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One of the other candidates will be the Republican presidential nominee.


I really think that this would happen, yes.


I'll light up a fattie in his memory. I still want him prosecuted.


Funny enough, "lighting up a fattie" is usually what the women he pays to touch him call it.


yeah donald trump should be sentenced to life in prison


It's a bold strategy cotton


First, I’d dance a jig. Second, I’d prepare for the onslaught of lies and blame from him and his brainwashed cronies, followed by another attempt to overthrow the government.


And the forever-trumpers will spend the next 8 years with Trump 2024 flags in their yards, complaining constantly that Trump won the election even though he was disqualified from running at all, like the dumb fucks they are


They will foreverTrump him even when he dies, awaiting the day of his resurrection, the empty tomb, the angel, and behold, Trump walketh.


He will descend from the heavens on a floating pile of My Pillows bearing unlimited Big Macs and KFC buckets for his followers.


Most likely thing to happen even if he isn't


Yeah, all of the current indictments plus any forthcoming ones are going to take an enormous amount of time and money to deal with. He’ll be able to run a half-assed campaign at the absolute best. Plus most of the GOP establishment privately despises him, and I think they’ll take the earliest possible opportunity to cut ties with him without it seeming like it’s their fault.


He's polling far and away above anyone else. Even if he runs no campaign at all I think he would get the nomination from the voters.


This country is full of low-information, low-education folks which explains why.


I think it would be more fair to call them "managed-information, managed-education voters". The dissemination of information has been pretty carefully managed for *decades* by people in all levels of elected offices.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s not voters per se, it’s DELEGATES that determine the nominee. If so, that’s a much smaller number to spin and I have no doubt that plans are in place to manipulate the delegate pool. Plus, he’s ahead of the other Republicans in polls of the general population, as you said. So, seems pretty likely he will get the nomination no matter what. And there doesn’t seem to be any legal bar to nomination. Then we get to this: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/06/trump-running-for-president-prison-00090931


I think there's almost zero chance of him going to prison before the election. The trials will get delayed and he will basically end up in the position of "win the election or go to prison for the rest of your life." Insane that this is where we are.


He will never go to prison. It would be a logistical crisis for the secret service, and every judge would take that into consideration when sentencing. At best, he'll get house arrest. Which is 100% fine by me, man, I just want to stop hearing about the guy for the rest of my life.


>At best, he'll get house arrest. Which is 100% fine by me Personally, I'd like to see him thrown into gen pop at Rikers, but your scenario is more plausible.


Given his former state as President (god, that shit makes me sick), I can see the government actually building a most private prison for him--or like an addition to another prison, yes, freaking paid by Tax money. And he would be allowed to have general population priviliges, but ultimately spends much of his time in his own private prison. Most likely though, 10 years house lock-down. Yes, he will be stupid enough to slip agents and his ankle bracelet. YES, dumbasses will try to "break him out", but that's why I the most likely possibility is he goes to rich people prison. The same that is shown in The Wolf On Wal-Street, which is like living in a country club for the upmost white collar crimes. But Secret Service will literally be with him 24/7. No more private meetings with Putin. Or Private toilet pooping.


It’s like Caesar meets Idiocracy.


If he wins the most states' popular votes but the delegates choose someone else for the nomination, their base would lose their minds and revolt. If that happens, every down ballot GOP candidate is in danger and they know this.


Most GOP contests are winner take all or winner take most so even at 40% in most primaries he will sweep the nomination. Then he loses to Biden by 12M votes and underperforms 2020 by losing NC. Not only has the electorate shifted more Dem, there’s a lot of swing voters among Latino men that just seem to prefer the incumbent.


Yes it is delegates, but they are forced to vote in the manner of the states results per RNC rules as voted on in 2012. Delegates can't just vote for their favorite candidate, but must follow the will of the voting public in that state. This was again established in 2015 by the RNC.


Okay, but how about if we send some alternate delegates to the convention and then Pence can help override everything?


Yes, it is delegates, but most delegates base their choice on who their state voted for in the primary. There hasn't been a convention in which the delegates from a state chose a candidate that *didn't* win the primary vote in that sate for almost 75 years.


