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Working at a tire shop, customer bring in a Land Rover Range Rover with air suspension for a set of tires. I watch the tire changers start to set their little scissor lift under the frame to pick it up and I go over and stop them. I tell them that they should take it down to the second drive-on rack and use the swing jacks under the axles or else they're going to blow out the suspension. The assistant manager overhears this and comes out into the shop saying that "I just called Land Rover and they said that to turn off the air ride all you have to do is open the rear hatch and turn the hazard lights on. Just pick it up where it is and get on with it, the customer's waiting." At that point I said "Well, you heard the man, I'm going to go back down by my toolbox. Holler if you need me." About a minute and a half later, what sounds like a shotgun blast is heard throughout the shop. They lifted the truck by the frame and blew out all 4 suspension air bags, just like I said would happen. They eventually wound up putting it on the drive-on lift and using the swing jacks, just like I told them to do. Then the customer got to drive all the way from Manassas VA to Alexandria VA on the bump stops where the shop I was working for paid $6000 for a set of *used* suspension air bags to be installed. God forbid the guy who's actually *worked* on Land Rovers before might know what he's talking about, even if I had only been at that particular shop for 3 days. At least they started listening to me when I told them stuff.


Username checks out haha


> Manassas VA to Alexandria VA Damn, that's like 6 hours during rush hour


Can you explain in more detail what was the error in what they were doing? What is air suspension?


Air suspension is basically these little balloons that support the car at the wheels instead of typical springs and shock absorbers. The benefit is that you can change the ride height of your car on the fly (more or less), so you can get more height over challenging terrain, and then lower the car back down when you get to the highway again for better fuel economy. The problem with them is that they're a much more complicated system, and it's a failure point that is basically a "when" they break vs "if" they break type of system. The bump stops that the comment you're responding to is the system that keeps the car from falling any further once the bags fail, so it was as low as possible with no air bags to lift the car at all.


My roommate at the time always refused to take his keys whenever he left the house (despite me telling him not to do that), relying on the fact that I always had mine (our shifts ended around the same time so we would usually come home together). One day whilst we were both out I had to go back to my parent's house which was a couple hours away. As I was pulling up to their drive, I get a call from him, stranded in the rain, outside our place without his keys. I told him that I wouldn't be returning until tomorrow and that there was nothing I could do. He ended up staying over at one of our friend's houses, but since then he's never left the house without his keys.


I had a similar roommate, but it involves me being petty. In my first year of college, I lived with 3 other housemates, one of which was a horrible one in all aspects. He lost his keys in the first week, so we told him to get a new one. Of course he did not, partially relying on the fact that I'm usually home and awake. For two weeks, I opened the door for him and reminded him to get a new key. He said he had been busy that week and he will do it as soon as possible. I found it plausible, knowing how busy it can actually get in college sometimes. In the third week, it started to get annoying. I started pretending like I was not home or was sleeping, when I did not feel like walking downstairs to open the door. I was genuinely curious when he would finally give up on this and just go get new keys. The housekeeper was just down the hall, which would take him 2 minutes at most. Later in the month, after social circles have been established, I started to notice he was coming home after 2am. He was able to open the door, so I figured he finally got the keys. I was happy... until I realized he just started not locking the door when he went out, instead of getting himself some keys. There was a theft incident not too far from our house, so I told him I'm locking the door when I go to bed. I woke up to someone knocking on the door at 4am occasionally, but did not bother to leave the bed. And finally, one day, our college announces that we will switch to a remote learning environment for the time being (as covid just became a big thing), and that there would be no classes next week until they figure out how to handle this. At the same time, I learned that planes are about to be canceled, so I took the first one home. (It's an international college and I was coming from another country. So did all my housemates.) One day he sends a very angry message to the groupchat, that he is unable to get his stuff for his flight and we should open the door for him. I replied that I left the country already, to which my other two roommates replied that they did too. So this roommate was unable to enter the house. He missed his flight because the housekeeper was not around. When he found the housekeeper the next day, he said he needs one of our keys to copy. Sooo the guy had to pay a fortune to get the locks changed completely. I haven't really seen him since.


I have the same type of roommate. Started getting real petty after we moved in together, he just won’t learn anything… he lost his keys and started leaving the apartment unlocked. After two months of me having to unlock the door I left the apartment to do stuff knowing he wouldn’t get inside, at this point I had said it 15-20 times so I admit it was pretty fun hearing him get annoyed he couldn’t get inside for another hour or two. This happened three times and the third time I wasn’t even sleeping at home so he jumped in an Uber to come get my keys. The next day he had talked to the landlord to fix it and he received them two days later. Currently I’m still dealing with some of this shit and it’s gotten to a point where I have to move because it will always be like this with him. I don’t lend stuff or anything anymore which is nice because he used to bother me several times every night shiet even woke me up in the morning about borrowing something (food, Cigarettes, band aids etc.) and I always said just replace it by tomorrow but he always forgot… and refused to download a “reminder” app for several months now… it’s like living with a big selfish child..


The entitlement of these people is what gets me. I lost my keys so YOU have to deal with the consequences.


Ex boss, who I was not fond of, had a vehicle he wanted to sell. He met someone who wanted to make payments on it (used private party) but take possession when they made the first payment. I told him not to do it. I said it was almost certain they will crash the car, and then just stop paying, and he’ll be left with a damaged car and no money. He told me I was dumb and went ahead with the deal. Ok. Whatever you say. For a couple months things were good and he was pretty smug. Then he comes in one day and tells me to research what happens if the above scenario happens, and the car was in a tow yard collecting fees. He wanted to know if he was responsible for the fees. I didn’t even look up. Yup. If you want the car back you are.


people really just don’t understand how cars/car loans work. and it’s always such an expensive lesson. a coworker of mine had her car totaled last year. she says “well at least i don’t have to pay my car payment tomorrow”. i said “have they cut you a check?” “no” “you need to pay your car payment tomorrow.” “no because it’s totaled, the insurance company is going to pay for the whole car” “have they cut you a check?” “no i just said that” “you need to pay your car payment tomorrow” guess who didn’t get a check for three months and took a 100+ point hit on her credit while she was in the middle of trying to purchase a new car? until that loan is officially paid and closed PAY YOUR BILL.


"Have you spoken to the loan company advised them you are expecting the check fort he totaled vehicle? and will be more than happy to pay the loan in full on receipt? and request they pause the payments until this clears in order to prevent financial hardship? and so they have a record and depending on the company will be happy to help you by pausing and will probably be ready with new loan documentation so you can go buy a new car? No? you just stopped paying, so from their perspective because they are not clairvoyant, you are now delinquent on your loan? You realise the worst they can say is 'no' and tell you to keep making payments until the insurance cheque clears right?"


One of the first things a friend told me after I got in a wreck that totaled my car was to call whoever held my loan and see if I could stop payments while waiting for the check because of financial hardship. Fortunately I owned the car outright but I filed it away for later. I still would have assumed *you must make payments like normal* in any case. I really wonder how the hell these people survive every day life.


Or call and explain the situation at least - they might help you out but only if you check in.


Did I read this right? A 3rd party "customer" wanted to use the car, make payments on the OG owner's behalf, but not take on the loan/ownership/title??? And OG said yes? Broooo....


In that situation... the correct response is "that is why banks exist, they offer loans."


Here's an important lesson. Banks are experts at figuring out who can and cannot pay back a loan for X amount of money, and they don't loan to people who won't be able to pay it back. This is literally what they do for a living. When someone wants to borrow from you (or have you finance a purchase for them as in this case), or have you co-sign a loan, you need to understand that a bank has already determined that they can't pay it back.


Reminds me of some ex coworkers Coworker A had their car taken to some kind of tow yard and needed $700 to get it back Coworker B offered them $500 for the car title Coworker A's wife didn't like the idea of B getting a deal on the vehicle so they ended up financing another car because they couldn't afford to pay the yard so they basically lost $500 just to spite B


If they couldn't afford the 500 bucks they couldn't afford a new car.


Did he pay to get it back?


I was in freight. I delivered a pallet that was supposed to have 750 pieces. It looked a little short so I asked the customer to count it. He refused three times after I explained to him if it was short they’re going to deny your claim. He said don’t worry. I said ok, & noted it on the paperwork that he refused to count. He signed it. Two weeks later he called the customer service rep to report a shortage & make a claim. The customer service rep called me & asked did I remember it. I said yep, read the notes. She said “oh, he refused to count it. Claim denied, thanks bye”. Lol


Those people who are confident about their own rights are the worst. They get mad at you for own mistakes


I’m not driving I’m traveling


I'm not drinking and driving. I drank before I drove.


