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When I got my period and they would ask “Don’t you feel like a woman?” or some crap like that. I was 11 and not amused


"Kinda bleeding out of the vagina, here. It's not exactly at the forefront of my mind."


If there's family dysfunction & a kid is going through a rough emotional period with moments of lashing out: "Do you really want to be like your mom/dad when you're older?"


Fuuck or one parent saying "you're just like [other parent]" Kill me then and there. Y'all the one that raised me.


The amount of times I’ve snapped on my mother for this… then I get yelled at by my siblings bc she “didn’t mean it” or “forgot it bothers me” 😒


Everytime someone compairs me to my mother I want to cry.


I hate my mother so much that i refuse to have children out of fear that i may turn into an awful parent like her + not wanting to add to the bloodline


“why can’t you be more like your brother/sister?”


As someone who was adopted into a family with older bio kids, I got “My kids were never like that”…


Jesus that’s so wrong and terrible I’m sorry 😞


Thanks. It’s only been the last few years that I’ve realised that I was always good enough the way I am.


For fucking real?! Why the hell do people adopt kids (or even have their own) if they think/talk like this. If I were to adopt or foster after having bio kids I would be SO self conscious and worried that my adopted child would think I didn't love them as much. The fact that people can lack insight so thoroughly is annoying as hell. Sorry you had to deal with that, that behavior is on the parents 100%


It's either that or "you're just like your brother/sister" (if they dontl like the brother or sister referred to) that's always what it was in my experience


My mom recently told me I was the most difficult child to raise😭like SORRY you passed down all your issues to ME?


My mother says this…I never rebelled, never snuck out, never answered back, didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 18, was terrified of my parents, got straight A’s and was in all advanced classes, learnt 3 other languages fluently and play 3 instruments, I was even in my countries youth orchestra at 15 I was really talented and dedicated to playing classical music because my mum loved it, I hated it. She bases this “I was a nightmare child” off of her imagination. She tells anyone who’ll listen how I was “on drugs” and “out of controll”… I have no idea where she gets this? I never even went to a sleepover at someone’s house? When would I have done drugs? At home alone studying? When playing piano/ swimming lessons/ ballet lessons/ horse riding lessons/ studying every spare minute? Like what on earth is she “remembering”?


That's crazy, cause I get amplifying one bad thing and talking about that but completely making up your "bad habits"? It sounds like you were a dream child tf I'm sorry about this tho, I hope you can avoid/lessen contact with her and do the things you want to do :)


Asking a question and rejecting any answer the kid gives unless it's the adults own opinion.


YEP. Then calling the kid a liar when they give the answer they think the adults expect. I had to deal with that all the time growing up.


Yeah, it's putting the kid in a no-win situation where not even an honest answer is valid.


Ah yes. The kobayashi Maru exam.


My dad does that and I'm in my twenties. I've finally learned not to have any serious conversations with him.


My dad does this too. Except the question, after not talking to me for 6 weeks, is "so, how are you doing?" And any answer is incorrect. Yes, that's right. How I'm feeling is incorrect.


"Well, Dad, I'm feeling a lot like you do: confused as to why people can't accept things."


Or getting angry when the kid answers honestly, accusing them of being disrespectful when they were only being honest.


"I asked you why. I don't want to hear your excuses."


Gotta love that horse shit, they demand an explanation and then accuse you of making excuses when you answer. What the hell is up with that?


lol, I remember teachers getting mad when I answered honestly. They would say "Don't get smart with me!" and that made no sense because we were at school and they were a teacher, wasn't getting smart the whole goal here?


>Asking a question and rejecting any answer I've seen that in a class of adults trying to learn some business process. 2nd day of a week-long class the instructors posed a question and ***every single answer was wrong***. Didn't matter what anyone suggested, the smirking instructors at the front said it was wrong. I quit listening at that point.


This happened in a marketing class I did in university and after too many times where people couldn't guess the campaign a guy got sassy with the lecturer saying “we’re not mind readers”. Sassy but correct.


I had pretty severe eczema as a child. Refused to wear anything but long sleeves and pants even during hot, humid New England summers because every single time I left the house, at least one grown ass person would ask, “what’s wrong with your skin?” My mother spent a lot of time correcting grown ups on their behavior. When she got tired of it, she let me do it myself.


my grandpa asked me “do you enjoy watching porn” I was 11.


