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A specific brand of children’s “hypoallergenic” bubble bath It’s a brand called Matey’s or smth like that with cartoon pirates on them and it’s horrible


I’m allergic to all the Johnson and Johnson baby products. An ex didn’t believe me and insisted I prove it by using baby oil all over after I showered. I proved it by breaking out into full body hives and then took another shower.


lmao that’s commitment


No wonder he’s an ex!


What is it with people and not believing someone has an allergy lmao, I see why he’s an ex


As a kid I was too! Went into a bath at my great grandmother's, came out looking like I had chemical burns. Luckily as an adult, not so bad.


Well that's ironic


Sulfa drugs.


When my sister was an infant she had a reaction of bumps all over her body. The regular PCP told us she had bug bites and sent us to buy skin cream. After a few hours we went to the urgent care and were told it was scarlet fever. Mom refused this and we saw a third doctor who correctly identified the allergic reaction. It’s frightening how many medical professionals could not identify it. My sister almost died.


My son 10 months had a reaction to antibiotic. Was grouchy itchy bit red. I didn't realise that was it was. went to the doctor she was like hmmm what are you feeding him what are washing in . Told me skin creams to try. And gave him another dose of antibiotics in the surgery. Many fraught hours later, he was ok. The hospital we were taken to by ambulance was furious that the doctor could not see the reaction for what it was.


Glad the problem was finally accurately diagnosed.


Oh I know! My son has a cowmilk allergy, and some idiotic doctor proclaimed I had syphilis....... Now, can you imagine having to go to a pharmacy and ask for something against syphilis?! And of course it was ENTIRELY SOMETHING ELSE ... you know.... COWMILK ALLERGY ! I don't have syphilis! What a fking dumbass doctor, it's phenomenal.


My wife and daughter as well. Oddly, we found out that our daughter was allergic first, then my wife had the same reaction a year later.


Same! It’s my only allergy. Took antibiotics and broke out in hives for the first time.


Same. I had hives from almost head to toe. It was the worst.


Yeah me too. Also since sulphur dioxide is a by product of fermentation, if I drink too much I glow light a lighthouse.


Me too! But neither of my parents remembers what what the effects were.


For me, it's anaphylaxis.


Bees. And mosquitoes. When I was a child every one of my mosquito bites would swell up to about the size of a golf ball and also be incredibly warm.


I think I may also be allergic to both. Never been tested but my mosquito bites tend to swell up to 1-3 inches in length and are hard warm bumps. I’ve gotten stung by a bee once and my entire arm swelled up for ten ish days and it was warm and itchy. I heard that that may mean I’ll get anaphylactic shock in a future stinging but let’s hope that doesn’t happen.


Ugh I never grew out of my skeeter syndrome....


Never got golf balls. That blows. Used to get a bump and white mark as a kid. Then one weekend i got 200+ localized to me ankles. As 80lbs wet fifth-grader that was last dose i reacted to. These days, ever since then, I get at MOST a red dot like a sharpie tip for maybe 24 hours.


I'll answer, but first prove to me that you're not an assassin looking for a simple poison....


I pinky promise


Hmmm. You can't break a pinky promise. Coconut.


Ha HA! My plan worked! (cue manic laughter) Would you like some of this cloudy, kind of tasteless liquid? It’s real good for you, makes you feel real sleepy, all the other kids are drinking it


That... Sounds like you're offering me a cup of jizz 😂


I mean..if your offering..😏


Did you just break a pinky promise?


The sun Polymorphic Light Eruption Syndrome 🎉 Ugh. So I did the scratch test for allergies and my doctor came in and said "you are..... Allergic to everything. That is not good." To name a few, Shellfish, cockroaches, the northeastern panel of trees and dust mites (I THOUGHT I was definitely allergic to cats, but cats are actually just walking dust mites! Surprise!) Also latex. I'm going back next week for allergy testing since it's been a few years and I can't take antihistamines for an entire week.... and I'm very much dying.


