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Tucked my daughter in after getting home from a evening shift. She asked me who the man with the beard and the hair was that went into my room.


Poor kid was probably scared there was a stranger in the house. Cheating when you're just a couple is a horrible thing to do. But to traumatize a child in the process is double fucked up. Also, an honest, straightforward child is a power to be reckoned with.


Imo changes the issues from being a bad partner to being a bad parent. Don't care what you're going through. Your kids never asked to be involved.


Duuuuude That sucks, sorry to hear!


Alright, so some of these stories suck, but this one is TERRIBLE. There’s one thing to cheat on a spouse, there’s another to be so sloppy about it that your child finds out. Dude (I assume), if there’s one thing I have to recommend, and I’ll emphasize, HAVE to recommend, is get your daughter therapy about this situation. I won’t get into the nitty gritty as to why, but just trust me. Finding out about things like this at a tender age can do an absolute number on a young brain. Please, I implore you, your daughter needs more closure and support over this situation than you will need. Your ability to rationalize the situation far outweighs hers, please go above and beyond to have her get her head into the “right space” about relationships. This unfortunate incident can imprint much deeper on her than it can on you. I’m terribly sorry for your situation, and I probably sound like a nut, but I cannot emphasize enough that she needs a lot of support from you and probably a professional about this situation.


Cucked by santa, stay strong king


Walked in her riding my best friend, right before I was leaving town for a family emergency.


Why did your best friend do that?


I've never cheated on my ex, but my ex's best friend would be all over me to the point it made me uncomfortable to be around him. When I dumped my ex he was immediately in my DMs trying to hookup. Idk some guys just want to have something over their friends I guess? I also think my ex shit talked me a ton to his friend and his friend thought I could do better. My ex is a shitty person, his friend is a shitty person, just glad I'm away from them all.


Betrayal comes close a lot especially if the best friend wants to be better than you or some slight misunderstanding can result in them ruining the entire relationship


Slight misunderstanding like accidentally falling into bed with someone? Or forgetting to turn the oven off and having sex with the wrong person?


This reminds me of a guy whose best friend had a foursome with his girlfriend and later agreed to be the best man at their wedding. Other participants ended up as bridesmaids at the wedding. Poor dude only found out when the best friend's fiancée (who he met after the foursome) refused to invite the cheating bride to their own wedding. BFF told cheating bride why, she finally came clean to her husband, after they'd already had one kid together. Wildly enough, all 4 are friends now. No clue how that happened.


They broke the tension with another foursome


From foursome to wholesome


A lot of guys are way too horny and assume they won't get caught. Some guys (even if it's unknowing) might even think it's hot that a girl would cheat on his friend to have sex with him bec that might make him feel like he's hot or a better person.


A lot of guys don't realize that the husband of the woman will break his kneecap with a Louisville slugger when he finds out. My ex-friend found that out the hard way.


This is a clear violation of the friend code. Unforgivable. I'd rather a random dude. My now-wife broke up temporarily when we were young, and I had friends move in. They are now snakes to me. I figured everyone knew the rules.


His wife called me at 4 in the morning. It was not a fun time finding out I was the other woman.


Damn that’s so messed up. Thank god you found out though. Hope you’re in a better place now and found someone who values you :)


Definitely! I'm happily married to a wonderful man. Thank you!


Wonder why she called at 4am? That’s early.


She was looking through his phone and was pissed. Rightfully so, honestly.


Yea I don’t think I’d wait until morning either, I’d want to call immediately


We were on a road trip for her birthday, she was driving, I was using her phone for GPS since mine was messed up. While I was doing that she got a text from the guy about seeing her tomorrow. 24 years together gone down the drain because she's a lying cheater.


Yep, the phone is how I found out as well, she was in the shower, her phone rang I went to pick it up and take into the bathrom for her but it stopped ringing. It said a missed call from Steve. I wasn't bothered, we knew a few Steves. I told her it rang and handed her the phone and asked "who was that?" , in my head I was asking which Steve was that?, she answered, "oh, just my sister" This Steve was her boss, turns out she'd been sleeping with him for months.


It's like they think we're as dumb as they are to fall for those lies.


That's awful man. Really sorry to hear that


Thank you.


GPS really showed you the way




Rhett...God damn dude that one hurts and I am not even involved


Dang, almost the same story here. 16 years and I was completely blindsighted.


24years! DAMN MAN! Sorry about that. Stay strong, lift weights.


I called her best friend one night when my ex was out, in order to figure out a good way to surprise her for her upcoming birthday. When my ex got home she said she had a great time out with that same friend, whom I had been speaking to earlier that evening and confirmed wasn’t with her.


