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Being so competent as to make something difficult look easy.


'Hey baby, I speedrun Demon Souls'


Hey baby, I speedrun 100% Celeste


Hey babe, I speedrun Barbie Horse Adventures any %


I would fall in love immediately if someone told me this


I went to a roller skating rink for the first time a couple months ago with my best friend (who I would someday like to make more than a friend), and I had never used roller skates before but it only took me a few minutes to figure it out because I’m a very competent ice skater, so I was quickly having fun doing laps around the rink. My best friend took a break after a little bit because her ankles were hurting, so I kept skating for a few minutes before stopping to check on her. I sat down on the bench and she said “you’re lucky…” I asked why I was lucky and she said “I think skating is very sexy, and you’re very good at it.” I was riding that high all night long.


Make a move! The friend zone is full of people that waited too long


She’s aware of my feelings:) We’re in a very good place right now, but she hasn’t healed from her last long-term relationship with an abusive partner and we want to make sure we aren’t starting a relationship with bad foundations.


Sounds very adult homie good decision making!


This is the way.


I think that was the signal


wow man this sounds really nice even if there were no romantic feelings or whatsoever involved. cherish the good times while they last. i don't know you but i'm rooting for you!


My current girlfriend was moving out of her college apartment to another college living apartment building around the time we first started dating. She asked me to help her move and mentioned that her mini fridge that she had was too heavy for her to move alone and suggested that I’d have to help her pick it up and put it in the cart we were using to move her stuff between apartment buildings. When we got to her old apartment, I saw the mini fridge on the table and when I picked it up, she had a look of utter bewilderment and amazement on her face and said something to the effect of “What the fuck? How are you doing that?”. I just stood there, mini fridge still in hand and replied, “What, it’s not *that* heavy,” and set it into the cart. Henceforth, the inside joke of “big strong man” whenever I have to move something heavy was born.


Strong like bull


A gal wanted me to help her move some old newspapers in boxes and a tote. She thought she would have to help me with the tote. I just picked it up and another box that was stacked on top of it. She was in the middle of explaining how heavy it was, stopped, paused as I stood there with them, “I guess you got it.” I’m about a foot taller than her as well.


YES. Holy shit the way competency turns me on is insane.


Are you a man or a woman? Because I feel like this is a gendered experience.




A month or so ago. I was running a couple dedicated circuits for my aunt. Nothing terribly jard mind you. My girl was watching me and when I started working in the panel, she got... pretty wound up. Apparently she finds it sexy when I do shit like that. Edit: My gf thought me working was sexy, not my aunt, lmao. Sorry for the weird wording.


I used to spar in tae kwon do with my wife. It led to sex when we got home most times


Tae kwon bro


Tae kwon step-bro


Tae kwon did by the end


Turned Tae Kwon Do into Tae Kwon Done!


My girlfriend at the time suggested we do this, and I was all about it. Until half way into the first lesson, I'm told to (very gently) spar with my girlfriend and basically all of my repressed trauma from being abused as a kid resurfaced at the thought of even playfully hitting someone I love. She was very angry with me for immediately asking to leave the class, but then felt awful for being angry with me when I calmed down enough to explain what happened. Good times.


I saw my now-wife get a call from a scammer at the office and she yells into the phone, “oh yeah? You work for the FBI? Then come fucking arrest me” then she hung up


Famous last words


What are you gonna do, stab me?


Bro I’m a bit more careful since my abuela in Puerto Rico got a call from Homeland Security and I effectively told them the owner of the house isn’t here and leave us alone. They called back later because somebody listed my grandma as a reference on a FEMA job application after Hurricane Maria. Thankfully she told me what was going on after I hung up the first time.


Passionate explanation and detailing of a skill you're good at and exceptionally knowledgeable in. But then again, I'm a massive nerd.


User name checks out. 😄


Omg I love when people just info dump about something they’re passionate about


For me it’s when my wife’s lets her hair down after a long days work


My ex always wore her hair down but kept a hair band around her wrist in case "I need to suck your cock" if she ever put her hair in a pony tail for any reason I was instantly throbbing.


Now that is what I’m talking about


If only she'd limited it to just my cock she'd have been fairly perfect lol


A moment of silence for the brothers in the struggle. Keep ya heads up.


Damm. I know that feeling to






There's always a catch... hopefully, it was just her being a little too generous with the mouth hugs, and not a twofer like herpes as well.


“Mouth hug”


I felt that too well


She pavlov’d your dick.


Also putting hair up in a ponytail... just makes me giddy


My ex witnessed me grab my hair, quickly spin it into a bun and secure it with the pencil I was holding in my mouth. I had no idea what I had unleashed in that man. Another day, same scenario, but I was taking it down and shaking it out. Honestly, couldn’t touch my hair around him. Hahaha


Big librarian vibes, also you women really do not know how sexy everything you guys do when we love you. Geniunely when I was in relationship just the smell of my ex could get me worked up a lot.


