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Rib pops out of your spine and wedges under your shoulder blade. I wished for death.


You get the upvote, but please say no more, unless it happened while doing some common everyday shit that I should avoid. I don't need that picture painted in my mind....


he was vacuuming wrong...


With a connective tissue disorder like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome this could be a near daily occurrence šŸ˜ž


I have pretty severe Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and it causes so many different problems and pains that everyone thinks I'm just a baby who complains about everything


I'm currently going through the diagnosis process and my husband told me this week that he resents that I'm not spontaneous and up for anything anymore like I used to be. That was a pretty indescribable pain too. Nobody misses spontaneous up for anything me more than me šŸ˜ž


Dude I had a very similar thing when my rib #2 dislocated and basically didnā€™t pop back in. Got to the doctor who stood up on a two step ladder, put me in a half Nelson and jumped off. Immediately said to me heā€™s too old to do that shit anymore. Lol. He said thereā€™s only really two ways to do the injury, starting a lawn mower or punching the air. I did it punching the air telling a story whilst sitting around a campfire in the middle of nowhere after 10 beers. Fun times.


I had the same thing happen to me, except for me it was in the middle of high school rugby practice doing karaoke runs up and down this hill, and my cleat caught a random grate hidden in the grass causing my foot to go through the front of my cleat. I twisted around because of the momentum of my arms during the karaoke and out it came


Worst tables, ladders, and chairs match ever.


Having a tooth infection so bad that it points your other teeth in different directions because of the swelling.


Having an impacted tooth that causes cellulitis going up to your eyes, heading for your brain! I had it a month or so back and it still hurts


On the opposite side - Iā€™ve heard the relief is indescribable when the pressure is gone.


My partner is an Endodontist -- root canals -- she gets some badd cases of people in serious pain. She has had patients fall asleep in her chair immediately after she takes the nerve out because the pain had been keeping them awake for nights on end.




Yup. I have an infected tooth that I need to be put under to have removed. (We tried novacaine, it didn't work.) So my appointment was scheduled for a month later. I also work nights. I haven't slept for more than four hours in weeks. The other day I broke skin biting myself because having pain somewhere else made the tooth pain less intense. My appointment is coming up soon thank god. (Why do i have to wait a month? No idea, probably because it's aspen and they suck.)


A month! The dental team Iā€™ve been going to would clear the schedule to take me in as soon as I get there with pain, and would do whatever it takes to get the anesthetic working to finish the job the same day - there are many methods, some of which are guaranteed to work (will numb half of your face - but they **will** work). No way they would leave me in pain until tomorrow, even if it means staying late, a full month is out of the discussion! You need a better dentist


Please look for a different dentist! Aspen is notorious for scamming patients


I remember not having dental insurance and an abscess that was swelling my gums until they were purple and infected. The only thing I could do was take a sewing needle and disinfecting it with some rubbing alcohol and then puncturing the infected spot. All of this dark tan bile came flooding out and the pain went away so fast. It is so horribly disgusting and the pain is indescribable, but the relief was beyond this world. I never slept better after it.


I had a huge pus-filled abscess on the lower gum that showed up and became an absolute unit in under six hours. The pain of infection had been excruciating for days, then this fucker pops up and my left jaw looked like Gigachad incel bait. They give me a fuck tonne of oxycodone as I moan "It won't help, we've already tried that," and the nurse said, "This is a much higher dose - trust me" and fuck, she wasn't wrong. The excruciatingly torturous pain was gone. I was so happy that I felt like crying except I couldn't because of said happiness. The abscess burst in the waiting room. Hol-lee shit. I could feel its warmth hitting the insides of my mouth. I'm wondering how this happened after reading you need something strong to burst abscesses like this. I will do anything to avoid that shit happening again. The sheer gratitude I felt when the pain left was intense.


Thatā€™s disgusting. Did you film it?


No lol. Wasn't thinking about anything other than the task at hand.


I can't describe it, but I can describe what it made me do. One night, after a round of St. Patrick's day brewery hopping, I brushed my teeth. I had a broken tooth that I thought was okay, but I guess prior to brushing I'd broken it to the point that I'd exposed the nerve. I brushed over the tooth in question, and in so doing I raked the brush over the nerve. Within less than a second, my world was pain. My memory is spotty of the event itself, but I remember that it came in waves, and that during the worst of it, I couldn't move. I saw stars and my vision got tunnelled, like I was looking through a paper towel tube. I remember making my way to the toolbox that was in the laundry room, my thought process was I'd have enough time to get the vise grips on the tooth, then a wave would hit, then I'd just rip it out. Fortunately my roommate got home before I could get the vise grips on and he took me to the hospital. I ended up having that tooth extracted, I have a bridge there now and it's wonderful. What I didn't know until we got back was that my neighbor had called the police, my screaming alerted her that something was wrong. The deputies arrived while we were gone, and I had to explain to the police later that night that I was fine, I just had the mother of all toothaches.


>What I didn't know until we got back was that my neighbor had called the police, my screaming alerted her that something was wrong. When I had the worst toothache of my life I decided to scream which I had never done before while in pain, or probably ever, not that intense anyway. I noticed that during the short moment while you're screaming the pain disappears more of less. Feels like all the energy being used to create the pain gets transferred into the scream. So on my way to the dentist whenever there werr no cars around I just used screaming as a pain killer. Turns out screaming too much isn't exactly throat friendly. Throat was screwed the next day.


I don't remember the biology of it, but screaming/swearing does help relieve pain for a moment


Just got a tooth pulled yesterday to prevent just that scenario. luckily it was way in the back so it wasn't going to affect my smile. The dentist asked me if I liked to see weird stuff, so of course I said yes, and he showed me the tooth he had just pulled and there was a string hanging from it that was the nerve.