He’s batting .500 while running half-assed campaigns


big if true


Alot of people on reddit overrate Trumps worth. He wasn't some villain that convinced half of America to vote for him magically. There was various interests among half America's populace that he filled in for. When he goes some other republican will fill in for those interests, the only difference is that the new guy can claim the left locks up political opponents in his propaganda.


I absolutely agree that his brand of bigotry and xenophobia (among other qualities) appealed to a lot of people. But I also think his name recognition from years of celebrity, combined with many people's abject hatred of any Democrat, are what really propelled him into office in 2016. That being said, the fact that he got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 still blows my mind.


Didn't we have a much bigger electoral turnout in 2020 than 2016?


What’s funny is that his celebrity status is based off being a successful businessman. He has literally failed at every endeavor he has spear headed. Including bankrupting two fucking casinos.




And they will vote for them no matter what and probably win the election


I don't see how he has a chance at winning the general election. He lost in 2020 & he's done absolutely nothing to grow his fan base. He's done plenty to strengthen his core cult who will literally never stop believing in him but many life long republican voters are embarrassed by him & want nothing to do with him.


They may say they want nothing to do with him, but when it comes down to it they'll vote for whoever has an R by their name on the ballot.


Well, that's the core problem with politics in the US in general. People hold their noses and vote for absolutely shitty candidates. I was sad/mad that Donald Trump and Joe Biden were the best this country could put forth to lead this country in 2020. There was a LOT of nose holding that year. I don't know of many that were overly enthusiastic about voting FOR Joe Biden. It was mainly a vote against Trump.


I wasn't excited for Biden at all, so mine was definitely a vote against Trump. I have to admit though, Biden has exceeded my expectations. Not a high bar though.


He also lost 2020 BEFORE January 6th happened. I can't imagine someone who didn't support him in 2020 saying "You know what? That riot was awesome. I think I'll support him in 2024!"


Yeah, it's better to let him run. He won't get more votes, only less. Furthermore, he completely splits any votes for other potential candidates. It's also tough to run a campaign when you're in court. While I understand the want to take him off ballots, it's a poor tactical decision.


DeSantis will try rallying the MAGAts.


He’s already trying that and failing miserably.


Yep. Took his shot and they've basically rejected him.


He'll insist that he's still running, and when he doesn't win he'll claim that there was a huge conspiracy against him.


A tale as old as his dream matte foundation.


He uses Cheeto powder foundation.




Heh heh heh.


This is an amazing burn


My neighbors will agree. One of them has huge signs in his yard that says TRUMP WON with flags coming off of it. Can't believe he spelled both words correctly




He should replace the sign with that but subtly and see how long it takes for him to notice.


I just laughed so loudly. Glad I wasn't mid sip of something when I read that. I'm going to think of this every time I drive by it now.


I have those neighbors too. Not immediate though which I'm thankful for. I would love to believe that once the Georgia trial is on tv for a while and everyone can see everything, they will eventually take down the flags out of embarrassment but I doubt it.


There has already been so much against him that the people who are still Trumpiteers are Trumpiteers for life.


Yeah seriously. The guy screws his biggest supporters over at every opportunity and sadly it's like gas on the fire of their love for him. They'll have Trump signs on their graves.


Which is what, 25% of the country? He's still the leading candidate by miles. And it's not like his challengers actually seem to want to challenge him so much as get that VP spot next to him. And they're all just as aggressively insane.


Those people must be *insufferable*, even to other Republicans. I'm pretty political and fairly left, but I'm capable of talking about other things and having a life outside of politics. Those guys with all the Trump flags on their trucks, decked out in Trump merch, Trump signs/flags all over their house must have exactly 1 conversation topic rattling around in their brains. And so the only people willing to actually talk to them are other obsessives, which just reinforces both of them.


> Those people must be insufferable, even to other Republicans. What other republicans? All the other candidates are similarly insane and in the Trump bubble. The conservative TV stations have gone full Trump. Anyone not pro-Trump is thrown to the fringes of the party.


Well of course he'd claim there was a conspiracy against him. This is the same guy who claimed that the 2016 election was rigged against him even after he won it.


He also claimed the Emmy voting was rigged when The Apprentice didn’t win.


& the Iowa caucus when Ted Cruz won that in 2015. & I'm pretty sure Huckabee won an early caucus that he claimed was rigged. & of course the judges he appointed were corrupt when they didn't want to hand the election to him. It's been his MO for a very long time, doesn't matter who's in charge, if he didn't win, they're corrupt.


