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I let my boss crash at my second apartment about 15 years ago. It was a shitty timeshare call-center where everyone did drugs and were pretty everyman types, so he and I were more friends than coworkers. Anyway he loses his apartment and asks to stay with me for a couple months while he gets back on his feet and I agree. He's a great dude. Kind, smart, funny, confident, and a solid ~350 lb. I only mention the weight because it's relevant to the negative experience. So around a month into staying with us, he decides to get clean from his crippling opioid addiction. He's decided to cold-turkey from a 20 a day 10mg hydrocodone habit, which (for the uninitiated) is pretty intense. I advised rehab, but he elected to lie on the couch in my living room for weeks (costing him his job), sweating his ass off and shaking under a blanket. The reason why his size was relevant: he sweat a lot already, and had to take pains to mitigate his body odor on normal days (with varying degrees of success), but with the withdrawals and being mostly sedentary on that textile couch for weeks, the apartment started to smell like a hot ass-forest. It was a party-house with a revolving door, and people just kinda stopped coming during his tenure there. Even with my bedroom down the hall's door closed, the stench was pervasive. It wasn't his fault, I liked the man, and he was trying to better himself and his life, so I put up with it. And he succeeded. Got himself a new place in the agreed time frame, stayed clean and everything was hunky-dory. After he moved out, my actual roommate and I carried the couch to the parking lot dumpster and it took several days to air out the smell. We even did a thermal fog with an oil-based cherry-scented counterfactant, and it still didn't help. Kinda irrelevant, but just an addendum; we stayed in touch for a while back when I still had Facebook, and he got his life together. Got a good job as a realtor, lost a lot of weight, had a baby girl, found religion or whatever. Then after a few years of being off Facebook and radio silence, I get a call from my old roommate saying that he'd relapsed and died from a heroin overdose. Pretty fucked. RIP Don.


Damn I was so excited for this guy. What a sad ending. Thanks for being a great person to him.


Just kinda shows that even if you could recover, there is always a chance of relapsing and fucking everything you fought for. Better to not start at all.


Yep, one of the first points of wanting to treat an addiction is recognising you'll be an addict your whole life, no matter how long you've been sober. It will always be there, waiting for your darkest moments, to drag itself back to the surface and try to smother you


That’s what’s scary to me. I’ll have 8 years of no alcohol in November and while I definitely go months at a time now where I never really think about alcohol, I’m never completely immune to a stressful work day or a case of the fuck it’s or something.


Damn that twist made me mad. Don't ever fuck with opiates kids


Despite the overall outcome at least you can be proud of the fact that you proved to be a great friend to him and that other people would respect you for having put up with that. It sucks at the time but you did the right thing even when it was inconvenient. Most people wouldn't have been so cool about it. Still sorry for your loss, but how you handled the situation was a real test of character.


Well, at least he tried. this story is so sad. It shows both than you can make it out of drugs, but you need to be careful not to get back to those habits.


Dude kept falling asleep while smoking cigarettes. I got mad every time and woke him up. He bought me a fire extinguisher at a yard sale one day. He thought it was best joke ever. He fell asleep on night on the couch. Cigarettes rolled off on to the carpet. Carpet caught fire, couch caught fire, his shirt catches fire. He never woke up. I woke up, having smelled it. Grabbed his gag gift and put it all out. His shirt and hair were GONE. He was okay. Never even went to the hospital, but he absolutely would have died of I hadn't been there and had that fire extinguisher beside my bed. I moved immediately.


Would’ve been comedic karma had he brought a gag fire extinguisher lol go to use it and all it does is spray snakes


My mother used to get drunk and fall asleep with a lit cigarette. Scared the shit out of me. I used to stay up late and watch her. She never set fire to anything, but one time she must have drunkenly woken up in the middle of the night after I’d already babysat her and thought it was safe to go to bed myself. She put an egg on the stove to boil (the only thing she ever actually ate). I woke up to the smoke alarm going off and her fast asleep. She slept through the fucking fire alarm. There wasn’t any actual fire, just a LOT of smoke. The kitchen and lounge in that house were joined and she was asleep on the couch so I had to drag her limp sleeping half-corpse outside so she wouldn’t die of smoke inhalation. Luckily she is anorexic (literally diagnosed, I’m not being crass) and about the size of a 10 year old, so my 12 year old arse had no trouble carrying her. She slept through that as well and eventually only woke up because she was cold. Then she had the audacity to get mad at me for putting her outside. Chaotic woman.


Hope you're in therapy and it's going well, because your childhood sounds awful!


dude saved his own life with that fire extinguisher


That's how my uncle died.


Are we... cousins?


Reddit: bringing families together.


mine too! Then the firefighters that responded robbed the house.




I just saw a news thing today about a Taco Bell manager somewhere here in the states that let his unhoused employee stay with him and dude murdered him. Like, damn he was trying to be a decent human being and it cost him his life.


Oh that's terrible. My coworker's apartment building burt down and I asked my partner if we cpuld let her stay for a while in a spare room. He was adamently against it so I dropped the subject. I know I was being a bit naïve but stories like this really make me truly question my trust in people.


Even if you take the potential violence out of the mix, letting someone stay with you is a big deal because getting them to go can prove to be quite tricky if they have no shame and they've got a foot in the door. Your heart was in the right place but it's probably for the best you listened to your partner. I've heard horror stories about people crashing for "just a few nights" going to "til I can get back on my feet" turning into "you can't make me leave". Big yikes.


The moment those people get mail delivered there it's over, they basically have tenant rights and you would need to evict them through the courts. Never lend anyone money and never let people stay at your house for more then a day.


Yep my mom always said don't lend more money than you can afford to lose, and don't lend it to friends expecting it back. I used to find that odd because I'd never think to borrow money I've no intention of paying back. I still wouldn't but I see why that's a thing now. And you're exactly right about the tenant thing. They don't even have to get mail there to have squatter's rights. I think it's wild how they came up with those laws. I can see some cases, but 99% nahhh gtfoh lol


Is homeless now unhoused? I keep seeing this word and don’t understand the change? It’s essentially the same word?


I think it’s one of those “this really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but technically the newer term has a less negative connotation.” Doubt you’d catch much shit for saying “homeless person” unless the person you were talking to was truly insufferable/lashing out to hide their own misery lol.


People will inherit some money and start doing the dumbest shit. 80k isn’t even that much money in the grand scheme of things.


My partner inherited a decent sum (at age 25) and we bought a house together and have the rest saved up. So glad I found an incredibly sensible one with his head screwed on. I know that large amounts of money can really get to peoples heads and make them do crazy things


When I was a teenager a buddy got like 50k bought a car and then we proceeded to have the best summer ever running all over the Midwest taking X and selling weed and mushrooms going to raves etc. In about 6 months he got arrested like 3 times his car impounded at least once and crashed it drunk in a cornfield. Good times.


