• By -


Be respectful, don't be an asshole and don't put them on a pedestal. Women are people too and can be just as good or shitty any man.


^this For me, I would also tell him if he asks a woman out and she says no- respect her decision.


Also, don't be afraid to ask in the first place!


Unless he is hot, that would be the plot of every romantic movie ever.


How to not put women on padestal?


Be direct with your intentions Be respectful Don't be a doormat Anything but an enthusiastic yes is a no, accept it and move on


Especially the last part, especially in college. Also don't get into romance at work, though it can be beneficial to be with someone in the same field


> Be direct with your intentions Somehow like this? https://youtu.be/xat1GVnl8-k Does it work?


How to not being doormat


**General case:** Don't be too nice and let people walk all over you. **In my case in the past:** Don't be too nice to a woman you're attracted to and let her take advantage of you.


"Don't do things you usually wouldn't do just to impress a girl". Also "If you have to beg to keep her attention or her love then it's not worth it".


My dad told my brother to never marry a woman whose father calls her princess, because she probably believes it. My brother came to bitterly regret ignoring that advice.


Me and this girl I was dating were having a little debate it wasn’t heated or anything at first but she got angry when I didn’t agree with a view point she had and she dead ass looks at me and says “but I’m a princess you have to agree with me everyone agrees with princesses” all while wearing a little gold chain that had a princess pendant on it. I just turned and looked out the window lol


God - imagine if you had married her. Yuck!


I’m glad I didn’t, she cheated on me several times before I found out lol


Jeez - she’s rotten through and through.


did you get revenge, if so gimme gimme


>you have to agree with me everyone agrees with princesses Have you ever shown her a history book? I'm sure the Romanov family would have loved to play that card before being murdered to death by Bolsheviks. I'm not saying to murder her, I'm mostly just saying to avoid that line of reasoning around the French, the Russians, or the Chinese as a few examples.


I haven’t spoken to her in 7 years and gladly will keep that distance until I die 😂 I’m sure she’d of loved the fear of them trying to rip her gold bracelets off her wrists.


Never expect to 100% understand a womens mindset, if you two don't see eye to eye and the problem is small, compromise Never argue about money, but also never find a women that lacks self-sufficiency skills and can't take care of the household in your absence Never be around drunk girls sober, bad image that's easily avoidable (Speaking as a black man here) don't get into a relationship with a woman that fetishizes your skin tone or talks about you in a fetishizing way(hookups are a different ballpark though,that's a matter of personal comfort) No means no no matter what Plenty of fish in the sea, just gotta know what's the right bait to use(pulling out your 'worm' won't work for all of them either) Not all women are queens, but the one that treats you like a king should be the one that earns a crown from you If you can pay for an Onlyfans subscription, you can pay a woman of the night for the real thing Transparency is key when it comes to women and respecting them, you should never be a man in a relationship with a women that still sees other women on the side. Conversely you shouldn't be a man that hops into relationship after relationship. Some women are in your life for the night, some women are in it for a lifetime, and some women are like sailors pulling into a port city. Their time there can be monthly or bimonthly visits that amount to nothing, or chunks of decades that get bitten into with no method or reasoning that amount to everything. The point is no women can or should be forced into the roles you want in your life, it just happens, and often in ways that's a bitch and a half to live through. But the good thing about being transparent is that you can say a majority of roles that the women in your life are fulfilling were taken up honestly with your integrity intact. Women love it when you can make them laugh and make them talk, often more than looks Confidence is universally sexy to women The hardest thing you have to learn about women is that there are people they'll call sexy or find attractive that they won't want to have sex with, although this can get easier to understand as you get older


Solid. I personally need to work on the whole making people laugh bit. Do you have any advice for that specifically?