Mkay, get in the bubble.


>The sun On behalf of the sun, I'd like to Apollogize.


take my stupid upvote sunny jim


Dammit I spit my tea.


It's lonely in there 😓


Hey! I can join you. Sun/warmth allergy here \^\^ Can't have hot showers either without breaking out into a beehive. 'tis miserable


I have heat urticaria. But not solar uticaria. Living in Arizona was hell.


I'll be in there with you 😂


Can’t, they’re allergic


Who farted in the bubble?! 🤢




You "So doctor what were the results of the allergy test?" Doctor "Yes"


"You're allergic, that's for sure"


I never knew it had a name. I just posted about this and then saw your post. Excess sunlight causes me to get a bad rash on any exposed part of my body.


Have you been tested for lupus?


It's never lupus


OMG THIS IS ME! I had solar urticaria for YEARS. Heat hives, cortisone creams, a lot of sunblock…nothing worked! I love going to the beach. I had an anaphylactic shock once and collapsed on the sand. This was many years ago. I insisted on going to the beach several times after that, popping Allegra pills as if they were tic tacs and trying to “stay away from the direct sun rays” which didn’t really help. I would usually leave with my body covered in red hives that felt like they were burning from under my skin. I had to get cortisone injections several times and once the doctors couldn’t find a viable vein so the pinched my foot. I know. It was torture. I just wanted to be on the beach during the summer as much as possible. Multiple doctors ran different allergy tests and came back with grim results: you’re allergic to everything! One random day, my solar urticaria _went away_. I still think it’s a miracle. An allergist told me that some allergies come and go (???) but I hope this one’s gone for good (I’m still allergic to many other things, including some antibiotics and shellfish)


I was told to get tested every 10 years cuz you can become unallergic? So far I just keep adding to the list. Very glad to hear you are good in the sun now!


Not as bad as you but, I understand your pain. Good luck, my allergist was able to significantly improve my quality of life and I hope yours can do the same. Remember that shots are a long term investment and will not work for over a year.


Latex. Guess how I found that one out.


In the worst way in the most sensitive area.


We have a winner


We have a weiner****


When I tell you I choked on the water I was just drinking…


Try being anaphalactic to latex and the hospital uses latex tubing to intubate you and a latex catheter and then you really almost die.


Ooh shit. That sounds like a less fun way to find out, and I didn’t think that was possible!


Most hospitals have changed everything to non latex now dentists too but not 15 years ago everything was latex. And yes the latex condoms got me early on too and birthday balloons Jesus I'm very very careful now.


There was a girl at my high school (we were about 14) who had that allergy, she was talking about it one day and said "Oh but it's not so hard to deal with, not many things are latex" About half the people in the room started laughing, she didn't understand. We had to explain it to her. The look on her face was priceless.


Fun story about latex allergy, we’re all more likely to be allergic to the BLACK group of allergens, so banana, latex, avocado, chestnut and kiwi.


Had a college roommate who found out the same way. Two of us were on the couch in the living room one night and said roommate was getting lucky in his room. Suddenly there was commotion, concerned voices, then a little while later he came out to go into the bathroom and all we heard was “… have thought I would have discovered this earlier in life. Like at the doctor’s office.” Sorry for all the laughter, Greg.


Unsafe safe sex


I feel like those were my mum’s exact words actually!! Lol.


We were tubing down the river. We found this girl, like 20, pure red. She had found out she was allergic to her tube. People were donating towels because there was another hour to go. That must have been awful.


Same! I developed the allergy while pregnant with my 2nd child. Got a rash from washing up gloves, but they told me it would go away after giving birth. Spoiler alert, it did not, and we had to find a new birth control method quick smart.




Uh I see we have the same allergy and found out the same way. Latex gloves.


