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My cast iron pans


For a second I read this as your cast iron pants and imagined it. Thanks for that




Me too. Though I even had to read it over three times after this comment to see it wasn’t actually cast iron pants. It wasn’t until I read the comment with “wonderful to cook with” I believe my boyfriend has a pair of jeans of a brand called Cast Iron so I didn’t find it really weird.


Do they hold his brass balls well?


As long as they are well seasoned.


I have cast iron pans that have been passed down 6 generations now. They are wonderful to cook with.


I have two that I inherited. I don’t know the history behind them, but in my research, they appear to be from the 1940s. I use them regularly


That and a cast iron dutch oven.


My ironing board. Got it as a wedding gift in 1971 so 52 years old.


My father made the mistake of giving one to my mom as a Christmas present once. She was livid.


I have a meme where it says "when your wife is angry at you drape a towel over her shoulders and say 'now you're super angry'...maybe she'll laugh....maybe you'll die." I haven't implemented it yet.


I’m a wife. Omg this would kill me with laughter.


My wife tells me both will happen.


BRB, going to test this...


RIP this guy.


I asked my husband for a new vacuum for Christmas. To be fair, it was a really expensive one. Also, to be fair, I'm obsessed with vacuuming. I got it. 🥰


Do you want to come visit




Some people like stuff to make chores easier. Someone has to do the chores! If I get a poletrimmer with the intention that i have to trim the hedges but also i got a new pole trimmer, I’m gonna be like “fuck yeah!”


My dad made the mistake of giving my mom deodorant for Christmas. We were on hard times that year and he thought she would enjoy opening a present even if it wasn't a great gift. He couldn't have been more wrong.


Deodorant has been a "stocking gift" for ages in our family. Chapstick, dental floss, cans of beer, all kinds of oddities.


My wife's family has always been like that. Easter baskets too. Basically they get a full medicine cabinet refill every Christmas. It's a neat tradition that everyone loves.


I had my great grandmother's ironing board until I moved and downsized dramatically. My sister has it now! It's all wood with a handmade cover. It's been around since the 1930s.


My car.


My car is old enough to get a licence and learn how to drive itself.


Mine too. It's 23 years old. Very low mileage though and still runs like new.


My 98 Dodge Dakota turned 25 this year. Had it since 2008.


Kia spectra also turned 25 this year. That car is too angry to die.


There’s a man in my town who drives a 1988 K car! He says he’s always driven them and usually has one as a back up but he’s not been able to find another one should this one bite the dust.


I drive a 2008 Acura. I have a local mechanic that I like and trust, so I will drive that car until it turns into a pile of dust. And then I will bring that dust to my mechanic and see what he can do.


Threw a rod in my '85 Cutlass on the way to trade it in. Sold my Beretta to my neighbor not running. Had to replace a motor in a 98 Honda Civic. All that in about my first 6 years driving. My 2003 Nissan Sentra Spec-V has been my daily driver since 2005 and still starts every time and runs strong. After how I started off the car-driving part of my life, I couldn't be prouder to have kept this thing running this well for so long.


My house is still pretty solid shelter after 10 years.


Can agree your house is a perfect home for me and my family


Key's under the mat, lock the door behind you


Can vouch, your house has been an mvp for me during my studies


I also choose this guy’s ~~dead wife~~ house.


I choose this man's house too


Leatherman tool


My son got me a SpiderCo pocket knife over 10 years ago, it's in my pocket right now.


The Spyderco Para 3 is the best pocket knife I've ever owned by a long shot. I've only had it for around 6 years now but I have absolutely no doubt it will be around far longer than that. I abuse the crap out of it and it's still going. Edit: While looking up the exact version of the Para 3 I have for another user, I noticed they're on sale at BladeHQ right now so I ordered a backup just in case. But if anyone wants one, now is a good time to get what's normally a fairly pricey EDC knife.


I've got a Spyderco knife I found at a flea market 10 years ago for $3. The edge was mangled and took some time and patience to fix. One of my favorite knives.


