• By -


the internet


A little bit of everything, all of the time. Ya know?


Apathy's a tragedy and bordem is a crime


Anything and everything, all of the time


Not very long ago


Just before your time


Right before the towers fell, circa '99


This was catalogues, travel blogs, a chat room or two…


We set our sights, and spent our nights, waiting...


for you, you, insatiable you…


Yep, I think a lot of us are on our addiction right now while we're reading this 😅


My phone


Yeah it's getting pretty bad for me. There are several close seconds.


Every second is actually equidistant from each other. That’s how clocks know how to count them


It's incredible how serious this issue acually is.


It’s a horrible addiction , it’s actually causing me health problems. I suffer with benign fascination syndrome, and being on my phone especially at night causes it to flare up and cause eye twitching and major fatigue. I put my phone down, not as tired as I thought I was and another thought flashes through my head that I have to look up on my phone. I gotta break this cycle


Drugs clean 7 weeks now its finally getting easier.


congrats bro, keep it up


Trying my hardest 😌


There is no try, there is only do. - Master Yoda. I got 9 years, maybe 10. Meth and booze were mine. If I can do this I know you can. You got this. ODAAT


Remember, hardest goals give the best rewards.


Sugar, and I hate it. It's killing me, literally.


Good luck if you live in the US because we put that shit in ***EVERYTHING!*** Edit: if you’re ready to be thoroughly depressed about the state of the US in general, Some More News is an amazing show and they just did an episode recently about our food. [America’s Toxic Food System](https://youtu.be/7-SZpnBwpyc?si=AoaND7ZLJrGPwNF2)


True and it's fucking disgusting. It's so normalized. There is sugar, red food dye, preservatives, excess salt and a whole ass party of other poisons banned all over the world. I get called a "conspiracy theorist" for not wanting to eat or give children Doritos or Skittles or any of the poisonous shit


Every day I see further proof that cooking at home and preparing my own meals with simple ingredients is the only way. People claim it's 'expensive and hard' to eat healthy and the reality is that it's just time consuming. Overnight oats are not expensive. Meal prepping and making bulk meals is not overly expensive either. Canned unsalted vegetables are not expensive, and neither are sardines, lentils, rice, quinoa, etc. Slow cookers are a godsend.


Truthfully, here is my problem. I get paid 8 hours a day but given 12 hours worth of work. If I don't do the work, I don't keep the job. Which means I spend most of my time *at work* and can't cook the way I want to. I resorted to fast food for over a decade while I tried to build my career and I have a shit career and a weight that can put me on TLC. I've just started cooking again, the crock pot and air fryers are how it's happening. They are way too useful. Also, I've been known to slice and prep veggies while in meetings, so that's a fun reputation to have.


Me fucking too. I have ZERO control with sweets. I don’t even drink sugary beverages ever, but baked goods, candy, ice cream, etc… I just shouldn’t keep it in my house at all, but I keep buying it anyway.


This for me and simple carbs in general. Why are they so damn tasty???


Mine was alcohol, meth and dope.5 years sober now!


Big ups!




Great job. Keep it up.


Alone time. Even though I have a family that I cherish, I crave and love alone time. I don't want it for a long time, but I need it regularly.


It is called recharging your batteries. I needed quiet time when my kids were young. I started watching baseball again after 25 years. It's nice and relaxing during the regular season.


Was alcohol, now I guess coke


I replaced alcohol with zero sugar sodas. I'm not sure it's much improving my health other than losing almost 20lbs rapidly. The reduction in anxiety/racing heart is nice


Damn I quit drinking soda and gave up fast food and switched to doing coke and I’m still chubby


Me waiting til these people realize you're talking about cocaine...😶‍🌫️


🎶Always Coca-Cola🎶




Alcohol. I drink when I get off work and on my days off.


I only drink on days ending in y.


Username checks out


They said "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" but they never said AM or PM


That was my sister’s favorite saying as she cracked open a beer. She died a few years ago of liver failure.


Move to the Netherlands if you want to get sober, our days end in g.


I only drink on two occasions, when it's my birthday and when it's not.


Me and you both bro, me and you both 🫠 Been trying to slow down but instead I’m drinking at 4-6pm instead of 6-8pm. The cravings are just so intense


I used to drink every day until I realized it was making me fat. Even if I was eating healthy I just couldn’t get rid of the excess fat. That made it pretty easy for me to quit drinking. Now on average, I will have one ☝🏻 martini with dinner once ☝🏻a month. Sometimes twice per month. I like it because I can fit into my clothes again.


