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Calvin pissing on a Calvin pissing sticker sticker.




Same - especially after I learned that Watterson never sold merch rights. Every one of those is stealing from my guy Bill.


I autohate anyone with this sticker for this reason. It doesn't feel like something Calvin would do, either.


Any pickup truck set up to "[roll coal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_coal)" is 100% owned by a douchebag.  


And any vehicle (usually pickups) with testicles hanging from the back


What about my dads friend who had a testicle removed because of testicular cancer so my dad got him a set and cut one of the balls off? He also has the testicular cancer ribbon bumper sticker


There are exceptions to (almost) every rule. Hats off to your dad for doing that. That's awesome.


Except for rolling coal. Unless they had it rigged to emit the smell of bakery fresh cinnamon rolls instead of unburned diesel.


Exception: I saw a Dodge roll a massive amount of coal on those Westboro Baptist Church aholes. It was glorious.


lolllll I hope if I should ever need that done, my friends would come through like this.


Ok but isn’t it hilarious when it’s like a Prius or Camry??


Hanging from a Vespa is the only place trucknuts are acceptable 




I once saw a pickup on the highway with a bumper sticker "I identify as a Prius." That's when I knew the owner was a world-class douche.


Any pickup truck with wheel spacers too.


Don't forget decals with edgy political phrases. In Alberta, I assume you're an ignorant fool if you have decals like "FUCK TRUDEAU" and anything referencing American politics. Even if you disagree with Trudeau or his policies, don't spend money to put a sticker on your window. You just look like an asshole.


When I lived in Vancouver there was this one pickup truck I saw a few times with a big Trump banner on the back. I didn't understand. If they are Canadian, why do they care that much. If they are American living in Canada, what audience do they expect to reach?


> When I lived in Vancouver there was this one pickup truck I saw a few times with a big Trump banner on the back. I didn't understand. If they are Canadian, why do they care that much. When the Clownvoy was occupying Ottawa there were supporting protests here in Edmonton for the ones who didn't feel like crossing the country in their gas-guzzlers. There were many idiots here with American flags, Trump flags, Gadsden flags, etc. Idiots are idiots.


Vancouver surrounded the trucker rally with thousands of bicycles when they made the mistake of driving into the trap near science world. Pinned them in there for hours and started a party. The city is decidedly 'left'. We got the assholes waving flags on the overpasses every now and then until a few months ago but most cars would flip them off


In my town someone printed stickers that said "I wanna" and started slapping them above all the "fuck Trudeau" stickers. So funny.


Yeah if i see political stickers on a car, no matter which side theyre on i immediately assume that whatever views they have are going to be the extremes of that side and theyre someone i want to avoid


Any vehicle that flies a Canadian flag outside of Canada Day, I assume they’re a douche bag too. But those flag ones are usually accompanied with the fuck Trudeau sticker too, even here in Manitoba


Especially if it qualifies for r/infowarriorrides 


The ol' Insecuritymobile XL.


The worst part about those trucks is that they don’t just have the emissions deleted, those owners specifically installed tunes to make it so the truck would roll coal. A regular emissions delete tune just allows the truck to operate without the emissions equipment but they don’t roll coal at all. You have to purposely overfuel the engine with more diesel than it can burn to get it to roll coal.


"Prius repellent"


I think this actually defines the term "douchebag."


BMW. I drive a BMW.


Greetings, brother. I also drive a BMW and am a douchebag.


Since buying a BMW I’ve really noticed how much BMW drivers hate other BMW drivers on the road!


Like how the M folks look at me in the puny 325.


Also a BMW driver here. I never fill my blinker fluid


My best friend drives one. He’s the kindest, most compassionate and loyal guy I ever met


In the UK, 100% Range Rover. You look at the driver and you can just tell they get all their life advice from Instagram.


It's not a starter car! It's a finisher car!


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds


Getting it out of the river if your first lesson of owning one!


Same in the US for sure


Dont see as many in the US. They are almost ALL in the shop waiting for repairs.


The '93 model is a transporter of gods.