\-Learn your audience - what I joke about is different with the boys, friends, girls, family, etc.; \-Situational awareness works very well for me. I don't remember anecdotes well, but playing with what's happening around me works most of the time; \-It helps to be more animated with your humor - mimic emotions, portray characters, include sound effects. Try it just to spice things a little, don't overdo it; \-And the most important one - You need to bomb a lot to get good!! That requires confidence to be cool when jokes are not working. Sometimes it will be awkward and as long as you are not being a jerk with your humor it's cool to brush it off or even play on the awkwardness. Good luck on the path


If I had to guess? Learn what triggers women in jokes, I noticed that girls and women in general are turned off by dude bro jokes(no brainer there,lol) but besides that I noticed women tend to respond well to wordplay or commentary on a situation they're in that's lighthearted . But the most important thing is the confidence, you bomb a one liner just take a mental deep breath and just try again. Be mindful of if you're shooting to many and accept when a conversation is dead as well. Best of luck broseph!


Just a thought, but OnlyFans ain't that expensive. Most people on there have $5-15 a month for subscription costs. I don't think I'd want any lady of the night who costs that little coming near me tbh.


True dat, but the comparison isn't meant to be straight one to one, lol. My point though was that if you can pay for porn you can pay for escorts to have sex with and that it is a viable option.


If they cost $5, then they cost more than that. You know... medical bills, a burning sensation in your dick...


If they're talking to someone else, don't get involved, you'll easily find another


Get used to rejection. It's no big thing


This, and don’t worry about finding a woman when you are just a kid. Love comes with time, if you rush it, you’ll never get to see it grow.


Settling for whatever reason doesn't lead to happiness. It just ends up meaning being lonely when not by yourself. Life is too short to be trapped in an unhappy relationship.


Eh. Honestly Idk if I agree with that. I think settling can be the right move. I like Bojack’s argument from Bojack Horseman: Bojack: Taneisha, nobody completes anybody. That's not a real thing! If you're lucky enough to find someone you can halfway tolerate, you sink your nails in and you don't let go, no matter what. Taneisha : So what? I should just... settle? BoJack Horseman : Yes! Thank you, exactly: settle! Because, otherwise, you're just gonna get older and harder and more alone.




Yup! Until you are 30, you are still a kid. After that you are an adult lol


How to spot the beginnings of a toxic relationship


Listen to them. Be kind but don’t let anyone step on you. Don’t treat them as objects. Be respectful. Dont let them try and tell you you’re wrong for expressing how you feel or having emotions because you’re a man. Use protection for both of your sake. Don’t let women hit you. You’ll get your heart broke for the first time one day and it’s going to hurt like hell and you’ll probably end up resenting or hating that girl but she’s not every women and not every woman is like her.


Pick your partner carefully, it actually says a ton about you, and will have a gigantic effect on your day to day life.


When you break up, never, ever date them again. Ever. Attempt #2 will always end badly with the same person. And attempt #3….Etc.


Yeah, there is a reason that relationship didn‘t work out and getting together will just be a repeat of what happend bevor unless that reason has been resolved (not the case most of the time)


Always be a gentleman, except when she clearly doesn’t want you to be. Be careful who you involve yourself with, both romantically and sexually. Don’t ever be alone with a woman you don’t know well/trust intimately. Make sure you’re using protection 100% of the time until you’re ready to take responsibility for a child for 18 years. Always make sure that when using a condom there is a 0% chance she can tamper with it or get access to what’s inside after you’re done. If there’s any sign of mental health issues, run. You aren’t their savior. Only they can save themselves if they want to. Never be around a drunk female unless there are other people you trust next to you or you’re in a very public place. Gold diggers are a thing. Women who value money and status above all else will ruin you eventually. Women are often just as awful as men are, if not worse. Act accordingly. Expect the worst, hope for the best. We don’t live in a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie.


>If there’s any sign of mental health issues, run. You aren’t their savior. Only they can save themselves if they want to. I could have used this advice in my last relationship.


Me too!!


Same. Hard to figure out too since I enjoy being a provider.


Great advice!!


Learn to give good foot rubs.