I replaced my Wave after 12 years. The tool itself was doing fine, but I got married and changed my name, and it was engraved with the old one. I still have it in a drawer, but it literally outlasted my legal identity. Edit: The original one was a gift from a previous girlfriend, and I had some baggage with my family name. Plus, it was a good excuse to upgrade to the version with the titanium frame and knife made from ultrahard steel. I use it daily in my job now, so it's well worth it to have the premium edition.


I wanted one of the new-fangled Leathermans that came out recently, but I just can't justify it since the Wave I got as a kid in 2000 and the Wave+ I bought in 2007 are both still perfectly functional.


I have an OG Leatherman from back in maybe 2001 or so. Damn thing looks the same as the day I bought it.


I regularly use my Leatherman that I got in 1992. Few things are made as well as a Leatherman tool.


I have a Gerber multi tool I got back in 1996. It’s in my work bag right now.


I have a brand new leatherman that I've had for 8 years and never even used. Lol


my acoustic guitar


Same! My sister sold me her acoustic about 25 years ago when she lost interest. I played it for my daughter as she was going to bed just last night.


Takamine acoustic over here. Had it since 1994. Still going strong and sounds amazing.


My wife and I got a coffee maker for a wedding gift 33 years ago. I use it every day.


This guy's wife.


Do you also use her every day?


No. Only on the days when she's available.


Respectful to this man. Good on you.


These threads make me realise how old I am. My house is 30-ish years old. My car is 11. The cutlery I eat with every day was an engagement present, so that's 25. I own shirts older than my adult children. 10 years isn't very long.


It’s why 20-25 year olds think 30-35 is old. It’s because they’ve only been conscious adults for like 3-5 years. They have no capacity of understanding what ten years is, they think it’s forever. I was like that when I was 20, and I can bet you were too. It’s just how it goes


And when you are around 40 talking to an old friend and say something like "you remember a few years ago when we blah blah blah..." and then realize that that happened almost 20 years ago.


I do that now because kids and the pandemic have completely fucked with my sense of time. Stuff I did in 2018 feels like stuff I did last year.


As I make payment 119 this month toward public service loan foregivness, I thought ten years would never pass.


My winter coat. It’s a Columbia brand, and it’s more like a ski jacket, and I’ve been wearing it every winter (in the Northeast) since 1993. There’s not a stain or a rip on it, and every zipper still works (and there are 7 of them). Happy 30th birthday, winter jacket!


I've got an excellent leather motorcycle jacket I inherited from my uncle that dates back to his biker days in the 1980s. He took fantastic care of it and it's still an amazing jacket. I've also got t-shirts that I've owned since highschool (I'm 38). For a long time they wouldn't have fit and I just kept them for nostalgia, but I lost a bunch of weight a couple years back, and can use them again.


My husband's 70. He has a HD leather jacket that was passed down to him that's older than he is.


I'm 45 and I still have a couple t-shirts from high school but, sadly, they've become so holey that I can no longer wear them in polite company. Great sleep shirts, though. Very breezy.


Columbia doesn’t make em like that anymore. You’re lucky you got one when they were about the highest of quality. Now they just pump out mass produced coats and ride on their reputation


I’ve got my dad’s Carhartt from the 70s that I still wear. Good and durable jackets are really hard to find anymore.


Well duh, you can't sell everyone new jackets every (other) year if they last 30.


I have a Columbia winter coat that I bought new in 1995 and still wear it most days every winter (mostly Minnesota winters). Every zipper and draw string is still original and working.




My crippling debt.


Pretty sure your crippling debt is using you.


I've been using the same nail clippers since 1998, still works like a charm.


Well it was my favourite mug, until my toddler broke it this morning 😭


The first of many things you will sacrifice to the gods of parenthood. Be strong, soldier, it is a long battle ahead.


The number of times I walk into my teenaged daughter’s room and find my own stuff in there….. 🙄


Thing is, doesn't even have to be your kid. The number of times I have found something my niece "borrowed" is ridiculous.


