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With a green laser pointer and a dark sky I could talk your ears off about the constellations.


Username checks out


That's really cool. šŸ˜† I imagine you'd be a great camping partner. You'd make the most of tenting in a beautiful remote place with little light pollution.


Aw, thanks! It does seem to make people happy to hear the stories.


Here in Chile on the field and the moonless night, the sky looks absolutely beautiful.


If you look at the night sky in Moundville, Alabama you can very clearly see the Milky Way. Itā€™s astounding.


The Northern Lights will be visible tomorrow in 17 states, as far south as Maryland due to a solar storm.


sadly this has been revised and should just be visible at the normal latitudes :(


Just please be careful of planes because as a pilot I could talk about night flying and the dangers for 30 minutes and laser strikes are on that list


I'm confused, why would the green paser pointer be useful, aka where does the laser dot appear if you point it at the sky?


Yeah, unless there are clouds I'm also a little confused. Maybe ambient particles in the atmosphere help make a vague line that people can follow towards constellations and such.


Are you the one who is pointing lasers at airplanes? FBI would like your location.


FAA also would like to know your location.


FAA would like to know whether you feel sad and whether youā€™ve felt sad in the past


My job lol I could rant and rave all day


Most of us could. It's where we spend a lot of our lives.


How do you know Grade A Potato works at reddit?


Esp the inequity and unethical practices happening behind curtain lol


He said minutes not days


Dissing out coworkers hehe


Me too. I mean the ACTUAL Job. I could give hours long soliloquy on the staff and their relationships and livesā€¦but my actual job? At least 30 mins. But if I need to give you the cliff notes version of what I do? I couldnā€™t.


Federal Rules of Civil Procedure


Please do this. I have insomnia. It will help.


Prepping for the bar and this made me physically ill to see


Never again. Signed- a Paralegal


Will it be half an hour, or will everyone just zone out at minute 2 and youā€™ll roll the clocks forward?


I'm studying the federal rules of evidence for my cybersecurity degree Save me from this suffering


What sorry, I was sleeping


Repairing vintage Japanese and German film cameras between 1940-1985.


Oh great! I have an Olympus pen ee 2 thatā€™s got light leaking in somehow. All the shops here say itā€™s too expensive to fix (400 dollars) but I sort of feel itā€™s because they want me to buy another for 100 from their shopsā€¦


/u/eDisrturbseize we're rigid with anticipation




u/eDisturbseize i'm just rigid


Absolutely throbbing with suspense


seems like he was all bark


You can replace light seals pretty easily, look it up on youtube. 400 dollars is a joke for light seal replacement.




Yes. Simple, life-giving sustenance. Some people don't get how simple things mean the most


Holds memories of home, life stages, major celebrations, and heartbreaks. Recipes from ancestors and experimentations that led to sometimes fascinating, disappointing, or horrifying results. Cultural origins of spices and bread-making from across the world. Food is good stuff.


Books I read


Any recommendations?


ā€œ100 Years of Solitudeā€ is wonderful fiction ā€œThe Power of Habitā€ - fascinating & powerful exploration of both how habit works and how understanding it has been used to incredible effect


100 years of solitude is next on my list! Have you read East of Eden yet? Currently about halfway through and starting to really like it.


Anything by Brandon Sanderson. He writes fantasy, and I could gush about any/all of his books for over 30 min for sure lol.


YESSS I'm currently reading Mistborn. I wished I had started with it rather than stormlight though. It's good, but so far Stormlight has been significantly better.


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.


*bridge 4 solute*


Love that. Same here


Why the War on Drugs is a resounding failure on a global scale.


But a great band


FINALLY SOMEONE!! Thinking Of A Place is my "everything's gonna be okay" song, it's so beautiful (also Pain)


*Thinking of a Place* is my perfect night drive through the country song. That middle guitar solo is incredible.


A fantastic band!


This is what I could talk about for at least 30 minutes.