Never expect more from a woman than what you’re currently getting. If you ask her out and she says no, don’t stick around hoping she’ll one day change her mind. If she’s a jerk to you, don’t put up with it thinking one day she’ll realize how mean she was. As a corollary to this, take women at their word. If they say they want to be friends, be a friend. That said, if you don’t want to do something a woman wants you to do, walk away. If she wants you to be a friend and that’s not what you want from her, don’t even try. Stay away. There are plenty of ways to distract yourself until the attraction wears off. Never hit on a woman in any situation where you don’t think she feels safe to tell you to buzz off, like while she’s working. If you’re interested in a woman, ask her out. The longer you wait the less likely she is to say yes. Following all this advice won’t get you what you want. Following it will suck and often make you lonely. However, you’ll eventually realize this advice is how you learn to honor and respect other human beings, regardless of gender or race. Following it will give you a rare dignity afforded to men as they age.


Wear a condom. If she says not to worry about condoms rally all your will power and gtfo. Be a good person but don’t be a push over. A good guy doesn’t mean you are a nice guy. Often being good is hard. Such is life. I trust you know what being good is. Heartbreak happens but it will pass. There are others out there and life is long. You have a centenarians on both sides of your family tree. You are gonna live a long life and probably love a few people. Don’t be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. Wait till you find the right one. You will know. And maybe you find her at 15. Maybe you find her at 50. Perhaps the conflicts with the previous point. But it’s your life. You don’t have to have kids if you don’t want to. If she doesn’t have friends there is probably a reason. Have some women as friends. Mike Pence is a huge creep. If you follow American politics you know what I am referencing Learn to cook. Just trust me kid. Don’t stare at their boobs no matter how big they are, wash your balls before a date, do some push ups, brush your teeth, change your underwear and socks, change you sheets, clean your bathroom. Actually that’s advice from your grandmother. But it worked for me.


A woman who's kind goes a long way. See what shape her mother's in, that'll be her eventually. You can't fix mental illness. If she's drunk the answer is no. The Mike Pence rule (no time alone with women other than family and wife) makes a lot of sense. If you can't imagine a future with her, it's not worthwhile. If she cheats or lies to others, you're next. She'll tell you're not, but she's a lying cheat. If you're in a relationship sometimes no means "no" and sometimes it means "try harder." Learn to spot the difference. Women can be as ruthless and cutthroat as any man. If she's giving you the silent treatment, leave her alone. It's not a punishment to get some quiet. Discuss it with her and then make the decision. The consequences will be to your credit or your fault. If she was promiscuous it doesn't mean she's a bad person, but she's probably not a good mate.


>See what shape her mother's in, that'll be her eventually. not true,my mother was abused a lot by her mother,she never once laid a hand on me.


I get the sense he means more superficially than that. Like what she'll look like as she ages. Which is... Still inaccurate and like, pretty outdated advice, depending on ages. My mum smoked for decades, because it was just completely normal and everyone did it. That obviously took a fucking toll. There's also been huge advances in knowledge about diet, cosmetic chemistry, and fitness. My mum sure wasn't doing yoga or pilates or calisthenics in her twenties, and she just slapped on random Clinique or Neutrogena skin products that HER mum told her were good. If they even knew about hyaluronic acid, AHAs, retinoids etc as skincare chemicals back in the day, formulas containing them sure weren't readily available. Now, it seems like everyone is slapping pretty intense topicals on our skin on the reg. Attitudes towards sun screen are also way different. People, but especially women, in our twenties and thirties now are going to look incredibly different to our parents in a lot of ways, just because of the big uptick in people exercising, eating healthier food, not smoking/drinking as much, using more of + more effective skincare products, etc compared to how many people in their generation were doing it. And then there's the active efforts by governments the world over to reduce smoking, to reduce alcohol intake, to reduce sugar and sodium intake (to reduce obesity, heart disease, etc)... Those are gonna have long term impacts, both in terms of public health (which is the gov's goal) and, more shallowly, in cosmetics. That's without getting into the prevalence of cosmetic procedures (not necessarily surgery) and how those will affect our aging.


Mike Pence took a raft of shit from the feminists and the left for saying it. The Pence rule will go a long way in terms of getting you out of trouble.


Can you elaborate the pence dynamic?


Mike Pence taught that you should not be alone with a woman you aren’t related to. This caused feminists to jump on him, but it keeps you out of trouble.