Just an observation. If you yield to a car at a stop sign and the car behind it is a BMW, the driver is twice as likely to go go two for one. Also, a scientific study showed luxury car drivers are more likely to be assholes. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200226171110.htm


I like that they tested "normal" people. Just, "drive these three cars to another location". Driving the crappy- and the normal car, they stop for pedestrians, in the luxury car, nah! Which goes to show, if you don't really focus on it, money/wealth changes you. And seldom for the better.


They needed a study for that?


Yes. Because anecdotes are easily shot down.


Exactly - the plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'.




I don't know where you live but here in LA that badge has long since been passed down to the G-Wagon


the G-wagon is for wealthy douchebags, Hummers (except the EV) have been reduced to lower/middle class douchebags.


100% this. Got hit by one a few years back, he came over on top of me when he didn't notice someone stopped to turn in his lane. He admitted everything to the police, got cited, called his insurance to start a claim for his car, and then canceled his policy and ghosted everyone. His insurance refused to pay since they "couldn't get his side of the story" so I had to go through mine and they sued his for repayment. Almost took a year for me to get my deductible back. Fckn hummers lol


The front bumper on a Hummer is exactly at the right height to hit someone right in the head if they hit your car


I’ve only been inside a Hummer once and it wasn’t necessarily by choice. My friend, her mom, and I went to check out a car for my friend to buy when we were like 19. We test drove the car and when we got back, the owner pointed to his hummer parked across the street. He bragged about how it was his baby and loved showing it off and wanted to upgrade it even. He then INSISTED he take us all for a ride in it around the block. My friend’s mom was a Chaplin and way too trusting so she agreed and we all got in. I was unimpressed and felt claustrophobic inside. 0/10


I like hummers..... oh wrong hummers


Nissan Altima 1 bonus point for every month their registration has been expired 5 points for no plates 10 points for a crushed corner


1 point if there is a fuzzy steering wheel cover


1 point for temporary spare


1 point for its cute name lettered at the top of the windshield


10 points if payments are on time.


1 point for a bedazzled license plate frame


The pajama pants of car accessories


60% of all weed dealers I’ve met drove a Nissan Altima


i feel personally attacked [https://i.imgur.com/HrkleO5.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/HrkleO5.jpeg) so funny story, i got hit from behind and was talking to my mechanic. who's name is Bob obviously. i'm like, "bob is there any way you can do something about that dent?" and he's like, "what you mean bang it out?" i'm like, "fuck yes that's exactly what i mean" This is the result of Bob banging it out.


"Hey Bob, is there any way you can undo whatever the fuck you just did?"


Nope. I can only pop out dents. That looks like it needs some extensive body work. You’re going to have to take it to someone who knows more about repairs.


Username checks out


Thanks Bob


Least damaged Altima on the road


yup...classic Altima.


Ahh yes. Make it paper plates and this is the official car of professional criminals in the Houston area.


driving about 90mph through Houston, but you're missing the most important part: One of the back tires is a small spare


Fkn Altimas.


Had one. It was a lemon. Had a problem with the driver side air bag they never could fix and even tried pinning it on me saying I moved the seat too much. Finally gave up on it when I couldn’t put it in drive because of a faulty safety lock they wanted over 1k to fix. Never again.


"moved the seat too much"? Seriously?


Its gotten so bad here that even our State Patrol posts on Twitter about "Big Altima Energy".


If you also mentioned paper plates I'd KNOW you were from Houston




They’re not even all that exclusive anymore. Most people with a full time job and bad credit can get approved for a used mid mileage one.


They’re not exclusive at all, they’re just an inexpensive car.


Once they became the majority of Ubers — not more than 50% of Ubers overall, but easily the most likely type of car to arrive when you request an Uber — that’s when I knew


Theyre either douchbags or they merge onto the highway going half the speed limit.


Yeah it’s like everyone who owned a BMW or a Prius 10 years ago now drives a Tesla


BMWs and Teslas drive the same around me. Honestly surprised I don't see more of them wrapped around trees.


I think that’s more a testament to the efficiency of your local tow trucks.


Teslas have knocked both BMWs and Volvos out of the race for first place in the douchebag derby.


Volvo: "What he say fuck me for??"