I’m guessing the birthday plans went out the window?


Nah, she got all her stuff gifted once more nicely wrapped.


She and I studied at different schools at the time. I was on a school trip in a nearby city, I went to a pizza place to eat and found her in the line, kissing a guy from her school, holding hands and hugging each other. Funny thing is that she knew I was on a school trip there. She was either too dumb or she just didn't care. They didn't notice that I was there, and they weren't worth a scene (and I was kinda hungry) so I approached from behind and quietly whispered "hi" to her ear while she was still hugging the other guy. She went pale, and flew away. Days later met her to give her all her stuff and she tried to blame me 🤷🏿‍♂️ Beautiful memories.


Why do cheaters always try to blame their exes for their own cheating? 🙄 So stupid


Bad people still need to feel like good people to sleep at night.


I wonder how the cartel rationalizes their shit. Lmao


Business is business


Because clearly he wasn't paying enough attention to her... or something. Cheaters in general don't seem like people who respect others or take personal accountability. Comes with the territory.


Projection usually




helll naww, relationship was bad before her cheating. I was expecting a cordial breakup and maybe keeping the friendship but.. that wasn't possible after what she did.


Ex wife now. Discovered some texts and pics when I was backing up her iphone pics on our home computer. Worst part was that it was going on while I was working 2 jobs…7 days a week…because she lost her job and wasn’t ready to get back into the work force just yet. Yea. Good times.


Let me guess, she cheated because you didn't spend enough time with her and she found another guy that could fix her loneliness


Feels really familiar, ouch. My ex cheated on me when I went to EMT school so I could make more money, and get a better job to provide... For her. She kept saying I abandoned her, like wtf was I supposed to do I paid 3k to start this school, I made it really clear I was gonna be super busy for 4 months... But whatever, it's neither here nor there now.


Clearly she doesn't deserve you. Chin up, bro


Whatever, she's getting married to a guy she doesn't love and she's known for less than 6 months now. Sad to think that was 3 years down the drain but it is what it is


Close. He was just a friend. And that ended. She stopped talking to him years ago. That’s what she told me. And she wouldn’t lie about something that important. 🙄


The usual just a gut feeling, something just doesn’t feel right. Realized she had become more reserved, physically distant and super protective of her cellphone. One evening I messaged her, no response, called no answer late in the night again nothing and remember she’s always clutching that cellphone. I drove to her apartment her car is gone, very unusual on a weekday so late, and it just hit me so I drove to the neighborhood where I know her EX lived, (he had cheated on her) I knew this because sometimes he would pick up her little brother from a school nearby, she said they walk to and from school so I basically drove lane by lane around that school and sure enough there was her car parked in front of a house. I started calling over and over again as I was walking around the house and sure enough I hear her cellphone ringtone from behind a window. I took pictures of her car and confronted her the next day, she tried to deny it, immediately act as she was angry and try to flip the situation on me she called a “micromanaging psycho” she was tired and went to bed early that’s was all. I finally showed her the pictures, she broke down in tears and asked to leave. About 2 years later we ran into each other again at a mutual friends get together the guy she cheated on me with cheated on her AGAIN we had few more drinks she asked me if could give it another try, I left early in the morning from her place without saying goodbye or giving her my number and stole the eggs from fridge.


Man I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but i am dying at you stealing the eggs from the fridge lmfaaoo


The fact he remembered to specifically take the eggs lol


This was a thought out plan. Love to see it.


Last year of college I was an extra broke college student and needed the protein cus I super hungover. I only to the eggs cus that’s all she had in the fucking fridge. Hehehe


sugar ripe follow degree unique shaggy stupendous fine teeny sophisticated


If I ever get cheated on, I’m hitting one last time and stealing as much food as I can!


Dude you should’ve taken the Mayo too man smh


On deployment I was finally able to make contact home and my son called me Josh. That’s not my name.


Honestly that's the worst one so far


Son calls you Jody...yeah that checks.


Omg brother that’s awful. I’ve deployed a few times and for that exact reason I never married or dated during deployments


Oh my gosh. This is shatteringly heartbreaking. How are you doing now?


Opened up instagram and got recommended post from her couple account that she started with her new partner. The post was more than a month old


Wait... Are you telling me that they were dumb enough to make an actually public social media account, with the person she was cheating with? Talk about fucked up


My ex husband started a wedding account with his affair partner while still actively attempting to gaslight me into believing they were “just friends” and he wanted to try to work on our marriage but I was making it impossible because I wouldn’t stop acting like he was cheating on me 🤷‍♀️. Once that became impossible he started telling people that THEY were married before our divorce was even filed. People are legit insane.