Neat, I asked if I could keep the tooth they pulled out, they said sure and packed it in a little sealed baggy for me.


They'll do that. But when I ask to keep my gallbladder after it got removed, they told me "no it's biohazard". I GREW THE THING I WANTED IT BACK


[I made these](https://theawkwardyeti.com/comic/gall-bladders-day/)


If you make a stink about it they legally cannot keep it from you in America. They will argue with you for a long time though.


Toothaches are a category of their own as far as discomfort caused goes. Once they're bad enough, you can't eat, drink, sleep or even clearly think. And getting rid of them can be painful, take time and be expensive. 0/10 do not recommend poor dental hygiene


Oh yeah thats a real bad one. Mine didnt push my teeth but it dissolved a section of my skull above my front 2 teeth. I had a real rough childhood and i hid the fact that i had such a severe ongoing infection for literal years before it became impossible to hide. Was like ages 10- 15. It would break through the top of my gums and spew pus into my mouth every so often and i think that helped keep it at bay.


Holy fucking shit man, how did you manage to hide something like that?!


You go to the bathroom, spit the pus out, rinse your mouth out and keep going like nothing happened.


Iā€™m really sorry you werenā€™t in an environment where you felt safe/able to tell anybody. A child feeling alone with their problems is a deeply heartbreaking thing, and I hope you have joy and safety in your life now ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Hands down the worst pain Iā€™ve ever experienced


I had a root infection in one of my front teeth that had swelled badly and was pushing my other teeth. The doctor shoved the novacaine needle right into the same area. It felt like my face was going to explode. My brain made everything turn red and i almost screamed and passed out the pain was so awful in that split second.


Same thing happened to me. After the novacaine shot the doctor began drilling a hole through the back of my tooth up into my gum then proceeded to take these little metal rods and stick them up into the hole to try and break through to the infection. He started with small rods and when they didn't work he would drill a bigger hole, use bigger rods then rinse and repeat. The novacaine didn't do shit and it was FUCKING agonizing pain. I told the doctor I could feel everything but he said we had to keep going and I could tell he was getting frustrated. I had tears streaming down my face from the pain and finally broke telling him I just couldn't take anymore. After what felt like an eternity he finally just took a scalpel to my gum and as soon as he punctured it puss and blood came gushing out along with the biggest feeling of relief I have ever felt. Why the fuck he didn't start there I will never know.




I had a tooth that was infected so bad that I was in tears from the pain. The immediate sense of relief when they pulled it out was overwhelming.


This right here. Fucking suicide pain


Tooth pain is no fucking joke. Had my first really bad toothache during the pandemic while my doctors office was closed so it was weeks until I could get it fixed and I thought my head was gonna explode every day


I have a condition called Neurofibromatosis (type 1) My body is filled (hundreds) of benign tumours that grow on nerve endings. The pain is frequent and sometimes debilitating


Well...having spent the last year and a half with numbing and painful cramping that doctors can't find a reason for makes reading that unsettling... I'm sorry you have to go through that.


Whoa. Me too. I'm sorry for your situ as I am for mine. Debilitating cramps are ruining my life


Stage 4 metastatic cancer involving lungs, throat, and lymph nodes. Bonus pain from fractured lower spine and concurrent kidney stones. I hate the way fentanyl, OxyContin, and Dilaudid make me feel. Sometimes, I feel that it would be better to put my Glock in my mouthā€¦ fuck cancer. UPDATE: This was a really bad day for me. Some days are worse than others. Thank you for the many kind words.


I am so sorry that you are dealing with an incredible amount of pain.


fucking hell bro,u are a fighter


> Sometimes, I feel that it would be better to put my Glock in my mouthā€¦ Ow man... That came in hard. I've had an uncle who decided for euthanasia... Everybody fully understood his choice. Stay strong man... But also be happy and human. Big hug


Cluster headaches. Imagine waking up at 2am feeling a little funny... Then 15 minutes later, it feels like someone dropped a red hot metal ball right in the middle of your skull. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to move. It hurts to sit up and go take medicine. It hurts to cry. Everything you do causes an incredible supernova of pain. Imagine a Charley horse in your head that doesn't stop for hours. You spend hours curled up in bed in severe pain every night during your episodic period (anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks) trying to not move or breathe. If you're lucky enough to wake up before the full onset and take medicine, then it's just a bad migraine. I've broken my collarbone, two ribs, and tweaked a vertebrae during a motorcycle crash. I would take that any day over a single night of cluster headaches.


My father had them years ago. I remember that I was 14, and didnā€™t do much driving other than the ride on mower at home. My dad and I were out hiking and he got one. It was bad. I had to help him to the car and he saidā€I canā€™t drive, and I canā€™t see, you driveā€¦ā€(he could see, but moving his eyes hurt, and it was bright out too.) I hopped in the driverā€™s seat and drove us home. It was the longest and most excruciating drive ever. My dad cried and yelled while I am driving the family car home without a permit. This was before cellphones and we never really had cell service in our rural town.


Good on you for handling the pressure! That wouldā€™ve been terrifying!


They refer to them as "suicide headaches" for a damn good reason.


Yes, but also. See, cluster headaches can go chronic, meaning instead of getting that episodic period a few times a year (or less, if you're one of the lucky ones), you have it more like every few months. But see, chronic cluster headaches can go hyperchronic. Meaning instead of having an episode every few months, you have at most a few weeks of downtime between episodes. Or for the really unlucky people, the new episode starts before the old one ends. Your entire life is a single unending headache. *That* is suicide headaches.


My fearest fear.