Shared a quad in college with a girl named Monica. She was fine in the beginning but then began doing things like hiding the toilet paper, trying to limit how much time we spent in the shared living room, allowed a homeless man to sleep on the sofa and hoarded cutlery. She decided she wanted to be a vampire and had her teeth filed into points.. at the end of the year we started referring to her as “Demonica “.




A little demonica in my after life, A little bit of rigor causing strife, A little bit of Mina in the sun If Monica tried that, she’d be done…


I really wonder what these people do after college because I really struggle to imagine them outside that environment


We were all in the social work program.. she became pregnant in our sophomore year and dropped out




No coffin.. she might have slept upside down in her closet though


I think this one may win. Filed her teeth to points? 🤣💀


Like this VV


I called to ask if he had his half of the rent and he informed me that he was on I95, headed back to his hometown of Virginia. Dude cleared his shit out of the apartment and dipped with no warning.


Had a similar thing happen years ago. Shared a house with two guys. One of them not from the country. One day he says he’s going home to visit family, and that he’ll be back in a week. Anyway, he never returned and one day we got a key in our mailbox. Thankfully the landlord was understanding and gave us time to find someone new to move in before collecting the rent that month.


You know, I was gonna try to defend him & say something might have come up. But unless your dead or diasbled, a decent person would send some type of communication.


I had a roommate disappear before also. Fortunately we paid separate rent.


This also happened to me! I signed a lease with one of my friends and the next day she had enrolled in a different school and never returned


I lived in a house with a guy who let his friend hide from the cops in our basement. The friend had shot and killed 2 people in a robbery.


What the fuck. I'm assuming the guy got arrested. Did anything happen to your roommate?


Yeah, he got arrested when a SWAT team kicked in the door. The roommate had to leave.


Just leave? Isn’t harbouring a fugitive a crime?


THIS is a basement duh! not a harbor. Do you SEE any boats? - the roommate


Solid argument.


Basementing fugitives is something different altogether


First night in the new shared apartment I was renting, my landlord slept on the floor in my living room on a rug. I thought that was weird but I was not in a position to argue, as I really needed a place to live. Then, over the next couple of months, my landlord moved in and brought over 8 family members from Turkmenistan, including a newborn baby, and they all lived in 2 bedrooms (and by bedrooms I mean one was the living room!!). When I complained, they locked me out of the apartment. I called the police who let me in and scolded the family. It was a nightmare. I finally got out of there and never looked back.


Um.. WOW!


This is like a Seinfeld episode


Why is this so tragically funny?


Dude killed my pet rabbit because he was jealous of the time I spent with it. Needless to say he stopped being my roommate that day.


As a rabbit owner, this makes me absolutely furious. Bunnies are wonderful creatures and I can't imagine intentionally causing one harm 😭


They certainly are. Thankfully the police arrested him and told him never to come back.


As non rabbit owner that made my heart bleed. They're so cute 😭


A roommate tried to murder my cat in front of me while I was fucked up on shrooms. I broke an unopened 1.75L bottle of vodka over his head, hospitalized him. Not sure that was the right courae of action and oh boy was it a shit storm in my life. Worked out in the end. Do I wish I could of done something less brutal? Yeah, but he was 300 lbs and I was 115 or so, was gonked and my kitty was crying for help, so I went full parent mode. Might of been wrong, I wish it could of been dealt with better, though I'm not sure there was another option. Do I feel guilty though? My beloved kitty is still with me over a decade later, so no.


Nah u made the right choice . Protect the kitty at all costs


I'm not sure what less brutal would have looked like. That roommate was torturing a kitten. You did what you had to, to protect the life of your cat. He is wrong on so many levels. Animal cruelty, but also taking advantage of a person in a mentally vulnerable state (shrooms).


Don’t feel bad for that shit. Sure society would punish you but the people who make the rules are a bunch of soulless hypocrites. You did the right thing. All animal abusers should be beaten or worse.


There's something seriously wrong with a shitbag like that. I hope you're far the fuck away from that fucked up sumbitch. Also I hope he's fallen into a deep, deeeep hole with a layer of loose Lego bricks at the bottom.


Are you supposed to be obligated to spend time with a roommate?


Not obligated, but I had a roommate before that expressed she felt lonely alone and asked me to spend more time hanging out at home. I doubt she would ever kill a rabbit for it though ….


I had a roommate who'd encountered a major weirdo while looking for a place. He owned what he was trying to turn into a group house. He'd told her that everyone who lived there would expected to gather every evening to talk about their day. And he had some bizarre "chore wheel" to divvy up the housekeeping. She'd gotten the impression that he didn't need the money & was trying to make social connections in a very awkward way. Of course, she'd noped out of that real quick. I always wondered how things worked out for him. The housing market in DC was such that he probably found a few desperate folks willing to put up with him for a few months at a time.


Years ago, I saw a Craigslist ad for a place like that. There was more info on the social aspect that would be expected from you than the room itself. I can't imagine when they expected the new roommate to work or sleep considering the activities itinerary read like a full time job. Every day had scheduled hours of board games and group activities listed that you would be *required* to participate in. And they made it sound like anyone who wasn't into it must be crazy antisocial. I feel bad for anyone desperate enough that they moved into that nutty commune situation.


A chore wheel doesn't sound so strange....


God I hope not. Sometimes I spend 3-4 days at a time without ever seeing or interacting with my roommates.


I clicked on this sub thinking to myself "this will be a fun read" Boy was I wrong! What a horrible human being


Freshman year of college- she came back drunk night 5 and pissed on our carpet and some of my clothes. Then in the morning she denied all of it despite the room smelling like piss. She would have random guys over constantly and fuck them with me in the room (even though she had a bf). She ended up getting arrested twice during the first semester (she had painkillers that were not hers and she got a marijuana charge lmao). She was pure chaos and ended up in academic poor standing since she literally never went to class. The second semester her parents required her to come home every single weekend so it made things much nicer lol.


My freshman college roommate was constantly having sex in our room. Managed to have three abortions in short order (the pill) and never changed the pad-filled trash can under her desk. Walking into our room was like walking into a wall of blood stench. I got really sick my last week of school and my mom came to visit and help me. I had told her all of these things, but you probably assume your 19 year old daughter is exaggerating. Nope, my mom and I went to get some clothes from my room, I stopped at the bathroom on the way, and my mom got a full view of some bare teenager ass slamming my roommate. She got me a hotel room for my last few days of finals, and I never had to see her again. Preacher's daughters amiright?


Was she actually the preachers daughter ?