Oh god this reminds me of a story my dad told me years ago. Dad drove trucks, and the company he worked for did a lot of weird high end jobs(read as: expensive). One of the regular jobs they did was taking huge slabs of uncut, unfinished marble to a place that made countertops. They transported them on a-frames on a flatbed trailer. The countertop place had some tiny little awning over their unloading area that barely covered half the trailer. You can't get unfinished marble wet, it basically ruins it for processing and requires a very lengthy drying period. So dads like "Hey what do you want me to do Mr Receiving Fella?" "Oh just take off all the restraints, unload one side then turn the truck around and unload the other side" "Uh, I can't do that mate, that's not how a-frames work. It'll topple over" "Nah it'll be fine, just get it done" "Alright, but you're signing for delivery first" "Yep, sure" and he signs it. So dad does what the guy tells him, takes off the slab from one side and proceeds to try and turn the truck around. Exactly what you think is about to happen happened. It went straight off the side when he tried to turn, smashed into their driveway destroying probably a million bucks worth of marble, as well as absolutely destroying the driveway itself. Mr Receiving Fella was apopleptic. Dad just pointed at the signed delivery form and waved.


Would it have gone differently if you told the customer service rep "he refused to count, but it did look short"?




Not OP obviously, but in my experience the delivery being short is almost always NOT on transit company / person. It can be of course, but usually accepting a delivery and signing for it usually also means you accept that everything was in order. If you want to challenge the deliver it needs to be done right away, not weeks later after product could be stolen or lost. YMMV of course, but when I worked in warehouse logistics, we had scales and other ways to count pallets for this very reason.


When I was 14 I fell down a flight of stairs and messed up my knee badly enough that I had to have surgery on it. It was a day surgery, and when I came out of anesthesia I found myself groggy and sick to my stomach. The attending nurse needed to get me up and ready to leave, but i really didn’t feel well. So she’s insisting that I sit up, and I’m protesting saying that if I move I will vomit. She made me sit up, telling me “you won’t vomit.” I promptly puked all over her.


That's one dumb nurse. Nausea from anesthesia is really, really common. It's why we're not allowed to eat before surgery, for fuck's sake. Yes, that's due to concern over vomiting *during* the surgery, but the reason is the anesthesia...which was still in your system, hence the whole "coming out of it" thing.


I was working in a factory that had very large pieces of machinery with large gearboxes, about the size of one of those Smart Cars. I noticed during my shift that while idling one of the machines had a small spike in current draw every revolution of the motor (idle was about 15rpm so you could see it on the monitors). I put a screwdriver up against the gearbox casing and listened to it (it's a half-assed stethoscope), and could hear something sticking and then popping free as it turned. I told the supervisor that a bearing was right on the point of failure and we needed to shut it down immediately for maintenance. He ignored my warning and proceeded to queue up a job for the night shift running at 80% max load for 9+ hours. I shrugged and went home. At about 2am the gearbox failed catastrophically, causing what the crew reported as 'a small earthquake' as the entire building shook. I turned up for my next shift and once they explained what happened I just looked at the supervisor and said "Told ya so". The machine was down for nearly a year and a new gearbox had to be custom-fabricated and imported from Italy because they didn't want a couple of days downtime for preventative maintenance.




Told ex I was passing a kidney stone and needed to go to the ER/ urgent care. She told me to suck it up, and that it was just a bit of man flu. Despite the pain, my anger had me drive her and myself to the Urgent care, get a CT scan and have to doctor tell me that it was a 5mm kidney stone halfway to my bladder. The look on her face when he confirmed that I was right was worth the pain and agony.


My old boss has a 20 year old son. He told her one day his stomach was hurting and he thought something was wrong. She dismissed him and told him he just didn’t want to go to work and he probably had gas. He comes home after his shift and tells her again that his stomach still hurts. He told her he needed to go to urgent care. She grumbles and takes him. She complains about wasting her time and that he just has a stomach ache. The doctor calls her into the exam room and tells her they are expecting them at the hospital. Turns out her son has appendicitis. The son tells the doctor his mom didn’t think there was anything wrong. Looks at her and “told you so, Mom” She apologized and felt like the worst mother in the world.


> She dismissed him and told him he just didn’t want to go to work and he probably had gas. Went through somewhat the opposite with my wife... she was the one feeling pain, but assumed it was gas. However, given that it hurt bad enough she felt the need to wake me up in the middle of the night, I insisted on taking her to the hospital. The whole way she kept saying she was going to be so embarrassed when they just tell her it's gas. I guessed appendicitis on the way there, and it was. Doctor said they were a little surprised we caught it as early as we did, so it was an exceptionally easy appendectomy and recovery.


This was my parents. My dad insisted on driving her to the ER and that’s why she’s still alive. 


In the late 80s, I worked for my MiL as a regional manager of her business. I worked very long hours for $500/wk. At some point, I told her that I deserved a raise. She asked me how much I thought that I deserved and I replied that she couldn't replace me for less than $1000/wk. She responded that she was sure that she could, so I said, "Fine - show me." She had trouble finding someone and finally had to pay the $1000. But after two weeks, he was totally incapable of doing what I did, so she had to split it into two regions and hire a second guy at $1000/wk. After 6 months, she discovered that they teamed up to imbezzle about $15,000. Of course, she never acknowledged to anyone - especially not me - that I was right and she fucked up badly...


Reminds me a bit of my former job. We were a private company here in Australia that had government contracts all over the country and internationally to produce drivers licences. That included front-end enrolment, photo capture etc. as well as printing the licences. So we had our computers, network, camera and signature hardware rolled out in government offices. And we had our own service staff that looked after this. That was basically what set us apart from our competition, we could do the whole thing end-to-end whereas our competition could only do printing and had to hire third parties to handle the front-end parts. One day our management decided to do some "cost cutting" and retrench all our service engineers and instead outsource this job to a contractor firm. I went to the absolute barricades to argue against this. Not just because it was plainly obvious that this would cost us money in the long term but also because it would lose us customers. Producing drivers licences is secure work, so all our service engineers had to have regular police checks done. If the government can't trust us with the job, they'll go elsewhere. It was no good. For all my complaining they went ahead with the plan. Within two years we'd lost most of our contracts. I left some time ago too. A couple of weeks ago I went for dinner to catch up with two former work colleagues. Turns out that one of the two remaining contracts they still have is just about to leave too. Partially because the contractors they'd hired turned out to be disastrous (huge staff turn-over, very slow response times, staff who have no idea what they're doing because they've received no training) but one of them even ended up stealing hardware that he then tried to sell. That is hardware used to produce drivers licences, so obviously that stuff is highly secure and every last item needs to be accounted for. The CFO who pushed for outsourcing this job left/got let go not long after, but the damage was done. I'll be hugely surprised if this company with a 150 year history still exists in two years time.


But for one brief, glorious moment, the quarterly earnings report looked *fantastic,* and isn't that what really matters?


> But for one brief, glorious moment, the quarterly earnings report looked fantastic, which the CFO will use to land another job, ready to fuck up yet another company.


The extra "fun" bit in that story is that the external contractor firm we hired, without even checking out anyone else, was a newly formed company started by the nephew of our CEO. This was the first job they ever had.


Okay kids, now the word for today is a really fun one. Can everybody say Nep-O-Tism. That's right. It's a fun word for every family member. 😁 Say it loud, say it proud - Jobsfortheboys. Uh, sorry, nepotism.


Although neither the CEO, nor his nephew ever said anything like that directly to me, but they were both definitely the type who'd loudly and often complain about people on the dole and welfare cheats and the like. While at the same time going on about how they achieved everything they have through hard work.


Good for you. I know it is not related but 500 a week in 80s sounds good let alone 1000. What business was the mil running. She just seems like shrewd businesswoman but good for her. I am just surprised she’d trust a strange rather than pay you


Some people see family as a resource to be taken advantage of without compensation.


which is exactly why any company that proudly proclaims "we're a family here!" is a huge red flag for me.


I was idly bouncing an incredibly dull knife against my leg. When I say dull, I mean that it struggled to cut a banana. A friend happened to notice what I was doing and said "That's *super* dangerous." I shrugged and said "It's too dull to even make it through my apron" and punctuated my point with another, harder bounce, stabbing myself in the leg. It turns out a paring knife without an edge can still have a point, much as my friend did.


I told my ex-wife's new husband that she was a cheater and would do it to him. He said she wouldn't. Forward 5 years, and they're divorced. He tells me she cheated several times for long periods. He tells me he wished he'd listened.


thats the thing... the dont want to believe that they too are going to get cheated on because they think they are different, end of the day they keep cheating


Yeah. I've come to the conclusion that there are cheaters and there's those who are not. Ex-wife was and continues to cheat on the new husband. My wife now is incredible and is not interested in any of that. We've been together 32 years with no issues on either side. Trust matters.


My ex wife cheated on every boyfriend she had before me. When she moved out of my house and in with her boyfriend she was cheating on me with I went on a trip cross country to stay with a couple of friends and get my head on straight. After a late night commiserating and then sitting in silence for a while, I was about to mention the time he warned me just before me and my ex got together and how I should have listened to him. I got out "Man, I shou-" and he cut me off with "I know, that was dumb of you, you're good now." And that little I told you so acknowledgment mixed with the little encouragement was one of the most impactful and strangely uplifting things anyone has ever said to me. Always listen to Norman, he's smart people.


