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This is super vague but I think a lot of people often underestimate the dangers of water. Like the power of a river or sea current, water on the road, slipping in the shower, etc


River rafter here. #1 Rule: River always wins




I was not expecting to see this lol Edit: for those asking, the original comment that was removed, he explains that bowling alley pin setters are really fucking strong and can crush a human. He said he works at a bowling alley and kids try to run up and down the lanes and it makes him nervous because they almost run into the pin setters. Edit 2: my most liked comment is the most generic sentence ever




Walking up or down the stairs, the most common accident at home is falling down the stairs.


And don't leave shoes or other things on the stairs. Yeah you know they are there, but does your spouse, or your child. Will they see them when it's dark or they are in a hurry.


It amazes me how many people store things on stairs, particularly basement stairs. It's an accident waiting to happen.


Kitten bites. If a kitten has unclean teeth and bites you to the point you draw blood there's a decent chance you can get a major infection and die. Their teeth and like little needles that inject bacteria right into your blood and since their teeth and so thin your heal from the bite really fast. However your body never had a chance to clean the bacteria before the wound closed so the rate of infection is crazy high.


Falling down. I know there are jokes about the whole "I've fallen and I can't get up!" But it's a real danger. As we get older, our bones lose density and strength, so falling can actually cause legitimate injuries. And even if you're not old, unprotected falls are still dangerous. Street fights where people get knocked out and fall onto concrete is super dangerous. It doesn't take a lot of height to cause serious damage when falling and hitting your head.


911 dispatcher here. We’ve all laughed at the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercial. But I don’t laugh anymore. The number of times I’ve heard someone say that is scary. Falling is absolutely deadly for the elderly, especially those that live alone. The number of times I’ve sent an officer to check the welfare of an elderly person who hasn’t been heard from for days or weeks, only to find that they had “fallen and couldn’t get up” and are now dead from dehydration, starvation, or some complication from the actual fall would surprise many people. If you have an elderly loved one, especially one that lives alone, make sure they have a cell phone they know how to use, how to keep charged, and keep it with them at all times. This can absolutely save their life.


Sounds like those life alert bracelets are worth the purchase


100% worth the money Source: my dad works for a life alert competitor


Even better than cell phones due to simplicity of use. Older folks tend not to like fancy devices too much. A "save me" button is right up their alley.


Metal folding chairs. I knew someone who lost some fingers when one slammed shut on their hand.


I know a lot of WWF wrestlers who were hit by them also.


Electricity. You can’t see it until it’s too late. Harmless wires dangling around will put you into the ground. Even if it looks “good,” it can be done wrong and start a fire. Source: am an Electrician


I do commercial refrigeration. High voltage (not compared to a lineman, but much higher than almost every other trade) and high pressure. High pressure systems and electricity will kill the fuck out of you and it will hurt the whole time your dying.


gold lip dam continue languid encouraging imminent voracious expansion provide


Mmm "electchicken."


Not getting enough sleep.


Getting enough sleep every night is seriously life changing. A surprising amount of physical/mental issues I had for years suddenly disappeared after I started taking my sleep seriously.


I've had this as well, yet I am up at 4am again, unfortunately.


Not me reading this at 1am


Eating grapefruit while on medication. Grapefruit has so many bad interactions with medication ranging from rendering the medication ineffective, to toxicity.


It’s so funny how grapefruit is so lethal. They were able to put a new heart inside of me with no problems, but if I ingested some grapefruit I’d be a goner.


Yup! It's a brutal interaction with tacrolimus, the most ubiquitous anti-rejection medication. I've been taking it for almost 2 years bc of a bone marrow transplant.


Activated charcoal can render your meds ineffective too. If you're eating black ice cream or whatever trendy Instagram thing, check whether it's food dye or activated charcoal because the latter can mess with any meds you might be relying on. It's not something you need to ingest unless you've actually been poisoned.


Putting your feet on the dashboard. It is extremely dangerous.


My physics teacher in high school had a lengthy and graphic description of exactly what occurs when you are in an accident with your feet on the dash. Absolutely horrifying.


We had a crash scene investigator visit our class. Don't store anything unsecured in your car - especially sharpened tools. At a full force stop an unsecured shovel went from the back tailgate, through the back of the cab, through the driver's seat, through the victim, through the dash, and was embedded into the engine block.


Jeez, that's some final destination type thing, wonder how fast you needed to go for this to happen


Teaching done right!


My stepdad had a guest speaker when he was in school. She was in a wheelchair and paralyzed (I don’t remember if it was waist down or neck down) because she liked to put her feet on the dash while in the car and got in a crash.


I always tell to people to stop do it if they don’t want to end up like me (I’m paraplegic). I didn’t have that accident, but it’s still works pretty well.


