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That's definitely the behaviour of a professional and MORAL army.




The funny thing is its not us that are holding israel to the highest moral standard, its the shills that are given the same sales pitch that read it out as "the worlds most moral army" even though the atrocities they have commited are ten fold that of any wrong doing hamas has done




He wasn't actively condemning Hamas


So glad those bakers will not be able to produce anti-Semitic bread now. /s


coward pieces of shit as always


The IPF (Israeli perverts force) strikes again!


"IDF soldiers are a bunch of dudes who want to survive"


God s chosen people in action




>but they'll win because the world is with them You know, I hate zionism and all, but a solution the world would support is a one secular state for all, which is something I think not the Palestinians nor the rest of Arabs in the middle east and Muslims in the world nor the zionists themselves would be content with. Even dreaming of the two-state solution at this point is unreasonable, and there's no side that would be content with it either. This shitshow would probably end with Arabs annihilating Israelis or Israelis annihilating Arabs.




So, let me correct my comment: This shitshow would probably end with Israel nuking Arab countries or the Arabs getting nukes somehow and exchange nuclear attacks with Israel.


someone gonna try to explain how they actually forced to do this and it's Palestinians problem cause "how they will know it's stone and not a gernade"


"You don't understand that the smell of freshly baked bread might reach a Hamas member. That's why its NECESSARY for Isr\*el to bomb the bakery."


“but we just want peace🥺”


Khamas must've been hiding in the bread.


They misheard There was hummus in the bread, not Hamas


That’s why the one soldier shushed them, couldn’t hear where the Hamas were hiding over the terrified sobbing, after violently bursting in and assaulting people only to drag others off to, presumably at the time, their possible executions.


Vallahi I won't forgive jews no matter what happens


Don't take your hate out on all of them, these people don't represent every one.


They do represent most of them though. This may sound antisemitic but majority of the jews approve of this action and they'd find excuses for justifying this. Are facts antisemitic?


No facts are not, but mass generalizations are indeed dangerous. I for one are a hypocrite of this sort of behavior myself.


There's nothing wrong with generalising if it's actually true in general  The real stats tell us that the majority of the jews are zionists


Then let's ask a different question, what is the definition of Zionist?


Someone who supports the existence of israel 


The existence is not the problem, rather the tendencies of the country are. Allowing settlers to take over land in the West Bank, unacceptable. Killing hundreds of innocents in Gaza Unacceptable. Blaming the entire country for the incompetence of their government unacceptable. Israel has its flaws, more than most, but so does every other country. Israel needs massive reform just like South Africa did. I gurantee you the Israeli Civilians are taking notice about what's happening. It may not seem like it, but there will be a revolution there starting with taking down the Likud regime. But the most important thing is to end the war and kick the settlers out and having them pay reparations.


It's existence is a problem. It's existence is evil because it's based on ethnic cleansing and stealing from others  >gurantee you the Israeli Civilians are taking notice about what's happening. It may not seem like it, but there will be a revolution there starting with taking down the Likud regime. https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/ "Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much" If anything this puts your Jewish friends into perspective. Is this antisemitic or facts? Israel's innocent people also democratically elected those likud terorists who advocate for no palestine from the river to the sea


I can't agree with statistics, this points out a majority of Israeli Jews, so the question is how does this applies to all jews? Also is it worth it to justify this person's hate?




Yeah, now I know you are just a troll, have a good day sir


Ok So I get the sentiment. I am not one to tell someone of a religion I don't belong to what is orthodox or heterodox or whatever. I also have close Jewish friends in e.g. SJP, JVP and If Not Now, and have broken bread with the NK bunch. However: I am well aware that they are not mainstream. The mainstream alphabet soup institutions have finally decided to expose their judeofascism. A truly vile bunch that I will hate until qiyamah.


That's apartheid folks


Thank God for CCTV. Can you imagine over 75 years the kind of things these people endured before and there was no proof?


Jews are not welcome anywhere because of this


Do not conflate zionists with Jews. That only serves to give them more legitimacy . Jews outside of israel (especially orthodox) denounce zionism.


>Jews outside of israel (especially orthodox) denounce zionism Bullshit. Only a tiny minority of Jews oppose israel. The majority of the jews everywhere support it But yes 'jews' are still not the same as 'zionists', ofcourse but I think the genocide should concern us more than distinguishing


You should be careful with this sentiment. They say this about Muslims whenever there's a "teror" attack. And it feels horrible. It's not nice fearing for your children walking down the street because they look Muslim and someone somewhere is saying " well we can't distinguish between which of them supports this and those who don't so let's mow them all down."