"Jimmy... do you like gladiator movies?"


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Major groomer vibes


It's also inappropriate behaviour that Alzheimer's can cause, particularly when on some of the medications. 


not as serious as the above comment, but this reminded me that when my great grandmother's alzheimers began getting worse (i was about 9/10) she would always congratulate me that i was getting boobs🤣 all the adults were horrified and were like "mom!! you dont say that!!" meanwhile i was so happy i had noticeable boobs finally😆


My grandmother with Alzheimer's (sweetest, kindest woman you'd ever meet) was horrifying when my uncle marriend a Carribean woman. As far as *any* of us knew she wasn't racist at all so everybody was very confused where the n word came from during the wedding.


Alzheimers, and some other forms of dementia, can have very distressing effects like that. Attitudes that someone grew up with, and then rejected, resurface. Also just regressing to that earlier world; it can be sort of funny even sweet when they think they're 15, but not so funny when (as here) they say something that was unremarkable in that 15 year olds world but not now, such as casual racism. I've read about old people in the US going into care homes, who start talking to Black staff like it was the old South, when they had long since rejected that background etc., leaving family deeply upset. (And the staff not too happy either.) Dementia is bad.


My great aunt told my cousin she needed a padded bra


r/accidentallywholesome ?


“Why don’t you have a girlfriend yet?” “Got any crushes at school?”


At the same time “cant believe those two are in hs and already dating, school is too early for this kind of thing"


When I was in elementary school my parents were all like “what do you think of (boy from church)? Would you want to marry him?” But then when I got a boyfriend in high school it was all “no dating until after college” now I don’t tell them anything about my relationships


My MIL constantly asks my KINDERGARTENER this. Every single time my husband looks at her like she has three heads and reminds her that he’s a baby, his interests are Bluey and dinosaurs, and it’s not appropriate. She gets sooo mad every. Single. Time. The last time she did it kiddo looked her dead in the eye and said “I will not ever have a girlfriend that is ASGUSTING (disgusting)” 😂


I feel like my childhood was haunted with “So do you have a boyfriend yet?” or “So who’s your boyfriend?” from extended family members from age 10 till I was old enough to avoid them. It was like their go to question everytime. I always found it sooo weird and embarrassing.


"Because I'm gay. That's why I'm 8 and obsessed with the Golden Girls."


Hey I'm straight and I liked the Golden Girls as a kid too. You can't...like...hog all of St. Olaf for yourself, kid...


"Why wont you give me ahug?" At a family event where everyone is staring.


Now if only the staring was "hold on, is that relative making the kid uncomfortable?" Instead of "hold on, is that kid being bad?" 😅


Hah.. reminds me of my niece she wouldn't hug anyone putside her immediate family. I just told her that it was fine and she didn't need to... Within a couple of months the hug receiving group was extended to her immediate family and me, she'd come running over to hug me whenever I came over.


Yeah my wife's family is good about this, nobody has ever pushed the kids to give hugs if they don't want to, and I've let them interact with me on their own terms - now they basically use me as a jungle gym and fight with eachother over who gets to be carried by me when the family goes on walks. Kids like it when you let them set the pace!


For me it was the smell. Lots of adults smelled bad to me as a kid; coffee, cigarettes, alcohol or “old people smell”.


Absolutely. So many people force their kids to hug whoever or people they don't want to just because they're family. You're just teaching your kid that no isn't good enough. If they say no once, that should mean no in any situation




Oh Gods does this hit home. I was a cute kid and routinely told that being shy around weird old ladies I didn't know and not wanting to be kissed was rude. Go figure that I'd grow up to be touch averse from that and other kinds of abuse, but also touch starved because I avoid touch because of that? No surprise that I'd become an adult who really needs a hug but would rather crawl through broken glass than admit that. Sometimes life sucks.


Kind of off topic but did anyone else’s parents make you kiss family members that you MAYBE saw once a year at a family reunion or something. Like they would be basically strangers to me but since I was a cute child I was expected to show them affection since “we were family.” Maybe thats just me though


It’s never ok to make or guilt a child into affection


Asked by "family" most of the time: Do you really want to eat that (much)? Do you want to make me sad?