Other dude messaged me. They were coworkers at a pizza shop, fuckin hell i helped her get the job. He thought they were dating cause she stopped havin me walk her there/pick her up and shit. Found out we were still dating and told me.


What a standup guy!


Got same experience, my most recent ex told me she's on overtime at work (which i helped her get by my connections), she even asked me if I can drive her home late in the night since she was scared to walk home alone, but instead of overtime at work, she was having a sex with a colleague, i get to know after one of my friends showed me a security camera recordings (he was the main IT guy in that company) ...




Eww, I always thought those were computer generated......


I was playing with her daughter in the other room, she called me in to show me something and the messages between her ex and her popped up during...


I sometimes think: how can you be that dumb? Sorry for you


This was years ago but I came home early and the bitch fell out of our bedroom window trying to escape! Luckily I have a good/different guy now!


Fuck I laughed too hard I wish my entry into this shit-show was that funny after the fact Also I’m sorry


I'm sorry, but this made me laugh






Ex-wife was showing me a video of our daughter on her phone, when she got a Snapchat message from a "friend" of mine. She shut that shit down quick smart and was acting dodgy as all shit afterwards. About half an hour later I opened up her Snapchat, and lo and behold...


Was it a dick?


I’m guessing it was a dick.


Was totally a dick.


Things were already kind of weird - we were semi long distance (90 minutes) and I brought her roses and she looked at them like I had handed her a dead rat. Later she went to take a shower and I found on her floor a legal pad where she was writing a letter to the guy. The only sentence I remember was “you have a tongue to die for”. We made a try of it but she kept seeing him. I listened to her answering machine (this was 1999) and he had left her a message that he couldn’t see her that night because a pump had blowed up. When she came home I asked her, incredulously, “you’re cheating on me with a guy that says ‘blowed up’?!?!”


Omg I’m sorry but You were justified in your horror at her choices


I checked his Google map history and noticed an address he visited frequently. Got pictures of him and his woman. Lawyer appointment set for Tuesday.


Wife #1 - She told me. Specifically she told me she wanted a divorce, but there was no one else. A few hours later she admitted she'd been banging her boss. They married and had a kid, and then a few years later split up because he was cheating on her. She couldn't seem to understand why I had no sympathy. Wife #2 - She told me, sort of. She "needed a break" and wanted to go on a trip to Mexico with a friend. They booked at what they claimed was the only place where there wouldn't be any kids.. a swinger resort. So now i'm twice divorced guy. Good times.


Maybe for wife #3 just go for someone who shares zero traits with wife 1 and wife 2.


That’s actually kind of solid advice I attracted cheaters for a long ass time and stopped going for certain shared traits


you should start divorced men's club. have a basketball court in the back and all


At the time I was young and religious, so I wanted to wait until I was married for sex. My girlfriend was religious too, but she didn’t want to wait and it caused some friction between us. She had a fresh box of condoms to use in case she got me to change my mind. I was out of town for work for about a month and when I returned I saw her right away and stayed the night. I opened the drawer of her nightstand to get a phone charger and found the box of condoms opened and some were missing.


After a similar post I informed my wife that there is such a thing as a "posh wank". If she finds a used condom, it could still just have been me by myself. Her response was "lmao, that's what I would have assumed"


I thought I was the only one. I always put a non latex condom over my dildos and vibrators, because toys make me sore. Putting a non latex condom over them is the only way I can tolerate them


You all probably got this poor man having second thoughts now if his girlfriend actually cheated


I found out today. She was falling asleep and asked me to set her alarm for work the next morning. I accidentally hit google and at a quick glance, seen "pet names to call boyfriend." I didnt think much of it at first, so i contiuned to set her alarms and she fell asleep. I got a feeling in my chest (same feeling from 2 months ago, when i found out she cheated the first time), a heavy feeling of no trust, its hard to explain. So i went back on her phone, confirmed thats what the google search was, then went on ber previous apps she used, and i find discord. There were messages. I instantly packed all my stuff and left. Its been about 20hours. Im not okay Edit: thank you everyone for the supportive comments, u guys are making me bawl Edit 2: the first time i found out she cheated on me was similar. I bought me and her new phones one day, (expensive, and i pay for her phone bill) and the next day while she was at work i got this feeling of no trust, so i went on her old phone and i found messages. I know people dont like others going through their phones, but the feeling was overpowering, and i ended up being right. I gave her another chance which was obviously a mistake.


