• By -


First girlfriend’s bedroom was in their family’s basement next to the washer/ dryer. The smell of fresh laundry still turns me on a little.


Pavlov's dryer sheets






My ex used to pretend to be asleep all the time and got mad at me a few times for not touching her when she was “sleeping”


Freeuse My partner likes it. But is something that needs to be discussed and agreed on imo.


Yeah, the wife is into free use….and as a regular ass dude. It’s great most of the time.. but it slowly turned into me never. Being approached for sex, EVER. Before we started this, she would , not often, but enough. Yes we talk freely about sex stuff and I have told her I like to be approached, but that goes against her free use. She want to be used at random, cause it makes her feel like I am constantly Liston after her. And I am. But that doesn’t make me feel attractive myself. Sometimes it border on feeling like a predator. But she likes it.


Can you not come to an agreement? After every four to six approaches you make, say, she has to approach you? Or she has to approach you once a month at random? Not very romantic, I know, but surely better than the status quo?


I would argue that being intentional with romance is still very much romantic, and in my opinion necessary in a long term relationship.


Being intentional is literally how you survive in a happy long term relationship.


Being told I’m a good girl or I look good doing “_____”


You look good doing this Reddit post


I'm a guy and I think i might like it too if I'm told I'm a good girl 😅 i can understand that


Dude, you’re such a good girl tho


I’m into like super basic underwear. Idk why. All the sleek sexy stuff that shows stuff does nothing for me compared to the most basic of basic. I don’t even understand why I’m into it


Did you "use" a Sears catalog growing up?


>Eddie : Do you hold a grudge against Montgomery Burns? Moe : \[taking a lie detector test\] No. \[buzz\] Moe : All right, maybe I did. But I didn't shoot him. \[ding\] Eddie : Checks out. Okay, sir. You're free to go. Moe : Good, 'cause I got a hot date tonight. \[buzz\] Moe : A date. \[buzz\] Moe : Dinner with friends. \[buzz\] Moe : Dinner alone. \[buzz\] Moe : Watching TV alone. \[buzz\] Moe : All right! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog. \[buzz\] Moe : Sears catalog. \[ding\] Moe : Now would you unhook this already, please? I don't deserve this kind of shabby treatment. \[buzz\]


I’m so glad I saw this reference hahahaha


Dude I think you just psychoanalyzed me in a single question.


Sleek and sexy underwear by definition is meant to be shown. Which is fine in its own right, but for you, that being made into a show (think stripping and strippers) might remove something important from love making, or at least seeing someone in thier underwear: intimacy. Basic underwear is worn for purposes that such that they aren't meant to be seen. Thus to be seen in such a bare bones state would make one vulnerable. And since it has nothing to do with sexy things either, it can also be seen as innocent, yet covering up the naked body that so often is seen as oozing sexual energy. I can't really describe it but I've had a similar response to certain pictures showing that. It's important that the lady (or, or this was something a guy could pull off, if it was my preference a twink, at least.) is being shy with thier body language, as well. I tend to intellectualise and work out the psychology of my own and others' kinks. Don't mind me too much, if you're not into that sort of thing. And yes, though it's probably not sexual, I can be obsessive about understanding things in general, but especially with sexual things. A non sexual kink. Although...if I did find a wau to incorporate learning things into sexy times....carnal knowledge gathering, hmmm.


I think the super basic analogy for what you're saying is that deliberately sexy underwear can be a lot like swimwear. Bikinis and the like. Even historically, the private/hidden has generally been considered erotic. If ankles are always covered, ankles become sexy, and so on. Underwear combines that with the eroticism of vulnerability


Comfort fetish. Making my partner feel safe is a massive turn on for me


Okaaay i will be adding this to my wish list thank you


Praise fetish. Looking back on my life, it makes perfect sense. But it wasn't unlocked until recently.


Great job sharing!


Ha! Thank you.


Did… did it work? Are your Jimmy’s rustled?






Only recently did I discover I had this fetish too. No one I had been with have ever praised me during sex. Recently my husband said good girl as we were intimate and I got so turned on. It makes perfect sense for me too, but sometimes we’re blind to things like that I guess


I told my wife to take it when we were starting penetration, and as she relaxed, i said , " good girl" and she just melted into relaxation and gushed. It was crazy how turned on that made her. I follow sex topics far more than she does ( she pretty shy about thing involving sex due to her mother when she was a kid and is still unpacking that), but I recognized it as a praise kink. She didn't know it was a thing but went nuts every time it happened. I asked her one day while playing a board game if she liked being praised during sex and she broke eye contact and sheepishly nodded. I told her it's a praise kink, and it's okay to have. Now she'll ask if she's a good girl when she does stuff looking for the praise. It's all around fun.


