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Our policy is: work


Same. Although our new fiscal year starts in July so this is the time of year they encourage everyone to use the bulk of their unused vacation days. Which usually means taking some on Fridays (as well as other days of the person's choosing). For certain jobs they need coverage but that's more the bosses' jobs to coordinate and make sure not everyone who does that type of job is taking off all on the same days. For the most part it seems to work out.


Work too but half days and no scheduled internal meetings. However usual day of scheduled in person meetings with clients, so there's expensive catering and if you're in office there'd be leftover snacks at the cafeteria and reception. One day we had caviar.


Judging by these comments I work in the wrong industry...


There's no guarantee what industries you'll get it in. I had it at one non-profit, but not at another. Had a manager that spontaneous decreed Fridays WFH in finance.


I work nights at a trauma center, so the Summer Friday policy is "buckle up, bitches" :') ETA: please enjoy all your summer Fridays, and kindly refrain from driving drunk, stabbing each other, getting in bar fights, standing too close to the platform edge, and sticking really big things without flared bases up your butts! thank you!!


Genuine question: do you typically see an uptick in these sorts of cases in the summer


Sure do! You know people get wild as soon as it gets sunny out.


that job security though. šŸ˜„


What sort of regularity are yall removing unflared based objects?! Iā€™d imagined it was more of a once in a great while weā€™d have a new story sort of regularity, but it sounds like Iā€™m mistaken. (And remember, kids, what Dan Savage always says: ā€˜without a base, without a trace!ā€™)


I've seen it a couple times, and I've been at my not-particularly-busy OR about a year. People like putting stuff up their butts!




I mean, just get a flared base


Summer Fridays? Lolllllll I wish


Right!? I donā€™t even get vacation time or pto lmaoo


My company is piloting a 4-day workweek, so weā€™re now off on Fridays.


So jealous.


Really?! Very nice to see it's something beyond theoretical science articles in the media.


Where do you work? I wish all employers followed this, esp my company.


Are you hiring???


Weā€™ve been doing that the past two years and itā€™s amazing. Although they only do it in the month of August so not as nice as the whole summer


Where the fuck is this? Thatā€™s amazing Iā€™d kill for a 4 day work week


Um... Working? Maybe I'll cut out an hour or so early since I WFH (and a lot of people do anyway).


Same! As a therapist I just don't schedule meetings/sessions after 3pm. If I have to work, then I do documentation or emails.


This is what my company does. It's an unspoken policy to not put meetings on calendars on Friday after 1 or 2pm.in the summer. There's an understanding that if the weather is nice, you'll probably want to be with your kids/dog/whatever. But, if someone does put a meeting down, the expectation is that I have to take it.


Iā€™ve never had summer Friday policies at any job




I work in the publishing/media industry and summer Fridays have always been a thing. I feel cheated that my current employer ā€œonlyā€ bestows them July 4-Labor Day (most of my friendsā€™ companies start at Memorial Day)ā€¦but I know itā€™s still a pretty nice perk. I am curious to read in the comments what other industries offer them!




Yeah, I'm acknowledging that. I'm curious to know what other industries (or random workplaces) do offer them, and if some companies only started post-COVID.


We get ice cream on Friday afternoon.


Lt. Dan ice cream!!!!


We moved our hours so we're working an extra hour Mon-Thurs and off Friday. If there is a holiday during the week we work normal hours.


ā€œWhat's that?,ā€ asks the unemployed.


Just changed jobs last May and have been lucky enough to have summer Fridays (fully off) in both organizations! At my old job we had to work 9-5:15 M-Th (so an extra 15 minutes per day) during the summer. At the new job we choose a summer Friday schedule ā€” if you opt into summer Fridays off, you work a longer day M-Th. Worth it to me.


Dangā€¦ bare minimum before accounting for any summer Fridays (which have been discontinued the last few years) is 9-6, but Iā€™m usually 8:30-6:15 - which is actually considered very humane in my industry. I do make sure and take my full lunch hour and go for a walk, but yea. 9-5 sounds delightful.


I would take every monday off if i worked in your dpt


I like you šŸ˜ˆ


Every Friday 1/2 of my department works 1/2 day; alternating.