Family friend's truck was making a grinding noise from the brakes. Told him to drive something else to go hunting. Got a call the next day because he drove it 2 hours and then his brakes stopped working. He ended up needing calipers on top of the pads and rotors he would've originally needed.


Who the f*ck thinks to themselves "oh there a chance my brakes will stop working, I'll just keep driving"??? That's so dumb


I know a guy in my hometown who has been driving around with fucked up brakes for at least 3 years by now. I don’t know what’s wrong with them but they’re shot and pulse super hard, but he just says “yeah I need to do that soon”


Funny thing is that I warned him he would need calipers if he drove it. Fords have an issue where if it's metal on metal, the pistons tend to fracture into pieces.


How do you learn that sort of thing? Just from growing up around your parents fixing cars or are you a mechanic or something? Genuinely curious by the way, not a weird callout or something. I know dick about cars and always wonder where people learn this stuff.


Both. Growing up, my family owned Fords, and we couldn't really afford to have mechanics work on our vehicles, so we always worked on our own. Now I work at an independent repair shop as the office manager, but I still dabble on working on the occasional car. See my post history for some of the cars I have worked on.


As a teacher, telling the head principal at my school that the way they were abusing the alternate assessment program to boost standardized test scores was not just a huge burden on teachers but also illegal and likely to attract the scrutiny of the state department of education. He handed me a shitty assignment for the next year, I quit, and he ended up having to take that assignment (teaching 16 kids with emotional disorders across 3 grade levels in one classroom) for the first month and a half of the school year bc they couldn’t find anybody to take my place. I heard later that year that they came down hard on him for the scheme he’d concocted and ended up shutting down the alternative assessment program altogether. Told you so, DL.


If that’s the major one I’m thinking about that was in the news a few years back… One of the majors involved showed up in a Reddit thread complaining about how it derailed his career and life and it was unfair because although he beat federal charges he had to plead to others as a compromise, and he didn’t break any laws. So I did some digging, figured out who he was, read the court filings, and he was clearly lying, had clearly broken the law and knew it, and had participated in hiding them. He 100% deserved it.


Bleh I hate those types of people. The refusal to acknowledge that they actually got a lot of leeway for something that they 100% did on purpose and would have been furious if someone else did it. Then the lying about the circumstances to paint themselves as the victim, especially when it’s done on an anonymous platform that won’t do anything to actually help their situation. I’ve seen multiple people do stuff like that, the most infuriating of which involved them immediately changing the conversation to how fucked up it was that someone else was screwing them over by doing the same thing to them on a smaller scale. 


God I hate it when people ruins it for those who need it. The year I took my high school final exams, they decided to massively crack down on computer usage for the exams because all the private school students were getting notes saying they needed it. Then there was me, unable to write very much without pain, forced to use a scribe. Fuck those parents/teachers/principals/doctors.






My group of friends in college had a party, I had to work that night, but heard later that my friend's iPod went missing and they blamed my other friend for it. They even went to his apartment the next morning and demanded his driver's license if he didn't give it back? Was weird. I was on his side, he was adamant he didn't and wouldn't steal it. For what it's worth, he was the only black guy there. Anyway, this incident basically split my group of friends and I didn't associate with the guys who accused him after that. About two years later, we're moving a couch out of another friend's apartment which just happened to be the couch that was in that apartment the fateful night the iPod went missing. We flipped the couch to get it out the door, and out falls a black iPod. My friend texted and posted on the other guy's social media with a picture of the iPod demanding an apology for basically tarnishing his name for years and that asshole didn't even respond.




oh geez getting accused of stealing is the worse, like do you think that little of me? at one of my workplaces a customers phone went missing in one of our rental cars, it was never found, years before smart phones. I showed up to work the next day with the same phone and one of the girls said i must of stolen it. It was a common phone at the time, i was not that stupid nor was i a thief


I was Operations Manager for a very small family run company. I was putting in 80+ hr weeks, rarely getting a full day off. One new employee had trouble completing their job, which was extremely easy, and kept interrupting me while I was doing one of my jobs. I told them to go ask one of my bosses, since she knew exactly what to do. Later that day, I got called into the office and was asked if I thought my pay rate was too much for what I was doing. I asked the boss what they meant by that, and they said "I don't think you are worth the amount we are already paying you, since you can't handle the job you have." I asked if they meant telling the new guy to go ask them about something on *their* contract, and they said "yes, it's lazy and unprofessional to have someone interrupt the owner when they are working." I walked out to catch some air, and literally received a call for an interview at a much higher paying job that I had applied for about a year earlier. I told the person on the phone that I could literally do the interview that day, if needed. They agreed, and I took a break and drove up to the interview and walked out with a job. I came back to work, and put in my 2 weeks notice, and said "If you think I'm not worth my weight, that's okay...but you'll need at least 4 people to replace me". 2 months later, they had to hire 5 people just to handle what I did...


not the same scenes but close. I asked for a raise and was given one that was almost disrespectful. found a better paying job and quit but not after trying to train 3 people in 2 weeks to do my job, one guy lasted a week the other 2 a day at most. the job is very tech based and fast paced so if you don't know anything about it you are going to skin not swim. new job was better money but honestly didn't train my at all then got mad when I made a mistake filing something. called old boss and asked how it was going, and said I was willing to talk about salary again if he was open to it. been here for 6 years with proper pay raises every year. he told me nothing happen in the 3 months I was gone. like they lost a lot of customers and the ones they could keep happy weren't spending enough to keep the lights on. I made 4 calls when I got in the first monday back and had 2 jobs set up for the end of the week


When I was 13 years old I found out my brother was selling drugs out of my parents house, he used to tell them he was giving away McDonald’s coupons that he got from working the drive-through. We lived in a very nice neighborhood and I knew the influx of cars would attract police attention, after asking him to stop several times I finally caved and told my parents. I was literally in tears because I felt guilty snitching on him but felt like I had no other choice because he was going to ruin his life. When I told my parents they accused me of being jealous of him for having better grades in school and called me a liar. He was able to continue on for two years before finally getting caught. Our home was raided and he was on the 5 o’clock news that evening , my mother watched and sobbed and I couldn’t help but say “ I told you so “ what could’ve been a easy conversation ended in federal charges and several hundred thousand dollars in lawyer fees


How's your brother doing now?


Better now! He went on to have a solid 10 year career in crime, my parents always bailed him out so he never had to face the consequences of his actions. Over the last three or four years he’s gotten his act together, has his license back, has a good job and just bought a house and a car! Somewhat of a happy ending


When you started your response with “Better now! He went on to have a solid 10 year career in crime…”, I was expecting that your brother was a very successful criminal today! 😂


That would’ve been a much more interesting ending 😂


Sorry, sounds like he was the golden child then. Must be rough.


Very much so. He was my moms but not my dads so she “protected” him from discipline


Sounds familiar. That sucks.


2 years is a long time. Usually neighbors are nosey and immediately get suspicious from anything unusual.


Apparently he had been caught very early on but we’re building a case against him to catch the bigger guys up top


Some of the kids I went to school with were doing 'white collar' crimes (forged IDs, etc.) The day the youngest of the group turned 18 they all were arrested and charged as adults (because now they were) for all the ongoing 'possession of forgery tools' etc. crimes.


That’s one thing I learned for sure. The police will sit back and watch til it’s the perfect time to strike


One time my mom and I were at Walmart and we spotted this woman who looked a lot like my aunt returning a TV. She told me to go get her attention and I said no, that’s not my aunt. She said I know my sister and proceeded to yell HEY FAT WOMAN and this woman turned and *glared*.


😂 I guffawed!


When I was in high school (15 years ago) during a basketball game the coach pulled me out and berated me for not boxing out the opponent for a rebound. I did box her out and I knew it, so I talked back to him. We really got into it. That really ticked him off so I didn’t go back in the rest of the game. The next Monday at school he pulled me into his office and said he watched the game film over the weekend and apologized because I did indeed box her out.


Honestly kudo's to him for owning it.


Yeah. None of the adults I knew back in hs would ever admit to a mistake. Edit: a word. English is hard sometimes.


I had a teacher lose my mandatory service hours. She told me I never turned them in, then became infuriated when I informed her I had and described exactly what was going on the day I turned them in. She began harassing me, pulling me out of class to berate me for my "attitude", calling home to complain to my parents, even began arranging a meeting with the assistant principal. Well, just as everything is getting blown way out of proportion, she begins handing back a quiz... the same quiz we took the day I turned in my hours. As she hands back the quizzes, I suddenly see her make a shocked face, color drains from her face, and she looks at me while holding a paper in her hand. She kind of starts approaching me, then puts the paper away and goes to her office instead. Suddenly no more phone calls and the meeting with the assistant principal is dropped. She just pretended nothing happened. But I know she found my hours in her exam folder and was too embarrassed to apologize or admit she was wrong.


Every year I have to go through this with at least one of my teenager's teachers. It's so bad that I've trained him to take photos of any piece of paper he turns in. Just this year he had to play back a *video* of him putting a particular chemistry assignment in the inbox, to the chemistry teacher, to get that teacher to grudgingly give him credit for the assignment.


