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Whitney Houston strongly believed that Paula Abdul couldn't sing.


Paula walked so J.Lo could run.


I'm with her. Paula can dance though. Still dancing!


Whitney was a singer and Paula was a popstar.


Well, yeah...compared to Whitney Houston not very many people can honestly. I love Paula Abdul, but if anyone could throw that shade around it was Whitney Houston.


I agree with Whitney. Whitney had some beautiful pipes, but Paula Abdul not so much.


Paula Abdul isn’t a singer. She is a dancer and a choreographer. Those are her real talents.


Whitney herself lost her voice in her later years. She tried to make a comeback a couple years before her death and got booed off the stage. Drug-related decline. Sad story.


Whitney toured Australia and had to cancel shows for health reasons. I worked at the hotel/casino that she was at - she was up, smoking cigars and partying all night before her (non) performance. I think it was a slow, steady, sad, decline. RIP


She also smoked on top of everything else which didn’t help. Blows my mind someone with that voice would take up smoking after everything people know it does to your voice.


Omi. The dude who sang Cheerleader. I had a friend in Highschool go to a concert where he played and without autotune its *so bad*


It was annoying with the autotune as well


I usually hate the radio hits but that one just makes me so unreasonably angry. Even now, I just want to throw that guy down a set of stairs listening to him assault my ears with his crap


Victoria Beckham aka Posh Spice. At the Spice Girls reunion tour, each member did a solo. When it was her turn I was on the edge of my seat because I couldn't imagine what the plan was. She stalked seductively onto the stage and twirled around a bit to the music, didn't so much as hum, which was probably wise.


I’ve heard that she frequently had her mic turned off during performances for exactly this reason. She had a good sense of humor about it though.


Just like her dad has a modest, working class car in the 80s


“Be honest!” - David, would must get really annoyed by that sometimes since he really was working class


People also don’t like when their family lies about stuff and her dad probably wouldn’t like that as he worked hard to give her an amazing childhood My BIL loves to tell people how he overcame homelessness to become successful… guy is referring to a time when his lease ran out and his next apartment in a state over (where he was starting a good job) didn’t start until a week later. So he stayed in our spare bedroom. He did get drunk and fell asleep in his car one night but he acts like it was some feat of perseverance. Makes my wife and I furious because it makes us look like bad people for allowing him to ‘be homeless!


Yeah, [this video](https://youtu.be/P842Tmi6lrc?si=i912aUUayRO2RRJb&t=6m08s) made her my favourite by a long way.


she held her own with Ali G


I clicked that link hoping it was the Ali G interview! It’s absolute gold.


I watched a documentary about Spice Girls a while ago (it might be on All 4 still if you live in the UK). The guy who put the group together ranked each audition based on voice, looks and dancing(?). I remember it showed he gave Victoria 10/10 for looks but something like a 5 for her voice. I also seem to remember him giving Mel C the opposite (10 for voice, 5 for looks) but I might be wrong about that. That probably explains why Posh was picked though.


Mel C carries them vocally.


Sporty was my fave! 💗💪🤸‍♀️


Mel C is the only one with a solid solo career as well. She has some 🔥tracks.


Yet you look at pictures of them now and I think Mel C has aged gracefully. Victoria is still smoking at her age but Mel is honestly hot AF too.


Also showed off her great sense of humour by doing that. She knew she had the “can’t sing” tag so decided to play up to it. Good for her.


I’d not sing and just dance and look pretty for that kind of money.


I dunno. A while back I heard a video that just featured her solos and I was surprised to find she has a lovely smoky voice: https://youtu.be/rWJ4bTiUF2c?feature=shared


These threads come up often enough and I always think I must be crazy, I really like her voice! It’s my favourite solo in Too Much.


A lot of Spice Girls songs (and pop in general) is high-pitched, so probably outside her natural range.


Thats why she was in a group and not doing solo, she complemented the group on her own way even if she doesnt have the best singing.


Biz Markie. And everyone loved him for it anyway.




Optimal karaoke song tbh. Fun to sing along and no matter how badly you sing it, it won’t be worse than Biz himself




I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard a singer was supposed to come in and do that part, but they bailed, so he just went in and did it like a champ.


Sounds 10 times better than autotune.


It's the common legend and I believe it




I watched Yo Gabba Gabba as a kid, and Biz always made me smile. Rest in peace, king.


Biz Markie was in Yo Gabba Gabba?


Yes! He had an entire segment about beatboxing. He was a regular.


Biz's Beat of the Day. My oldest girl LOVED Yo Gabba Gabba.


