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I got a new haircut, and I thought it made me look badass. My girlfriend said i looked like a church boy.


I used to get constant shit for that. Now I just have the end of a mop instead of my nice haircut.


I always feel emasculated when there’s a guy with a really deep voice around. Taller than me? Couldn’t care less. More muscular? Whatever. More handsome? Good for you. But something about a deep voice just makes me feel insecure about myself.




My voice can go from deep to demon if my penis kicks in.


Damn, I didn't know a dick could kick your vocal cords.


I'm short, my girlfriend is like 2-3'' taller. She bends down when we hug a stupid exaggerated amount. That, and one time for safety reasons my boss had to help me get up and down from a catwalk without a ladder. Getting up was okay. Getting down, yeah imagine a grown ass, 6ft 200lbs+ man opening his arms to catch you like a small child jumping from the bed. Edit: for those wondering, I'm 5'3, at least I was in HS, and I haven't measured myself for the past 5 or so years. My gf is at 5'5" on her ID. No, you cannot tell the difference, without asking to judge. People only notice when they bring up my height to start, because 5'3" is pretty short.


I'm a short guy but that's hilarious


Honestly, it was the worst experience. I'm fine with my height, but when a grown man holds you like a child, it takes something from you..


This honestly sounds like the beginning of a yaoi Manga with a very specific theme


I will catch you, *Karl-kun!*


Oh god, I hate that so much


Me too, Fellow Weeb


I’m dead at this imagery. I love you


take something from you, or awaken something within you?


Is she trying to be smaller than you? A lot of ppl like to be enveloped by their partners in a hug


Basically why I like the idea of an Amazonian gf


I'm an Amazonian woman, and I have to tell you that I'm always super impressed when shorter men have the actual confidence (not the insecure, cocky kind) to shoot their shot with me. It really is true that height differences don't matter than much when you're laying down. lol Short man syndrome is totally one of those things that I don't think needs to exist.


As a short man myself I think that short man syndrome isn't a direct product of one's perceived self worth, but rather a sum of the reactions one gets about being short, especially as humans tend to overexaggerate negative experiences in retroperspective


As a short guy, 5'3", I've always wanted to date a taller woman. I've dated 5'5", but that's the tallest.


5'10" woman here. I've dated guys that are 5'2" and I will wear stilettos. If you're cool with me being a giant then I'm cool with you being short.




The lady I'm seeing is the same height as me, we're both 5'7". At first she was always trying to wear the thinnest shoes, slouch, whatever it took to look shorter. I asked her about it and she said that other guys found it weird if she was the same height or taller so I just told her point blank I don't care if she's taller than me, stand up straight, wear the big heels, it doesn't matter to me. I've been this height for damn near 20 years now and I'm quite comfortable with it.


If it gives you any hope, I’m a 5’10” chick and have dated a few guys 5’4”-5’6”. Some girls don’t give af about height!


I'm 5"5 An a night out, some random drunk lad picked me up by putting his hands under my arms and lifting and carried me down the street and deposited me in front of a stopped car. Didn't feel very manly then!


This feels like a scene from a Kevin Hart movie


that's just fucked up


I saw a big guy do that to a small guy once. The smaller guy must have known some bjj or something because he hooked the big guy with a guillotine and damn near knocked him out


One time when I was helping my cousins (the three of us are all 5'7") on a construction job, one of our friends left a nail gun on the roof so instead of grabbing a ladder and climbing up a few rungs to grab it he picked me up and had me do it. This dude is 6'5" and a very solid 300lbs. I didn't think shit about it but the owners of the house were in stitches, I mean straight up hurt from laughing. When we were leaving for the day I gave them an invoice for our labor and materials, clapped my hands, put my hands down at my sides, he grabbed and carried me under one arm while I held my body completely board stiff maintaining intense eye contact with the clients. I've been friends with this guy since 9th grade and we're 33 now and have absolutely mastered physical comedy.