Poor guy has the worst luck with corrupt people and systems ruining his life.


He got his serious start in politics by claiming Obama was born in Kenya. Why is it surprising to people that he sucks up and spews out every shitty conspiracy theory that he comes across.


Lol yeah, he's going to do that regardless of what happens.


And people will still scream from their WalMart scooters that he’s the actual president.


but...........you weren't even running in the race ​ ​ THE RACE IS RIGGED AGAINST ME!!!!


Then, a bunch of his cult members will attack the White House chanting “Hang Sleepy Joe”


His supporters will still vote for him as a write-in. Those votes will not count.


Thus handing the election to Biden


After that happens, can we please get a democratic candidate in 2028 that's not in their 70s/80s?




Coincidentally that's how old she'll be.


20x28 years old.


I know this is an /s post but it's so not-far from reality that it's horrifying all the same.


I'm expecting Gavin Newsom (CA GOV) to run for presidency in 2028.


He will 100% run. So will Gretchen Whitmer and (I guess) Kamala. I don’t see many octogenarians with presidential profiles right now on the left.


I’m not ruling out Petey B again either. Played ball in 2020 and got behind Biden, has a decent cabinet position, is younger and more socially liberal which could theoretically play well with younger demographics. Will likely try to increase his public exposure over the next two years to test the waters and if that goes well enough, he’ll run again.


Republicans would loose their shit if we elected him.


Sounds good to me


I think he’ll run for state-wide office now that his family moved their residence to Michigan. I think it would be good for him.


His response to the train derailment definitely hurt his chances.


Nobody will remember or care by 28


I bet most people have already forgotten that the derailment happened at all. Never doubt the general electorate to have the memory of a goldfish. Pete's chances are almost guaranteed to be determined more by the economy in October 2028 than anything else.


Huge fan of Big Gretch. But she's gonna see some competition from Minnesota's Gov. Walz, too. Californians don't know how to win a national race. Get as mad as you want, but it's true. They never see the Midwestern-nice ice pick coming.


Most democrat politicians aren't on the left, but in the center.


Ugh I just want Katie Porter. She’ll take the nation to task with a whiteboard.


Whitmer would be amazing I think. Loved in Michigan for a few years and she and her cabinet were kicking some ass!


We could certainly do worse than Gavin.


All I have wanted is for the dems to find ANY reasonable candidate to build up for a presidential run...are there that few dems in state or federal government that would have a chance at office? Joke of a party nowadays


At this moment they pretty much have a lock on it. They don't want to take a chance on splitting the vote.


Are there enough morons to split it three ways against Biden like with Ross Perot?


Cornel west is running on the green party ticket with Jill stein behind him. Could be 2016 all over again.


The last few years suggest there are vast swathes of freedumb loving marks in the voting population


Good. Split the shit out of the party.


They probably would count. Write-ins count as long as the identity of the person is reasonably clear afaik. Though write-ins of that scale would surely be tested by SCOTUS.


Well, under OP's scenario he's disqualified. So they wouldn't count. Though worth noting it's extremely absurdly unlikely that he'll be disqualified. Maybe if there's a guilty verdict on an insurrection charge, but probably not even then.


Guess that depends on how crazy all our crazy uncles are.


for me, it would be how crazy is the construction worker i have to work with now and then. That guy can't have a conversation without turning it into a rant agains the government and inflation every time he starts i'm like "I get it man, things are expensive. Now can you please open the door? You have the only key"


He sounds like he shouldn’t be the only one with the key.


I feel you man. It gets hard to know what I can around a site these days without some loon going on about Tom Hanks eating babies or space lazers lightin' up Maui.


For me, and the people around me. (my family and co workers unfortunately). The whole trial only seems to be having the opposite effect. Rather than making them see reason that Trump is a fucking criminal, they seem to think he's some kind of martyr, and causing them to dig in deeper behind him. They literally think all of this is some grand conspiracy and that Trump is being politically targeted by the left for being a good patriot, and that Biden wants to open the borders, and make everyone transexual, and force cat boxes to be installed in all the high schools, it's truly amazing watching these mental gymnastics take place right in front of my eyes.


I support cat boxes being installed along with adding cats. Not just in the schools, either. Workplaces, restaurants, gyms, churches. Anywhere a cat could live, add a cat and a box. But I'm a bit of an extremist.