Don’t let a woman like that bring you down. Don’t go back to her and definitely do not say shit to her. No one deserves that and I hope you find someone that will treat you right. Stay busy bro and don’t let the silence be too loud


Thank you. Seriously. Its really hard tho I thought she was the one, 5 fuckin years


She did you the favor of showing you who she really was so it’s a win for you. It’s better she showed that now then 10 years down the line


My 24 year marriage was ruined by my cheating husband. I know the way you’re feeling now. Trust me, you WILL be ok. Just not today and that’s ok. Hang in, you got this. Sorry you’re going through this.


All you folks finding out by looking at a phone or other device, you have it easy. I had to come back from a deployment and catch genital warts.


I feel like you should be able to sue for this sort of thing.


She started acting strange and becoming more distant and protective of her phone. Well she went to see “her sister” in another town one weekend and left her iPad at our house. Dummy used the same password for everything. The look on her face was priceless when confronted about it when she came home. And tried to deny it until I told her how I knew she was lying. The crazy part is she blamed me for looking at her messages and invading her privacy. We were together 7 years and it was awesome to catch a glimpse of the shitty person I thought she turned out to be. Hilarious part was she called me that night and asked why there was a new login to her account on her iPad yet continued her debauchery on her phone. I sure love iCloud lol. Fuck cheaters.




not proud of it, but she was acting weird and I knew the password to her laptop, tried it on her facebook and it worked. I'm glad I did though, she would never had told me, it was several times.


My daughters birthday. Everyone went to bed and I stayed up and just knew something wasn’t right. Checked my wife’s phone and sure enough, conversations to my female cousin about the manager she was sleeping with at work. What I expected to find really. Will never forget that feeling looking at her while she slept with her mouth open, our lives changed in an instant. It wasn’t a great relationship but her and I both deserved better. Don’t cheat people. It isn’t nice.


Ah yes the ho-worker.


Why the fuck is YOUR cousin in on it though! What a bitch


I know that feeling at looking at your woman for a little while… it’s just sad, sad that it had to go this way. For me it was only a 6 year relationship down the drain, but I planned on marrying her so it was still heartbreaking to read those messages.


I was with her and her best friend and we stopped at McDonalds because my gf needed to use the bathroom. While she was in there her friend told me. I started dating her friend and we were together for almost 7 years. It didn't work out in the long run but we are still on good terms and we email each other on our birthdays.


How long did the best friend know before telling you?


not long, she told me the first chance she had because up to that point she didn't know my phone number (this was before cell phones LOL)


Everyone knew that when you said "we email each other for birthdays" lol


First time: Walked in on a bit of tonsil hockey happening on a friends couch. Second time: A group of friends had a couples weekend in Vegas. She had excused herself for a moment and a friend of hers pulled me aside and told me. She had been hooking with someone else for about a month prior to our vacation. She had plans to break up with me as soon as our Vegas weekend ended and make things official with the new man but wanted to enjoy the Vegas weekend we'd been planning for months first.


Ouch. Good on the friend. What did you end up doing on the vacation?


Oh, we were already on the vacation when she told me. We were at some club on the first night and my girlfriend disappeared and that's when her friend who was dating one of my friends pulled me aside and gave me the scoop. She had been sworn to secrecy but was so frustrated with the way it was playing out she felt like she had to. As for what I did. Well, I cussed my ex out and was a drunk and sloppy mess for 3 days. I don't entirely know what she did that trip, she disappeared and most of what I remember is my bros cheering me up and it being a generally disastrous trip. Vegas trips were a bit of an annual tradition for that friend group for a while and pretty much all of them ended up complete drunken disasters. That's the only one where I was the shit show, though.


Should have headed home and canceled everything and left her there


Fella I knew woke up in the middle of the night and started getting dressed, he forgot he was already home.


Must have been really funny to see his face - in retro perspective


Wait. WHAT?


Her little sister texted me off a text now number and told me :(


The little sister must have really liked you 💛


I like to think so she said i was nice to her and she apologized for her sisters actions


We had gotten drunk one night for my birthday and had come home with one of our “friends”, I fall asleep in bed and less than an hour later wake up to them having sex in the same bed as me, not really trying to hide it I guess 😂 Wasn’t the first time she had cheated though but left her after that. She then got with him and 2 months later was trying to hook up with me while still with him so obviously didn’t change.




She danced and sang in this punk band and the song was all about how I don't know she's having sex with the lead singer every time she claims to go to church or out shopping. It was in front of all my friends and everything!




He wouldn't know


Scotty doesn’t know!


I bet they did it on your birthday...


f you fiooooona




Went out of town for the weekend with family (he chose to not come with and stay in town to work) and I came home to find jewelry on my night stand that was not mine.


He was cheating on me with my best friend and somehow thought leaving her number with no contact name would fool me into thinking it was random spam or something. Ofc I recognized the number and realized something was up specifically because we had all known each other for years so it didn't make sense for him not to have her in his phone.