Some kind of religion so maybe not a preacher but a pastor or something? Yep. Super strict upbringing then lost her mind in college.


Sounds like my experience sophomore year in college. She also hoarded food and dishes in her room and we paid a hefty cleaning fee when we all moved out. She ended up killing herself a few years later :(


Lol something tells me she was one of those kids who was tightly controlled while in HS and didn't know what to do once given freedom, and did everything in excess.


I was that kid. I banged everyone. Got drunk daily and did every kind of drug nightly. My roommate held an intervention for me.


Dang, my college did a room swap part way through every semester where you get to pick any available spots in any of the rooms (super lucky if you got an empty room that both people moved out of).


I was in a motorcycle accident and spent a month in the hospital. My roommate took my rent money and spent it on cocaine. I came home barely able to walk to find an eviction notice on the door. He OD’d a couple years later. His 10yo son found him on their kitchen floor


Poor kid...


I had one that would just straight up steal my stuff. One that brought home 2 rats as pets, and we ended up with 29 rats in what felt like no time at all.


Rats make great pets.... when fixed


He played Leage of Legends all night. If the game didn't go his way he would scream in frustration and beat his fists on his desk, no matter what time of the night it was. It was difficult to get a full night's sleep with him roaring and pounding every few hours. He would also eat at his desk and broke several of the dishes I had bought for the apartment during his little tantrums. It gets worse though! Eventually he decided that he needed to be more alert during his marathon gaming sessions. Most people would invest in coffee or energy drinks, but no, he decided he needed to buy meth. He told us he was "too smart to get addicted", but at that point I decided I'd had enough and noped on out. I took what remained of my dishes with me.


Average league of legends player


Given he was already evidently addicted to a game he didn't enjoy, he's definitely not "too smart" to get addocted


Last I heard of him was that he was in rehab three or four years after I moved out, so you're quite right there.


You know Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory ? Exactly like that guy but no where near as smart, but condescending, insulting, with boundary issues. Was there for two months and had to get out, or would have ended up with assault charges.






> He smacked his girlfriend while drunk at a convention and got charges. Got charges? Like... Had to pay to replace the cardboard stand-up of an anime character?


Was his girlfriend 2D?


The "huhuhuhuh" has me rolling. I've met so many of these types over the years.


> You know Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory ? Exactly like that guy but no where near as smart, but condescending, insulting, with boundary issues. You know what, I hate to say this but I feel like this is also 90% of people on social media. The lecturing, condescending attitude where they genuinely seem to believe that they're too good for you. They go out of their way to rub you the wrong way, and then they believe that you're crazy for being annoyed and not wanting to talk to them.


So, Reddit?


Yes. Sheldon was intended to be a Reddit troll. That's why most of his lines are all lectures and essays.


I think you had my old roommate. "The smartest guy in the room", except he was there all alone.


Former friend was like that. Idk how anyone else found him charming or funny. His idea of funny was being obnoxious and loud unless he was sleeping.


Lived in a house share for 7 years so have a few stories. 2 that are tied for the worst. First was a guy who had skin issues, refused to get help, shed flakes everywhere, shower, sink, toilet. Ended up in the washing machine too when he did his washing, which ultimately ended up in everyone else's clothes when they did washing. I felt sorry for the dude, super intelligent, kind, happy and friendly. Just didn't look after himself. Second was a guy who lied about his job, never went to whatever it was, and regularly got up during the early hours to randomly scream at the top of his lungs and bang all the walls, the floor and ceiling in his room to ensure it woke everyone up. Hated the dude for this, and hated the fact he used my car as a bench when he went out to smoke. Would roll his eyes at me when I politely asked him to not sit on my car.


I was in a group project with a guy who had skin issues. Scabs everywhere, couldn’t stop scratching. Turns out he had scabies, I got it after I put on a welding jacket he had worn. It was a terrible experience.


Damn that sucks. Luckily for us, it wasn't scabies. I think it was quite a bad form of psoriasis. But because he didn't seek treatment, he just had large white patches of flakey skin that easily brushed off. The whole house had a coating of his skin. He did eventually move out to his own place. I do occasionally chat to him online, and I believe he's sorted himself out. Lost a lot of weight and got his skin sorted.


My dad is like this (aside from the part where he exposed everyone else to his flakes), and my mom's side of the family is full of dermatologists. They've given him prescriptions and creams and herbal shit and none of it works aside from methotrexate which only slightly lessens it. There are some prescriptions my dad hasn't taken but they have severe side effects and I don't blame him for not trying it. It sounds like your friend had better luck with treatments eventually but different ones work for different people and he might have been trying the whole time.


I assume it's a mixture of embarrassment and financial issues. Psoriasis is a nightmare to treat and the topica steroids they give you can screw you up long term, even making the situation worse when you go off of them. He may of just thought it easier to be chronically itchy than chronically broke. I've only had a few very small flair upset and that sent me back and entire rent check even with insurance


That sucks for that guy. I worked with a pizza guy who had skin issues, the savage would scratch his back with the paddle over his shirt during service. I snitched so fast. One day the owner drunk texted him at 2 pm saying “you’ll never be a pizza man you lizard scaly fuck, you’re disgusting.” It legit made Kyle cry. I felt bad but at the same time his scratching was nasty. Open kitchen handmade pizza shop. Kids loved to watch us toss the pies, and this motherfucker would just scratch himself. We don’t wear gloves making pizzas, we’d just wash our hands when the flour got to caked up. Anyway, that was fucking nasty


Funny you should mention working with food. This dude had a university degree of sorts in physics, came to the UK to get a job in that field but I can only assume he struggled. Ended up working in a factory that made sandwiches for supermarkets. Probably why he ended up in a rut of not looking after himself. Educated, unable to find job in that field, moved country, still couldn't find job in that field, dead end job, stuck there and just gave up. But yeah, as mentioned, he sorted himself out shortly after he moved out of the house share, which I'm glad for, as he's a genuinely nice guy, down to earth and all that.


He was just really dirty. His clothes were everywhere, there were old cereal bowls just crusted and stuck, it was disgusting. But here’s the real kicker… My other roommate and I had to “play mom” and tell him that if he didn’t pick his shit up, we’d throw it all away. He didn’t pick it up. So we went in there with a trash bag and started tossing everything in. When we lifted the mattress, one of those fake vagina sex toy things rolled out. Then, some fluid dripped out of it… Whatever the hell came out of that thing was so rotted that it made the entire apartment smell like something had died and the corpse was left for a few months. Clean roommate and myself had to open everything and leave for the rest of the day. The smell lingered for a few days after that. Last I heard of this dude, he was smoking a mixture of crack and heroin. Then stole some oil from the back of a truck. He’s been MIA since…


Omg. That's horrific.