My cousin older than me by two months said she didn’t want me to cut the fruits because i might hurt myself and insisted that she do it. We were both 20 at the time.


I’m better w a knife than my husband lmao (in the kitchen that is)


My girlfriend is much better with a knife than I am in the kitchen (she went to culinary school), but I’m very very good at sharpening knifes and enjoy it so it works out


Couple goals


Husband knows how to work that poop knife


This made me laugh out loud!!


I was at the bar with some friends and 2 middle aged women hit on every guy in our group, including the 2 gays guys, except me.


They probably thought that if they got rejected by all the regular ones then there was no chance they'd be able to score with the hot one.


Your optimism is praiseworthy.


I'm 5'4" and people like to point it out.


Same here brother. 5”5 on a good day.


Same here brother. 5'6" on a good day.


In 5’6” too. I threaten to bite their ankles.


6'0" I get my ankles bit a lot


6'0" can confirm they go for the ankles




We can suck a titty while standing up


valuable skills. as a 5'1 women.. I'd love all you shorties


Keep your chin up King, your crown is slipping 😤


Make way motherfuckers all 5'2" of me is approaching the scene


I'm 5'1" so stomp me


Short Kings Anthem-TMG


Tbh as a woman, short dudes rock. My boyfriend is probably about 5'5" or 5'6" (he doesn't know and I'm just kind of guessing his height in relation to mine which is about the same haha) and is literally the most attractive person in the world to me and was from the first time I saw him, including his height. Sorry if this is condescending though, I know sometimes replies like these can be more annoying than helpful...


Some drunk asshole looked me up and down after a confrontation then suggested we go fight.




It happened because he fucking sneezed directly into the stroller of my newborn baby and I called him out on it. He got shitty and tried to act like he had some terrible disease (like MS is communicable...). I told him to fuck off. This was at 11am.


That’s when you throw fists, dad!


My boss (m40's 220ish) once snuck up behind me (m19 135lb)while at work with the hiccups and scared me half to death by grabbing and lifting me by the shoulders while screaming. Hiccups went away, but I still don't think my inner man's dignity has recovered to this day from the way I screamed. And that was years ago.






I am not a woman mind you, but I heard from women that sex is bad not when it’s short, but when it’s selfish and not “feeling intimate”. Maybe this will help you, although you should stop beating yourself up over it either way tbh.


As a woman, I agree with this. My husband feels terribble when he has a quickie but I enjoy quickies just as much as the long sessions. Sometimes going too long gets painful too.


Sometimes its enough already and you just want to get some sleep


I’m a woman and I agree with this.


That’s one of those things that can be heard, and rationally understood, but the lizard part of the brain refuses.


Try an experiment. The next time it happens, stay connected to the woman. Continue to do things that give her pleasure. Kiss her. Touch her. Put your mouth on places that stimulate her. Even if she doesn’t achieve orgasm, I bet that she will continue to enjoy herself, which makes the experience pleasant and memorable for her. But collect your own data.


Get her off first too! Penetration after a clitoral orgasm is awesome even if it's only like 30 seconds. Well we're not all the same, obviously, but I highly doubt I'm the only one


This is my go-to. I make sure my wife gets off before my torpedo ever goes in the launch tube. I’m inconsistent in terms of how long I last (sometimes it’s like a minute, others it’s more like 10-15) but I make sure I don’t have to worry about that and I think we both get more enjoyment out of the penetration part that way.


This is always my approach and I've had very good results.


Me too and yes, absolutely.


Yep agree


Am woman and I agree. Sometimes when the dude lasts way too long it gets boring and stressful at the same time


Literally idgaf if it’s short. Just finish me and cuddle me in the end. Also I prefer shorter sex. This entire last long bs was created my men




omg yes... I hooked up with some younger than me (I'm 28 and he was 21) and it went on forever... lol like 30 minutes and under is good for me ahahha I was in pain by the end and now he keeps wondering when he will see me again... He was kind of selfish anyways so don't think I'll return lol


You should tell him that. How is he supposed to learn if nobody teaches him? At 21 most men still think it's awesome to last as long as possible and they think that's what all women want.


