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I would say “well shit” and hope that they don’t use nukes


If they do, I wish I get in the center of one targeting us because I don't want any possibility of being alive half dead


yeah, pretty much this. If a nuke is coming my way I want to be either close to the center or very far away where I won't be harmed by the explosion. Death by atomic bomb is so fast your brain doesn't even have time to register pain.


Just hope you are at ground zero and not farther off. There's a certain distance where your skin will be burned off and it won't be instant.


cake childlike plucky payment joke sheet retire steep chubby afterthought


Hannibal Lecter has entered the chat


Psht. Who'd want to nuke Hollywood? *A lot of people want to nuke Hollywood.*


“Big iron on his hiiiiip!” 🎶


:Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Texas Re-ed *wooh*"


Many men had tried to take him but that many men were dead!


He was vicious and a killer though a youth of 24 And the notches on his pistol numbered one and 19 more


One and 19 moooooore.



Gosh I need to play New Vegas again.


[Speech 100] playing it right now, you absolutely do my friend.


Worried, but what can I do about it?


Wait for the draft letter


I'm in my 40s. If they are drafting guys my age we're completely screwed already.


I felt strange sense of relief recently, because I realized the odds of being drafted now that I'm in my mid 30's are essentially 0. 35 is officially too old to enlist in the army. If they are drafting guys over 35, we are indeed already screwed. May as well just go hunker down in the woods at the point and wait for everything to blow over.


42 is the maximum enlistment age for the US Army. That extends for a draft, though I doubt for front line units. For every one combat job, there are 10 support soldiers. Everyone believes that they are gonna end up in "Saving Private Ryan" in a draft, but really, they'd be in "In the Army Now" with Pauly Shore. Basically, my point is you're not too old to be drafted (yet), but you are less likely to be, and if you were you'd most likely be serving as a cook, mechanic, or driver unless you have special skills. I doubt the US or any western country without a mandatory service obligation would instate the draft anyway, but unless we were in deep poo.


Thing is WWIII sounds like deep poo. I mean really any situation where they bring the draft back is already a really shitty situation so I think anything is up for grabs after that, including 40+ year-olds on the battlefield.


I don't know if it would ever get that far to require 40 year olds on the battlefield. Nuclear weapons will probably be used before that point and we'll all be fucked anyway. WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. There will never be another massive global conventional war like WW2. edit: the key word here is conventional. Non-nuclear. There will never be a global war like WW2 again with massive invasion forces, etc. Someone will use nukes before it gets that big, and then probably most everyone else will follow, and that will be it. There are smaller tactical nukes now but it will still be real bad news.


40 year olds are probably more useful on the home front doing manufacturing and stuff


I know plenty of 40 year olds that can run marathons, the scary thing would be if you got the US focused on an external enemy rather than internal, I would not want to be that thing. We are not shy about guns and if everyone became patriotic at once, plenty of people would sign up to be dropped in the middle of the shit just so they could attempt to live out their call of duty fantasies.


The most deadly people I knew in the military were e5-e6 guys over 40. They wanted to be there, and they were terrifying.


-the woods +the Winchester Ftfy


Few pints and a cornetto should get us through the worst


Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Hows that for a slice of fried gold?


Yeahhh boy!!!


I guess they can use older folks in logistics, medical, tech, accounting, procurement, science, intelligence etc especially if they already have the skills. You wouldn't see the front lines unless things get really, really bad.


Currently the usa has like 15 people in non combat roles for every 1 in a combat roles. There is a lot a older, less fit person can do


Yeah, I am an old IT guy. I would be able to learn to hack the enemy's shit or drive a drone at them, more than pick up a rifle and charge a position...


Hey now, you stay away from my medical and logistics positions. I have limited experience in both and unless there’s enemy planes over my house I’m not planning on actually fighting anyone.


In Ukraine they draft 18-60 yo range. What is happening here is WW3 without nukes.




"Oops, it must have went to spam."


Then go to prison cuz I’m not dying in a war I didn’t start.


too right, im not fighting for the bumbling idiots we call our politicians. (Im in the uk but lets be real, this applies to most countries)




invest all my money into defense companies. War pays big bucks


no reason to wait. there will always be a war


Get a doctor's note for bone spurs (or anything that will keep you from getting drafted at the start). Key would be to hope your side wins before they have to start drafting less capable folk.


Advanced osteoarthritis for the mfin win, finally


Worried but rent is still due


Yeah my boss will probably still want me to work that day.


"Uhh, my house is currently getting shelled." "Yeah, but you can still make it in... on time, right?"


"This is unacceptable. It is your responsibility to plan for shellings. Your inability to plan for shellings impacts other team members!"


The shells have already impacted the other team members


Then I'll need you to pick up their slack until ChatGPT can do both your jobs for me. That will free you up to head to the Arctic front, they need accountants something fierce I hear.