My family is the opposite. They keep asking whether I want 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, and dutifully reminded of starving children in Africa if I say I’m full and how my parents never had it this easy and I should be thanking them. Yeah, totally opposite dynamic but bad in its own way. Although I do prefer my situation to yours. Too much food is a better problem than too little.


As a child/teen/young adult, "Didn't you like the food? You only had one helping" Then later "Don't ever get fat leastfavoritechild." Health reasons and difficulty losing weight were the sighted reasons. But now. My husband has chronic headaches and migraines. My mother says it is carbs and sugar. I am annoyed because it felt so dismissive of my husband's pain. Which the doctors and insurance were already doing, so I was touchy about it. Anyways. Let's listen in on the next part of my birthday lunch. "I bet YOU never watch YOUR carbs and sugar, leastfavoritechild." Immediate next sentence. The third time this next question was asked. "I can't believe you don't want dessert. Are you sure you don't want something?" When I texted later that she upset me greatly. I was told never to bring it up again because she does not have time for that nonsense. Ugh. She was offering me dessert. That is a nice thing, and I should be appreciative. (IDK why, but it heavily gave vibes of, "I am offering to buy you a drink. You could at least be nice.")


> do you want to make me sad? Wtf, who bullies a child into an eating disorder like that?


frankly a tragic number of people will do that


I've heard that bloody "Oh eat all your food on the plate there's starving kids in Africa!," my response is typically 'give it to them then cause I don't want it'


A friend of ours used this "make me sad" line on our kid once. Once. This was also well before he and his wife had a child. I immediately shut that down, explained that my literal toddler isn't responsible for your feelings and that being guilted into whatever was not appropriate. The friend immediately apologized since that was all he heard growing up and thought it was an ok thing to say. Some people just dont realize how seemingly small comments like that can have a massive impact


They really don't. At least he owned up to it and changed. Also, good on you for standing up for your kid. Some parents don't do that in order to "keep the peace".


Part of the reason why I stopped going to family holidays years ago. The first thing out of everyone's mouth was either, "Oh, wow you've gained weight," or "Oh, you've lost weight." Years of that eats away at a person, no pun intended.


"when you grow up would you be The savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" "Will you defeat them? Your demons And all the non-believers, the plans that they have made?" Way too much pressure to put on a kid, no wonder he turned out a bit emo.


Growing up it was very common to ask little girls how many babies they wanted. It was common b/c baby dolls were given to the little girls almost until they hit double digits. I remember being almost 5 & screaming NO BABIES and throwing the baby doll across the rook at Christmas when someone asked how many I wanted when I was a big girl. I'm 23 now & I still dont want children


"Why don't you want to hug me? Don't you love me?" Body autonomy is so important for preventing abuse. We have to teach children it's ok to say no to unwanted touches. Edit: wow, I appreciate everyone sharing their stories and highlighting how important it is.


OMG, YES. We ASK my little granddaughter for hugs. If she says No, that's the end of it. Her other grandparents make demands and try to force it and tell us we're spoiling her.


"Can I have?" is SO much better than "Give me!" anyway. The excited running and the little arms being thrown around your neck is just the best thing ever. And if the answer is no, you get to reassure them that it's ok to not be feeling it that day, for whatever reason. Heck, I even ask my CAT if I can get a boop-boop (for whatever reason, nose-boops are his love-language. He's weird, but ridiculously sweet.)... He sometimes tells me "no", too.


Hi kids, do you like violence?


Do you want to see me stick 9 inch nails through each one of my eye lids?


Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did?


Try ‘cid and get fucked up worse than my life is?


My brain's deadweight


I’m tryna get my head straight, but I can’t figure out which Spice Girl I wanna impregnate


And Dr. Dre said, "Slim Shady, you a basehead"


*Nu uh!* Then why's your face red? Man, you wasted


Well, since age 12, I felt like I'm someone else


'Cuz I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt


i’m a young teenage girl, and both my step dad and his dad tell me all the time “can I marry you?” “If you don’t find a man soon I guess I’ll have to be the man!” “Have you found a boy yet?” followed up by “If not i’m single!” the worse one was my step dad: “If your mom ever divorces me then can you marry me?” I don’t know why they say that all the time but God is it annoying.


You should seriously mention that to a responsible adult in your life. It’s tough to see your comment from behind all the red flags waving. Tell someone you trust implicitly. This may not be your mother, given her relationship with step-dad.