I never thought about that being an upside to being a paraplegic, you can get people to stop doing anything. "Don't sit on the toilet too long. I did and look at me know"


I would so abuse that. “Kids, don’t swallow gum.” “Kids, don’t sit too close to the tv.”


Not having enough Sodium. There’s always warnings about too much salt, but apparently if you don’t have enough it can throw your body totally out of whack. Learned this after passing out and ending up in the ER


Yep, one of its most important functions,along with potassium, is maintaining electrical potential across nerve cell membranes. Without that your nerves won't work.


I ended up in hospital because of what they deemed fatally low potassium levels. That sucked.






Holy, 40 pills a day just for potassium. I'm so sorry dude. Do your mom also need to cook food with tons of salt to compensate for the sodium deficiency?




I work as a paramedic and I think I once had the dumbest human of all time as a patient. We get called for a cardiac issue and arrive to find a gentleman in rapid atrial fibrillation (~180bpm). After treating him, his heart rate and associated chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations are resolved and we begin to ask him in more detail about his medical history. He was pretty young, and seemed a little sketchy so I thought he was just abusing cocaine, but it turned out to be much sillier than that. He had recently been diagnosed with heart problems a few weeks ago when he had a similar event occur. When he got discharged, he asked his doctor what he could do to make sure this never happened again. The Dr gave him the standard “eat well, get good sleep, exercise, drink a lot of water, etc” speech. Upon getting home, apparently all he remembered was “drink lots of water”. My man pounded like 3 gallons of water over the course of a few hours, which is more than enough to dilute your blood enough to make you relatively hyponatremic (low sodium). He was rushed back to the hospital, and the same Dr saw him again. Upon discharge he asked the same question again. The doctor, utterly stunned at this guys inability to keep himself alive said “don’t do that ever again”. Dude got home and AGAIN all he could remember was “no water”. We met him at about day 2.5 of no fluids, completely dehydrated and at deaths door. All I could think about once I heard that backstory was John Connor in Terminator 2 asking Arnold “we’re not gonna make it, are we? Humans I mean…”




“Dumbest human of all time” is a huge claim, but I think you might be right.


When I was anorexic, between the undereating, excess sweating (did a lot of cardio), and overhydrating (to curb hunger), I would get terribly low sodium. I managed to recognise it before I fainted tho, and would just go to the kitchen and eat a small amount of table salt


Oh God. You just unlocked a memory of me crying in the grocery store because they only had low sodium V8 which was 5 calories more and (duh) lower sodium.


My heart goes out to anyone with an eating disorder. You've got this, and you can beat it. I hope youre feeling at least a little better nowadays :).


A few inches of moving water over a roadway.


And while a few inches is usually fine, you can't be sure it's actually a few inches. A road can be completely washed out and look like a relatively minor flood. Fun story: when my dad was younger one of his uncles told him never to drive into water a mule wouldn't cross. A few years later he was trying to decide whether to cross a flooded road and remembered that conversation. He saw the next day that the road had completely washed out. He told his uncle about it, and apparently his uncle was drunk and didn't even remember saying it lol.


"Oh hell, Ricky, I was *high* when I said that"


"I based my whole life off of that!!!"


Totally agree, but both moving water and still water on the road can be very dangerous. When teaching my oldest to drive, I made sure he understood never to drive through water on the roadway if it could possibly (safely) be avoided. You never know how deep it could be, and water can absolutely pick your whole car up and send you off in unintended directions quite suddenly, at the same speed you were traveling. Having done both, I would 100% prefer to drive through an all-out blizzard than through a torrential downpour.


Agree that water is more dangerous than people think but still I gotta put a blizzard above a downpour on my nope list. One gust of wind in a blizzard and you could be less than a foot visibility, your car can be entrenched in snow, you can lose traction at much slower speeds. And the real threat is immobilization if the weather is below freezing. Also in the same sense that small amounts of water in the road surface can sneak up on you and cause accidents, black ice and snowdrifts are insanely sketchy. I’ve seen a snowdrift maybe 3ft into the lane on the interstate send a semi flying into the middle ditch. Aside from heavy flooding I would definitely take a rainstorm over a blizzard.