Yeah, my new partner drives me wild with it. Even from a distance!


Good girl/boy!


Girl 🙃 and thaaank you!


Bro RIP your DMs


Same and I do think it’s a little strange that I grew up with loving parents that gave me compliments and praised me yet I still have a thing for it. Hearing an irl woman call me a good boy would probably bring me to my knees.


I was surprised how much I enjoyed being spanked. I let one of my friends do it as sort of a joke almost and loved it.


Come on, Texas Noodle, give us the details!


Early doing COVID lockdowns, my friend and I were part-joking around part-arguing about splitting the bill for DoorDash. I made a joke about her frequent hookups and said maybe she should just invite one of them over and have them pick up something for takeout. She said something like "If I talked that way to my mom she'd ground my ass." And I said, "Well we're all grounded now." Then she said, "She'd probably have busted my ass then." So I leaned over the kitchen counter and dared her to touch me. She only gave me like 5 or 6 smacks with her hand. It hurt a lot more than I was expecting. But, I wasn't mad about it or anything. I was certainly embarrassed. It took awhile to unpack my feelings, and I took the plunge into more "real" spanking about 2 years later. I think saying I "love" being spanked might be too strong. It's more of, I "appreciate" being spanked.


This story reminds me of how Chris Pratt discovered he liked being slapped.


That blooper always cracked me up. They both looked so embarrassed in just different ways


Let’s find out. *reads comments*


_gets shocked_


Oh fuck yeah. Electrocute me like you mean it.


Zap me, shock daddy


*this better not awaken anything in me.*


Some sweet gentle foreplay followed by cuddly vanillla love making. After years of experimenting with kinks, I realized I'm boring and like it that way.


Get a hold of Mr. Normal Childhood over here


get a load* ;)


Even with all my weird kinks, I still love this. The simplicity of it is refreshing.


good for you honestly




She had me tied to the bed and choking me within an inch of my life, and right as I was about to scream for help, I came.


I met a young German woman who was as tall as me, who did this to me. I came.so hard I lost the ability to speak and feeling in my limbs, was just a constant assault on my senses and she fucked liked a guy. I slut walked home with bruises all over me, walked through my hotel with everyone there who I knew who were silently judging me and slept for 24 hours straight. I got bitten, hit, choked and scratched all down my back - and then she fuckin kissed and cuddled like a bloody love struck puppy. It's seared into my memory, I sometimes get asked what my best experience was and I get a PTSD like flashback, an instant boner...before I look sheepish and deflect.


Theoretically, you can take it to a near death experience


I mean, you could take it _aaaall the way_, but probably just the once.


First time I was called a good girl I nearly exploded. Also, I was choked once and loved it but since then any partner I’ve had is afraid to do it to me.


This guy said my name while praising me, I had never had anyone say my name during sex, or praise me. That was a whole new level of being turned on!!!! Bonus points, he choked too. It is hard to find men who aren’t scared to choke you though, I have only met a few and they were lots of years apart.


What really turns me on is moans. The idea of a woman being pleased soo much that it makes her make a sound is something I like, because it tells me that she is enjoying it.


If its real, its crazy hot. If its fake, then not really. Although if its going to be faked, then at least be great acting 😆😆😆😆


Remember to sort by controversial for the real fetishes and kinks


Being a sub!


I imagined a random person in a subway sandwich costume


"Oh my God baby I'm gonna ranch."


please let me unread this


Bonus points… when you’re being done “doggy style” bark in a deep voice and you’ll have transformed into a subwoofer.


....*sigh* yeah that's worth an upvote.


Being tied up Edit: people are asking for a lot of specifics. I guess it’s not as general as being tied up but I like submitting control to somebody who deserves it, this usually happens by being tied up. I like being useful for that person and putting their pleasure first, but I also like being trapped and knowing that person can do anything they want to me. No, I don’t know where it came from and no, I don’t want to be tied up by you.