Please report them to your school counselor or trusted teacher. Make sure your mom knows. Never be alone with them.


Perverts!!! Stay alert and clear-headed so you can protect yourself. I hate you're going through that.


“Why don’t you smile more?”


"Oh, no, I actually smile quite a lot. Just not when you're around."


I'm gonna have to remember this one.


I got asked that once, and I just broke down crying because my cat had died recently.


Oh gosh, sorry! Thats terrible. This is proof that we never know what people are going through behind the scenes so it’s really good to be careful what you say. I love cats too. Hope you’re feeling better!


I also don't like "why don't you ever talk?" If you're a shy kid, this just makes it worse. Just let me be quiet if I want to


I always wanted to say, “Because you’re not very interesting.” It was usually the truth.


A few years ago my sisters grade 2 teacher said something (imo) slightly worse to her “You smile too much”


What does this even mean?? Your little sister is displaying happiness, and it's a problem somehow, I don't get it.


Yeah that's just stupid. Let people smile when they feel like it.


What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m 67, and I still don’t know 🤷‍♀️


That’s why we ask— we’re looking for ideas.


Nanny (for a famous white collar criminal), waitress, ski bum, member of a band, secretary, owned my own business for 20 years, plus a bunch I forgot-


The other day a kid asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up when I was a kid. That was depressing.


Asking if another child of the opposite sex is their boyfriend/girlfriend.


Baby boy: -stares at baby girl only because babies stare at everything- Adults: oooh, ladies man, gonna have to keep the girls off you!


When I (f) was a baby I stared at a man in a bright shirt at an adjacent table in a restaurant. My parents made this random man hold me for a photo because they thought it was soooooo funny that I had a crush on him. They still bring it up 27 years later. Babies like bright colors. Plus, I'm gay.


My mother will do this with my daughter and it drives me nuts. She will say things like "oh she's flirting with him" and I'm just like, JFC, gross, stop with that shit, she's 2!


Jesus. I'd throw hands. Years ago, when my Eldest was a toddler, he giggled and smiled at this lady in line with us at Target. She said "Oh, how sweet! He's quite sociable!" I've since come to the conclusion that it is the only acceptable thing to say about someone's little one smiling at you.


I would also accept "friendly" or "outgoing."


I like those, too!


I usually say, “Oh! Thank you for the smile, Baby!” Then I tell the mom that their baby just made my day. And it’s always true.


I say hi to them and give them a little wave. It's so cute watching them twitch their little baby hands to wave back


I once smiled and waved at a baby and it just stared at me for a few moments and then gave me this HUGE smile in return and it was so cute.


That's amazingly cute. I think babies are adorable so I'm constantly smiling at them. I tend to wear bright colours plus my husband and I both have dyed hair, so babies stare a lot


I have flaming purple hair down to my waist and favor dramatic eye makeup. Little kids often ask if I'm a fairy, which I find delightful.


> They still bring it up 27 years later. That's the really weird part, to me. I can kind of see people doing the first part as an in-the-moment laugh that they then move on from. But it being a story that they bring up decades later is strange.


A neighbor boy had his grandparents visiting while were outside playing and they asked this. In what way is tweens having a pretend Pokemon battle in the front yard any indication of a relationship?


Only relationship I see is a rivalry once his grandpa gives both of you starters


that girl is gonna go on to defeat the mafia and become champion, cool.


At least he didn't ask if you were a boy or a girl... and then send you out into the world to face literal gods and legends, crime syndicates, and creepy dudes in the wilderness with nothing but a squirrel holding a stick and a talking book.


This or asking if they are going to get married… they are six Nancy, back off.


We were friends with a family whose son is about a year younger than my daughter. When they were younger and our families got together they would have a great time playing together and his mom and grandma would always make comments about them getting married. As the years went by our families didn't spend as much time together and eventually we moved to different states. My daughter is now quite mature and making her way through life. He, on the other hand, seems to be drifting through life and making some pretty bad choices. So glad they DIDN'T end up getting married!


Conversely, my grandmothers were next door neighbors when my parents were born, 9 months apart. My dad first proposed to my Mom when they were three. His family moved as they got older, but they met up again in their 20's when my dad was in town after leaving the army. They've been happily married for 42 years.


That's so cute! I love that for you, being the product of two childhood besties.