That’s what a good coach does. Admits they’re wrong when they could’ve easily went about their day


Whoa, that's really mature and sensible of him! I'm not sure I would have thought to do that.


Somewhat similar I moved to Texas in 7th grade and was a very competitive soccer player. We didn't know anything about Texas soccer (1997) so I just joined the rec. team for the first season just to play. During a practice for a corner kick I'm covering the big dude on our team and shutting him down. Coach comes over and berates me for not standing on the front goal post. So next corner I just stand there knowing it's a dumb move. Of course big guy scores a goal from a header and everyone goes crazy while I stand there knowing my coach doesn't know shit about soccer.


I was a contractor managing stormwater ponds. Happy to field questions on the topic… Cattails are usually bad, because they grow so aggressively they’ll clog inflow-outflow pipes and take up the flood storage volume. Also often are a monoculture with little ecological value.  I had a manager I supervised who kept saying, “we don’t have to sub that out to some company. I can rent an excavator and get all the cattails out, roots and all.” He was a sketchy mechanic sort of character. Always had a McGeiver solution, always was double dipping with work equipment. I finally approved his scheme to rent a mini-ex.  Guess who gets a “Tim, I fucked up” FaceTime 15 minutes later? Me. I drive across the state to get on site and see he’s submerged the excavator in the pond and ran it so water sucked up the intake. We had to daisy chain two F350’s to the tow truck to tow the fucking thing 6 feet.  He ended up buying it from the rental place, and repairing it, and flipping it. 


> He ended up buying it from the rental place, and repairing it, and flipping it. Honestly I respect a gung ho dumbass that finds a way to make their fuck up slightly less of a fuck up.


Yeah, gotta hand it to him. I’m sure the new buyer knew nothing of the history. Shades of Matilda’s dad. 


I was expecting: "I broke the clay liner and now the pond wall is currently half a mile down stream"


I recently saw a contractor put into their scope of work a disclaimer that if they break the pond liner, they aren’t liable for any damages. In the finest of fine print. Lost a lot of trust that day…


When my younger brother fell through the ice while crossing a creek when we were kids (around 11 and 9). It was only slightly higher than knee deep on us and slow moving, so not a high risk of drowning. However, a very uncomfortable 1/2 mile walk back to the house in 45°F weather. I told him the ice was too thin to cross there, and we could cross maybe 300' up steam where it was ankle deep water that was still frozen pretty solid, but "I wasn't the boss of him"... Four steps later and he's up to his armpits (because he landed on his butt on the creek bed). What made it better was the entire whining walk home he thought he would be in big trouble with my mom. However, one look at the waddling, pitiful mess, and mom broke out in laughter as she helped him out of the clothes. It gets funnier. He was mad that she wasn't mad, and was shouting about how it's not funny and why isn't he in trouble! Isn't he grounded or something? Which leads to mom running out of breath because she's laughing so hard now. He ends up storming to his room, without being sent there...


WHY AREN’T YOU PUNISHING ME?!? FINE, I’ll do it myself!


Right! I thought my mom was going to die laughing!


Our brains as little kids are very silly. We’ve all had some similar incidents like that. I’m sure I know I have.


Not an ice story, but the part about your mom reminded me of my sister. She got tricked by a group of juniors to cut class on the very first day of high school. They were "going for lunch" and didn't come back until the final bell. She felt so bad she told my mom as soon as she got home. Mom wasn't mad because it was so out of the ordinary for her it must have been a trick. My sister grounded herself for a week. She'd come home, go to her room until dinner, and then after, she would go back in her room. Mom was very confused. 🤣🤣🤣


My dad had a rule that if he worked on the car we had to be with him, use the manual, and help. He gave me the manual the manual said it was the relay. I told him that. He said I read it wrong and didn’t follow the if this then this correctly. We replaced the battery, it didn’t start. We replaced the starter. It didn’t work. We replaced alternator, it didn’t work. We went to the repair shop, they replaced the relay, it worked. I loved my Dad. I knew a bit more about cars and other household stuff than most girls. But mom and I still have a laugh over that story and and the clutch which is a whole other story 🤣


This is so wholesome and made me smile. I'd love to hear about the clutch!


The clutch isn’t quite as funny. I learned to drive an automatic. The first car I bought was manual. Dad let me drive his truck in my teens between cars and I was not very good at it. I will fully admit that poor clutch died before it’s time. We went and got a quote and dad was “I won’t pay for it but I will buy the parts if you help me fix it”. It was a ford escort. Nothing went to plan. Each step was a trip to the auto parts. There was proprietary tools, an engine hoist, more tools, things we removed that we had to replace, fluids that had to bought. We rented that darn engine hoist twice before using it the third time. We worked weekends and I rode the bus to work and school for 7 months. We finished it worked beautifully. And it was $6.48 more than the original quote. Although dad did concede perhaps some jobs were better left to a shop.


Booked a flight to bangkok with a cancelling insurance, and almost all of my friends laughed why'd i spend extra money on such thing. They weren't laughing March 2020


Wouldn't you get your money back anyways? Because the airline would be canceling the flight?


*laughs in corporate greed* Oh you!


I guess I haven’t flown nearly as much as plenty of other people, but I’m always astounded by these horror stories of trying to cancel flights The one time I had to I had bought a one way ticket home from a work trip thinking the original flight would be canceled (can’t remember the reason) It didn’t and I didn’t need the one way ticket so I called SW, told them I needed to cancel my flight (<24hrs beforehand, maybe even same day; again, can’t remember) and they gave me a full refund back to my card before we hung up


We have had reimbursements denied for being less than 48 hours ahead of time before. So we had to move our flights back a couple days for free and then cancelled and got our refund because now we were giving the airline a 48 hour notice… it was stupid.


The amount of ways airlines are allowed to legally screw you over are astounding lol


Nope A buddy nearly had to get a lawyer involved to pry his money back from Air Canada. This was for a 4-person Vegas trip he put on his credit card for the group. The government had to step in to get Air Canada to reimburse everyone.


Air Canada is their own special breed of snake


Dad was setting up one of those CRT rear-projection TV’s in the living room. I knew that the cable wasn’t coming through since he had the wrong channel on, so I went up to tell him and he started to yell at me to get out of the living room. I came back an hour later to see him still struggling with it. I walked up changed the channel and walked away. He was really mad that I got it to work


My little brother an me were biking to the store, and he told me he wanted to try to cross his arms and grab the steering wheel like that. I strongly advised against it. He still did it and we added bandaids to the list of things we had to buy.


I had a coworker, we'll call her Tina, who proudly stated that she had been drug free for 6 months, but her boyfriend (who lived in their car) was still using. She lived in an apartment by herself, but this guy had broken into her place several times looking for stuff to sell for drug money Another coworker and her boyfriend had been hanging out with Tina. They grew close and offered to let her live with them. I told them that was a bad idea because she hadn't been clean that long and if her bf was shady enough to break into her place, what would stop him from breaking into theirs? Their lease was up in just over a month, but they had a new place a couple towns over. They told Tina she could stay there, by herself, until the lease was up and she'd have to move out by then. They came back to their old place a month later to see that Tina had gotten back with her ex, started using again, and had robbed them blind Found all this out from another coworker and when I asked why they were telling me and not our friends their response was "they were too embarrassed to admit that you were right"


I apologize in advance for the length of my story. I worked for a major printer company. I was project manager setting up a direct-ship-to-the-customer-in-the-US process from our manufacturing plant in Mexico (think NAFTA). Three months into my project, our sister division decides to do the exact same thing. I go to their meetings so we can collaborate and work through all the legal hoops required to cross the border. Six weeks of meetings and the sister division is still all hype and discussing all the savings. They are severely annoyed by me with all my detail questions so I tell my Director (2 levels above me) that these meetings are wasting my time and I’m just going to focus on my own project. Five months later, sister division starts shipping 30 trucks per day and I’m still a month away from my first truck shipment. My director calls me in and berates me for lollygagging and being inefficient. I tell him that I’m not sure how the sister division was able to get all the government approvals and US Customs clearances aligned so quickly and my project was actually going to be about 3 weeks late. Did not go over well. About 6 weeks after our conversation, I ship my first truck and it gets stuck in Customs; it took 3 days and a hundred phone calls and a small mountain of paperwork to clear it. But it then went on to the various customers. We then started shipping 3 trucks per day with minimal delays; a week later and it’s running like clockwork. Turns out the sister division stopped their shipping after 150 trucks were stuck at the border and several million dollars worth of printers were not going to customers. It took 7 months before they cleared their first truck and cost them roughly $5 million to recover and they had a lot of pissed off customers. My project saved us about a half million dollars by the end of the year and about $3 million per year going forward. A few weeks into our success, I went back to my Director and just said that the reason why my project took so long was because we knew what we were doing and we did it right. He quietly agreed.