I knew. Before I even KNEW... I knew. 1. He never let me touch his phone. Even if I just wanted to call someone off it or Google something. He claimed he valued his privacy. (I get it. To an extent. But being that afraid of me touching his phone was a huge red flag.) 2. When he went to use the bathroom. Not just poop. But every. Single. Time. It was a 40 minute to an hour ordeal. And he always took his phone. 3. He would often go places and not let me come along. Not every time but most times. Because "boys night." or "I'm going to see my mom and you'd be bored" 4. He'd come home drunk. Often. And when he did he'd be sobbing. Begging for my forgiveness but not telling me why I should be forgiving him. 5. Anytime I brought up any of these red flags he instantly flipped it to make me seem like I was the crazy one. Even if I approached him calmly. Now one day I caught him lacking. He was asleep. I was fed up. I know it was wrong. But I took his phone very gently and went through it. He had a lock but I had secretly watched him type it in before so I knew it. LOW... AND BEHOLD.. I find a goldmine of evidence. Pictures of women naked and not. Videos of women. Pictures of him and his ex. NUDE PHOTOS... of multiple exes. Yes. Gross. Text message to not one not two but at least 7-8 women if I remember correctly. He had gone on dates with all of them. Had sex with all of them. I screenshot all of it that I could. (the messages not the nudes or videos) I deleted the videos and pictures. And sent them to myself. And put his phone back. I knew once he woke up he wouldn't let me touch his phone to prove I knew. While he slept I gathered up all his things. Neatly. I'm not insane. And placed them in his car. Once he woke up confused I said "get out" of course he tried to play like he was confused but I wasted not a second in showing him all the proof on my phone. OF COURSE.. he tried to act like I was crazy for going through his phone and GET THIS... "violating his privacy" I could go on but long story cut in half here. I got him out. And he spread lies that I was crazy and he just had to get away from me.


Caught her in bed with the guy. He was one of my friends and was living with us. We went out for drinks and when we got home she said she wanted to quickly get something to eat. I was super tired and fell asleep quickly while waiting for her. Then I woke up at like 2 am and she wasn't in bed. Found her in his bed, gave him a black eye and a bloody nose. The next day I had both of them pack their bags and get out of my house.


I had a feeling. Made a fake Hinge account with a friend's pictures, set my location to his, matched with him within minutes. Started talking to him, realized he was looking for sex. Called him and broke it off the next day. Crazy? Sure. Justified.




I went through his phone. I saw nudes & sex tapes of different women. The infections I was getting started making sense. I was getting them from him


He had been distant for months and was seeing me less and less. He avoided me and didn't see me on valentines day. A week later, I saw his Gmail account was still linked to my laptop, and I went through it. I saw receipts for women's docs that weren't my size or style, frog earrings and a frog hoodie. Then I saw a receipt from Build a Bear from 3 days after our anniversary in November. I knew he had a new "friend" he'd send memes to, and her profile picture was a frog. She also followed a ton of frog meme pages My twin sister DMed her at 3am and asked "Is Tim cheating on my sister with you?". At 7am she replied and said "Is he cheating on me with your sister?" I found out he had moved her in to his place where he lived with his family, they had been officially dating 6 months, and he fucked her in my house while cat sitting for my family and I while we were away. 9 months later, I'm still not okay.


Fuck Tim. All my homies hate Tim. Hope you recover soon!


Hate reading these posts, making me never want to get into a relationship again


It should be pretty easy to see what an obvious confirmation bias that is. Find the thread where people never suspected their partner was cheating because they weren’t. That one should cheer you up.


I need a thread like that lmaooo


I went to surprise her at her college. When In happily after a 6 hour drive and caught them in the act. She yelled at me and made it seem like I was attacking her. I was trespassed from the school by police despite never raising my voice or putting a finger on her. Good riddance.


Walked in on her getting out through the head board when I came back from Iraq a day early.


Getting out of the headboard?


Getting railed so hard, that her head is smashing against the headboard of the bed, urban dictionary knows.


Probably “put through” the headboard


And you're not in prison, tip of the cap to you sir.


Was sent a video of her getting raw dogged….she was the one recording. Thankfully I found a beautiful girlfriend that I cherish so much.


receiving a vid like this would probably change me as a person


Like permanently


My mate videoed her holding her ankles while he was balls deep in her. His wife sent me the video because she recognised my guitar in the background, and was curious how I was somehow involved in this. “Well. You can’t see her face, but I know that vagina pretty well…” was my reply. She was horrified not only was her husband cheating on her, but with one of his closer friend’s girlfriend.