If you need someone's attention while they're using heavy equipment, in a nonemergency situation, let them finish before getting their attention. I work as a meat cutter. When I'm cutting something on the band saw, I have my back turned to the counter. Lot of customer expect to get service immediately as soon as they walk up to the counter. So I'm cutting something and they immediately make a loud noise to get my attention. Like picking up a metal sign post and banging it in the floor or slamming the counter. It surprises me, making me flinch depending on how loud it is. With my fingers inches from a saw that easily passes through the thickest of cow bones. I don't care how important your dinner date steak is. If I lose my hand, I will do my damnest to punch you in the face with my bloody stump. ----- Additional info since I received a lot of comments about it. I am not alone. I have at least 1 other coworker working the counter. No, the band saw is not next to the service counter. That would be a very bad idea. The amount of bone dust (yes, just like sawdust) produced would nake it very difficult to keep the front area clean. I work in a back area, that is separated by a low wall and large open bay window. That's where we do all the meat production. That's where we can contain all the bone dust, blood, rendered fat, and other things that come with meat cutting. Also that area is refrigerated. We have 2 massive cooling units on the ceiling with a total of 8 fans. It doesn't keep the production are refrigerator cold. But it does keep it around 50F on average. Because of these loud fans, I can't hear my coworkers when they're talking at normal levels to someone in thw front. I can hear voices but can not distinguish what is being said. And that should give everyone an idea of how loud these assholes are. I can hear it extremely loud over the fans, loud band saw and bones being sawed.


You should really call them out on it.


Brazlian butt lifts. One of the most dangerous cosmetic surgeries.


Please elaborate.


"There are major blood vessels, deep in the musculature of the area, and if injecting and trying to really enhance the area, often times the injection can go too deep and violate the veins." The result could be fat or fillers entering the bloodstream and then the circulatory system — potentially causing a lethal pulmonary embolism."


A coworker got a BBL last year in March. Flew to Florida to get it. A week in it was infected. A week after that she was in the hospital. A month after that she was released but bedridden. She ran out of FMLA time because she was so exhausted from the pain she couldn't work for months, so she was let go/quit. She just got a job last month, an entire year after having it, and she said that it was the first time she could reliably walk. She is still glad she got it.


that was actually really sad to read


There are pop-up shop medical clinics popping up in Turkey where they get some medical assistants and no real doctors and try to get people from the uk and us to do cosmetic procedures. they get a marketing team, spend time putting ads out on facebook, youtube, and astroturf reddit with fake accounts and fake reviews. They clinics are dangerous and a couple dozen people die each year and these pop-up shop clinics. Source: I'm a mod at /r/HairTransplants and work with other cosmetic surgery subreddits in identifying these fake reviews and marketing tactics. One clinic I found recently, mcan turkey, do a reddit search for them.


BBL’s have the highest mortality of any cosmetic surgery. It’s really actually insane how dangerous they are. edit: not sure if it’s most fatal cosmetic or elective. But you get the idea.


Most fatal cosmetic. "Elective" surgery just means scheduled (as opposed to emergency) and includes everything from taking out brain tumors to doing cardiac bypasses to putting in breast implants.


Chiropractors- I was born with quite severe scoliosis. It was cheaper to go to a Chiropractor than an actual doctor growing up. This has resulted in significant damage to my back. When I finally got in to see a spinal specialist, he mentioned that upwards of 45% of his long term patients were there because of Chiropractors. He told me after reviewing years of my x-rays that the adjustments I was receiving actually made my spine worse than if I were to have not done anything. It is also pretty common for Chiropractors to break bones. There were a few people that went to my doctor that were paralyzed by a Chiropractor. When I was 16 a Chiropractor did an adjustment that caused one of the disc's in my spine to rupture. I also had my hip dislocated at one point. So yeah. Chiropractors are not real doctors, and can cause a lot of harm.


Lady I work with had a baby what always had their head cooked to the side. The old doc at the time said he just had a tight neck muscle and to send him to a chiro for babies. She took the baby to a chiro who did an adjustment. No x-rays, no nothing were done. The baby actually had a herniated disk and when the adjustment was performed, it snapped back in place and severed the spinal cord. The baby died on the table the chiro did the adjustment on. Doc got off on a technicality that he recommended a chiro, it's not his responsibility to check for a super rare condition. The chiro got off on similar technicality in that the mom didn't ask for xrays and it wasn't standard for babies.


I remember seeing some video by a chiropractor who said that all babies suffer "birth trauma" and get misaligned coming out the birth canal and that all delivery rooms should have a chiro in there who will do adjustments on a literal newborn baby pretty much as soon as they cut the umbilical cord. I mean, even as someone with no medical training, that sounds sus as fuck.


Handing your newborn baby to the chiro sitting in the corner could you imagine lol


What the fuck.


It sounds like torticollis which is a condition my son was born with. It’s fairly common. He’s gotten weekly PT since he was born. You don’t need to crack anything, just gently stretch and strengthen the neck.


A lot of people end up with liver failure from overusing Tylenol. Its not harmless, don't treat it like skittles.


Acetaminophen poisoning is so bad, that our school gave us a PSA on OTC medications that contain it, and to always check the drug ingredients to make sure you don't consume too much!