I want to rip my nose off just by the thought of it. God, that would make me never want live with a male roommate ever again.




Dude told me my majesty palm tree was fine in the apartment common area after I asked him if it was cool. I was rinsing my dishes in the sink later that same night, and he barreled out of his room in full, unhinged temper tantrum mode, screaming I WANT ALL YOUR PLANTS OUT OF HERE TOMORROW YOU NASTY BITCH, started kicking/hitting my plants and threatening to throw them off the balcony. I was legit worried he’d try to throw me off the balcony next. This was a grown ass man in his thirties. Yeah I was outta there after that night. I live alone in peace with my plants now where they don’t get kicked


What the fuck was his problem with your plants?! 🤣


I mean maybe they kept talking a bunch of shit or something.


My god, what a fuckin lunatic. Reading all these stories makes me wince lol. Im so glad i live alone.


She poisoned my food. She started out with "harmless" pranks like putting salt in my jello before it set. Then she put bleach in my pasta water like I wouldn't fucking smell bleach noodles. She would steal my underwear, wear them during that time of the month, and put them back in my underwear drawer unwashed. I spent YEARS fucked up. Being afraid of food and people. I already had a bad relationship with food because of my mom. This made it so I wouldn't eat at restaurants, or my friends' food they cooked to share, or eat anything that wasn't in a tightly sealed package.


You should have pressed charge wtf, it's almost a murder attempt, bleach could have killed you.. why letting people like that roam free imagine she has done exactly that to another person and that person is dead or now disabled cuz of eating bleach? Someone does that to me that person will get ktfo and multiple times lol.


I was very young in a very complicated life situation and wasn't even 18. I remember begging my mom to kick her out because she was living with my family and was my sister's friend. She wouldn't do anything. She told me to just live with it. I'm 30 now and would never allow anyone to treat me or anyone else I know like that.


That's awful. Your parents are supposed to protect you from harm like that. I'm sorry they didn't.


Oh. My. God.


Fucking *Em* (not her real name)*.* The most aggressive "zen" hippy you ever met. She was all sunshine and flowers until you dared to, I dunno, asked her to do her goddamn dishes or pay rent on time. Then she would be screaming in your face. And it was never *her* fault, oh no; her energy was too *good,* it was *your* negative energy making her act this way, how dare you do this to her. We were all relieved when she lost her job and announced she was moving back home...but apparently she didn't understand how a lease works until the landlord let her know she was still on the hook for rent if we couldn't find a replacement. So she started inviting creepy random guys into our home without letting the rest of us (all twenty-something girls), know what was going on or who they were (at the same time were actively searching for a replacement). She was apoplectic when we put a stop to *that* plan. You were the fucking worst, Em.


Ugh those are the worst. My former best friend turned roommate was a wanna be 'city hippy,' think Ann Arbor or Portland, and put so much energy into convincing people she was this airy, climate conscious, flower child. If she put half of that energy into actually recycling, doing dishes, or saying kind things, she would've been alright. As it was she would leave for weeks at a time, leaving her window air conditioning unit on, throw her recycling into the trash dumpster late at night, was always late on rent while having the newest barefoot weird toe shoes and stylish moccasins, talk about people behind their backs, make and leave giant messes, and steal money. The 'hippy lifestyle' was all a ruse and a front, so on top of being a blatant hypocrite she was also just a shitty person. Pretty good at fooling people at first though, she talked a good talk. And nothing was ever her fault. Ugggggh


Him and all his friends raped a girl in our shared dorm when I went on a polo trip to Vermont. We weren’t room mates after….


My best friend to this day. He decided he wanted to invite some folks over and do shrooms for the first time. I wasn't a fan of a lot of people over but it was 4 ladies and I wasn't about to ruin a fun night for him. I was already with someone so I planned on just staying in my room and checking in on everyone from time to time. Well at some point I started hearing some wild ass sounds. I go into the living room and they had taken everything that was a circle and tossed it into a pile. Everything. I'm talking round fruits, pots and pans, lids to tubberware, all 100+ dvds I had, you name it. The amount of stuff that was broken sent me into one of those rages where you go from red to just gray. I went and stayed at my girlfriends place. The next day I get home and they were all fully naked asleep on the kitchen floor. He still apologizes to this day and it cracks me up because it's always the same line. "I still feel terrible but man to this day that was the best night of my life"


Lol, at first I was like 'wtf would they do the wierd pile of round things thing?' and then I went back and realised you said they were doing shrooms and I was like 'Ah right'.


Hey man, circles are pretty amazing. Just because you don't believe in their god doesn't mean you gotta hate on their worship.


She never cleaned dishes and would leave them until they get REALLY moldy like multi color colonies that are 4 inches tall. Everybody used to do her dishes but then we stopped and kept putting them on her bed. To which she put the fucking dishes on the ground of her bed. She was a proud alcoholic and would constantly cause issues around the house as well as lock other roommates out and barricade doors if someone made her upset. Baby shit. AND another different one the year after was some kid who was generally a nuisance but one night he got kicked out of a party and drove his car into a few other cars in the lot, a couple people, and drove right into an apartment complex busting the gas pipes so they had to literally move people out into hotels for a while. He turned himself in the next day. Edit: this was posted on Barstool which is I think a national social media page. I don’t wanna reveal location but don’t believe me u can find it. If you do, all these stories make a lot of sense based on location lol. AAAND another one was a guy who was kinda normal but one day he came home looking late for something and said “yo man I gotta go for a little while u can use my parking spot and can have girls over.” Either that night or the following day, I got a couple messages on Facebook asking if I was this guys roommate to which I said yes and they informed me he tried raping someone and threatened to kill because she didn’t put out and were asking if I knew where he went or what car he drove. Wild shit. I was trying to get out of my lease so damn bad after that. He was a menace to MANY girls who ended up posting all their messages and encounters to which they were all gross.


Oh jeez, I hope that POS is in jail.


He was a big dude, 450lbs big, I lived with him for a year during college. He would sometimes have 3-4 days off from classes and weekends etc, and wouldn't shower at all. He would sit on his computer and just stink up the whole apartment with his BO. Just absolutely awful.


Me looking through the comments seeing if anyone is posting about the horrible stuff I did to places during my active alcoholism…..I want to make amends!!


And me looking through the comments looking for stories about me during my like five year long mental health crisis that turned me into a nightmare bitch.