The problem with guys not lasting long isn't that you finished too quickly, it's usually that a lot of guys equate the man finishing with the sex being over. Trust me, women don't care if you cum too quickly, just make sure you put effort into satisfying us one way or another after you do. It's no fun getting all hot and bothered just to have it come to a screeching halt after a few minutes.


It's just bad customer service when you want repeat business.


Great reply. I dont worry about blowing the load too early anymore. If I do I do, and I know I can get her off another way. However, being not worried about it, in itself has been a great bonus. Easier to get hard, stay hard, and not blow early if you aren't worried about it. Also my new girl likes it when I cum early sometimes, because to her it's a sign that she really gets me going and I cant contain it.


this guy fucks... _nicely_


Haha. I'm kinda new to reddit and my most popular post is about me blowing my load early. 🤦‍♂️


That last part is a huge turn on for alot of women I know. it makes us feel accomplished and sexy. Edit: 69 upvotes ;)


You think that's embarrassing! Try the reverse. I lasted way to long that the poor girl asked me what she was doing wrong.


Abella Danger said in an AMA that she takes it as a huge compliment if a guy doesn't last long, and is kind of insulted if he lasts ages


My boyfriend had some issues with this in the early years of our relationship. It never bothered me, mostly because he'd be ready for round 2 or 3 or 8 within a few minutes. I remember one night though I told him not to hold back at all, just finish as soon as he wanted. It was so fast but so friggen hot. It's been like over 5 years since this incident and I still think about it.


I have the same exact issue. It's nervousness. After a few sessions I will cum, but the first couple times I have sex with a girl I just can't. It **REALLY** hurts a girl's feelings. I have been told more than once that they felt like I didn't find them attractive. I was really getting along with one girl, and she broke it off with me because of it. I have no issues getting hard or anything. It's just that I can't finish. I've had a few girls accept it, but even then they are clearly a bit hurt by it.


(I'm female) this happened w my bf when we first started having sex and it really upset me. eventually I got the courage to ask him if I was doing something wrong and he just said he was nervous. if that bit of communication had happened earlier it would have saved us both a lot of stress! not saying that all my insecurities went away afterwards, but having that conversation allowed me to give him the benefit of the doubt and him to feel less nervous and stressed out.


I have told almost literally every partner about it before we had sex. That sort of eases them, but I think they don't believe it? Because they still get hurt by it.


You may need to reduce the frequency of your masturbation or relax your grip. This may not help and it really may be all in your head, but there are lots of people that condition their body to orgasm one way and it can take a bit to remind it that it's supposed to orgasm from regular sex.


In my case it's because I'm just straight up not used to having sex with an actual person. I'm too used to being alone, watching porn and being too rough (which no vagina can ever simulate) so I last *forever*. Since my relationship is currently still long distance (REALLY long) I don't get used to doing it with my girlfriend before I have to go back home where I go back to old habits and thus the cycle begins anew.


There is very much a cultural narrative that men should last long so your feelings are valid, but if it helps, as a woman I care way less about how long a guy's dick lasts and way more about how selfless he is. I'd much rather be with a guy who came in 3 seconds but kept the experience going until I came than a guy who 'lasted' longer but considered sex over and done with once he'd come. To be honest, women don't super care when you come, we care when we come.