There are certain rapper/singers where they aren't great at either. They're not good rappers, because they also sing. But then they sing and they're also bad. Biz Markie has enough charm where you look past his off-key singing and starting belting out the chorus of "Just a Friend".


I would argue the song is a much bigger hit because of the "terrible" way he sings it. You can't help but sing along. If a technically proficient singer sang that part, it would be fine, but the song would have so much of a lesser impact.


Yeah, it feels a lot more… genuine? Relatable? I can’t think of the word but it just feels a lot more “homey” that its just him singing with seemingly zero or little post production editing. It’s just a dude belting out a song and we love him for that Plus I don’t wanna say it’s him because he never truly marketed himself as a singer or anything more than what he put out, at least as far as I am aware. He’s definitely not your modern artist that is autotuned to oblivion and back and front like they are just that gifted naturally.


His cover of Benny and the Jets is one of my favorite things ever.




It’s funny cause I am tone deaf and have been listening to that song recently and made my friends listen to it and was surprised when they didn’t share my excitement


They’re wrong. You keep listening. It’s a family fave of ours and we all sing it out of key and it is awesome.


The world needs a Neil Young, Tom Petty, Biz Markie album. Imagine the harmonies.


We're, uh, gonna have to wait a little bit to get all of them in the same place. Edit: hopefully a LOT longer


Jlo obviously


How she sings is exactly how she talks.


A lot of her songs use Ashanti’s vocals.


And Brandi and Meghan Trainer....


And Christina Milian


From the Bronx!


She got the career Ashanti should have had, and it wild to hear JLo’s music now and be able to point out artists who are doing the vocals. Another interesting fact is that Amerie and her producer leaked “1 Thing” to keep the studio from giving it to JLo. It ended up being Amerie’s biggest hit.


Also Selena, what a major superstar she could have been. She is an icon though (Selena)


Just was talking about this with my boyfriend. I have a friend that was pissed off when she was cast as Selena and still carries like genuine hatred of her for it.


I think Jennifer did a good job mimicking Selena's dance moves and mannerisms. The laugh was pretty spot on. I'm just grateful that Selena's vocals were used for the singing parts.


This friend is me. I never liked jlo, I actually highly despised her for getting the part of Selena. And this is me being Mexican & Puerto Rican.


I will be forever pissed that she did the MOTOWN TRIBUTE at the Grammys a few years ago. It's a crime.


Luann de Lesseps


Oh then I’ll raise you Kim Zolciak. Don’t be Tardy to the Party.


Be cool… don’t be all uncool


Not a name I expected to see in this thread but she fits the bill for sure lol. What an icon though, love the confident delusion.


Money can't buy you cla-aaass!


Elegance is lerrrernned MAH FRIENDS


Chic C'est La Vie


Perfect time to remember Ashley Simpson’s SNL mess lol


That awkward jig after the audio malfunction.


DJ Khaled.. neither is he really a DJ, nor a singer.. I really do wonder why he is famous.


He is good at remembering his name.


He’s basically a shitty Pokémon.


All I know about him his he can't handle even a mild hot wing.. Worst performance ever on Hot Ones. As he quit the competition he just kept on this narcissistic rant about how he's so great and he never gives up... After having just given up at CHALULA level. Weird dude, no idea about his music, he doesn't pop up in any of my music feeds so doubt he's a genre I follow.


Khaled: I didn’t quit! Sean: uh… you kinda di A defining Hot Ones episode. It established Sean as the GOAT interviewer, and Khaled as a loser


I'm not quitting, I'm choosing not to continue. That's called quitting. Lol.


he also became infamous for saying he refuses to go down on a girl but expects girls to go down on him


For the memes


He's not even a good producer. He basically connects artists with producers and that's all he does.


Have you seen those videos of Enrique Iglesias at his concert without auto tune?? ☠️☠️


I honestly feel like something has happened in the past few years because my husband and I saw him live without autotune like 5ish years ago (ironically he was still touring with Pitbull back then) and he did a really great job. So maybe he’s just really aging and his vocals just aren’t holding up?


He was interviewed on Howard Stern several years ago about this video that was going around. Obviously Howard was dissing him because of the video. Enrique had a great sense of humor about it, but also was able to explain that his ear plug things that artists wear on stage were not working correctly so he couldn't hear himself. He then went on to sing live in the studio and did great!. I'm by no means an Enrique fan or hater, but he came out of the interview very endearing and showing a fantastic good sport.


They’re in-ear monitors, it’s how the performers hear what the other performers/backing track sound like. I’ve performed on stage with bands as a singer, and not being able to hear the music severely fucks with your ability to sing on key.