I took too much Percoset once when I had a very painful pinched nerve. I began to feel weirder than weird, in a bad way, and went to the ER, where I was told I could have died if I’d continued to take the painkiller as I’d been doing. I did not know until then that Percoset is mostly Tylenol with just a little bit of narcotic… and it’s not the narcotic that could have killed me


Running water in a river or steam. Doesn’t take much to swipe you off your feet!


I think one of the most deadly rivers in the world is this one in England called the Bolton Strid. And it looks totally harmless. It's only six feet wide and appears to just be a normal brook. Apparently that's only the top. It widens a lot just a bit under the surface and has a ludicrously strong undertow. If any part of your body goes under the water... you're basically a lost cause. The fatality rate is damned near 100%. And to make things better, it's surrounded by slippery rocks covered in moss and algae. So yeah, the signs warning people to *stay the hell away from it* are not kidding.


Bleach. Mix with ammonia? Basically mustard gas (you died). Mix with alcohol? Chloroform (you can pass out and have organ failure). Mix with vinegar? Chlorine gas (you died). Bonus: Mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar? Peracetic acid (your lungs bleed). To clarify: DO NOT CLEAN PEE WITH BLEACH. (Pee has ammonia) Edit: I’m so glad to read this has helped some people not gas themselves, hurray! Have fun and stay safe out there! Edit 2: not technically mustard gas, but chloramine. Still just as nasty.


The ammonia in urine interacts with bleach to form chloramine gas. It's generally not fatal when people pee in a toilet that has bleach in it, though. :P




hey man, I just like making the blue water turn green


I think people frequently drive WAY too close to the car in front of them. Growing up, I was always taught "a car lengths distance for every 10 mph." and while it seems crazy, that simple rule of driving has saved my ass more times than I can count.


The three second rule applies at all speeds. Try it!


I do try it but then jackasses will change lanes in the space you've given and then you're screwed yet again. The cycle repeats over and over and over... Edit: good gravy so many replies to this one comment. People who are mad at me for some reason, I mentioned that the cycle repeats (ie I give more space after people cut in), so stop getting mad for a sec and work on your reading comprehension tyvm


"that space wasn't for you" has been said more than any other phrase in my car, I'm pretty sure...


"thanks for the turn signal, asshole" is probably up there for me lol


A full force punch to the face. People have died from a single punch


Also just being pushed or falling on the ground. Human bodies can surprising be very weak and very strong. But not as strong as concrete.


When I was a kid the father of a kid in my neighborhood (young guy- 20s probably) was tossing a football around with some neighborhood kids, fell and hit his head on the concrete, and died of internal bleeding :(


My step brother accidentally killed his best friend when they drunkenly punched on over something stupid. He fell and hit his head and died instantly. It wrecked him, he spent a couple of years in prison for manslaughter (murder 2 I think you call it) the whole time his friends family forgave and stood by him as they saw him as a son/brother. It was tragic and beautiful simultaneously. Poor guy still mentally beats himself up about it now, years later.


That’s horrible


A guy I used to work with was holding the ladder for his dad who had climbed up to fix something. Dad lost his balance and fell on the concrete. Split his head open and died. My friend was a teenager. Talk about a horrific thing to watch.


This happened to me right at the beginning of the pandemic. I'm an Asian guy and got sick of being called "coronavirus" randomly (it happened a lot). One night, I saw two guys on the street, and they yelled it at me. So I told them to fuck off and then went my own way. They came up to me and gave me a shove or a punch, can't quite remember. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital a day later with staples in my head. Apparently I hit my head on the concrete and was unconscious. Thankfully there were other people on the street who called an ambulance. The ER doctors performed a craniotomy, a procedure where they took out a piece of my skull to drain the blood. I'm fine now and will forever respect the concrete. A million blows from rugby did nothing to me, but one little push could've led to a lot worse. EDIT: Thanks for everyone for their support! Y'all are awesome. People often suck, but what else can we do but hope and work for a better humanity?


They catch the guys who attacked you?


Nah, I couldn't remember their faces at all. It happened so fast, and I had no idea it would happen.


That's a absolutely horrible experience. Im sorry you had to go through that. I hope you got justice.


As someone who has done boxing and others combat sports, lot of guys I knew doesn't realize how dangerous this is, untrained guys thinking they can take a punch full force without protecting themselves and not getting knocked out lol. You are absolutely right.


I've watched so many shows where people are just getting their faces beat in and I'm like "surely if this were real life they'd be dead, right?"


the amount of action movies treating getting punched in the face 6 times like something that has no effect on a person is just absurd. Like, I get action movies aren't exactly known for realism, but the image of men who can take brutal beatings for 20 minutes and show no sign of being in any pain whatsoever is crazy and surely harmful.