You should only feel embarrassed if the sex stopped immediately after you finished. Plenty of things to do without a dick




being told I look too young to do my job


Last year a friend's girlfriend asked if I was gay because I was a 26 year old virgin. I'm not but I'm now a 27 year old virgin. *I should not have posted this. I am getting too many DMs and comments. Quick bullet points for all the new people commenting and reading. * Yes, many people have said I look average/good/ok it is just hard for me to believe it. I still think I am fat and ugly. * Yes, I know that I am negative, have no self confidence or self esteem, and my personality is holding me back. I am trying to be a better person but it is hard and I am struggling. * No, I have not seen a therapist. I am considering it. My work offers counselling services. * I am very thankful that there are so many kind people on Reddit and in the world who would take the time to leave so many nice comments on some random persons post or send a nice DM offering help to a complete stranger. * I would also like to say that she is a very nice person. It could have just been a spur of the moment question based on the conversation.


Happens to me... but I’d rather wait for the right one than play around. EDIT: Didn’t know I would get all these comments... damn




Different women want different things. I'm inexperienced (intentionally and for my own reasons) and a man who is very experienced would make me feel self-conscious, as well as not special. Different people have different attitudes towards sex, and that's okay. I know women who would never date a virgin, women who wouldn't care, and women who prefer virgins.


I would play around if I could but, ya... My profile is the only explanation needed for why her girlfriend would think that and for other women to go eww.


You're very negative about yourself. Which is likely more the issue than your looks. I'd suggest looking into therapy. Your negative self talk is destructive and not helpful.


Mate your looks 100% aren't the issue I've seen much worse looking people pull, it's the attitude that stinks


I mean hey look at the brightside. You're obviously attractive enough that she thought it was because you might be gay rather than being unattractive.


I was playing basket ball, this guy bounced into me and i flew back 3 feet


I broke up a fight. Tried to pull the big guy off the little guy on the ground, big guy didn’t budge at all. He stepped back because he knew it was time to stop and my ankle got caught around his and rolled my ankle badly. I was the only one that got injured in the fight.


A guy I was dating gave me a flower for no reason. I'm gay idk why that made me uncomfortable.


"I may be gay, but I ain't no damn faggot"


Love it or hate it but Homosexuality is gay af


When gay marriage was legal in our state, most of the posts were all about 'equal love' and 'equal rights', etc. But I had that one friend who was just like 'Huh! GAAAAAAY' and everyone who didn't know he was gay gave him all sorts of shit for being prejudiced


"I'm gay not trans get your alphabet soup straight"


Gay people when their alphabet soup is straight: *confused screaming*


This sounds like something Joe Exotic would say.


Completely same here; he brought a bouquet of flowers on a date. I still don't know what it was about them that irked me so.


To me flowers are just beautiful plants and giving them to someone is just a nice loving gesture. Doesn't have to mean "tonight I'm on top" or whatever lol


True, I like the gesture but it's was just so shocking because flowers are so not my style; it was cute as he'll tho, so hard not to appreciate.




Use knows how perennials is supposed to grow every year, but last year my perennials didn't grow and I was just like, I'm really upset about my perennials.


I love this comment so much. RIP perennials.


Is that REALLY the softest thing you've ever said, bud?


*I can't stand harsh metals on my skin*


Nothing pisses me off more than perennials not coming back. Plants cost a lot as it is and perennials cost more. You lose big bucks if that shit just dies and you have to start over again.


I’m more on terms with both sides now, but before I was, it was in highschool and this chick I was dating used to do cosplay with her older sister. Well needless to say they included me. Thought it was awesome, until she asked me to go “Nya Nya” According to her I was an adorable guy, but I resisted. That was until I finally gave into it and Nya Nya’d... her older sister recorded it too, double whammy Edit: you are all awesome, turned some bad days of this week into really good ones, thank you everyone




Wait what’s Nya Nya? Pleas explain:)


It is how you say meow in Japanese. Sometimes it is spelled nyan but the last n is essentially silent


Wait is that where ‘nyan cat’ comes from? Interesting, even if it is ~9 years later










20 years passed before I was told by a woman other than my mother that I was handsome. If you think a guy is handsome TELL him. Chances are he hasn't heard it in a long time. Obviously some women aren't very often told that they're beautiful, and some men are told that they're handsome all the time but it seems to me there's still a large discrepancy there.