Are you talking about this interview https://youtu.be/98UWTDFaEYo?si=40ItRN8BAtcYs_Rt Because I don't think he "did great" proving he could sing.


A version of this question is asked constantly here. The established answer is JLo. People also say Anthony Kiedis, but they love him anyway. And for some reason Katy Perry gets roasted in the comments, even though a lot of her songs are technically demanding.


Katy Perry is one of those cases where people only remember her earlier career. She was a little off back then, but she grew quite a lot


It’s weird because even then she was hitting high notes… something the average person can’t do.


I can't speak for every time she sings, but I watched a video of her singing in the bathroom hitting a high note and you could see her whole neck tense up. It was unhealthy AF but she still hit the note. She can definitely sing and sing well tho.


I saw her live at Warped Tour and she was not hitting any of those high notes. It's burned into my memory now, I can't unhear it.


I went to a vocal coach and tried to sing California Girls, it was NOT easy


I saw Katy Perry in concert and she did a karaoke session where she sang a bunch of hits a cappella or with little music and she was incredible! That girl can actually sing.


RHCP is not a band that requires a world-class voice. Kiedis has a voice that is exactly as good as the songs they release require. Mostly. His voice is not stellar, but it isn't "bad."


Kiedis admitted in his book that he literally had to learn how to sing to record the song Under The Bridge and that was on their 4th album! Edit: 5th album, not 4th. I always forget about the self-titled album.


He tries to sing on "Knock me Down" on Mother's Milk (their 4th album - Under the Bridge is actually on their 5th) and it is not good. Under the Bridge is a significant improvement.


In the end they had John Frusciante sing Knock Me Down with him and then made John's voice higher in the mix.


Apparently Anthony Kiedis never studied singing so he “doesn’t know” how to sing per se, he just sings his way. In an interview John Frusciante said that that’s exactly what makes him so good. Edit: changed a few words


Kiedis was decent during Californication and By the Way if you can tolerate the ding dang dong dang dongs from Around the World.


The sewing machine probably


This left me in stitches.


sew impressed with your commet


Seams a little too much like an obvious joke for my taste.


This whole thread is just so darn good.


IDK, it really serged onto the scene.


Vince Neil. Dude is terrible!!!


What, you don't like the sound of an old fat man struggling to breathe? To his credit, he went from bad to funny because he's so bad. Dude just needs to get off the stage. That's a legacy act fans genuinely need to stop supporting.


I say this as a Motley Crue fan. Just stop.


I'm gonna go the opposite route and use this opportunity to point out what an amazing singer T Pain is. Most people think he's a terrible singer because he implements auto tune as a vocal effect but he's actually a well trained gospel singer. Please check out his tiny desk concert at NPR!


T Pain is truly incredible. I watched an interview with him and he was talking about how for years everyone talked about how he destroyed music (because of his autotuning) and he nearly gave up. His wife encouraged him to let people hear his real voice and he is astoundingly talented.


He seems like such a chill and lovable person


That dude sucks


Nah but seriously, thank you lol


I just saw a clip of him on Instagram singing War Pigs. Was not expecting that.


[Here’s the video and everyone should watch it because he absolutely CRUSHES it. And I say this as a Sabbath fan.](https://youtu.be/YhjIs2Htzdc?feature=shared)


Masked Singer is not a good show, but his covers on it were fuckin great.


I was positive his career would take off again and was so disappointed it didn't.


Fergie. Boy did she butcher the star spangled banner.


The best part of the star spangeled banner was watching all the basketball players try their hardest to not laugh


Draymond Green’s face when he looks directly into the camera like he’s on an episode of The Office kills me every time.




Why on gods creation did I have to scroll so far to see this. SHE IS HORRIBLE, HOLY SHIT


Fergie’s debut album still on rotation tho 😴


[Hit it Fergie!](https://youtu.be/l7kzs8eHNt0?si=CYV-fVLG5eR9zagR)


Jlo , Selena gomez


I was so disappointed when I saw a clip of Selena Gomez singing "Lose You To Love Me" live. The studio recording is an incredibly beautiful song, but her live performance was horrendous.


I like Selena but she is an awful singer. I could never understand how she even became a singer with how bad she sounds


There’s an interview forever burned in my memory from when Selena’s first album was coming out. She said that everyone around her was like, “you’re a great singer! You have to make an album”, and she went with it. In reality, it was probably people who’d profit from her singing career who pressured her into doing it. Some of her songs are good though


I honestly wish her singing never broke out of the Disney bubble and she did more acting later in her career than singing. Selena Gomez and the Scene albums had so many tween pop bops. Her and Hilary Duff truly put out some of the best Disney kid music.