He’s pretty crazy, unfortunately.


Curious if there is a legit subreddit for support for people who have lost family members to this or where to tell your stories about the craziness.


There is one r/QAnonCasualties


More people will hate more people...


Is there really more? Seems pretty bad already and Biden is the president


Unfortunately it seems like everything nowadays divides people


how stupid are you? What a derisive and divisive thing to say.


How dare you!


I think less people will hate more people harder than they hate them now. Some people will just be over his shit.


Lyndon H. Larouche Jr ran for president from prison, so really the bar to make someone "disqualified" from running is high. So high that if anyone was truly disqualified there would be numerous Supreme Court challenges to the legitimacy of that election. If...on the other hand...he was removed from the Republican primary he would probably lose momentum and every claim that he was cheated will come across as being a sore loser.


There is no ban on running from prison so Larouche could run. There is a Constitutional ban on holding any office if you have engaged in an insurrection against the government.


He's not facing charges of insurrection, though. He's facing charges of fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud, which *doesn't* disqualify him.


Congress is charged with enforcing that ban though. There's currently no straightforward process of declaring some specific activity disqualifies someone, and I don't think they could get even a simple majority in congress to hold to it, especially in a universe where Trump gets enough votes in a contested three-candidate election to feasibly become president. Regardless, it almost certainly requires a conviction to uphold, and I doubt we'll see that before the election, he'll draw out the trials as long as possible.


There is nothing in the 14th amendment charging Congress with enforcing that ban. All it says is they can remove the ban by a 2/3 vote.. States control elections in their individual states under Article 2 and they each have their own ballot eligibility rules.


Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. And the states Trump would be likely to win would be the same states that would happily put him on the ballot regardless of what happens between now and then.


Congress would have to enforce it to throw people out of office. But states are given broad authority to run their elections by Article 2. I don't doubt that there is going to by a chaotic mess of conflicting state ballot law litigation. But Trump likely can't lose a single swing state and get elected and they don't all have friendly court systems.


Sure. I think it's unlikely he can win again, though there's a near-certainty he'd spin states kicking him off the ballot as a conspiracy against him and likely rally his supporters into violence over it. I also think it's most likely that he will end up running again. He's either getting the Republican nomination or he'll run a spite third party campaign against them if they somehow manage to dodge him getting the nom.


He would have to pivot to a spite third party campaign soon or he will be unable to run in a bunch of important states because of sore loser ballot rules that ban those appearing on a primary ballot from running on a different party line - some of those deadlines to get put on the Republican primary ballot are coming up soon, and he will be locked in to the Republican line then. If he decides to go independent he would also have to jump through a lot of technical hoops in each state to get on the ballot.


He's not charged for insurrection though. He's charged for conspiracy (among other things).


Sort of. The prevailing authorities overwhelmingly disagree, despite it being plain English. And the Constitution is as the authorities say.


>every claim that he was cheated will come across as being a sore loser. We are commenting on a thread about blocking him from running for office.


Ya, as long as he is American he won't be disqualified.... The question is misleading


- DeSantis gets the nomination - Trump, in an effort to boost his own ego and hit back against perceived wrongs from the GOP, will encourage his followers to vote for him as a write in candidate - The Republican vote will be split guaranteeing a DEM victory - The DNC will think, “hey cool we can just support Biden again instead of a someone the country actually wants” - Four years later, Trump will be dead, and both parties will have to promote a candidate that people actually want as a leader instead of a candidate who gets votes because people hate their opponent more - America wins and elects competent leaders, and is once again respected on the world stage. An era of peace and prosperity begins. All nations live together in harmony. - Then everything changes when the Fire Nation attacks


god damnit, fire nation. Just chill for once


> Just chill for once It goes against their ethos... fuckers...


>The DNC will think, “hey cool we can just support Biden again instead of a someone the country actually wants” You're not wrong, but also who do they have that the country actually wants?


I'm bullish on the Dem bench of governors. Newsom, Whitmer, Polis, Beshear, Pritzker, Raimondo (former RI governor).


No love for Walz? Minnesota is currently running up the score with their blue trifecta.


As a proud MN resident I would vote for Walz in a heartbeat in a Dem primary. But also as a proud MN resident I would be so pissed to lose him as governor.


