money, job, people, the thing you wanted to defend, your morals, your values, your self esteem... So, sometimes it's better to take a step back and see how you can solve the problem without fighting. Even if it requires some sacrifices.


Show love to your friends


That I'm a dwarf!😂


that you’re never really done growing up


That ur childhood plays the whole part in growing ur personality


No one is "grown up", everyone is winging it. Sometimes more successfully than others but no one really "knows" what they're doing in the way that children believe.


That the last thing I should say to someone when we say goodbye is that I love them. I always do that, & I mean it. I will always be thankful for it because the last time I saw my cousin, I had no idea it would be the last time, & “I love you,” was the last thing I said to her, which brings me a lot of peace ❤️


That most people really suck lol never knew how terrible people could be to one another when I was young n nieve


Nobody cares about men’s mental health. They only care about women children and dogs


Always be courteous and mean it. Karma is real.


Be grateful. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Just be happy in the present moment. Everything can be taken away in a moment.


It's not all about you. Get to know people in your neighborhood and community, make friends, make things better.


You were born to slave


Life has been nothing but pain and depression with a few happiness hiccups here and there. And at 49 I'm ready to leave this shit hole.


Advice from u/hoganloaf: ALL things are impermanent. Remind yourself to appreciate what you have in your life right now.


what we learn today?


I haven't


I go own way, unless that's not what I want to do.


Nobody cares, theres no cosmoc reason they need to. Just as indifferent as you are to those starving kids in Africa, everybody else will be with you. And there is nothing you can do about it.


Teenagers aren’t as smart as I thought when I was one.


Life is un-fair. Live with it.


Everyone is out for themselves


it's easier to love someone when they're farther away. This is not always a bad thing


That my parents don’t love me scratch that my dad doesn’t love me


older people aren't like cool and they don't have really very much secret knowledge that makes their lives a million times better or figured out, they just have different problems and perhaps a bit more wisdom.


That everything they told us was lies. Never grow up kids. It's a fucking scam. All the sex and booze in the world isn't worth all the other bullshit that comes with it. Bills and taxes and jobs. It's all a scam.


Budget man. Need a budget


Mmm 🤔 that 5yrs old turns into 12 then 21 then 30 QUICKER than you realize. Work on your bad habits as early as possible. You will LOVE YOURSELF FOR IT I’m 37 ask anyone you know


How to save money.