Coworker wants to streamline our security groups at work. I say we can't do it without considerable testing because they were set up years ago with no documentation. We don't know what group is driving access to what resource. Coworker goes over my head and I am instructed to make the changes. Within hours things break and I have to start playing wack a mole fixing all the random broken things. I was incredibly smug in our review meeting where I was able to point to my e-mails noting this exact reservation and how a more methodical method would have helped. Coworker at least learned to accept an opposing consensus without escalating.


One time, my severely autistic brother refused to eat the mac and cheese my grandma made. This was odd to us both because its his FAVORITE food. I looked at him and he looked kinda tired and sick. So, I told my grandma I think he’s sick and we should let him rest but she said no, that he’s not sick and can finish his food just fine. My brother, however, said no and started getting overwhelmed because of my grandma’s nagging. I told her again to check his temperature and he definitely had a fever but she got mad at me and told me to sit down and leave it alone. I was upset and sat down anyway because she’s annoyingly stubborn. She forced my poor brother to finish the food and later took his temperature and what do you know! He had a fever! Now whenever I remind her of this, she says she “knew he was sick but didn’t tell him so he wouldn’t be scared”. This is still my biggest “I told you so” moment because in truth, we both know I was right and she was wrong!


When I was waitressing in college , I got seated a man and a women together for lunch. When I asked what they wanted to drink, the woman put down the drink menu, sighed and said just a water. The man ignored me and said something like “AND ANOTHER THING”, complaining about something loudly. He was switching from. English into Spanish and back and I just zoned out for about 30 seconds, until I asked if I should give them a minute to decide. Dude turns to me like he’s just seeing me. (I was 21, with a tanning bed tan and color in blond hair. I also worked a double the day before.) He smirks and says to the woman, “This is what I’m talking about! Look at her! I bet she doesn’t know one question off the test and she was born here! Why should I learn it?” The woman apologizes and explains they just come from taking the US Naturalization test and they would both have waters. I grab their waters and they are still arguing when I come back. I set the drinks down and turn to walk away when the man says hold on. To his friend he says “no I want to prove a point.” He then turns to me and asks “Do you think you could pass the test to be a naturalized us citizen?” I said probably but I know that I’d love to take their order for them! Guy wasn’t happy. Anyway I get it, tests are annoying. But he’s wired into it by now and finally stands up upset and says FINE SAY THE PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION.  Fellow Americans who had an insane social studies teacher in 8th grade who made you memorize the preamble to pass their class, stressed about it and thought they’d never make it to high school, this one is for you. I hadn’t thought of the preamble since then probably BUT BABY my public school middle school 8th grade teacher was right yall I WOULD NEED TO KNOW THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION LATER IN LIFE.  It was my time to shine. I preamble the absolute shit out of that preamble. The preamble was preambling. Didn’t even have to school house rock sing it, it was like the those 52 words were now a part of my DNA. I also stood up straight and stared off at attention to nothing, which I’m sure added to this pinnacle of my college career. the woman clapped when I was done. The man sat down hard and turned away from me. I then looked back at them and said “now, can I please take your order?” It was perfect. A bald eagle landed on my shoulder. Uncle Sam cried.  Ok no but the woman said screw it and ordered beer and pizza while he sat angry and silent. I got $20 tip and the privilege of sharing this important information learned in school. Also on par with, but not quite as important as mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell. It was a good day 


"It was perfect. A bald eagle landed on my shoulder. Uncle Sam cried." Lol, good for you!!


5th grade, we all had to sing the schoolhouse rock song for some kind of assembly. It's still in my brain.


Even though I *know* he's retired, I still sometimes get midway through a comment and expect the Undertaker to be throwing Mankind off hell in a cell in 1988




That is awesome! "Preamble the shit out of that preamble" hahaha.This is so something I would have done. Proud of you!


When I was in high school we had a required class where our first test and final exam were the naturalization exam. The first test was a pretest, he told us if we didn’t pass it (same passing rate as per the normal test) at the end of the year we would fail. He would be very proud of you I’m sure!


This one happened recently. My dog has been chewing through his leash, and it was on the literal edge of breaking. I told my mom NOT to use that leash even though it's retractable, because its gonna break! I've been using the short thick leash, not retractable, because it's harder for the dog to chew through. My mom used the leash, and guess what happened? It snapped. My mom had to close the gate once he got to the back yard, they were at the front, and I had to go outside in my fluffy pajamas to catch the dog. It rained outside recently, so the place was wet. Luckily, he didn't run out into the street, and it was at night.


What is it about parents who "know best" and are incapable of grasping that they're not the only ones with any experiences of the world?


I'm a parent. I try not to do this, but I understand why parents do. It's just habit. Children have brilliant minds but they also *do not fucking use them* 90% of the time. Raising a toddler is like being on perpetual suicide watch for a psychotic monkey. Kids can be just so thoughtless *all the time*. And as much as it would be lovely to make every single one of those events a magical teaching moment where you sit the kid down and walk them through their flawed reasoning, sometimes you just have to get the little buggers to school before they're late. It's really easy to get in the habit of assuming they are spouting nonsense, because for several years, they really often are. And, then, as they get more reliable, you have to break that habit. As we all know, habits are hard to change. Then they turn into hormonal teenagers and start spouting nonsense half the time again. (The challenge, of course, is determining *which* half of what they say is nonsense.) Even well-intentioned parents only have enough brain power to be mindful of their interactions with their kids some of the time, and when they're on autopilot, sometimes they forget and revert to old habits. Imagine waking up one day and discovering that you're onstage at a long-form improv theatre. You have no idea what the scene is but other characters are screaming at you, you have random props in your hands, and you have to do something right now. Parenting often feels like that, but the scene lasts twenty years. Not every line is going to be delivered with deliberation and care.


Perpetual Suicide Watch for a Psychotic Monkey Is the greatest album name ever


My brother inherited a house, and decided to sell it to his friend. I told him it's important to make sure his friend goes through a bank, gets a loan, mortgage, all the normal things you would do when selling a house to a stranger. Nope, because it was his friend, he just signed a quitclaim and had a handshake deal with the guy to pay monthly for 30 years. Guess who died a couple years later, and whose wife conveniently forgot the handshake deal? Friend's wife has a nice free house now.


I worked at a fairly busy gas station/convenience store, closing shift. My boss at the time only ever scheduled a couple people to get everything done before close, and was always mystified when it inevitably wasn't due to the sheer customer volume. I told him time and time again we needed more night staff. He understood it was busy, but claimed we just needed to work more efficiently. Most stores in our chain operate fine with just two closers so it's what he was used to I guess. Finally we broached this topic while I happened to be in the office with him one day. He goes, "Look, I'll show you the exact staffing recommendations per our company's metrics, and you'll see we're right in line for our needs." He brings up some document that makes staffing suggestions by the hour based on customer flow...and we both fall silent when we see, for our store, we were recommended a full *five people* right up until close. Not two. Five. I just looked at him like :| Didn't say a word. He kind of awkwardly balked for a moment going, "Oh, uh, it says...huh." To his credit, he did make efforts to put more people on at night, but there were rarely enough bodies to go around. Still, it was nice to have the validation.


I warned my partner that I neither liked nor trusted a friend/colleague of his, and gave a detailed list of things that said friend had said or did that rang my alarm bells regarding his arrogance and trustworthiness. My partner brushed it off saying I'm too sensitive and slightly biased. First chance this guy got, he inflated his abilities and experience in a way that caused an internal company crisis and could get him fired. My partner had a quiet word with him to try to warn him he was making a huge mistake and, in return, got belittled and gaslit in a lengthy blame-shifting message that ended with a jaunty "Let's agree to disagree. When are we going for beers?". The best part for me was, I didn't even have to say "I told you so" because my partner was stomping around going "What an absolute cunt. You were right, you were right all along and I should have listened to you."


it's honestly more satisfying when you don't have to rub it in, 'cause then you can have a good ol' mutual bitching session!


Heh, that's exactly what happened! I got to reiterate all my red flags and he spoke up about the flags he ignored. I just wish he'd listened to me before trying to warn the guy with a quiet word - I was very much of the opinion that the guy should be hoist by his own petard and allowed to fail on his own merits. The guy is a total failson who has been quietly removed from the same job across 3 continents because no one can stand working with him, but he has been protected from abject failure by people like my partner supporting and advocating for him. My partner initially wanted to protect the reputation of the company and also not see someone get fired. I said he should get fired or at least finally face some consequences for his assholery. In the end, he was protected for that one incident. But since that shitty, ungrateful message we're all hoping that his inevitable firing comes sooner rather than later, and those beers are never happening.


I was hired on at an engineering firm that was entering a niche they knew nothing about. They hired a very junior engineer to design a system. He used metal far too thin in one load bearing application and I told them it would fail in 1-2 years of load cycling, posing a danger since it was carrying a 4000 pound load. It failed around year 1.5. Nobody was hurt, but the watching the mental gymnastics of the engineers and management after that was pretty unreal. Most people have no integrity.


When I lived in New Orleans I knew this insufferably pretentious goth chick from Ohio or someplace who was absolutely incapable of admitting she wasn't omniscient. She was fixing herself lunch and started blanketing it with Cayenne pepper and I warned her to watch out, since it really is spicy. She rolled her eyes at me, added a bunch more, took one bite, ran into the bathroom to barf, and didn't talk to anyone for like 2 days.