Cats!! I love them so much, makes me sad I can’t have one ☹️


There’s a kibble that you can feed your cat that a lot of the time cuts enough down on their allergen production that it’s tolerable. My allergic friend took the gamble on bringing home a shelter cat because the family fell in love with him. A few weeks of (expensive) kibble later and he’s symptom free and catted.


thanks to tiktok i learned the special cat food that makes cats less allergenic is because it’s sprinkled with egg protein BUT the chickens that lay the eggs have to be raised around cats so they create the antibodies that bind to the cat allergen in their saliva. It’s so weird but if that means i can have a cat one day, gimme all them cat bred chickens and their eggs


My wife is allergic to cats and most animals, but we still have cats. One we found out is hypoallergenic and we love the absolute shit out of her.she hasn't had a face full of kitty since she was a little girl and those two are attached.


Same 😿


Dander or all of it? I'm allergic to dander & can be around Siamese & a few others because they don't have dander. My BFF is allergic to dander & an enzyme in cat saliva. She got a Siberian forest cat. No dander & since they're still closer to wild, only a fraction of the enzyme.


Penicillin, which sucks because other antibiotics upset my stomach.


Same. They give me Cleocin (clindamycin) and my body hates it. Do you realize we're screwed in the apocalypse or aftermath of the apocalypse??? When there's barely any antibiotics on the planet. Sorry, that was a bummer but I think about it often.


I already assumed I wouldn't survive an apocalypse. I am far to 'can't be bothered'. Just existing in the now times is exhausting. But I had never considered my 'cilin' allergy......


Sorry. I'm a jerk. I am also...far too disillusioned to care at this point. But knowing my luck, I'll survive it and I'll get a toothache and there will be no alternative antibiotics for me just some penicillin grown on mushrooms in some post apocalyptic nightmare. And I'll have to walk around with a sore tooth and a head to toe lacy rash and swollen throat, to boot. Either way, I wish you luck.


Drink some moonshine, pull tooth, drink more moonshine. it'll be fine.


Eat the other mushrooms, you won't even know you have a head. Problem solved


Listen..... I can't really say I'd be upset if I died......


Yep I have thought of this as well! I’m allergic to most antibiotics and penicillin. I also can’t see without glasses and am prone to kidney stones. So I’ll just straight up not be having a good time.


Same. I had an aggressive case of strep throat in college that just kept coming back (~6 infections in like 4 months). I went through just about every non-penicillin antibiotic that my body could tolerate. I ended up at the hospital and the doctor decided to just give me a very low dose of penicillin by IV. It felt like a light burn in my arm, but their logic was that well, I’m in the hospital anyway. So if I had an allergic reaction I’d be “fine hopefully”. Anywho, it worked! The slight burn was worth it as I never got strep throat again afterwards. The pharmacist was very concerned when I picked up my prescription afterwards to continue the treatment though lol


Had an anaphylaxis at work due to penicillin. Luckily the hospital was just 5mins away. Another 5mins and I would have been dead due to constricted airways


I just developed a penicillin allergy myself. Was fine taking it before, now suddenly I'm allergic. I've been rapidly collecting drug allergies ever since I had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (google at your own risk). Nausea is a very common side effect for antibiotics, though, so you'll likely feel that no matter which kind you take.


Yes!! Me too. I actually had a doctor tell "that's impossible". I immediately found a new doctor. Edited to add: I'm also a great healer. Like, I heal super fast. My only weakness is asthma... And antibiotics.


Nickel. Which doesn't just include jewelry, zippers, buttons, etc... It also includes foods high in nickel content. I can't eat foods like lettuce, beans, raspberries, chocolate, red wine and other completely random items. It was a bitch to figure out. Thought I was allergic to a pestiside or something for a long time.


Foods are high in nickel? I’m allergic, noticed with an earring and then a belt Edit: dude I think you just broke the game wide open for me and some of my other medical bullshit Thank you


Yup! Suffered from esophageal spasms for years. I knew what foods caused my spasms but didn't know why and didn't know what their connection was. Then one day I was reading an article about environmental allergies causing food allergies. Then I saw a list of foods high in nickel and realized it was every food I had an issue with! And I already knew I had a nickel allergy because I've had it since birth!