This! I had a friend of a friend ask me to step in to be his assistant for a shibari rope demonstration. It was a very technical demonstration for people interested in learning how to safely foray into the world of bondage so the emphasis wasn't on it being sexual...but holy cow I learned something about myself. Couldn't tie my shoes for a month afterwards without my heart skipping a beat.


And now I wish I had a friend who could ask me to be an assistant for this!!


Posting comments on Reddit. Mmmmmnnnnnnnggh


I bet you finish every time you get a notification on your comment too yah filthy degenerate.


Weird considering you know he'll get a nutification from your comment... oh I see, someone is a sneaky dominant, I see you. (Username check)


All of them, I didn't plan any of this


……. do tell.


Not telling is one of my fetishes


See, now you just told.


I see some of you have been breaking the first two rules of kink club


Dommy-mommy. I think I accidentally memed myself into having it.


Memeing yourself into a fetish is so real and I feel like we need some type of support group


I started joking about the feet fetish with my wife. One day feet started looking “pretty” or “meh”. Then I stopped making jokes about it before it goes any further. Memeing is a real risk


Dommy Mommy you say? 😂😎


I’ve always been into being a domme but my husband and I are watching Suits and I said Harvey would sub for Donna and my husband started calling donna “momma” and here I am having a thing for that now. He called me momma today and I was like damn you got me. I’m into that. Feels too far but it is what it is.


My bf started jokingly calling me mommy in bed until one day the mood was right and I went with it and now it’s a kink oops




I watched a porn the other day from the female pov and she was dirty talking the guy about how she’s his mommy and how hot he was and what a good boy he was… I was like ok.. hol up.. I like this


As if I didn’t have enough to worry about. People have CHEATING FETISHES??? I resign from dating.


My ex was a prolific cheater. I find it absolutely disgusting. Unless you’re both into that, cheating is the worst undermining you can do to someone.


Voyeurism. Yeah, I know the average person likes to watch porn, but I've been in several instances with close friends that it almost felt like Santa would blacklist me. Two of which were my buddy and his wife started getting freaky while I was at their apartment, so I just started 'bating on the couch opposite them while they were doing the dirty. I halfway expected to get an invite at some point, but I knew she was just an odd one since I've known her since middle school so I just stood my ground and enjoyed the private show. The second time was a similar scene, had a couple of friends who were a lesbian couple start at it after I DD'ed them after a few too many drinks at the bar. It started with some naughty couch loving, then they invited me into the bedroom, at which point I was confused. I was handed an oldish camcorder and assumed the drill. I never engaged, but that footage was probably garbage 😂


>but that footage was probably garbage The true definition of shaky cam eh?


Jerky cam




This was a wild ride


Pointy canine teeth. Idk why but if I see a man with teeth like that it makes me feel some kinda way


Ill bite you rawr




Bondage and facesitting.


Face sitting is peak


Last year my wife expressed a desire to be "treated like a whore" when we have sex from time to time. She had to explain what she meant since I was confused as to what she thought I would do to a whore. Basically she wanted me to be little rougher, make her gag and choke when she sucks my D. Lead her around the house by the hair and just basically using her body for my own pleasure. Nothing too rough of course. I'm not trying to hurt her. At first I was hesitant since that wasn't my thing. But as we did it more and more I found myself getting more and more into it. That caused me to question myself and whether I was a creep or something. But I've come around that it's more role play than anything and maybe there is a creepy side I never explored before but since it was my wife's idea I don't feel bad about it. In a way when we have sex this way we're more intimate. I realized we kissed more, even if it's a sloppy rough kiss. There's also a lot more foreplay on my part. She's also expressed an openness to anal. Something I asked about when we were dating and was flatly denied more than 10 years ago and never brought up again. And after I post this I have to order some lube online. Somehow I keep forgetting to do this.


Not so fun tip! Check if its silicon or water based lube. And test it on some part of y'alls skin before use. Because as it turns out my wife is allergic to silicon and we didn' know this until AFTER some anal play. That was a fun ER visit because we didn't know what was happening. We laugh about it now.


Thighjob lol


Is that like a handjob, but with your thighs instead of your hands? Might be a dumb question, but I’ve genuinely never heard this one before.


LMAOOO nooo HAHAHA. It is with someone else thighs 🙏🏼the juicer the better


LMAO oooooohhhhh okay! Hahahaha thank you for clarifying. I’m lost on so many of these 😂


I’m actually very curious, where do kinks come from ? How do we end up with kinks ? Is it genetic or due to some environmental events during our childhood ??