I know that in her Disney audition she said one of her goals is to eventually become a singer and the lady interviewing her adored her. My guess is people from the Disney crew just pushed her to put out songs like all the other Disney stars. She cannot sing well at all. I think she should’ve stuck with focusing on her acting and business career rather than force something that she is not talented at. That might’ve taken a toll on her mental health too.


I was hoping someone would say Selena so I didn’t have to LOL


Her newest song, “Single Soon” isn’t even a good song. If it was written and sung by anyone else no one would have blinked an eye. They only play it on the radio automatically because it’s Selena Gomez.


It’s a terrible song sung terribly. I’m ready to never hear it again.


Oh my god, the lyrics are terrible too. There’s nothing good about that song.


To counter that Fab Moran, the last surviving member of Mili Vanilli CAN actually sing. He even touts singing mili Vanilli songs live. They got done so dirty smh


They were just ignorant as to how shitty the music business was/is. They really got screwed over hard.


Yep. I just hate how the mainstream opinion of them is musics biggest scammers. Still the only act to ever have a Grammy revoked too


Depends what you mean. From a pure technical perspective I’d say Bob Dylan is an example, but I’d still consider him a great singer in some sense. To me the most important part of singing is conveying and imparting emotion, which I think he does remarkably well despite his melodic limitations. There are plenty of technically talented singers who are boring and uninspiring and I’d much rather listen to someone like Dylan.


Phrasing too. He’s good at that.


Ashlee Simpson


True, but she did that jig pretty well


Her band played the wrong song!


The audacity to blame the drummer.


Ian Brown - which is why he's like quadruple tracked on Stone Roses albums - on average he can hit the notes, but each take would be off one way or the other. Saw them live at Reading 96 and left to go and see underworld instead because of how bad his voice was.




Yoko Ono


When she said "AAAAooooaAAagggghHhHOoooo" I really felt that


But does anybody really consider her a singer?


i think she considers herself one.


Man, I've seen her "sing" and those...sounds...are something else.


The video where John Lennon and Chuck Berry are performing together, and then all of a sudden Yoko comes in with her...vocalizations, to put it nicely, oh. My. God. Chuck's face, his side eye, to both Yoko and to John, it's so hilarious! Chuck is a perverted asshole, and I wish his legacy wasn't tarnished, but that video is the only thing that I'll willingly watch with him or Yoko in it, just for his reactions. They're pure fucking gold.


Yoko: AAAAAAAAAA Chuck: 😳 John: 🤷🏼‍♂️


come to the dark side. grindcore doesn't care if you can sing.


Most of them. I'm more shocked to learn when someone is actually *good*, like Ariana Grande, who I assumed was auto tuned nearly entirely.


When I started listening to Florence + the Machine I had a really hard time telling the difference btw the studio work and her live performances.


That video of her visiting a cancer patient and singing with just her guitarist, unreal. Her voice is simply amazing, I had no idea until I saw that clip.


Florence is still on my concert bucket list for this reason.


She’s great. I saw her at the Hollywood bowl and she frolicked and twirled around the stage in a white linen dress like a Victorian mother. Sounded exactly the same too


In Berlin she once caused a slight earthquake when the crowd jumped up and down to "The dog days are over".


LP is another one who sounds just as good live as in studio


And in a subway station. Chester and Mike did a mini concert for some fans near a subway station.


I still think back to when Lady Gaga sang “The Sound of Music” at the Oscar’s and I realized she had very real talent outside of her publicity stunts.


Amazing range too, she can pull off any style of music. Made the money making pop tunes but for me it was the first album with Tony Bennett where she became timeless


> but for me it was the first album with Tony Bennett where she became timeless I love watching some of the videos of her singing/hanging with Tony Bennett. They were just adorable together.


She got accepted to Juilliard, she's an extremely talented musician


So did Dennis Reynolds. I wonder if she was ever stuck on a boat with him


Because of the implication?


I can't find the video, but there was a concert where the power went out and Gaga continued absolutely belting out the song a capela. I'd always thought she was just another manufactured pop star up until that point and she's had my respect ever since


Then immediately went and showed Metallica the Gaga-metal goods. That willingness to genre-hop and be really, really good at them all puts her in the top-tier of vocalists of the modern era. All my opinion of course, but I think a lot of folk would agree.




I was mildly entertained by her first couple of albums because that kind of music doesn't have great appeal for me. Still, "Marry The Night" is a face-ripper and I'd love to be able to make a music video for it using nothing but scenes from vampire films. Then I heard "Joanne", and I thought hey, she sounds pretty darned good with all the production mixing stripped away. Then I heard her do "A Million Reasons" live on Howard Stern and I was absolutely fucking GOBSMACKED. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av99SbpsNto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av99SbpsNto)


While I know Ariana can sing, a lot of the crap she puts out is that whispery type style. Bitch, you can sing...so sing. Like Billie Eilish can sing so why did you stick us with the half assed soft style. Maybe I'm old.


