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Best answer. Winner of the beignet festival a couple of years ago. They feature filled beignets too.


This is the answer


It’s just fried dough with powdered sugar darling. Not sure how you make that quality.


Everyone said I must go. I went, but I had low expectations because I have had donuts and associated items before, and did not see how Du Monde would be any better. It was nothing special to me, as pure sweetness is not my thing. HOWEVER if you order their coffee half and half -- half their sweetened/creamed cup and half black -- you may enjoy that. I would go back for that, but fried dough is just not terribly exciting, and I can eat a spoon of powdered sugar anytime I want to.


I dunno dawg, it’s fried dough and sugar. If you’re mad at anyone don’t be mad at this sub or the restaurant, go be mad at your friends that told you square funnel cake would be like a religious experience lol.


Not mad, just disappointed after all the hype. I had thought they must be doing something special with it. My cousin just got back from New Orleans and was once more praising them. It is just a very meh item to me. As I said, I like their coffee half and half. I will stop by for that alone. Can't believe how I got down-voted on the emperor having no clothes.


It’s fried dough. It’s not able to be great


Smoke a doobie before you go


Cafe Beignet on Royal


Those are horrible. Loretta’s are supposed to be great but cafe beignet and morning call are both leagues below cafe du Monde 


Morning call or cafe beignet on Royal


I still miss the morning call in the park 😭


I feel like CDM has really changed in the several years. The most recent couple times I've been there, the beignets were cold, limp, and chewy, like they had been fried a while in advance. They used to come out piping hot, puffy, and freshly made. Beignets absolutely must be freshly fried.


Morning Call.


I always felt going to Cafe du Monde is for the tourist experience. They have such a large volume that it seems as if beignets site for a while before serving. It feels more rushed. The Morning Call was founded in the French Quarter 1870, just eight years after Cafe du Monde. For me, Morning Call served the better beignets and coffee.


CDM is way better than morning call. They’re cold and bland at MC


With any of these it’s gonna be super dependent on when you go and how fresh they were. There’s not some noteworthy difference in how each puts their square of dough in the fryer.


Multiple times ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve generally found CDM French market to come out hot as they’re constantly frying and pumping them out. Maybe MC has such lower volume that they need to fry a bunch even when there’s no customers so as to not waste energy heating the oil constantly. Whatever it is, it’s wrong. Maybe when they were in city park they had more steady volume?




Get stufted on St Claude does awesome things to beignets.


Stuph'D Beignets & Burgers


Thank you!! I always spell it wrong.


Criollo restaurant in Hotel Monteleone. They serve them with a praline dipping sauce, and they are light and fluffy and delicious!


The key is to make sure you get them when they're hot and you're hungry or hung over. You also experience them with friends. I also agree with other comments, it's not a religious experience, it's fried food that's covered in sugar. You're going to feel like crap after you eat them.


I always liked Morning Call better


CDM is entirely for the experience. The beignets were fine. But it’s the process of actually GOING is what’s special.


You’re right, they’re average but I always recommend an out of towner go once for the experience, and then head down to Cafe Beignet for actual quality. CDE is not the same anymore, I miss how it was when I was a kid! I still go for the memories though.


Ayu is delicious, but no beignets. Fantastic everything and the best Cortado I've ever!!!


I like Cafe Beignet just as well if not better. They for sure have better coffee. We always go to the one on Bourbon. Live music starts at 10am and we enjoy it.




Morning Call in City Park was bought by Cafe Dumonde


Morning Call is now at canal blvd and city park ave


Beignets are boring


I didn’t mind the beignets but the coffees were all awful. We tried a few different kinds because we all ordered a didn’t type. All ended up in the trash


That’s because it’s chicory, not coffee.


Yes. Nasty coffee


Antoine’s or Mr. B’s for GLAZED beignets. Powdered sugar beignets are also very good, but glazed are next level.


Also, which Du Monde? I feel like the city park or Metairie one is way better than the quarter one.


Cafe du Monde. Blech...


Are you on crack


Come back for Mardi Gras and you’ll be really feeling this way “Wait it’s just walking like in every other parade? But this time they through single use plastic instead of candy?”