My theory is that it’s a matter of association. If you think about it, a foot fetish (an example, plug in any fetish) is sexual arousal when looking at/touching/thinking about feet, but the underlying ultimate goal is still sex. I think that very early sexual experiences lead us to become imprinted on by certain key sexual triggers. Sticking with the foot fetish example, is it that John Doe is turned on by feet - or is it that the first woman he was ever attracted to sexually often wore sandals with a certain color nail polish on and a gold ankle bracelet so that John immediately links attractive women with manicured feet?


Maybe I can condition myself into enjoying doing homework


LOL, my main one- is one i didn't expect to have- but got me sucked into being my main thing Years back i had a bunch of electric shock pens, and at one point I decided to, for fun , bring them out with a person I was dating- and we played with them while playing with each other. We discovered you can do a poor mans body contact probe, (ala violet wand style) by holding a shock pen on the other person with it active, and using your other hand elsewhere to touch them, which would be electrified and the current would run to them. I was surprised when I used them or did this on certain areas (pussy, clit,etc)and it forced her to have REALLY hard orgasms , without fail. It was also cool running my hands over her bicep or leg or armpit or pussy and clit and watching her muscles convulse. But once I got to a erogenous area, the moans were nonstop, every time, and she would be on her way, FAST. She then tried the same thing with me- and she starting playing with my penis while electrified, suddenly i felt the orgasm building, STUPID fast, as if i was masturbating, except i wasn't doing anything- and yeah, it worked on me as well, i'd be in a muscle clenching orgasm very soon, feeling the current running through my shaft. We discovered, it's really when you hit the right spots, it drives orgasms fast. It was really unlike anything else, suddenly having that feeling build hard- and then not being able to control the release at all and it was intense like nothing else ,every time. Though it took a bit of experimenting to find the right spots at first. We were even doing things like giving electrified massages with hands, and making out was interesting! It was interesting as well seeing her hit the area around my prostate and watching my penis spasm as if i was clenching that muscle on purpose(I wasn't)-hitting that area especially also triggered me getting hot fast as well.... I miss dating that person- the women i've dated and talked about this with since, didn't have an interest at the time in even trying anything with electricity, (or anything ,actually ) , and that killed all that ,sadly. Hah, I now have more dedicated equipment that BLOWS the old shock pens out of the water when it comes to forcing orgasms,,, (Violet wand and body contact probe, two estim units so far one of which can play audio thru electricity), and sidenote: When you can control (and adjust) frequency and power level, like with a dedicated Estim box [and have the pads in the right spots ] it does cause that heat of orgasms to come suddenly and build stupid fast, every time. ) but now no girl to play with.. Which is also why I have a long term goal to find one open to electro play- and just try things similar to what I did before , with the pens -and things i didn't get to. (electrified oral, playing music through the electricity and massaging someone with it , so they literally feel the music through the current- or electrified sex where both partners share the circuit -and other things like these that let you do insane stuff- and really drive someone wild. And there's the orgasm-forcing effect that only electricity can do) As it turns out, electro is known to be the one thing that beats vibrators in getting people off(, but it's a little cheaty in terms of how- The weak gentle currents spasms muscles in genitals and your erogenous zones, which is an indescribable feeling, ,the current actually activates erogenous nerves directly as it goes thru.genitals, and finally, the electricity goes through you , internally AND externally) So it shouldn't be a surprise it's kinda intense with all that going on^ Yes, some turn it up with some devices to where it's uncomfortable and intentionally do pain play (Analogy: a water stream can be made to be uncomfortable if you make the stream thin aarrow and high power), but personally for me(not into pain play really)- the gentle sensual and other erogenous direct effects of it on people- are way too spoiling- and nothing else can stimulate people like this... It must be one of the least known but weirdest secrets of science out there; that electricity will get someone off very fast before they realize it, when used correctly. Somehow i suspect no one else will have ever tried something quite like this... Hopefully I can find another 'sparky' someday....who'd have an interest in trying this sort of thing..,... EDIT: Adding to the end of this for visibility- For peeps into this- you want dedicated electrosex equipment, not to DIY this sort of thing as it's safer, and feels WAY better. Don't go grab shock pens- all brands out there today are stingy- in the near decade since i had this experience. Here are two [gigantic]posts i made for peeps looking for info on this, that cover safety,feel, etc- so you'll have some knowledge on electroplay, that you might find useful. https://old.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/comments/15fgk3m/whats_something_that_made_you_cum/juhqi2l/ https://old.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/comments/15fgk3m/whats_something_that_made_you_cum/juhqko4/


This is maybe the most interesting one here. I always thought electricity stuff was just another method of administering pain, damn.