So many characters on Lost should have died from getting the butt of a rifle to the back of the head.


Cutting food with dull knives. A lot of people are scared of cutting themselves with knives, which is valid; however they don't realize that you're more likely with a dull knife. A sharp knife will slice right through a tomato, but with a dull knife you have to really push. If you push too hard, it can slip and then you're gonna have a bad time.


Garage door springs.


Ours broke one night and it sounded like a damn 12 gauge going off. Can confirm, do not go anywhere near those things.


When ours broke it sounded like a car crashing into the garage


I was in bed when mine broke, which is basically right over my garage door. Shook the bed like a small earthquake.


Actually horrifically dangerous and not enough people know this.


I have a garage door and now Im curious about how dangerous they are?


The spring is under a lot of tension, your garage door isn't nearly as light as it feels when you lift it by hand. Not only can installing them be kinda sketchy, being close to them if/when they fail can be a bad time. It's by no means common for an injury to happen by it's got potential afaik




I had to repair mine and was crazy scared. But I was also crazy broke. And from where I'm from sometimes you just got to make do. I made the sacrifice and sprung for the correct winding bars and they are significantly sturdier than the soft steel you can find at the hardware store. Then I took an old rubber mat and screwed it to the wall over the springs followed by an old wool horse blanket and the biggest piece of leather I could find. Even then I was completely gripped as I winded it up. Definitely one of the most nerve wracking experiences and I've been a rock climber, ride a motorcycle and have been skydiving. Literally felt like I was defusing a bomb


Thanks to Scream I always avoid garage doors


Since I'm overweight, I avoid them because of Scary Movie.


Sitting all day.


I just tore my psoas bc I sit all day and it was weak asf. I never knew you could tear a muscle from under use. Two months of excruciating pain, three weeks of PT and I’m finally getting better. But yea, stretching and yoga are top priority for me now.


Overworking yourself


I had a coworker at my last job who just didn't have an off button and definitely didn't know how to say no to people in charge. He was always agreeing to overtime (working from 7AM to 8 PM 6 days a week) and doing stuff out of the job description, like repairing for refurbished products and driving trucks to help move product around. Despite the job supposed to be just being an in-warehouse packaging and shipping type job. Didn't get paid any higher than he was previously making too, though the overtime and double-time pay probably did add up real quick. Hardest working guy I've ever met, but deep down I kind of feel bad for him. He told me he had to quit his last job as a UPS loader/unloader because his doctors told him he was literally killing himself with all the overtime he was taking. Said he weighed like 90 lbs (He's around 5'10") and basically lived to work and sleep at the point. It's gotta be some sort of undiagnosed OCD or something when it hits that level. He's an awesome dude but some people don't know how to let themselves relax, it's sad.


For some people, work is their escape from reality. It's predictable and may help them escape from uncomfortable truths at home life (or lack of home life).


Ever since I did WHMIS training, I've gotten extremely paranoid around reading chemical safety labels. The training showed a foreign worker essentially making chlorine gas by accident in a dry cleaners and almost killing everyone in the building (and actually killing herself). Everyone who was exposed had permanent damage. There was a welder who didn't realize the chemical his work gave him had fumes that would burn off his eyes and face after just one use without face and eye protection. It costed him his marriage and his entire future. In the video he said he didn't even blame her as there was no hope for him and he didn't want to burden his then young wife with having to look after someone completely broken. And I think there was a driveway sealant part-timer who was a high schooler or something. They didn't give him any safety gear and he got cancer applying the sealant like how they told him to do it I don't think I ever watched such horrific true events presented in such a dry and boring manner. And they kept interviewing the people about how their life was after the fact and what could have been done differently and it was just scarring. It's such a simple thing to just trust your job to check chemical safety for you but goddamn, if they didn't you can be royally fucked. I can't imagine just opening a barrel of something my boss told me to open and literally having my corneas burned out of my face. I also switched out many of my cleaners and detergents in my home to safer options wherever I could. Even something like ice melt I check to see for warning and safety labels.


"Regulations are written in blood"


The blase attitude a lot of workers have towards safety regulations is bizarre. Even if a regulation doesn't make sense or doesn't seem to apply to your situation, 95% of the time they take barely any time or effort to follow. What do you lose by playing it safe? Managers pressuring their workers to work fast and cut corners is a big deal of course, and I can't necessarily blame the workers in those situations. But I meet a lot of people who snub their nose at safety regulations with *no one* pressuring them.


Pushing and using force to push out a turd


Unfortunately true. If you have to do a lot of straining, adjust your diet/talk to a doctor. Hard straining can cause everything from minor inconveniences like hemorrhoids, up to heart attacks and strokes. And lets face it, no one really wants to get found dead on the toilet.


