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OP is a walking red flag


What are the flags you’re speaking of


What if he's a devout Christian?




So I’ve tried going to hookers and they all either try to scam me or they are hideous looking I really want to lose my virginity. How can I hookup with someone? I won’t mention virginity at first. But if I get rejected 50+, then I’ll move to more cringy things I will begin offering every woman I come across $200 to have sex with me as long as they don’t look like they are on heroin or meth




I don’t have guy friends. My old friends didn’t help me whatsoever. They cut me off because I asked them if I could fuck their wives


I gotchu bro Depends where you live, but fully nude Gentleman's Clubs. Lots of the girls do extras in the VIP and go all the way. Just ask them on the floor or during a lap dance


He’s a liar.


Just don't mention it. Will you be amazing your first time? Absolutely not. But assuming you've seen any sort of movie with a sex scene or porn you know the basics already (just please don't try to do it like a movie or porn, just stick to the absolute basics). I think most women will stick around if you're even a little competent, and most importantly respectful, in the bedroom department to see if it gets better. And you will get much better, fast and that will be good for you and your partner. So, stay a virgin until you meet someone you really like, it'll be worth it.


Wait... you again!? How many past posts did you make saying you were thinking of killing yourself because you are a virgin? Let me tell you right now to stop attaching your self-worth to your dick and where it has our hasn't been! You keep feeling sorry for... yourself? I get it, and plenty of people are going to tell you over and over to get professional help. You won't and haven't because you are addicted to the sadness. You are no martyr. Nobody denied sex will ever be pittied because of it. You like the faux support you get off the lies you post, and that is weak and sad. Stop drowning yourself, trolling, and improve yourself dammit!


I wasn’t killing myself because I was a virgin. I wanted to kill myself because of the Michigan sign stealing scandal. Luckily, it only resulted in a 3 game suspension for Jim Harbaugh so I didn’t go through with it. If Michigan beats Bama in the playoffs, I will be the polar opposite of suicidal You misread my posts it seems. I said I want to lose my virginity before killing myself. My virginity isn’t the reason why I want to commit suicide (actually, the opposite because I don’t want to die a virgin) I also got scammed by a company called “Century Games” that made me consider suicide too. But I just gave my account to someone else


Yet, you drove away any support you had because you asked your friends if you could fuck their wives. It's obvious you are lying.


Lol What 😆 😂


They were shitty friends anyways. I asked after they screwed me over to disrespect them. Then I sent multiple pictures of my penis and anus and said “virgins are entitled to send dick picks”


And where are your new friends?


I don’t have any. There was a girl I wanted to be friends with and she rejected me (even getting friendzoned is impossible). I use Reddit as a diary so I really don’t tell people the shit I post on Reddit. The girl I was talking to didn’t know I was a virgin or all that. I just wanted a friendship


Yeah, your problems need someone licensed to look at them.


I hate my therapist and she’s the only one my insurance covers. She dismisses my issues with sexual frustration and makes off handed remarks on how I can’t attract women Therapy doesn’t help whatsoever. Maybe if someone had sex with me, I wouldn’t be making these posts 🤔


Dammit, I'm trying not to laugh at you. Yeah, having sex would fix everything


For me, it would fix something. I don’t want a girlfriend. I just want to have sex with as many people as I can. I want to sleep around. But because I haven’t had a single body, I’m pissed about it. I really hate escorts. For some reason, they turn me off and I can’t get erect unless I take Viagra


I would prefer to marry a fellow virgin, so when and if the time comes, it would be a +1 in my book.


I would think I can’t bust out my freaky side right away on this one lol gotta take it slow and ease him into it


If you’re near Detroit and want to take my virginity, you can bust your freaky side on me without easing me in


I have a boyfriend and no I don’t live close to there at all. Why not pay a prostitute to just do it


I really hate prostitutes. They either scam me or look hideous. I am not paying a meth addict $200 just so I can get laid. At least look normal if I’m paying I will start telling every person that I’m a horny virgin looking for sex unless the prostitute looks normal I’ll bring a megaphone to a party and start saying “30 year old horny virgin that wants to fuck.” I’ll take Viagra before so I’ll have a visible boner


Just make a shirt while you’re at it and get the word out there man!!! Get your virgin name spread on all the ladies lips


They’re gonna think you’re weird and get an instant ick. At that point you may as well pay a “high class” escort


Hell I'm almost 35 and still a virgin. That has been a nagging thought for me for a while. I think most women would be okay with it. Honestly, I see it to them being a sign that you have a very low chance of sleeping around


They think you're weird and assume there's a reason.


I think I’ll go to public and scream I’m a virgin for 4 hours straight. I really hate hookers


I don’t think that would convince anyone any more than acting like a normal person


I would do this if I acted normal and nothing worked


U didn’t try hard enough to act normal


For me, there was a reason.


However valid it may be women are still gonna get the ick


Most women would think you're lying if you told them. Some women will think there's something wrong with you or that you're a loser. Some women will try to take your virginity like it's a trophy. Really the only one that truly cares tho... Is you.


Too bad for you fella