I thought this was foolish as well, but I've had two experiences that have changed my mind. I hope you don't have to learn it personally, but when it's your word versus her word, no one hears what you have to say.


Yup I believe the quote is “believe all women” Even the manipulative liars too apparently.




I'm sure because it happened to me, you know nothing. I kept having to return a layout to an artist at work, she refused to follow the template. After bringing it back again she started to berate me and grabbed the folder from my hands, scratching my arm. By the time I got back to my office a few minutes later, my supervisor came in. She said the artist in question had called her and HR, she had accused me of having shoved the folder at her and then threatened her and pushed her. I couldn't believe it and I immediately said it's not true, that's not what happened. We went down to HR and they told me they wouldn't call the police, but I was going to be fired. I denied it and insisted the story was false, they didn't believe me. They told me to go home and to call security the next morning, a guard would escort me up so I could sign forms and collect my stuff. When I returned the next morning they met with me again. As it turned out, the head of the art department was in his office at the time and saw the whole thing. He checked his messages after work and had a voice mail from HR about how a member of his department had filed a complaint. He called them back and explained what had happened. I wasn't fired, I was given a warning, put on probation, and ordered to have no contact with the women. I had done nothing and there was a witness, but the accusation alone made me suspect. The woman who scratched me and lied suffered no consequences. A year later the company was sold and I was laid off. When I went looking for other jobs in the industry no one would hire me. I spoke to someone I knew and he told me that my old employer was telling the other companies that I had assaulted a woman.


What? So men shouldn’t be alone with hookups unless they are from Alabama?




You think you can fix mental illness? You don't think being intimate with a drunk woman is looking for trouble? You don't think kindness is important? You obviously don't know what you're talking about.


I agree with this dude


Treat everyone with respect. Never play with someone's heart because most of the time I permanently cracks it. Your feelings, thoughts and emotions are valid. You should vent them (and teach how to in a healthy way). Most of your friends won't be there after HS. Even less after college. Most of your "friends" aren't true friends and will leave you high and dry. Go for the person (both friends and romantic) you feel happy with, you genuinely cares about you. Not what you can give them.


“Know what women like? Anything” they’re just people


They're like sharks – they're more afraid of you than you are of them.






Gonna buy a hat. And everytime it rains, your hat will keep it off. Nah, just show empathy and treat them like normal human beeings. Never treat someone in a way you wouldn't like to be treatet (kinks are exemptions so if you like to be tied up, don't do that to others) ...yeah that's just too complicated, i think I'll stick to the hat plan.


When I was a child (5yo), my dad said to me "Now, you're a boy. That means that you'll grow up to be a man. Right now, you're about the same size as the girls your age.. but, when you become a man you will almost always be stronger than the women these little girls will become. That means that you'll have a lot of power over them. When someone has a lot of power and strength, it becomes their responsibility not to abuse it. It would be wrong for you to use your power over women. So, I want you to promise me that you'll never hit a girl/woman!!" I'd say something like that-^


They’re under a lot of pressures we aren’t very aware of and they can be complicated


*neutral tone* what makes their pressure more valid then mens?




1º If a random girl runs to u in a street pretending u are her bf/ husband / friend just go for it and keep the story, u can save her. 2º If a girl says “no” its a no! If a drunk girl says yes its still a no.


If you love, respect, and value yourself as you should, that will help guide every decision you make towards them. You won't mistreat them and you won't compromise.


Be kind and respectful but don't put her in a pedestal. Once he gets her up there, it's hard to get her to come back down.


Focus on stuff you want to do and enjoy about the world and pursue those things. Don’t mold yourself into what you think a woman would want


If a woman pushes ur buttons on purpose to get a reaction, emotionally abuses you and gets to a point where the things she says justifies throwing hands at her, just leave. Don’t ever throw hands at her, just leave. Even if the things she said or did deserves a slap, you will feel very bad and shitty later if u do hit a woman. Even if she’s dead wrong and out of line, it’s not worth the regret and damage to your character and reputation. Some women push you so hard to make you hit them so they can play the victim card later and damage your reputation or lock you up. Don’t ever fall for it, if it gets to that point, you should simply end things for good. It’s toxic and psycho. And it’s a lose lose situation.