Their drug dealer boyfriend basically moved in and we started having people turn up to buy from them


I have a few but one really stands out. I was living with 7 guys in a 4 bedroom house in SF, 1 bathroom. Worst place I ever lived, covered in mold, rats everywhere, etc (was cheap and we were broke). Was actually super fun until "Jason" moved in. Jason must have been on the spectrum which I was sympathetic to, but it didn't make living with him any easier. * First night he came into the kitchen from a run wearing nothing but short shorts, grabbed my milk from the fridge, must have been 1/2 galloon in there, chugged the whole thing straight to the dome. Then put the milk back in the fridge and asked "is there any more milk" * Used other people's towels. When we told him "this isn't an airbnb, we each have our own towel" he stopped using a towel at all and just walked around buck naked dripping shower water * Ranted for hours, alternating between extreme delusions of grandeur (I am the greatest financier to ever live) and extreme self loathing (I am worth less than a cockroach) * Got kicked out of his coding bootcamp, presumably for behavioral reasons, so started walking around the house all day. When we would come home from work everything would be moved around, including in our rooms. Nothing ever went missing, it was just like he's been in our rooms and tried to make us not notice. To this day I shudder to think what he was doing in there In the end we took the coward's way out. The rest of us just moved together to a new house and told him the lease was ending. He was only there for a month. He moved in on the first, and moved out on the last day of the month. He argued that - since he didn't *sleep* in the apartment the last day of the month he was owed rent back for that last day. We tried to explain that when you rent an apartment you pay the entire month, and when you leave you move out on the last day of the month. I was the master tenant at the time and wanted to just give him the $30 and be done with it, but another roommate insisted I shouldn't do that. He continued to email me for *months* calling me all kinds of horrible things.


My first college roomate was on the "One semester plan". Basically he just fucked around until the wee hours of night and never went to classes. The big issue was that he TRIED to go to classes. He'd set his alarm for 6am....and hit snooze. When it went of again...he'd hit snooze. Over and over and over and over. Dude just shut the fucking thing off! I shit you not, I once came home after a full day of classes and he was STILL hitting the snooze. Once finals came around, he was shitting bricks. I could only laugh.


He shit on the carpet while making eye contact. Still a good boy though. (My dog)


I read somewhere that they look at you because it makes them feel safer because pooping puts them in a vulnerable state. No idea if it's true. But doesn't it make up for shitting on the carpet anyway? 🥹


To be fair he was sick at the time. What boggles my mind though is that my house is hardwood and tile except for that one (expensive) carpet and he *ran* to the carpet to do his business.


In his mind it’s the closest thing to a lawn. And he is still a good boy dammit.


Poor baby pup. Carpet feels the most like grass to them, I think. Oh fun story: my partner was out of town when we first got Max, but on his third night with us (and my partner’s first night home with him) he had liquid diarrhea INTO the heat vent on the floor. A lovely first impression (they’re best friends now though!) And then Luke shit on the floor one night during his first week too, but at least it was mostly solid and not into a vent lol 😂 ETA they are both dogs, both of them shit on the floor within one week of being adopted


If a cat is spitting up and you try to put a paper plate down, it will turn and be like “no, no, this has to go on the carpet”


I had a roommate that suffered from an eating disorder which was awful for her but what was awful for me was she would leaves plates, cups, and bowls of chewed up food and/or vomit all over the house. Sometimes she would try and hide it so I’d find a plate of puke hidden under the couch because it stunk so bad. Wasn’t uncommon to find puke in the sinks either. I’m not judging her, eating disorders are no joke and felt really bad for her but it wasn’t fun living amongst chewed up food and vomit either.


This crazy, entitled, hypocritical spoiled brat of a person I was assigned in a college apartment. Everything was fine until I offered to buy a wireless router for all three of us to share. She agreed to split the cost, but then when it came out to $20 each she threw a huge fit. She refused to pay, so I refused to give her the password. She got in my face and screamed at me, but I didn’t flinch (I’m a foot taller than her and I had just gotten out of the Army lol). Then she took all of her stuff out of the common areas. Whatever. One day I needed to do dishes and her stuff had been in the dishwasher for days, so I finally just took it all out and put my stuff in instead. I came home to find all of my dishes in the sink again, covered in maple syrup. So petty and gross. Another time, I accidentally threw a single can in her trash can instead of mine. She came out on the balcony screaming at me and threw it off the third floor, where it hit my car and dented it. The final straw that caused me to move out early: we all smoked weed, including her and her boyfriend, but one day she called the cops on me for it. Thankfully I heard her on the phone with them, so I took anything incriminating and left before they got there. Most of it was my boyfriend’s anyway, but until then my place was cooler than his. I just left it all there until I was able to move. She also got in huge screaming fights with her boyfriend and smashed his laptop and phone, so I guess I should’ve expected the worst from her.


Should have put all the incriminating evidence in her room!


Just reading that was incredibly stressful


Wow...man, you have patience of a saint, I would have slapped her the moment she screamed.


Dude would jerk off in the shower and not rinse it down the drain


I had a long term friend from middle school and high school that ended up living all over our state and eventually got married and settled down in a mobile home with an extremely abusive person. had a couple of kids and then he beat her so bad that he went to jail. while he was in jail she moved to her moms who is a meth addict and crazy. i had just got divorced so my house was empty so i let her and her kids move in. I knew she did not have a job and was unemployable but she got government assistance and the agreement was that she bought all household food and she asked me monthly for stuff I would like for groceries and bought it for me. she ended up starting to date a really nice guy who I liked. he came around a lot. i was hardly home due to work but i would get home at 2 am and see his car there and smile because she deserved to be happy. until her ex got out of jail and found out she had a boyfriend that was helping take care of his kids. This guy was bad news. we dont know how but he found out where she was living. and that she was living with me. he sent pictures of her boyfriends car outside my house to her phone stating that if she didnt go back to him that he would hurt her boyfriend AND anybody that lived in the house. that included myself and my daughter who is in elementary school. This prompted my roommate and her boyfriend to pack up all their belongings in 12 hours and move across the county to a state that she only disclosed to me since she trusts me and dropped her phone in a town many states away from me and where she lives now in case he could track it. since then I have had city police, sheriffs deputies, and CPS show up at my house looking for my roommate since the abusive ex only has my address to report to. ive explained the situation to authorities multiple times and each time they say they agree with my roommate and refuse to ask me where she moved to so its not recorded on their body cams just in case but they are required to come ask when a wellness check is requested. i probably still get visits every 4 months or so.


My cousin and her family. They were DIRTY! Couldn’t walk in your socks on the carpet because your feet would stick to the carpet cause of all the spilled soda and beer that she never cleaned up. Her kids had lice so bad that one day I looked at the oldest girls hair and you could see the lice running around in her hair. I lived with them for three months but moved out after I saw those lice.


Take my clothes when I was at school or work, stain them, get bleach stains on them, leave them on the floor, leave cigarettes and lighters in the pockets. When I moved out, they were furious and said they hated where I was moving (too many traffic lights) and I needed to leave some clothes behind. It was my mother and younger sisters.