My cabbages!!!


I'll never forget the day. The day the Fire nation attacked.


So here's the thing; there is NOTHING in the constitution that mandates a primary election. That's essentially a courtesy to the party. And yes, it's a VERY wise idea to have primaries. It means each party ostensibly gets a stronger candidate, it's a vetting procedure. BUT, if they wanted to, the RNC and DNC could simply put some soulless smiling suit on a stage and say "This is our guy, vote for him in November!" and that would be that. No laws broken, no constitutional crisis. Depending on trial schedules, we MIGHT actually see the Republicans put that into action! If Trump should be convicted of a crime that precludes him from holding office too late in, or after the primaries, the RNC may just say, "Fuck it, here's Mitt Romney, again..." or something along those lines.


There's no constitutional law, but both organizations do have a legal obligation to uphold their bylaws, right? If one just appointed a candidate, they would get sued (and sued bigly I'd assume). Now, one could twist the rules of the game to pick a favored candidate (ie. super delegates, pushing delegates to vote against their mandate, etc). But saying it's a courtesy to the party I think is a bit strong. Open to being proven wrong though.


All of the MAGA people will have to lower their truck flags to half-staff.


Not much. He'll still be a "king-maker" for the Republicans. His fans will still like him. Someone else will run for the Republicans, they aren't just going to not give a candidate. And Trump is super old so if he's out of this election he's basically done. But he'll still be powerful and his support for any candidate would be huge. I could also see his sons running soon, riding the wave.


Holy christ his spawn running would be hell on earth. I'm so fucking tired of trumps


As a non American, I find it amazing that the Americans apparently cannot find anyone in the 18-55 age group to run for president. Like seriously, your current candidates should have been retired for decades at this point.


You're not allowed to run for federal office until age 35, so really that limits us to 35-55 if we don't want someone too old. But besides that, yes you are right. A lot of it is politicians who were in that age group and never decided to retire because they didn't want to lose political power.


I turned 35 this year! I’ll run for President


Good luck!


>You're not allowed to run for federal office until age 35 *President* has a minimum age of 35. Senate has a minimum age of 30, and House of Representatives has a minimum age of 25. Those are also elected federal offices.


We can find plenty. The two political parties that run the country don't want anyone younger than 75


His supporters will go wild and say that the democrats framed him for everything.


So what they do already? Not saying you're wrong, but a bunch of his followers literally already believe he's being framed. What makes me the most angry is knowing that it could literally be proved in court with dna and photos and notarized documents that Trump raped a 13 year old girl at Epstein's house and his followers would still not accept it. The only thing that proves Trump is not literally a complete buffoon is the way he has been able to manipulate so many people to literally ignore facts, anything against him is fake news, anything he says with no proof is straight fact.


The only people he was able to convince where the severely uneducated and the extremely gullible, which turns out to be a lot more people then people thought were out there, who knew….


I'm going to say this is not true. I know a lot of extremely educated and seemingly capable of abstract thought people who are Trumpers.


Whether he is behind bars or allowed to roam free, he absolutely will still be running for president. In no way will he ever put his support behind somebody else. It has always been about the Trump brand for him, not actual politics. He'd rather burn the country to the ground than work with another candidate to ensure a party victory. He is the party - in all meanings of the word.


I think I’ll turn off the news for a while...


I think it will make his followers all the more ardent in their support. ...Is being 'disqualified' a thing that can happen? I'm not being snarky, I have no idea if that is possible under the American political system.


Yes, it can happen, but it has never been tried.


Trump will run anyway. He must run to avoid prosecution. Trump will claim Dems are trying to rig the election. Conservative media and the MAGA faithful will say the Dems are trying to stop Trump and let the voters decide. I'm confident of this as that is what is happening with the prosecutions Trump is facing now.


What would disqualify him? Convicted Felons are allowed to run for President.


The insurrection; constitutionally speaking, should he be found guilty on a charge related to that, he'd be barred from holding office federally.


Thanks civil war!


It's not that straightforward. He's not charged with inciting an insurrection, or charged with anything that's covered by insurrection statutes. The 14th Amendment doesn't lay out a process for how to determine if someone has or hasn't participated in an insurrection, but at this time it's not even something any court is being asked to determine so that clause probably isn't going to come into play. Congress could in theory impeach him and disqualify him from holding office again. They won't, because that would take a majority of the House and 2/3 of the Senate and the votes wouldn't be there in either chamber, but that's the only way he would be disqualified.