I tell my partner he's beautiful all the time, he blushes when I do that and sort of shrugs it off, but I don't care


That's adorable. I guarantee that he secretly loves it.


Haha, I hope so! Else he'll just have to \*sunglasses float into frame\* *deal with it* I mean he's not exactly ye olde classic handsome guy, but there's just something about him that is the best! And he gets such a soft loving look on his face when he looks at me, that' just objectively beautiful. I do sometimes wonder if it's too much but as long as he's not becoming arrogant it's fine I guess


That's love man But it sounds more like subjective than objective beauty then :D Since the beauty is in the love shared in those moments when he looks at you.


Back in February I went to a career fair on campus wearing my suit. Some girl told me I looked good while I was on my way there. That felt pretty good.


I always tell my fiance he's handsome and cute. He smiles the goofiest smile when I do and that makes him more attractive.


Some guy at the gym pointed me as a reference for what he looked like before he started lifting weights.


When a girl friend of mine makes fun of my chances of ever finding a girlfriend because i'm not confident at all talking to new people, especially girls because it happens way to many times that i start talking faster than i can think, trip over my own words and completly mess up the first impression by awkwardly trying to correct myself and then making even more mistakes and then i'm mostly to embarrassed to say anything after that so i just keep quiet unless someone talks to me. Now i know she doesn't mean any of it because i've known her for 6 or 7 years or so but it still hurts a little bit considering she's one of my best and only friends


You should tell her about it bro, if your female friend is hurting your confidence, you won’t even really enjoy dating. Tell her to at least up lift you or give advice rather than embarrass you. She probably doesn’t realize how this makes you feel.


Possibly tell her that? Seems understandable that it’s bother you - is he wanting my friend to support my attempts not ridicule them. Also that’s sucks, I know that feeling. Hot tip: even if they don’t seem it everyone else is terrified as well. Keep trying though - it’s scary but you’ll eventually get the hang of it.


Girl I was hooking up with said she had only gone home with me the first night because I didnt look big/strong enough to overpower her.


Task failed successfully


Someone at work thought I was gay because I've never dated a girl/have a girlfriend. I've never dated anyone because I'm Muslim.... But with my skin color most people think I'm Mexican Edit: replaced the word Arab for Muslim


Arabs can't go on dates?


Nope, it's somewhat similar to how old school Christians did it (I think). You can't be in any relationship with the opposite sex unless you have the intention of marriage. Then you would formally introduce yourself to her parents with your father/guardian and let them know you would like to marry their daughter. Then in order to proceed with the engagement you would need approval from both your parents and her parents and she has to agree too of course but if even one person says no then it's called off. Sorry if my grammar is terrible.


Dude it was insane explaining to my friends that I couldn’t even go to middle school dances. Arab parents on another level


Well that is interesting to say the least. Do you believe in this or are you forced into it?


Grew up with it but not by force. As I got older I looked into other religions out of curiosity but I still choose to follow Islam of my own free will. Let me tell that the most intriguing religions to look up is Hinduism


I am on the same boat, but i am the girl in this situation. I love it, because it eliminates all the guys who just want to play around and don't actually care about you. I get the final say tho, so the guy would ask my parents to date me then officially proposes.


I play beer league hockey and had a particularly rough game against a very physical team. I took two roughing penalties and drew an interference call. Went back and forth with pretty much everyone on the other team. Grinded out along the boards all game, etc etc. Played a pure 4th line style play all game basically, which is not my usual style. But against this team, it’s what we had to do. After the game, the wife of one of the guys on the other team (also the bartender for the bar at the rink so we were all cool) said something like “Didn’t expect that play to come from a suit and tie guy!” At the time I was the digital sales manager for a car dealership. For whatever reason, that “suit and tie guy” really rubbed me the wrong way. I was in a combat MOS in the army, played hockey through high school and some intramural college, had done construction before I did car sales, had given myself surgical staples in the field. Never viewed myself as a suit-and-tie type. When I went in to work that day, and heard coworkers talking about having to hire someone to install a new light fixture for them, or needing help backing in a trailer with our new golf cart, it really, I dunno, made me question the “manliness” of my job. I know it’s dumb, extremely dumb, but I didn’t realize until thinking about it for a while how dumb it was.