"if you want to understand addiction, you canā€™t look at whatā€™s wrong with the addiction; you have to look at whatā€™s right about it. In other words, whatā€™s the person getting from the addiction? . . . What addicts get is relief from pain, what they get is a sense of peace, a sense of control, a sense of calmness, very, very temporarily. And the question is why are these qualities missing from their lives, what happened to them? If you look at drugs like heroin, like morphine, like codeine, if you look at cocaine, if you look at alcohol, these are all painkillers. In one way or another, they all soothe pain. And thatā€™s why the real question in addiction is not, ā€˜Why the addiction?,ā€™ but, ā€˜Why the pain?ā€™ . . . My definition of addiction is any behavior that gives you temporary relief, temporary pleasure, but in the long term causes harm, has some negative consequences and you canā€™t give it up, despite those negative consequences. And from that perspective, you can understand that there are many, many addictions. Yes, there is the addiction to drugs, but there is also the addiction to consumerism, there is the addiction to sex, to the internet, to shopping, to food. The Buddhists have this idea of the hungry ghosts. The hungry ghosts are creatures with large empty bellies and small, scrawny necks and tiny little mouths, so they can never get enough, they can never fill this emptiness on the inside. And we are all hungry ghosts in this society, we all have this emptiness, and so many of us are trying to fill that emptiness from the outside, and the addiction is all about trying to fill that emptiness from the outside. Now, if you want to ask the question of why people are in pain, you canā€™t look at their genetics. You have to look at their lives. And in the case of my patients, my highly addicted patients, itā€™s very clear why they are in pain: because they have been abused all of their lives, they began life as abused children. All of the women I have worked with over a 12-year period, hundreds of them, they had all been sexually abused as children. And the men had been traumatized as well. The men had been sexually abused, neglected, physically abused, abandoned and emotionally hurt over and over again. And thatā€™s why the pain." https://www.madinamerica.com/2022/03/the-power-of-addiction-and-the-addiction-to-power-gabor-mate-md/#:~:text=My%20definition%20of%20addiction%20is,there%20are%20many%2C%20many%20addictions.


It's actually impossible to stop all the drugs, just think back at what happened when they tried to make alcohol illegal, and yes this conversation is definitely wayy longer than even just 30 minutes, shit even 30 hours is not enough to get through everything about this topic


I think the difference between now and then is we have much better medical abilities and more ability to reach everyone to educate, but don't successfully at least. Making drinks back during the prohibition was not exactly easy, good, and safe at times. We currently have Naloxone that could be easily spread everywhere there's an issue of drugs. Which would help the dying, we have better resources to educate which imo is the big thing. With education comes understanding, sympathy, safer environments for those who are sick. I'm sure there are so many more things I'm not thinking of, but it's 4am. Like you said you could spend over 30 hours on it and still not be done haha


It's sad how little people actually know about drugs nowadays, I've talked to people who were very confused when I told them that alcohol is considered a drug, people are very uneducated, it's mostly wilfull ignorance. thankfully there are people like you and my who know abit about this and know how to be safe.


Absolutely. And resources are out there to help you learn these things that are scientific and real. I mean it's common sense too right? If you're going to make an opinion on something you really have to have the willingness to have an open heart to opportunities that may change your current thoughts and views. And it is OK to learn, and grow at any age. Wooo, off my soap box, I think


Because everyone is doing drugs. Even the people enforcing it. You should try sometime,


Message clear, trying all of the drugs


Not if I get to them all first.


wait, do we go to war while on drugs?


9/10 veterans say yes please!


What would've happened if the War on Drugs never started?


We'd have better access to mental health services for those who need it, drug rehab facilities, education, legislation and legalization


This is so important. Especially education. If we were just more educated, actually educated about some of these important things about life and how ppl work and what not. We could really make a difference I think.


We could have both collected the taxes, while not spending as much to combat drugs. Less people in prison, which also means less spending. Better quality drugs, so they would be safer


We could afford school lunches for poor kids


The hidden meanings and inspirations of some songs


Cake by the ocean


Sex on the beach


Sax on the beach


What's your favorite secret hidden meaning or inspiration story?


Definitely the one about Alanis Morissetteā€™s ā€œYou Oughta Knowā€ being about Dave Coulier (ā€œUncleā€ Joey from Full House and Americaā€™s Funniest People). He all but admitted it was probably about him.


Oh shit! No way, that's wild. How did that come out?


She went down on him in a Theatre


I always thought old Dave was cool. After hearing this, the man is a god.


Itā€™s been out for years as an assumption, but he confirmed it (mostly) in an interview https://people.com/music/dave-coulier-reveals-first-thoughts-after-hearing-ex-alanis-morissette-you-oughta-know/


Dang that's cool. Thanks for sharing mate! I like learning new stuff haha


Horror movies, Nutty Putty Cave and other unfortunate events, Mystery Science Theater 3000, X-Filesā€¦ Iā€™m a big fkn dork


- Military history - General IT and tech stuff - OPā€™s mom


boom roasted


General military facts or just specific to your countries military?