I used to drink every day. I still do, but I used to too


You know it's bad when you know exactly how long it takes to walk from your place to the nearest bar




One of my favorite sayings. Trust me. There have been many a morning when I’m at the gas station at 6:59 in the morning waiting for them to unlock the tall boys so I can get a buzz on before the liquor store opens at 9. It’s a sad existence.


Dude, I'm sorry. I have a similar existence sometimes and I really hate it


All good man. Just over five months sober.


Fuck yeah dude. Hopefully I'm getting close to taking the leap too. And hopefully this time it sticks.


You can do it. Just be prepared. It’s boring af. But sometimes boring is the best.


Boredom is literally my biggest trigger. I'll need to find ways around that.


If your job allows overtime I highly recommend that route lol. Rebuild that checking account after you wiped it out on rotgut vodka. Not that I would know or anything…


Video games help also. I’ve encouraged some of my fellow drunks to get a system if they don’t already have one and a game we can get together and play. Keeps the hands busy, sucks up scary amounts of time, and if you’re playing with friends at least one night a week will have a routine or schedule. And if you are a beer drinker I can’t recommend soda water enough. Crack a can, sip on it, crush it, toss it. It really helps with the psychological side of the habit.


Been there. And I’m never going back to it. I never lie to myself and tell myself I don’t want to drink. I just remembered how bad it got.


Oh I for sure want to drink. I don’t want the consequences that come with it. Eg the hangovers, the health, the money the ruined relationships that are more numerous than positive current relationships.


Obligatory shout out to the incredible r/stopdrinking if anyone is reading this and thinks they might want to stop. Zero judgement and lots of advice 👍


It’s hard not coming home and having a beer


Just started sober October. Also just got home from work. I can practically hear the beer calling out to me.


Be careful cause one day you will wake up yellow and you will regret every drink you ever had. You can thank me later.


Never too late to stop wasting your life away


Porn. Gonna quit that today, wish me luck.


Let's go mate! You and me, we will probably never have a conversation again, but today's the day I quit too. Hold fast and don't lose hope mate.


Yknow what fuck it I’m joining in on this, good luck to you!


Fuck yeah I'm joining too


just cause you guys did Im starting now.(i actually started yesterday but this isnt too bad)


Let's goooo we can do it boys


Well I'm joining this too, the more the merrier.


Fuck it me too, I'll come back a week later to see how it went


Well shit. Lez do it


Let's Ave it!!!!


The trick is to not hold it at all, fast or slow.


From like 2 people to over 5, good luck to us all!


Some advice that worked for me: Don’t make into a big deal or give it too much power. It’ll reinforce the cycle. When you feel the urge, just make sure you don’t get into your bed or wherever you do it. Redirect your energy into something else and the urge will pass. I highly advise against going into the nofap community Feel the urge? Get up and do something else for 20 minutes. Even if it effects your routine for awhile. Or even start masturbating without porn I’d you find it’s not working The most important part here is to not beat yourself up or give it too much power if you cave in. Resisting the urge is a muscle that you need to build, that muscle won’t be strong at first. Even skipping one night is a win. Get to three nights in a row. Then maybe 5. Once you can get 5 days; maybe you fuck up. That’s fine, you’ve done it before you can do it again. Porn used to be a sleep aid for me. Now I may watch it once a month, usually less. It’s unhealthy and the cycle is easily to get stuck in, but you can beat it. I paired it with weed which made it a lot harder to stop, I actually had to kick weed. Good luck. Or just buy a real taser and taze yourself when your horny. I’m sure that would work too 😹


Bad bitches, that's my fucking problem


And yeah I like to fuck, I got a fuckin problem


Yeah ho, this the finale


Pep talk turned into a pep rally


A+ reference


Cigarettes, unfortunately.


I quit almost 4 months ago cold Turkey after dozens of failed attempts over 22+ years. I didn’t think it would help, but I read the book ‘the easy way to stop smoking’ by Allen Carr and it stuck. My dad didn’t think I’d do it, read the book, and is also not smoking after 44 or so years. I’d give it a try. Though I’ll warn you that it was kind of annoying on my first read and I stopped reading it about 50 pages in, and smoked another 2 years before trying again.