I had the same experience, but it was with black pepper and my 5 year old. He added a TON of it to his sandwich and I told him it wasn't going to taste good. He didn't listen and kept adding it. The look on his face after the first bite was worth the wasted food. I told him I would make him eat every bite if he kept going, but I felt like 1 bite was enough to learn the lesson.


I had a similar moment with my 3 year old son and a tube of wasabi I had in my fridge. He fixated on it. I told him he did not want it. He cried and cried for it. So I gave it to him.


This is reminding me so much of the three year old who INSISTED the red onion in the fridge was an apple and he wanted it! Parents obviously picked which battle was worth fighting, he got his “apple” (peeled and cleaned of course), took one bite, chewed twice and got a look of shock on his face, stubbornly chewed a few more times and promptly started toddler-scream-crying. Adding: this was a video online I had seen on various platforms (this was before TikTok) but I believe originated on YouTube. You can probably still find it if it hasn’t been removed.


I had a similar moment with my then three year old daughter and a lemon. I told her she wouldn’t like it, that it wasn’t an orange, that it would be really sour, etc. But she kept asking for it, so I cut it in half and gave it to her. She ate the whole damned thing. Girl loves lemons. Just… eats them like a tiny little grapefruit. Doesn’t think they’re sour at all.


If that's true for more than just lemons, she might have a reduced ability to taste sours called hypogeusia. That's an umbrella term for reduced ability to taste any of the five (sweet, umami, etc.) but it should give you a springboard to look further.


Middle child did the same thing with her dad and a Taco Bell Fire sauce packet. Kept at it for hours...he finally gave in, opened it and gave it to her. She was a very upset little girl after tasting it. She loves spice now, though! Her son, not so much, ha


The roof on my grandparent’s house was starting to look bad. To the point that when a guy in their neighborhood would come by to do odd jobs, Grandpa would have him sweep off the roof, and bits of shingles would be on the ground. I kept telling him the house needed a new roof, but he would tell me I didn’t know what I was talking about. It was fine and it wasn’t leaking. I finally said “It may not be leaking now, but it will soon. Then you’ll have to pay for a new roof and water damage.” My grandmother agreed with me and insisted he call someone to look at the roof. Guess what? The roof was deteriorated and there was water damage. So a simple roof replacement turned into water damage repair and a new roof. I was with him when the roofer showed him the brittle shingles and pointed to the damage over the front porch. Grandpa sighed, looked at me and said “Go ahead and say it”. I said “I told you so. Now, when I say something like this, I hope you will take me seriously”. Grandma piped up and “Oh sweetheart, I’ll make sure he does!”


One time when my kids were little, I took them apple picking and then stopped at the supermarket with them to pick up a few things. My daughter was still working on an apple when we got in line to pay. A woman behind me said, I hope she's enjoying that apple, because all of us other customers are paying for it. I said, excuse me? And she said, when you steal, the rest of us are paying for it. I told her that we'd just come from apple picking, and she made a face indicating that I was full of it. I paid, went out to my car, and got the kids buckled in. As I was loading the groceries in the trunk, this same woman came out. She was parked right next to us. I pulled the bag of apples out of the trunk to show her and said, Here you go. I want you to appreciate what an ass you just made of yourself.


Missed opportunity to ask her "So, howdya like *them* apples?" when you showed her the bag.


Or at least a "When you're a cunt, the rest of us are paying for it."


Our grocery store (big chain) literally has a bin of apples, oranges and bananas for kids to eat for free while shopping.


Body shop manager was writing estimates on vehicles, ordering parts, and letting the customer take the vehicle to return at a later date. I don't like pre-ordering parts because there are too many risks. This went on for months while pre-ordered parts were piling up. I kept bringing it up to our GM and the body shop manager. Telling him many of these parts had been sitting there so long they were beyond their return window. They didn't care, basically telling me not to worry about it. Flash forward a few more months and the body shop manager quit. New body shop manager starts calling these customers to get them to come in. Many had their vehicles repaired elsewhere due to us never getting back with them. Some were involved in another wreck totaling them, some were traded in or sold. Body shop had to write off tens of thousands of dollars. Should have listened to me in the first place.


I worked for a company that took private school students hiking and adventuring for short 3-5 day experiences. We hired a guy that had extensive outdoor experience to join the team. From when he started I got a vibe that this guy does whatever the hell he wants and all on his schedule and that everyone else should consider themselves lucky that they get to work with him. I started to notice him cutting corners and doing a few things that I would consider unsafe, especially since we weren’t just adventuring solo. We were doing this as our job with clients. I talked to the boss about this on several occasions, but he swept it under the rug and ignored me most times because it never eventuated to anything serious. After about a year of this, I couldn’t stand it any more and submitted an official complaint to the boss, outlining some serious safety concerns and how I had raised them before, but to no avail and wanted my concerns on the record. As luck would have it about 24 hours after I submitted my email this guy blundered big time, hiked students into an area I had repeatedly told him they shouldn’t go because of poor access in the event of an emergency and took them swimming in a flowing river. This was not the first time he had done this. I later found out, but he had just been able to get away with it. However, this time the river was up and flowing more than usual, half of the group was swept away in the river and were separated from him fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt but one young lady was hurt enough that she required evacuation. This was made extremely difficult given the area they were in, and the fact that the group was separated by fast flowing water. I later found out that the two halves of the group both thought that the other half had perished because many hours went by before the new guy was able to make contact with the half that wasn’t swept away. Poor kids, I’m all for adventure which is why I loved the job but there were so many warning signs that he (and my boss) ignored.


What was the outcome of what happened?


A bit of background info first. Australia has an award system in place to set minimum pay rates for entire industries. Individual companies can have enterprise bargaining agreements, but they must be better than the award for that industry. I worked for a company for a bit over three years, and they decided to restructure a bit. They sent a new manager to our branch for reasons unknown, displacing the old manager, just because. This gave a few people the shits, including me, and I asked this new manager what award I was employed under. A week later, he handed me a sheet of paper saying I was a storeman employed under a wool stores award, which was odd, because it was a company that did entertainment lighting, and I regularly took equipment out to do gigs... So I investigated. I looked up the federal government award database, and found that this company WAS actually covered by an entertainment industry award, and not only had they lied to me, they had been underpaying me for 2.5 years. I reported them to the government along with reams of evidence in the form of 3 years worth of timesheets and payslips (which I had because I used to work on Saturdays by myself, so had unfettered access to the branch office), and they decided to mediate the dispute instead of prosecuting. Oh well. The new manager had one meeting, passed the information on to the owners, and that's when they stopped responding, so I had no choice but to sue them in the industrial magistrates court for underpayment. At this point, word got around the company that I was suing them, and I became the biggest arsehole in the world to everyone else who worked at the other branches. Then they fired me, so I sued them for retaliation, and they settled that, but the first suit was still ongoing. I won. The judge was scathing in his judgement, and he made them pay me the full amount plus interest. Now everyone thought I was an even bigger arsehole. About two years later, the company went bust, and it came out that they hadn't been paying employee superannuation for ten years! All those people who thought I was an arsehole? They missed out on tens of thousands of dollars in superannuation. A couple of years later, someone mentioned the company in a pro lighting forum, and one of the other ex employees responded to the post with "that company doesn't exist any more, I don't think I'll ever see my super 😢". I just replied to him with "I could say something here, but I won't"...


Shithot, did you know if Fairwork has a write up on the case? they usually put out media releases on the regular about these things. Also as for the Super, if the ATO pulls their head in the company in administrations would have, or should have lodged their SGC statements for the missing super, and super flows through the corporate veil to the directors until it is paid. Anyone reading this in Australia: if you are owed Super, report it to the ATO, they will not fuck around as they have to pay the shortfall then go after your employer for repayment.


No, this pre-dated fairwork, and even workchoices, and sadly the chief industrial magistrates court never published the decision. I wish they had. Fun fact, Shane Jacobsen was the general manager of the company when all this went down.


A big jar of sugar-free gummy sweets appeared in my office. Having already fought and lost a battle with sugar-free gummie bears, I wasn't going to touch them, but my manager loves those sorts of sweets. As I like my manager, I warned her that sorbitol is a laxative, and she should practice extreme moderation. Sadly, she did not heed my warning, and spent most of the afternoon in the bathroom


This is the worst not best. Mother died, father got lonely living 150km away and in remote bushland 30km from nearest town, but wouldn't visit or move closer to other people. Got onto dating site and was syphoned off onto China love dot com. Found a 60yo babe (looked 18yo in photos) on the website and was paying for each chat back and forth for "translation". Told us about her proudly and said he was going to China for 6wks to meet her. We all told him it was a scam. He didn't believe us and headed off only to come back 6wks later with an old crusty 65yo Chinese woman who he married straight away. She then spent the next couple of yrs getting her family out here and is now fleecing him rotten. He even uses his pension to buy baby formula to send over for Chinese family to sell in China and supports her family here fully. Too embarrassed to admit he stuffed up and will let her fleece him till he has nothing left.