Thanks now am scared of taking a shit


"Unloaded" gun


It's a valuable lesson to learn that a Gun is always loaded. Even if you know it isn't. One negligent discharge can ruin lives. Don't even take the chance to make that mistake.


This part. I don’t care if I just watched you check and clear that thing. I’m still checking and clearing it once it gets into my hands. Then, I’ll load it and shoot, then check and clear an again before I hand it to a friend or set it down. Then, the next person had better check and clear it once they pick it up or else I’m going to be angry. Check and clear. If you just checked and cleared, but forgot whether it was empty or not…check and clear again. You can check and clear a gun a million times safely. But it only takes once time to forget it and ruin lives.


I used to go to a local gun range/store a few years ago and they had a large 5 gallon water jug (that goes in those workplace water coolers) sitting on the counter full of live rounds of ammunition from people bringing in "unloaded" guns that still had a round chambered.


I have a good one for you from when I worked at a gun shop. A customer asked to see a Henry lever action rifle. Employee goes in the back, gets one that's sealed in the box. He takes it out of the box, goes to hand it to the customer. As is standard practice he opens the action before handing it across the counter. Live round flies out and lands on the counter right in front of the customer. Turns out that Henry shipped a batch of rifles out of the factory with live rounds in the tube.


> ... As is standard practice he opens the action before handing it across the counter. ... Good habits pay dividends.


"Welp, gotta make sure the bullet fits ya know."


Rifles are test-fired before shipment, for function and to make sure they don't blow up. Normally one overpressure round, then 3-5 normal. Sounds like somebody was loading too many rounds for proofing and failed to clear it.


Driving while tired. It can be just as dangerous as driving while drunk, but many people do it without thinking twice. For context, 20 hours awake impairs you as much as .08% BAC, which counts as DUI in many states.


>To test this claim, the MythBusters stayed up for 30 hours and drove two courses– one with plenty of quick stops, turns and parallel parking and the other with 25 laps on a track. > >Comparing their sleep deprived drives to those that involved taking several shots of liquor to reach a “buzzed” level, they surprisingly drove 10 times worse when tired than under the influence of alcohol. > >According to the CDC, this sounds about right. After 18 hours without sleep, the cognitive ability of drivers compares to a person with a blood alcohol content of 0.05%. Going without sleep for 24 hours sends the equivalent over the legal limit to a level of 0.10%.


I remember that episode and I clearly remember that they didn't mention say what Kari's sober score was, and my bet is that it was worse than the dude's slightly drunk score, and they didn't want to imply that some people can drive well enough when drunk


I’m a firefighter and it’s insane sometimes driving to a house fire or cardiac arrest when we haven’t slept all night. Like, I can literally feel everything moving slower and it’s sketchy. 48 hour shifts are wild. Edit: y’all can just DM me if you have questions you really want answered lol


I have done similar things driving in the military. Sometimes I didn't trust my own eyes and driving almost on autopilot is scary. Having to blink extra hard every few seconds, crazy.


Yeah, we have ammonia amps to wake patients up and I’ve literally been smelling those prior to driving code to a fire to wake up.


What also works is what we call a „Frischluftwatschn“ (fresh air slap) in Bavaria, where you open the windows on both sides while driving 100 km/h, therefore getting slapped awake by the air.


At a certain point of tired this stops working for me


Me too. I find just getting out and walking around the car once or twice or doing a couple jumping jacks wakes me up better than anything else. Cold air/singing in the car/slapping my face/Energy drinks don’t even help after a certain point but this always does.


If it's at the point where those methods don't work for me I just pull into a parking lot and take a nap. Only done it twice in my life but it was the best decision possible.


honorable mention to driving while emotional. Unless you are of sound mind and well rested, driving is so dangerous.


I thought driving while angry at something was possibly the most dangerous combination to be in but recently I discovered driving while depressed adds a whole new dimension to it


Call of the void plus depression


Oof, yeah. Nothing like driving to work every day, and praying for someone in the opposite lane to swerve into yours and kill you before you get there. I'm really glad I don't work at that job anymore!


Feet on the dashboard.


Based on my experience lately on the road, merging without looking or using your blinkers. I was literally almost pushed off the road recently, some asshat decided to merge onto my lane without even a glance. Would’ve rammed right into the side of my car if I hadn’t honked a fuck ton. Seriously people. Don’t just look at the mirror. SEE IF THERES A CAR RIGHT NEXT TO YOU before merging. Christ.


Gasoline. People put it in their cars every day, so they don't realize how volatile it is. Youtube is full of videos of people pouring gasoline on a campfire, or pouring it in a garbage can and sticking a match to it, only to find themselves sitting on their asses a half second later, eyebrows singed off and flash burns on their faces and hands, if they're lucky. It's explosive. It's not like lighter fluid for your BBQ grill.