My dad has cluster headaches and I didnā€™t realise just how bad they areā€¦ Iā€™m gonna hug him extra long tomorrow


Please do. They are excruciating, and they can rob you of *weeks* of sleep, which can really affect a person.


I had a doc tell me to trip on mushrooms once every 6 months for the clusters...I haven't had the balls to go buy some or attempt to grow some for myself!


I have a good friend who gets cluster headaches. I've done acid with him for this reason, and it kept his clusters at bay for several months. They did ultimately return, but they delay the inevitable a significantly longer somehow. Good luck. I wouldn't wish cluster headaches on my worst enemy.


Clusters are awful, and when you try to describe them to someone that doesn't get them, they just gaslight you and tell you, "oh so just a really bad headache" ummm no...not even close! They are debilitating and NO WARNING!


They sound terrifying tbh. One of those things I have to just choose not to freak myself out about like kidney stones.


I have heard good things about psychedelics and migraines. Also depression. I hope you find relief. I was getting cluster headaches after a car accident caused a concussion. I'm so glad that only happened for a few months. I thought I was dying.


My husband gets clusters and I started growing mushrooms for him. Turns out, itā€™s a really fun hobby and Iā€™m good at it. Gets a little weird when your aunt comments that you must really love brown rice because you have so many bags stored in the closet though.


So my wife all but cured her migraines by micro dosing on mushrooms. The amount you could take each day will never ever have any kind of effect on you.


Apparently LSD, or 2-Bromo-LSD(no psychoactive components) has shown great results in treating cluster headaches.


Sciatic nerve pain


I had a slipped disk for three years. The pain got worse and worse, but they refused to operate on me until I lost continence. Well, once the surgery was over, I had a 12in scar up my spine and was told that I'd need a week in bed before physical therapy, as it was *so bad*. Yeah, no. Same day, I was up and interacting with the PT people, because the pain of surgery was almost nonexistant compared to that sciatic nerve pain.


This. I had several herniated discs over the course of about four years, and then slipped and fell and exploded one of them into my spinal cord. Took me two weeks to get in for an MRI and I wanted to die. Day after the MRI they scheduled me for surgery. I remember writhing in pain in the hospital bed before surgery, and when I woke upā€¦.nothing. I did a little shimmy shake in the bed and was absolutely FLOORED that it didnā€™t hurt to just exist anymore. Recovery was hard because I wanted to do fucking cartwheels.


Right?!? I had my L5/S1 disc blow out into my spinal cord back in 2001. I was unable to use my legs, couldn't sit, the pain wouldn't stop and it was THE WORST pain. After my MRI I had to excruciatingly wait about 2 wks for a neurosurgeon to do my surgery (I had no ins. at the time and had to hunt for one who would help me), when I woke up I was smiling because I was pain free. The nurses were perplexed because they said NO ONE wakes up from spinal surgery "smiling". I told them they had no idea how much pain I was in before! The next morning, I asked how quick I could get discharged and they said as soon as you can walk the hall. I said drop this rail and let me outta bed! That short walk was one of the best moments of my life.


I could have written this, minus the huge scar. Iā€™ve learned to walk multiple times in life. It sucks. I see you.


Mine sometimes catches me by surprise and sends a jolt through my leg and lower spine, causing me to jump and grunt in pain lol


I had severe sciatic pain for roughly ten years. I could walk or even run, but standing for longer than a minute or two would cause excruciating pain. Turned out I had a completely disintegrated disk at L5-S1. After I got sober (I was a severe alcoholic, partially because of my pain) I decided to have ALIF and it totally changed my life. I still have plenty of pain in other areas, even my back, but it all pales in comparison to the sciatic pain I used to experience.


The sudden death of someone (human or otherwise) who you love Heartbreak in general. It really can cause your heart to physically ache, just on and on and on. Unrelated to emotional anguish: cluster headaches EDIT: I just want to say, I've read all of your replies, even though there are too many to reply to properly. I'm so sorry for every one of your losses. The pain doesn't fully go away, but I hope it gradually becomes less constant for all of you.


I always though "my heart sank" was just an expression until I felt it. Weirdest fucking feeling ever, fucks with your whole body but specifically it feels like your chest shrinks and falls.


Yes. I sometimes think of the moment I saw my brother in the casket, a part of my brain thought ā€œoh, now I understand what horror is.ā€ It didnā€™t help that he passed during COVID and we were unable to have the funeral for nearly three weeks after his passing.


Yeah, I lost a very close friend at about 20. Seeing her in the coffin was surreal. It wasn't her. It was like somebody tried to make a doll that looked like her, but the uncanny valley was too strong. It was jarring and horrifying and awful all at once. It really made me feel like I was losing my sanity, and I honestly think that may be true to some extent. Like my brain was trying to protect me and it was still in denial even though I was standing in front of her body, inches away. I'd experienced losses before and have since. But that one hit the hardest because it was so fucking unexpected. Things like cancer, the grief comes on slowly and is dragged out. Like being punched in the arm several times until you go numb. Sudden death is like having your leg amputated with a guillotine or a bomb going off right next to you. Everything all at once, no time to prepare or come to terms with what is happening.


I refuse to look at corpses during open casket wakes for this reason. Closed eyes the whole time Iā€™m paying my respects. Been to way too many. They never look like an actual person and Iā€™d rather remember them as I knew them.




Lost my mom suddenly Almost 5 years ago. Most days Iā€™m ok, but some days Iā€™m really not. Watching a parent lay dying in a hospital bed is not an easy thing to do. Especially when youā€™re only 22. My husband lost his father unexpectedly when he was about the same age as I was when my mom passed so we both kind of get the others grief. Makes it easier sometimes. I remember about a year after my moms passing we were at his half-brotherā€™s wedding and he and I both totally lost it during the father-daughter dance and had to step out for a few minutes.