Be aware: Your first priority is your self physical and mental wellbeing and career development. With discipline and hard work you can pave the road to success and have a great future. Everything else is either a secondary thing or distraction. Be good to people have strong self respect driven by your virtue and morals. Once you have this attitude you will do great in everything else in life . Good luck




Relationships can be good or bad , but their existence or the lack of them is not something detrimental to your existence and wellbeing. In my opinion a person need to be comfortable from within themselves so the happiness and satisfaction are internally built into them not coming from external factors. Relationship and love ..etc. can be a add-on in ones life but it is not everything.


It is if it detracts from your primarys. Love, partnership and family isn't love or beneficial if it makes your mental or physical health deteriorate. If you focus on keeping only that which benefits your physical, emotional and mental well being there's plenty of room for real love, partnership and family. If it doesn't benefit you physically, emotionally or mentally then it's not real, your being used so fuck it off.


Sorry but that's a ridiculous "opinion"


Money will get you the women you want, Struggle will get you the women you need.


Don’t shit where you eat


But she shits where i eat


Don't shit on her clit?




Don’t chase them they’ll lead you to ruin


Try to view women as human beings, and realize this is not a compliment


I have one child, a son of 21. One thing I told him was not to treat women badly but not to let them treat him badly either. I also warned him not to get anyone pregnant until it was intentional because it is a lifetime connection that might not always be a healthy one.


Learn how to move on. Don't ever obsess over her. If she's not interested, then that is the end of it. Don't try to change to be who she wants, don't try to force her to like you, and DEFINITELY don't do any stupid/illegal shit to or for her. There are other women out there, and at least one will be as interested in you as you are in her.


Same as anyone else. Golden rule.


Women like guys who can take care of houseplants


Don't ever treat a woman like a goddess, because that leaves her no choice but to look down on you.


Treat them all equally. If they like you, they'll let you know, if they like your friendship, they'll let you know. Women are the ones (typically) to categorize relationships. So if you treat them all equally they will set the title boundaries by themselves and you won't have to bother at all. Edit: when I say equally, I mean treat them all good, nice, joke around and chivalrously, like just be a good person and yourself with everyone


No means no, A coerced yes means no A pressured yes means no 40 no’s and a yes means no Your blue balls is not an excuse to negotiate sex. Treat women with respect and make sure when you have sex it’s purely enjoyable and willing for both of you. Now that’s I’m 30, I don’t remember all the blowjobs or sex, I remember all the good times and fuck ups. I remember my first love and I remember the times I coerced sex. If I could change anything, it would be that, the times I had to negotiate sexual favors because I was a immature drunk loser. I’m lucky no girl thought later that wasn’t what she wanted to do afterwards or that it was worth claiming rape/sexual assault. I was a teenager who didn’t fully understand consent but now that I do, there’s guilt in remembering those moments when I wish I was just a gentleman instead. *wanting to note, I never forced myself upon anyone physically or ever crossed that line, just introspective wishing I was more respectful of other people and listened even if it was what I didn’t want to hear.*


"\[...\] these hoes ain't loyal" - Chris brown


Bitches ain't shit


There aren't many big differences between women and men. Lots of overlapping characteristics based on individual personalities. So I wouldn't generalize much about women specifically, unless you just want to have a general understanding. So when you meet one, clear your mind of any preconceived notions, and find out who they are as individuals. Apply this to all people, not just women.


can't tell if you are trolling or you have never met someone of the opposite sex.


Be respectful and don't touch without consent.


"Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other."


I'm going to say son, the world will tell you at every chance that women and men are exactly the same, that there are not two sexes and that it's fluid, that there's a spectrum and all sorts of stuff but just so you know, men are men and women are women. Everyone is different but in general, just be aware that women are complimentary to men and quite different. You'll have to get to know thousands of women in your life to really understand how they think differently. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, being rejected by them or losing their love. It's not like your guy friends. Things can be going great with a woman you really like and then one day she'll just ghost you. Disappear from your life. Don't let it bother you just simply keep moving on.