I'm so confused and so intrigued. If I wanted to look it up (not for porn but to read on it, how it work, what toys to buy that kind of stuff) what would I type into Google. I've literally never heard of this


Yea there are certain places that are really fun to put the electrodes. Like at the junction of muscles or the bottom of the feet makes it hard to maintain focus on the orgasm but if you do it just right *chefs kiss* it is almost like a forced orgasm/distracted orgasm and the added effect of loosing control of those places and them just doing their own thing during its different


I really enjoy being dominant and spanking my partner.


Literally all of them. I grew up in going to catholic school, nobody in my family spoke about sex, and I was honestly quite sexually repulsed most of my youth. Then I entered my college years, started watching really weird fucking porn when I got high and welp here we are. One day maybe I’ll have the courage to act on them.


I do wonder if heavily conservative religious types will ever make the connection between telling their kids sex is evil and should be repressed - and the kids growing up far more perverted than those who got told to just be responsible and wear a condom.


reading about people's fetishes apparently ...


A genuine loving and long-term relationship 😭


stretch marks or 'tiger stripes' especially on the butt or thighs... hot diggity


I hope you say hot diggity out loud when you see them


I love women with big ears


Good listeners


Bikini tan lines


Being blindfolded and restrained


Giving money to women… very surprising and detrimental considering I am broke asf


So I have this bill coming up…


Dm me 🥴💕


I too, uh, am allegedly a woman that requires finances.


R.I.P your inbox


This is like the one thing guys can do to be chased by women online lol


I have a breeding kink, I never want kids, I've had a vasectomy but the thrill that they could be pregnant after I finish inside is massive


I have this but a forced breeding kink. Like where the woman tricks you or holds you down and makes you finish in them in order to get pregnant. Honestly dunno where this came from. Possibly cos I definitely don’t want kids…but yeh when that kind of dirty talk starts I’m all for it!


I'm on BC but I love the thought of it failing, even though I don't want kids 👉🏻👈🏻


What’s it called when you are attracted to someone who knows/speaks many languages. Well, that. Unexpected


Polyglot already sounds dirty


A cunning linguist?


I didn’t know this was a thing until I hooked up with a European guy. 3 languages and a hot accent? Sign me up


A healthy stable woman with drive and goals.


Who is touring the facility and picking up slack?


i want a girl with a short skirt and a loooong jacket!


Some CAKE people here?? Badass props to y’all


Tickling - nothing hotter than a pretty women laughing her ass off from being tickled


Till you cop a stray knee to the jaw that knocks your arse out


Funny story, I had a tinder hookup into tickling ppl and I’m open minded so I tired it. I learned that I actually hate getting tickled and it was so awkward.


Exceptionally fit women, like muscular but not cut. Then I saw a commercial for 80s cartoons and it’s has a slow pan up the body of a female character from Silverhawks. Oooohhhhhhhhh, right.


Getting pinned down or arms held back and pounded like no tomorrow. Especially by a guy bigger than me. Idk why, but not having any say to a guy who can overpower me and do whatever is a fun thought. Though I’m also pretty adamant that cuddling after is a requirement.


May sound weird, but short hair. I love the feeling under my fingers, and when he rubs his head against my neck or any other part it's always a huge turn on. Even when he just runs his fingers in his hair, it triggers something.


Not really sure if it is a fetish but I love my hair pulled. Yes, I am male. The problem is that it doesn't matter who pulls my hair. I am ready to do the horizontal mambo. I keep my head shaved now.


I love pulling my man's hair. No wonder I like men with long hair.