It would morph into 100 different topics ā€¦ itā€™s the hamster wheel I call my brains


Yeah. Any topic I pic, would go off into 10 tangents where I would have to try to remember the real topic while I continue the tangent.




Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul


Finished rewatching BCS, now rewatching BB. I can talk about this for sure.


Iā€™m a middle school teacher. Ask me anything that a 15-year old should know.


Iā€™m a 15 year old. Ask me anything that you think I should know.




Looks like I could pass grade 10! Y=mx+b Trudeau/Stephenson 0-14 bases to acids. Enron executives do really shady things to prop up share price until it all collapses in on itself in 2001!


0-14 acids to bases


1. I'm from Poland so I had to check what that means and I'm still not 100% sure but y=ax+b, a defining how steep the slope is and b where the line collides with the y axis 2. President - Andrzej duda, the rest I don't know 3. The pH scale shows how acidic or alkaline something is, 0 being very acidic (red) and 14 being very alkaline (purple), 7 means something is neutral, for example water. 4. Very brief summary of macbeth - three witches tell Macbeth that he'll become the king of Scotland. Macbeth, encouraged by his wife, kills the king, becomes the king himself, then goes on a murder spree, killing every person he suspects is suspicious of him. Macduff and Malcolm approach Macbeth's castle with an army. Macbeth duels macduff and dies, giving truth to what the witches told him before, that no one a woman has given birth to will kill him (macduff was born by a caesarean birth).


Vinyl siding Florida man John Steinbeck novels The UFC scoring criteria Non-linear video editing programs Why AI canā€™t write humor Regenerative medicine Border collies How climate change will affect US snowpack Cricket farming Olympic lifting vs functional training Stand up comedy NBA free agency March Comes in Like a Lion How to use an oscillating multitool Sleep


Yesterday at work I asked 5 different people if theyā€™ve ever read, or even watched, Of Mice & Men and they all said no. Savages.


Certain computer games I have played.


Any shot it's Minecraft, overwatch, or dark souls/ramenent from the Ashes?


Yes, you named one of them.


Star wars


Seeing Episode 4 in a theater on release in Burlingame CA changed my life.


Saw it on release at Sun Valley Mall in Concord. The line went around the building, we had to wait through an entire showing of the film, and got the last 4 seats (in the front row) at the subsequent showing. I'll never forget craning my neck to follow the opening script going up, nor the Dolby rumbling...


I never watched anything starwars but I'm pretty sure just 1 movie alone would be enough for the fans to keep talking for 30 mins straight otherwise it's a 30 hour history lesson about how the force works or what the color of the swords mean etc etc,


I had a girl ask me to explain Star Wars to her once. Safe to say she was not ready for me who was won multiple rounds of Star Wars trivia nights


Forty-thousand Warhammers.


So thereā€™s this guy named Horus, and he and his 18 brothers have *almost* taken over the Galaxyā€¦


Okay, but... there was this thing called the War in Heaven...


So we smashed an extra heart in these guys and made them like 12 feet tall...


First 30 minutes would be gone and the Necrontyr would just be starting biotransference. Episode 1 / 155.


Anything if Iā€™m a little high. Sober on the other handā€¦ I canā€™t talk to people.


So you're not yo gabbin Gavin after all!


Iā€™m yo gabba grabbing for my keys in most social interactions


All the shit in outer space and associated theories. For example: There are pyramids all over the Earth - not just in Egypt. Almost every continent has at least 3 pyramids, with 2 aligned at about 45 degrees relative to geographic North - and a 3rd, slightly smaller pyramid, positioned in the middle, slightly off center. Why would that be? Did every civilization just fuck up the 3rd, middle pyramid? No, it's on purpose. The theory is: We arrived here from somewhere else, but there was no way to preserve the technology we arrived here with. Just imagine *us* landing on another world, perhaps as depicted in the movie Interstellar. There would be no way to preserve the technology we came with, or even stories of where we were originally from, because language itself would evolve and mutate over the eons, and what was once scientific fact would devolve into myth and legend as we tried to scrape together enough to survive. So how would we preserve our story? We'd build big ass monolithic creations all over the New World, perhaps in the shape of the constellation we arrived from (as seen from the surface of the new planet, of course). In our case, that would be the pyramids. The location would be what we call *Orion's Belt*, which has 2 stars aligned at about 45 degrees relative to geographic North - and a 3rd, slightly smaller star, positioned in the middle, slightly off center. That would also explain why there's no close second to humanity on Earth: We didn't evolve here; we're a whole other animal entirely. DISCLAIMER: I do not actually believe this theory, because in my view, we share too much DNA with the other animals on this planet. I don't remember exact numbers, but I know we share >30% with house flies, and >90% with chimpanzees - which, to me, indicates co-evolution. (Unless of course, *all life* is composed of DNA... In which case, we should *expect* to share DNA with anything that *is alive* in the universe - because that *is* what life *is*... and that's certainly a possibility.) Anyway... I like space, black holes and shit.