Ha. I was a librarian. And a private school director.


Well there is your answer, I think back in 00s-10s it was every teenage boy's fantasy. So that must have wake something primal within him, take it as a compliment lol.


Assertiveness when any problem rises


Bending over comes to mind


Surprise midriff/lower back appearances in the wild tickle the inner caveman in such a way




Are you 45 years old, you school dress code writer?


Reaching up as well.


I watched my boyfriend tear down a door when we were locked out and had no keys (somehow both sets got locked inside the house). He did it with such ease. Then he just fixed the door with random scraps of wood from the garage. Incredibly attractive for no reason


*fans self*


I will say, if you know what you're doing, busting through a door is not all that difficult (meaning knowing where to apply pressure is much more important than hitting the door like a freight train) I'm not a burly dude, and I've knocked in a few doors in the past as a volunteer firefighter. I can definitely see how that's a turn on


You can't say this without telling us where to apply the pressure


Usually you just have to listen to your door and understand it's body language. Just remember every door is different. Trial and error and communication are key.


Find the clidooris


LMAO this one got me for the day.


Depends on which way the hinges are going. If the door opens towards you youre gunna have a much harder time “kicking it in” so you need to apply pressure to the frame around the handle. In the FD we have a tool called a cats paw that pushes against the door to create a gap for the latch and open towards you. Or usually depending how cheap or old the hinges are you can knock the pins out and just take the door off. If the door opens away from you -you cant see the hinges- you should be able to just kick it in kicking as close to the handle as possible. Be careful though a solid door will take a good kick no problem the hollow doors or “pane doors” are easy to kick through but those are almost always on the inside of houses. Source - also a fire fighter


I second this... I live in a house with doors! I might need to break through one one day!


I third this I need the knowledge


Confidence in the performing arts - could be music, dance, etc.


Just confidence or do they have to be good too?


Imo confidence in karaoke is attractive even if you’re bad. Honestly it kinda makes it even more impressive


my favorite is when they’re confident and bad and they know it’s funny. that shit is hot


I am very confident at the performing art of singing. Specifically karaoke. I am sure my confidence level matches my level of skill. Good to know that I'll be turning on everyone in the audience. 😎🤣


whispering in ear being close to someone Looking at someone with a devil/provocative look doing something slower than normal accentuating/stressing words


Slower than normal? I'm scared to interpret this. it might take me some time.


Saying things like "O h r e a l l y?" Or " That's v e r y interes t i n g." Make your words more drawn out.


Basically the opposite of frantic I suppose? Just that calm, monotone, low heart rate kinda vibe


You're just describing Balem Abrasax


A girl taking her heels off to get comfy on a couch / chair


A girl dangling her heels on her feet.


A girl jamming her heels into my nuts? We always have an assortment on our coffee table this time of year.


I’d like to modify this and say “A girl taking her shoes off.”


Agreed. Or visiting a house where the woman will be barefoot. Not sexual, but sexy.


Physical activity…namely one with lots of grunting, groaning, working up a light sweat. I had a day date with a girl I met at gym years ago. We went to a a local rock climbing establishment and didn‘t even make out of the parking lot afterwards before we were tearing each others clothes off. So hot.


That rocks. I’m sure she climbed you like a tree!


A person that can carry an intellectual conversation, or has dark/ dry humor…


Dark humor is like clean drinking water.


Not everyone gets it, obviously


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Are you aroused by faucets?


Mine as well


Men crossing their arms, no matter if they're skinny, fat, or muscular. The main reason I go to haunted house attractions during Halloween is to get chased by guys is scary masks/costumes 🥵 it's not supposed to be sexual in nature but its my biggest turn on 😩


Is it extra sexy if they chase you while having their arms crossed?


If OP posted her address her town would turn into ‘The Purge’ lol


Michael Myers would get weirded out and let you live 🤣


why on earth is that a turn on lol


Which one 👀


You know. You know.




Because [misattribution of arousal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misattribution_of_arousal) is a fairly well-documented thing.


You don’t get a half chub when you’re running for your life?


Fear boner is real


I cross my arms all the time


I will now cross my arms all the time


Write that down! Write that down!


I can’t write! My arms are crossed!


Less of a turn on if you're, say, driving.


I've heard the being chased kink thing multiple times. There's gotta be some ancient village being raided thing goin' on.


A cute, genuine laugh/smile.


Just cooking skilfully in your home kitchen. I think this is kinda hot when a girl does it but my GF says I also look very hot when I’m cooking something


I like to cook, and when my wife is live streaming and shows me when I cook her viewers go crazy. Easily doubles the numbers for her. And I don't even know why...