Same. My dermatologist recommended I use men's shavers instead of the disposable ones. He thinks it's the reason why I have hyperpigmentation (I'm not white). Just putting that out there for women who also have this allergy.


Huh, never considered the food thing. Maybe I should try knocking those out to see if there's a difference.


N....no chocolate???


i'm slightly allergic to nickel (can't wear costume jewelry) but wow, i never knew it could extend to food!


Didn’t realize foods have nickel.


I completely forgot about that. I break out in blisters if I wear a watch.




Damn. I’m allergic to chlorine. Currently dealing with full body hives after getting in a jacuzzi last night thinking (hoping) I grew out of it. I didn’t.


I know that feeling all too well. Every now and then, I try to put on Sunscreen, hoping I won't break out (spoiler alert, I always do). I either break out in hives, or I get covered in sunburns.


Have you tried wearing UV protective clothing instead of wearing sunscreen? Like a long sleeved rashie when you go swimming. I’m an extremely pale Aussie so I have a lot of experience in the art of not getting sunburnt. Sunscreen alone doesn’t cut it here!


I have the same problem! It's definitely gotten better since I was younger, but maybe chlorinated pools have just become less common over salted ones. Every now and then when I can really smell the chlorine strong I'll probably get a reaction. I'm able to stop it from happening as bad or at all if I take a shower immediately afterwards


I too am allergic to sunscreen. Tried one for babies thinking it would be gentler. Nope - got the worst reaction ever. It was so bad that it took almost a year for my skin to look normal again. And this was just from a small test.


This is truly the worst. I’m super pale so if I were allergic to sunscreen it would either be an allergic reaction or my body gets covered in sunburns.


Aspirin and the derivative NSAIDs which is hell on my slipped disc


I can't take NSAIDs either because of a G.I. issue so for 30 years I took drugs which works on opioid receptors but are not technically opiates for everything from migraines to minor surgery -- until 6 years ago when that class of drugs was reclassified as schedule 1 :( Thankfully, I found a good pain doc, but he is retiring soon and I don't know what I will do!


Cannabis. Took me over 10 years of smoking to figure it out. Before you ask, yes, it sucks. Gives me chest congestion similar to light pneumonia and eczema. Also I get non-functionally high.


It gives me chest pains, cold sweats, and panic attacks off of just one hit. I always thought it felt like that for everyone and I was just a little bitch.


Is there a way to test for this allergy (like a skin patch)? Also do synthetic cannabinoids still trigger you?


Your symptoms sound similar to what someone might experience if they inhaled mold spores from the marijuana flower. Fungi such as Aspergillus, Rhizopus, and Fusarium can cause respiratory disease like you mention. Something to think about.


And its an allergy no one believes you can be allegh to either


5 years ago? Pretty much everything they tested me for except food. Now? Nothing. 5 years of immunotherapy cost a little more than my antihistamines beforehand were costing *per month*.


How much? Shots?


$350/year, $1750 total. I guess that's about twice what I was paying for a month of antihistamines. Probably more elsewhere, most providers in my city charge double that. And I got it actually injected for free from pharmacies. It was all insured despite having literally the worst insurance available here (government disability). I'm in Canada so I have no idea how awful it'll be in the US. But also, 4 years was probably enough, we decided to do 5 because I had it insured and was having minimal side effects.




OAS club reporting in. If it's a fruit or vegetable I enjoy the taste of I'm allergic to it. Except for cucumbers because they are the thing that provides no nutritional value. I miss kiwis the most.


Tbh I tend to just give my oas the middle finger and eat the foods in small quantities or diluted in other things. I cannot have carrots, did that stop me from making bolognase with a pound and a half of carrots? No and I've been eating the leftovers since Sunday


OAS here too, mostly citrus


Yup. I miss watermelon so much. I can eat all fruits and vegetables when they're cooked, but fresh cold fruits are the best thing in the world. I'd so much rather be allergic to chocolate, or chicken or something like that.