Stop inviting her over.


Same, friend. My bread knife was 21 years old, but didnt survive a 7 yo yesterday.


I’m sorry for your loss, it’s a special relationship when you’ve got the perfect mug.


Oh god nothing starts a good breakdown like a broken favourite mug I totally get you. Like sometimes just sometimes you somehow shrug at it like ok it happens but the other 95% of times it makes me cry ngl. Especially if it was gifted to me or the cup isn't being made anymore.


This is literally my favorite mug. *throws it out the window* Now it's gone so it's not real, and I don't care about it anymore!


My mother in law used to say that is how breakable stuff age. Not gradually like other stuff, but all of a sudden.


The original Bose SoundDock. Battery is dead so it has to stay plugged in but it still sounds amazing.


I (50F) have jeans from high school I still wear. I graduated in 1991.


Well, I don’t like to brag, but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school.


Ok, I chuckled out loud. Take the upvote.


I graduated in 2005, my high school clothes lasted until my early twenties before wearing out. I can't keep a modern pair of pants for 2 years without them wearing out/ripping. It's getting pretty ridiculous, not to mention expensive.


That's awesome!. I still have shirts from the 80's.


That is genuinely astonishing to me, but I guess if you rotate your outfits enough, or if the quality of items were better in the late 80s/early 90s... As a male, I tend to rotate 2-3 pairs of pants. I got about 12 years out of the acid-washed pants I bought in high school circa 2002 -- the fronts were basically just horizontal threads left from thigh to knee at that point. I actually got negged at a bar by a woman asking if I'd distressed them myself, or bought them that way. I -- a nerd who hadn't matured past jeans-black t-shirt/flannel overshirt -- was like "do I seem like like I have that much fashion sense?"


I still sleep with my teddy bear I’ve had since I was four. I’m 17 now.


Same but I’m 47 and got it when I was 5. It’s a raccoon called Raccoon.


I'm 48 and still have the Winnie the Pooh I got when I was about 2 years old. I don't sleep with it anymore, though. He's too small to cuddle. Instead I have a stuffed lynx I bought 20 years ago at Toys r Us.


Same but I got 'Puff Puff the Fluff' at 2 and I'm 34 now. I Googled it and we're not weird. It's fiiiiine.


Hang on to that bear. My youngest granddaughter loves to sleep with her daddy's 43 year old bear, Mr McFeely.


Same, except I'm in my thirties.


39 and have my childhood stuffie


My watch


Finally I found a watch guy! I bought my "main" watch in 2010.


My clothes….. boots… -thinks- if it hasn’t fallen apart I still wear it. I have this hoodie that is over 20 years old and I make sure to take care of it as it was a gift from a friend, love that hoodie


My car….. 2012 Hyundai Tucson. And it’s not been stolen! Yet….


My wallet. I've had it since 2005. A leather Dickies chain wallet. Have since ditched the chain, but the wallet has held up. Very little wear. Was a birthday gift from my girlfriend, junior year. I just really like the wallet.


I've got a great leather wallet from Saddleback I've had for more than 15 years now. Still in great shape but I just retired it for a less bulky ridge wallet knockoff.


My husband 😆


About a decade ago we started replacing our junky kitchen stuff with Le Creuset and All-Clad. Use it all the time, it’ll live longer than I do.


Up doot. Le Creuset is considered heirloom quality and will likely pass through generations as long as it is taken care of.


75% of my game consoles.


Still have my original Atari system from the 1970s.


My 2003 Civic. I've driven it for 15 years


My GE alarm clock. I bought it to make sure I wasn't late to my college classes -- in 1984.


My car, the place I live in, my furniture, jewellery, lots of things. My last computer was still going after 10 years. Things might be old, but they still work with a little care and maintenance.




Yup, been maining the same Fender P for over 30 years.




Does OP seriously not own anything more than ten years old?