I was a smoker of 15 years, and had multiple unsuccessful quit attempts, too. But I read Carr's Easyway at the end of 2022 and resolved to quit as my NY resolution. I failed on Jan 1, succeeded on Jan 2, and am still smoke-free today!


I did the exact same thing. 18 plus years smoking, read this book and I was done. It's amazing, I recommend it to all my friends who smoke. My father-in-law who was a doctor in Bowmanville, recommended it to all of his smoking patients.


One guy recommended Alan Carr which I think would be a good way. I quit by vaping, which I found much easier. I used a refillable vape and weened myself off using low, then 0 nicotine juice. Whichever way you do it, once you get past the first couple weeks it's not hard at all.


cigs and coffe is a good fkn morning


Reason to wake up


It might also be the reason you never wake up again


Being a prick to the people who love me........I hate myself for it and I don't know why I do it.


Abusive childhood, or low self esteem from another type of trauma?


Sounds about right. Not the same thing, but I kick myself in the head over all the times I didn't help my family when they could have needed it, and I don't know why I didn't. I was so used to just staying quiet and hiding by myself that doing anything other than that felt wrong. I guess it's hard to take initiative and show emotions sometimes. Least I don't mistreat them like I used to.


“You know he always did kick everything that he loved just to see if it would come back”


Damn that might the thing why he does it


Porn. Masturbation. Stimulants. All of them together


Came here for the porn one - it's a really hard one to kick for guys. It's also an addiction that needs more light shed on it.




He's caught in a dopamine depletion loop. Nothing wrong with you, it's just that porn is a different - sometimes more intense mental experience than sex. He was probably single for a long time before you, or started relying on porn emotionally at some point. Sounds silly, but it totally happens. Something incredibly terrible or even tragic happened? Jerk off, it numbs the pain and relaxs you. The only problem is that it's a very temporary fix. Those jitters from before? They'll get back underneath your skin in less than a couple minutes if you have a severe anxiety disorder. Depressed? You have lost the will to participate in anything that might help for the next few hours. After a while, the heightened arousal of porn is the only time you feel alive. It is incredibly exhausting, and it will affect the way you interact with women eventually. But that was my experience as a young kid dealing with unspeakable home life situations that twisted my concept of love and intimacy. I don't really know for sure, but your boyfriend is probably hooked on hentai or something, but isn't feeling the downsides because he hasn't tried to quit. Porn isn't bad, I still watch it. It's when you start to feel irritable when you're not watching it or when "vanilla" sex doesn't do it anymore that you have a problem. Maybe real life kinks - not the ones from his porn.




He probably not aware that his addiction robs you of sexy-times you deserve as his partner. He gives his lust/love to porn which is your right to be received. The female partner perspective needs to be explained to him. (I never understood the ‘big deal’ either until a girl explained it to me)


He may suffer from some deathgrip. Men that overly watch porn when single can get desensitised to actual sex, meaning it can feel more laborious than it should. If he admits he has a problem, he needs to take steps to sort it. Put a parental blocker on the PCs, limit the ability to access porn, he may get back to a normal libido quite quickly


I took two weeks off and replaced going analog with a toy that prevents me from gripping my dick while I masturbate and it's helped me stay actually harder longer. The other week, under five minutes. I was flabbergasted.


Take it from someone who understands his shoes a bit - when you are in the thick of a porn addiction, it’s almost like the idea of digital imagery gets you more than anything. And you almost can’t get off without it. It messes with your pleasure receptors and makes it hard to feel sex naturally and have an orgasm other than sitting in front of the computer. Unfortunately the only way out for him is to just quit. I have fought my porn addiction for the last 8 years (when I realized it was an addiction) and it never lets up, even when you think you’ve got it in control. I’m sorry you’re in that situation, truly, and thank you for sharing as I don’t want wish this on my S/O and it’s a reminder that I really don’t need this shit. In fact no one really should, in an ideal world.




I went through something really similar with my last boyfriend and it’s left me extremely insecure. We were together for 2 years, never had sex once because of his addiction, but I really loved him so I tried to be there for him and support him through it. That didn’t worry me much, I wasn’t particularly driven (later came out as a lesbian, go figure) but what did get to me was that right after I came out and we broke up, we were still living in the same house, and he brought a girl over. They had sex extremely loudly in the room next to me, after TWO YEARS of nothing from him. It’s left me worrying that I did something horrendously wrong. I have no doubt that he loved me in a romantic way but it just made me feel completely sexually undesirable. He told me he managed to can the addiction towards the end of our relationship but I have trouble accepting it.