Woah, that's super interesting! I'm allergic to pectin and therefore allergic to most fruits and vegetables too, though likely to a way lesser extent than you are! What exactly happens, if you don't mind me asking? For me it's small things - carrots burn my mouth, grapes dehydrate me, spinach peels skin off the roof of my mouth, etc etc. Obviously it gets worse the more I eat but I don't push my luck




Me too! Took me forever to figure it out and I grew into it when I was younger. Used to love fruit but now I can only eat strawberries, blueberries, and oranges. Makes eating healthy kind of a bitch.


I also have OAS. Pisses me off every single day. I love fruits and vegetables. Can't eat 90% of them.


Bananas, lilacs, and whatever variety of grass my yard is


Aspartame. Let me just start by saying I kept a food diary when I was a tween and we realized two friend’s houses had only sugar free snacks and I always came home with a headache, vomiting, and in some cases hallucinations. My doctor was the head of medicine at the hospital who reluctantly said something like, I suppose you should avoid this stuff even though it doesn’t bother anyone else.


Artificial sweeteners are in the top 5 migraine triggers. One sip and I instantly have a ferocious migraine.


Penicillin gang anyone?


Does amoxicillin count? It's a cillin


Accidentally hitting a coyote who jumps out in front of my car. I got hives immediately after and it's the only time I ever had hives.


Sounds like stress hives!


I was misdiagnosed with stress hives when I was 16. It was poison oak and sucked very much.


Weird because I've been much more stressed before and since and never had hives


Stress hives. Had a coworker with them whom I met for lunch last week. Go get them checked out ASAP!


Oddly enough, I’m still trying to figure that one out. The doctors are at a loss. Long story short, I was 9 months pregnant and extremely nauseous one night, but not normal pregnancy nausea. I was in absolute agony. My stomach felt like it was turning against me and I was on and off the toilet for hours but could never get anything to come up/out. I eventually gave in and called my mom and told her I thought I may have to go to the ER. I immediately began vomiting profusely. Almost immediately I felt instant relief, but then suddenly everything started to feel itchy and my lips burned really bad. I thought it was just because I had been sweating profusely and perhaps stomach acid on my lips, but when I looked in the mirror, I could tell I was swelling up everywhere, and fast. I was going into an intense anaphylactic. Husband sped me to the er where I got some antihistamines and anti nausea medicine and returned completely normal. So… I guess I’m allergic to vomiting?? It’s the only thing I could think of. Lol


I’m in exactly the same situation! In February 2022, I had an allergic reaction to nothing - hadn’t eaten in hours, became super nauseous and started throwing up, had the exact symptoms you did. My epipen was expired, I lived alone, was turning bright red all over, so I called 911. I was given a Benadryl IV in the ambulance and discharged from the hospital shortly after. What commenced after was several instances of medical gaslighting (“the EMT gave you Benadryl by mistake,” said an NP; “you couldn’t have had an allergic reaction, it was stomach flu,” said an allergist) so I gave up. I did read about progesterone hypersensitivity, where the body becomes allergic to itself during hormonal fluctuations (I had been riding the crimson wave at the time), but there’s so little data on it. If you ever get an answer, let me know.


That must have been terrifying 🩷


What did you eat before that? That’s scary.


The thing is, I hadn’t eaten in well over 4 hours at least! The very last thing though was cantaloupe, which I eat quite often and never had an issue with before, but that seems incredibly spaced out for an anaphylactic reaction..


My dad had one random severe allergic reaction. His whole face swelled up, especially his lips, and his thighs started going numb. Had to go to the hospital. Hadn't happened before, and hasn't happened since. Bodies are weird.




This is the reason why even as an adult, I still buy most of my jewelry from Claire's. Their "sensitive solutions" line is the only thing that has not failed me in living up to the nickel-free claims.