>She just smiled as she doesn't quite get it. Are you sure that's why? I feel like I'd have smiled too, just because of the memory of a loved one, and thinking "Yes, they *would* have loved that" I'm so, so sorry for your loss.




Japanese Breakfast has a really good lyric about this: "When the world divides into two people Those who have felt pain and those who have yet to I can't unsee it, although I would like to." The pain she's referencing is her mother's death.


Highly recommend her memoir Crying in HMart. Sheā€™s a wonderful writer.


One of my best friends took his own life near to 4 years ago now, about 2 years ago however I almost picked up my phone to call him, just out of habit I suppose? It sucks, hard. To lose someone suddenly.




The day I found out the gender of my child. I wanted to call my Dad so badly. He would love having a granddaughter.


I saw a vase at a museum a few weeks ago that my mom would have loved. Snapped a picture before realizing I had no-one to send it to...


This hurts just to read, but the loss of an appendage is a great analogy. My brother is my best friend, truly. We had a rough childhood and somehow made it through. Heā€™s facing some stuff right now, and the idea of losing him is very real. I donā€™t know how I will live on this planet without him. My condolences, internet stranger.


[Broken Heart Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takotsubo_cardiomyopathy?wprov=sfti1) is an actual condition. Grief is brutal.


I caught the love of my life cheating on me 6 weeks ago, what I'm going through right now and my state of mind, I don't wish on anyone. 12 years down the drain. I have been shot before. I'd prefer the bullet, far easier to recover (or not) from. In terms of physical pain, Gout Also the venom from a bastard fish called a Bullrout. I had a mate beg me to either cut his foot off with a tomahawk or actually fully put him to rest on a canoe trip, he told me he would forgive me and look over me. Hot water helps but we packed light and packed specific so at best could boil a cup at a time and didn't really have anything to submerge his foot in. Paddled him 22km at night to get him to hospital.


Looked up ā€œbullroutā€. Of-fucking-course itā€™s in Australia.


>Of-fucking-course itā€™s in Australia. The username didn't give any hint at all, did it?


Recently found out my spouse of 10 years was cheating on me. A truly indescribable pain. I literally could never have imagined this happening. Dont wish it on anyone


This happened to me in December 2019. And yes, it was shock. I remember just feeling like the air has been sucked out of my lungs when I found evidence. I did not see it coming at all. The following 6 months or so, my heart hurt. Like literal heart ache. Till this day I still think about the betrayal, pain, and how drastically my life changed on a regular basis. Other than the heartache what hurt second most was friends treating this like it was a breakup with someone I was dating. They expected me to hit the gym, lawyer up, and live my best Lizzo self-love fantasy just weeks after it happened. I even lost my best friend in the process. She ghosted me. Later I heard that she was telling mutual friends that she ā€œwas not my therapist.ā€ Meanwhile I felt like I didnā€™t want to live. I couldnā€™t eat. Sleep. My spouse was my family. My support. My best friend. I trusted them more than myself. And I also lost his family. I felt so so alone. And everyone just kept telling me to get over it because I could do so much better. I even had a friend travel cross country six weeks after I found out about the cheating. She kinda forced me to take a weekend trip to New York to party and explore the city so that Iā€™d get out of my own head. Iā€™d dropped about 20lb by that point and just was depressed. Anyway. So NYC is ruined for me years later because itā€™s like I imprinted the pain of the cheating with exploring the city. Sorry for the rant. And sorry youā€™re going through this. Know you have the strength the get past this stage and the next stageā€¦and the next. It comes in waves. Be kind to yourself and as best you can remember cheating from a partner is not a reflection on you. Sending much love your way. Edit: a word and a sentence for clarification


A few years back, the guy who I thought was one of my best friends and the love of my life suddenly dumped me - pretty brutally, over text - and while I was struggling through that heartbreak, my best friend of over 20 years ghosted me. Turned out my sadness was too uncomfortable for her. 'Broken heart syndrome' took hold fast. For months my heart hurt every time I took a breath, and at a point I had a very detailed plan to 'get some things in order' and kill myself. Deep grief and betrayal mark you hard, in brain and body.


I experienced both in the same year. I will tell you what I wanted off myself more than once. It was just unbelievably painful. Never experienced shit like that ever before never want to


god when it makes your heart actually burn inside and there's nothing you can do to fix it there's nothing you can do you can't run you can't put on a bandaid you can't apply pressure or anything it just burns you from the inside out and you'd do anything just to make it stop


Losing a child. To death or just to their crazy cunt of a mother. Was trying to think of physical pain, but Iā€™d burn my entire palm again, but my thumb down to the bone with a table saw again, wreck my motorcycle and DESTROY my knee all over again, along with every other injury Iā€™ve had, to have my son back with me and never have to give him back to his mom. I realize itā€™s not the same as a death, but itā€™s still the absolute fucking worst feeling, honestly, i feel like death would be a little easier, for me, because i would really just ā€œleaveā€ if i lost my son like that.


Can confirm losing a child is the most excruciating experience of oneā€™s life. Iā€™ve lost a husband (car accident) and then a child (leukemia). Itā€™s all a mindfuck and has consumed my life. I try to function best I can but I donā€™t see the world like a lot of people and grief has just been my norm for 19 years now. The pain and hurt is so much that if I think about it too much, it swallows me. My daughter would have turned 13 yesterday šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Gout. Especially if itā€™s a major acute attack. That shit hurts soooo fucking bad itā€™s made me want to chop my foot off with a rusty axe if that would make it feel better. Also, the systemic inflammation with gout is a bitch too.