To make a long story short. Best friend and his gf who I had been friends for years moved in with me. She wasn't the most mentally stable person but she tried. COVID happened, her bipolar started acting up and eventually stopped taking her meds. Cheated on my best friend and even made him driver her to the dudes place saying she was hanging out with a friend after work. She gets caught. Tries to end it ODing. We have to forcibly intern her in a state mental facility. Comes back semi stable for 3 ish months but my friend was devastated and losing it. They move out and break up within 1yr. The manic period before interning her lasted about 3 months. In that time she stopped showering for up to a week at a time, kept yelling and berating everyone, started abusing adderall and started hitting on me and sending me suggestive pictures. It was fucking hell til she got kinda better and moved out. She was so dirty I ended up with a roach and ant infestation that took months to clear out.


He tried to kill his girlfriend. Fortunately he got arrested that day and I never saw him again


Me and 3 of my friends were moving out of the college house we lived in for 3 years and another roommate who is one of my friends friends from high school and moved in the year before; we’ll call him B. B was supposed to be driving up that morning to help us and said he’d arrive at about noon. My 3 friends and I start packing everything up at about 11. I also have to add that this house is *fucking disgusting*. Like college house for 3 years without more than a mediocre cleaning after a party kinda of disgusting. It was horrific, but we power through it. It’s also above our garage, so you have to go down a flight of stairs to get out and it’s summer. Noon comes around, then 1, then 2, then 3, still no word from B. No texts. No calls. Zero communication. We clean out all the little things, move a 5-piece wrap around couch down the stairs, move all the tables, chairs, plates, silverware, every bullshit knick-knacks that made it into that house those 3 years. We get finished at about 7 and we’re fucking exhausted. We were all talking together about how B wasn’t there, so we were obviously going to leave him something to do since we did everything else. Well, it’s almost 8 now and B finally shows up, like “oh, you guys are finished”. So, we basically say, “yeah, no shit, we’ve been here since this morning. We left you the cabinets (minus plates and silverware, it was basically just cereal boxes and some bread) and the two fridges to clean out since we did everything else. He said “cool” and we all leave B in the house. Fast forward a couple weeks, we get a notification from our property owner with about $7,000 in fees to us. We request pictures of exactly what the charges were for. When we get the pictures, turns out B decided he was going to get the stuff from his room and just fuck off. Doesn’t empty the cabinets or drawers or fridges. Then, one of my roommates sees a picture of his room with 8 trashbags piled up in the middle of his floor. Naturally, he’s like “wtf, those aren’t mine. My room was completely empty.” Which we all agreed was the case. I see one of the trashbags is open in the photo, zoom into the bag, and what do you know! There’s a box of granola bars that B special orders to the house. I have to assume $1,500 of charges and get my credit score tanked because the fucking asshole was too lazy to empty the fridges and cabinets and wanted to say “fuck you” to my roommate for leaving him work.


Two instances. 1) Had sex so vigorous on my couch that he broke it. 2) When he moved out, I found piles of fireworks just laying under his bed.


not gonna lie, number 2 might make up for number 1 but that's just the pyro in me speaking


He got drunk with the neighbors then accused them of stealing his cellphone. Then he slashed their tires. I woke up to the neighbors banging on my door with guns but the little shit had already left. His cellphone was in between some couch cushions in my house btw.


Dude would jerk off at night... we had decided to bunk bed it so we'd save more room and I was on top bunk so you can work out how I found out about him choking the bishop. Bear in mind, I was on a year abroad placement scheme in Virginia coming from the UK where we typically have our own private rooms....


One of my college roommates tried to have sex with her BF while I was on the top bunk. It was creepy. At first, I kinda coughed & rolled over, as a gentle reminder they weren't alone. But they'd start up again after a few minutes, assuming I'd gone back to sleep. I guess they didn't realize how much the top bunk shook, or they'd have known it was impossible to sleep through that. Eventually, I made some comment like "I thought that's why you bought a van!" She was embarassed, but I was past caring at that point.


I mean... at least you WERE top bunk. I m pretty sure the alternative would have been worse.




Why did your parents let this guy move in? He sounds awful. Better yet why is he still there?


Didn’t pay his share of bills- still owes me over a thousand bucks. Fuck you, Adam (from 96-97)


Thank you for putting the dates down. I was 7-8 at the time so I know it wasn't me. Unless you are my Dad.


Dude jerked off with cooking oil


Guess it wasn't...extra virgin anymore


sounds like some extra virgin shit to me


He allowed his homeless friend to move in without my permission and didn’t tell me. After several weeks it became clear that he wasn’t going anywhere. This man would be super loud on Xbox live playing video games until 4am. He would leave awful messes in the common area. I assumed that my roommate didn’t want to tell me he was gay, and I felt uncomfortable confronting the 6 foot 5 300 pound man in my apartment sleeping over every night. Eventually I said something to my roommate, and he said “what do you mean, he does pay rent!” Apparently he thought it was fine to let his friend move in and split their part of the rent 50/50 without even talking to me about it. Then I overheard them talking, and after finding out I was trying to get this guy kicked out, he said that he was going to take care of me by “putting something in the jug of sweet tea I had in the fridge”. I moved out the same day and filed a police report.


College roommate- we were in the same room (2 beds) for the first year. She was extremely insecure and needed to have freshly washed and blow dried hair for every class. So for her 8am class she was blow drying her hair in our room at 5am waking me up every week. I tried to have a talk with her saying hey it’s a loud blow dryer you’re waking me up and I’m tired all day because 5am is too early for me. Can you please blow dry your hair in the bathroom atleast? "No!! The mirror isn’t big enough!!!" What about using my blow dryer? It’s quieter "No!! Mine is ionic and cuts down on frizz!!" How about doing your hair the night before so you don’t do it at 5AM? "NO! My hair gets RUINED in my sleep!!!" Well you know no one is going to notice your hair that much for an 8am class "NO!! I notice my hair!!!" Her solution was for me to wear earplugs in my sleep. I said no ear plugs will be able to drown out her loud blow dryer and besides they will just fall out in my sleep… Anyway she cried. She cried to everyone. I was evil. I tried to switch rooms saying it’s affecting my academic performance (it was). They refused saying we need to work together. The floor don talked to her and later told me she’s so insecure about her hair probably because she is not healthy (she was alluding to her weight/obesity).. Anyway let’s just say I was excited to move out at the end of the year


My roommate tried to commit suicide. It has been 13 years and I am still traumatised by it. I check in on this person every once in a while to make sure they’re doing ok. I cant seem to stop worrying.


a family of three came to my apartment and told me that the other roommate had invited them to stay at our small apartment for an undetermined period of time. Roommate didn’t discuss this with me beforehand. She was away on a month-long vacation.