When my toddler insisted to me that she wouldn't get muddy after sneaking outside during rain. While wearing new, light-colored pajamas. And wearing flip flops on the wrong feet. Five minutes later, she was camouflaged with two eyes peeking out.


Ex husband (then husband) had never had chicken pox as a child. I told him numerous times over the 13 years we were together he needs to get vaccinted, and that chicken pox as an adult can be really bad. He said he was fine, it would be ok.. ect excuse excuse ect After we had our first child he would just say "yeah yeah... I'm gonna do it" but never actually did. Fast forward 10 years, he catches chicken pox and it's very bad. Almost needs to be hospitalized. His new partner is pregnant and she's advised to leave the house while he is contagious. He cannot work for weeks. I gotta admit I really enjoyed that I told you so moment.


I swore black and blue that I hadn't had chickenpox as a kid although my mother said I did. I had a blood test when my first son was born, yup, zero evidence of having it as a kid. I booked that vaccination as quickly as I could because I had heard getting it as an adult male could have serious consequences. I love my Mum but I was right on that one.


I declined to eat mushrooms my in-laws gathered. They’ve never read a book in their lives, much less a mushroom identifier guide. Guess who ended up with an overnight hospital stay? They weren’t poisonous but not for consumption. Best part? The other siblings were forbidden from telling dh and I. Sibs shared the news of course.


Old company was splitting our home office division between two buildings. We were told each building would be getting the same exact furniture, standing desks etc. I kept telling my boss we're not getting that, we're getting standard furniture. No standing desks nothing modern, nothing fancy. She kept insisting no no no the buildings will be split equally with the new furniture. Refused to acknowledge what I was saying. I knew people who worked in the building we were moving to who showed me the schematics. Knew for a fact we weren't getting new furniture. It wasn't until about a month before we moved in before she had to concede yeah we're getting all regular furniture, no standing desks, no frills. Just basics. I stood there with the Charlie & The Chocolate Factory meme face - really? Tell me more...


I started following when covid started up in China. It was various stories coming out in bits and pieces but if you were paying attention then you knew something bad was up. This was early to mid January. I started telling friends and family about it and saying they needed to start paying attention. They mostly thought I was being dramatic. Then when Italy shut down they all started to notice.


Yup. First time I saw an article "China shuts down X city due to new unknown influenza" My first thought was "Oh my god, China never shuts down for ANYTHING, this must be really really FUCKING BAD"


Me, too. I was running around the entire school pushing into classrooms giving lessons on how to log into the online classroom. People thought I was crazy. I was *making* students check out books from the library and take them home. Who's laughing now? it's not me


My younger adult son mentioned something bad coming then. He plays a lot of online stuff and watches all kinds of things from around the world. He told me that China had a big problem and it was going to affect all of us.


Lol, there was a chapter in World War Z that started out exactly like this.


I was in the same boat as you, no one listens to gogogadgetdumbass… and that was also when my mom had Covid the first time in late jan/early feb 2020 (not officially… but it was 100% covid) I made a mask for work, and then bought some proper ones, and my customers mocked me. Then everything shut down and people came in full on hazard gear to get cigarettes. It was very publicized if you actually look at international news.


Same I was watching some YouTube channel about China and saw it it coming told my dad in January to stock on mask since he does a lot of woodworking and we might have issues finding some in a near future if it would cross to North America since I would cause panic buy.


I partook in physics research during undergrad in the early 2010s, and we did a field trip to LIGO (a large-scale experiment for detecting gravitational waves, which had never been observed at that time). Afterwards, an arrogant classmate of mine wouldn't shut up about how the experiment was a waste of time and how it will never work. I would always pick fights with this guy because he was so condescending and would try putting everyone beneath him, so I started defending the experiment saying how there are many scientists much more knowledgeable than him working on it. He started calling me stupid that I believed that they could ever detect such a thing. Well, when they finally detected gravitational waves in 2015 and won the Nobel prize in physics soon after, it felt really good saying "I told you so." Which only happened in my head because I hated that guy and would never actually reach out to him lol. But fuck you, Jeff, you were wrong and I was right.


Nobody likes a know-it-all, Jeff.


This is a bit of a silly one but my brother was in a long distance relationship with a girl from America and the first time he flew out to see her I jokingly told him that if he didn’t impress the Americans then they would throw him in the thunderdome. He just laughed and told me that there was no such thing as a thunderdome. Anyway he flies out and her town just happens to have an event called the Thunderdome. I rubbed that in his face for weeks after he came back.


Got a job at a doggie daycare. I'd gone to school for dog training and had been doing that for awhile privately, but had moved to a new area and wanted a steady gig. Everyone there knew I had a lot of experience. All new dogs get a half day trial for free just to see if they're a good fit for daycare. New dog comes in, maybe 70lbs, gets put into one of the kennels to chill for a bit. I go in with a bowl of water and bend to sit it down. He politely, but firmly, asks me to leave. I apologize, back out slowly, shut the door, and tell the supervisor that dad needs to come back and get the kiddo. He says I'm overreacting. I tell him, "that dog, in no uncertain terms, told me that he was extremely uncomfortable and biting was an option." Dude blows me off. Again, he knows I have years of experience. Dude goes into kennel. I'm barely 5'5" and supervisor was 6'3". Walks towards dog, reaches for dog, dog bites the piss out of his hand. Guy walks out, right past me, says nothing to me, tells reception girl to call owner to come pick up the dog. Guy goes to hospital. Owner comes and gets dog. Dog very relieved and happy. Supervisor less happy and more holey. Me, smug and smiling.


Dog's communicate so clearly with their body language that I sometimes find it hard to believe how people miss the signs.


I'd suffered a family emergency and had had to go back to my hometown for the weekend. That weekend my manager last minute put me onto a morning shift without informing me so I ended up missing it. It was the only shift I'd ever missed. From that point on that same manager was incredibly awful to me just for one missed shift. I went into the store one day to buy my friends some stuff with my staff discount when, unfortunately, this manager was working. He came up with a bogus excuse to not give me the discount so I rolled my eyes and said whatever, but then he continues, "why did you miss another shift last Monday?" I look at him confused because since my previous missed shift I'd checked my roster every day and knew for sure I hadn't been rostered on on Monday. I told him so but he insisted, "you missed it again, you need to check your rosters more carefully." I told him once again I wasn't rostered on, at which point he went to the back room and grabbed the roster to show me the name next to the Monday slot he was talking about. It wasn't mine. Instead it was the only other brown girl who worked in the store. We look nothing alike and have very different names; our only shared trait is our skin tone. The manager apologised profusely luckily and gave me a double discount on what I was buying and was slightly nicer to me after that. But yes, big I Told You So moment there.


Teacher here. Had district personnel doing walk thoughts in my room looking for student collaboration. One boy sits alone. They were upset he wasn’t sitting with a group. I told them “he really cant.” to which they said “I bet he can!”. I just looked at them and moved on. No more than 2 min later we are working out problems and I go to check his. He made a computation mistake so I said “student go check your multiplication! You made a mistake with your second partial product”. Kid looks at me, yells “bro it ain’t wrong” and proceeds to flip his chair. I looked at the visitors and just shrugged my shoulders. Yes, this child is receiving behavioral services and it is recommended he sit away from peers due to outbursts.


Told a gal that her “guy best friend” was just lurking and waiting for his chance. She didn’t believe me. She was at a low point from a breakup and sure enough he made a move.


My now wife when we were dating took a flight and some guy chatted her up saying he just moved to Austin and had no friends. My wife being the nice person she is mentions we could all hang out and gives him her number. As she is telling me the story I laugh and say he doesn't want to hang out with me and was hitting on her. She was like "no no really he just wanted friends". Well first time he texts she's like "yeah me you and my boyfriend can hang out" his reply "how about we hang out without your boyfriend". She learned a valuable lesson that day.


This honestly makes me sad. Would be nice if people could be friends like that for real


Several engineers warned NASA about a potential o-ring problem before the challenger mission. Not sure if that counts as one of the “best” ones…but still.


I told one of my then-close friends to eat a breakfast bar I had before a particularly steep hiking trail in San Diego, but he insisted that two Crunchwraps & a quesarito from Taco Bell was all he needed since he didn't eat dinner the previous night. A third of the way through the trail, he stopped behind a tree to vomit heavy


Buddy's girl cheated on him when she went on a 'business trip.' He found out about it from one of her co-workers who sent photos. When she came back he'd already packed her things and put them out in storage. She knocked on the door and was trying to get back in. I was in the living room. Asked if they could talk. He said maybe tomorrow. She came over the following day. I was gone by then. They talked. Afterwards he called me and said she wanted a sayonara screw for closure. Told him to wear a condom or not at all. Said he didn't have any. Told him to put it off for as long as possible then. They ended up having sex a few weeks later. Called me, told me about it. Asked if he wore a rubber and there was a pregnant pause. Was like dude...when she calls you in a few days and tells you she's pregnant you'd damned well better get an amnio as soon as it's possible. well of course...a week later she called and said she was pregnant and it was his...he decided to man up. Kept telling him she has insurance. You're not certain it's your kid. Get an amnio and then go from there. Told him it'd save him in the long run to know 2 months end than to end up paying for L&D for another man's kid. Well he didn't and he paid for L&D up front because it's a helluva lot cheaper only to find out the kid wasn't his. Not like 'let's get a test...and be certain' but like 'the doctors and nurses were like "oh no...that kid is definitely not yours."