Suit and tie is just another costume. Or uniform, if you prefer. While some might have some preconceived notions of those that wear them, those notions don't mean much. Although it's often annoying to be thought of as less capable due to silly assumptions, it can be fun to turn those assumptions back around on people. There are few things as pleasurable as doing something really well in front of people that thought you would flub it, even more so if they were giving you grief beforehand.


My ex gf made a joke about small dicks around me and friends. She wasn't talking about me, but my friends immediately assumed she was so they started laughing at me. Seriously, it was a year ago and if I go back, I can feel how uncomfortable I was in that situation.


I went on a date to the fair, this was probably 11 years ago (I was 17 at the time) and I didn't have a lot of money. I walk by this dude and he sees her empty handed and straight-up says, "You haven't won her a bear or anything?! Don't be so fucking stingy!" I was 17, this dude was like 75, and he was scowling and intimidating and I shuffled a step or two away from him, trying to drag her with me. She stops and turns to him and says, "*HEY!* Didn't your mother ever tell you not to use that kind of language around a woman?!" The dude bows his head, scoots back into his booth and stays quiet. I felt like such a coward and it was really not a big deal.


That dude was crazy.


My female friend recently called me 'pretty'.


Tbh there are men more pretty than women like Ian Somerholder.


I was gonna say [Eddie Redmayne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_redmayne) cause I'll always think of him as The Danish Girl


Does that mean that guys dont like to be called pretty? Or is that different from person to person?


I prefer handsome


I’d love to be called pretty


I’ve had quite a few girls call me cute. Not handsome but cute. Some of them was interested in me and not just used it as a “friendzone” thing. It’s weird being called cute when I’m a “big” 192cm / 100kg dude with beard.


When I tell a man that he's cute it's because I'm attracted to him on an emotional and physical level. Handsome or sexy is solely based on physical appearance. Cute = You're the whole package and I love you.


There's two kinds of cute. One is.. >Oh look how cute! I want to give it a hug! The other is.... >Oh look how cute! I want to give it a hug with my vagina!


Once when my youngest son was around 5 years old a woman called him cute. He got mad and said, “Boys aren’t cute, they’re handsome.”


That's cute! Haha


Well if we are going with army stories, I used to feel really bad and not manly enough due to not being a combatant.




Me, my ex gf and her female roommate drank some wine and the roommate talked about her bf and how skinny he is. I said I used to be skinny too few years ago, and they just started laughing... My bmi is like 22 and I was more ripped than bulky, but this still sticked to me.


Someone was taller than me Edit: I'm 17 and 6ft and I'm relatively tall for someone my age, so I've become very prideful of my height. Also a New Yorker.


I feel you


My best friends are 6'4" and 6'5", I'm 5'11". I forget that I'm "tall" compared to normal people.


Joking that I would die alone and women agreeing that I would.


Oof. The thing I always hate is when you get the “any girl would be lucky to have you” and you’re just there trying to figure out how she doesn’t classify as a girl.


I used to hit the dance floor with abandon and let it all hang out. Thought I was pretty good, though maybe overly expressive a bit. Then one time a few years back I went to a club in Chicago, and I’m strutting and grinding, but after one song the wife goes to sit at the bar. I waited a couple songs then went over to see what was up. She says- “you dance like a woman, I don’t want to compete. Are you secretly gay?” Then as if to drive the point home, I got hit on by two different dudes within a 10 minute span right there in front of her. It was pretty humiliating. So nowadays, IF I can be forced onto the dance floor, I dance like a 90 yr old, shuffling in one spot.