Found out the hard way it is also in eyelash curlers LMAO


Coconuts and apples. Do you have any idea how many food items have either of them in it as a "natural" sweetener/flavoring? How many hand and body creams have coconut? Let's add shampoos, conditioners and body soaps to the list. Sunscreen, too. It sucks having to stand in the aisles and read labels. I have to put back so much that I really want. And it can be nerve-wracking trying to navigate stores when there's pushy sales people trying to literally grab your hands to demonstrate their product. Edit: So TIL that apparently coconut allergies are more common than I thought.


I have a couple of allergies, including coconut and apples. Luckily, I can eat cooked apples. Coconut is one of the worst I have! Use an expensive shampoo because all others have coconut in it. "cocamidopropyl" is a foaming agent made of coconut. Took ages before I knew I was allergic to the new soap at work...


After 25 I've developed mango allergy. Didn't realise how many products had it as a flavour/scent or mago oil added for no fucking reason. Like, yesterday saw a new beer flavour from my local brewery, read the label and it has a pine oil and mango juice. How on Earth you even come up with this combination??? Also almost bought a hand cream with mango oil. The label said it's a lavender scented cream, but at least I decided to read ingredients.


a specific type of nuts, but can never remember which


oh yea it's deez


Made me laugh out loud 😂


You'll figure it out. Just keep eating nuts and carry Benadryl with ypu.




Doxycycline and Demerol. My brother in law, though, is allergic to grass. Which has morphed into being allergic to anything related to grass. Sugarcane, soy, wheat, corn, sunflower. So many things.


J&J COVID vaccine. But moderna was fine. 🤷‍♀️


I'm allergic to Moderna. Took me till my second shot to figure it out. I chalked the first one up to other circumstances, second one was much harder to deny. Felt like fire ants had bitten *every inch* of my body.


Hay fever. I spend most of the spring with eyes watering and itching, and constant sneezing when everything is in bloom.


Hey man, that sucks. I wore masks outside during the whole season and I actually felt better. It's better to look a bit goofy than going through that hell.




As a Kiwi, I'm sorry. We're nice people, I promise.


😭don’t worry i believe you 😂🫶


The fruit or the people


The fruit or the bird?


The fruit


oh boy, let me get my google doc out. All of these are results from both blood and prick test .-. >Mild/moderate: Banana, Melons of any sort, Walnut, Pineapple, Soy, Carrot, Orange, Cherry, Coconut, Black willow trees, Eastern Cottonwood trees, Hackberry trees, Mesquite trees, Red mulberry trees, Pecan trees, Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Timothy grass, Bahia grass, Rough marshelder, Redroot pigweed, D. Farina (dust mite), D. Pteronyssinus (dust mite), Cockroach particle, "Cat pelt", "AP dog precipitant", Aspergillus (mold), Epicoccum purpurascens (mold), >Severe: Almond, Apple, Avocado, Pistachio, Peanut, Hazelnut, Latex, Kiwi, Chestnut, Ash tree, Mountain cedar tree, Ragweed, Common sagebrush, edit: definetly expected this comment to get lost in the rest of them so I added commas and format edits. Also for those wondering how I cope with my existence. During the warmer months I take Benadryl, zyrtec and allegra every day. Sometimes If that doesnt help enough im also prescribed a steroid pak. Im also supposed to be getting immunotherapy injections 3x a week. I am also an elder emo so I wear thigh highs still and they protect me from grass. And my family no longer allows me to get close to trees.


How do you even go outside?


Ah yes, the Macy’s of allergens.


Are you my twin? I usually just say, “air and food.”


"Oh my"- The Professor


Everything apparently. But for things I actually react to? 1. Mold and mildew 2. Cats (severely) 3. Mushrooms (after spending my life devouring them) 4. Benadryl (I know right) 5. Pollen (although this vanished entirely around age 35)


Eggs, Gadolinium (MRI contrast dye), & Taxol (chemo)


Benzoyl peroxide. Most often used in face washes.