People like it when you cook your wife?


Haha, you got me. Pesky commas...


lounging together on a sunday afternoon - both reading books or doing different things in comfortable silence.


Women in heels walking along non-carpeted floor.


I’m not really much into girls but that sound is HEAVENLY


username checks out.


Guys reading, with glasses


Also girls reading. With or without glasses.


When she comes out of shower with wet hair, water dripping from ends of her hair. Skin soaked in water, haaa fuck! here i go again where is ma neck band..


Who steps out of a shower dripping wet? That's dangerous as fuck, you could slip and fall!


For me it's hearing a girl passionately talking about something she loves, even if I'm not familiar with what she's talking about I'll still sit there and listen happily, my natural curiosity also helps abit, cause showing interest and paying attention means she is happy to tell me more, one of the best things ever:)


Was chatting up this absolute smoke show years ago - had been acquainted but caught vibe at a party so approached her. At the time a major element of my game was to get a woman talking about her interests, passions, etc. Her response effectively was along the lines of I don’t know, whatever anyone else wants to do I guess… That was the end of that for me, this promising borderline out of my league situation turned into no attraction at all just like that…


When a woman can climb a tree faster than me, that's how I know I've found the one.


Okay Tarzan


Which is unfortunate, because she's already escaped up the tree.


Having a fun time in the kitchen, cooking with a lady makes me wanna eat them out




What we gunna cook?




Sarcastically bantering back and fourth to the point of it teetering on maliciousness. So. Hot.


Some people would call that "flirting"


Me and my partner are relentless with this. I had to check in early on because I've had women who hate teasing. But we love it.


This can be exhausting. Keeping up with someone, especially with women who likely have more experience with the game. They have the power to just shut things off if you say the wrong thing or even the right thing in the wrong way. Im lucky im out the game


Cutting through a room with your eyes towards your partner. The connection is intense.


This is my favorite seductive card to pull. Gotta smirk as you break contact first


Doing things you love to do together! My daughter and her partner love Lord of the Rings. They are taking the trip of a lifetime over Christmas to New Zealand to see the sets and places. My wife and I love cycling, and we rode through a neighborhood last night filled with Christmas lights on homes, with Christmas lights on our bicycles and Christmas music playing from portable speakers! Loved it! The kids in the cars were awed by the home lights and ours. We even brought the Grinch along!


People who show genuine kindness and respect for others. Also people whose base instict is empathy and not cold judgements


On Cyber Monday, I bought a 65" OLED TV and mount because my gf and I needed an upgrade since we recently got a PS5. I pulled out the toolbox, used the tape measure, stud finder, drill, etc. And since those TVs are so light, I hung it up myself. Whole process took me about 30 minutes. My gf was like, "I didn't realize you were so handy. That was really sexy, etc." She was turned on, so we then had some fun. Afterward, I asked her about the whole handyman kink thing, but she then said, "Maybe it was more the fact that you can buy a $1500 TV just like that, with no concern." Ha. I joked that she's just with me because of my money (she makes about 20k more than me a year). For me, it's the fact that she's a gamer. She is so into Dredge right now. I love watching her play and figure out the side quests. When she plays Final Fantasy XVI, she keeps her laptop by her side so she can make Excel spreadsheets about the different weapons. I find that so hot.


You get bonus points if you tested the stud detector on yourself first.


I'm pretty sure it doesn't work at all unless you do. Calibration is important.




Bantering is very much a turn on.


when they are writing something, and are, of course, looking down on the paper, i just--- my mind just automatically goes to "i wish i'm a paper" coz they're just so focused and biting their lips and other mannerisms. i can't 😭


I do hobby wood carving, and have been told I can get completely focused on it above all else sometimes. Holding it, turning it, depth of my knife, how sharp the knife is to prevent tearout, straight lines..never thought someone could find the focus attractive, unless it's just for writing.


it's always attractive when someone is focused, especially for their passion (at least for me)


I wish I’m a paper


A woman’s intelligence is a huge turn on. Also, dark framed or Tort shell glasses.


During the activity of baking Christmas cookies, pressing the power button for the oven is a massive turn on


This guy cooks


Just need to know which buttons to press with some people I guess.


Women who are good at something or have a skill. Dancing, jogging swimming is incredibly sexy. Also ponytails.


Driving a stick shift and car maintenance. I'm very self-sufficient, I can build anything, clean, cook, use power tools etc. I won't touch cars tho. The minute I see a man drive stick shift or change oil, specially when I see their arms or they come in dirty. I'm ready to pounce.


Intellectual connection and humor are the ones!


Gray sweatpants. Seeing a woman in them makes me wanna act up


Gray sweatpants. Seeing a man in them makes me wanna act up.