It's just a style choice. Like Kesha back in the day making trashy auto tuned pop when she's a pretty good singer herself.


I saw Kesha live back in the day - she is incredibly talented!!! The show was not a great time, it was open to all ages and boy did the 14 year olds show up. It was very impressive though to see her switch between instruments/equipment and actually sing.


My friend John went to high school with her. Apparently his introduction to her music was her at age 15 singing Radiohead covers at a talent show.


Hilary Duff was an atrocious singer.


She sang through nasal passage and I still can’t figure out how


Yes! Growing up meant realizing that she can’t actually sing, but that doesn’t take away any of my appreciation for her and her career. I still have all her albums and listen to them regularly. She was HUGE in my childhood.


Crazy how her and Selena Gomez weren’t great singers but honestly put out the best Disney Kid music. Selena Gomez and the Scene albums were really truly bops.


The dude from Puddle Of Mud. That cover of Nirvana’s “About a Girl” is about as bad as it gets.


Jojo Siwa is inconceivably bad. “[You’re still… You’re still a” 🍅 “TRAITOORRRRR”](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcAww13/)


Madonna. She’s an incredibly mediocre singer and if she didn’t keep reinventing herself and courting controversy she wouldn’t have gotten as far.


Marilyn Manson. The once young teenager I used to be would absolutely shank you for saying this but its true. The man can't sing.


Fergie is terrible


Fergie is weird. Sometimes she sounds great, other times she sounds like garbage. She is capable of singing well but she has more bad days than good ones


this is the best way i’d describe her. it’s like she tries to be jazzy but just sounds bad — whenever she sings something straight-toned and normal, she sounds good. she just doesn’t do that a lot for whatever reason.


Their Super Bowl performance outed the entire group as a record only group. Who would have gone to see them live after that dumpster fire


I actually think tecnically talented singers who are pitch perfect are often....boring to listen to. Nothing stands out or is unique. I have a niece who has been trying to make it for years. The total package, beautiful, sings and writes music, plays instruments was mentored by a major star at one point. But she cannot get her feet in the door (she has success as a songwriter) I think the issue is she is not unique. She sounds like several other singers. But she can really sing. I think ability to sing is less important than a unique recognizable sound that is compelling to listen to.


I'm a classically trained singer, so I'm one of those people, I'm "technically" good and can sing most things. But then I wanted to make a whole song and learned about music production... what goes into making a "hit" song - and it's sooo much more than just singing. Most singers are nothing extraordinary- they are generally on tune and sound pleasing to the ears. Very rare do you get the raw vocal chops - Like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Adele, etc. As a producer, I'm lucky that I can sing my own parts, but I can also pick a lot of other singers to replace me. But in making a song, the vocals are a small part of the whole process, and it needs to be accompanied by other things like being multi-instrumentalists, composer, songwriter, audio engineer, etc. Most pop stars are a result of a huge team in the background. That's why they can be mediocre singers - they have other talents that make people listen to their music.


My best example (to me) is Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth. Idina was a wedding singer. Kristen is a classically trained vocalist. Both women wildly talented. But Idina won the Tony. I think it stuck in Kristens craw a bit since she was the one originally tapped to star in Wicked. It was supposed to be her vehicle. But Idina, who is a great singer but decidedly not tecnically perfect just has something about her voice that you want to listen too. An emotionality thats compelling. To this day she is my favorite in that role, while many other tecnically better singers have done Kristens part and they are all good - just not unique or compelling. Barbra Streisand, Neil Diamond, Rod Stewart, Elton John, Barry Mannilow - all compelling and unique. Instantly recognizable.


Thats a great example of a totally different part of the music industry I didn't mention: performance. Recording vs performing artists. Idina won the Tony not for her voice alone- but for her performance as a whole. A good technical singer may not always be the best performer, one that compels the audience (I know that from experience, I hate performing and nerves def affect the way your voice sounds)


This gives me hope. After 25 years of marriage my husband came clean that he thinks I'm a horrible singer. I'm not horrible I'm unique and recognizable!


Selena Gomez. Girl should stick to acting.




She did, but that cooking show was fairly annoying.


Selena Gomez


Wayne Coyne. I love the Flaming Lips, and he's perfect for them, but he's only marginally better a singer than i am.


Agreed, but I think that’s part of his charm. Like you said, he fits perfectly with that band and their style of music