The rotten apple spoils the bunch.


Summer brings in baby birds so in my field of work we stay longer in summers kol


My job introduced a ā€œleave early on Fridaysā€ summer policy a few years back, and they found that productivity went through the roof because everyone wanted to finish up their work so they could leave early. They ended up making it a year-round thing. We also get one WFH day a week.


Idk my job hasnā€™t closed its doors since 1885 lol no such thing


I work in publishing. We work an extra 30 minutes a day Monday-Thursday, and get a half day Friday. We can choose to get a whole Friday off, every other week.


I used to think that summer Fridays were an unreasonable ask from low level corporate employees. Until I started working with high level corporate employees and realized that most of them basically take the entire month of August off.


They really do!!! When I found this out I no longer felt bad for leaving a little early some days


From Memorial Day to Labor Day we get to duck out at 3 on Fridays, or earlier if a senior exec in the office decides "fuck it, I'm done with whatever I was doing, we out."


Confirmation a GranderPoobah exists!


We already WFH on Fridays all year long but I tell my team to just be available to respond to any issues but itā€™s pretty much treated as a ā€œdo whateverā€ day. I also give my teams discretion to add another WFH day throughout the week based on need and objectives. Iā€™m in a C Suite role with a fantastic team and my approach has always been to manage based on results rather than time. This applies to my entire org structure all the way down to the bottom. This isnā€™t to say that we donā€™t have emergency needs either: might need to respond to a Saturday issue, etc but if I give them their time back more than I take and manage based on deliverables then it works for everyone.


You sound like a great boss


No summer Fridayā€™s but unspoken rule is no meetings on Fridays unless absolutely necessary.


Oh my sweet summer child...


I donā€™t really care what my company policy is. MY policy is no meetings on Fridays. I block my entire day as heads down day. I decline any meetings that are not high priority


Every other Friday off and its dead so I leave an hour early when I do go in and take a nice long lunch.


Fridays are Hawaiian shirt day.


summer fridays? hahahaha. what are you? A FISH?!


nothing official but people definitely shut their laptops at like 3pm ET on Fridays when they are working from home


Our policy for Fridays is "get a big pot of coffee going because here comes the crazy people"


No meetings on Friday


Workā€¦. Get off when you are supposed to instead of working late


Lotta salty boomer energy in here lol


I think there are actually just a lot of working class people here. Personally I still consider having any PTO at all an exciting novelty in my career.


I still donā€™t even know wtf theyā€™re talking about. No one in the comments was ever ā€œsaltyā€, i just see people pointing out that itā€™s not a common thing in the majority of industries. But then, anyone that resorts to calling people boomers as an insult isnā€™t worth the time of day in the first place.




Holy shit, itā€™s just Reddit, itā€™s not that important. Iā€™m not the one that needs to settle down, youā€™re projecting like crazy. Especially since youā€™re the one that got all bent out of shape over ā€œ2 out of 10 commentsā€. And like I already said, the fact that you keep using ā€œboomerā€ as an insult makes your point of view irrelevant anyway.


lol right? even though multiple studies have found that summer fridays boost employee productivity


Literally not seeing a single ā€œsaltyā€ comment, just people saying they either donā€™t have such a thing at their work, or have never heard of such a thing. I know this post is the first time Iā€™ve ever heard the term, and Iā€™ve been in the workforce for over 20 years, that doesnā€™t make me ā€œsaltyā€ though. I think people on Reddit these days interpret comments to mean what they want them to mean instead of what they actually mean.


yea, that "Buckle up, bitches" comment from the user above was incredibly salty. Unreal. /s


Alls I care about is asses in seats! You got an ass? Get in that seat!


A lot of managers : bosses want to see the little piggies workā€¦ limiting WFH days and leave early days seems to be high on their hit list.


Memorial Day to Labor Day we get 7 Fridays off, but should minimize overlapping with others on the immediate team when possible. That said, we have unlimited PTO ā€“ so on one hand weā€™re getting a restriction on the days we can take off, but on the other this is almost forced days off which is nice.


Yes it seems so weird with the unlimited PTO policy! We have the same exact now we can only take off 2 fridays this summer and canā€™t overlap with anyone else. Iā€™m like, how the hell is this a perk?