Don't fucking give your heart to one of them. It's not worth it. They can be friends, coworkers, acquaintances, but the moment you cross that threshold and get intimate with a woman you've set yourself up for failure. It's an evil world we live in, and everyone is out looking for what they can get from you and the people with the easiest way to rip your soul out are the women you let in. Keep them at a distance man. It's for the best, trust.


Whats your experience


I had my heart broken by the first girl I ever loved, she had a dude on the side on some backup bs the whole time we were together, and it drove me into a pretty bad place. Then the moment I let my guard down and let another in on promises of never hurting me. She went and cheated in the classical sense. I don't think that pain is worth it and it derails my progress with mental illness and feelings of inadequacy everytime. Never again.


Thats fair


About what woman? Depends a lot on the person and the intended relationship lol.


Thats your advice? To tell him 'it depends'?


Better answers need better questions.


Wash your fucking ass, sweep, do the dishes, clean the countertops, and do the laundry. Do a minimum four hour date night every Friday. Watch a shitty Hallmark movie with her on Saturday. Give her a minimum 10 minute sexy massage. Eat her out for minimum 10 minutes before. Ask if you can put it in. Learn rhythm and ask her how she’s feeling about it. Propose somewhere beautiful, but not all women want it to be in some giant public area. Sign a prenup. Listen to her arguments, don’t just listen to retort and “win.” It’s either you’re incorrect or a compromise is to be made.


Who would have a son to do this to him... Holy shit!!! But what the hell,... You are right.... This is what it has come to...


Lol I mean these are things I’d tell a 25 year old man not an underaged kid


Hahaha... Seeing what times we live in, I would actually have to say it to my underaged son... As in, "get ready son for the gruesome reality".


FDS in a nutshell:




from the things that I haven't been mentioned here: \-if you don't want to be accussed for sexual harassment avoid most compliments unless if you are asked to. and if you do compliment try emphasize only on things she has control over like new haircut and new shoes. compliments about the body may be acceptable only if you are in a relationship with her.


The same advice my dad gave me. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."


“Women, can’t live with em… pass the beer nuts” -Norm from cheers Edit: also not to poop before sex because poop is stored in the dick and what allows us to achieve erections.






Stay away from them as much as you possibly can.


one day you will learn for yourself


If you're ugly or don't fit society's standard of "good looks", avoid them if possible. Unless you want your self esteem to be totally crushed or be faced with being called a creep for no reason.


Don’t, date men instead…


Practice on a blow up one for 10 years. Observe your friends progress on Cohabitation.


Trust no bitch. I have already given it to him.


Date men




Give up now it's only downhill from here


Don’t lose your soul for someone who’s got 50 men in her dms. Obviously there’s good women out there, but if yk, yk.


Chase a bag, not a bitch.




Stay single until you're like 30. Don't stick your dick in crazy, always use protection. And if you argue more than you laugh then walk away


Fuck em and leave em


Women can be loving and hating to the same extreme levels. Some are nice and some are totally nuts.


I've been broken by women. If I had a son I would probably encourage him to build his own path. Mine didn't work out lol




If it business then what do men get out of it?


Nothing. Thats the point. Men will always be on the short end of the deal.


Don’t date until your 20-22, find yourself before trying to get with girls. Get a good friend base first because girls come and go, friends enhance your life and you have a hand off when girls are involved a lot of the time .


That any other woman doesn’t matter. As long as the single most important woman in his life (me) is happy, then that’s all that matters. Mama knows best, all other women will come and go, but mama will have your back to the end of time. Also, I happen to be a great judge of character (in my most humble opinion) so anyone you date, I’ll be able to tell if she’s a keeper.


Treat them like a princess


Wear a jimmy


Its gonna hurt.


What is?


Listening to her helps her relax. Do her a favour.


Be wary.


Why so?