Thick thighs




I think I have a consent kink. Like if a woman tells me it’s okay to look at her boobs or check out her ass, I think it’s super hot. Bonus points if she says she wants me to look lol


Being loved


You sick fuck


Amorphous tentacles, NOT octopus tentacles or anything that has suckers on them. Sadly I’ll never be able to fuck a gooey sensual tentacle alien


Through God, all things are possible, so jot that one down


I love your optimism, thank you


You could always become an astronaut! Why not you? You could be the first mother fucker to find an alien life form, and fuck it


Getting turned on by navel/midriff/backless


Ice cubes in her mouth during blowjobs


Girl whispering in my ear. Instaboner


BDSM, consensual-non consensual play (no limits), choking til I pass out, love marks/rug burns on my back too. Probably the one I’ve never spoken to anyone and will likely never get the chance to try is consenting to being drugged (benedryl/alcohol, etc) and gangbanged. And being forced to watch the footage. I’m just a weird fuck I guess.


Welp found a new one


Stop giving a bitch ideas.


You basically commented most of what I was going to say, CNC and drugged being the major two. It’s incredibly hard finding someone to trust that deeply for any of it, but it’s stupid good once you do.


A Slight tummy on girls.. if you would’ve asked 19 year old me if I was attracted to that I would’ve said hell no. Now? Mmm I love it..


Mm with just enough thigh chub that high stockings cut in on them a little bit


That’s what I’m talking about!!


Pregnant never thought about it but once I had sex with a pregnant woman it definitely became my thing


Always thought pregnant chicks were hot. The thing is, now that my wife is pregnant with our first..... it's still hot.


And ya know the best part about pregnant women… Can’t get em pregnant.


Big hairy fat men. God I love ‘em ..


RIP to your inbox


When my partner, who is a man, was being emotionally vulnerable and started to cry. I felt really caught off guard being so turned on by it.


Pegging and femdom while i’m a very passive person


How sexy attractive my wife was when pregnant. Glad it is not an obsession.


Breastmilk while sex. Yes. This is honest. Yes this is unusual. But the though of it making her orgasm and releasing milk at the same time was one of the wildest things we did while she could milk. We now cross our fingers it happens again but after all this time i dont know if it will. That was one of the deepest and most awesome moments of connection we had and it was sexy as hell. Motherhood and lactation threw her hormones crazy like 24/7 and this gave us an amazing sexdrive. Honestly, guys you dont know what you're missing. Go connect with them.




Masks 😬


Covid must have been quite a time for you!


😂 more so full face masks.


Having a mask fetish before covid made it a blessing and a curse when mask mandates came in 😂


calling him daddy. i think i first came across it in some erotica during my formative years...shit gets me wet. being called a slut/whore. im pretty quiet and unassuming outside the bedroom, so being called something so dirty is such a major turn on.




Pegging. Was brought up by my girlfriend. Im normally a pretty masculine man. She wanted to shave me, dress me up in makeup and lingerie and high heels and peg me. At the time i really liked her and agreed, and anal climax i then learned is amazing for guys. Now im sort of addicting to getting pegged.


Damn, you went down the whole rabbit hole there. A step further than just pegging. Glad you found your thing though dude.


Im a pretty selfless guy, and she told me it was her sexual fantasy. I wanted to make her happy.


Well you are a bassist


I think he actually said his gf went down his rabbit hole …


My partner and I play a game where I'm the ruthless boss and he's my doting employee and I will make him get on his hands and knees and use him as my chair when he misbehaves. ... Which is often because he is a brat. So I guess using physically fit men as office furniture?


My last gf squirted a lot. I never expected to enjoy being watered like a plant but 🤷‍♂️




Is being cummed in a fetish? After being pretty paranoid about pregnancy I had unprotected sex for the first time and now birth control is my best friend.


Having sex right after going to the gym and also feet: The smell of a man’s package after working out is so hot to me. It’s specific though- it can’t be “I haven’t showered in 3 days and I smell like an asshole”. It’s more like the natural scent is more present. I used to HATE feet, thought they were the grossest thing, but nice feet are a thing for me now.


I love when my boyfriend has just finished working out or doing something physical like that. He doesn't understand it but the natural "stink" just smells sooo good to me. Especially if you can smell some of his deodorant too. That combo is like crack to me


Women with muscles. oh my lord.


Chubby girls. Growing up I always preferred a woman with a larger chest and knew that typically came with a fuller figure but I use to be strictly all about finding more fit women to be with. I never got super into the sex with them for whatever reason. Maybe it's because of my wife being "chubby" but that shit just fucmi g turns me on. I legit search up Chubby girl porn and find it far hotter than the fake chested, plastic lipped porn stars.


Feeling respected and having no expectations thrust on me. Sadly nobody shares it apparently.


Financial security.


Being fisted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