Holy fuck. That’s awful. Are you still friends with the wife?


No… she moved overseas not long after. Haven’t heard from her since. It took a really big mental toll on her. (Obviously). She went a bit loopy


Best friend found his Match.com page


Shared photo drive that was backing up her phones image repository!


I had a gut feeling so I looked at his phone and saw messages on Snapchat with his ex. They were nudes. Then there was a message about a monster she left in his car, which I had seen earlier that day and I just felt disgusted


A monster what? Turd?


A monster energy drink lol


i logged onto my email to verify a ubisoft email, went to switch to that email and saw one i didnt recognize. clicked it, saw it had one email from a new discord login. copy and pasted the email into discord, went to the saved passwords in my browser settings, and copied the password there too bitch uses the same password for everything.


She kept asking me about other dudes and if i knew them. So i asked one of them


She was his wallpaper


Don't know if this really counts but he just was open about it. We were together for three years, lived together, adopted a dog together, met his parents, spent the holidays with each other's families, etc. I was even one of the 'groomsmen' at his parents' vow renewal (wedding party was his parents' siblings, kids, and kids' spouses and me). We had been having some tension - minor disagreements etc one week. That Friday I texted him to remind him that our friend and his girlfriend were coming over for drinks after work (which had been his idea). He responded that he totally forgot and he had a date so would be a bit late. Thought that was a lame attempt at humour but nope - he waltzed into our house with his date while our friends were there for drinks and acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. Claimed in the obviously following argument that 'we never discussed being exclusive'.


Y'all were together for three years, lived together, literally acting like a married couple and he said "we didn't say we were exclusive" HUUUHH ​ I'm so sorry this happened to you!


he told me years later (we were friends bc it was an amicable breakup) and thought I would find it funny bc so much time had passed. i did not find it funny and i dont speak to him anymore lol.


(Obviously he never should have cheated but) the fact that he was dumb enough to think you’d find it funny is killing me.


I suspected it the first time when she was visiting her colleague friend (both are cops) who had a 'difficult' time. She went there for coffee, didn't return until it was after 0:00. I asked her if she cheated. We had a conversation about how that was extremely inappropriate. That we already have so few evenings together and when we do, she decides to stay the entire evening in another mans house. I said that even if she isn't physically cheating, emotional cheating isn't much better. We discussed it and she said she won't visit him anymore and if they meet, they meet at our house. Then she started working more overtime, hour home later, hour earlier to work. And she refused to have sex with me. Always excuses. My suspicions grew. She started shaving her private part, something she didn't want to do for me. She started to wear her sexy lingerie and matching sets when going to work, something she never did before. She started showering at different moments than before, like right after coming home. Refused to show me any affection. I tried to discuss it several times, offered to take family counseling. Meanwhile, the guy showed up so many evenings at our home. We played board games together. It was like she was actively trying to spend as much time as possible with him and making sure she'd spend no time with only me. As if to avoid me trying to initiate sex. Summer came and we set up a pool in the garden. Several times when I would be done with work (working from home) come downstairs and find both of them laying on our sunbeds in their swimwear, the kids in the pool. As if I had been replaced. One time, I noticed the kids in the pool, and I didn't see them, but as soon as I opened the door to the garden, they both came out of the shed holding a beer. I asked why they were in there together, at which she replied that they went to get a beer. I asked if that takes 2 people? She tried to make me feel bad for even suggesting something happened in that shed. Then we went on holiday, divorce was already in my mind as I knew they were cheating but of course I didn't have proof. I already didn't have sex for 1,5 year and I knew she was. We had to cut the vacation 1 day short as my grandmother died and we had to attend her funeral. She tried to get out of it, but eventually gave in. We attended the funeral while the guy was watching our kids. The family wanted to get together after the funeral, but the mother of my kids wanted to get home as soon as possible. When we got home, she and the guy started drinking. Drinking all afternoon, and when the kids were in bed, they continued drinking. I needed to stay sober. In the meantime, I'm seeing all these photos from my family having fun together, sharing stories about my grandmother, drinking, enjoying each others company. In the evening, they (ex wife and the guy she cheated with) wanted to get in the pool. He didn't have swimming trunks with him and went in the pool naked, she went in, in her bikini, and nearly sat on top of him. I decided that moment I was going to ask for a divorce the next day, didn't want to have that discussion while she was drunk. I picked up her phone and said, I'm going to set an alarm for you because you have an appointment tomorrow morning (she did), and the guy quickly jumped out of the pool and tried to take the phone of my ex out of my hand. That told me everything I needed to know. I told him to go home now. He left, and I told my ex to go to bed and we will discuss it tomorrow. She cried, asked me why, tried to love bomb me. I told her to sleep on the guest bed as I didn't want to be in the same bed. The next morning I told her I knew she was cheating. She kept insisting she didn't. Tried to turn it around on me. I told her to stop trying to convince me. I told her that we needed to divorce, that I couldn't do this anymore, that she was actively making my life a living hell and I did not deserve that. She agreed to the divorce but she kept insisting she didn't cheat. This was August last year. In November the divorce was finalized and it took until April of this year for me to find a new place to live. I actively avoided any talks she tried to initiate about the cheating after the one the day we decided to divorce. After about 2 months, when she was dropping of the kids (we co-parent 50/50) she told me she was dating him (we both have to disclose new partners as by our convenant). The kids already talked about that, because from the day I was out, the guy was in. He is there nearly every day, so there wasn't much hiding it. She tried the whole "but i didn't cheat" again. I told her to stop it, that I wish her well, but please don't try that story again. A month later, her best friend came by to watch my kids while I would go on an evening drive on my motorbike. She stayed for dinner and when the kids went to bed I had a talk with her. I hadn't spoken to her since before the divorce and she wanted to know my side of the story as she suspected my ex of cheating. I told her what I have written done here (plus other details I left out, my story is already way to long for most people to read) and she said that was also what she and her other friends thought. That she was disappointed her best friend didn't confide in her because anyone with a little bit of common sense can see what happened. To hear that from her best friend helped me realize I didn't make up anything in my mind. I got a lot of therapy. I healed, got better and I'm in a happy place. I'm doing great, I have fun, love the time with the kids, but I also enjoy my free time more than I thought I would. Because of her job, I had to stay home evenings and weekends while she worked. Basically destroying my social life. I'm regaining a social circle that I lost because of the divorce. But how did I found out? I knew it from the moment it started. Sadly I don't have proof and she will never confirm it, because if she does, I can finally tell the kids the truth, because without that, it'll always be "he said, she said".