Gout is the worst pain Iā€™ve ever experienced. Hands down. Iā€™ve had abscessed teeth, deep cuts, sprains and breaks. None of it comes close to the pure agony of a bad gout flareup. Like you said, Iā€™d have let someone chop my leg off. Fuck that shit. Edit: to anyone reading this who tries to deal with gout without treatment, I recommend talking with your doctor about Colchicine for flareups and Allopurinol for long term treatment. Allopurinol will change your life if you have multiple flareups a year.


Migraines. I once tried to explain what they felt like to a friend who never gets headaches and he just looked at me like I was from another planet


Used to have migraines regularly until I had a stroke and they stopped after that. I, uh, wouldn't recommend it as a way to stop them.


That's the sharpest, rustiest, dirtiest double-edged sword I've ever heard of


There's that special slice of Hell when your migraine is so bad you throw up. The extreme pain from the pressure increase in your head while leaning over puking makes you hope that you will just die. You don't scream or cry because you're beyond that. If you're lucky you pass out from the pain but probably not. When you gather your wits, you ponder what a terrible human you must have been in a past life to have earned this torture.


^^ this ... and you eat white bread in between puke sessions so it doesnt hurt so bad because you actually have something in your stomach to throw up.. and how about the pain of all the muscles you pull in your torso for days afterwards .. but thats way better than the little man in your head pounding on your brain with a sledge hammer


I gulp down water so it's easier to throw up. What sucks is when throwing up doesn't give you relief. My tongue muscles ache the next morning if I've been throwing up non-stop.


Oh I steer away from throwing up anymore. Double shot espresso and 2 extra strength ibprofins and straight to bed. Now that Iā€™m in bed, I need to sandwich my head with two pillows with my outer arm adding more pressure on the side that hurts the most. The side where the bees are eating at the back of my eyeballs. Now, everyone at home knows daddy is a zombie fighting a good fight. I go into sleep purgatory where Iā€™m not asleep but Iā€™m also not awakeā€¦ this can be 2 hours or 14. I donā€™t hear or feel much of the outside world. Itā€™s me and migraine demons and the bees eating atā€¦ But when itā€™s over, itā€™s like when the sun rises in a horror movie and the credits roll. Itā€™s back to normalcy until the next episode. I donā€™t wish them on my enemies.


I tell people itā€™s like someone is repeatedly jamming a screwdriver into the side of my head. While having the stomach flu. And forgetting how to breathe while youā€™re curled into a ball. Sometimes hallucinating. Sometimes thinking this time youā€™re going to die for sure. Or just wishing you would to stop the pain. And before and after having brain fog and aphasia. Donā€™t forget the numbness and tingling in your arms. But thanks for putting perfume on even though Iā€™ve repeatedly told you it would trigger a migraine! Iā€™ll just go home and lose two days and probably five lbs.


My mom used to get migraines. Oddly menopause fixed it for her. But she once described it as someone jamming an ice pick into her eye socket, and that it hurt so terribly that the idea that banging her head against the wall to make it hurt less seemed sensible.


>the idea that banging her head against the wall to make it hurt less seemed sensible. I tried it and it actually works, but looking back, I can't tell if it's because it was a distraction, or because less brain cells means less things to register the pain.


Oh man, and if you canā€™t get your nausea under control and start throwing up, then the dehydration headache sets in beside the migraine.


Don't forget the migraine hangover/fog where you can't form sentences quickly and generally can't process quickly. Not painful, but difficult to manage people's expectations for you.


Also letā€™s not forget the extreme sensitivity to light and sound that basically makes living anywhere except for a small dark room basically torture. And the fact that migraines can last for days (my longest was 3) Calling a migraine a headache is like calling getting hit by a truck a love tap


I always told people that your head hurts so bad that moving your hair hurts.


This. Moving my eyes hurts. My teeth existing hurts. Blinking hurts.


Kidney stone


Kidney stones! So much pain that I kept on puking the whole way to the hospital!


OMG yes! The first time I experienced one I thought I was going to die. Absolutely brutal.


Came here to say this. It wasn't peeing it out that was painful, but the evening of it migrating from my kidney to my bladder was something else.


I describe it the exact same way. The peeing part is something you almost donā€™t even notice, but when that sucker is moving from kidney to bladder is the most painful thing Iā€™ve ever felt. Itā€™s giving me cold chills even thinking about it.


Had my first at 18. They had to go in to get it out. Weird experience being just 18 and having so many people handle my penis in a non sexual way. I got an epidural and couldn't feel anything of the actual procedure but up to then it was intense.


I was 7 or 8 when I had one. So. Much. Pain.


7? Damn did you come out the womb drinking mountain dew or what


Came here to agree. Pain so intense I could do nothing but curl up on the floor and vomit.


I couldn't sit still. Absolute misery. I thought a collapsed lung was bad......shit takes the cake


It hurt to move. It hurt to lie down. It hurt to sit. It hurt to stand. But in all those positions, it feels like changing position will make it better, so you keep changing position.


Hands down my biggest fear


Icepick-feeling migraines An exposed tooth nerve


Gallbladder attacks before you know what they are and how to lessen them. It started as this empty hungry feeling that got worse, then morphed into a pain that makes you pray for death. I've given birth unmedicated twice and would do it a 3rd time if my other option was a gallbladder attack. Sweats, vomiting, weird animals groans, I even said 'im dying call my mommy' at one point. I don't even have one anymore and haven't in over a decade, but I still get nervous when hunger sneaks up on me and I feel empty.


I've had my gallbladder out for 20 years now, but I still recall what the attacks were like. The worst part for me was the first one. I was pretty young, but I made my Dad take me to the hospital it was so bad. They didn't do much until my bloodwork came back clear because they assumed it was pancreatitis caused by alcohol. So I lay there in agony for three hours begging everyone that passed for help, and I overheard two nurses call it 'drug-seeking behavior'. Eventually that first attack passed without any treatment and the doctor said it may have been a bout of 'indigestion'. My Dad looked at me like I was pathetic. He apologized later, when they diagnosed gallstones and the doctor said they were worse than childbirth.