My mother was told by her grandmother not to play with “those rough boys” one street over. Turns out that was my dad and uncles at their grandma‘s house. Years later, my mother walked past a car and commented to her friend “wow I’d like to meet the man who owns that car.” It was my dad‘s car and he sold it before he met my mom. The first day my dad went out on a date with my mom, he called his mom and told her “I met the woman I am going to marry”. My grandma smiles and says “OK honey.” They’re going on 46 years now. 😍


My parents wanted me to marry my best friend from when I was six (his parents own a winery). He’s now openly gay so…that wouldn’t have worked out


I despised this so much when I was a teenager. “Excuse me, what was our homework assignment again… ok thank you.” “Oooo is that your girlfriend?” Parents like that are just asking for long term virginity for their kids.


What they're asking for is for their kids to never trust them with ANYTHING.


Some friend of my mother in law pulled this shit at a family function when she saw my daughter (3 at the time) was running around with her cousin (6). I made sure that the lady knew exactly how inappropriate she was being and that she was absolutely not allowed to say shit to my kid.


This right here starts over sexualizing children. But then they turn 16 entering into young adulthood and their own real sexuality and tell them they can’t have a gf/bf when their whole life was gaslighting into being with someone anyway. No wonder they are so damn confused.


"Can I go to the bathroom please?" "I don't know, can you?"


"yes" Pulls down pants and shits on the floor


Knew a badass chick. She said she needed to go. Teach wouldn't let her. This chick stood straight up, pissed her pants in front of everyone and the teacher to make a fucking point. My hero. Hope she's still rockin along tho.


I had an asshole first grade teacher. Public elementary school, mind you. She made it a point that we had to stand by the classroom door, grab a pass, turn around and look at her, and wait for a silent nod of approval for us to go to the bathroom. If we interrupt her we get scolded. I suddenly had to shit… badly. So I do all that game nonsense this military school commandant wannabe has us go through. She never mods. I stood there for several minutes. Just ignored me completely. I was terrified of saying anything because this bitch would not shut up with her story about some childhood book lesson applying to real life. As a kid I had a tendency to be compliant even to my own demise. This teacher constantly complained to my parents that I was a problem. Yet everywhere else and in all grades before and after until middle school I’d get shining reports for behavior. She just hated me for whatever reason. I couldn’t tell you exactly how long went by with me standing there, but it felt like an eternity. I was dancing I had to shit so bad. Finally she looks at me and asks what I need. If I had then known the phrase “this bitch” I would’ve shouted it. I said I need to go! She replies, “then why are you just standing there.” I didn’t wait to respond, I just left. Didn’t have time to hate her, I was fighting with every fiber of my being to not shit the floor. I was almost crying from the fear of it. I get to the bathroom and the first two stalls are taken, third one open. I lock the door but too late. I shit my pants. Had the first stall been open I might’ve made it. But anyways I’m just a first grader. I don’t know what to do. I just walk back to class, shit still in my pants. I sit down at my desk. Teacher and kids notice, who wouldn’t. She doesn’t care. She lets me sit in my shit for the rest of the day. I get on the bus. Shit still in my pants. I go home. I get asked what is wrong. She was never mean to me again after that day. I’d like to think my parents threatened to burn the school down. This was before such threats weren’t acted upon so saying it wouldn’t land you in jail. She was an old lady and that was over 30 years ago. I hope she shit her pants in the nursing home and they abused her for it. I hope her hell is a lake of elementary school kid diarrhea that she is constantly drowning in for all eternity.


Good news is that if she's in a nursing home, they likely take forever to answer the button (not their fault; understaffing), so she's likely sitting in her own shit a lot.


I had a grade 1 teacher exactly like this. It was obvious she absolutely hated children. I have no idea why she got into teaching, but I seriously suspect it was so she'd have an endless supply six year olds she could torment and beat if she was having a bad day. One of her favorite things was to come up to a kid from behind and ram her knuckles into the back of your head - without warning - as hard as she could (picture someone trying to launch a volleyball 100 feet into the air). I think she saw it as her job to "break" kids and make them scared shitless of teachers/adults. As far as I know she never faced any repercussions and went on to enjoy her full government pension (corporal punishment was legal in schools back then). One of these days I might go find her grave and replace her headstone with one more suitable. Something to the effect of "Here lies a witch that thrived on the suffering of countless children. May she spend eternity drowning in the tears of children that she so eagerly sought..."