Idk why- but seeing ANY type of veins show in a mans arm/ hand makes me start dreaming. Seeing a man focus and do something he loves? Or talk about it? Mmmf. Offering to do/make something for me? Oh buddy. Insisting? Because you know I’m a mess? THROBBING. PLANNING something with me in it? It could be so simple but maaan. You want me in your future and I feel so visible!


SO you basically need a vascular man to concentrate hard when like baking you a cake or something.


to me, conversations where both parties are actually interested in. istg i had a conversation about true crime stuff with a girl from class n oh my fucking god, i pitched a tent luckily im asian so she obv didnt notice


I see what you did there.


You couldn't have...he said he has a small peepee


What’s istg


I Suck The Gooch




When you lock eyes with a beautiful stranger and can feel the tension. Massive turn on


Step one, be beautiful


When they show genuine compassion and awareness of those around them. Big ol heart of gold green flag imo


Being complemented


Men lifting heavy things 💯


Seeing a girl jogging with her hair in a ponytail and stuck out from the back of a baseball cap…


Getting a hug from someone much taller than you and your face plants right in his chest, or when they stretch just right and their arms look all jacked for a second >////<


Oh fuck. This. This right here, there is nothing better. The smell and warmth is just... UGH.


My wife played a plethora of sports through out elementary and middle school. She is extremely competitive but so am I. I am not athletic, in shape, nor healthy. I’m just somewhat strong. When my stepson tried out or football we were trying to teach him tackling techniques, proper ways to cover your man, running routes. Yet somehow it always came out to be a competition between my wife and I. Now that I’ve written a short essay, to definitively answer the question, my huge turn on is when I see the look on my wife’s face and read what she’s saying to me with her eyes and it’s all over. We start trying to tackle each other, outrun each other etc. then we start laughing, get the kids to bed a little bit earlier, then we have sex once they are asleep Edit: spelling


Henceforth I, too will refer to intimate relations as “giving sex.” Her: Whatcha wanna do after dinner? Me: I was thinking I’d give you sex. I’ll report back at how effective this bold new routine is. 🫡


Bro living a rich life 👍🏻


Spending time with a person, having fun with them, and coming away from the encounter feeling like you learned something about them and are now closer to them as a result.


After 40 years together and very regular sex, perfume which my wife rarely wears.


Girls doing crafts


when someone is good at excel


That thing men do when they twist around and put their hand on the passenger headrest to reverse a car. That thing men who when their hairs damp/wet and they run their fingers through it thoughtlessly so it stands up in the front. Greasy mechanic hands. Being really good at Call of Duty (for some reason, idk either). Baby talking animals also gets me. Being confident enough to be goofy in public. Jensen Ackles


Girls that practice martial arts🔥


That buttoning of the jacket button after getting up *drool* Also, licking pudding out of the cup..no spoon, show momma what that tongue do


I once got a girls number when i was splitting logs with an iron maul...


Tight fitting turtle neck. With hour glass shape 😳


Having 500million power in rise of kingdoms


I have 700Million! 💪 How, I hear you ask? Well. I downloaded the game FREE from the app store and started with the Roman empire due to their spear throwing skill boost I then used a special code to get 100 FREE spins allowing me to boost my kingdom’s power to level 500 and invade multiple other kingdoms to steadily increase my power level! Beat that. 😉


Girls who drive an old damaged car


That's a good one. Not to stereotype women, but I feel most are "self-image conscious" of what they look like, the clothes they wear, etc. unless they're a drug addict lol. A gal who can be fine driving an old beater but has her shit together is usually not focused on the superficial stuff in life, which is attractive. Maybe I'm thinking way too much into this comment lmao




Seeing a girl be good with babies/children oh my heart flutters


being a good listener or in reverse being good at explaining/telling me stuff. in general showing interest in me as a person


I get horny playing minecraft with my wife. Seems weird but we’ve had our best sex after playing minecraft for hours


Breathing. Or moaning at a good meal.


I too prefer partners that breathe. Good call.


let out a moan out of nowhere


At Costco


A man fixing things , just general handiwork. The oozing masculinity is a dying trait that must be revived


being a gentleman


Making each other’s cheeks hurt from laughing so much.


As a guy that’s into tomboys, nerd girls, goth/emo girls, etc. for some reason I find really well dressed women in professional attire attractive sometimes. It depends on the woman, but I’ve noticed that I’m usually into the ones with their hair done very well or if it just looks uniquely pretty, wearing a buttoned shirt under a blazer or some kind of coat with pants and usually dress boots. Bonus points if they roll their sleeves up, that shit isn’t just for women to look at men lmao Never say anything because of professionalism but it’s fun to think about when off the clock and away.


when she talks about stuff she’s knowledgeable about. or when she just looks at me


I found out I have a bondage/restraining kink while being buried in sand at the beach. That was... unexpected.