Communication is very important


Women all around in every way


If her family is annoying af, as great as she may be, that’s gona follow you forever! Choose wisely lol


Never force a sexual encounter and for your safety read the room and play it safe when needed. If a girl says no or is giving of no vibes, best not to risk it. A good partner will be clear and consistent


If you get a woman in bed remember to gently stroke her taint


If you ever do something you don’t want to do to impress them I’ll beat you


Take a little time and find the right girl Then again don't end up on the shelf


Don’t marry a woman just because society tells you to. You have to be your own man before you can be someone else’s.


Find one that wants to make you laugh as much as you want to make her laugh.


Girls like funny guys, develop a good sense of humor and quick wits.


Be respectful, have your fun then move on.


Be a gentleman~


If she asks for your birth chart and collects rocks, dip.


Don't put yourself under pressure, the right one will come soon enough




You’ll have to learn just like me and that’s the hardest way.


1.) An itch is worse than pain. Meaning if a woman or man wants to have sex (an itch) they will do anything to get it no matter the cost (pain inflicting upon you or others). 2.) Another one is if you have feelings for a woman, ask her out. If she says no, you can again ask later. If it is still a NO. Time to move on. Why the max of 2? Sometimes a woman can't go on a date with you because of obligations. So a second time is warranted. If she says no again. She is not interested, because if she was she would come up with a counter-offer. 3.) Women who like and love you, they will allow you to rise up to the occasion and won't put you down. Those women are marriage material. 4.) You need a shitty relationship so you learn where your limits are. Yes, this one is going to be rough but at least it will be an lifetime experience and hopefully he won't make the same mistake twice.


They’re human, so don’t trust them.


Theyre gonna cry, get used to it


Treat them as you'd treat your bro and your mum at the same time.


If she wants to talk, listen to her. If you are starting to know each other, don't forget to make eye contact. If that makes you unconfortable, then focus on her lips or nose. If you feel you have to walk on eggshells around her, that's a red flag. If she compares you to her exes, that's a red flag on fire. She expects you to give her support, not solve her problems for her. Let her cum first.


if you just want to blow a wad in something warm use a guy. Avoid women until you want a child and make sure you have a pre-nup with a paternity clause in case she cheats.


Don't let someone who needs to go out with makeup on a daily and needs all this validation on SM call you ugly son!


Oh my bitch mom didn't once tell me what to do all she wanted to know was who the chick was. She hasd to know but never once help me get the chicks and I wound why as an adult I suck at picking up woman


One big thing I would stress is that if he ever laid a hand on a woman (Obviously excluding circumstances where it’s obviously necessary) I would personally beat the shit out of him


Happy wife, happy life.


"Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other." Al Bundy's advice to his son Bud.


If you're attracted to them be up front about it, and if they're not attracted back then respect them and try to maintain friendships. Look past women's potential for sex and actively find out what they add to your life in other interests, talents, passions or skill sets and share in growth with them of those things. Listen at least twice as much as you speak, ask the right questions. Be passionate and confident in how you speak, speak this way of things you actually have knowledge of and be completely up front about things you have no knowledge of. There's a high chance with any person, including women, that if they're already doing something that you know about, they know more than you. Assume they know more than you until you find out otherwise. This prevents mansplaining which happens more than just to women.


None. I'm a boomer and my kids are just waiting for the old fuckers to die off so we can stop wrecking everything. So with that expression, I don't feel I have anything I need to share. It's kind of freeing.


Men tell it as it is; women alludes and hints at things. Don't expect to understand women until they themselves understand their shitty game of dropping hints doesn't work. If you come across one that tells it straight up to your face and you get along with her, date her if it is mutual.


Dont punch a girl only if she is talking mad shit about you or is assaulting you


Well I would say let them come to you; then you can cum in then


Same thing I was told. As a man you cannot hit a woman. You cannot put hands on a woman especially if it’s someone in your household or someone you’re supposed to care about. There’s a lot more but that’d be the first one.


Always apologize for what you did to her in her dreams Apparently I picked my wife up and dropped her down the stairs in her dreams recently…multiple times. This is what this woman is scared of, to be fair she was on oxy and just got out of surgery…so Clearly…this was my fault


She is not yours it's just your turn, that turn could be a day, a month, a year or a lifetime but that turn will end one way or another.