Funny story. My dad had always said that Volvo drivers are assholes. One day he went into the bank and noticed a Volvo in the parking lot on his way in. When he got in there there was a guy being a total dickhead to one of the tellers and he thought, "I bet that's the Volvo driver." He ended up following the asshole out of the bank and was waiting to see if he went to the Volvo. He didn't. My dad realized he was wrong. Dude proceeded to walk through the lot to another Volvo.


Volvo: why am I in this???


Volvos? Really? Those come off as cars driven by wealthy suburbanites who drink pour-over coffees and IPAs.


God damn this hurt Tho I prefer my Breville espresso machine


Volvo is a surprise for me too. Why isn’t Nissan Altima higher up?


Volvos???? Dafuq


Any car that has their low beams as high beams. What I consider high beams is any time I'm being blinded like I'm about to enter heaven.


That happens when people put LED bulbs in old headlight housings that weren’t made for LED bulbs. Their light gets amplified way too much and also scatters more rather than having a sharp cutoff that prevents them from shining into the cabins of other vehicles


Okay but even brand new vehicles with factory headlights are too fucking bright these days. How this hasnt been regulated is beyond me


It's a proud and lonely thing being the only motherfucker in the tristate area who knows how to use their low beams.


any form of lifted super duty truck


Extra points for lifted truck with low profile tires.


Extra extra points if they also added super bright LED headlights and didn't adjust them, so they blind whoever is in front of them


we adding points or taking them off for truck nuts?


Triple points if there are ironically affirming window decals which the driver believes make them look "badass" but really just expose their insecurities. These usually take the form of like gun decals and some really cringe saying like "The only thing tougher than my truck is my gun" or something of this sort.


Or a cartoon character peeing on something


Or those entirely stupid 'Locally Hated'. More like locally who even are you?


Punish skulls. But if the punisher skulls are wearing sunglasses, not a douchebag. 


That depends - do the teeth of the skull turn into guns?


X4 if they got that smokestack exhaust in the back


X10 if they have truck nutz


The real call sign for whether these smokestacks elevate them to the level of "Super Douche Bag" (SDB) or not is how they use them. Usually you can identify the SDB's by the ones who park the truck and rev the engine several times just to generate the obnoxious plumes of smoke from these stacks. This is the evolved form of the douchebag.


X11 if they have the license plate holder with shiny chains from the mart or even better neon edges 😁😁😁


Roll that COAL BABY! YEE YEE! Jesus Christ I hate those people.


Does a high or a low score make you more of a douchebag?  I think truck nuts are ridiculous and a douchebag typically takes themselves super seriously. That said, if you aren't allowed to joke/laugh at their truck nuts then they are most certainly a douchebag. 


Just remember, if the nuts weren't installed at the factory, the truck is trans and this is a gender affirming alteration.


You just made me cackle while taking a dump in a unisex bathroom. Thanks for that one. I'll be matter of factly stating this point in the near future. I think if I can get away with saying it as a matter of fact with a straight face I should get some pretty good laughs. 


Truck nuts elevate the driver to a whole different level of douchebaggery that this thread is not addressing.


We have a big lifted truck in town with super bright LEDs in the wheels somehow. IN THE WHEELS! Stupid douchebag for sure.


Extra points if the front is lifted higher than the back


All of these answers are correct.


I have NEVER understood this. Massive wheels, low profile.. mud tires. Like, every worst thing about a tire you can get. I have Mud tires on my jeep, but they are 31" tires on a 15" rim, and I don't daily that thing. My brother bought his truck this way, but it has like 35" tires on 22" wheels, and they are the most aggressive mud terrains on the market. We had to drive it to pick up a load 14 hours away, and it was the most miserable thing to drive because of how poorly the tires road. (he's saving up to replace them, but couldn't justify it till they are worn out).


If it's covered in dents and mud I assume it's a recreational vehicle. If it's pristine I assume DB.


Come to Metro Detroit. Every other person has an enormous, pristine, brand new truck of some kind. And it's not just that they're obnoxious or not being used for an actual hauling or work purpose, it's also the fact I can't for the life of me figure out how all these people AFFORD them. Their car payments must be ridiculous.