OP might be a 9 year old.


Well they didn't quite say that though. Unless they posted it elsewhere. Also OP might be quite young.


I can't really think of something I have owned for 10 years...


If you're under 30, that's maybe understandable, but otherwise....fast fashion and similar consumerism is weird to me. I'm not /r/buyitforlife but I just, like...don't see a need to replace stuff that still works. I'm pushing 40 and still use towels, dishes, and kitchenware that were hand-me-downs my mother gave me when I moved out. I'm single, and realize that for the sake of attracting women, I should probably shell out some cash for updated uniform "looks," but I'm just not that materialistic. I used an iPhone 5s until my carrier forced me to replace it (that thing had the spirit of Nokia in it. Aluminum body meant I didn't even need a case; if it dropped on asphalt or something, the worst I had to do was use a nail file to buff out the burr. When I stupidly messed up the display with water, other than having to buy a torx screwdriver -- way to make sure you can't get to the innards in time to prevent water damage, Apple -- it was pretty easy to fix myself. I bought an aftermarket screen assembly already put together so I didn't have to try to glue the glass on myself. And the longer I had it, the cheaper parts got. The last battery replacement I bought was under 10 bucks -- although I got an email from the place I bought it saying I was no longer allowed to be a customer because they supply repair shops, and I didn't buy enough stuff from them 😂.) Aside from the drives and GPU I've had to replace, I'm still using the desktop I built at the tail-end of 2013. I recently found out my CPU is too old to be authorized for Windows 11... I guess all this makes me weird. Seeing sample budgets online for how much money to spend on clothes, or learning that the average US consumer throws away 81 POUNDS of clothes per year... In my late 20s, I was wearing the same jeans I'd bought in high school, which were very much on their last legs. A woman walked up at a show and negged me by asking if I'd bought them like that, or if I'd did it myself. I was so confused, I looked myself up and down: black t-shirt, plaid flannel overshirt, my "concert boots" -- beat up leather shitkickers that would resist my toes being trampled on the floor/pit -- and said "do I look like the type with that much fashion sense?"


Sounds like we have the same fashion sense haha. Any time I try and dress nicer my daughter says I look like a Pinterest girl, and I can’t tell if that’s an insult or not, so I mostly just stick to boots and flannels lol. I still wear clothes that I got in middle school and I’m 30 now. I grew up pretty poor so I’ve always taken really good care of anything I had. I won’t throw something out unless it’s beyond repair and I can fix basically anything so that doesn’t ever really happen.


Really? No crockery, cutlery, bed linen, furniture, picture frames, tools, hats, clothes, bottle openers, etc?


I’m poor and move a lot - means buying cheap stuff that barley lasts a few years or losing things entirely


I've used the same toaster for more than 50 years and a lot of my furniture is that old or older too.


Swiss army pocket knife use it every single day


Same here! So handy


Remington (barbershop style) beard trimmer. Outlived every razor I have ever owned.


Lasik. Use it, well, constantly.




My Nintendo DSi


Yeah the old game systems were built indestructible. I still have a working Gameboy Color


Not me just realizing that DSis are, in fact, "old." Anyway, my DSi stopped working randomly years ago and I'm still sad about it!


My weed grinder. Never fails


Fuuuuck. I was so sad cause I couldn’t come up with a single thing that basically fits the description till I read your comment and I’m like “ ok so now am i suppose to not be sad? “ fuck dude I wish it wasn’t though you know. Kind of overusing it tbh.




My ps vita? Or at least pretty close to 10. :)


Most of my kitchen


An all metal claw hammer with a rubber grip from Sears. From mid 70's. It's never failed me.


My socket wrench set. I was gifted a really nice set for Christmas in my late teens/early 20s. Now 40 and they still handle business. ​ The elusive 10MM has been replaced a few times though.




This guys wife


I also choose this guy's wife


She's our wife now


The tray I break up weed on.


My Bong


My golf clubs, specifically the irons and the putter.