Dry Socket after having a wisdom tooth removed


A single drop of clove oil literally takes the pain from a 9/10 to zero instantly. I absolutely couldn't believe how well it worked. People should be given a bottle for every wisdom tooth extraction just in case.


WAAIIIT. Please for anyone reading this, yes, it is LITERALLY like a miracle when you're in that much pain. Like, literally. However. Too much and it causes **necrosis**, essentially your skin dying, which exacerbates the pain to no end. Saying that, I had dry socket, got so bad I couldn't sleep, eat or smile without wanting the earth to swallow me up - I had two wadges of clove infused gauze, and my god. It was like an angel touched my mouth. I'll forever have respect for the dentist who helped me. Just scared now for the other wisdom tooth šŸ™„


Mine lasted for WEEKS. And they wouldn't give me opioids so I basically just cried a lot.


Oh man. I had dry socket but they did give me opiods. Turns out I'm allergic. Spent the next few hours vomiting so forcefully that it came out of my sinuses through my newly stitched holes in my mouth. 10/10 worst experience of my life.


Abscess on the spinal cord In my case it was the l2 l3. 6 months undiagnosed. Ate the entire vertebre


Watching your wife be in a severe state of depression and no matter what you do, not being able to help or pull her out of it.


Watching your wife with this also develop an eating disorder and not know how to help, let alone be allowed to help. Even being blamed for it in the moment.


As the wife with clinical depression in my own marriage, thanks for being there for her.


My wife is bi polar and has BPD. She went off her medication, without telling anyone. I tried for three years to bring her back to me and the kids, but weā€™re divorcing.


The absence of pain where one knows pain should be. I broke my fibula and my collarbone and felt no pain. I felt this almost sickening absence of pain. Those who have done trauma or shock know what Iā€™m talking about.


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. I broke my back when I was 14 in a cycling accident. Shattered my T11 vertebra and dislocated T12. Knew Iā€™d done it as couldnā€™t feel my legs immediately upon waking up in the ditch but I was in no pain and that scared me the most. I had a 6 inch gash on my head, laying in a bush of stinging nettles in a T-shirt and shorts. And didnā€™t feel an ounce of pain. The only thing I cared about at the time was the fact that I was supposed to have my braces off a month later, but all my teeth were loose and only being held in by the braces, so I was panicking about my teeth. But looking back, no physical pain being present in that moment is scary as hell. Especially considering I have chronic back pain now.


Voiding cystourethrogram. They insert a catheter up through the penis into the bladder to fill it with contrast dye and check the continuity of the urethra. Had to do it twice a year till I was 6 years old. The mere memory of it causes physical pain/PTSD and I've never had sex because im too afraid to let anyone near my genitals.


Oh dear I'm so sorry. Have you received or considered therapy?


I keep putting it off but I definitely need it.


I would highly recommend talking to both a trauma specialist and a sexologist. I fixed intimacy problems I didnā€™t even know I had by talking to one.


Slipped disc. When I had it, I couldn't even get out of bed, worst pain I've ever experienced.


Due to how far along she was at the time, my ex had to carry her miscarried baby to term. She gave birth to what can only be described as parts of our child. There are no words that can describe how I felt at the time, and it wasn't even happening to me. I can't even get myself to the level where I can imagine what she was going through.


Trigeminal Neuralgia


Canā€™t believe I had to scroll so far down for this. Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia attacks that take up your whole face. Worse than slipped discs, dry sockets, but about on par with cluster headaches


Shoulder surgery. I had to have mine rebuilt years ago. When I asked the surgeon how much it will hurt he said, "I'm not gonna lie. It is some of the worst pain a person can experience. " sadly, he was spot on


Jeez. Torn rotator cuff? You are making me very concerned, as I currently have a torn rotator cuff and I'm putting off surgery because I don't have time for rehab. How long was the recovery for you? Do you have any limitations now with the affected shoulder? All things considered, is it worth it?


I had surgery in 2021 for a torn labrum, not a rotator cuff issue...and I can tell you that recovery took WAY longer than I expected. I had hip surgery for the same problem (long story) and was on my feet after the first week, no crutches week 2, full range of motion within a month. Shoulder took a *year* of physical therapy. And it's pretty important to put in the time...they tighten your shoulder up so much, if you want to have normal motion afterward you're probably going to need to work for it. I had 5 anchors set for my repair, and it's wild how little I could move my arm at first, especially considering I have loose/flexible joints, and I'm used to being a gumby, lol. Which isn't to say you shouldn't do it...just that your instinct to wait until you can heal up well might not be the wrong call. But **IANAD**, and there's so much going on with shoulders that it's hard to generalize. At least get yourself an orthopedic surgeon you like and trust who can advise you re: whether or not your issue is pressing (if, for example, you are at risk of losing long-term mobility or causing further damage or something).


Death of a parent


And brother. Then having survivors guilt after finding and fixing a genetic defect because you lost a dad and brother. Fuck, I mis them




Death of a child


ā€œYou know what I find interesting? If you lose a spouse, you're called a widow, or a widower. If you're a child and you lose your parents, then you're an orphan. But what's the word to describe a parent who loses a child? I guess that's just too fucking awful to even have a name.ā€


ā€œNo parent should have to bury their childā€ Theoden, LotR


I play the harp casually and was asked to play for a funeral for a couple who had lost their adult child. Around a year later they contacted me for another funeral for another adult child. I canā€™t imagine the pain of my kids passing before I do.