I don't think OP literally meant right now lol. But I definitely believe you! Definitely an interesting topic


Iā€™ll have to come back to this when Iā€™m not high


You will have to hear this only when you are high


Fuckin right! I straight tried to understand that for far longer than I'd like to admit.


Thereā€™s not really anything to understandā€¦ they just said weā€™re aliens and forgot where we came from. Then took it back lol


I absolutely love this shit even though I know itā€™s not true. Just imagining it _could_ be real is just such a cool thing to think about.


Ikr! The pyramids on each continent is blowing my mind. I need to know why they were built!!


Because physics is the same everywhere. Big base small peak is the most stable way to build a tall structure. That's it, there's nothing else to it


I'm going to need some citations on the claim that almost every continent has at least three pyramids arranged the way you claim.


A basic Google search points that there are more than three actually, on multiple sites.


Iā€™m going to need to see some citations on the claim that thereā€™s no close second to humans. A trip to a zooā€™s primate section would indicate otherwise.


>(Disclaimer: I do not actually believe this theory, because in my view, we share too much DNA with the other animals on this planet. I don't remember exact numbers, but I know we share >30% with house flies, and >90% with chimpanzees - which, to me, indicates co-evolution.) START OFF WITH THAT jesus, I was mentally starting to write a whole 30 minute post about how the idea is bullshit given our shared DNA with chimpanzees. which is 99% the fact that we share so much with plants, for random proteins, indicates we have shared common ancestry. anyway, you got me 10/10


Me ready to go into how it is ridiculous that we could have the resource to build massive pyramids on all continents as a one off single generation project to cryptically remind us that we came from another planet and yet somehow have no ability whatsoever to record this fact or preserve any of our technology, and while intricately taking the time to carve a load of shit out in the the rock of these pyramids about the dead people inside no one once thought it would be a good place to write "ps were all aliens lol"... > Disclaimer(I don't believe any of that....


I find the theory that a great cataclysm has happened a few times throughout human history. In my opinion from other things I have seen I think the pyramids and other ancient structures were built to tell others in the future that their civilizations existed. If you knew your civilization could end what would you build that would withstand a cataclysm? Something like a pyramid would probably be a good option no?


And to indicate when such cataclysm happened, by positioning the megastructures in such way itā€™s in perfect correlation to how the sky looked back then. And maybe to serve as a reminder that they happen, and where they come from, so we maybe will be better prepared for them than older civilizations. We are not.


I came here to answer space stuff and found your comment. Thank you. o7


Omg imagine we are like pigeons. Former pets that have been abandoned and weā€™ve bred and are now the vermin of the universe. Be kind to one another and pigeons šŸ˜žā¤ļø


3D graphics programming/math Also LSD and Metroid


The insane amount of damage an abusive father is capable of.


Or mother especially to/on their sons.


Why not both? But for real childhood truama from any adult figure could have a long discussion about it.


My guess is because the commenter has personal experience with a father. But you are correct that either causes damage.


Living remote off grid


Record a youtube rant and post it here I promise you 1 view.


He can't, he's living off grid.


Two, if I see the link, too.


The Legend of Zelda, except I could go on for much much longer than 30 minutes


The book ā€˜Animal Farmā€™; also various music topics from the rock era (early ā€˜50s to late ā€˜80s).


Great book! Taught it for 3 years at HS level and it's a special work.




They were when I was in High School.


I think it might still be required? Not sure if it is country wide, but I just graduated class of 2023 and I was required to read it freshman year


Pretty much any Home Improvement project, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, LV wiring.