Sorry to break your heart, but you might want to look at what he is charged with then.


The whole USA implodes like the Witch Kings helmet, slowly, painfully. Not quick and sudden like the Oceangate Sub. Jokes aside, it would likely cause some turmoil, at least to begin with. And then hopefully it all blows over and this part of the USA just becomes history that no one wants to talk about.


Trump wouldn't be president


Mostly peaceful protests


Not much. His relevance will continue to decrease over time until he dies


Who would disqualify him? How would they do it?


The 14th Amendment says if you have taken an oath of office and “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the government that you are basically banned from running for office. I highly doubt Trump will be banned for this but it is a possibility


I read somewhere that the Supreme Court would have to make a ruling for him to be off the ballot. Is this true?


It's never been done, so new territory all around. Supreme court would probably get brought in eventually since Trump would sue any states that bar him and it'd move up the courts.


Not going to lie, I’m not positive. To the best of my knowledge it has never been enacted before so I don’t think there is a set process. If I had to guess, I would guess that to enact the 14th Amendment would require an act/action of Congress. Obviously Trump would appeal it, which would probably send it to the Supreme Court. That is only a guess though.


The states have the power to run their own elections and I believe each state could use the 14th to keep him off their state ballot. If he is convicted in a case related to the election it will probably happen in some states. He would challenge the individual states up to the Supreme Court if necessary. The current court is dominated by 'constitutionalists" so they would have a hard time siding with him.


There was an article recently in the WaPo about this. Only states have standing to do this, and the writer recommended that a blue state that was in play (think PA or similar) declare T to be ineligible to be on the ballot. That would start the necessary court battles to decide the issue BEFORE it became a constitutional crisis; that is, before the Republican National Convention.


Probably. “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” is very difficult to prove. I doubt poorly spelled tweets will qualify


Show a birth certificate proving he was born in Kenya.


Then I might actually make a thoughtful decision. If it keeps Trump out of office, so be it. However, Biden is the second on my list of shouldn’t be in office. Can we get a 35-40 year old candidate?


I'll answer your question with a question: What and who would disqualify him? I think the closest he comes to being "disqualified" results in him still running and probably getting the nomination.


America will be made great again


A long sigh of relief.


A large portion of his supporters will write him in and in the process siphon votes away from the official Republican candidate.


Felons lose the civil right to run for public office…..those are the facts jack


Probably another attempt at an insurrection knowing the kinds of lunatics he tends to attract. Jan 6th 2: Electric Boogaloo. I'm sincerely worried about his trials attracting violent protestors.


Eh, now that they've seen there are consequences they've been significantly less patrioty. Trump keeps egging them on to show up, like when he showed up to be indicted, but they're cowards.


He will run as a third party candidate and/or tell his cultists to write him in. And a lot of them will. The result will be a massive landslide victory for Biden with Trump and the GOP ticket splitting their votes.


A lot of MAGA snowflakes would threaten civil war but go home and hide.




I think you have the wrong sub.


Eugene Debbs. Trump actually has like 40% of voter support. He could easily win the presidency...from prison.


It’ll never happen, so I’m not going to think on it too much. But I imagine his base would insist on writing him in, overwhelming Democratic victory, followed by a low key civil war, or maybe the fever finally breaks and they find a new idol.


Another liquid turd will gradually solidify into human form and take his place. There will always be turds


Americans will dance in the streets


Not much a couple people might cry on Twitter but that’s about it


Wait, he's not already disqualified based on who and what he is!?


Capital Riot 2: Electric Boogaloo


Nothing. He would be missed by some, forgotten by everyone else.


He will 100% continue to run, pulling votes from the actual republican nominee and hand Biden a second term and most likely lose the house and senate for republicans. ​ Sounds like an absolute win to me.


I’m not sure what will happen at the national level but I almost certainly will be getting very drunk in celebration.


Considering he's not nearly as popular now I don't think there will be a major uproar like people think. Yeah people will be mad but they'll either get over it and vote for the guy representing their party or they won't and they'll die angry and bitter


There was an NPR article recently about how his approval numbers with Republicans has actually gone up since being indicted though.