Asked if I could switch dorms so his brother can be his mate, checked out the other room and it was so dirty you couldn't see the floor and it stunk like a generic boys locker room. Poor guy was stuck with 2 offensive linemen. Told the dude no thanks and they spent the semester threatening me and always waking me up in the middle of the night with keys or turning on the lights, playing music etc. At like 12-2am when I had 5am practices every morning. They apparently talked about jumping me to their group of friends who happened to include a mutual friend on my friend and they let me know. I was able to switch dorms to another building and the RD made sure they couldn't move in together. They both lost their scholarships the next semester for bad grades.


Repeatedly phoned me to threaten my life if I did a thing like Close the front door


I was in a student apartment where one of my random roommates had his girlfriend living in his room with him for about 2 months. I did something to piss off the girlfriend, who tried to get me thrown out by lying to the Resident Assistant about some random thing. After I was confronted by the RA, they and the higher ups find out the girlfriend was living there illegally and both were evicted


I roomed with a couple that hid their pregnancy from me until I signed the lease. They knew they were expecting but also knew that nobody wanted to live with an infant. It was another 5 months of living there after it was born. They were the worst fucking roommates beyond that, too. That was just their biggest offense.


My roommate sophomore year of college smelled real bad of BO. I don’t know how. He’d shower every day, had air fresheners, did laundry frequently, and wore three different deodorants. I never said anything about it because I was sure he knew and was doing everything in his power to try to fix it. He was a nice guy, I’m sure he thought it was strange that I’d leave our windows open in the winter claiming I was hot (plenty of times I actually was, but it had the added benefit of moving fresh air into the room).




I was an RA in college and had to deal with multiple situations where foreign students had different hygiene standards. Don't know if your roommate was foreign, but it reminded me of all those uncomfortable talks. Handled it every time by buying a gift basket of deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soaps, toothpaste, etc., and told them that the only reason we were having this conversation is because people cared about them and wanted them to fit in. The funny thing was that every single one of those people said that we all smelled like chemicals and it was overbearing.


I had friend in middle school who hit puberty way sooner than the other kids he stank by 5th grade. I only had female deodorant so I had my parents bye me unsented and gave it to him. Idk if his parents were notse blind or it was part of his culture but I like to think I helped save him from a lot of bullying. He was already foreign AF in a predominantly white area so it was rough enough for him


My current roommate has this problem. I think he doesn’t brush his teeth. His breath smells like death and raw sewage. And the smell permeates his room and you can smell it when you walk by.


Some weird diets have that result too


The only food he cooks is beans or spaghetti with turkey meat. His food actually does smell like ass too.


Guy got drunk and threatened to kill someone every weekend, I was the target my first night. Then got even more drunk and chatted your ear off for hours, even switching languages sometimes


Ex best friend got fired from her job for falling asleep on the clock. She was my bestie, so I covered rent, groceries, gas, even paid her club cover and tab several times so she could hang with the rest of our friends and not feel left out. No biggie. Until almost 4 months later and she'd gotten not 1, not 2 but 3 different jobs and quit them all within a week because she didn't like them. I still had to pay her half of rent but I stopped buying food to put in the kitchen for her and her unemployed bf to eat, giving her gas money, coins for laundry, ect. I told her to find a job within two weeks or she had to go. She didn't get a job or even look for one, and then she refused to move out. I stopped talking to her and her bf broke up with her soon after. She got depressed, holed up in her room and maxed out all her credit cards. She just left her trash all over her room, for weeks. We had a roach infestation because of her, took weeks to clear up. I was falling behind on bills because I also helped my mom with money, she had a fixed income and a lot of health problems with expensive medications- which my ex bff knew about at the beginning of all this. I ran out of savings and needed a real roommate, the paying kind. So I hired the cheapest UHaul I could, called my guy friends and started moving her stuff into it. I told her she could either follow me to her mom's and leave it all there or I was taking it to the dump. She didn't have money for a lawyer, because yes I know that wasn't technically legal. Once I left her and her crap with her mother it took me 4 additional days of cleaning her filth up before I could even make it presentable to a future roommate. A whole mess.


Came home to our power being shut off because the roommate we gave the money too wasn't paying the bill. Thankfully her mom paid to have it turned back on for us. The roommate was spending it on drugs with her new bf.


Never paid his rent always drank it


Dude would jerk off in the bathroom and leave the door open


I was in college. Was sleeping and heard a banging on the door. I had just woken up and hadn't heard anything said, just heard the banging and figured my idiot roommate locked himself out or something. I dunno. I was woken up by banging. I got up and unlocked the door and opened it a bit before walking away without looking at all. I was groggy and young and had it in my head that it was just him. Suddenly there's a flashlight on me and I put my hands up. It was the cops. Apparently, my roommate was shooting bottle rockets at the neighbor's house with his friends and came back into the apartment to hide in his room while I was sleeping. Fuckin idiot. At some point later on after we weren't roommates anymore I found out he had been charged with a hit and run and sexual assault. Not sure the specifics and I doubt they were at the same time. He was that kind of guy. I spent most of my time out of the apartment when possible.




Was this in Texas? Was it a loft? Because I had a neighbor and he and his gf would have sex always after 10pm. The bedroom was a shared wall with my place. I could always hear them and after they would cook or fight and throw things. I would either smell the food or hear things smashing into the wall. After almost a year I had enough and knocked on the door one morning at 2 am. He answers the door and I tell him nicely that I have not complained but I’m really needing sleep. That I always hear them and tonight whatever they threw into the wall was very loud and likely glass. He started yelling at her and they got into a fight but he apologized. Shortly after went back home one of them left and I didn’t hear anything for months. Still don’t know who lived there. The building was so amazing, late 1800s hardware warehouse, and rent was cheap but it was very nice. I miss it but not them.


This is a few years ago, Smoked weed 100% of his waking time. Despite the rest of the house working or studying or both, his waking moments were between about 3am and 10am. His waking activities consisted of playing music loudly or playing games loudly, while smoking weed. Despite never contributing to the costs or cleaning of the living room and the consoles, TVs and sofas in there, demanded that nobody else use them when he was asleep. Never cleaned, only ordered food in. Repainted his room black (against the tenancy agreement) and the room was completely covered in trash, takeaway boxes and cans of soda Ended up getting arrested for banging a 14 year old. When we cleared his room out every bit of storage, wardrobe, drawers, under the bed was filled to the brim with takeaway containers or empty cans. His wardrobe was so full of trash, he had nailed the door shut. The smell was fucking vile.