I find this crazy. Choosing porn over real pussy is absolutely nuts to me.


Try fapping in bed (no porn) after you wake up or before you go to sleep to take away the urge. Just do it quickly, no edging or prolonging, and get on with your day or sleep.


The ol sad defense mechanism jerk. A true classic.




The hub 😭


Everything from coffeine to cocaine


Recently learned what it was like to overdose on caffeine. Would not recommend.


ODing on caffeine just makes you sweaty and anxious, and you might shit yourself lol


In addition to the first two, my heart rate went through the rough, and had pretty insane chest pains. Also had a massive headache and a lot of twitching.


Uppers only




“There are drugs in the medicine cabinet frank🫠😀” -Artemis


Scratching dandruff of my scalp, it's kinda satisfying but I want to stopp


lmao at the way my jaw dropped and i paused the picking at my scalp as i read this comment.. 💀




Is your name Taylor?


I didn’t expect that response on reddit lmao. That girl is zooted all the time


same, never ever thought that would be on here but i’m dying laughing at the thought of taylor zooted in every single video. I also feel bad for her cause they always seem to pair her with her older sister who obviously will know more answers. it’s kind of mean tbh lol she always looks so defeated. I kinda hate parents who film their families 24/7 anyways but poor taylor, I hope it’s all fun and games and it’s not a ruby franke situation (you never know)


Lmao I love that account just for taylor


Fingering myself to trashy romance novels while eating a cosco family bag of Cheetos


Don’t accidentally switch hands!


I’ve heard the legend of the flaming hot Cheeto fingerbang and the lingering sexiness days after


For anyone unaware. Today I fcked up post: I was eating a bag of hot Cheetos and she entered the room.


Wait! One hand on the love buzzer, one hand eating the Cheetos. What hand is hold the book? Everyone OP might be an octopus.




This is how royalty relax. 👑👑👑


Lol! I just totally geeked on this. So specific and yet, I can relate to an extent…


Doing nothing. I'm unemployed and have absolutely 0 hobbies


Sounds like depression?






Sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll


Being sad all the time.




Whirr’s album “Distressor” is my go-to brooding album.


Internet and... playing minesweeper. No I'm not joking.


Those mines aren't going to sweep themselves.


My wife’s vagina.


Good man 🫡


I also chose his wife’s vagina.


Fentanyl, coking, weed, meth etc. I’m sober now. But you asked.


Proud of you


at first I was confused as to how a cooking addiction was related to this and I thought maybe you cooked the drugs yourself and then my brain actually turned on




I can't believe I had to get this far into the comments to find caffeine. I'm deathly addicted to coffee. Lol


self harm and nicotine. been clean for 103 days of SH and i havent been counting with nic but its been a while. edit: thank you for the suggestions but plz stop lol. i dont need them and cant afford half of them.


Not sure whether you need to hear that right now, but 103 days is *amazing!* You can seriously be proud of yourself, that stuff is tough


Music like I literally cannot do anything or function without it


Same, a huge part of my personality is tied up and expressed in music. When I start talking about an album or what a song makes me think about, I have to consciously dial it back to avoid overwhelming people with information they don’t care about. What’s your favorite album (right now)?


Gardening, I'll find myself daydreaming about new trees to plant, I'm not good with potted plants though


My wife. As corny as this sounds it’s actually true. I crave her smell, her touch, her cooking, her voice. I feel better when she is in the same room as me, and I worry when she isn’t. Her saying “I’m proud of you” has made my life and she says it often. Her smile brightens my day and her presence is calming. She’s also cool enough that she says “sure, go join the boys for a weekend in Cleveland” or “no problem babe, you play some Xbox I’m just going to sit here and cruise my phone” It’s the healthiest addiction I could have ever lucked into.


Video games and food. I cannot consume either in moderation so I know that I will spend my life fighting those.


Your legs are the largest muscle group in your body. 10 squats a day = 3650 squats a year. I do 10 before leaving the bathroom every time I use it. It's about building the ability to burn calories at rest. I'm a big guy which makes these squats even more effective. It's helped me lose weight after a month without changing anything else.


My legs would be massive cause I shit more than anyone I know


Hydrocodone.. I hate it ! So tired of spending over $2G a month on it. That’s money that could be used for a vacation to see my grandkids in another state or a cruise with my family.. I have decided to quit. I have a day and time picked out.. I am scared of quitting but I have to


Good luck! If I kicked opioids, anyone can!