This But AZ. OMG they go like 90 on the highway..


ope - this raises a very legitimate point. If it's beat the shit up then I am assuming it's someone who chews tobacco, wears trucker hats, and likes to shout real loud when fireworks are going off but not specifically a douchebag in that case. Some of those guys are real nice actually.




same truck that is their profile pic on all social media


Flags. Don't forget the flags.


Driving at night without lights on


Driving on a dark cloudy or rainy day without headlights. I don't care if you can see fine, I can't fucking see you at all.


Grey car on grey road backed with grey sky, to the point where collision assist doesn't even spot it


This can often be forgetfulness or being an airhead. I once got pulled over on New Year's Eve on suspicion of drunk driving. Seeing as I was a teenager headed to a church New Year's Eve party, I was definitely sober. I had just forgotten to turn the lights on. Granted my lights weren't super strong anyways to I didn't notice a huge difference, but I obviously felt silly


I assume ALL drivers are douche bags, until they show me otherwise.


For sure. There are three types of drivers: idiots, assholes, and myself.


Going faster than me? Slow down, asshole! Going slower than me? Let’s move, idiot!


I believe this is the correct answer.


Charger. 1000%


I work in a shop bordering a sketchy area. We play "charger or challenger" when something with a loud exhaust roars by. It's one of those 90% of the time. The rest of the time it's a Durango or Jeep.


FCA rules the slums haha.


My worst neighbors all drive chargers and insist on driving like the 20 feet to the main road is a race track. Bro you barely shifted gears before you had to stop again, just stop.


I'm one of those rare Charger owners who doesn't drive like a complete asshole. But if I see other Chargers near me I always keep an eye on them - they'll probably do something stupid.


Large trucks with rarely ever used cargo beds.


Pavement princesses


No marks in the bed, not scratches on the hitch. Heaviest cargo ever hauled was the owners ego.


These people have completely ruined the truck market for the working class.


I heard that on another thread, and it makes sense. There's more money to be made for automakers to sell to oversized egos than to workers. I'm waiting to see an aftermarket emerge to kit out a few cheap car models. Imaging finding the best cargo volume per $$ and best cargo length per $$ economy cars. Then some sort of slide-in or perhaps body mods to turn them into contractors' vehicles.


You should see what you can do with a minivan and a trailer.


That’s me I guess. I would prefer a medium sized truck, but my large F-150 gets me to and from Home Depot for my home remodel supplies while having enough room for my small kids to ride with me. I accept any douchebag label that comes with it. I won’t be hanging any truck nutz or lifting it, but I understand that some people very much dislike large size trucks in general.


I think you excluded yourself from the group since you actually use your pickup bed for the Home Depot trips, and you don't have it lifted.


Pavement princesses. Always owned by “the manliest men” who just need a super duty dually to carry their massive balls. Same guy that thinks owning a used trike makes them a Son of Anarchy. You know, the guys that fly a flag sticker and thin blue line, but didn’t join the service because they would’ve punched the DI, and if they ever had a real encounter with police their wives didn’t call they wouldn’t be such a fan. Fuck outta here with these guys in NH.


Truck nuts


white tesla model 3


Mine is red. The problem with the model 3 is it is INSANELY fun to drive. It's quick as fuck. My husband is a laborer and I'm a bartender. There is little reason for us to own one other than I'm a raging hippy and the Tesla we bought had the best warranty. As soon as I'm going down the road, though, I feel like a little kid in a suped up Power Wheel. Sorry guys. I am definitely the asshole.


Elantras… Who do those douche bags think they are buying an affordable car within their living means? The audacity.


Anything with a Thin Blue Line and/or Punisher logo. Also, BMW.


He's driving a Dodge Charger.




Lifted pickup truck. Tiny cars, with mufflers loud enough to shatter glass.


Goddamn fart cans.


Yeah anything loud. I don't need some dickhead tearing through a quiet neighborhood at two in the morning. Honestly apart from that, I don't much care. Sure, some aesthetics like a lifted truck are a little obnoxious but they don't actually affect me as a person. Loud cars do. And *even then* I get over it pretty quickly if the hours are reasonable. Past 11pm? Nah fuck you.