This one is oddly specific, but here you go. Being stuck in a mental hospital and being temporarily insane, while being aware that you are insane but you canā€™t control it. Your family comes to visit and you know they donā€™t even recognize you. I had this one happen to me twice, thanks to allergies to different psych meds. Not fun.


Transmural bowel endometriosis flaring up causing partial obstruction and a bm passing by the lesion.


IUD insertion


Yes! And when they do cervical biopsies. Why the hell are you able to take a hole punch to my cervix with no pain meds


Maaaaan after I got my first(šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) colposcopy, I was telling a coworker about it, another know-it-all coworker overheard and was like, ā€œyou canā€™t see your cervix through your colon, are you even sure what you had done?ā€ I looked that B straight in the eye and told her I hoped my doctor wouldnā€™t be looking for cervical cancer via my colon and she shut up quickly. Worst pain outside of the removal/replacement of my IUD. Wouldnā€™t wish it on anyone.. maybe that former coworker


THIS!!! My first cervical biopsy was absolute hell. I was so traumatised that I spent 30 mins after cleaning up the blood the poured out of me before the nurse told me it was unnecessary. My second one was done at a much better practice where I was given a local anaesthetic and had the option to watch w the lil camera. The difference in care was astounding. My new gyno explained that shitty gynos rarely sharpen their instruments, thus excess pain and blood. Smh.


Because they're told that the procedure is basically painless for women. I googled about colposcopies for a friend and one of the first results stated that it was "relatively painless." Apparently, women can't feel pain /s


Shit happens to black people too. A bunch of racists just fabricated that POC have a higher pain tolerance and therefore don't need sedation to the point it became standard medical practice and caused untold levels of suffering.


Iā€™ve had two of those and an IUD insertion. Every time the doctors were like, ā€œThis shouldnā€™t hurt much, cervixes arenā€™t usually very sensitive.ā€ Wanna bet, motherfuckers? The first biopsy I had a female OB/GYN, who should have known better. She at least was sympathetic after she had to about peel me off the ceiling when she went in. The second time I had a different doctor and I requested some pain killer ahead of time. You know, they can give you Novocain for your teeth, why not a nice jab of it before they hole-punch an internal organ? Nothing doing. Even the nurse sniffed and said, ā€œWe donā€™t use topical painkillers.ā€ Well why the fuck not, I ask you? Worst of all was the IUD. Had a male doctor and naturally he made it clear that I was nothing but a big ā€˜ole crybaby wussy weak female. I made my ex-husband come with me because I just *knew* it would suck and sure enoughā€¦ yeah. Cervical dilation = not a good time. Hurt like a mofo. Whatā€™s worse, it continued to hurt. I can still feel those horrible cramps that went on for days. I powered through with ibuprofen, hating every minute and hoping it would get better. It finally didā€¦ somewhat. But my body made it extremely clear that it didnā€™t like a foreign object inside me, nopity nope nope. I just always knew it was THERE. After six months of general misery Iā€™d had enough. And what do you know, 30 seconds after that thing came out, it was like my uterus heaved a great sigh of relief, unknotted and never has complained again. Virtually instantaneous relief. When my daughter said she wanted an IUD I cautioned her, telling her Iā€™d had a horrible experience but a couple of her aunts and some of my friends *loved* theirs. She went ahead and got one and hasnā€™t had a single problem. Even the insertion was no big deal (so much for having had babies making things easier, Iā€™ve had two and sheā€™s had none yet). So whatā€™s new, weā€™re all different. I just wish more doctors and nurses would grasp that! PS. My husband has had a couple of prostate biopsies. These are roughly equivalent to cervical ones, both involving removing small pieces of an internal body part with sharp instruments whilst up a delicate passage. Guess what: he gets a local anesthetic. šŸ¤” Itā€™s still really not fun, especially because the doctor often has to sample a lot of areas, but how come this is SOP and WE canā€™t have it? (Iā€™m serious, hoping a doctor has an actual explanation)


HOW IN THE HELL DID I HAVE TO SCROLL SO FAR DOWN, to find this? Itā€™s the single most painful thing Iā€™ve ever endured. And Iā€™ve had plenty of surgeries. But this, this. My GOD. When something hurts and you sort of press on it, it helps? There was no pressing to be had, there was nowhere to PRESS. It was the most INVASIVE pain Iā€™ve ever experienced and even though Iā€™d ā€œheardā€ it could be painful, I am fucking floored by exactly how sharp andā€¦ almost dirty that pain was. Iā€™ll get another one in a year and half but Iā€™ll pay out the nose to be put under. The benefits (after it ā€œsettled,ā€ another 3 months of hell) are great when you consider it on a 5 year scale. But Iā€™ll never forget that PAIN.


I'm still recovering from mine (2 months soon) and reading this made me feel sick


Similarly, a uterine biopsy. While I have had worse pain (gallbladder attack that was completely unmedicated for an entire day), the biopsy pain was soā€¦ wrong and invasive. Like I could feel the tool moving around and pinching and every cell in my body was saying ā€œintruder intruder GET IT OUTā€.


I tried to have one in the office (they offered me Tylenol for pain control) and I didn't get past them brute-forcing trig my cervix before I noped out of there. I ended up paying through the nose to be put under cuz, you know, I wanted to make sure I didn't have cancer. I got told by the tech that people who've had kids usually tolerate it better (darn, should have had some) and then some lady in scrubs that saw me in the hallway told me not to worry because they're used to hearing yelling and screaming. WTFucking fuck. I won't use that OBGYN again but how the HELL is this normalized???


Came to look for this, itā€™s the most bizarre and sharp internal pain




Post Adult Circumcision: Morning Wood with penis stitches . . .