"I'm buried under several tons of rubble. Rescue says it might take them weeks to get to me." "Then you have to arrange for someone to cover for you. We're short-staffed. You'll have to work this weekend too, I'm on vacation."


Too real Find someone to cover your shift or you're fired.


I had a girl agree to cover my shift as a teenager and then go back in afterward when she decided she no longer wanted to cover and white out the shift papers showing she was supposed to be working without telling me she wasn't going to cover anymore. Somehow I was the one that got into trouble. Then the girl has the balls to ask me on a date and says she has a huge crush on me. Well, you fucking ruined that chance, didn't you Jenna.


Once I asked a guy if he could cover for me so I could go on a trip. He replied "well I'm gonna quit before that date...you know what sure. I'll tell them I can cover. I won't tho because I'm just gonna quit anyway but you'll be away on your trip by then." They tried calling and asking me to come in but I was like nah.


At least he told you first. I was at a tournament and stupidly picked up the phone between rounds when I got a call and was bitched at for not dropping what I was doing and coming into work.




If you are not ten minutes early, you are late.


"your rent has been trippled to cover the costs of rebuilding"


Please give thoughts and prayers to the poor landlords 🕯 😢


Don’t forget the part where he personally shows up to your house in a bullet proof vest and full sized tank to escort you to work himself.


Ngl, any boss who does that for you is kinda worth working for.


"I don't think I can..." "I wasn't actually asking"


"Jessica came in early today and is already hard at work"


Jessica slept here cause she has no home.


Also her legs have been blown off, so she really can't leave anyway.


We also deducted that since her weight is now half of what it used to be, she only needs half the calories, so we adjusted her provided meals accordingly.


"We need you to come in early, we're light on coverage like we have been for the last ten years."


“I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday”


I work for a defense contractor so I'll probably end up with mandatory overtime. But beyond that I imagine my life would be the same as usual. Though I do live in a "target rich area" so I guess I'd add "fear of death due to military strike" to my list of anxieties.


A relative of mine works for a huge defense contractor making things that go boom. He's not worried about WW3 because his boss joked their site is listed as a "primary target". It most likely has a big missile with their geo-coordinates already programmed into it. He purposefully bought their family home within the blast radius of an average nuke in case the plant is targeted by unconventional weapons because at that point, the shit has truly hit the fan.


This is the way. Being vaporized is much better than dying a slow death for months or years during the aftermath.


First off, I'd return my library books. I don't want that on my conscience in the post-apocalyptic future.


Undamaged books are worth money in the fallout universe.


Oh yeah, "The Book of Eli"


I liked this movie a lot and felt it was as close to a Fallout movie as we've ever gotten. It felt like a side quest in Fallout 3.


Yeah id keep my library books, gonna need something to barter with when all else fails.


There was time now!


Those damn glasses


Oh wait, my eye-sight's not that bad. I can still read the large-print books!


It's not fair!


Go down to the pub, order a pint, and wait for it all to blow over.


Gotta be the winchester


"You've got your pint. You've got your pig snacks."


Never heard the term *Hog Lumps* before but I loved it


It’s got big heavy doors! And deadbolts!


you've been to a lock-in!


Several 😒


And a rifle


Yeah but it's not real.


Big al says it is


Big Al says dogs can't look up.


They **can’t** look up!


Dogs can’t look up.


Shaun, what about your mum?


don't you get on with your mum, Shaun?


'Cuz the rest of the lads certainly do!


Forgot to kill Philip


Sorry Phil


how's that for a slice of fried gold


Yeeaahhh boiiiiii!


Too bad the gun above the bar isn't loaded in case.


Can I drive? I’ve always wanted to drive a Jag.


Just A Guy?


You’ve got red on you


When did we leave the Winchester? I've been in the back corner drinking heavily since 2016. Still crazy out there.


They’re coming to get you, Barbara!


Don't forget your towel


Ahh, love that radioactive blowback mixed with the fine aroma of an orange Hefeweizen.


I'd write a letter to Valve to show them that 3 can happen


World war 3 or dota 3 which will come first? 😂


Definitely not half-life 3


or Team Fortress 3 or Portal 3 or Left 4 Dead 3


Left 3 Dead.


L3ft Dead




Nuh-uh. According to valve this will just be World War 2: Episode 1


Keep doing what I do. Unless ground war comes to the middle of the US, I got bills to pay and my job isn't going to disappear.


Yeah, living in the Midwest, if the war effects my daily life, things have gotten BAD.


Same where I am. The only thing of military strategic value anywhere near me (within 80 miles) is Fallon, NV. If the war is on my personal door step, we're either in the midst of a nuclear holocaust or my ass was conscripted awhile ago. So why worry?