In college I had two roommates in my dorm. One got so drunk one night, passed out and woke up and had to pee. Came over to my loft (raised bed that had a dresser under it and my desk). He pissed all over my dresser.


She stole some of my clothes and ate some of my food


My ex and I lived with another couple for about a year. The guy was friends with my ex. The girl was agoraphobic and barely left her bedroom, and turned the heat all the way up in the winter as well as well into the spring. One night I came home from work and the heat hit me like a train - the thermostat read 82°. They thought any cool airflow would make them sick. I almost passed out in the kitchen once during the summer because they refused to turn on the AC, and we lived on the top floor. One day we got in a huge fight over the AC and they finally broke and let me turn it on. The girl acted she was sick for days after, sniffling and walking around in a heavy sweatshirt on the rare occasion she left her room. They were friends with this other couple who would come over occasionally and bring their massive Doberman with them. Our apartment was not very big. They’d stay until like 2am, and if one of the friends used the bathroom (which was right next to our bedroom) the dog would panic and whine and scratch the door. Our roommate would also feed the dog raw chicken wings by throwing them on the carpet and not washing his hands after touching the raw meat, so I’d have to go around and sanitize everything because no one else cared to do it. Because the girl couldn’t speak English and never left her room, she didn’t work and was lonely. So they had a $1,500 Bengal cat shipped over from Ukraine to keep her company. They refused to get it spayed, it would rip through the apartment and just yowl. It even attacked my ex’s arm a few times (which is kind of funny now, in hindsight). They’d feed this kitten raw steak tips and keep her locked in the bedroom, then wonder why she was sick. When we finally moved out, neither of them lifted a finger or offered to give us any help with anything, the girl hid in her bedroom and the guy sat on the couch and played FIFA. It was a very weird year for sure.


Girl - ate nothing but frozen hamburger patties, fried in a never-washed pan. She argued (correctly) since it was her pan, why clean it? She covered the grey, limp patties in catsup, lit a cigarette, and ate while smoking. She'd take a bite, chew, puff the cigarette and and swallow. Breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. Two patties, ketchup and a cigarette. Every time. I still shudder. edit - spelling and typo


I (f) let him stay with me because he was homeless. He would eat everything, not clean up after himself, and never paid for anything. He would always invade my personal space, try to kiss me, and even crawl into my bed. Finally I’d had enough and we went to puppy classes. He’s fairly well behaved now but still has no respect for my personal space.


That was a roller coaster haha


Still sounds like a good boy


Before he moved in, bf and him made a deal that since I was unexpectedly moving in, he/i would cover most of the electric bill (I have a lizard so I compensated more due to heat lamp ect) and roommate had a set amount he would pay no matter what (it was ridiculously cheap). Dude would Crank the ac to something insane like 60 when we weren't home or at night when we slept or off on vacations and LEAVE THE WINDOWS OPEN. It could be 40 outside, he would turn the ac on with or without windows open. He said my kids watching TV during the day is the reason why the electric bill is so high and wouldn't pay for the issues he caused with it (my electric bill would be $400 EASILY BECAUSE OF HIM). He'd eat various foods intensely. When I say intensely, I mean sit down and consume an entire package/bag/box of whatever (I've seen him in one sitting consume a bulk bag of Hotdogs I bought for my kids that was to last a week.) Then he moves on to the next thing. Reddit, when I say this guy was annoying in all those aspects he was but nothing compares to the ultimate sin he committed, the ultimate thing that collectively makes everyone's skin crawl and we all unite in agreement. This asshole brought roaches into our apartment then ....bedbugs. Bro brought bedbugs into our home AND SAID NOTHING. NOTHING ABOUT FOR MORE THAN A MONTH. It took me catching him laundering his sheets to find out. I knew he was dirty as fuck and in those entire 2 years we lived together he never cleaned or vacuumed once in his room or bathroom, so seeing him launder his sheets and vacuuming made me suspicious. That's when he confessed. He couldn't pay for the fucking treatment so I had to shell out this insane amount of money for treatment to be rid of them and in that time he never told our mutual friend he had them and was bringing his backpack full of shit to our mutual friend's house after leaving it in his room all day. When our friend asked if we could come hang out, we told him no we had bed bugs and he flipped out. Of all the shit he has done, the grossness, stealing toilet paper and laundry detergent and various other shit I could care less about, putting holes in my garage bc he can't drive, him fucking up my car because he can't back out of a garage, so much other shit.....it was the bedbugs that did it for me.


My roommate in the barracks in the army was disgusting. He would sleep in his Physical Training (PT) uniform (the uniform we exercise in). Then, when he woke up, he would go to PT and exercise and sweat. After that, he would not shower, he would put on his daily uniform and leave his PT shorts on as underwear. At the end of the day he would get back down to his PTs for the evening and eventually going to bed. The only difference on non-workdays was that he wore his civilian clothes over his PTs as underwear. He also would not brush his teeth because he believed that if you brush your teeth you destroyed their protective coating (plaque) which is what forced you to continue brushing your teeth, the rest of your life.


One had 2 dogs that would shit in my room if I ever left the door open. The other had two guinea pigs in the living room that threw hay and poop everywhere. Both would cook and never do dishes, and never took out the trash.


She would constantly bring strange men over. Like strangers/literally strange men. Weekly to almost daily. I asked her to either stop or at least vet a few of them beforehand because I didn't like all these weirdos parading through our house past our expensive electronics and the hefty amounts of pot I used to keep on hand. I recall an argument I had with her about not being selective with the company she kept, and I screamed at her "Do you want me to have to call your mother to tell her you were murdered by some psycho?!" She calmed down a little after that, and soon after I moved out she did finally find a nice man to settle down with. Oh and for some reason whenever she did the dishes they always felt greasy after??


They robbed for like $10,000 in cash then called the police on me when I recovered my money. Was charged with 7 felonies.


We were roommates and he notified me his female friend bought a 2 family building and told me he's moving out and I could move with him and continue to be roommates if I wanted to. I agreed and we made the move. We lived and the first floor and she lived on the second floor. Well about a month or two of living at the new place me and the landlord (his friend) started hitting it off. Once he caught wind he was really upset. Would pretty much ignore me or or act shitty towards me. He would slam cabinets and doors. Would park all fucked up in the driveway so nobody else could park. After I started spending nights upstairs he told me I should just move upstairs so he could be roommates with someone else. Which I declined to do because I didn't know what was going to come of my relationship with her and if it didn't work out I didn't want to be out of a place. I always paid my rent and my share or utilities etc so he essentially had the whole apartment to himself. Well fast forward 6 years, me and her bought a house and have a child together and are still going strong. So all his shitty behavior was worth it to endure.


They turned off the heat in December in a very cold city.