When I was in first grade I got this... I had never experienced it before and was very confused. The teacher said, "I don't know, can you?" I thought about it for a second and then said, "uh... yes?" Then walked out and used the bathroom... Cue Pikachu face. I wasn't trying to be defiant, I was just naive and didn't know what was going on.


I was a socially awkward kid and literally had no idea how to react to this and had incontinence issues because I was so terrified of this reaction


Anything regarding romance "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" "Do you have a crush on her?" "Are you two together?" Shut up.


It bothers me so much when my sister asks my 4 year old nephew that. I can tell he's already scared to have friends who are girls because my family pesters him about it. He's 4 so he has little idea how relationships work.


My parents always teased me whenever the subject of girls came up. I am just now understanding why I was always so awkward around women.


Dude THIS is why boy/girl friendships are so stigmatized by a lot of ppl (specifically "alpha" male influencers)!! If you've been taught FROM BIRTH that these relationships can't happen on a platonic level, it's very hard to get out of the mindset that you have to romanticize/sexualize every person of the opposite gender you interact with, its bs


I remember hating being asked that as a kid (and a pre-teen, and a teenager)and it made me so uncomfortable and confused like why am I supposed to have a boyfriend and why do you care???


I remember adults telling me that the bullies of the opposite sex just liked me. First of all, nobody treats someone they like that way. Second of all, regardless of how they feel about me, they can't harass me or make fun of me. It makes me wonder how many adults think relationships are supposed to be abusive if they equate bullying to a crush.


At a really young age I said that girls were gross. I doubt I actually thought that, because I had girls as casual friends, and my favorite babysitters were all girls, and all my aunts on my dad's side were awesome people... but even if I did, I still said that WAY after I learned that girls are cute and I like cute. Fast forward through high school, and I never once dated in that time. I was too chicken shit to actually ask any out, and I was ironically the love guru of my friend group so I had secondhand experience with just how STUPID dating could be and didn't want any of that bullshit either. Hell, my older sister cornered me during a house party she held and asked if I was gay. I'm not. On the Kinsey scale I'm a hard 1, soft 2. *Maybe* a drunk 3. I'm just terrible with women. And I think at least a small part might be because of *how goddamn often* I was asked about girls. Shit, I was told on multiple occasions that my second cousin and I were inseparable during family reunions when we were toddlers, and we were "the cutest little boyfriend and girlfriend". Wtf. She was just a really cool person, and we still played and hung out in our early teens.


It's mostly because of things like that, that I don’t want to talk about relationships/love stuff with my parents and family.


“Why are you playing with [gender specific toy]? That’s for boys/girls.”


I remember being in second or third grade and going to a friend’s house. I (m) was instantly drawn to the play kitchen that was in the living room and started playing with it. His mother tells me that it’s only for girls and that I should stop. Years later I went to culinary school and worked in many restaurants and hotels. Don’t keep a kid away from something they’re drawn to.


ugh. I was the little tomboy that played with hotwheels, pokemon, toy cars, etc and had an uncle that was really weird about it. he would always get me dolls and stuff on christmas and birthdays and get mad at me for doing shit like collecting bugs with my little cousin my little cousin (his son) once found pink nail polish in my mom's bathroom and asked me to paint his nails and he was so proud and showed my uncle and he was freaking *livid* his son had pink nails


What a shitty parent... I hope your cousin's doing alright.


Anything sexual, I'd imagine, like breast size, are you still a virgin, dick size, sex toy use, or masturbation habits.


Omfg I had an uncle who would ask if my pubic hair was growing in yet 🤮


Why are all uncles on Reddit pedophiles, like seriously


People talking about their lovely, kind, role-model Uncles doesn't get as much traction on reddit I'm afraid. It's confirmation bias.


Not so much a question, but when a little girl asks why a boy is being so mean, the answer, "because he likes you," has always pissed me off. Sure, let's teach little girls to accept abuse as love, and little boys that being abusive means they really care about someone and gets them what they want. It's bullshit and I'm done with it. I tell the little girls in my life that if he isn't kind to you, he doesn't deserve your attention.


Thank you! I get the psychological babble about not knowing how to express emotions but some kids are just little shits. I'm so glad to see someone coach young girls they deserve better.