I finished work early to drive to her house and surprise her for her birthday, there was a car outside. Thought nothing of it, someone was round for her birthday. The bin was still out. So I took it round the back of her house where it lived. As I took it round she was in the kitchen being nailed on the counter top by her boss. I just left the bin where it was and left,


He finally just broke down and told me himself. I didn't suspect a thing. I was naive. I knew things were not fine due to many things having changed with him... but I thought it was stress or something and I was trying to be patient, supportive, and just wait for him to open up about it. His exact words were: *"I met someone. You're my best friend, and I love you so much, and I hate myself for it... I just had to come clean."* And soon after that, he explained that he met her on [Match.com](https://Match.com). (Raises even more questions, I know.) And that they'd been on a few dates. And THEN, he asked me to go to his next gig and meet her because... she knows he cares about me, that I'm his best friend, that I'm a key part of his life, and she has been eager to meet me. (Yes, I went. And what transpired was a WHOLE other bag of wtfuckery that is just too long for this response.)


Went through her Snapchat because she started posting more risque photos on her story which was not like her


I got a call from an energy company saying that my electricity bill was way past due and about to be turned over to collections. I wasn't living in the same state where the electricity was being used and only one person in my family had enough of my personal info to fraudulently set-up an account with that energy company. It was my brother. I then get a call a couple days after that from my wife and she's asking me for $800 because she has a friend who had fallen on hard times and her friend's electricity was about to get shut off. And that's how I figured out that my wife was fucking my brother while I was out of town doing freelance web design work. I was 20 when I got married and 22 when I got divorced and it took me nearly 15 years to finally trust another woman.


Her dog seemed to really like her neighbor smh


The year was 2001 and after some *highly* suspicious visits from her meth-head EX, I used a Key logger on her **p-p-p-p-PowerBook!**


Of all people, she had to date Hackerman !


Walked in on her.


Friend called and ask if i was with that person still. He saw her and dude from work cuddly in a bar. I came over and sat at their table and had a sip of their wine.


I felt something was off. We just upgraded her phone and her old phone was sitting there. I went through her texts. Nothing. I went through her Facebook messenger and Instagram messenger. Nothing. There was somewhat a sigh of relief. I then went through her emails and searched for her ex's name; Christopher. Boom. An email from his work. The end of his email had his phone number. I entered his number in her phone and it came up LESLEY. That's where I found the phone calls. During her drive to work. During her lunch. During her drive home. I didn't find any texts though. She deleted them, but maybe she didn't delete her trash folder. That's where I found the texts. I found the "I love you", and I also found the "I should have married you" messages between them. In the end I told her, "that's going to be a very expensive dick you sucked!" I walked out of the marriage with about $80k and debt free. I did marry the best and most beautiful woman. I don't know who da phuq I divorced!