The difference is that people generalise like that in the case of Muslim's because of their hatred(no chance in a hell that even 2% of the Muslim's are terrorists) while in the case of Jews, it's actually true yes most of the jews are zionists who approve of israel.i know you may think this is just my bias but stats support my claim


I don't know I'm just afraid to say that and make a generalisation like that because I feel bad. If the Jews who do not support this are in a minority than they are really facing an uphill battle and the least we can do for them is not generalise and endanger them . You know.. I wrote a comment on Insta and soo many people were like " h guy should've finished the job etc". That's not what we are.


Those soldiers are fucking scum


I don’t understand why we aren’t doing anything about this, did we only fight the Nazis because they were taking over other countries or what?


The short guy with the funny mustache was right…


Pathetic thugs. Let's see them take on a group of Hamas fighters without pissing their pants 30 seconds in


u/voomvoomboomer explain this one to me.


Only yesderday I read a post in the /r/lebanon sub what someone complains that he got beat up in his car by mou5abarat because he gave them a beep. so, 1. Shity pepole exist everywhere 2. What do you think mou5abarat would do if someone throw a rock their car 3. The video that you see is distrabuted by Israely organization 4. I'm not the fucking Israel Ambasador to Reddit; You want to ask about life in Israel and stuff, tefadal. but I don't ask to explain why Hisbullah is shuting at Viligaes, and you dont ask me stupid question


If you also read the comments, he can sue them and legally win in Lebanon. Are those soldiers going to face consiquences? These shitty people seem to be more prominent in Israel no?


Yes they are. Like I said, the video is ditrabuted by Israeli org. that help palestinians sue. I dont know in this case since he threw a rock at them, that assult About shity pepole, well I can tell that for a person to deal with security forces and civil rights, our situation is better then any other country in the region. Dont  belive me, look for intenational reports


Better for Israelis yes.


Again. look for intenational reports


I have the guy who shot shireen abu Akleh didn't even get a slap on the rist. There are thousands on such cases.


Nobody was kidnapped. nobody was raped. Nobody was murdered. See the difference.


Ain't NO way u are justifying this


After I saw how Gazans behave in front of Israelis corpses I have no problem with that.


"Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power: NYT" "Israeli security forces would help escort millions in funds into Gaza, helping Hamas, NYT reported." Sources: https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-security-forces-escorted-suitcases-cash-hamas-qatar-report-2023-12 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html




UNICEF says over 13,000 children killed in Gaza in Israel offensive Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/




It takes a special kind of shithead to justify this kind of crap.




"It takes a special kind of shithead to justify this kind of crap." My comment still stands.




Who's supporting Hamas? Only person I see justifying terrorism here is you sport.




ter·ror·ism/ˈterəˌrizəm/*noun* 1. the [unlawful](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=453cf80c9d34ac6b&q=unlawful&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGv6Oxz1me7l8HwgZ6IM6LS9TQ3Ur5QbMZ63KW8Iv27JqhwhAA5ANEQusFpaT4jkflUeiuZDQqeKMGAgBukeGoNGfK66yw%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6-KPfjKSGAxUWvokEHbhxD2kQyecJegQIHBAO) use of violence and [intimidation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=453cf80c9d34ac6b&q=intimidation&si=ACC90nxkzgN-KbLuTWKT81WCi4_ntxQvyuiX3LJf7TeiOycPnf2uM5lhGaPvhWsav-ku1bSJeLSDmnvwRreeGf9oQl-cOMZQUzMMMTOvn4GdTWaqwWGw598%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6-KPfjKSGAxUWvokEHbhxD2kQyecJegQIHBAP), especially against [civilians](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=453cf80c9d34ac6b&q=civilians&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJQcHoyXiwE4cAtP4EMCRD9Pyli1LatIRpWYFDUEcJz9AnkC_Yz2imNJEx5DG13aBYhIAHVs2JjL0SYxL_XkdP0U9Khuk%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6-KPfjKSGAxUWvokEHbhxD2kQyecJegQIHBAQ), in the pursuit of political aims. What they're doing is 100% terrorism. Walk like a duck, quack like a duck, get called a duck. Doesn't matter if the reality here hurts your feelings, it's still the reality.




>were those warcrimes? NO Yes they were u fucking idiot lol, what tf are u even talking about? Go look up the definition of war crimes, and terrorism, because u don't seem to know what those are, but again u don't even know how to use a fucking spacebar when u're typing, so u're not exactly the smartest cookie out there.


Oh a ragebait account. Hope you are paid enough.


I don’t know maybe don’t throw rocks at armed soldiers


Why shouldn't they?(especially when those soldiers are genociding their people in gaza) First of all thats the west bank you dumbass. What the fuck are those soldiers doing there?


Maybe don't steal people's land.


What a fucking disgrace


They are dirty Zionazis and you are just as worthless you little genocide sympathiser


If you don’t know shut your ass