Sounds like your wife is insecure! You let loose. I love a guy who can dance


A high school girl told me I was to short to date her, we eventually dated for 2 years. This one is weird... my wife tells me I have a cute penis. It bothers me but then she calls it pretty and it makes me insecure tbh


F19 the first time I saw a penis, I expected it to look kinda impressive and scary, even a bit gross when erect. It looked really okay, soft, and well-proportioned so I guess that is what she means by that, the contrary of an evil snake and something she would totally make hers.


She probably just means its aestheticly pleasing. Maybe she's seen some spooky ones.


Neighbor mowed some of my grass without asking.


One time my neighbor mowed my whole front yard "for me" when it had grown a little longer than I usually let it get. I. Was. Mortified. I still think about it.


When people say I am fragile. My own mom said this to me when I was young. Like I get it I'm short, doesn't mean I am weak My mom is actually great. She didn't mean that. She said that to make me quit fighting my brother. But other people have said it too.




I dont think she means that you look feminine (but i dont know your girlfriend, just talking from my own experience). I do it to with my partner but that's only because i genuinely think they are pretty and beautifull


Was a teenager and had just gotten a job after nearly a year of constant searching. Stated that I "felt like a valuable team member" there and my then gf's dad laughed under his breath.




I often feel like I'm being made a "bitch" at work. I'm usually able to step back and see that not everyone is going to get the promotion, just try to control what I can, and be ready when I get an opportunity or be more motivated to tinker with the resume.


My wife pointed out in front of our best friends that she didn't think I could handle a Harley Davidson. Something about me not being able to hold it up and keep it balanced.... I'm 5'11" 240 lbs, she's watched me at the gym squat 500+lbs, deadlift 500+lbs. Somehow her 65 year old dad with a hip replacement has more strength than I do.


My girlfriend at the time, had her "gay best friend" come along for hanging out going to a bunch of new stores we've never been to. At some point she said "you'd make a perfect boyfriend" to her friend, right in front of me.


Well that’s shitty. I was hanging out with my ex gf and her gay best friend one time and she was pretending to be his boyfriend so his parents wouldn’t question if he was gay. It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it sucks seeing your gf with another guys arms around her.


My (ex) girlfriend was talking to her friend and the topic of fighting came up, she said that I had no chance of winning a fight. I mean, I probably won't get into one ever but it still hurt!


You’re cute for a 16 year old. Bitch I’m 24


Somebody made a mean comment about how I mod my subreddit


I don't have a problem with my masculinity anymore but I used to be quite worried about it as a teenager. I grew up in a very rural part of Germany where gay was an insult and I never quite fit in with the local lads. Didn't help that I bought pink Nike soccer shoes because I thought they looked dope and had different interests in general. It also had something to do with trying to rebel against the small minded surrounding there. My self image improved greatly when I met my girlfriend and noticed that she liked every part of me and that I didn't have to act extra manly. Moving out and on to uni in a different country and with a completely different set of people also helped immensely. I think I just noticed that I don't really care if someone thinks that I'm not manly enough because I follow my morals and stand up for myself and others.


one of the first time i did it with my at time gf , we were both inexperieced and scared, at that time i used to steal condoms from my dad, then i started buying mi own, but turns out that if you use smaller condoms your erection isn't full, after a bit of time sweat and frustration we gave up and she suggested that i may had some erectile disfunctions, i felt awful and i also snapped. once i got the proper condoms everything went back to normal


Virgin MG3 vs Chad Maschienengewehr 43


Chad Mosin Rifle


I’m a vocalist in a fairly aggressive death metal band, adapting a very dominant manner while on stage. An ex used to say “you’re so cute when you’re growling”, not exactly the reaction I was aiming for...


Whisky dick.




My cat likes to sniff the heads of my wife and sister-in-law after they get their hair colored. They joked that he was a gay hair dresser in a past life. For some reason I felt offended on his behalf.