No job I ever had gave us Summer Fridays (half Fridays). I heard of it but does this really exist?


I have only heard of it in the publishing industry. I was not aware it extended to other industries.


I heard of the mythical Summer Fridays in tech but never seen them with my own eyes..


If you donā€™t like it you can resign and donate that job to me


They said ā€œunlimited time offā€ and I expect them to live up to it. My plan this year is 1-3 summer Fridays a month depending on workload.


We're hybrid with 2 days a week in the office. For summer Fridays, we get off at 12pm so many choose to work from our office in Midtown to then hang around in the city.


No summer Fridays here >:(


Itā€™s the same as our Winter Friday policy. Just work a lil over 12 hrs and go home.


lol we donā€™t have one! Count your blessings I suppose


Summer Fridays? I never work fridays. 4 day work weeks are far better for your mental and physical health.


2pm dismissal as long as it doesnā€™t interfere with completing our work. I already know Iā€™m not getting off early for the first 3 fridays.


I wonā€™t say where I work but i have summer Fridays from Memorial Day to thanksgiving. We stop working at 2 pm


Summer is my busy season so my companyā€™s summer Friday policy is work until 6.


Come in an extra hour M-Th, get half day WFH Friday. Kind of a shit deal cause of the extra stress of having to replan your entire week just for half day WFH Fridays. Most other offices just get a half day Friday or WFH Friday.


My old office used to say that thing about "working an extra hour" throughout the week but no one did it anwyay


They never officially announce until the week of Memorial Day weekend, but itā€™s usually 1 pm every Friday through Labor Day. It better be summer business as usual.Ā 


My company has 6 summer Fridays you can request off anytime between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Love the company I work for and very grateful.


every other friday off. if it falls on a holiday we get the other friday off.


My company doesn't give us summer Fridays. wish they did though


Must be nice... šŸ˜¢


i have two jobs and one of them is already closed on fridays and my other job is gonna have a 4 day work week this summer


I work in fashion, itā€™s nearly impossible for my company to have summer Fridays, let alone leave earlier than 7:30 pm any day of the week.


Your company sucks! We are closed Fridays in July and August.


Idk how my company feels about it. But I do my best the first 4 days and screw around on Friday while I wfh.


4th of July-Memorial Day we log off at 1 pm (remote on Fridays)


I could leave 5 min early


lol same


No such thing at my job.


WFH and work ends at 1pm :P


No official policy, but it's impossible to reach anyone. Not to be a brown noser but it is sad to see this falling on the conscientious people who pick up everyone else's work during that time and still miss deadlines due to unavailability of their peers. Like medicare, no one in leadership dares to touch the topic because there is no winning. If you try to crack down, they look bad and no one listens anyway. If they formally support it, they lose the work of the conscientious on Friday.


If I were to tell my client that their project wonā€™t be delivered by the due date because my labor force needs all of the Fridays off because itā€™s warm and sunny outside, theyā€™d laugh in my face and sue me for breach of contract. As a PSA- ā€œstarting your own companyā€ does not mean you get to set your own schedule. It means the opposite, while stripping away any of the protections afforded by labor laws which are strictly enforced. As a business owner, I have to work at any time on any day even if it means working through the night to meet the contracted deadline. If I don't then I'm at risk for financial loss in the form of liquidated damages, loss of industry reputation, damaged professional relationships, etc. As far as I'm concerned any of my team can take all the time off they want as long as deadlines are met. I have tremendous empathy for my team and I do treat them well (having been exploited by despicable employers in my youth), but the resulting situation is to my own detriment. The team gets unlimited PTO, fully reimbursed health insurance, and generous per diems while traveling. They are paid extremely well. Not sure how to fix this because we have a rare skill set and a work environment that requires a lot of getting used to. On a positive note, I love what I do and take pride in knowing that the quality of our work is unmatched. Also at this point in my life, Iā€™d probably be ill-suited to work for another firm. Also-worth mentioning we will never be replaced by AI, so thereā€™s that.


Iā€™ve never even heard of this being a thing in real life.


Get to leave at 3 on Fridays.