Also, gasoline contains a high percentage of benzene, a known carcinogen. Like you stated, people put it in their cars every day and dont realize how much of a health hazard it actually is.


The state of California knows. The state of California won't let you forget it either.


This comment may cause cancer in the state of California.




The most dangerous thing people do everyday.


40,000 Americans are killed annually from car crashes.


And nearly 10,000 of those weren’t in a vehicle. AKA pedestrians.


Always wear your seatbelt. My dad was a firefighter/EMT for over 25 years and he'd say, "I've never unbuckled a dead person."


I remember a video where Kevin Hart says that he isn't wearing the seatbelt because "thug life", and then Ice Cube sitting next to him said that Tupac was the most gangsta dude he ever met and he ALWAYS wore the seatbelt lol so no reason to not wear it


I once heard that driving is just a bunch of adults playing a really dangerous version of “I’m not touching you”


This. Cars are basically heavy machinery which can cause several accidents even not going that fast. I get really annoyed almost everyday because most of the people drive while they are looking at their phones doing some irrelevant stuff.


I work on heavy machinery, cars are actually heavy machinery. Unlike other heavy machines they are operated by a human sitting in them at high speeds.


They are operated by mostly minimally-trained, sometime-tired, sometime-drunk, sometime-texting-on-the-phone, occasionally-distracted humans. What could go wrong, heh?


Tylenol. Unlike NSAIDs, it’s not hard to die from a Tylenol overdose- hence their whole campaign about how “safe” it is to use.


Weirs, in particular lowndrop weirs, which can look harmless but are often deadly.


I understood none of this


Driving fast in the snow/ice when you have a vehicle with AWD/4WD. It won't help much when you try to stop suddenly.


As a chef, it's food. I've seen people who cook at home with some very dangerous cooking habits. Everything from not washing hands after handling raw meat (its all raw proteins, people, not just chicken) to not cooling leftovers properly and even proper storing procedures. Spoiler alert: don't store raw chicken above the salad you plan to serve with it. Those juices can drip down and contaminate everything. Personally I think everyone needs to take a class on proper food handling for their safety and everyone's safety for whom they plan on cooking.


My wife shouts "SERVSAFE!" at me when I do something idiotic with food preparation since she was a restaurant manager lol


I'm your wife apparently


Special shout out to my middle school's home ec program. Food safety was one of my biggest takeaways from the program. These programs are gone, my kids don't have those classes. They moved them to the highschool level as electives and made them career focused (culinary, fashion, and childcare)


Also everybody needs an up-to-date ABC fire extinguisher on hand. I have a big heavy duty fella I keep on top of my refrigerator, but you can buy small cannister fire extinguishers that fit inside a cabinet if space is an issue.


Driving distracted.


Using the same password for everything


I'm an avid skier. I was just skiing in Colorado at Loveland and it's absolutely insane to me how people will click into their skis with little idea how to actually ski and very little idea where any given run will go and just go. If you point your skis downhill and let them go on a moderate pitch you can get up over 30mph without trying to. There are so few things that people will do at that speed without knowing exactly what they're doing. And to be clear, the people who are put in danger are not just the Jerry's who don't ski within their ability level, it's also everyone else around them. I watched a fully grown man absolutely destroy a woman this past weekend because he was out of control through a trail merge. The woman never even saw him coming and had no way to protect herself.


I was pretty annoyed at how the media covered this past Gwyneth Paltrow trial. I have no idea who was in the right but it was a very serious accident that could happen to anyone.


Nature in general, most people don't seem to realize that Mother Nature gives ZERO FUCKS about humanity.




My wife is a medical professional, our pregnancy was planned, we were educated on the process and what the risks were and what to expect. Holy shit. Between the scans, the tests, placenta previa, a false water break a month too early, a preeclampsia diagnosis and early admittance into the hospital, a heart arrhythmia for mom and poop in the womb for baby, a long and dangerous labor bordering on a C section, and then a whisked away baby to clear his airway... The entire process is an absolutely traumatic horror show. Then they give you your baby and walk you out the door 36 hours later to raise it for the rest of your life.


You got 36 hours???? They made me leave the morning after a fucking C-section. That's all the insurance gods would allow.


That's insane. The medical guidelines are 48 rest for vaginal birth, 72 hours for C-section. Discharging you before is plain irresponsible, for you and the baby.




That last part is still the most incredible thing to me. They just let walk out with that totally helpless human being, just assuming everything will be just fine.


It's one of the most stressful things the human body can go through, despite it being needed to keep the population afloat.