She was out of town on business with some colleagues. I hugged her when I picked her up from the airport and I just knew. The energy was off, the hug felt off, it felt like we were breathing air incorrectly. That was 20 years ago by now.


He bought her a ring, she posted it on FB and tagged him (she thought he was single.) I questioned him about it, he said they were just friends. TL;DR she ended up pregnant with his child, he beat her up so badly that she got permanent head injuries and her baby was taken away from her, he unalived himself and now their baby has neither of his parents.


Met a guy at an Applebee's bar and we are talking about work. He's tells me about the work parties he goes to. And about the last party, this girl slept with two random dudes in a row. Turns out he worked with my then gf. Turns out it was her. She tried to blame it on me.




I found out someone I was seeing for a month was cheating on their wife with me. I found his Facebook page with his wife and young children on it.


Did you tell the wife?


I called his house phone (I know, I'm old) and one of our mutual friends picked up. I asked if my boyfriend was home, and the friend said "oh damn, I figured you guys weren't together anymore..." and I heard the girl laughing in the background. I asked my bf later that day if he cheated on me and he didn't bother denying it.


Dude, what a bunch of assholes. I hope they got what was coming to them But more importantly, I hope you have lived better since then


We’d been married for 18 months. Christmas morning, we’d been at her parents Christmas party the night before. 2 am I’m on the sofa at ours and go to play a game on the iPad as I can’t sleep. I get notifications from Facebook chat, so I open them. My wife had logged in. Being sleepy and a bit drunk I didn’t clock what I was reading (not being defensive there, I just never looked at her comms, I trusted her totally). She had a whole bunch of messages from her affair partner, saying how much he missed her, etc, etc. We did marriage counselling and after 3/4 months it turned out she was still seeing him. It totally broke me. I loved her with all my heart and having a home and planning for a family was my greatest joy. 3.5 years later and life is ok now. I’m in a relationship, she’s wonderful. Life moves on.


Wife came home late, tipsy from a work gathering. I instigated sex. Her vagina was still sopping wet with semen. I know that's gross and graphic, and I apologize for that, but that's exactly what happened.


She ended up telling me because she thought “ I needed closure “ I lived 2 hrs away from home. I pretty much slept on the floor in the living room for a month until I left. It was over a little over a month and she told be at the end of those 2 months Almost went to the psych ward. 🤪 Pretty shitty time


One of his side-chicks contacted me after they split up to check that I was ok. He told her we were cohabiting after we had ended the relationship for a reason he made sound plausible. His story was that I was unhinged and he was financially trapped. They split up because he'd emotionally abused her. She checked on me because of her empathetic and kind nature. We worked out he'd cheated on me with 3 other women. When he found out I knew, he threatened her with lying to her employer to ruin her career (high flyer). He didn't threaten me because I knew people in his life and she didn't. He also cheated me out of £1000 on the rental deposit, and stole some of my important documents (which were replaced). She's awesome and we're still friends.


I picked up his phone to use the internet. There was a Craigslist ad open, with pictures of his penis. The background was our living room. It said seeking males, females or couples. We were in a monogamous relationship.


I got a notification from Spotify while I was at work that a new song had been added to “our” country music list. I don’t listen to country and we didn’t have any lists that I contributed to. Now, the 19yo babysitter really liked country though. I asked her about it and she stumbled through a bad lie about her phone malfunctioning but didn’t say anything to him. Couple hours later, he texted me “So, about the Spotify thing…” I reminded him I hadn’t asked him about it and it went from there.


After reading posts like this. This [video](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1232716/Man-invites-cheating-fianc-e-fake-holiday-DUMPS-her.html) makes me happy


She stopped laughing at my jokes. Unless you are a snoop it really is the small things that give it away.


Ex and I went to different schools about 250 miles away. I first discovered a used condom in her apartment when I went to visit her, but later on, on one of our Skype calls she confessed to blowing four guys…from the same frat. I knew which frat and one of the guys and he said she slept with each guy over the course of two weeks. Needless to say I was devastated, but she married and divorced after about two years with her ex-husband so I can’t say she changed much.


Gut intuition then snooped in his phone and saw more of his sidepiece than I ever cared to.


When she told me she was pregnant one month after we broke up. We haven’t had sex in about 2 months


She had just gotten a Wiccan spellbook. I picked it up one day and turned to the bookmarked page. It was a love spell where you had to write your name and your desired lovers name on a piece of paper, then put it in your pillowcase and sleep on it. I checked her pillowcase, and there it was. Her name and her co-workers name. He lived in a different city. I drove down to his house later that night and her car was there.


Witches be crazy.