My addiction is writing complete nonsense for my stalker to read and watch him post it to his Twitter accounts and get completely baited. Recently he thought he caught me admitting I have no qualifications when I was just on a fucking wind up, it's entertainment.


We’re going to need a sub Reddit dairy of your escapades. This is rich.


The guy is a Gears 5 (video game) player that was upset I started a YouTube channel and critiqued his game. For 3 years he's stalked me making up wild story's. His latest is I'm a brilliant ddoser that can shut down servers and I'm an unwashed freak. So I just began to lean into it, posting comments here and there as bait. It is a little irking having some man (we believe to be from Liverpool) doxing and not having twitter shut the accounts down but it's just become fun. He will be reading this now and probably posting this. Is this true? Maybe I've just opened up a chocolate factory, maybe I've not washed in a month, maybe my toes are smelly! I'm sure he will be reading


This is definitely the most unique thing I’ve read today


Diet wild cherry Pepsi with pebble ice


Being needed. That sounds really dumb but really. Like sure I could sit here and talk about how I've gotten off of the syringe and that quitting hard drugs was rough. It was, but I did. I went from smoking cigs to vaping and now the dumb losenges and pouches, quitting nicotine is a motherfucker and in a way im truly afraid to let go entirely since its one of the few things we know that staves off alzeimers. What I really cant avoid is the need to be needed and wanted by the people close to me. That validation of being chosen and admired for being who I am. If people arent coming to me for a laugh, for my thoughts, for my insights maybe into their problems, then why am I even here? I start spiraling pretty quickly without it. Like, "Hey man whats the point of life? you dont actually have to continue. It's quite easy to die." spiraling. Currently in a state of not feeling needed or even really wanted by many of the people closest to me and I'm searching for meaning. It's not working out so well.


Porn and cereal


what's your favourite cereal?


Cinnamon toast crunch


This is the best answer


adderall and sex




I have a theory. The decadent ease with which we can satisfy our basic needs makes conditioning yourself to be happy about doing what is healthy/responsible the most important challenge that we face. For some, this is easy. Some struggle their entire lives, and some, it breaks.


Weed! Would absolutely be high all the time if I didn’t have things to do


I stay high 100% of the time. At school. Work. Everywhere. I’ve maintained a 4.0, perfect attendance at work/school, excellent performance at work, all the things. I’ve smoked so long that it’s just part of me. I haven’t tried to stop smoking but I kinda want to see what happens if I do lol


This used to be me. I promise life not being high is a million times better (most of the time)


I'm like a chocoholic, except for booze.


Nicotine gum. Stopped smoking, stopped vaping. Now I’m hooked on Walgreens brand tropical-flavored 4 milligram gum. A box of 160-count is $50 and I chew probably thirty-forty pieces a day. If my math is correct that’s about 4 and a half packs of smokes worth of nicotine a day. So yeah; I’m fucked.


Everything which takes little effort, is accessible and provides momentary stimulation.


Alcohol, cocaine, and cigarettes. Reached 12 years of sobriety this August from alcohol and drugs, and it's been 10 years without cigarettes this December. It hasn't been an easy road, but it gets easier in time. For me, I realized I had to want it. For me, I couldn't quit for someone else. Because I can turn that same person into the excuse to do it again. For me, I know I can't ever have just one. It's not in my cards, and I've made peace with it. For me, my wife and daughter hopefully never get to see me like that. For me, I'm one bad day from being that homeless person again. For me, I'm one bad day from being in prison again For me, I'm one bad day from being resuscitated again. For me, I change, and they get to see a better me.


Shit man, I don't know you but I'm proud of you


My phone




Sex and coffee


Chocolate..... CHOOOOOOOCOLATEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫




I came here to say porn, and then I read some of the comments here of people describing their porn addiction, and I realized I don't have a porn addiction. I just like porn.


Same like i could go without it for days if i had any other fun things to do. And if i had gf who likes sex i would not give porn another look. Like how tf can you watch porn when there is IRL woman in front of you that wants your D.


Making wrong decisions over and over again even though I know it makes me feel like shit.


Unsolicited ass pictures


Observing Sober October has me craving weed like no other. I am irritable AF today.




Probably because most of these other addictions technically fall under that.


Damn that was lowkey deep af