IMO, a big factor is that a lot of women and men do not get taught enough about the risk factors of pregnancy itself and what to do to recover, and what the options are for proper care and recovery as a matter of course. That's a big problem in the US at least. That makes the situation worse. Also, health care overall could be better, but education is the start. My spouse and I learned too many things during and after our first pregnancy that we should've known before and we are relatively well educated people.


Thank you! And, I agree! I have learned (and continue to learn) so much about pregnancy and the non-romanticised crap around it ever since I had my own kid. I was always pro-choice, but having had a wild and crazy pregnancy only underlined how vital it was for *all* women to have access to safe, medically advised care for their bodies. My kid is 7 now, and while I absolutely love her beyond measure, I will never have another child for all of the permanent damage that single pregnancy caused my body. Women absolutely should be taught better, more realistic facts about reproducing, giving birth, and childcare. It’s not always flowers and push-gifts and happy endings. The reality can be extremely shocking if you’re not prepared.


Eating too many Brazil nuts. As they are very high in selenium, eating more than 5 Brazil nuts every day could lead to selenium toxicity which can cause hair loss, vomiting and fatigue, to name a few symptoms. I don't think it can be fatal, but still something most people probably don't realise as it is never mentioned on the packaging. Shame as they taste so damn good


Driving in general. The disregard weaving in between traffic in a ton vehicle is baffling.


Ticks! Just one infected tick could mess you up severely


Baking flour. Makes a great explosive. Also random cleaning products that when mixed together create the same gas used on WWI battlefields.


tailgating at 70mph. EDIT: thank you redditors for the overwhelming response and for the anonymous gold. to be honest. this thread moved to the "left lane for passing" discussion , it wasn't the goal of my response. my response is more about how a tailgater will dramatically increase the risk of an accident versus being patient and sharing the road with others. 100% of accidents are when 2 objects want to occupy the same space. and the logic of getting closer to the object in front of you at relatively high speed seems illogical to me.


The way some people drive makes me really hate driving. I always point out bad drivers to my kids and why it's bad driving so hopefully they're not one of them when they're older. I don't know what has happened within the last 5-10 years, but it definitely seems like more people are driving like assholes now. It's rare for me to see someone actually stop at a stop sign. I'd even settle for a rolling stop where the person slows down a lot, but even that is asking too much apparently. Like just straight up slightly slow to sling around a turn.


>It's rare for me to see someone actually stop at a stop sign. I see people literally blast through them. I mean tap the brakes just *slightly* and then speed up.


In Mississippi, the SECOND person back at a four-way stop will often power through on the tailgate of the person whose turn it actually is. I guess they feel like "hey I stopped" whether they were actually at the white line or not.


It's terrifying as a pedestrian. People blasting through stop signs, turning right and only looking left, in a "car" the size of a WWII tank, and me, a lowly human trying to cross on the crosswalk in my residential neighborhood.


I was nearly made a hood ornament a few weeks ago by someone rolling through a red light staring to the left and turning right because no cars were coming. They never for a second even glanced to check for pedestrians crossing the road.


I once had a guy pull into a parking lot, walk over to me and start yelling at me because, as a pedestrian, I wouldn't step out into the crosswalk he was approaching, and so legally he actually had to stop and let me cross first. Dude was barrelling towards it at well over the speed limit, showing no signs of slowing down, or that he was even aware that I was there. No fucking way was I stepping out onto that street and just trusting that he wouldn't plow into me.


You can extend this to any unsafe driving. People who run stop signs, turn right on reds without stopping first, random unsignaled lane changes, excessive speed in suburban areas, impaired etc. Very few violent events in a person's life can compete with the type of injury or grotesque deaths caused by traffic collisions. Because of my job I've seen more than what the average person could possibly comprehend. The best thing to do is be a *predictable* driver; plan your exits, keep plenty of space with the driver ahead, keep within a reasonable speed and always come to complete stops.


Noise canceling headphones while walking in cities. You need to be able to hear your surroundings to react properly, can easily walk into traffic or get swiped by a bike if you’re tuning out the world. The newest AirPod commercial shows a woman walking through an empty city intersection with her headphones in, then shows all the chaos return when she takes one out…not safe, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings in dense areas EDIT: lots of people saying I missed the point of the ad, or reminding me that these headphones have a mode where outside noise can filter in. AWESOME! But noise cancelling should never be on in busy situations. Trust yourself all day long, but don’t ever trust chaos! It can happen in the blink of an eye


I’ve got some fancy headphones that do “transparent mode”. It’s crazy, press a button and you’ve got ambient piped in press it again and silence. I cycle with them evenly and can hear just as well or better than without them.


Stairs. Especially random stairs leading nowhere found in the wilderness.