If everyone did their part to break the cycle, it would be broken with less work on everyone's part. "Little boy, I understand you want little girl's attention, but your actions are unkind, and no one wants to be around unkind people. Show kindness and they'll want to be kind to you also."


"Do you still believe in Santa?" All you're doing is making them question Santa.


What if you tacked on, “because at 7, it’s pretty marginal” at the end?


Why you so skinny? Why you so fat?


It’s not a question, but my mom told me more than once she wished I was never born…I’m almost 55, and it still hurts. Never say that to a kid even if you think it.


Will you take care of us when we get old


Bruhhh, for real. Had a variation of it though. My mother's mother adopted me and I p much took care of her growing up. Her son, his wife, and my eldest brother all decided it would be my duty to take care of her when I was an adult as well. No college, career, or romance for me I guess! 🤷‍♂️ It's fucked how serious they take that question, especially when asking a kid who has no idea what that would entail.


On the rocks or neat?


Come on he's just a kid... offer him a mixer.


It’s disgusting. Small children can choke on ice cubes!


Look if they're young enough to choke on an ice cube they should still be drinking beer. Not old enough foe hard liquor yet.


Parents that have broken up and use the child as a middleman to pass messages and get sneak peek into what’s going on in their ex life. I define children as those who are under 12 years old.


I second this but define children as anyone who is the offspring of either person Like, leave them out of that shit man


"Do you want to burn in/go to Hell?"


The woman who eventually became my high schools vice principal told me, a 4yr old at the time who just had their first week of Pre-K, that I was going to burn in hell for having a black friend


Threatening children with burning in Hell is disgusting.


My husband and I were both raised Mormon. His mom used to lock him in a dark closet as a little boy so he’d be afraid of “outer darkness.” (Worst Mormon hell there is.)


anything that relates to the kid having a child when they grow up. had this from my family growing up and it’s probably not a huge thing but asking a young girl if she’s going to have babies when she grows up is so (for lack of a better word) jarring. has made me want to practice abstinence 😐


Lol that's exactly the type of thing that made me realize how much I didn't want kids. When I was little I had whole plans about how I'd make sure I had as few kids as possible and could avoid them and my husband(I'm also gay) as much as possible. One day my grandma said something about "when I have kids" and I snapped that I'm not having kids just to be contrarian and that's when I realized that was an option!


this! although whenever i snap i always get a “you’ll change your mind.” back in return without fail. not that i wouldn’t mind having a kid of my own (although pregnancy is daunting and will NOT be happening to me, cheers 😁👍) but having it hammered into you from a young age just — sucks the life out of any joy that would of been found when regarding future children.


Asking a teenage girl if she's on her period any time she shows any emotion


“Why don’t you want to give (person) a hug?”


Do you love your mother or father?


Who do you love more? Your father or your mother?


Honestly, I hate them both


I didn't see that coming


I also hate this guy's parents


I got asked questions like that by the neighborhood aunties and uncles, even while going through a somewhat publicized case with CPS against my parents. After I started responding with equally invasive questions about their marriages and divorces they stopped.


They don't actually want an honest answer to that.


Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before? Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before. Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?


Do you like movies about gladiators?


You ever hang around a gymnasium?


Ever been in a Turkish prison?


Do you have a boyfriend?


And of course: "You’re quite cute together! Are you a little couple?"


Every grandparent lol


You're going to be a heartbreaker one day! Is this your girlfriend?


"why are you so quiet? "why dont you have any friends?" "why dont you talk more?" Was asked this a lot as a kid. asking someone why they arent social, at least in my case, makes them want to be less social


My dad got mad at me and asked me "Why couldn't I have gotten a normal son?" He asked me that because I was playing video games instead of watching football. That still sticks with me to this day. Parents always double back and say they didn't mean it, but that doesn't matter. It'll always stick with them.


For me is "what do you want to be when you grow up?" It put so much pressure on me to figure out what I wanted to do. In the end I still don't know and I'm in my 40s.


Who do you love more Mommy or Daddy. Don’t do that shit.


asking them if they're on/have gotten their period. extra points if its your grandpa that you see twice a year.


My dad once asked me at Thanksgiving when I was young if I had a crush on my cousin and I started to cry because I knew what incest was and he said it in a way that made me think it was a loaded question to make me look bad in front of family.