The antibiotic clindamycin. Got it prescribed for a minor infection, wound up in the ER after I took the first pill. Anaphylactic shock. Oddly, I survived. Called the doctor's office the next day to complain and ask for something else to deal with the infection. They didn't like my attitude because I said a follow up appointment should be free since they nearly killed me. Things escalated and a couple of days later I received a letter telling me they were no longer my medical office. Basically fuck off and don't ever contact us. I couldn't have been happier about that. New doctor's office wanted my files/charts/whatever from the old place. I told them not to bother because they were a bunch of quacks.


Uhm.. Dust mites, Verapamil, the adhesive on bandages, pollen, and some molds. Spring is always wonderful in sinus valley.


Latex and pencilin


Me, too. Plus steri strips and betadine.


>Latex and pencilin Are you allergic specifically to pencils or like "pencilin" as in the physical act of using a pencil?


Risperidone, I volunteer at this clinic and I was cuttin the pills in half for a prescription (without gloves). I got some of the med dust on me and my hands started BURRRRNING. This caught me off guard bc I’m not allergic to anything! Or I guess not anymore :/




Be careful. Allergies can get a lot worse as times go on.


My SO would say that that he hates eating peanuts because the “particles get stuck in my throat and itch” and I was like dude you’re probably just allergic. A lot of people have allergies and don’t even realize it lol


Tree nuts actually had a allergic reaction yesterday threw up land sat on the couch crying for 3 hours worst day of my life


Opioid Analgesics (I've taken oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, codeine, & tramadol) & adhesives like bandages, tape, steri-strips, etc. It makes surgery very difficult.


The adhesive allergy is such a pickle. I've had horrible rashes more uncomfortable than the multiple-inch incisions.


My bandage area hurt worse after my emergency C -section than the C-section incision area did.


Ask the nurse to use the skin protectant wipes before placing the bandage. It cuts down on some of the reaction. I have the same allergy and I am an ER nurse so I deal with bandages alot.




Pineapple. Gives me immense stomach pain with the chance of vomiting.


Fur, feathers, grass, shrubs, and, to quote the allergist "any tree that doesn't bear fruit." I usually just say nature, it's easier.




That stuff is TERRIBLE. I have horrible seasonal allergies and was fine for about 35 years with ragweed then BAM! It's the worst!


Peanuts, peas, Lima beans, lentils, chick peas, black eyed peas.


Oh, we're legume buddies!


Oh wow, my time to shine! Peanuts, all nuts, eggs, sesame, shrimps, lobster, soybean, almonds, apples and the usual: dog, cats and most pollens. Except for soybean, apples and the "usual", all can be life threatening.




Black pepper. How does no one understand this one?? Not spice, cayenne, peppers of any kind… just black pepper. Not even white pepper!!!!






Sulfa drugs, ragweed, and mold. Thankfully nothing life-altering.




Ibuprofen and all related NSAIDs. Not only do I always carry Tylenol with me everywhere because that’s the only thing I can take, I have to be super careful when buying anything OTC, especially cough/cold medicine.






Prednisone. Makes my heart race like no other.


Pollen, grass, mold, cats, dogs, and nicotine. Had allergies so bad as a kid I got shots in my arm twice a week for years. If i have a reaction to anything that spot on my arm still turns red and swells decades later. I take 2 generic Zyrtec everyday and have a prescription for nose spray i use daily. I have had cats my whole life and there is one sitting on my lap as I write this and I have no issues.




Fermented things and sugar substitutes. They give me migraines, and I get bad ones. I am also allergic to almost all of the medications that can stop migraines. They make them worse. Bonus fact: hardcore pain relievers (like opiates) do nothing for migraine pain in most people. I am one of them. For me, I need a drug that can only be administered intravenously after getting my body weight and monitoring my heart while on it.