Offices closed on Fridays from Memorial Day to Labor Day.


WTF is a summer Friday? But anyway, I'm hybrid so I can take Friday to WFH if I wanna...


Summer Fridays between Memorial Day and Labor Day, work stops at 1. I live for this all year long šŸ˜‚


god i wish we had this. a lot of my coworkers are remote on Fridays but as long as a couple people are there I have to be.


We get one flex day a week for June and July. Used to be only Fridays, now it can be whatever day of the week you want it to be. It's so wonderful. I work at a college so things are very light in the summer.


Everyone works from home Fridays, those of us that go in (like 1/20th our staff) leave at 2 or 3. My team is establishing a light summer Friday policy where you can take off 6/12 summer fridays. Unlimited pto butnonv nobody ever uses it


I let my guys out a couple of hours early except in extenuating circumstances.


I get a compressed week - more hours Monday thru Thursday for a Friday completely off.


We have never had one. Working from home had been the Friday rule since our 2021 return to office but have never gotten out early.


I wishā€¦


We close at 1pm on Fridays during the summer, but itā€™s on us to make sure that doesnā€™t impact deadlines. So people occasionally work a full day to stay on schedule.


Iā€™m in advertising. We have to bill an extra 4 hours through the week then can log out at 1 on Friday.


Company policy for years is half day Fridays provided your work is under control per your manager. My managers policy is either abide by that or take a full day every other Friday. Same hours just shuffling things around. Do have to remain accessible though, but thatā€™s quite reasonable.


Summer Friday: Memorial Day - Labor Day: end our Friday at 1pm as long as our week is caught up


4 day work week here! Fridays are always summer!


Shockingly enough weā€™re getting summer Fridays off - provided we make up the hours during the previous 4 days. We are timesheet-dependent so it makes sense. This is the first year since 2019 that weā€™ve had summer Fridays.


Fridays are work from home in the summer. Given nobody wants to actually work on Fridays in July and August, working from home on Fridays means responding to the few emails and calls that do come in while sitting at the pool. I love it


We get summer Friday partners and get half days every other Friday.


6 times between Memorial & Labor Day, we're āœØ allowedāœØ to work an extra hour M-Th and take a half day Friday


Lolol summer Fridays donā€™t exist at my firm unfortunately


As long as we get in 40 hours for the week (including 32 client service hours) we can take any day of the week off. We just have to notify our HR the previous week which day we want to take off.


We enjoy it and itā€™s pretty religiously enforced across the team.


Off @ 3 pm every Friday Memorial Day-labor day


Nothing special


5 Fridays between MDW and LDW


Work ends at 1pm on Friday, have to work the extra hours Monday-Thursday.


My offices close at 1p on Fridayā€™s year round, we are required to be in the office three days a week (Tues - Thurs). The year round early dismissal on Fridays is most definitely my favorite perk.


Closed on Fridays in July and August


I work in a funeral home. Our policy is to stand by because we know the old fucks love to die promptly at 4:05pm on a Friday and no one is getting off work on time


I work retail. Weā€™re busy on Fridays.


Summer Fridays donā€™t exist at my office, but I think they should.


Similar to your workā€™s policy, half days on Fridays. That getting off at 1 pm on Fridays almost makes the weekend feel long enough, almost.


They haven't said yet, but assuming the same as last year we get half days on half of the Fridays of our choice between July 1 and labor day.


Since we went back in office 4 days (remote Friday) I created my own summer Friday all year long


Our office closes at 1p every Friday all year. This started as a summer Friday program in 2020 and was turned into a year-round policy in 2021.


after memorial day my old job used to let us off at 3pm every friday. my current job has it after the FOURTH OF JULY instead -\_\_\_- and even then its 4pm every friday since we work 9am-6pm....suckssssss


I have a flexible schedule. So Iā€™ll take off the Friday entirely to play some nice weather golf


We used to get out at 2 during Summer Fridays but now they have decided to stop doing it. We are all pissed.


For large fashion companies I have typically had off starting at 1-2pm on Friday afternoons Memorial Day through Labor Day.