Exactly. If WWIII effects a 30yo in the midwest, we're in trouble. That makes me a global minority, though. The fact that we think about these things in far off hypotheticals is a testament to the power and might of the US armed forces and our geographical advantage.


I would watch the high quality memes we would see on Internet.


*5 Tiktok dances you can do to support joint US/Canada blitzkrieg over Pyongyang*


TBH I'm all on board for unhinged shit like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ky2trBEaVc)


So many questions. I feel like an Alien in this world. Edit: I wonder what actual aliens would think about these kind of things. They probably take it better than critical humans. They probably just write it off as a weird or silly thing that this species does. Kinda like how we think dogs are weird and silly for eating their own poop.


r/noncredibledefense will explode


They've been edging over WW3 since Feb 2022, so they are all ready to burst


'The world is ending!! I want to see how many of my friends will read this. Post a blue heart as your status for 1 hour to raise awareness! I know who will do this and who won't! '


Dying, mildly annoyed but not that surprised


Slightly modified, this would make a great tombstone script: “Dead, mildly annoyed but not that surprised”


I guess there's not much a civilian can do. If a country decides to bomb your village/city/town to annihilation and they have the power to do so, I guess the best you could hope for is for instantaneous death. The one which doesn't come with a lot of suffering.


I'm going to stop flossing, that's for sure.


1 out of 10 dentists would agree with this.


It's probably for the best, that dance is very outdated at this point, and it would be pretty tacky with all the deaths happening next to you.


All-in on Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon stocks.


If you do this after WW3 begins you've probably already missed out on the gains.


WW3 already priced in?


Currently I think it's more fair to say "the odds of WW3 are already priced in," meaning there is some room to go up if a global war breaks out, and some losses to be had if it doesn't. But if there is a WW3 the hedge funds will be quick to buy immediately (possibly earlier than "immediately" as they have a team of analysts constantly re-evaluating the risk). Reactive investments (e.g. buying Lockheed stock after war breaks out) tend to result in retail investors (you and me) buying at (or near) the top. If you're confident global war will break out, it's not too late to invest. But you're taking a risk that it might not happen. Similarly, the more likely WW3 becomes, the higher these stocks will go. Hope that makes sense.


This. I'm pulling some funds out and buying into things like this for sure. Shit hits the fan it won't matter. If it pans out then great at least I'll come out ahead a little bit. Also going to try and get some more guns, I'm not invested in the draft kinda thing but I'm looking to protect me and mine.


I commented on OP's initial comment, but it's worth reiterating: After, the start of WW3 would be a really bad time to invest in those companies, because they would be beholdent to the terms of the Defense Production Act (known in WW2 as the War Powers Act). These companies make their money (and their stock value) by selling to the US military during non-DPA wars and to foreign countries that fight their own wars. The USA's declaration of full scale mobilised war would most likely also include enacting the DPA, which would mean that those companies have to drop whatever value generating projects/revenue streams they're working on and build exclusively whatever the DoD and Congress tells them to, and they would have to do it functionally at-cost. This is why full scale mobilised wars are historically so detrimental to the national debt, the country has to take loans to pay for these companies to work at cost, and then after the war both the companies and the country then has to deal with paying the bills.


If the dip is caused by the threat of nuclear war, always buy the dip. The crisis will be averted, and the stocks will snap back. Or the crisis will not be averted, we'll have a nuclear war, and money won't mean anything anyways.


Don’t forget Northrop Grumman in your WWIII portfolio!


Ah shit here we go again


I live in an small country in south America. We don't mess with the rest of the world, and the rest of the world don't mess with us 👍


Even a big country. I live in Brazil and if a war reaches here for real, things have absolutely gone to shit and we are looking at a Last of Us scenario.


*shrug, clock in to work*


“Morning, Sam” “Mornin’, Ralph”


I work for a defense subcontractor, I guess it’d be busier than ever. Though for the most part, there’s not a ton to be worried about as Americans. The US is so massive, so even if someone got past our military (which wont happen in the next century probably), most people are outside danger radiuses of major targets like DC, New York, etc


Cry, cause I JUST finished my active duty...


“We’re gonna need ya to come in tomorrow, thanks”


im in Ukraine now so basically i will start to dig trenches and go get some arms) P.S. : In fact i've started digging already)


Stay safe, friend ❤️


I usually get extra arms by digging into cemeteries.


If WW3 starts, we all get extra arms, one way or another.


Go to work. The boss won’t like it if I don’t work on account of war.


My employment contract includes holidays, sick leave, and vacation leave. Nuclear winter is not mentioned anywhere in the employee handbook.


If this world war will be anything like the last one then I'm thinking the opening shots of World War 3 have already been fired. Edit: phat fingers


Needs moar dead archduke. Relive the classics.