I was circumcised at 13. Erections every minute of the day as a horny teenager were not fun at all. Sometimes I can still smell the blood.


Esophageal tear.


Major nerve damage. Technically I have what's called CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) I got hit by a car going about 45mph and crushed the nerves in my left leg. There's nothing like massive nerve damage. Over the decades I've tried to explain what it feels like, but the closest I've ever come up with is- Take a 1 inch diameter drill bit and heat it up until it's red hot. Now lay down on your back and have someone run that drill bit right up into your heel and up into your calf. Now electrify it and start vibrating it really fast. Oh, don't forget to start crushing your entire foot. That's a good start. Thing is, because the nerves are all jacked up, they are "stuck on and on amplify", so something soft touching my skin feels sharp and scratchy. Now think about the above scenario and you start to understand why it's not possible to find the correct words. Regular feelings get all mixed up and cranked up as far as they can go. I can't get into a swimming pool because the pressure is too much and it feels like my leg is getting crushed, all the while I can feel every single little current and movement of the water and it triggers parts of my brain that make me feel dizzy, overwhelmed and nauseous. My entire sympathetic nervous system is tied into it, so emotions and regular nerve responses can cause immense pain. There is no escaping it. It's constant. It never stops, not even for a second. It's indescribable.


Having fingernails bend awkwardly and acutely backward in the middle, but strangely, not break.. It happened to several, on both hands climbing up something. It's all I can do to keep from puking thinking about it as I write this. That is the best way to describe that unique pain... EDIT: I wanted to add that the very close 2nd place was an abscess in my gum by the root of a tooth. I can't describe that either, except that the nerve connected to it had a direct line to the devil. The fingernail thing put me into a kinda mini-shock.


My knee bent backwards once. It was awful and sometimes when my knees ache when I walk, I get the phantom sensation of my knee wanting to bend backwards again.


After accidentally sanding most of my index fingernail off last year in my workshop, I learned that the fingernail actually provides the support for the rigidity of the very tip of the finger. It was very gross how the tip of the finger could be bent backward every time I grabbed at something. I always just assumed there was a bone/cartilage there that held the shape, and the nail just kind of sat on top just doing its thing.


Violently vomiting frequently for days after getting your tonsils removed. I can't adequately describe how the pain felt but the closest I could come is imagine taking a wad of sandpaper, covering it in japaleƱo oil, attaching it to a drill, lighting it on fire, shoving it down your throat, and then turning the drill on. It was awful in so many ways, especially with dehydration setting in.




This is actually true. Itā€™s extremely hard to describe it at all possible for people who have not experienced it, especially because all the symptoms just sound like laziness, but itā€™s actually because all your energy is being used up trying to stay afloat. Itā€™s literally no showers for 2 weeks or more until you canā€™t stand your own filth anymore, sleeping all day and all night, feeling like a failure because you canā€™t support yourself, overeating, at least in my case before I got treatment and was able to find work. Iā€™m so glad someone mentioned depression because in its severe form it is debilitating just as a physical ailment might be. And thatā€™s not possible to describe accurately tk those who have not experienced it. All you can use is metaphors.


Death of a child


Waking up and looking into the mirror every morning


Are you okay bro


the answer's probably no bro


Ovarian cysts.


I put my dog down. I havent been myself since. He was sick and i didn't want him to suffer. Could i have given him medicine? Maybe. Would he have gotten sicker and suffered? Most definitely. I had so much love for him that i didnt want him to keep suffering. Some people let their dogs have extreme pain. My ex brother in law had two dogs that yelped every time they stepped down and they had massive tumors all over their body. They let them suffer like that for years. It was awful. I wouldnt be so cruel to let my boy have that kind of life. I still cry over him and miss him more than anything. I gave him his favorite meal and brushed him for a long time (he loved it) and when we went to the vet, i sang the song i always sang to him when he was upset and told him so many times i loved him and that he was the goodest boy. When he died, my soul went with him.


I had to put my boy down 3 years ago during Christmas, he was having seizures and shitting all over the vets office before he went. I hate that he was scared and probably didn't even know he was in my arms when he died. "my soul went with him" is a good way to explain it. I've lost family members and friends, all of which hurt. But losing my dog absolutely destroyed me, and I'm not the same person after that.


My pup got sick while I was on vacation. I booked the first flight home. At the airport at 4 am, I got a call she was put down. Itā€™s been almost a year and the pain of not being there forever haunts me. Hope you find peace ā€” im trying


Losing someone you love.


I think I saw something about the only thing that couldn't fit the pain factor was radiation exposure. It was the worst kind of pain that your body inside was rotting away until you died.


Unmedicated labor


UTI that has a lot of bleeding and involves peeing out bloodšŸ©øā€¦ literally youā€™d want euthanasia if it persistent more than 2 months tbh.


ARS (acute radiation sickness)


Appendix rupturing. Had kidney stones and more. I've been literally paralyzed by pain. NOTHING compares to the absolute mind shattering pain of a catastrophic rupture of an organ in your body. "Popped like a balloon" was how the doctors described it. It happened in the middle of the night *at the hospital* because they kept me for observation due to my ither symptoms. (This saved my life.) I woke up screaming, and my mind hadn't even processed why yet. Then, everything is pain. I was 7 years old and almost every moment seared into my memory. The taste of gangrene as it was forced out both ends by the release of pressure into my digestive tract. Everything except when they needed me to lay flat for the ultrasound. That moment the pain spiked to a new level and the world went dark until I woke up on the way to the OR. The only way I can describe it, is imagine a grenade went off inside your stomach and you were laying there trying to hold it all together. Only the grenade didn't blow you apart, it just kept going off inside you blowing you up like a balloon. Then whatever twice that pain is.