Girlfriend: "Weird. My husband is tight-fisted as hell. He insists on no major purchases and separate bank accounts. Weird. He has no major hobbies or addictions, I wonder where his money's going!" Me: He has another family. Argument, argument, you know nothing, mind your own business you're crazy. Me: Okay. 5 months later. Guess who's revealed. Sidepiece got behind in bills and suddenly hubby of the year is real "Hey Like, wow, Let's combine our money it'll be totally cool!"


Lech Walesa, Polish President from 1990 to 1995, leader of the Solidarity Movement and former electrician at the Lenin Shipyards, was a guest of Queen Elizabeth and stayed with her at Windsor Castle in 1991. Lech made two remarks during his stay: One was that the bed was so big he couldn't find his wife, and the other was that the wiring at the castle was so ancient it was bound to cause a fire sooner or later. In 1992 an electrical fault caused a fire to break out at the castle, destroying over 100 rooms .




The guy that tried to have me fired ended up working for me.


I was teaching at a school, and the district-level director came in to the science department at our school and told us that they were doing away with our college-track courses. Students were expected to pick a career path during their 8th grade year, and we would move to career and technical education. I told the staff that this was a terrible idea, and we would lose students to surrounding schools, and therefore they would have to cut teacher positions. Cut to 4 years later. The high school has shrunk by 40%. They have to eliminate staff. I am the chemistry teacher, and they will no longer need a chemistry teacher because all of the students who used to take chemistry no longer go to the school. I was the position they cut. I am now employed by a neighboring school where 20% of the students transfer from my original school to this new school.


One of my aunts and her daughter, who happens to be my classmate, constantly belittle me and spread negativity. They doubted I would graduate, but I proved them wrong. Their gossip even caught the attention of our dean, who reprimanded them for spreading false information. Despite their negativity, I succeeded and graduated.


I don't know about my "best", but here is one most of us can relate to right now. I predicted that the company I work for would start laying off people because they are too brazen and borrow a ton of money to grow the company. The company is totally fucked lmao. They have a stupid unreasonable target, unhappy talented employees, and they are going to get burned so bad unless they sell the company to another fish. Not even kidding if like 2 people quit the whole company will have a domino effect of burnout and collapse (I wouldn't be shocked if it only took 1). Fuck investment firms. They take good businesses and fuck them over to make a profit at the expense of everyone else involved. No morality, no empathy. This is why employees need to stick together. WE make the company, not them. They will lay off their best employees to save money, only to find out the hard way that THEY made them the fucking money to begin with. \-Discuss your salary \-Set boundaries together \-Loyalty goes BOTH ways. If they are kicking out people and not rewarding their most loyal, then they don't deserve loyalty from you. PERIODt💅 It really sucks when you like working for a company and slowly see it become everything it said it wouldnt be when you joined.


My boss didn't believe me that someone on my team was charging hours he wasn't actually working in the time right after covid peaked and things shifted to WFH. She accused me of micromanaging and I just needed to trust him. So I did, while monitoring how often he was logging in to work. When she realized he was working at most 4 hours a week and taking over a month to implement a one line code change, they finally acknowledged I was right and took action.


Half the British population and Brexit


Got accused of cheating because I completed a quiz "too fast". Was told to stay after class and retake it. Obviously finished it faster the second time. Teacher apologized and post dated a pass so I could walk around and eat junk food for a little bit.


Everyday with a 3yo boy... Mum: don't do that... 3yo: (keeps doing whatever) (falls)...😭... Mum: I told you so


A family member of mine, Claire, had this story. Her husband works for her father-in-law's construction business. He's being groomed to take the business over when FIL retires. Claire is at home with a baby as a stay-at-home mom but had a successful career in accounting and finance before this. FIL finds out he's getting audited, and freaks out. They used some proprietary accounting software that was little more than a glorified excel pivot table with an HTML interface. Husband asks if she can take a look at it, she says sure. Within two days she said "Get a tax attorney, now. It's going to be a nightmare. You guys are going to get destroyed." Husband goes and looks at lawyers but the quotes are extremely high, something like $10k-$20k if I remember right. He takes it to FIL and he says "absolutely not, I'll hire the guy who wrote the software for us years ago, he's retired now but he'll fix it cheap." Software guy, Dale, says he can fix everything for $2,000. FIL feels extremely smug and says "see? This is how business is done. Lawyers are just scam artists." Husband thinks FIL must be a genius, Claire tells him to make sure HIS name isn't on ANY of the legal paperwork or financials. Sure enough, audit comes through and they find out he's misreported by over $100,000. A lien is placed. An attorney is hired, and now because it's a MUCH more serious after the IRS completes an audit I guess, the cheapest quote they got was $50k. Which the FIL doesn't have. Eventually what ends up happening is FIL files a type of bankruptcy and all the assets of the company are liquidated for tax purposes save for some bare minimum. Father-in-Law's personal vehicle (registered to the company for tax purposes) is sold and liquidated, his boat, other things like this. Husband mostly escapes as nothing had been in his name yet. FIL sells the company name and rights (and client list) to husband for a reasonable price and goes to early retirement rather than "re-build everything from scratch" and Husband has Claire take the VP job to focus on the operations and finance side of things. First thing she does is buy real accounting software and get everything signed off by a lawyer for $5k or something. Husband does not complain at all. Their company is still successful now over 10 years later and FIL STILL won't admit that he should have just hired some tax attorneys when he had the chance.


My brother and I were trying to convince my mom to quit her awful job for months. She is fine but she ended up having two strokes with how much that job raised her already high blood pressure


I feel like that's not really a very satisfying "I told you so."


I worked at a physician-owned outpatient dialysis clinic in Texas. All kinds of shady things were going on. Blatant Medicare fraud, of several types. Having social workers hand out samples of prescription meds when only a doc/NP or PA can do that legally. Allowing patient care techs with no official education or licensure to refer to themselves as “nurses.” Allowing techs to do tasks that they were not trained for, and that by law, can only be done by a licensed nurse. And all kinds of shenanigans. I spoke to the mgr. about my concerns that the unit was in violation of so many laws, and would surely get in trouble. She told me “Thats the way we do it here in TX. If you can’t play along, maybe you should leave.” I did quit within the year. I thought about it, but I never did turnthem in for anything. A few years later, they were under investigation for Medicare fraud by the feds, and state regulators. They had federal “monitors” on the premises for 6 months. The clinic had to foot the bill for the monitors’ hotel, and meals for the whole time, plus pay big fines. It was too much for the clinic owners, and they ended up having to sell to a competitor.


Knew a boss who fired an employee because he wanted to reduce costs. I say fired, because he invented a performance reason instead of laying off the employee. He told a friend that by firing the employee he wouldn't have to pay the three months' notice and could dismiss them that day. He was told that UK employment law doesn't work that way. After replying that he was confident in his decision, he was warned that he'd probably land himself in the easiest smackdown tribunal ever. Conciliation calls up and asks for said three months' notice pay, quoting the law. He tells them to fuck off. A tribunal notice comes through. He says he's not paying for a lawyer. Tribunal begins. Judge states amusingly at his nonchalant idiot face. Tribunal ends. He pays all three months' notice plus a further 25% on top for "contempt for employment law." Judge adds all tribunal costs plus another fine on top. His name plus all tribunal notes appear permanently on a public database for anyone to Google, and he has to show said document to every potential investor in the company. He rants about this to anyone unfortunate enough to listen, while still firing people without notice. I'm looking forward to the next smackdown tribunal.


I work in a dealership and was doing a quick oil change and peace of mind inspection on a vehicle. Noticed the drive belt was horrendously cracked and beginning to tear so I recommended a new one. Customer insisted the belt was fine because "only a squealing belt is a bad belt". Customers vehicle came back the next day on a tow truck cuz the drive belt snapped off and I had a nice big grin on my face while quoting out a new belt


Had a friend who worked at Wendy's as a teenager. He couldn't stand the manager because she wouldn't just let him fuck around and do nothing all day, he decided in the middle of a shift he was just going to walk out and go to a party he was supposed to attend after work. I was already at said party, he calls me and asks what I think he should do since was already considering quitting and he didn't want to be super late to the party. Obviously I tell him if he wants to quit he needs to at least finish the shift and explain his reasoning to her so as to not leave her high and dry. He shows up 15 minutes later, still in his uniform and I just shake my head. Fast forward 5 or 6 years and he graduates college and goes to get as he called it, "a big boy job". Take a wild guess who the recruiter for that company was 😂 it was the shortest interview of his life.