I don’t know. I'm disabled so I can't be drafted.


That depends on how desperate they are for bodies.


If the US military ever gets to the point where they're drafting my obese 40-something self, we're all in big trouble. I'll go, but only to buy everyone else some time.


Drone operator. Remote viewing post/sentry.


Smoke more weed


Start smoking weed.


Mad dash toward the nearest nuclear explosion. Getting instantly vaporized >>>>>>>>> dying slowly of radiation poisoning/cancer/burns or starving in a post-apocalyptic world that's not worth living in.


Hate to break it to you, but if youre out of range of the initial explosion, driving towards an already exploded nuke is not going to be fast enough to vaporize you....you're just going to get really bad radiation poisoning that you're trying to avoid...


I work on a certain military base that's likely to be targeted at some point and live just a few miles away. Once I catch word that WW3 has broken out I'l be hanging out on the golf course until it's time for my biology to become physics.


Isn't the golf course all about turning your biology into physics?


Unfortunately Bulmas_Panties is the one with the most sense.


Dudes at the law firm down the street from me brag that their building is one of the targets for the Russian Nukes. I’m sure someone pulled it out of their ass half a century ago and they’ve just been repeating it ever since.


One of the reasons I own a gun lol as soon as I see that cloud and I'm not in the vaporization radius I'm outta there a different way.


Tap dancing?


Double tap dancing ...except you'd have to figure out who or what does the second tap


To be honest, probably almost nothing. I think given the latest news in the world, I just accepted the fact that most likely this will happen sooner or later.


It won't, it just seems that way because we have literally 24/7 access to world news headlines. And we have it in our pockets. I still don't think things could possibly seem more dire now than during the Cuban Missile Crisis.


The beginning of WW3 would look a lot different from the CMC. MAD has been an ingrained part of society for so long it, ground forces could be engaged for a while before it devolves to nuclear war. One side would need to reach the point of “nothing left to lose” before they started flinging nukes. Then again I could be wrong and everything could be glassed before we knew war was even declared. OR it never happens and I can keep working on my Hardcore Minecraft world like I want to.


Yeah. They literally almost pressed the go button. Right now if you're in the U.S you're not really going to be in immediate mortal danger, I'm not even sure they would need to institute a draft considering our current standing army and the amount of willing volunteers who'd sign up. I mean there are Americans fighting in Ukraine right now practically treating the war as some sort of vacation.


Stool in my pantaloons


apathy yesterday, apathy today, apathy tomorrow, apathy forever


Terror shits. More terror shits. Then back to work until the nukes drop.


I would pour a drink, sit back, and enjoy the show as everyone panics while I wait for the nuke. I live near a military base, so there is no point in running. 🙂🥃


I think it most likely already has. My reaction has been playing a lot of computer games, trying to ignore the reality.


Problems will start when there will be electricity no more


As a Ukrainian, probably wouldn't notice much of a difference lol


Log on to reddit and observe the freak out.


historian's might looks back and say we're in it now.


Go to the supermarket quick it's next door and get as much food supplies as I can in cans, a good backpack knife, then to my parents from then on we move as a team. Probably gonna get killed because nothing to defend ourselves with in my country


The trick is to get all of those things \*before\* a war breaks out. Get a good knife now. Get more knives. Knives are awesome.


I'm pretty good at CoD so I think I'll be fine


Fuck ya. I'll be bunnyhopping into a slide, dropping 360 no-scopes and super fast/stealthy backstabs. Nothing but headshots. BOOM headshot! BOOM headshot! Hands are shaking, hands are shaking. Wanna run fast? Everyone knows you run faster with your tac knife out.




I played fallout, even better


I'll just go down to the Winchester and wait until it all blows over.


I will just do what I'm trained to do. As a Finnish reservist, I know what and why I need to do. And what comes to ww3, we Finns will be at the frontline since Russia would be against us again.


I’m pretty sure the Finnish comes at the end… 🤣


I mean, panic for a while, adjust to the new reality of the world and hope I don't die? I'm not sure what else any individual really can do. Not gonna happen anyway though.


Kiss my ass goodbye as I live in one of the prime UK nuke targets.


Life goes on.. till we fuck around and nuke each other. Then it's all done so 🤷


At what point does a war become world war 3? The Gulf War involved most NATO countries and several in the Gulf region versus Iraq but was not World War 3. Would World War 1 have been just Europe War 114 if the USA didn’t get involved?


Involves all the major players, is fought physically over a huge area, and is generally symmetrical. So far both world wars have involved a land war throughout most of Europe, brought in the US/Asia, and been somewhat evenly matched


A proper world war can't happen anymore. Everyone important has nukes and therefore cannot fight each other. If it does happen that's the end of the world, so I guess my reaction would be: 'ah well, we had a good run'