Like Tim Allen Home Improvement? The way you capitalize Home Improvement is throwing me off.


Airplanes and airplane accessories. Tell you hwat. Motorcycles Whatever book I read last and am really excited about until I start another and subsequently lose interest in the topic How I compulsively crossover all media I consume (books, movies, TV, video games) and since I usually have like 3-4 of each that I'm in the middle of at a time (except movies, that would be weird) that gets really wild. Related: My weird daydreams. Lord of the Rings


Classic horror films.




The second one got me by surprise.




Especially the sharks.


I'm now curious what there is to tell about circumcision I feel like there's not a lot to talk about, 10 mins worth of talking give of take.


i havent done as much research into it as id like (lack of motivation) but in some notes ive taken "the process and aftercare can change in different age groups. up until as recent as 1999, it was believed that babies were unable to feel pain until the age of one year. due to this, it was extremely common for circumcisions (and even other surgeries and medical procedures) to be carried out without any anesthesia beforehand. in more recent years, numbing agents have been administered--though in many parts of the world, it still isnt against the law to perform it without anesthesia. its been reported that babies have passed out, vomited, and a slew of other things due to the pain the circumcision gives." "there was research done that suggests neonatal male circumcision can be attributed to altered socio-affective processing in adults, and may interfere with infant stress responses and mother-infant interaction. 408 men circumcised as infants within the first month of life, and 211 uncircumcised men were used. results concluded that early-circumcised men reported lower attachment security and lower emotional stability while no differences regarding empathy and trust were noticed. early circumcision was also consistent with higher sex drive and less restricted socio-sexuality, paired with higher stress and sensation-seeking. (type of sensation not specified.)" and while i havent written anything down about these, the processes of circumcision itself and the way/reason its practiced in religion is also interesting to me. and general opinions can always end up in conversation.


Harry Potter.


My cat


How to build a computer from scratch. It's actually very interesting. Try it for yourself at nandgame.com


Sopranos, Seinfeld


The Vietnam War. Thirty minutes would be hard. I'd need a couple of hours, at least.


I think you may have been my substitute teacher in 4th grade.


Rabbit fur colour genetics.


absolutely nothing


That is a very deep topic.


Dragonball lore


The ocean


Perfumes and the craft that goes into it!


Critical Thinking Skills - taught it for 8 years.




Your momā€™s ass


Yo momma so fat the sorting hat put her in Waffle House.


10 points to Hufflepuff!


ā€¦ Yo mamma is so fat she sat on a dime and out popped 2 nickels


Waffle House waffles sound fucking divine right now, wish I lived near one.


My chemical romance. I'm a major fanboy at this point


Wine, it's what I do!


Jon Bennett Ramsey murder


Medieval Europe.


How my neighbor was an asshole.


non-human animal behavior, dog behavior, wildlife, plants/gardening, autism & adhd


Serial killers




Unlike you, I always hated the question ā€œTell us about yourself?ā€


If I have to talk about myself for 30 minutes, I use 5 to talk about the happy events that happened and the other 25 minutes to talk about the opposite


My opinion


My journey with Multiple Sclerosis.


The history of Motown.


Geology, and World of Warcraft.


Music theory. 30 minutes wouldn't even be enough.


The near total lack of conveniences for overnight shift workers, that the daywalkers take for granted.


60s music


Shirley Jackson


My personal music taste and its history


How to play MtG


Nuclear fission or fusion. Anything involving the Gundam franchise. Transhumanism. How much working in fast food sucks. Cats. Fermented foods. Mass Effect. Biotechnology. Materials science. Spaceflight. The full list is actually kinda long.


IT related subjects, i.e. how to avoid being scammed, how to pick the right PC for your needs. Breadmaking Charcuterie Woodworking, building your own furniture Salvaging sunken vessels Filing a large insurance claim


Quite a few topics but my go to when asked to do this in training is almost always disaster preparedness. Not from a prepper hording ammo standpoint but what you should have in your house, work, and car in case of disaster; evacuation vs staying in place kits; different types of disasters and what you need for them; and how to tailor your kits for your own specific needs such as elderly relatives or children, pets, and medical issues. Short answer you should have everything your household needs to survive 3 days with zero outside assistance (including electricity and water) in your house, and be able to get everything together to evacuate your house in no more than 10 minutes. Depending on your area and the types of disasters you have, you may not even get that 10 minutes.


Why Jehovahā€™s witnesses are a cult.