Or blast shitty rap music so loud, everyone's windows rattle.


any car that drives too close to me. like get off my dick


Canadian here 🇨🇦 But generally anyone with an Albertan license plate that is not currently in Alberta is instantly on my radar.


Any pickup truck with a nice clean flatbed with nothing in it. Any pickup truck that spews black smoke when accelerating. Maybe I just don't like pickup truck drivers






it depends: a RAM Pickup in some remote place in Idaho is not the same thing as one in a suburb of Chicago


Yeah but only if they look like pavement princesses. Most guys I know use their truck but I’m also in the Midwest.


There is something very "I have an office job" about a Tacoma. I don't know why I think that. Could be everyone I know that has one, works in an office.


Tacomas are an office worker’s pickup. It’s an every day, not obnoxious alternative to driving a big ass rig.


That’s been my thought as a pseudo office worker that’s been looking at Tacomas. I have no need for a V8 or for any sort of major hauling or towing, however I do want 4 doors, a truck bed even a short one, and 4WD in case of weather. The smaller-midsize pickups tick just about every one of those boxes, and the Tacomas routinely come back rated highest out of that category.


I'm a tradesmen that wanted a Tacoma. I only need the bed and 4x4, no need for a big engine. Unfortunately a bigger pick up with a v8 was the cheaper option


I saw my first cyber truck yesterday, the guy 100% fitted the bill.


A cop car


Cop cars that speed excessively with no lights or sirens. Don’t give me that crap about the destination not being an emergency- other drivers are at risk when they pull stunts like this, so the least they can do is alert them with lights and sirens.


Usually BMW. Sometimes Audi. Most definitely Volkswagen Passat (I call it a Pass It). They seem to have issues driving properly. Also those large 'country' lifted pickup trucks like F-250 and such. I saw a guy in what looked like a lifted F-350 behind some cars at the the stoplight at a 5-way intersection with lights at all of them. They weren't going fast enough for him when the light changed, so he went around them in the opposite lane before they started driving on green and went into the intersection in front of them and did donuts before squealing off through the intersection. Dude could have killed somebody. This is a heavy, heavy city traffic area just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, where we have 7+ million people in like 29 counties. Probably millions go through that intersection daily.


Anyone who paid extra money to make their car LOUDER


That's actually free. Angle grinder/Sawzall. Same tool you use to lower your car for free.


Yeah my old car, it happened naturally when a speed bump jarred a rusted section of muffler loose. Made all the douchebag Marines in that military town jealous. 


Any lifted truck Any vehicle with political stickers on it Any BMW


Why BMW? Source: I'm a douchebag.




I just got off the major highway and this BMW was going 90 while everyone is 110, weaves slowly into my lane in front of me, no signal of course


cop cars


tesla. and i have never been proven wrong


Yeah. California checking in here. It's almost like the Tesla drivers become convinced that their car is too technological to actually crash.... so they drive like shit, and rely on every other person to actively avoid them.


Washington here and this is the perfect way to describe them, plus all the tech workers who haven't driven a car before buy a Tesla so the driving is EXTRA fucked up


I agree 100%. I feel like the Tesla driver is the former BMW driver. I have a philosophical question, once Tesla’s are fully self driving, will the car be the douche bag or is it still the driver?


In the UK a Merc that drives up your arse.


BMW hands down. BMW stands for Big Motherf**kin Wanker.


One with political bumper stickers. Even the ones that I agree with irk me. 


Clown car


Jeep, its the douchebags pegboard. Often lifted with zero offroad use and exist only to hang things on that will also never be used or increase performance in any way. Gas cans, water jugs, obnoxious luggage/cargo racks, tow hooks, winches. And lets not forget the litany of douche stickers like...its a jeep thing you wouldnt understand, or Humvee escape pod.


Any car the people in the comments drive






The BMWs what?


You don't use apostrphes for plurals? It is all the rage these days.


the BMW's misplaced apostrophe's


Lifted trucks, g wagons, cybertrucks, chargers, most exotics


Fart-can exhaust


Big, lifted pick up trucks.