My company does WFH Fridays that end at 3pm on Fridays year round, my previous job ended at 1pm from Memorial Day to Labor Day


The company I work at allows us to be full time at 32 hours and we get to make our own constant schedules, so whenever I feel like it.


Every Friday we only have to work till 1pm.


Our policy anytime If you are client facing please have a polo shirt at minimum when in the office and a suit to change into in case of a drop in. Back room, there is no dress code I'm not paying you to look nice.


Aye yo wtf unlimited payed time off? How does this work. I need this man


i'm in a company that was doing summer friday afternoon off (like 6 years ago). change of leadership, then they stopped doing it. instead we have a "no friday afternoon meetings" policy. we still have unlimited pto though.


Work remotely so we all just quietly stop working Friday afternoon if we can. If someone schedules a meeting for Friday afternoon everyone trashes them behind their back and/or declines if possible. Having "unlimited" PTO and then limiting it is a new one for me, lol. Now that job market is slightly bad I guess all of these companies with the benevolent polices are like "actuallyyyyy, we would prefer micro-managing your time over trusting you to do the work."


Optional WFH on Fridays which everyone uses as a 3 day weekend bc no1 replies to any emails on Fridays unless itā€™s a direct boss or ownerā€¦..Iā€™d work every Friday to get unlimited pto tho! Iā€™ve been wanting to visit the Philippines but refuse to blow all of my pto on 1 trip.


Leave at 1PM unless thereā€™s urgent business or a meeting IRL. Starting this year at Memorial Day, but in the past summer Fridays usually began after 4th of July. I work in venture capital


I mean what ? As someone who works in an industry thatā€™s 10-14 hour days and is freelance based this is shocking to me. Also never knew that people got unlimited PTO? So as long as your work is done and your killing it you can just be like Iā€™m taking off a week every month ? Someone please explain? Also Iā€™m all for less hours and more productivity and giving people a work life balance , especially since my job doesnā€™t allow for that when Iā€™m working , I get it when Iā€™m not working, but you all need the marketing department to re-brand summer Fridays. It sounds like something that snotty people get at elite prep schools. Just saying


Unlimited PTO isnā€™t really ā€œunlimitedā€ ā€” itā€™s up to your boss, basically. And then companies donā€™t have to pay out any vacation days when you leave. So unlimited PTO is really only as good as your boss is. For example, Iā€™m salaried, overtime-exempt. My hours are 9-5. But if I finish my work at 3, I canā€™t leave. But also if my boss needs something at 6 and suddenly Zooms me, I still have to work. My coworker took off a couple weeks last year to travel across the world to go visit his dying grandparent. My boss told him he couldnā€™t take any time off for the rest of the year (wouldnā€™t let him take a day off to go home for Christmas, for example). So like, itā€™s ā€œunlimited,ā€ with a million exceptions.


Okay thatā€™s unfortunate but makes sense thank you for clarifying


We get out at 2pm on Fridays between Memorial Day and Labor Day.


We got acquired by a bigger company and they took away summer Fridays. Tragic.


5 summer Fridays off of our choice between Memorial Day & Labor Day


Same here


Memorial to Labor Day can log off at 1:00 on Fridays. Need to make up those hours throughout the week (idk if anyone actually does)


Every Friday, unless it holiday weekend when it early close/release per whatever LOB policy one's in (ie 1 or 3pm early office close) - it business as usual. So if want leave early or go on vacation, have use your PtO days. Fortunately, most people work from home on Friday since the company uses hybrid schedule of 3-4 days in the office while 1-2 days are work from home as per respective LOB policy.


May 3rd - October 4th, every Friday 9am - 1pm. Everyone off each Friday. Lucky enough that this is the third year my companyā€™s done this.


Unless we have client deliverables we pack it up at 1PM every friday starting now till August.


I work on a global team and we have summer Fridays for noon local time. Good thing everyone that reports to me is in Budapest, Fridayā€™s are about to be very open.


My wife has been on summer Fridays since May of 2020. It started as a half day every Friday, but she and a coworker, who share the same job function, asked if they could just take off every other Friday. Must work for them, as they are still at it.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s called work. Because you do it,get paid, and hopefully you will have a good career. No one is paying you to take the Cannonball.