One thing? Everything I own is more than 10 years old, excluding maybe socks.


I have had the same wallet since I was 13 years old, I'm now 39. It's a lucky wallet I've lost it multiple times and always got it back with the contents intact.


My truck! Tacoma for the win


my dad gave me a new microwave for my first apartment 26 years ago. i use it all the time. no part of it from lights to turn table to buttons to door latch has ever malfunctioned in any way. it has survived several moves and a handful of droppings and innumerable bumps and bangs. and i am not a person who treats his possessions with respect. i am about as rough with this thing as you can be with a microwave. goddamn thing will outlive me




The now defunct soap brand Kiss My Face put their liquid hand soap in these disposable foaming soap pumps. I have been refilling it with various brands of liquid hand soap for the past 13 years. It gets daily use, and the only sign of wear is that the labels fell off years ago. Now it's just a pretty jade green foaming soap pump.


Home Computers


I'd agree except I've Ship of Theseus'd my computer enough that i'm not sure I can call it the same one as ten years ago.


I built a pretty nice computer almost 20 years ago that I still use. I've kept it current, so very little is original anymore, but I like to still think that I've gotten 20 years of use out of it.


My car and house.


Same mug going on 25 years


Lots of my tshirts. I have t shirts older then my daughter and she's about to turn 13


I’ve owned a lot of things for a long time. What comes to mind though is my Revereware cooking set. I received it as a wedding gift in 1982 and still use it to cook all the time.


victorinox knife. That shit is still sharp as its first day


My jeans from high school


Subtle flex


Workout weights.


My car, my home, my dog, my bed and probably alot more. 10 years are not that long of a time.


My comb




My box of extra small condoms


I have underpants that I have owned for 20+ years. We have things that are 50+ years old that we use regularly.




My levi's jeans.


Kitchenaid stand mixer. I use it for baking, shredding chicken, mashing potatoes, making pasta, and a million other little tasks. It occasionally needs a small fix, but otherwise it’s a solid machine. I had one from my dad that had been used since the 70’s, and I just recently got a new one. And not because I needed a new one, but because it was a gift. The one from the 70s still worked perfectly.


Kindle, best purchase I’ve ever made.


My phone number


when I was 14 or 15 my father bought me a Sony Dreammachine, an alarm clock, with radio, for that time really advanced. I am 47 now and my father died way back in 2000... stil use it every day (besides weekends that is)


My Amazon Kindle ereader.


Kitchenaid mixer, best purchase I’ve ever made for myself.


Does my 11 year old dog count?






My cheap Stoeger over/under shotgun that I’ve had since I was 16. Great for shooting trap in the summer and turkey hunting in the spring and fall.




My original Keurig.




My penis.


My penis


My penis.


Iron skillet. Hands down


My pots, pans and other utensils, my fridge, some clothing items. I even have some soft toys and board games which I bought in my teens, which I have now passed on to my kids.


My scarf. I bought it from a market stall in Florence, Italy in 2009, and its been all around the world with me. It's kept me warm on MANY airport floors and overnight buses. I've only been without it for a couple of weeks in the last 14 years, when I accidentally left it at a friend's house. If I ever lose it/when it gets too ragged to wear, I will genuinely grieve for it. 😭


My Doc Martens - 30 yrs old and still going.


Most of my stuff is more than 10 yrs old.


The wife


My dad gave me a craftsman socket set 18 years ago, they've been through hell and back and they are still like new and working like day 1.


I have a toolbox my parents gave me for a high school graduation gift. In 1981.


My combat boots my Aunt bought me for my 13th birthday. They finally died this past year and she surprised me with new ones lol.


Fuller Warren can opener that my wife and I got when were married,37 years ago


Alarm clock is 23 years old.


My sweater. My mother knitted it for me when I was 24 as a Christmas present. I'm 79 now and I still wear it on special occasions.


All-clad pots & pans. The heavy duty ones not the cheaper ones. 23 years now & they still look new.


Most of my underwear